Medford Daily Tribune A Lire Piper in a Lire Town. Pnhliabrd every rrrniag except Sunday Medford Publishing Company. 0. Pl'TXAM, Alitor nd Manager. Admitted as Second Claw Matter in tbe Potoffire at Medford, Oregon. Subscription BaUi: fine icontfa, by mail or carrirr. ibt year, by mail 5.00 BETTER MARKET EAST TOR FANCY APPLES' TIht nr. imtii Htiorm of h U-tiVr ff ing in 1 lit rai.rn nU- tral- tww, i ' the following KtHleincnt in the later.! iuiiH of the Nt-w V..rk Fniitiiicti Guide: The sit 11:1 1 ion, wlii! it bin shown i;.i : ...... : . 'ill t-uiiditi'Mii ri.nisult r.,, in r littltr bwtcr liajc. A gud in ii v tif tbe poor .$0.50 applfd have Uftn iirut-.l into i-onniunp A CHANCE FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. With tbe inteoriuu of placing TIj Tribune in every bonw-holJ in tb Rogue River vallt-y and to triple our present circulation within tbe next thir ty days, Tbe Tribune i now offering t.n inducement to every student attend ing tbe public at-boolft of Jackson eouo tT to enter a competitive content where hv they mav devote a few b.-urs of their spare time to belp accomplish this aim As a reward for their efforts, Tb Tribune will offer the moM beautiful and valuable presents ever offered by an Oregon nrwApa(er, as you will by the announcement in Monday night V Tribune. Give your subscription to one of tbe roBtettants and help I hem earn a prize and a Christmas present, and by doing so you are also assisting in giving tb I'ogue River vallrv what it ned the most a modern, up to date daily news paper that will give you all tbe for eign, domestic and local news manv hours ahead of the Portland dailies, This contest wilt be run on tbe plan of the toutha Companion contents. prize for each contestant, the value He pendiog upon the numtter of new sub scriptjons taken. A subscription enti ties tbe contestant to so many votes and when they receive the number of votes that correspond with the prize ,h r fnt lighter than was the ease Inst (ion Ml iifreHKury hamfites, and lb market has fell some r. lief. It in us! be admitted, however, that thpre is Mill a good deal of here and in fiht, aud while we 1 iik for a good demand from now up to the end of tbe year, it is my opinion that j riies on ordinary apples will not show any marked, improvement. A sjell of verv rold weather in the north would belp the market a g(.m deal, un it would tend to slop shipping to some extent. So far as our reports go, tbe up river ship (ing sections are now getting cleaned up on ordinary apples, and though tbe hipler8 need money, they are not press ing sales so freely as was the ease two weeks ago. In the general outlook the fct that the west is nbowing a little improvement mu! not be lost sight of, mi it signs count tor anvtlrn. we nrf hkely to ee a goi deal better move men! out there than has been the ease in several weeks. There has been a little improvement in tbe money situation of lain, and if this keeps up we are certain to see better loeal demand. As it is now. (eaters are keeping their actual w tints my supplied, and there is no buying head. J his means, of course, that then is a lencned consumption in Komi piartera. The proect for tbe late winter are by no nienua defined, but if last season can be taken as a fnir cri tenon for this year, we should have an active late market, and higher prices nee the crort is. nil told, a full 20 WE DRESS YOU BETThR FOR LESS MONEY they select, they