: JackMsvlll Nw. A. B. Sarnu Bd . Qaunell wer i i MMfMd ob Tidey, (' l ' . tin. a W. Ortb m quite elok with .. i. i attack of the qainsy. Mrs. 0. b Reawe wu a Medford eltor daring tbe week. Attorney W. E. Phlpps did business -i tb ourt house on Monday. Hi. R. Ot Ual I visiting Uw Ash .ud, tb gaeet of Mrs. I I,. Mailt. Captain 0. M, Racb, of Kucb, wu : . Jacksonville on business Tuesday. Uls May Huffr left rooeutly for tmath Falls, on professional trip. '4re. Frank Kassbafer baa returned imu visit with relatlvein Crescent .dr. Newman Fisher; of San Krau ioo, ( making Mri. T. J. Kinney a jit. Mr. L. Coulter, after upending a : mber of week at Yreku, is home . aln. Mia Leona Ulrlob baa been Wait 4 ber alater, Mrs. J. F. Buckley, of v lob, Mrs. Franc Obeonhata, nee Carrie endt, of Bly, la visiting with ber . .renta. .,...... Jilae Fanny Nonan left Tuesday - - 3rnlng for San Franolaoo to visit :nds. Mra. J. W. tiobinson and daughter nt to Medford on Friday after v on'a train. , , . t , fc;-8herltT J. M. hadei Was in town i Monday, shaking hands , with his . any friends. ; . ' Mrs, S. A. Foadry, of Phoenix, is siting at the borne of County Clerk K. Coleman. ', Oeo. U. Merritt, of Central Point, it visiting his aunt, Miss lisle Mo ; ully, last week. Mlsa Emma Wolf and Mn. H7B! . "orton tarried a few' hours in Med i ird on Monday. . , . , . Jonn Fernoll, the merobant of Ap legate, was at tbs county seat Tnes iy on business. '' Attorney Uus Newbnry and County lerk Will Coleman were in Medford no day reoently.. Mr. and Mrs. Thoe. Collins, of Med 'jrd, were visiting friends in Jack sonville on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Can trail, of . . . Jnlontown, were guests of Jackson ville friends Monday. Mrs. A. Steele and Mrs. J.' A, Marsb were visiting Mrs. Thrasher, of Med ,y ord, one day last week. Mra. Dave Jones 'passed .through 'aoksonvllle on her way home from a alt with Medford friends Mr. Armstrong, of the Gilbert Marn ier Piano House, made Jacksonville professional visit on Monday, esse Thrasher left on Thursday's In for Roseburg, to visit his brotb- er, Harry, who la emoloyed la bar. ber shop at that plaoe, Ed. Vaa Dyke, of Medford, waa transacting tnslness at tba court boas on Wednesday of last week. Joe Rader, ei-sherlff, aooompanied by bla mother and alater, Mlsa Clara, visited with Jacksonville friends Mon day..- '-',: .; -v.-.-- Mrs. G. B. Davis, of Eugene, ar rived last week and will spend several weeks visiting with relatives and friends, County Commissioner Geo. ,W. Broun Is in from Eagle Point to at. tend county ooort, whloh convened Wednesday, Herbert Hanna, who baa been at tending oourt at Grants Pass, came op with F. Mi Calkins in hla aatomo-N bile Thursday. Ross Kerr, tbe expert painter, who ireoently arrived fromOolumbus,Ohlo, Is giving Miss Issie MoCulley's bouse a new ooat of paint. Mrs. Ed. Wilkinson, who .has been spending tbe summer at Newport, waa visiting with ber slaters In Jaokson vlile during tne week. ' A party oomposeed of Nick Mitch. ell, Jamea Young, A. Gangwlscb and D. B. Thompson have gone to Elk oreek on a banting trip. Harry Foster, of theOpp consolidat ed mines, has gone to Albany, N. V., on business. He was accompanied as far as Medford by his wile. School Superintendent P. H. Daily and family returned Monday from Portalnd, whree they attended .the State Taechers Assooiation. . ; ..; . . The Native Daughters and Son's Cabin held a soolal meeting last Wed nesday, wben a number of new names were taken in tbe Cabin. ' Prepara tions are being made for their an nual ball, which will take place on Thanksgiving nignt. The olerk baa issued tbe following marriage licenses since last week: James (J, Smith and Lottie Morris ; Daniel G. Uanscom and Mary A. Ingb ratr ; Wm. V. JHansoom and Myrtle Clarke; Jobn Wamrsley and Mary Sonniobsen ; J, R, Woodford and Lil lian Barr ; Herbert R. Roberts and Pauline Black. Tbe following new oases have been Bled with the olerk: Alice Clifford Eggera vs. Ulysses Grant Eggers ; salt for divorce. O. W. Horton 'vs. South ern Paoiflo Co. Clyde MoMurtrey vs. Mrs. Kate MoMurtrey et al. ; suit to dear title to oertain mining property. Edith MoCloud vs. Angus MoCloud; salt for divorce. Mrs. Mitchell, an old-time resident of Jacksonville, died at her'home just east of twon, on Saturday, Uctober 6, 1900. Mra. Mitchell was a native of Franoe and was eighty-nine years of age at the time ot her death. She is survived by two sons, Nicholas and AuguBtine Mitchell, both of Jackson ville. For the last thirty years Mra Mitchell bat made bar bom on bar farm, lost saat of Jacksonville. Tbe interment waa made in tbe Jackson- villa osmetry Monday, Kev. Father Mattlngly officiating. . George