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About Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1907)
, Medford Daily Tribune A Live Paper in a Live Town. Published every eveniug except Bundaj Medford Publishing Company. 0. PUTN'AM, Editor and Manager. Admitted a Hi-vnd Class Matter in the Postoffiee at Midford, Origin. Subscription Bates: One month, by mail or carrier $0.50 One veur. bv mail &0u ;FINB BANK SHOWING. The banks of Midford are to lie eou gratulated upon Hie wmitlerl'ul hIiow iuK made in their n-ports after priic tically six wm lis of niiiiui ial HriiiKcin v in the rnuntry, with i 'ii-hunge from the east cut off. , . It is doubtful if ny Imnki of tin country ran nniki' a better liowinn. For aiiy liank to have pracl ii-nll.v flt per Cl'Ut Ol US UfpoBim - vaults and Willi approved reserve uncut H lien lllll 1.1 p'r ,:-,ll in ..-.(in.... .... law is little It hh tlilill intirv-eloits. when t the drain upon bunks by f tightened ilepOHitors is eonsidcr-d. All of Medford 'a baiika are as sound as they make them, I they are but an index of the prosperity of the city. " county and state. GUARANTEE BANKERS JUGGLED THE FUNDS I Plain evidence Hint the nffieiiila of the -Title (Itinruntee & Trust company juried ,o funds of the institution and then took the cash out of the (jen enil deposits to rover a lnrtfi' xlinrlli ifi in the trust funds of the bunk is shown by the statement of H. (.'. Hpcnccr, who Kfithcrcd his evirleuce from the books of the bank. The bank closed its doors October Sll. The receiver was appointed November rj. The day previous, November fi, tin books of the bank showed that John F. Shields, ai'eond trust officer of the bnuk, was rhar((ed with I5,0" in cash, tsiiiiu in drafts, a check for $o0,000 drawn by the Title (Inarnntee k Trust coimtanv in favor of Khields. Hliiehb . lias now said that he deposited tin .sum in drafts and the check for :iu. Ooil in the bank of l.ndd & Tilton in his own name. The fl'i.nun in cash wn .afterwards turned over to Receiver Hill so Shields says, by check written by Hhichls. FINE APPLES SHIPPED TO SIBERIAN SEAPORT About the finest display of apples ever seen in any city is on exhibition at the store of (ioddnrd Kelly company. Washington uitd Sixth .-ttreeta, says the Portland Journal. The display is made by I. H. VoirdjoKloll of Yoijdjoejoil brothers of Vladivostok, Siberia. The fruit is from the Hood Hiver district and is the pick of the world's b"St apples. It Includes th' Winter Ulilinna, Hen Davis, Drtlev, Iti d 'l k I'ippin and several other varieties for which Oregon is famous an a producer. The pack of die apples is I be best ever turned out of this state and lliih means the world for Oregon apples have the repulation everywhere for be in) tlm best packed. The display h linder the direct supervision of .Mr. . Vogdjogloii. The windows ere deco rated with American, Itus-duu and I'lng lish flags. ANOTHER CREAMERY FOR SOUTHERN OREGON The dairy business is rapidly eularg ing throughout Oregon and this pari of the stale is sharing in the cxploiln tinn of this industry. I'renmeriea are in silcces-d'nl opera tion at Medford ami Central I'oiul, ic this county, and another on Applegate Josephine county, assists in siipplvine the demand in this section for good butter. , According to the Herald, iK. K. Hrew ster. who has resigniil his positi-.ui with the Central Point creamery with J. IV flriihilin Sons will engage in tin creamery business III Williams. Joseph lie county, under the llrm naiue of lie tiraham