The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, October 12, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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    School Begins September 17th.
The Medford
Book Store
Is the Sole Agents for School
Books; and also have a large
assortment of all kinds School
Moore Building,
West Side.
M My A a say sm Af say. Sl sa SaV. af saV. SSst'Avst' st
- in St.vlA I4rflr unrl Hif. f
Fall Woolens are Now Ready for Your Inspection,
3 I.VDJI. 1 01&YV1.1V,
West Side of Track.
Because a Mr. Mudd bought Are
'balldlDg loU in Otmd, Kansas, the
Ballna Journal infers that he most
have tbe duet, BtlU the property may
'bare been dirt cheap. '
8tensland's oonfeasion that it took
nlm ten yearl lb steal $500,000 doesn't
Improve tbe looks of the eagle eyed
'bank examiners who took longer than
that to find It oat. '
A number of people have remarked
that Secretary Taft has a great deal
at "get lip" about him, especially
-when he la down.
Mrs, Carrie Chapman Catt, tbe not
ted American olub woman, has been
' .-nceired abroad by royalty and some
ot the foreign papers bars tbe temer
ity to declare that she has a perfect
right to look at a king,
A New York man has oomplalned in
the oonrt that his wife is a poker
Hand, Even at that, he may be get
ting otf easier than the man whose
wife li a rolling pin fiend.
We dare Foraker to submit a refer
endum of the Toters of Ohio on tbe
general proposition that he knows
better than President Koosevelt what
.la good for tbe country.
.3fOTd His Life.
"J. W. XJavenport, ' Wingo, Ky.,
wrlUs June 14, 1902: "I want to tell
you I believe Ballard's Snow Llul
mAnfc anAd mv llfn. I was under
the treatment of two doctors, and
' bum luu uud ui uiy iuuw una ou-
" tlrely gone, and the other badly
i: affected. I also bad a lump on my
aide. 1 don't tbink tbat I could have
V lived over two months longer. It was
r Induced by a friend to try Ballard's
iSnow Liniment. ' The Brat applica
tion gave me great relief ; two fifty
sent bottles cured me sound and
It Is a wonderful medicine aud I
recommend It to suffering humanity.
Bold by Ohas. Strang, Medford; Cen
tral Point Pharmaoy.
Klamath County Mews.
From tbe Klamath Falls Republican '.
Mrs. J. Frank Adams, who has
been visiting relatives in the Rogue
River Valley slnoe her return from
the Boise Irrigation Congress, arrived
here Friday. She was accompanied
by her Bister, Mrs, Ed. Cardwell, wbo
will remain here for a abort time.
Hnior Worden has purohased the L,
Wllllts property, with a frontage
on Main street of 110 feet Tbe price
paid is 15,600. Tnle Is the largest real
ty deal in business property that has
been made in this ofty and marks the
.feign water price.
W. F, Arant, superintendent of
"Crater lake park, was down for the
fair, and oombined business with
pleasure. lie states that a great deal
of work has been done In tbe reserve
this year, partlouhrly on the roads,
The new residence built by tbe gov
. J .. .. kU . ................. .1 .... .
la about oompleted and is a model of
convenience and duraoiuty.
Mrs. Morrison, of Portland, who ar
rived In Klamath Falls last Saturday.
la now looking over tbe Hot Springs
addition with a view of purchasing a
suitable alte near the depot for a large
rooming house and restaurant, to be
run on sue niuropean plan. jura, juor
rlson is a good business manager and
will oertainly make no mistake if she
locates in the Wot Springs addition,
From the Klamath Falls Express:
Totton A Hansbury, the owners of
me steamer winema, are building a
wnarz ana making numerous improve,
menU on the waterfront.
There Is now considerable aotivity
on the Upper lake waterfront Tbe
two small steamers that have been out
of commission for some months, are
in dry dook undergoing repairs and
will be launched shortly. Fielder &
Pinkerton, the wooa dealers, will use
one of them for towing barges loaded
with wood from their camp on the
lake. They eipeot to bring down sev
ral hundred oordB of wood in the next
few we)ka. Mason & Davis are hav
ing an enormous barge oonstruoied to
oe used lor naming sand lor tbe oou
orete work in the tunnel.