gpt the prize. Home of the premiums will be on ei hibition in tbe store windows Mondav. Tlmir desiring to enter this contest "0 get receipt books with full instruc tions by applying at The Tribune office or by addressing Contest Department.) Jritiune, Medford. Or. JACKSONVILLE PROTESTS POOR MAIL SERVICE The Jacksonville Commercial flu I has entered a protest with the Oregor railroad commission against the mail i service for Jacksonville, The follow ing resolutions have been adopted M :Ke club, a copy of which was sent ! the commission at ftab-m: "Whereas, owning to the disenntin nance of Southern Pacific trains Nos 11 and 12 Jacksonville receives little or ao mail in the early morning as it did previous to the taking off of these trains, and "Whereas, no mail is received from I San Pranmco in the morning ft here i trore, and Mbereas, because of the earlv df pirture of the mail from Jacksonville ii o'clock instead of 11:30 as h 'relofon- the time is too short in which to an awer any correspondence between ":'M n clock and 9 o'clock, and Whereas, because of the too fre quent non smval of mail from the north at 7:.i0 a. m. all mail to the Klue Ledge country, Applegate and other points reached by stage is from 24 ours to three days late, now there fore M it Heaved, That the Jacksonvilb Cornmercinl club enter a protect before tr.e Oregon railroad commission whirb '.neets in Ashland on Monday. Nov. M-r, iih, ngamsi tne dKcontiuu ance or Mouth Pacific trains Nos. II and 12, and ask that the romininioi, take proper aleps to remedy the injus tice being done this section of southern Oregon. "JACKrtOXVILE COMMKRclAI. chrn." ar. Another feature this vear is the fact that the open weather upstate lias HK'Wd the evafMirators to continue op rations longer, and a good many poor '.j pies have been used up in this wav that nrould otherwise have eomo on tbe markets fresh, and caused lower prices, Rates for Dairymen. Fn tbe benefit of those who mav lie interested in the promotion of the '.airy industry in the state, the South rn Pacific company will issue tickets it a rate of on fare and one-third fsr he annual meeting of the Oregon Dal ymen s association at Portland, Pe ember and 1.1, provided 50 or more It end from all parts of the state. Tick ts may be purchased December 9 to I'?, inclusive, aad will be good for re turn passage including December 15. tf Model Clothing Co. for. Seventh and B Streets, MEDFORD, OREGON. Coal for Sale. Wo arc now prepared to furnish hand licked coal at lh mill, five mile. ait of town, in any amount desired, l..."0 per ton. PACIKIO COAL CO. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. HOOMM fr rent and furniture for sale at l.i S. I' at reel, (.'all at once. 2i2 WANTED Dining room girl at Hotel nut. KlUt SALE Kino lola. geod anil, eirel miuuing ground, I'Jih aad I its K owner. 1'rof. M. H. aligns, tf FOB EXCH AX0E Meilford Dronert for other property. Adrdeaa Lock Bai 4I, Medfard, Or. tf AT THE HOTELS. MOCSEWOKK t window cleaning tir la.r ar knur; bamboo furniture niadi uiai. Seventh at, near bridge. Tel tf SALE New residence, Juat foni pleted, aeeoad Idock weat af hieh noal, wett serratb atreet; fiae rol aial iatrriar: rheap if told aooa. la u i r Trihaae effire. f Tha Naah-E. S. I.vle. St. .,ii,: II I". llelntoah, llerltelev; Sid Ifc-rV. Port land: V. A. (ireen. San Fraariaro; .1 A. lluchlin, Chicago; O. T. Filhian San Fran.iaco; II. S. Miller. Dululli M rowodve, Portland; C. A. Mur ra.r and wife, E. E. Dale., (ill,,. M,, inomaa Shea and wife. Anna Shole, lllie LiVDD. Claire Howard. Jeane Wenll, C. II. Hall, ( Urence Itarkana Varauel llauaer, Maud Iteauinont. Alii, Marihall, Morenre XCirlrn. Htxie Wil kie, Sadie Xlerrifield. Mr. Hav,, Ila.rei. Mm llnvra, II r. M.itr-ll. It Woolfulk, New Vofk; ieor,e K.fe. I'ortlaed; Mra. Rav. Vrv S. Wv-I. W l. .Mnrria. 