THE MEOFORO MAIL Published every Friday A. 6. BLITON, Editor MEDFORD, OCT. 12, 1906 wu tom to Humt. Be U of few days I bttt Quit pleim SUBSCRIPTION .0 PER VEaw ib ths Postosio. Medford, r.ii, H SMOia-GlBU Mil MattM. Snyder's Body Idenlilled. ; HILLSBORO,OpT Oot. 7,-Mr. Madge Snyder, wffs of the late Oarey H. Snyder, who wa murdered in Wasblnton county on the night of DMwmber 4th or morniuff of Deoem. tier 6th, 1905, arrived in Hillsboro on the 8:12 train this morning and at once oonferred with Acting Coroner H ,T. Uagley. Mra. Snyder identified ' the clothing of her husband, his pa pers, bis letter! found on bia body, bla glasses and hia onh buttons. She minutely described tbe peculiarities of the teeth and told of one falae tooth in particular, whloh had been plaoed In poaltion by a dentiat in tbe Oregoniaa building, whiob tooth, ahe amid, waa darker in color than the othe-s, and waa not atationary. Tbe motlng ooronor and Dr. A. il. Bailey, who attended the inquest, examined ' tbe teeth of deceased and found them -exaotly aa Mra. Snyder represented. ane also stated tnat ne waa Having .anotoer cooin treated in oraer to mu the nerre, and aald the packed cavity -should show for itoelf. Tbe cavity waa found on the very tooth she nam -ad, thua proving oonoluaiTely that tbe remains in tbe ouatody of the coroner - are none other than tboae of Carey M. Snyder, the aon ot the Kanaaa uuuunu iuv rvuiKW. ui uer law ' htuband, and would not look at the ahull with a view of Identification. i alolan waa corroborated by the exter ' rial evidenae of the akuli Itself, and ' there Is now no question but what he waa killed, and that he was killed on ' the-night of December 4th or morning of the &th. Today Acting Coroner Bagley went to where tbe body was found on tbe Glenooe-Portland road and made a rigid searoh for the bullet, From tbe . fact that Snyder's akull shows two deep fraotures it ia known that be . must hare teen struck on tbe bead and rendered unoonsoious before he waa shot. It waa thought that in or der to make It appear a case of eui- . oide tbe bullet was then fired through .'his brain, ' Lost. . 'On tbe road between Eagle Point nd tbe Reese oreik school house, a boy's dark overooat, with brass but tons and oape with blaok velvet oollar. Tbe finder please leave at postottloe, Eaglo Point. 40-tf OSA HENDERSON. A Little finisher. MsjiBaai ing does for clothes. No matter what attitude the coat drops right. That is what we offer you in KIRSCHBAUM CLOTHES, f erteot Tailoring, All Wool Fabrics, and the Correct Styles.. Many Overcoat Styles No matter what you idea may bo, from the re gular models to the ultra, fashionable garments, we have them. "Pay Less and Dress Better." VAMeekerftGo, fist' National Bank or MioroRD Cash Capital ',o,ooo Tbe Youngest and the Strongest , . . . , WE GUARANTEE ALL OP Fair' Dealing ' Fidelity Safety 0 And guard our ouitomen' lotoreitl A Member of American Bunkers ' we re itronly WE SOLICIT Win. 3. Crtwell, Prwldent. P. K. D.u.1, Vict Prtaldaat, M. L, Allord, Caahlar, F, N, Cummlngs, A, P. Stoner and F. W. Asgood, olvll engineers, of Portland, are engaged In running the lines for the proposed dam across Bear oreek, near Ashland. Tbe work of exoavatlng and hauling the clay from the Kavlin beds, near the Reeser mill, on the Dead Indian road, was commenced this ween. The day will be shipped to roruana, aua manufactured into pottery. The sheep camp of flerrin 3c Sons, on Ashland Butte, was destroyed by fire one day last week durlug the absence of the me I in charge of tbe sheep. Claud Heryford was atruok on the bead by a pieoe of flying hose, blown out of a compressor aVthe Millionaire mine, last week, and temporarily knocked out. He waa fortunate to es cape more serious Injury. . Word haa bean teoeived by bla par ents at Ashland that Orover Neil, tbe young baritone, who left there with tbe NellW Andrews Opera Co., was suffering from an abscess of tbe throat that would prevent him from singing for several months, at least. One night' this week aa Tobe Newton waa going borne be met with a singu lar aooident, that in most lnstanoea proves fatal, fie was walking down tbe railroad to the Sardine oreek oroasing and on tbe way a freight train passed him, going at a slow rate of speed. In some manner Tobe was tbrown against tbe train, knocking him senseless and badly lacerating and bruising bis faoe. He dragged him self to S. A. Dusenberry's place and was given