Brewster Cream company. The Una has leasiil a fine dairy in in- li com prisiug hundred acres and ex peels to handle from 7." to 100 cows of their own right along. Th? buildinc for tin1 plant is now under irse of construction ami the machinery ha been ordered from the eal. They ex pect to have the plant running within a few weeks. NO SECURITY GIVEN FOR STATE OF OREGON'S DEPOSITS That the $1,000,000 ,,f Itankia timber securities t ranst'erred by the Title liunriliitee Trust company in its last days to Stale Treasurer (leorge Steel will be returned to the bank depositors in that instil lit ion nml that the Aiuer icaa Surety company will be held to reimburse the slate for its losses is now almost certain. In a hearing before 1'ait-d Slate Judge Wolverton on petitions for re inoval of Deceiver (leorge II. Hill nifd appointment of a new receiver, tin Tille (lusranlee ,v Trust cninp.-tnv 's nt torucv. Joseph Simon, declared die transfer to have been reprehensible and unlawful. RIETY OF RESULTS IN OREGON ELECTIONS e idllH, t HIll.V Wi'llt oh' for iitt'ii nmti I Wi'llt ' wt t. ' ' ft I'li-itrtl tuny or of Kprtnxl'1 .1 I'. Wiilln.r, W conlrr K. M. It -.III li ninl Tre.-tnirrr K. P. ( 'imifk vn-rr :itl re l trd w it limit opposition in Alhanv. J. V. Miltti nun lion n inaviir in Canity. Ir. Cm II vtu chowi'ii t In- ci wiitivp in Oron City. SMITH IS RE ELECTED MAYOR OF GRANTS PASS Ir. .1. C. Sin it li win ro oWtd in:tv,ti nf fi rants l'ns Monil.iv in :i luin) fought content over I,. 11. Hull, pr.i dont of t lir Common-tnl rlnli. Council men HoHrd von1: Pirnt ward, T. P. ('rumor; Second wnrd, .Imnnt Tuff; Third ward, Clmrlm Ilurkliitltor; Fourth wanl, Frank KeUrh. City trpnmiror. Culiinfl W. Jnlmion. V Inkio PHOENIX PHACTS. .1. Trunk ami J. Mint were u nj; the ilia i) v in Medford Saturday. Apple pucking b fiuiijlied at till' Hurrell unliunlH .Saturday, endiuK tin parking for this year. ThaukNgivitiK wjim oln-rviMl In-ri in the ur.liiiHry way. At the rrqueitt f Muytr Hfiiry Shnfrmll plan- of bus iio'ftH hMi-il at noun. Th" nfteriioon was Hjx-nt armiuil the fi'Htnl b'-nnl. Count v CuiniuiHMioiitT Jnn!i i';itttrHnn through Iutc Sulnrdiiy mi rmtte to Midfnrtl mi proffHsioniil Im-iiU'HM. Vi'H HU'Vi'tis dfliviTid unnlf.i (irodnci to Mitlt'urcl tin TrluintH S;iturdiy. JariitH Allen h piittiii ti a fim sub hI initial tank tower, X. riirkcrKon, who faun n'i-ntl from KneiM', i Iiiihv mt I iny in hi urain. M r. 1'nrkcrnon t rndd hiM Ku Ki'iic pro-rly fur the (irnjuTty li" hat lifr.'. V. V. Itanium in mining a t'm amoki Imtc lately burning IhiikIi. William Hcanlsley made a trip to Medford Saturday lifter freiyhl, Kiich fiK flour and fed -ttuffH, for Ileum & Fisher cotniuiiiy. Keuo (ioddnrd and hoii inude Medford a biiHineHH call Saturday. Menu, charleH OImoii nud Frank MeClain were aniotijf the many who trunfuieted bimineHM in Medford Satitr -lay. Sum Van lyk in inovinj; over to Henry IIoIuih' jduee, which he linn jmr i-lutKed. Iicwin Tucker whh in our miilHt Sun 'ay chatting with old friemh. An after Sunday Hehool meeting wiih ailed Sunday morning for the nur ue of uioinf tiif; rouiiuitteeH on Xiiiuh utertiiintnent. An XtniiH trep for thr 'lenefit of the little onet wh decided oil. John Shideler, wife and daughter ent to Medford TueHday with a loud f veetubleH from t heir Si riulown jardeii raneh. Waller Siiineliffe h iuinrov in the dokt of his place by building a new vomlHhed. Fx Sheriff Joe (tader was here Sun 'ay. Wonder why. M hh N'el I ie tea men ret it mod f ntiti Hhlaud Tiieaday, whore