VAN DYKE'S MEN'S AND BOY'S Clothing' Complete lines of "Wear Proof" Boys' and Young Men's Clothing. Boys' two piece suits at , 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 5.00, 7.50 Young Men's Clothing in Blue Serge and fancy Cheviots and Worsteds, at 7.50, 10, 12.50, and 15.00. Sizes 33 to 36.- Men's Clothing in good staple pat terns, at 10 00, 12.50, 15.00, 20.00 and 25.00, per suit. VaiDyKe,s CLOTHING, SHOES and DRY GOODS Mountain Amnio, poollshed t Sampler, Oregon: "Last owning In tb rotunda of the Hotel Sumpter Terjr pretty compliment wm paid to Miss Ague Love, largely through the Instrumentality of Mr. Frid D. Ful ler and the young lady' mother, Mr. G. M. Lore. The soola! Inci dent took the form of a danolng party, during the number of whloh daluty repasts were aerred. Pretty denotations were plaoed about the foyer in an attractive manner, wild rosea, aster and red illuminations lending a most pleasing effect. Miss Agnes Lore will take her departure either tomorrow or Monday for Boa ton, where abe will enter the New England Conservatory of Music one will Join Mlsa Florenoe DeBar, of Eugene, at Baker City, who la going eaat to enter Wellealey College." The young ladle were June graduate, Mis !e Bar oompletlng the full daae ioal oourse at the University of Ore gon and Misa Love finishing at the Spokane high sobooi, and both give promise of exceptional ability In the realm of musio- For three years the young ladle were pupils of Mr. E. E. Gore and were' oooildered talented and ambitious students and accom plished pianists. Miss Love's address will be No. 20 Aabford' St., Boston, I See Hedford Furniture Co. ! Housef urnisbers and Undertakers; Day Phone 353 Wight Phone 115 fCITY HAPPENINGS. W. R. Byrum, of Table Rook, bas -not a very large orohard, but he haa the swiftest produoing trees of any in th" valle. HIb is pumice land, euch as is a good part of the land In the Table Rock eeotlon, and it is proving to be the very best, Mr. Byrum this season had ripe peaohes and Logan berrieB from ten days to two weeks earlier than the asme truits in otber sections. The soil being of a lighter nature seemB to 'warm quicker than the heavier soils and accordingly pro duces earlier. Mr. Byrum has put out an orohard of 200 trees, which 1b doing nicely, and he is very much elated over the prospeots. i?np flnlA 6S Acres of the CoL John E. Ross farm, two and one-half miles from Medford, with all improvements, for $105 per aore. White & Trowbridge. G. W. Stevens,of Biownsboro, was In Medford Saturday, lie tellB that work is progressing finely on the road whloh is being made over and repair ed, between the Kiley place and Brownsboro. Jack True is there at work with the county's road-making outfit and if the rain holds off a few weeks long a needed improvement shall have been finUhed, Mr. StevenB raised a goodly sum of money by sub scription for this work and the ooun- I,.. aAAntt a nnnBlfapnhlA Amount to this and a good road is assured. The road will first be graded, then there will be a layer of ooarse rock put on this and then over ail a good ooating of crushed rook. Wanted A man t ) sell in this field oxolusively for one of the largest nur series in the west; onen advanced weekly on orders. Address, Washing ton Nursery Co., Toppenish, Wssn. -31-tf The Southern Oregon Normal School has a standing offer of one Tear's free tuition in that institution -to the eighth grade pupil in any of the sohoolB of the oounty who makes the highest average grading at final examination eaoh year. Miss Lucy Shearer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Al. Shearer, was awarded the free tuition laat spring, she having made the highest average of all eighth grade students. She was a student in the Medford schools. Unfortuntery the young lady will be unable to take ad vantage of the Normal's offer, as ihe has moved to Portland with her parents. Five-room house and lot, well lo nabvl. for 1100O. Rente for tlO I month. House, barn and lot in west Medford for (1100. . Lot 70x190, These are an