Washington Cord or, who baa reoeutly been in the Bla Ledge oountry, was adjudged insane and or dered committed to the state Insane aaylux, Mr. Uordor is about forty four year of age and baa been an in mate of the asylum before, W . E. Mltobeil, an attendant from the asy lum, aooompanied tbe unfortunate man to Salem Tuesday evening. The oounty board of equalization, whiob baa been in aesslon during tbe past week, has had to listen to very few ooroplaluta. J. P. Dodge appear ed beforegthejboard, asklug for reduc tion of 11000 on bis furniture and un dertaking goods. A redaction of 500 was granted, P, J. Ryan wasoitedto appear before tne board to show cause why the assessment on his timber land on Butte oreek should not be raised. Assessment on cam? was rais ed Hill. J, W. Morrow, tax adjuster for the Southern Paoiflo Railroad Co., appeared before board asklngja reduc tion from 110,000 to 114,000 per mile. The board refused to makereduotlon. Mrs. J. H. Erskine entertained" a party of little folks at ber homefin Jacksonville ou tbe evening ot Ootu ber 3d, in honor of tbe tenth birthday of her daaghter,Miss Margery. Games in the opto air were playod until darkness came on, when the little folks were invited into tbe dining room, where dainty refreshments of sandwlohes, oake and oocoa were served. The little people who assist ed Miss Margery id celebrating were: Editb Hoef, Nora Trenbetb, Helen Furness, Henry Hoef, Nellie Parry, Etta Maroom, Margaret Marc om, Dick Parry, Bern Ice Tren berth, Helen Steele, Alta Steele, Ada Elmer, Carol Furness, Blanchard Hansen, Willie Henry, Mable Henry, Charlie Prim, ' Maude N'wbury, Margery Esrkine, Kenneth Erskine, Carle Newbury, and Donald Newbury. Mrs. Esrkine was assited in entertaining the little visi tors Mesdames Furness and Marcom. tamed from Medford Thursday, He bs been employed at one of tbe trait dryer for some time. Ray Venalile, ot Applegate, spent a day and night with relatives hire last week. He baa a fine young horse for sal and we hope be will auooeed in finding a purchaser. The constable's sale of lumber at the Scott saw mill last Friday was not very well attended, the material being of low grade and did not interest many. U, M. Stooker mad a Short visit at the Adams borne before starting on blaa return trip to bis home In Penn sylvania Saturday. He visited the Washburn paoklng bouse and marvel ed at tbe amount and size of the ap ples garnered from the yoang trees. K, E, Smith and family, of Med ford, are now residents of Table Rock. Mr, Smith will assist In tbe ploking and paoklng of tbe fruit at the Table Kook orchard. He says the fruit in this aeotion Is simply wonderful. If the town hunters who violated tbe bunting law in tbla seotion last week will find other places to shoot tbey may save a good, stiff floe. Pa tience has ceased to be a virtue and we are waiting to see who will have to stand for an example Mr. and Mrs. Carl Narregan made their usual Saturday evening trip oat from Medford, but this time there ffas an extra enducement as, on Sun day, the friends and neigbbora of Mrs. N. L. Narregan, to the number ot thirty, gathered to celebrate that lady's b rthda). We add our wishes for many happy returns of the day. Tne owners of 'the Table Rook irri gating ditob met at the Hitzler-Bissel home Monday and considered the es timate made by Civil Engineer W. H. Parsons for enlarging tbe channel, We are Informed by F. E, Byoee, the president, that a good big sum of money was voted for that purpose and that they expcot to do tbe work tbiB winter. I onMIno atar. Nina " of ill ahoaii To bla Armament. - It waa far past midnight whan he fell asleep and tbe aun was shining fall in his faoe when he awoke the next morning. On aris ing he found one oChls burrows gone, so be started after 1 1 down tbe little stream tbat ran on top ot tbe giound about three mile and then sunk. He tracked bis animal for two miles and there, far down the canyon he could aee him. The burrow bad caught tbe atrap ilea to nis n&iter, wnen uavia stooped don to loosen it he notloed , Mtmethina hrlsht. On Aloaer anmln. ' ation he found it to be free milling quartz running heavy with gold. He looked around, ploked up pleoe after piece. Then be began to look to see from where It came. Far up the moun tain overhanging the oanyon he saw the ledge, but it waa almost impossi ble to reaoh It, bat so excited was be that be left bis male and started up tbe canyon to a plaoe where he could olimb tbe mountain. Up he went, no breakfast, half dressed, bat he must ' reaoh that ledge In some way, so on ne goes, tie does not realize tnat tne aun is hot, he has forgotten tbat be bad not bad bis breakfast. He could only see tbe guiding star beckoning bim onward and upward. It was.one o'olock when be had;orawl ed around so that with tbe little pros pect plok he could pick pieoe after piece of the shining quartz from its mother ledge. After he nad examin ed all he could be orled out, ' 'At last, at last the bope of my life is in that mountain. Millions on millions i are there. 