hIh spent 'hankHiviuu with relativra. Sheriff I), fl. JackHou paswel through iere Monday. J. J. liiine of Talent butchered nt he Hlriiiylown Hlanj,'liter Iiouhc Monday. .lames MeDonald delivered Vfjetnbltw o Medford Monday. II. II. (mblard of Warner creek val ey lurried n few minutes here Monday lorniiitf while on his way to Medford. Hurry Uchuich, who had liin bieycb tolen some fmir or five weeks iiko, eenvered the same at Medford Sunday. Mrs, li. A. IteaiiifH has returned from ! t wo weeks ' visit wit h relat i vn at lt hoiirie, in .loHi-phiue roil illy, Cory Taylor and his cob pipe of Med 'ord spent Tha n ksfri vinr bet Miss Myrtle Ciilhonn of Mi'ilford vis ted with relatives here Monday. Fatty Wakelield is improving I In omIih of his place by triunuiti his lied'e. More jjraln is beiny jilanlcd nnuitul icre this fall than there lias hrcii t'ni 4ouie lime. John (Jraffis and wife ol' I lie Kat ide were business visitors Tuesday. I'uele Mat Cullioiili and oVfl Slan liffe were Medford liusi s callers he Mrsl of the week. It. I Theiss, Hie Medford wholesale nan, was here calling on his ciislomers Wednesday. I'crry Sti liffe is m'ttiii.; out shade ind fruit trees. This looks suspicion i. What about it. Ferry. ( 'oiigin t iilu t ions an- in order, I'aul. Mind luck o you, llert Sinticlil'fe vis'led v.i h rieudK in AmIiIiuhI Ttirsduv. M isses t 'la ru Allen nud A da Key nolds spent Tuesday in Ashland. Mr. Lizzie Hctidriclot f Wallowa. vho h;iH been here nil U visit with hel iiarents. Mr. and Mrs. Lew it Tinker, has returtted. Mr. ami Mrs. K. (. liei-se of W I. CjiI., are here on a visit with Mrs lieese m mother and father,0 M r. and Mrs. C. Carey. I'hil Stinbutiuh and tin- Cobletgl. brothers b ft In t week for tin- llio. Unit.' .nek ilistriot. whore they ex e-i. to engage ill trapping (hist winter. Mrs. Nora KnherlH nud son Ralph, wlui lme bi'i u at and afiont I'iverside. Cal., for I he past several months, have n turned. James Harvey, the blacksmith, who sold out his interest in I he w.ip to A. II. Fisher, has bought a place nt Myrtle I'nint nndobut week chartered a ear and Irft for Hint place. John KiUall ret nrucd from Hutti crei-k Monday, where he had been on bushics. Ho will live here this win ter. W. C. Taylor mnde a business trip to Ashland not long since. Mr. Forbes of Talent passed through here from (iriffiu creek Monday with a milk cow. Hoc says he will have milk now without buying it. Itort Stnihliffe and Orillc Johnson left Wednesday evening for I'ortland whfro they expect to work. TABLE ROCK TATTLING. K. K. Smith and family have moved into t he house oil the farm of M r ireen. Farl May is filling his old position it Hie Washburn on-hard. The special tehool meeting I ehl Sat unlay voted a ta sufficient til enable the district to hao eight months' term of school. II. C. MoHHenger reporls thtcf he has disposed of his tua it contract to .1. W. Wiuningham of Trail and will devote his time to looking after his ranch nt Agate. Miss Alice French, our teacher, spent Thnuksgix ing with rein l i o nt A li Is nd. VI ist b'liie e,ilon, who is teaching hi the lt..,-e creek dintri.t, came down and spent Hie holiday with home folks. She reports a large ntt.ndun.e at her liotd. tieorge l.vnch of Trail was here on bniiit Mondav Me Niiitis (hat the fannh of .1 ton of Loni Itranch are having :i iege of turnsl.