' J. B. Meehan mat with a utrlnnn an-
oldent yesterday morning while en
gaged in hauling lumber. The four'
one team that he was drivins be.
oame frightened and ran away. He
was inrown irom tne wagon ana sus
tained Injuries about the head that
resulted In oonoussion of the brain.
Dr. U. S. Marryman was called to
tne eoene oi tne aooident. wnion oc
curred about two miles from this
oity, and made the injured man aa
comfortable as possible. Mr. Meehau
is seventy three years of age and tbe
injuries sustained fall heavily upon a
man ii suan aavanoea years.
There Is no use trvlna to hide oar
snonoomings irom tne world, mxag
gnrated reports have gone to the out
side world that are dolna us a world
of narm. Ther is some basis for
these reports. Any stranger tbat
comes bere can see and smell tnls bas
... t.. i ....... i u hi. .. in
la, w n i ui.j uuuuuui uur uuaibu uui-
oer and our marshal have got to get a
move on ana see teat tne city is put
In a good sanitary condition at onoe.
Not only is tire good name of our city
at stake, not only are such conditions
driving intending investors away, but
tne neaun ana lives oi moee near ana
dear to us are endangered.
The real fun began when- the bron
cho busters oame into the arena. A
large bunoh of wild horses had been
brought in from the Frank Adams
ranoh and were ridden as fast as they
aould be saddled. "Montana" Rey
nolds, one of tbe main "suaeezers."
demanded a horse tbat oould buok,
aud C, T. Oliver produced' one ot hie
oia stage norees; me vaqnero mount
ed, but soon left his Beat unwillingly.
He mounted again and In tarn was
promptly unseated. The horse was
then given a ohaaoe to rest, and was
aftorwardB ridden by Homer Roberta,
who proved .to be master of tbe soien
tltlo buoker. Other riders mounted
aud rode vioious horses, aud ludueB
awarded the prizea as follows; Homer
Kouerts, nrst prize, a ou saaaie ; koss
Sutlon, seoond, a 830 bridle; "Mon
tana" Reynolds, third, a pair of sil
ver mounted emirs. The riding con-
teat eudoa the greatest fair ever held
in niamatn ooanty.
Klamath countv'a greatest fair la a
tning or me past, it was a-grana euo
oeBS In everv nartiaular. To beeln
witn tne aeugnuui unpiemiwr weatnor
made the time an Ideal one for dis
playing exhibits, for raoes and for all
forms to amusements. The fair open
ed Thursday morning and many of
tne exnibtts were on tne oiouna be
fore the gates were thrown open to tbe
public Friday morning many more
agricultural and horticultural exhibits
arrived and In tbe attornoon the die-
play was suoh that It made every real-
dent of thia oounty feel proud of hlB
borne. Saturday was the gala day of
the lair, Early in tne morning farm
ers and ranohors began to arrive from
I Medford Cement Construction Co.
Manufacturers of
Garden Walks, Walls, Copings, Curbs, Driveways,
, Etc., Concrete Foundations, Basement Floors,
Vaults, Fences, Etc, All Work Guaranteed
For information call, at factory on creok bottom
back of Osonbruggo residence, or see
various parts of tbe oounty. The ax.
hlblt of agricultural produce was
largely Inoreaaed and the livestock
display assumed proportions. The at
tendance in tbe afternoon was approx
imately one thousand. This being tbe
last day of the fair and the wind up
of the race meet, and also the riding
oonteat, all of the events were especi
ally lively and highly Interesting to
tbe spectators.
A Young- Mother at Seventy.
"My mother has suddenly been
made young at 70. Twenty years of
intense suffering from dyspepsia had
entirely disabled her, until six
months ago when she began taking
Eleotrlo Bitters, which nave ocm
pletely oured her and restored tbe
strength and aotivity she bad In tbe
Srime of life," writes Mrs, W. Ii.
ilpattlok, of Danfortb, Me. Groat
est restorative medicine on the globe,
Seta Stomach, Liver and Kidneys
right, purifies the blood and ouies
Malria, Biliousness and Weaknesses
Wonderful Nerve Tonio, Prioe 50o.
Guaranteed by Ohas. Strang's drug
Why john Henry rStuck
A Pin Into Mr. Molar.