aSBistanoe on to his nonie. Had not the train been observing the "Slow" aignals that art- displayed along the traok, the aooident would no doubt have proven fatal, Tobe is geting along nicely, despite the badly marred countenance and general shak ing up that he rooelved. Gold Hill New, i 'v For Salt. I have for aala 1200 sacks of (rood Burbank uotatoea At II per hundred, Call on or address TILDEN M. PATTON, ' Tolo, Oregon, The common level of . Men's Clothes is not enough for us; We sell , ; KIRSCHBAUM CLOTHES: Because they are always a little a head of the other fellows. PERFECT TAILORING You see from the way this Suit looks what Perfect Tail JACKSON COUNTY. Resources $180,000 with the same good faith we do those ol the Bauk Association. insvrea Agtinst Burglttytna tiOld-Ups YOUR BUSINESS. DIRECTORS: Wm. S. Crowell, P, K. Deuel, Chan Strang, E. V. Carter, Oeo. W. Dunn. Land Fraud Trials Postponed. Portland Telegram : The Oregon land fraud trials will not be resumed before December 1st, A report reaobed Portland this morn lng to that elfeot and prlvste advioes received by tbe Telegram from Spoo ial Assistant Attorney Oeneial Fran cis J. Heney confirm it. When Mr. Heney and Judge Hunt left Portland after che conclusion of the Mays-Jones-Sorenson trial it was believed tbat the government would be in a position to resume the trials tbe ISth of this month. Since then affairs have taken a turn tbat de termined Mi. Heney to iostcone tbe Oregon oases until winter. Whether tbe case against Binger Hermann at Washington or tbe trial of Hyde, Benson and Dlmond in the captal city will be taken up before the local cases is not known, but it is evident tbat there baa been a ma terial change in Mr. Heney 's plana. The fact tbat he ia very busy with important insurance oases In the Bay City and further tbat be haa been ap pointed a member of the board of arbitration seieoted to pass on tbe big San Franoiaoo street oar strike, may have something to do with tbe change of plans. No report has yet been received by local government otflolals on the reasons for the post ponement, Mr. Heney probably preferring to defer the announcement in detail until tbe return home of United States Distriot Attorney W. C. Bristol, who Is in San Franoisoo arguing cases before the United States Jackson Gouniy Bank Establish! by W..I. Vatvter in 1888 Capital fYncash,d $50,000.00 Earned Surplus, $30,000.00) OFFICERS and DIRECTORS W, I. Vawter, Paesident; B. F. Adkin, Vice 'President; G. R' Lindley, Cashier; L. L. Jacobs, AssiatanCashier; R. H. Whitbhaed, A. A. Davis, P. W. Hutchison. Eighteen Years Under One Management. Insured Against Burglary. Member American Bankers' Association circuit oourt of appeals, The continuation of the Oregon triale undoubtedly means tbat the Federal grand jury will be oonvened almost immediately upon the return of Mr. Bristol, In the absence of definite informa tion as to the cause of the delay, it is regarded as highly probable tbat not only will the .Federal grand jury again begin its grind in Oregon, but that Hermann or the Hyde-Benson combine will be brought to trial in Washington between now and tbe lat er date set for tbe resumption of tbe trials here. The next oase set for trial is that oharglng ex-Senator Wlnlook W. Stetwer.Hamilton H. Hendrloks, John H. Hall, Edwin Mays, Clarence U. Zaobary, Charles A. Watson, Frank lin Vy. P. Mays, Clarke E. LioomlB and Edward D. Stratford with oon splray to defraud the government by fenolng up about 18,000 ares of govern ment land in Wheelr oounty. It ia familiarly known as tbe "fencing case," and many facta bearing on It were brought out in the trial ot Hen- drioks, Zaabary, Watson and Bar nard. Senator Mays, who was recent ly oouvioted, will not be tried in this CBse, Mr. Heney having agreed to try him but once thlB year, when hiB oase waa before tbe oourt on a motion for a oontlnuanoe. It Is understood that Clark E. hoomiB will plead guilty, although this has not been officially given out. If he does, however, he will likely be a Btnr witness for the govarnmeut Loomls wbb an importuat witness for the government in the HondrluKs, Watson, Zaohary and Barnard cases. The most oouspiouous defendant In the;tenclng case will be John H. Hall, tormei United States attorney, who was removed from ollloe at the iu stanoe of Mr. Heney when the in vestigation into land fraud affairs had begun to assume a serious turn. Edwin MayB was Hall'B assistant at tbe