saturda liming December 7, 007 The Toggery Will Inaugurate The Greatest Price Gutting Holiday Sale Ever attempted and will give to the public values unsurpassed. We must and will realize. Cost cuts no figure in this sale which will continue all next week. This is our supreme effort. OurEntire Stock is lew and Fresh Mo Rip Van Winkle Goods Here Everything to Go We are overstocked on holiday goods. We must unload. All goods must go. Everything satcrificed. Prices cut no figure. OUR ENTIRE STOCK MUST I5E REDUCED. Prices cut to pieces on all wool underwear, shirts, including flannels. Hats, the celebrated No-Name Stetson, Sweaters, loolsb$Uleudcrs, Ties, (I loves and a tremendous stock of a ' o'ooooooooo 0 0 oo o Men's Clothing, including Overcoats, Raincoats, Craven o ettes and extra Tr&iscrs, for everybody. THiS IS OUR LOSS AND THE PUBLIC'S GAIN Prices Smashed o Hansen's Celebrated Uorsehide Cloves, asbestos, tan, steam and fireproof; regular $1.50; now $1.19 Blue Flannel Shirts; $1.50 and0$1.7o regular price; .13 now The Celebrated No-Name (Henry Stetson) ; price the world over; now $2.'J!) Men's lioston Garters . 'Jc 3 Wi, - - 5y I SCHIOVI BR04. CO. fc W' fe M CU"M . VyFjfijr mm nw im . 1 A Word to Ladies Our line of Gentlemen's Holiday Gifts is larger and more beautiful than ever. Remember, the prices arc smashed, and you can procure presents at a great sacrifice. Silk Handkerchiefs, all designs and patterns. Reefers and Mufflers, black, white, cream and mixtures Rath Robes, Persian and other effects. Lounging Robes; sonic beauties. Silk Suspenders, in beautiful effects. Silk Night Robes, G loves- House Coats, Smoking Jack ets, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Silk Umbrellas, Real Linen Initial Handkerchiefs, Suit Cases, Fancy Vests and a thousand other useful gifts. Remember, price cut no figure. NOW IS THE TIME TO IBUY XMAS GIFTS Prices Slaughtered ON MEN'S CLOTHING, OVERCOATS, RAINCOATS, CRAVEN'ETTES AND TROUSERS FOR EVERY BODY. Reductions made in UNDERWEAR, both Wool and Cotton, in all weights; SHIRTS, including Flannels, Golf and Negligee; HATS, the celebrated No-Naane Stet son and John 15. Stetson; WOOE SW EATERS' and a tre mendous stock of MEN'S CLOTHING, inclining Overcoats- Raincoats and Trousers for everybody. . Q- When You See It In Oura Ad It's So 0 A Few Words to The Public DURING TI1I.S TREMENDOUS SALE WE WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT WE WTLL GUARANTEE EVERY ARTICLE SOLD DURTNG THIS SALE JUST THE ME AS WE DO ON EVERY ORDINARY DAY'S 1 5 US I NESS. WE ARE IN BUSINESS TO STAY, ANDTO SERVE THE PU15 LIC IN THE BEST NEST WAY THAT TOGGERY BILE HAS DONE FOR THE PAST FIV E YEAR'S. WE WIN, CHEERFULLY REFUND YOUR MONEY IE YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED. . i A . I We must reduce ou stock--Our Only Remedy is to Sink the Knife to the Hilt ssssTHE TOGGERYmss Oregon's Greatest Value Givers MEDFORD, OREGON