ana and eheaner than paying rent See W. T. If or it. 29-tf James W. Peart, who is in charge of the Lyon's orohard, in East Med ford, is demonstrating what that orohard will do. The orohard has been produoing excellent fruit, but ia doing even better this year.than ever, and the betterment la due primarily to the careful and intelligent atten tion whioh ll bas received at the hands of Mr. Peart His apples, es pecially hiB New towns, are very fine indeed, and can hardly be excelled. If they don't bring a fanoy figure it won't be the fault of the apples nor that of the grower. . There Is a saying among horsemen that there are "more balky drivers man saucy horses." There may be aome "balky" orchardmen, but Mr. Peart isn't one of them. For rent 1200 aores of land under lenoe. Good stock and general farm ing land. Good, liberal proposition given some one to set out and oare for 50 to 100 aores of orohard for five years. Wm. Scott, Agate,Oregon. 39-3 Frank M. Centers, who, a few months ago, purchased the George Syron place, north of Medford, 1b ereotlng a dwelling thereon. The building is 11x26 feet in size and one and a half stories high. He is also going to pnt up a barn tnls fall. Be will engage quite extensively in dairy lng and poultiy raising. There are but twelve acres in his place, but from nine aores of It he took, tbiB season fifty-five tons of alfalfa. He out twen tv tons of this at one cutting from seven aores. Our candies are fresh everv other day buy the fresh made kind ooBts no more and It Is muoh healthier at Karnes & Kitter. Wanted Bright, energetic young man ; men or anility and pubo to sen the best grown nursery stock on the e acino ooast : a one opportunity tor oollege student during vacation j money ror expenses advanoeca weeny ; write us or call at our ottioe, 312 West Seoond street, for- tolli particulars. Albany nurseries, incorporated, Al bany, Or. 31-tf it's very raw- weeks that go by during whioh something new doesn't show up in the- lino of produots of Rogue River Valley,, something that hasn't been tried' before, and the oonntry 1 alwaws there with the goods, whether th experiment 1 tried on the animal, vegetable or min eral kingdom. Just now it' alfalfi seed. Of oourse, alfalfa seed has been grown and' threshed', on a small scale before, but nothing like making it an important product haa been tried heretofore. Nothing to prevent it, though, exoept somebody to take bold. Just now it looks aa If the de mand for "Utah Reoleaned" would be out down in the future by a coun ter demand for "Home Grown" seed, and exportation is not impossible. Uncle lorn MoAndrew brought to this office Wednesday a sample of alfalfa seed grown north of Central Point, whloh looks strictly first-class and Is absolutely clean. This seed was threBhed by Hurley & Savage, who have Invested $800 In an alfalfa seed huller and are demonstrating the feasibility of raising the seed here. They have about 600 acres of alfalfa to thresh. Dart of whioh aoreage be longs to Mr.'MoAnrdew. The yield 1b very good. A loosely filled header We detest shouting and "Blowing Your Own Horn," but we can't help feeling a sense of pride at the Super ior Merits possessed by the Gronaries we handle. If you wish to purchase Gro eeries that are fresh, whole some and appetizing, we Lave every reason to believe that this is the place to get them. Let us supply you daily you will find our prices very reasonable. Roberts & Reagan Phone, 373. J. J. Brown, of Central Point, as in Medford Monday with a load of fruit from his orohard. He has five aorea of a mixed variety of fruit, whioh has produced wonderfully well this season. Be also bas a young orohard of fifteen ceres wbioh 1b faBt growing into big golden dollars. This is Bet to Boac and (Jomloe pears, is two and throe years old and every tree growing fine. Be has torty-flve aores of fine Bear creek bottom land and aside from bis fruit he has twenty aores of it in alfalfa. Wanted Goats to pasture on BhareB. Plenty of good pasture. Ad dress "B". oare Mail, Medford, or