-s. The brink, r' pnnic liH held up two real estate deaU in this Incnlitv. REAL ESTATE TRANcFSHS. Clara l.'helMo M. J.J -H -art, about 'i acres in towi.vh n range 1 W lf' M. .1. tioodhcart to M I lie Inlnw, titt acres in towushi-. range I W 10 Kdith K. McLti.l to Meliie Jn low, prnp rty in su tioiiH, town ship .'tit, range I i; 10 W. S. Morton to T. W. Britton, W 'j lots ! and W, Ashland Home Aso tract 10 Joseph K rr to W. (1. Prescott. ' acres in section 10, township range IK 10 T. J. Downing to W. K. Morton, laud in section 10, township :t!i, range I K Ht I liu Henry to Maud K. CriifM by, 1 IK intenat in H H2 of K K Vi H"ction til, township 'Mi, range L1 W 2o I. L. irigsby to II. C. Mosseii g, rl 1 interest in H U of H K , section township '10, rang.- W b"0 I. S. (irighby to X. C. Messen ger, I il interest in same as above 100 (i. J. firigsby to II. C. Mi'ssi-n- ger, I 0 interest uime na above 150 L. It. (irigsby to II. C. Messen ger, I -1 interest in same as above 100 Ira (irigsby to II. t Messengf r, it IK interest in same as above 150 William Hoss to Alta F. San ders, lots I and 2, block 7, Itcsq addition tti Medford f00 Alta K. Sunders to It. T. Har nett, lota 1 and 2, block 7, Koss addition to Medford .... 200 Itelle N'ickell to Frank It. I'-ol linger, lot 7, block HI, Med ford ,. .. 10 William Koss to John Wolff, lot (t, block 7, It oh addition to Medford 7.1 Francis M. Tungate to Fd'ard Woodbury, X W y, and X W Vi f X K Vt aeetinn '2'2, town ship :t(i. range .'IK 2 i ) ti. A. Itriner to C. M. Fhelps, interest in tax certificate ... 'i C. W. Falmer to John Wilkinson. lot 10, block 1, Whitman p.irk 2"0 lohn WilkiiiH to C. W. Falmer, lot !l. block 1, Whiliuan park.. L'V ''. W. Palm to I-Mgar S. Hafer, land in I) L C -1.1, township .'17, rnnge I W :tnnii Kdgar S. Ilafer to J. C. Kmerick, same as above :i",oii Alice While Shebtuy to Whlle Shobley Hunt Mining company, 1'Jl) acres in township 34, range 4 W jo T, W. Ilrittscnn to William Wheel er, laud in township ,'tK, range I W .. 1 l. W. Powell to T. F. Hart, 100 acres in section I, township 40, range L F .nii Cnited States to David Hal and wife, IllO.o;! acres in township :!7, range I W patent Lewis Flrich to Fred II. Look ley, lots l.'i and Hi, llolman 's addition to Jacksonville 40 Now Cases. State of Oregon vs. Charity K. Hal ley; keeping house of ill fame. Louise If. Parker vs. Millard F. Par 1er; suit for divorce. W. K. PhippH, attorney for plaintiff. Marriage Liconsos. W. F. Isaacs and Irene II. llrown. Clarence Wheeler and Mildred C. Sun derson, JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. Mrs. It. It. J)ow visited at Medford a few hours Monday. KM is Hoggs went up to Ashland the litst of the week, where h- will visit for a few days before reluming to his home at linker City. Miss Mnllie Towne went over to Med frd on Tuesday evening's train. Itoseoo Cant roll I t't for F.ngetie Tues day evening on a brief visit. Posters are out announcing the fire men's ball o be given New Years eve, and preparations nre being inade lo make it' of the events of the sea sun. Rates for Dairymen. j "To' the benefit of those who may lie interested in the promotion of the "airy industry in the state, the South 'in Pacific company will issue tickets i a rate of one fnre nml one third for lie n mi na I mccfiiifF of the Oregon Dai n men's nsancinlioii at Porltand, De .ember nml lit, provided AO or more ntleml from nil pnrts of the state. Tick Is limy be purchased December ft to l' inclusive, nml will be good for re turn passage including December 1' Coal for Sale. We are now prepared to furnish hand picked coal at the mine, five miles cast of town, in any amount desired. 7..ll per Ion. 