time tbe conspiracy (barged In the indictment Is alleged to hate been formed, Every indication 1b that this will be one of the hardeat fought trials on the calendar. . Wanted. Loggeia and timber outters to de liver 2,000,000 feet of logs to mill be fore the buow flies. Short haul, level road. One four-hoise tam and two tracks, chains, etc. furnished. Also wnuted I'tc-nanu, tnrcn-gang eager. Write or oall on 0. U NOEL, - Odessa, Oregon. Subsoribe for The Mail. PURELY PERSONAL . F. W, Carnabao oama In from Elliott oreek Batarday. Mra. M. Damon was a visitor at Ashland Wednesday. Miss nate Angle made Ashland frlenda a visit this week. Supt. P. H, Dally made Ashland an official visit Wednesday, Miss lsa Rowe left Tuesday evening for Portland, to remain. Charles UranUU returned Monday rroni a tilp to Portland, Mr. and Mrs, S, S. Sandry were up from Gold Ray Saturday. . 0. Kleinbammer, of Ashland, was in Medford on business this week. A. H. Walker, of Grants Pass, wae visiting Medford friends Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. 0, F. Young, of Gold Hill, were in Medford Wednesday. Mrs. L. L, Muiit, of Ashland, vis ited friends in Medford this week. Verne Pendleton, of Table Rock, was lb tbe city Saturday, on business. Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Rader, of Big Butte, were Medford visitors Wednes day. Merchant John W. Pernoll, of Ap- plegate, was a Medford visitor Mon day. W. M. Jonea left Tuesday evening for Boise, Idaho, on a short business trip. Hon. S. M. N salon and daughter, of Table Rock, were in tne olty Satur day. Rev. Reuter, the new pastor of tne M. E, oburob, arrived from Roseburg Tuesday. Merobant C. P. Hall, of Brownsboro, was in Medford Wednesday upon business, Simon Shaw, the well-known miner, came in from Elliott oreek Monday, on business. Mrs. Elizabeth McKenzie was at Ashland Sunday, the guest of Miss Edith King. J. Hv Beeman and Robert Moore, of Gold Hill, were in Medortf on busi ness Saturday. Mrs. A. R. nelsey, of Myrtle creek, arrived here Monday, on a visit to Mrs. . P. Roberts. Albert Morlue was down from Elk creek Tuesday. Mr. and Mra. W, F, MoTaggart, of Woodville, were here Wednesday. Ed. Tryer, of Grants Pass, was vis iting Medford friends this week. J. F. Ditsworth, of Leedf, waB In Medford uponbuslnees Wednesday. Orin Murphy and Fred Downing are on Little Butte, on a hunting expedi tion. lias Pearl Parsons, of Ashland, was a Medford visitor Saturday, the guest of Mrs. W. At Aikln. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Tryer- were up from Grants PasB this week, visiting relatives and" friends. D, O. Wilson aud family have moved to tbe farm in Sams Valley, whlon they reoently purohaeed. Mr, aud Mrs. Bert Miller, of Chloo, Oallf., are here on avlait tro the form er's fathor, J. W. Miller Mrs. Jobn Harrington waa at Gold Hill Saturday, on a.visit to her daugh ter, Mra. ThoB, Robertson. Mr. and) Mrs. F. W. Hollis were oalled to Salem Saturday by the ser- Ioub illness of Mr. Hollis' sister. L, L. JaoobB, Great Saohem, and J. H. Flt'tgerald made tbe Grants Pass Redmen a visit Monday evening, . Oeo. Owen,' of Ashland, one of the leading atookralsers of tbat section, was in Medford on business Tuesday. W. U Goyoll, ot Cannon City, Colo rado) baa been. in tbe valley looking, the conntry over with a view to looat. ingi ' . W. and M, 1". Penoe, two of the best boys In the Elk oreek country, were In Medford, Tuesday, upou busi ness. , Rev. and Mrs, G. T. McPherson left Saturday for Estacada, where Mr. Mc Pheison will be stationed for. the en suing year. Dr. Louis Bundy returned Saturday from Portland, where he has been at tending the State Board ol Medical examiners. Mr. aud Mrs. l'Vfd Bigham arrived from Nome, Alaska, last week, on a visit to tbe former's brother, P. C. Bigham, and other relatives. Calvin Darnell, who has been a resi dent of Colvllle, Wash., for 'the past several years, returned to Medford last week and will probably remain. Mrs. H. G. Wortman and children, Mies Genevieve and Master Harry, visited at Woodville a couple ot days last week, the guest of Miss Booker. Mr. aud Mrs, J. A. Lamb, who have beta visiting Mrs. Lamb's parasta, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Woodford,' re turned bom to Coqoall - City Wednesday. Mra. Dant and family returned to Medford last week bom Melrose, Calif., where th.y have been stopping for few years. Tuey will now reside In Medford. John Allen