G. H. Griffin, Merlin. Thirty-eight members of Weatcn- ka Tribe, lmp'd. O. R. M., visited the hunting grounds of Jacksonville Wednesday evening, where they were guests of Oregonlan-Pooahontas Tribe No. 1. The evening was pleasantly spent in a soolal reunion. Speeches were made by members of both tribes, and preliminary arrangements msde for taking the warpath in Jack sonville hunting grounds, and a big scalp danoe in Deoember. A banquet wound up the festivites of the even ing, Rye, vetah, alfalfa anbU kinds of grass seed ror sale, in any ivutu; av warenouuv, iueu- box will ordinarily thresh one bun died pounde of seed, Lost Either at the Ray dam or between the dam andMedtord.onaun day. bentember 16th. a light oravan etce overooat. finaer aaoress ner bert Hsrtzell. box 138. Medford. Ore gon, or leave at the Mail office aod reoeive reward. 38-lt Several years ago four to be more exsot the late J. H. Stewart planted' an orohard on bis plaoe on upper Kogue river, being fully confident that fruit of eBpeoiaily fine quality oould be produoed there. This year part of the orchard oame into bearing and a hundred boxes of as fine pears as one would wish to see was the re- salt. Next year tbe oresard will be In full bearing and will eenflrm the judgment of its planter. For Sale Oldsmobitek model 1905, will aarrv four Dersons :-n good con dition. Will demonstrate. Reason for selling have ordered light Run about. Apply to Dr. ju. a. floKel, Ex-Chief of Police D. H. Angle and Roy James, who have been open lng up a piaoer mine on Grouse creek, California, ten miles from Coles, in which W. M. Kennedy and others are interested, returned to Medford Tues day evening They have opened an old channel, wbioh was loit former workers of the mine,and olaim to have a fine proBpeot They will re turn in a few days. Wanted Experienced girl for gen eral housework, Good wages. Mrs, W. I. Vawter. s-tr Bon. Wm. M. Colvig, of Jackson ville, will soon beoome a resident Medford, having this week purohaied the residence property of Mrs. S. White, on South J street, opposite tbe sobooi house, paying therefor A foroe of men left this week to commence work on tb Kisn Lake Co.' dam at Fish lake. A dam will be constructed to raise th wsteri of the lake so that muoh of tbe water whioh now goea to waste may b saved for summer use. The oompany is de termined to set the - minds of those who have doubted their ability to supply water In suttiolent quantity at rest on that point Tbe FiBh lake reservoir, baoked up by the reserve supply which the oompany will hive at Fonr Mile lake will furnish enough water for their purposes for many years to come. ' Good wishes - ara worth having, but they do not take tbe place of buying a season ticket for tne Lyoeum Course and helping the high school get a piano. Oley Mlokelson died at tbe Burrel orchards, where he had been em ployed, on Thursday morning. He was about sixty years of age. Oley was at one time the beat blacksmith in Jaoksoo! oounty, but be was Mb own wont enemy and gradually lost bus mesa, friend and ambition, natll he was- at last content to exercise what remained of bis skill la return for a mere pittance, euoagb to buy 'occasionally enough liquor to become temporarily oblivious to htooondltlon. For sale Desirable residenoe, oi residenoe property, all In fine loca tion. - Enquire at this otttee. 3B-tf W. H. MoGOwan is arranging to put Im avail- water plant of hi own, out at bis very pretty home, on Oak daU' avenuei He- ha built tank tower and haa goed-atxadt tank in plaoe, into whioh he wilt pomp water from- hi- welli The water will be used for irrigating purpose. With water In abondano hi will be- the prettiest home-of "all the- oouatry 'round.' Another oar of th famous "Blue Ribbon" bard wheat flour at E. N. Warner1 Double Front Grocery. 