'f I'ACIKIC CO.M, CO. BUSINESS CARDS. NOYES ft DRESSLER. lical Kstate, b'entnls, Insurance. FAliM AND TIM11KH I. ANON, for respondent's Solicited. R. R. HAMILTON, M. D., I'livsicisn and Surgeon. Successor to Dr. I!. S. DeArmnnd. Office in ililter Duulap llloek. Phone tiSII. VM. M. COLMG MrJ(tni. Oitvon COLVIG & DURHAM j ATTORNEYS AT LAW CEO. H. DURHAM Ciub PtM. ()ii I Wm. W. P. Holt, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Eag't Point Oregon WARREN L. CAMERON, M. D.. rhysiclau and Surjron. li.ii.l, n, f. Hot, ) M,Hr. 'I he Medford Studio De Witt. Ho-1-pasture, prop., over Model Cluthb'g t o. tf CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED Dining room girl at Hotel Naoh. FOR HALF Fine lots, good soil, excel lent building ground, U'th and I sts. See owner, Prof. M. B. Signs. tf FOR EXCIIANGF Medford property for other property. Adrdeaa Lock Box 418, Medford, Or. tf HOUSKWOItK or window cleaning, by day or hour; bamboo furniture made siiini, Seventh at , near bridge. Tel. 404. tf FOR ftALH New residence, just com pleted, second block west of high school, West Seventh street; fine col onial iuteriar; cheap if sold soon. In quire Tribune office. tf FOR RENT Kunming houso, complete ly furnished, to parties without chil dren. Address P. O. Itox It'JO. 220 NFWLV furnished rooms for rent; con venient to the business part of town; lighLs, hot and cold water and bath, furnished. For termi see Mn. Joe Thomas, South II street. tf LOST Our bay mare colt, 0 months old, white Htrip in face. Reward for return of same. (1. (i. Shirley, P. O. ltoi 01. Residence second house south oil tank. tf LOST -Brown purse, containing omc receipts-and small change, at Southern Pacific depot at Medford, Sunday, December 1. Finder rewarded if left at Tribune office. 220 FOR HALF One and a fpiarter acres improved land, with o room house, barn, outbuildings and well, $1SO0. Blooded filley, 7 months old, aired by Robert L., $00; also Jersey heifer calf, $10. V. I. Scott, owner. tf A HOOD investment For sale, first mortgage, $7"i0, nu first class real es tate, due in 20 months, draws 7 per cent interest; will discount principal enough to make a good profit for pur chaser; will accept cash, check or cer tificate of deposit. Address P. O. Box ."71, Aledford, Or. 2.tS FOlt HALF 20 acres land, with house, barn and other buildings, good spring, u few bearing apple trees, IV. miles from railroad station; price $1200, pay able $200 down and $20 a month, or will Hxchaugo for Medford residence property. Also 40 nereis good apple .or pear land in same locality; low price and easy Urms. Address P. O. Box 571, Medford, Or. 22G FOR SALF At a bargain, ninety acres of the choicest fruit land in Rogue river valley, rich soil, all level, well watored, good six-room house, good barn, three good ".veils, abundance of water. All under cultivation ready for orcliard. Intending purchasers should see this ptnoo before purchasing. Oeo. Nrinia, Nash Holel, Medford, Or. I74tf II LLP W AXTFD Wo furnish help Tor miners, lumbermen, mills, hotels, res-' taurantH, housekeepers, laundrys, ranch men, orchardists, wood cutting, build-! ers, nieroh.tnts, contractors, or anyone desiring help of uny kind. Leave your, orders with us. Xoyos & Dressier, opp. Medford Xational bank, Miles build-1 ' tf I THE BABIES alter vnu have been lYrdintf tlinn on tin1 jam and J 1 1 i -t that w' have in our hi'li yradr shirk if rtdilu's, jre srrvrH and nut buttor. Tlioro is noth inij in.M.