11. .V. Slarr. P.r'Und. If .Vitl.rnd. Saa I'ram V II f.ia' on, Portland: S N. F-rw.ll. iWij. iao iinrnaaon, t'nrtian.t; J. aer Teiaa. JACKSONVILLE WANTS ' NIOHT PHONE SERVICE r.fforta are tieing made thia week ernre a night telephone aervire f, .lacKBonville. The prcaent aitnalion i fleploralile. Afler o'clock in the eve nmg we are cut entirely off from the real of the world, and ahould it l,e nec eaaary for na to aeciire oul.ide ronnnii "icatinn a rider will have tn he aenl to Medford. A petition ia heinn cir.u lateil which, when enough aignalurca arc obtained, will he aent to the head of the department of the Pacific Htalea rR lelegrapb t Telephone rompnnv. Jaekaonrille Poat. F"lt K KNT ltMming houae, complete iv TtirniaHe,l. to narliea without eliil dren. Addreaa P. ). ;p.'t. 20 SKU l,V furniahed rooaia for rent: con lenient to the biuineaa p:trt of towu; lighta. hot and cold water and bath fiirtimro-d. F'r terma aei. Mrl. .foe Thomaa, Houlli II alreet. f I.OST -Hae bay raare coll. il month. dd, white atrip ia face. Reward foi riura of aaaie. (!. II. Shirlor. P. O k.i SI. rte.iilriice aecond hmiae aouth ail tank. if LOST - Hrown imra.. containing aomc receipt, and aaiall change, at Southern Pacific depot at Medford, tfundav lircemtr I. I in. It rewarded if left Tribune office. 2'2 on r..M.e...iiN. ia. aw iia-trlereacre. .r..Tcd land, with T, roam houae. I.ara. nulbilildiBira aud well auml ItloMdcd filler, 7 niontha old, aired hv lloherl I... (Ail; almt .leraev heifer calf. !'. P. I. Meotl. owaer. tf No Fire In tbe Kitchen Range No Hot Water In the House Then ia the time you ap preciate tbe aouvenieuce of ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS Attach a plug to the nearest lamp socket aud turn tbe twitch I PINT. QUART. TWO QUART AND LARGER SIZES Pint Sir ia specially adapted for nursery Clean Sale Simple Durable CALL AT OUR OFFICE AND SEE SAMPLES Condor Water and PowerCo. Wkmm 855 Office on 7th Street Oepoeite I he Bio lleclrlc Sioa A IHHlD imeatiaent For Bale, fiml mortgage. r:,ll, on Drat claaa real ea lata, due in I'll monlha. drawa T nl latere! ; will lm, Htit princh;il noiijth tn nmlte a if.nnl nntfil f.r mir ilmtcr; Will accent r i-hcrk nr cur tifiraif of p. n. H..i 1, Mc.f.nl1 Or. 2.H a Tho Secret of a Beautiful Face ties In keeping the -kin pro tected ii well j clcanicd. Jmt waihinjt ii not enough that only Icavet the delicate surface more exposed to the irritation of dust and ffermij to merci less attacks of sun and weather. After washing, ap ply Kobertiue and experience its delightful refreshment. You nilladmire the line-less softness it imparts to face, neck and arms. It not only tlmulates a radiant glow, but protects the skin from becom ing coarse. Prevents burn ing, tan and freckles. A Ji'l fr Drft0 ft at RANCHES FOR RENT drain Alfalfa nml Stork Itnnchea. PR. C. R. RAV, Meilford, Dr. hara aad SHORTAGE Or COAL DUB TO BAD ROADS I Nunrte fi.irnett renorla that the M...I ford Coal company have plenty of conl io aupjur all of the need, of the Mid ford