30-tf. Mrs. Anna Clay, wife of Wilson S. Olayv died- at the family residence, In Westr Medford, on Thursday, Sep tember 27th Mrs. Olay was a native of New York and was sixty-three year, tour month and thirteen days of age, The funeral takes plaoe this ( Friday) afternoon. Funeral aervloes will be oonduoted by Rev W. F Shields and tbe interment will be made in Phoenix cemetery. Don't blame- anybody but your self If you fall to get a season tioket for tbe Lyoeum uourse. During O. W. Palm absence in Newport this summer someone entered his real estate office and stole his new Remington typewriter and the theft was not discovered until hlB return few weeks ago. On Monday of this week: Chief of Police Howard found the-stolen property in tbe old Gorsline lumber yard, and not much damaged by the exposure-. Medford now has the most up-to- date- abstract system In this oounty See Jackson County Abatraot Co. Palm-Neldermeyer building. 2-tf A letter from Miss Allda Cox, formerly of Medford, now in the em ployment of a large oloak establish ment in New York City, tells that her Bister, Mies Emily, is married, but to whom she does not state. Her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cox, have left Delaware and are now traveling In New York state. -The best vou have ever Been this season's Lyceum Course. Eight num bers. Get a season ticket. Tbe excavation for the Beptio tank being built by the oity was' finished Wednesday and the cement work will be oommenoed next week. The tank will be 40x15 teet in size, eight feet deep and lined with solid cement a toot thick. For trade A Wilkes stallion good reoord for Medford property. Also have for sale apsu of 1100 pound mares, team, harness snd wagon. In quire of W. T. York, Medford. 39-tf W. K. Warner, who arrived in Medford this week from Bellingham, Washington, haa purohased the R. H, Hodge property, in the Orohard Home tract. There are aleven aores In the pleoe and the price paid was 81900, fthioh inoludeB a quantity of wood and hay and Borne househhold goods. Brick for sale. '1 have 100,000 ohoice brick for sale. u. w. frid- dy. J-ti Wanted A girl to do house work, Steady employment. Inquire of Mrs, W. T. York. J. A ford. Perry1 39-tf A. W. Walker, one of the proprie tors of the Nash liver stables, was un fortunate last week in losing a fine pacing stallion. Ho was driving the borne on the street when be was run into by another driving horse and one of tbe thills ran Into too side of tbo stallion, penetrating bis lungs, and from tbe effects of whioh be died the same evening. Koranic Residenoe lot on South C strvt. Lot is 60x108 feet. See Asbaol Buboard. 29-tf Tbe following account of a fare well party given for Miss Agnes Love, a former Jackson oounty girl, ap peared in a reoent issue of the Blue whlthsr he had gon as witness In a case before th olroult court For sale Four work hone, har ness and wagon. Inquire of Frank Reddsn, at Jackson County Bsnk. Messrs.. White fc Trowbrldg re port tb sal of th Bleeoher ranch, south of Jacksonville, to a Mr. Man kin, of Fresno, Calif. The plaoe con tains 1410 aorea and' the- price- paid was $20,000, Tbe property waa owned' by John J, Morgan, An advertise ment in The Mail made this aalei The Rogue River Fruit Growers' Union will commence necking Winter- Nellls pears about Ootober lBt, and will pay the highest market prioe tor auob fruit. ! Friends of Or. and'. Mrs, J, 1)V Reddy were shocked and: pained' Thursday morning to learn.- otr the j death of their son, Michael. Th lit-' tie boy was aged one- year; three j months and fifteen days, Hs was-111 only twenty-four hours. It your wstob or clock 1 out oi has all tbe necessary- tools, material and experlenoe to do good work, and he does it. li-tf The low Lumber A Bo Company haa just finished the ooostrnotlon.of a platform In the Medford'Jaokson- ville shortltne yard,. to-, b tuedl tor. unloading lumber from their, mills,; near Jacksonville, whioh lumber, i brought over on th train. For sale - Guinea- hens,, 75 oenta per pair. Minnie waaoneu, Med ford. 39W2fc Otwratna nhantara, of "Bamriivaf Gisustark" in next issue of The Mail. . Married At the home of .th ofBw elating clergyman, Rev. C. Bu Hoxla, on September 26th, Mr. George Hi Pellett, eon ot M. L. Pellettt of Tal, ent and Miss