1 will go down and write in tears of happiness to old 'Sbortie' Garnett to have me a Toledo range made to order. I will buy the half of his store fur her. I will even tell him my long kept secret and have him tell her all about It. ITell nim to guard her from others' devouring de sires, for 'bbortle' has been tbere and knows." "Shortle's" forialllkinoVof hardware and stoves. Watch this pa per for itoryinext week. CH89 His Guiding Star. Table Rock Items. by J. o. p. Miss Mae Nealon returned to her school at Agate Monday. She is quite popular in that district. Mr. and Mra. W. ' R, Byium spent Monday In Eagle Point and laid in their winter's supply of Snowy Butte floor, Mrs. Walter Parsons and little son aooompanied Mr. P. on his trip Mon day and visited at "The Oaks." Mr. Fagan was down from Ashland to get ttsh from the hatobery and drove round Sunday to see bis friends, Mr, and Mrs. S. K. Adams. Master Fred Warner, of Trail, re- David Marshall was beginning to think Himself doomed. Three long months had passed ; he had dug in every plaoe in the gulch that looked like It might contain gold, but at 4 p. m. in tbe afternoon be was washing bis last pan of dirt. Little by little the dirt and gravel rolled;out,bnt not a single traoe. ,. He oame int- camp heart broken. 1 He found that be had only enough provisions to last him one week, but that seemed enough, for be was done. It would take bim four bard days' riding to get back to where be could get supplies. So be began to tie up bis tools and trapB, preparing to leave at daylight the next morning. He went out, got up his two barrows, tied them olose by, then lay himself down to sleep. But sleep was far from him. Hla gold bunting for three years was a failure. He could get $3 per day tor bis work, but he would never be riob at that rate. He could never bear to go baok and faoe his old friends in that way. So what was he to do! That little Notice io Contractors. ' Notice Is hereby given that at the regular meeting of the oity council of Medford, Oreogn, Ootober 2, 1906, tbe city reoorder was injtruoted to.nnd does hereby advertise for bids for the aonstraotion of lateral sewers Nob. 2- and 3, in sewer district No. 3, tbe same to be filed with the recoraer on or before Ootober 10, 1906, at 5:30 o'clock. All bids muBt be aooompanied by a certified oheok equal to 5 per cent of bid, to insure good faith to enter In to oontract on or before four days af ter contract Is awarded. The con tractor, then, will give a bond equal to 75 per cent of contract prioes. Plans, profiles and speclfloalone may be bad by oalling upon the city re oorder. - By order of city oounoil. BENJ..M. COLLINS, ' City Reoorojer. Advertised Letter List. - r Following Is a llBt ef letters' remains un called for at the Hedford postofflce on Oot. 11, law. Browu, 8 M Jobnnn, Mrs Emma Harrli.JP King, Mr Fred Hall. Chss Kerm, F M Hfgans, M V Sbuelo, Mr Dan Walter, Mr ChaB , A obargo of one oent win be made upon de livery of eaob of tbe above letters. Persons calling for any of tbe above letters wui please say " Advertised.11 A. M WOODKO RD, PostmaBler ' CAHTOHIA. rjaui tie A tin KM Vou Haia Always Biiijlt Signature it It's A Good Plan 2L?SZff COMMENCE by Purchasing a Pair of $3.50 $4.00 $5.00 Smith Molony, 1 SOLE AGENTS. Home C'-'UffJ Paint Your wit Neivl?r0 Paint s li's purt paint jevery atomjofit. It won't cost you so much money to" do the ob as It will If you use so-cilltd "cheap" paint, because New Era Paint covers more surface to. the gallon and wears much longer.' Added to the saving In actual cost, Is the Import (ant fact that your home will look better, lor New Era Paint gives a better finish and protects itle sur;. face from the elements. , - Ask for color cids, showing fashionable shade.. I Acme Vhiie Lead tt Color Worki,' Detroit, Mkb, c fgtfm. TOR SALE BY ' fef J i Olmstead & Weisser -MSBkm Medford, Oregon jEjlSB"f For. Job Printing, THE fl AIL Office will Please You. , HOURS! OUR. FALL STOCK now COMPLETE In All Departments. Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing and Cloaks You can find what you want in Ladies' Tailor Made Suits and Cloaks IN OUR STORE- HART, SCHAFNER (& MARX, MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS COME EARLY While the Selection is Best and make Your FALL PURCHASE Pfy Our Motto Is One Price To All. y1IKiMCMMtemW r 'A T