TOHN HENRY," said Mr. Sterling-
J worth severely to bis son as be
led him by tbe right ear Into a
room in the rear of the house, "your
mother tells me tbat you stuck a pin
Into Mr. Molar when he was here this
afternoon calling upon your sister and
that be jumped up and left tbe house,
declaring tbat be would never call bere
John Henry nodded.
"You seem to have the facta, papa,"
he said.
"Before I thrasb you within an inch
of your life, my son," Mr, Sterling
worth went on as be reached for bis
cane, "let me say that this whipping
will hurt you considerably more than It
will hurt me."
"I know that," said John Henry, with
heroic fortitude.
"I also wish to know," Mr. Sterling-
worth said, "before I begin what pos
sessed you to act In so shameful a
manner and to drive away the only
beau that Ethel has bad in two years.
Now, tell me."
"Well, Mr. Molar Is a dentist, and"-
, "oo on, air.",
"I will, papa. I-I"
"You you"
"I asked him If he was a painless
aentlst, ana he said he was, but
wasn't sure, and so I thought I'd ex
periment. I don't believe he's painless
at all, papa, for be yelled."
"Tbat will do, my son," Interrupted
Mr. Sterllngworth. "This won't be a
painless thrashing either."
Then ho went to work, aad there Is
reason to believe that It wasn't. Tit
Bits. She Knew Better.
After tbe performance It was one of
those rattling roof garden shows the
pretty new.recrult went up to the man
ager for his verdict.
' "Well, want do you think of me?"
she asked.
"Greatl" cried the manager. "You
made a hit"
"And how did I look?" she ventured,
aglow with Inward triumph.
"Stunning! You were tbe prettiest
girl in tbe cborus. Come out and have
supper with me."
Tbe fair recruit blushed. "I know
better," she said.
"What I You deny that you're the
"No, no," she broke In. "I mean that
I know better than to take supper with
you. ' But I'll go Just the same."
Young's Magazine.
Overlooked One Part of It.
The rector's little daughter did not
appear to be wholly satisfied.
"Why, dear," said hor mother, "don't
you remember you prayed the other
night for a brown collie dogt Well,
here It 1b."
"Yes," pouted the little girl, "but I
prayed for a brass collar and chain
too." Chicago Tribune.
First Fish A fisherman caught mc
awhile ago and landed me in the bot
tom of a boat. It was like being In
Second Fish How did you manage
to escape?
First Fish-The boat began to leak
and some one balled me out. Detroit
Pree Press.
A Drr Clean.
All prisoners, on admission, shall be
conipcBcd to take a bath. rrlson Reg
ulation. New Arrival I say, guv'nor, I don't
want no batb. Couldn't you do me
with one of these 'ere vacuum clean
ers Sketch.
He ' Wan "
"You told me ho was a good ladles'
horse," angrily said the man who bad
made the purchase.
"He was," replied the deacon. "My
wife owned him, and she's one of the
best women I over knew." Chicago
Tne Dea-tnnlnar ot Knowledge.
"Tom really don't believe, then, that
man la ftvAP ton old to learn?"
"rtartnliriv nnt. I've known men to
got married at tw age of sovenry-nve
or more,' I'nunaeipuia jueugvr.
Artist How much for the glass of
Feasant Oh, nothing much! You
might Just paint me a little picture for
it !-Fllegende Blatter.
Outran e Indeed.
Colonel Bluegraas Did yo' hear of
that White Cap outrage last nlgbt, sub?
Judge Bludsoe No, sub, I did not
Colonel Bluegrass A most dastard
ly affair, sub! The scoundrels over
powered Major Bowie on a lonely road,
tied hlB hands and feet and with the
aid of a funnel and by holding bis
nose poured a glass of water down
bis throat, sub! American Spectator.
A oold'IlB?muoh more easily cured
when thejjf bowels are open. Ken
nedy's Laxative Honey and Tar opens
the bowels and drives the cold out ot
the system In young or old. Sold by
Jbaa. Strang, Medford; Mary Mee,
The Laarlo of Youth.
"You called grandpa a naughty
) "i only said he was an old fuss."
"That was very naughty."