and Benj. Fradenbnrg, of Big Mutte, were in Medford this weak, having brought in thirty-six head of fat oattle whloh they sold to T, E. Pottenger. Cashier Jobn S, Orth, of tbe Med ford National Bank, left Wednesday evening for Portland, where hia father-in-law, H. E. Ankeny, la critically 111 aud falling fast. Mrs. E. E. Thompson, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Van Dyke, during tbe summer, left Wednesday lor Uenver, where she will join her husband, Kev. E, E. Thompson. Miss Bernioe Sayrea, formerly of Medfoid, spent several daya In Med ford last week, visiting friends, on her way from her Washington home to Berkeley, Calif., whjre she will en ter the University of California. P. E. Hartzell left Wednesday for Portland, where he haa accepted a po sition. He will be joined at Eugene by bis wife, who haa been visiting ber fatbdr aud otner relatives at tbat place. - G. U. Tolley, tbe gentleman from Eastern Oregon, who purchased the H. L. Griffin farm, o Griffin oreek, waa In Medford Saturday. He ia very much pleased with our oountry and isn't regretting a .little bit his de cision to become one of the favored oitlzeng of Jaokaon county. Joseph 0. Brown spent a few daya In Medford this week, Mr. Brown rep resents a Portland furniture house, and Ib one of tbe moat sseaeesf ul trav elers on the road. He haa just re turned from a trip through Northern California, and made reoovd breaking sales, as is-his usual custom. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Nye) of Foots creek, were in Medford this week. Mining ia Mr. Nye's long; suit, but when peach trees grow at the mine of their own aecord and tbe fruit ia lus cious, large and pretty there la no harm In giving it tbe name of Bill Nye Seedling. From one' of these trees Mr. Nye this week gathered six ty pounds of' as fine fruit as-ever grew on any tree. Wm. Cam'eron, one oi tne prosper-1 ous and well'-to-do farmers of Apple- gate section, was in Medford Satur day. Mr. Cameron BtateB that his neighbors, as well a himself, have not given the matter of fruit raising any attention) other than a few fam ily orchards, but be states tbat there is a great amount of their land whloh will some day be produolng the very best grades of fruit and that in abundanoe. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Carlton" left Friday for tbeir home in Monroe county, Iowa, after a several weeks' visit with relatives in.Jaokscn oounty. When theyjoame here Mra. Carlton was so badly crippled and so ill with When in need of strictly high grade goods go to the Clean Grocery CRYSTAL & MOREY Exclusive Agents for the Celebrated . .' . Diamond "W" Canned Goods rheumatism as to be scarcely able to walk. She joined a party of relatives a few weeks later and went to Cres oent City and upon the return trip she was able to oover a distance of seven miles without rest. ' j S. L. Snattuok, of Ft. Klamath: i'"I subscribe for your paper. 'Send it to me at Ft. Klamath. No, I have never,- lived in 'your county, but having been a resident of Klam ath oounty for a great number of years I naturally know a great many people oven here. I read that artlole in your last Issue written b J. G. Martin and I enjoyed it very much, as well aBimany other good things in your oolumns and I want to read more ottbem." R. N. Stooker, who baa been out at Table Rook upon a visit to S. K. Adam and family, returned to his horn in Honedale, Pn . list Satur day. While here bbout a year ago Mr. Stocket purchased Bfty aores of land lying between the two Table Rooks. He is now very much pleased with his purchase aud notwithstand ing the faot that he has been ottered an advance in prloe for the land he very emphatically refused to sell Bays he Is going to grow some of the cele brated Rogue River Valley apples which he has beard so muoh of from New l'ork City. H. J. Sohutte and family, reoently from Soathern California, but former-j ly from Grind Forks oounty, North See Us for Fruit Jars, Mason and Economy Jars Honroe & Miller The Popular Grocers ...VIENNA BAKERY... For Good, Wholesome Baked Stuffs. Goods on Sale at the Grocery Stores of E. N. Warner, . i ji iiT cj.: Urystai oc morey anu n. cnmigwr. GEO. H. CHURCH, Proprietor Medford, Oregon Dakota, arrived In Medford last week and Intend making this place their 'future home. They resided in Cali fornia just long, enough to oonvince themselves tnat they did not want to live there for alii time or any part