- whidt Hniiu1 fur lio little ows than d'lii'ioiiH bread, made from nur su -ri 'ni hard wheat flour, and .jam), jillits :i nit iiKiriiialadr made from Hire fruit; and fruit jnires. Our stork of reli-hes, ulivts, k'lerti rliili and iimien tov is ;ilv:ivs kept at the lushest stand ard nf eveelleilce. MILLER fe The Odell J Leading Rooming' J Overthe Poilefflce Because He Paid Not lmi no, n iMinincyii man in A Mil tlmt ho hail nlroatv p.iiii. votiiliiT in cviilciu'o, and il was pa iit tho lull. I'i'n t vou sti ttM l hi tiank cor.liullv ittvttos will lo plcaHisl to rcndiT yon tho JACKSON COUNTY BANK Established ISSS Capita!, Surplus and Watch For The Great Holiday Display At Meeker's Great Dry Goods tore Special This Week 127 youths' suits 50 per cent off, 12 to 20 years 100 children's suits 35 and 50 per cent off, 3 to 16 20 per cent off on all ladies' coats 1-4 off on all furs One hundred men's $1.25 shirts 50 cents each Big reduction in lace curtains Many other articles in our great stock greatly reduced Cur great Holiday display will soon be ready Meeker & Go THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY FOlt SAI.K The real vntiito Ann of N'n.vpB & Dressier will bt found in their new uffiee in the Miles liuihliu. oppo site the Medford National bunk. We ean show-you as (jooil buys ns there is to bo had. Tf you have property to M'il, see us. We elin sell it for you. We will also conduct an employment office, where wo can fur nish help to anyone employing same. Xo matter what your business, if you need help, lenve your order with us. Ncyes & Dressier. tf CRY FOR II EWBANK House of the City Medford, Oreaon b k. this community was pnwntrri with Ho proluood the paid chock M thin ut once proven that ho had nn;trlanco of paying by chockT yur account, subioct to check, and most efficient aervioe. MEDFORD, ORE. Deposits Over $625,000 .. j . TTXTTXTT TttTTTTTTi TTTTTT Greater medford Who favors home entarprine and tho bulldtnr of a Urs City lo th fentsror the moat lnuiutlful valley onatirth? WK DO, YOU SHOULD. Then why ucmd your mmiey wny for other nojle to h-imtle? DiHlt your doltari with ua that It may lw luai ed fur lumiu en ter prints. Evry dollar itmt out taka that muvh out of circulatlou hern. !n it Ion to our National Bunk. w hava a SAVINO-t URI'AK'I MKNT and pay in tcrust on SaviiiKH Accounts. Open an account with the Medford Natlooal Bank, whoau ofllcers and rti rectors ar all homo people and interested in the upbuifclinic ofa(iraatr Uvdfurd and tna antlre ItoBU Hiver Valley. Cbe medford national Bank Ciiiilnl 5 ,"..).)0 st National Bank CAPITAL $50,000 The Youngest and,. Strongest RESOURCES $360,000 WE DON'T SPECULATE VM. S. CROWELL, President O. CRAWTORD. AuiBtant Oaahler. F. K. DEUEL, Vice-President M. L. ALFORD, Cashier. GEO. W. DUNN, Second Vice Prtieent TIl i mi m mi ii w I THE MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE IIAZKI.IirOH & WILLIAMS, M:inagrra. Thursday, December 5th. AMERICA'S GREATEST COMIC OPEBA FABCEUB5 Murray and Mack IN THE LAUGHINO MUSICAL BEAUTY 8HOW The Sunny Side of THE SAME BRILLIANT CAST YORK PRODUCTION The very Cement Plaster Paris Pressed Brick Common Brick General Building Supplies All Material On.irantord or Moiiwv Rifuniltii. L. Li-avM Orilyra at R. W. GRAY, Builder Colonial Porch Lath Work, Patterns, Etc. Telephone 471. fc.liAAJ iAiIiJuI it it Ji J il A AJiJul I' 'II. Surplus $10,000.00 Medford Broadway B'An Villir k Hurra; And Bojli Woollolk 10 PEOPLB 10 DRIOINAL NEW AN JIAUTT BEIOADE. Best J. REINHRRT Pmlal Tflrrapli Offife. Work, Grill and Medford, Oregon