people out and rendv for the mar net, hut that owing to the condition ni in rnada I hey ran deliver only limited amount and cannot fill all of the nrdera now ,.n hand. Any who wish to purchase ran get coal hy hauling it from the mine. The company aent mil our lea ins Una morning to the mine. NEW TOILET PARLORS NiBlera aad acientific mcihoda for the ear. of all diseases of the hair, scalp ad face. Fleet ric maaaaa-e. idivaical do ficieneiea developed, manicuring, finest I tniiri article- earerullr compounded. MBS. W. L. CAMERON, "Wit 4. Hotel Moore Annex. 2U arrea laad, with home, taer huildinga, good atiriar. few hearing apple Ireea. I 4 aiilcs from railroad etatiaa; price tlSUA, pay aide f!im down aad a monlh. ar ill aichange far M.dfonl reaidenea pr,.i.rtr. Alan 4ll arna goo.1 appU or pear lead ia Baas, lo ality; low arice aad eaar ternia. Address P. O. lias '71, Medford. Or. " l"'R HALF -At a bargain, ninety acre. af the choicest fruit Is no in Ro.n river valley, rich anil, all level, well watered, g.,-d an tooai house, rood era, three g.nd well., ahtiadance af water. All under cultivation read. far orchard. latendiag purchaser. ahould aee thia place h.f.r. pureka.iag asirna, isaaa aetel, Medr.rd ("' 17f I V A NTKIt To rem. a f uVhi.!..'.! k.....' I or T mama, eleetrie lighia, elnae la.' all at my office. Ir. H. K Ha. ill ' Ion. BUSINESS CARDS. B. R. HAMILTON, M. D., I'hrsician and Surgeon, Siieeesaor to lr. K. S. IVArmond. Office in ititler Dnnlap Illock. I'hone WM. M. COLVIG M-llsnl. Ossjoa COLVIG & DURHAM ATTORNEYS AT LAW CF.O. H. DURHAM Cisnti I'.ss, ()reaoa r Wm. VV. P. Holt, Vt.D. Physician and Surgeon Eag iJ'oint Oregon WARREN L. CAMERON, M. D., rhyilctan and 8urgeon. Iteaidcnce, II.. 1. 1 M,,re. ' GET UNDER COVER , It'a a good idea for everybody ot get uader cover in Med ford, including the city council, and we are here to furninh you tbe BEST PROPERTY IN MEDFORD for tli least money. Tf you are a it rang.-r in Medford, you can't afford to lnno money by boarding with your family at ft htcl. '1 he biuiijiHgfl tiiau 's way of doing ia ttt buy a nice cheap truct t fi rid build a nice house while the prufjeut fljiauclul aituatiun contiu ue. it ' a fact that you can buiid cheaper now tlmn you could a month ngn; or, better yet, BUY A CHEAP HOME CLOSE IN TO A BUSINESS CENTER and watch it grow into more money before spring. We are pre pared to equip all bomespekera with desirable horaen nt a Ion figure. Now ia tbe time to buy, save rent and make money by the advance in price. Rogue Land EXHIBIT BU1LDINO, River (Bo. MEDFORD, OREGON. Ba by Goods For Xrnas At Meekers Shoes. Hoods, ('outs, just what you want. Improve the present. WATCH OUIi OIIKISTMAS DISPLAY. Till-: STORE FOR EVERYBODY. I H. Meeker & Co. CATALOG HOUSES ARE NOT MERCHANT TAILORS They drain the towns of nionej aud neither give, the fit, style nor distinction t" your clothes that'your own city tailor can. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY The clothes I make are the kind that "carry . distinction," that bespeak the man, that keeps your money at home and are superior in every detail to the "sweatshop" goods of catalogue houses. KEEP YOUR MONEY AT HOME EIFERT The City Tailor Medford FRENCH DRY CLEANING ANDREPAIRIN6NloJ1!iJ; 1 : JI& Hi! 4 ' Medford Steam Bakery HOT ROLLS FOR BREAKFAST or dainty little dinner rolls that will tempt the appetite of the most fastidious, la tho kind we servo cvory day