Bertha M. Hamlin, daughter ot Jeff Hamlin, of Medford.. ror rant A good., aeveo-roomed, bouse. Bee O. D. Owen. WZP. W. T. York has aold hla-realdenoe property in West Medford, oonslating of three lots to Mrs. Gnsale Thomas, the consideration being. $1600. The sale waa made through the agency of M. Bellinger. Alfalfa and grain, hay. Monroe Sc. Miller On the laat page of todav's Mail will be found a list of property owner who have been assessed, by,- the oity, counoll tor the oonstrnotlon oh lateral sewH'R Wanted GOOD-miloh.oow;. En nui. a at Medford oreamerv., 35.t This is the last week ok tne oia olearanoe sale at the Medford Shoe Parlors. The Immense stock, is being offered at big reductions. Read their ad. Get biovoles repaired, by. Evans, at Rads' soond bsnd store; The oity oouuoil haa ordered a new sidewalk put down on the-east aids of South G street., in, the Davis addition. Good house and lot for sa e. En quire of Crystal & Morey. J. K, Darnell, we regret to learn, is quite ill at his home in thls, cky. Dr. Jones Is in attendance. A Few Medford Items. Woven Wire In all Heights for all Purposes. Let us quote you. 10WA LUMBER AND BOX CO. up by 500 LOTS OR MORE. Flour :'. .$1.70 per 100 lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs Rolled Barley. $1.30 per Middlings $1.25 per Mill Feed..... $1.10 per Bran 90 per LESS THAN 500 LOTS. Flour 92.00 per 100 lbs Rolled Barley.. $lfi0 per " lbs Middlings $1.50 per " lbs Mill Feed ,...$1.30 per " lbs Bran $1 10 per " lbs MEDFORD FLOUR MILLS. The Wasohau Bros, have put in a fine billiard parlor on the West Side In one of Mr. Moore's new build- ings. It is, indeed, a very pretty plaoe and is being liberally patronized by a great number of our townspeo ple. No boys under eighteen years of sge are permitted to enter the building. -Try Warner's "Blue Ribbon" hard wheat nour. maaes more oreaa, Bet ter bsead. 30-tf D. C. Wilson has purohased i farm of 200 aores in Sams Valley, tbe land being the old Dugan place, owned by George Riley. The price paid by !Mr. Wilson wu 87500. Mr. Riley has Invested 11000 of this money in the I. J. Stacy farm of eighty aores, in Antiooh preoinot. Good. Bingle buggy and harness tor Bale. Enquire of Crystal Moiey C. W. Palm Is having the founda tion laid for a new brick building on the West Side. The struoture will be 21 by 75 feet In size and one story in heighth. It will be occupied by Winkler & Martin, who will lnorease their stock of goods materially when they move Into their new, CInnA horse and set double har ness, 180. Inquire at this office. tf P. M. MoKlnais, one of the good farmers living south of Phoenix, has reoently built a fine barn on his farm. It is 10x3 feet In size with 18 feet posts and Ib thoroughly substantial and convenient throughout, Opening chapters of "Beverly of Graustark"ln next Issue of The Mall. Fred A. Bell waa acting ohief of police this week, during the absenoe of Chief Howard at. Grants Pais, BY PIONEER. Born Xu. North Medford, Septem harl 9. 1906. to Mr. and Mra. Lewis Jones, a son. I. J. Staoy, one of the prosperous farmers of Uhaooaral district, was tradlns In the city Monday.- Glass Bros., and Talent'a threshing maohlneB have finished, their summer runs and housed their machines. Neil Gage, a prominent stook and poultry raiser, of North Rogue river, Was trading in tbe otty 'inursoay, Rov Staoy. son, of Mr. and Mrs. G, W. Stacy., pioneer roBidentB of Anti ooh, tarried in the oity Thursday night, the guest of V. l martin, former sohoolmate. Ed. Brlsooe, a well and favorably know oitlzen of upper xraii, re mained in tbe oity Sunday nigbt, the unest of his sister, Mrs. Florenoe Moore. Theo. Ulaes. ot the well-known Glass tiros. . a prominent farmers of Antl ooh district, made ub a brief put nionaont call Monday while in tbe oity trading. Last Saturday Mrs. Uusan wnitney, of North O street, In hsr eighty-ninth year, rose irom her easy ohalr,donneo her bat Bnd oloak and trippeu away on a visit to our new brluk sohool housa, whioh is going up so. rapidly although in its