"But papa says you're a fuss too:"
"That boa nothing to do with grand
pa." "Why, yes. It has, mamma It It
runs la the family." Cleveland Plain
"Amid all de slings and arrors of
Injustice dat so lnglner'ly conflicts de
cullud man," Bald' Brother TJtterback,
"dar am one pompous consolation no
nigger ever comes home and gits a
beatln' turn de wife of his buzzom
ub-kase of a long blond hair she hap
pens to And on de lapel of his coat.
TJckl NasBahl" Puck.
And That's All.
"Yes," Bnld the wise bachelor, "wo
man's just a creature of impulse.
When she will she will, and that's all
there is about lt."-
"That may be true," replied the
young man wbo had hoped to be mar
ried, "but sometimes she merely says
she' will." Philadelphia Press.
"Do-you think the theater Is a means
of educating the public?"
"Certainly," answered Mr. Stormlnf
ton Barnes.
"But all this dancing It presents?"
"My dear sir, tbe tendency of all ed
ncatlon at present Is largely athletic."
Washington Star.
Juraa Ooldei rrav - -vwamm
Pawnor Kind of Window.
Every window in a bouse should be
as high as tbe celling, but a paneled
top that can be opened In the summer
and closed In tbe winter, If ceilings
were only six feet high and every oc
cupant of a house stood seventy Inches
the accumulation of fetid odors against
the celling would Boon kill.
Woulilnt De Law.
"I understand tbat Mrs. De Style Is
t great stickler for having everything
tf the most exclusive kind."
"Yes; she discharged hor doctor be
cause lie told hor that hor temperature
was too low." Kschunge.
Learning hatb its Infancy, when It
Is almost childish; then Its youth, when
luxurious and juvenllo; then Its
strength of years, when solid, and, last
ly, its old age, when dry and exhaust.
Blade a Had Job of It.
Mr. Bacon That Mr. Crossley, wbo
called last evening Is a self made man.
Mrs, Bacon Too bad he couldn't have
made himself a little mora agreeable.
g Repairing
?i All Work Guaranteed i
ij The Bicycle Doctor,. S
tj Eades' Second Hand 2
g Store, West Side, Med- &
E ford, Oregon. f
west Sine Livem, Feed ana sale staples.
R. O. DUNCAN, Prop.
Rigs Newly Added. Horses Boarded by Day, Week
or Month.
Moore's Brick Stables, West Side
' Medford, Oregon
Page jgggftl Fence
12.5 Miles Just Received. Examine The PAGE
before buying
NICHOLSON & PLATT, Medford, Oregon.
GADDIS & DIXON, Agents for Jackson,' Josephine
and Klamath Counties.
Wholesale and Retail dealer In
Medford, Oregon
NoW is the time to get your Disc Plow ready for
plowing, and we offer you the Celebrated Sanders Disc
Plow, andguarantee it to work with any plow on the
market. Tin sizes from one to four discs.
No sDMllte. loss of alrenith,
dms, hsadacha, eonitlpatlon, bU areata,
Stntiai debility, sour rlslnfs, and catarrh el
is stemaoh are all due to Indlroattoa. Keaal
euru Indtgullon. This new discovery repre
sents the natural juices of digestion aa fee;
exlil in a healthy stomach, combined will
Iks greatest known tonlo and reconstructive
properties. Kodol Dyspspsla Curs does net
only cure Indigestion and dyspepsia, eut this
famous remedy oures all stomaoh Ireuslw
by olesnilng, purifying, sweetening anf
strengthening the mucous membranes Being
the stomach.
Mr. S. 8. Bitt, of fUmrml. W. Vs., arsr
" I wu troublad will! sour Douch lor twonr raif
Kodol curW mo ud we iro now luinf ta BUi
for baby."
Koaol Mgesta What Yea Bat,
SottlMeslr. tl.OO SUo boUlntlK HBUSWaM
alia, wblcs fell! lor 00 cnta
Praaare. ay I, O DsWiTT a 00., OH IDAS
For Sale by Chas. Strang
In an addresB to a temperance Boele
ty a lecturer told bow drink bad onco
caused the downfall of a brave soldier.
In the course of tbe sad story be sold;
"Sometimes, after a debauch, tbe
man would be repentant, humble. He
would promise his wife to do better.
But, alas, the years taught her the bar
renness of all such promlsos. And one
night, when he was getting to be an
old man, a prematurely old man, thin
limbed, stoop shouldered, with red
rimmed eyes, he said to his wife sadly:
"you're a clever woman, Jenny, a
courageous, active, good woman. Ton
should have married a better man than
I am, dear.'