when ordered. l.roadrttul'fH, light, white uud de lieiiiiifl, is our (specialty, as well as t lie rii-hoHt, finest cakes, pas try and pitH. WIjl'H you want to enjoy your menU, order youi bakostu ff e f rom us. THE FEELING OF PERFECT CONTENTMENT which com1 after dining nt tho NhhIi ':.fV is jirnnf pusitivo that, our patrons arc imt mily well served and fed, but have had the very best that the mar kets afford. Our menu contains every luxurv of the season. THE NASH THE BABIES CRY FOB IT after yon linvf lioon feeding thorn on tlio jnms nml jellies that we have in our high grnilo stock uf rel ishes, preserves and nnt lnitter. There is notliing more wholesome for the little ones than delicious hread, made from our superior hard wheat flour. . and jams, jellies and marmalade made from i Mire fruits ami fruit juices. Our stock of relishes, olives, green chili, and pimientos is always Kept ; 1 1 (he highest standard of excellence. MILLER & EWBANK greater medford Who fHVow homo enlprpme and the Imihlinp of n larire City in tho ccntcrof tho mnst beaut if u Vrt cv on (wrlli? Wh.Itfl Villi QllDltiik rt i i T owhv for .ili,.r ... h W , Z, "a . T"" yu"r r fur li()nn iiitnrili .u L' in -"' "; "'" wiui ub UiHl II miy W IUHI M 1 i for home entori .hew. Every dollar Hen t nut tult.iH il.m mtlh ..t Inndiliiiun loMir Nntionul Hank, wo have n 3A VINGi DFl'AKT MKNT mid pay' in. ten st on SaviiiK-H Aeeoi)nt. (leii mi lU'count with Hie Miiirnrd Notional Bank, whoso officers and dlroctora a u!v7u7lTv l,'e upl'u,Uii,,,f of Creator M.ilford nnd the entiro Cl)e IHedford national BanH Capital $50,000.00 Surplus $10,000.00 WWWWHWWtWWHfrHWWHHWWWHtt us qLtflfflTilBB aMattHBOJMnBaliMMPBJalBBBBBMaBBBM st National Bank CAPITAL $50,000 Youngest and Strongest WE DON'T SPECULATE F. K. DEUEL, Vice-President M. L. ALFORD, Cashier. "f . ' oeconD Vice PrejCi-nt. The The very Best Cement Plaster Paris Pressed Brick Common Brick General Building Supplies r m ,v i ,,,, L.. j. reinhurt . l.i'avna Or.liTa nt I'natnl Ti-lfyrnpli Offipc. Not Crazy, But Crazed Shortle Oamett uinouncea the firs bargain ial of hardware ever given tn Medford. have Iota of mnny due in. I. til on account of the atrinitcncy of tho money market, we aa't collect, an.l having nought very heavy, wo must move our alock, for we mnat ha-e money. Ileginnl.ig tlav you will get ID t cent off on every thing vu l,v rjeept nails in liulk. Such action in a hardware store was never heard' of lef,.re l.ut n drowning man will catch at a atiaw. Now, people, don't he dec.-iv,,. Not a mark has or will ( changed on the goods, hut nhs,,lul, iv III p, r cent off on every article. This, of course, ia cash, for the credit husi nesa has hurt na to anch an eiQit that wa are ahont huate.l," nn.l we are only doing this to get ready cash. We have the largest line of Stove, handled by any atore in southern Oregon, and the prices are far below the prices asked at other places. Nash Hotel Grill Public Dinners, Banquets, Ball Suppers Catered For Tal.lcs dcctnjatcfljtndjlinncrs served at you own residence, any distance. SHORTY GARNBTT 13 Because He Paid bj 0iP"k. hU.'Z, rha'l airr "!?V With .he bill !,;,, r":.""! ""r11'r0VVn ? ! ., , . . ,. ,: . " iiiitori.Hice or paving ly checkf I his bank eordm v nv tea von. ..i. . . i I" fleam,! to render vo , Jl ,"' "1 vii i c if ii i service. JACKSON COUNTY BANK uiMiisnea MEDFORD, ORE Capital, Surplus and Deposits Over $625,000 1 9 -"Wrh'iVrtflig