rough, unattraotive stage. She expressed herself well pleased with the design and us pros pective beauty, and said she was very thankful for her lease of life and poke quite feelingly of witnessing the ranld growth ot Medford, hei pleasant home from Medford'e infan cy, and to see and realize tne neces sity for these useful changes that are taking plaoe, which speas: or mou ford's future as full of promise. son property, on KaBt Seventh street, vacated by his brother, W. T., who reoently purohased tbe L. M. Lyon's farm. Miss Anna Jeffrey tookk Thursday's ! Bast Medford, on forenoon train for Salem, where she will be employed for the winter In tb schools there. Miss Jeffrey has been among old friends here for the past few weeks, visiting.. Mrs. Ella Arnold , entertained on Friday evening about twenty-live members of the Epworth, League, Games, musio and refreshments of loe oream and uake were enjoyed most heartily by those present Capt Rawllnga baa sold to A. S. Moyer tbe residenoe and one acre traot oooupied by Ji C; Butler and family. The prioe- paid was. 11200, jUBt $500 more than this property sold for less than one year ago. Mrs. John Lindley, of Bellingham, Wash., arrived Thursday and will vis it for several weeks with her mother, Mrs. A. R. Phlppa. Mrs. Lindley was accompanied by- Miss Winnie Lind ley, who is the guest ot G.. P. Lind ley and family.. Mr. and Mrs, W. HI. Page, W. D. Illingworth, Mrs. Helen Jaukson and daughters came in laBt week from Till nmook and will make Medford their home for tht future, provided Mrs, Jackson's health is improved by the change. They have leased H. Tripp's house, on Cottage street. Arobiteot Molntoah and Contractor J.G.Rlvea are more than busy. Tnere is to be another beautiful dwelling in the L. B. Kent property, mar Mr. Kent's beautiful residence, now nearly completed. This will be the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Welob when completed and will be modern in all details, comprising six rooms, batb, pantry and porobea. finished in the most up-to-date man ner and by the beet of wo limea. Bybee Ranches for Sale. KVnm and After this date I will sell" at the beBt advantage and for oash all, or any portion, of thoBe two oer- tain ranones Known as oyww ranch, at the Bybee bridge, on Rogue river, consisting of 1210 aores and the ttyoee Anteiope ranuu, uuuwbwub 1560 aores. With the Bybee river ranch will be sold that portion of the orop upon tbe part puronaBed. Thi ... ranoh is partly under Irrigation and more can be pnt uuaer irrigubiuu. Address me at Agate, Oreogn. 26-tt F. E. BYBEE. Notice to Contractors. Notloe Is hereby given that the oity of Medford will receive bidB until six o'clock Ootober 2, 1908, for the con struction of a oonoroto soptlo tank, 10x45 feet In size. For plans and specifications see oity recorder. All bids must be accompanied by certlneol oheok equal to five per cent of bid. BbjNJ. M. COLLINS, Oity Recorder. East Medford Items. Mrs. Angle Muggy, of Lake creek, Is visiting Mrs. Geo. W. Nichols. Born On Fildsy, September 21, 1900, to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson.a daugn ter. Miss Etta Oglesby, of Portland, was a gueBt of Mrs. Thos. Ciolllns tnls week. Miss Flora Chambers, of Ashland, was a guest on Tuesday f the Misses Angle. Mrs. Alfred Furgereon and daugh ter, Bessie, were home for a few days, t.klnir Wednesday's train for Sacra- hnre thev will spend ine winter. L. O. Porter's residence is being poshed to completion, under tbe man agement of Uell Hazel, contractor. This will be an elegant home, one of the finest in East Medford. Ed. AndrewB, the iamouB Ko Ko, opera singer, Is oocupylng the WU- THERE'S riANY A SLIP between Cup and Lip, But you will not make a Blip if you Purchase your Furnishings Here. We always carry a , stock of Fashionable, Useful and Desirable Furnishings oi Every Kind and De scription, and at the Right Prices. Just now we are having a Sale in STRAW HATS. You should not let such a Rare Oppor tunity pass by. Ufe Toggery Medford's Fashion Store for Men- If-