thereof. Tbey are very much pleased with the Rogue River Valley and Mr. Scfautte has written Mb Impressions to friends In California and he la telling tnat he made these so emphat ically favorable to this, country aa to remove any possible doubt aB to bow he feels. Mrs. B. F, Adkins returned Friday from Newberg, Oregon, where she had been in attendance at a meeting of the W. C. T. Oi delegates of the state. Mrs. Adkins went to tbe assem bly as a representative of the W. C. T. U. of ilaukson oounty and as well a representative of' the local organiza tion of Medford, She reports a very interesting session and. the several delegates present from all parts of the state reported a lively lnterestjin the work in their several localities whloh interest, Mrs. Adkins believes, is but an indioator aa to the drift of mind and the interest of purpose through out the whole state. East Medford Items. Miss Kate Angle ia among AahlBnd friends for a few days. - Born To Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lyons, joooooo Ootober 1, 1996, a two-pound girl baby. G, P. Lindley, wife and niece, MIsb Winnie, Sundaysd at Asbland. H. G. Shearer Is quite ill at this witting. Dr. Jones is attending him. Mrs. I. C, Roblnett, of Central Point, was a guest of Mrs. T. W. Johnson Tuesday. L. Swingle ia improving his resi denoe on Almaond street by adding two rooms and porches thereto. ' Miss Winnie . Lindley returned Thursday of this week to Bellingham, Wash., after visiting wlttt ;her unole, G. P. Lindley, and family for a time, Mrs. A. Craven and . daughter, Miss Ethel, were touring Ashland Tuesday, looking over the picturesque for which our neighboring olty is famed. Angua McDonald ,is adding four rooms and porches to his residenoe at tbe terminus of Cottage street, mak ing in all a very comfortable dwelling far hlmBelf and family. The sonorous hammer and rasping saw are keeping true to lightin time at tbat over here, The rush on the one-half dozen dwellings under head way fairly keep up a zephyt of their own, while any kind ot a sluggard would be moved to- life by the inspir ation handed out. AMONU THE CHURCHES. X. E, CHURCH : . ' Rev. W. C. Reuter, the new pastor ot the Methodist Episcopal church, both S has reaobed tbe oity and will preach next Sabbath morning on' "Gospel Dynamite." Preaobing also nights. The publlo ia oordlally invited. M.E.OUUBUH, SOUTH. Rev. W. T, Goulder, transferred by the annual conference of the M. E oburcb. South, at its recent session at Roseburg, Oregon, to Medford, will. preaob in the M. E. churob, South, Sunday, the 14th, at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. GERMAN-LUTHERAN. Rev. F. Saok will hold services in English at the residenoe of Fred Lun- dabl, in Roxy preoinot, on Sunday next at 2 p. m. All are oordlally in vited, ,PKE8BV1'ERUN CHURCH. Preaobing next Sunday morning and evening at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Boys' Ulub Tuesdays at 73:0 p. m. Girls' Club' Saturdays at 2:30 p.. mi Prof. Mul key, of the State Normal School, will address tbe olabs Tuesday evening at 7:30 p. m., October 16th. Ladies' Aid Tuesdays at 2:00 p, m. W. F. SHIELDS, Pastor. OHKISTIAN SOIEtfO.8 SERVICES. ObrlBtian Soienae servloes are held; every Sunday at 11 a. m., at theXJom merolal Club rooms. Subject for Sun day, October IStb, "Doctrine of. Atonement." All are oordlally in vited. . Notice Notioe to real property, owners in. 1 aewer uratrioc wo. a., AT. t h I I LL., -1. 11.- nuuivo ao ueieuy fiveu bum HI Lue meeting of the oity oounoil of Med ford, Oregon, held September 14,. 1906, tbe following proceedings were bad: That tbe city oounoil of Medford, Oregon, proposes to improve tbat por tion of sewer distriot No. 3, lying be tween C street and tbe county road,, by oonstruoting a lateral sewer from tbe main sewer on 9th street, through tbe Brobaok reserve, Lumsden's-addi-tlon and DavlB' addition, to the south boundary of said district. Said improvements to- be made in aooordanoe with the oharter, ordi nance and regulationa of the oity of Medford' and the estimate or the oity engineer tiled in tbe recorder's office in said oity. Remonstrances agaiuat the- above improvement must be filed in the re corder's office by. Ootober 16th, at 6 o'olock p. m. By order ot tbe oity oounoil. . BENJ. M. COLLINS, Olty Recordar. Medford; Oregon, September 19 1906i 38-lt ( : SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES HASKINS' DRUG STORE. ft