"She looked at him, and, thinking of
what he had once been, she answered
In a quiet voice:
" I did, James.' "
Market Report
This list will be changed each
week as prices obanfre :
Wholesale Prioe Retail Price
Flour. . (34 per ton (2.00 per 100 lbs
Bran. .(18 per ton (1.10 per 100 lbs
Chop. Corn $27 ton. (1.60 per 100 lbs
R Barley (26 per ton. ..(145 per 100 lbs
Wbsat in bulk 60o
Oats... 40
Barley 90o per 100 lbs
Potatoe (1.00 per 100 lbs
Eggs, per do 30c
Butter, per lb 22ic
Beans, white dry $3.90 per 100 lbs
Beans, red dry, per lb 3c
Onions (1.00 per 100 lbs
Bacon, per lb 12o
Hams, per lb 16o
Shoulders, per lb.... '. 12o
Lard, per lb 12o
Hogs, live, per lb 6 to 6o
Beef, live, per lb 2 to So
Mutton, per lb 3ic
Chlokens, spring 9c. per lb
Chickens, old 8c. per lb
Hay baled, grain 10.00
in of Repairing. House Wiring a Speolal-
ty. All Work Guaranteed. Trices
S Sight.
Complete and thorough training
in the Commercial Shorthand and
English branches. Individual In
struction and Up-to date improve
ments. The expense is the lowest
and the advantages are the best,
No more thorough course to be
naa anywhere, and the total ex
pense oi scouring such a course
here is but little more than half
the cost of getting the same in the
larger cities.
Address, Ashland Commercial
College, Ashland, Oregon.
Our graduates are employed and
more demanded than we can sap
omc, 7th sod B, Opposite Medford Bank.
PUonoNo. 108,
gy Veterinary Dentistry a Hpeolalty
. All call orders promptly
filled day or night. ,
Ofkioe at Union Stables, Medford, Or
Homestead and Timber Land tilings and
proofs, made. Testimony taken Id land coo
Office with Mo4ford Mall Medford Oregon
Any or all kinds of Surveying prompt'. done
The County Surveyor can give you tne oalj
Medford, Oregon
Offloeboura 11 to 12 a. m. and 1:80 to 8 p. n
X-Ray Laboratory Examination 11.80 to 2J
umos iiaBKin uiock, uearora, Oregon.
Fslm-Neldermeyer Building. 'Phone 41S-
O face: Boom - Palm-Neldermeyop Block
Keildenoe: Corner South C aud Nlnth-ttreety
I, D. PHIPPS, D. D. S.
Offloee n Adklna Blook, aflJclEleg flu Has
DrugBtore Medlbrd, Oregon
Office: Room 6; Adklna' blook. Calls promptl
attended day or night. 'Phone 563,
Medford Oregon.
TJ. S. Deputy Mineral
OfflOB In Palm Building, MEDFORD, OSEOON.
UatlBfaotlon guaranteed o
ork done by Day or Contract.
2 Will have for the Season's
J Trade of 1906, 80,000 Pear
Trees in the following var-
21 25,000 Bartlett
S 2&000 D. DuComice
2 10,000 Beurred'Anjou
. 10,000 B. Boso
4 5,000 Howell
Jfc ' 5,000 Winter Nelis
II Also Apple, Peach, Cherry,
5 Apricot and Berry Plants
2 and Monterey Cypress.
a Central Point, Oregon.'
Vice President,
W.B. Jaokson,
, Asst. Cashier
The Hiedford Bank
Medford. Oregon
A General Banking Business
vinrTTHAWarvwrAiyt iransacteo
tops tl oongH sad feaala lustre, J
Subscribe for The Mail.
Founders and Machinists.
Mining and Milling Machinery.
Agents for Fairbanks, Morse A .Co.
Gasoline Engines and Spray Outfits
and Power Pumps. Figure with us
on '
New and Second Hand
Boilers and Engines.
And Those Intending Building, call at Medford's
New Tin and Plumbing Shop. Workmanship and
material first-class. Prices Reasonable.
Medford, Oregon.
fijBOJ tlu tilH mn pm SHI' V-t