The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, September 21, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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Great Clearance Shoe Sale
Beginning Saturday, Sept. 1st, and Continuing for 30 Days Only
Everybody Is Headed Our Way;
Here' an Opportunity to Buy the best of FOOTWEAR at Prices so low that no one can afford to stay
away. Having purchased the stock of Cameron & Meyers at a bargain, we are enabled to make these
extraordinary prices. If you care to save money, here's a SHOE SALE, that, in justice to your pocket
uuuk you cannot ignore. . .
EVERY SUMMER SHOE AND OXFORD MUST LEAVE OUR STORH We will not carry Footwear over from one Season to another
and every Man's, Woman's, Misses' and Children's Shoe, is Priced so Low that they'll go at once.
Size Up These Prices and .Stay Away If You Can.
We have a Line of Busby's Seamless
Gloves which we will Close Out at
greatly Reduced Rates.
Women's Shoes and Oxfords.
$3.50 Values, -
3.00 ' " - ...
2.50 " , - - .
2.00 " -. . . ' - . , ' . .
1.50 " -- ,. .
Men's Shoes and Oxfords.
$2.25 $5.00 Values, - - $4 00
1.95 3.50 " - - 2.65
1.75 3.00 " - - - 2.00
1.25 2.50 " - - . 1.75
.75 All Styles and Leathers.
SMITH MOLON Y, Medford, Oregon
Jacksonville News.
Mrs. Harry Foster has been in Port
land last week.
Theo. Cameron as over at Medford
one day this week.
Miss Mabel Elliott Is making Med
ford friends a visit.
Attorney and Mrs, E. D. Brlggs
were down from Ashland Tuesday.
Miss Mande Prim began a term of
tohool on Thompson oreek Monday.
OnlasBeddy and D, L. HiBtt were
over from Medford the first of the
week, .
Henry Carter, of Ashland, is visit
ing nis brother,Deputy Sheriff George
Theo, Engle, of Phoenix, was tran
sacting bnsineBs at the ooauty seat
sonvllle Redmen attended the festivi
Mrs. Cochran (nee Amelia, Muller) tioa ot Bedjnen held in Medford Sat
nd baby were visitors at Jacksonville ar(juy evening.
this week. I Qwen KeBgan and daughter,
Attorney O. H, Durham,, of Urants : Miss Anna, after a six weeks' visit
Pass, was in Jacksonville Monday, on j with relatives in Seattle and Tacoma,
Mine Josephine Donegan, one of this Jacksonville,
county's beBt teaohers, commenced a
term of school at Phoenix Monday.
Miss Dorothy Day, of Grants Puss,
spent a few days in Jacksonville this
week, the guest of Mrs. Chas. Prim.
Mrs. LouIbb Muller and Mrs. Jos.
Murpny, of Medford, spent Thursday
with Mrs. M, M. Taylor, of this plaoe.
Mrs. B. N. Eckelson returned to her
home in Portland on Friday, after
spending a few days at her old home.
Mrs. A. H, Maegley, of Portland, is
in Jacksonville, visiting her sisters,
Mrs. W. W. Kitto and MIsb Stella
"The boys" were all out early Sat
urday morning after China pheaBants,
but were unable to seeure very many
Quite a large representation of Jack
professional business.
i are home again.
Mrs. MoMahon, Miss fiollng and I Dr. R. G. Gale returned to his home
Mrs. J, F, Reddy Bpent a few hours ! at North Bend, Joob county, Thurs-
i day, alter spending a ween witn rela
tives in Jacksonville.
In Jacksonville on Sunday.
Sheriff D, H. Jaokson left the fore
part of the week for Salem, where be
will take In the state fair.
It is reported that Wm, M, Oolvig
I haB sold bis residenoe on Oregon
lofHnAt ,n nM 'P W. TTAatar. far the
Robt. Cook, of ivoots creek, an ex-0001!deratlon'of ,1B00.
county commissioner, was in Jaokson- . . .
Tllle recently, on business. j Mr. Kerr, of Columbus, Ohio, is in
WE have se
cured the Ex
clusive Agency
for the famous
and are now
able, with this
new and com
plete line, to
give you Cloth
ing that is not
equaled by any
in the United
Kirschbaum Clothes are known
everywhere for their superior quality,
Style and Fit.
Prices are within the reach of all.
Try one of our $10 Suits; they never
fail to please.
We can give you any Style or Price
you want, $10, $16, $18, $20, $25.
Don't purchase until you
see what Meeker has. He
can show you where you can
save money.
Pay Less
and Dress Better
Kerr is an expert
painter and was in Jaoksoonville
about one year ago.
Miss Maude Prim, who has been en
gaged to teaoh the Thompson oreek
sobool, left for that district on Satur
day. Tn follolwng marriage licenses have
been issued by the county olerk: D.
MoKee and Catherine Garrett ;Eben R,
Lovelace and Ada Riggs,
Donald Oolvig left last Saturday for
Corvallis, where he will enter the Ag
ricultural Oollege. He was a member
of ths Jacksonville high school class
of '06.
Mrs. John Ortb, who has been at
tending her father, H. E. Ankeny, at
Portland, during nis illness, returned
home last week and reports him slight
ly improved.
Miss Josephine Ortb, after spending
a week at Koseonrg, went on to Port
land to be with her sister. Mrs. Ed.
Wilkinson, wh'b'had an operation pei-
formed on her eye.
Mrs. Mary Peter, who was called to
Baker City by the illness of her sis
ter, Mrs. Moore, returned last week.
She was aooompanled by her sister,
who will spend a few months here.
Mrs. Chas. Nickell, after spending a
week at Jacksonville, returned to
Medford on Monday. She was accom
panied by Misses Bess and Marie
Niokell, who will make their home
Miss Savilla Ton Velle, of South
Medford, was in Jacksonville Tuesday.
Miss Tou Velle has the contraot for
teaching rausio in the different de
partments of the Jacksonville public
Sohool began on Monday with a large
enrollment. Following are the teaoh
ers for the ensuing year: J. Percy
Wells, ( principal; Marian White,
grammar; Leila Prim, intermediate;
MrB. Mary Peter, primary.
Rev. Armstrong, of the Methodist
ohuroh, went to Willamette Valley the
first of the week. He will attend the
Methodist conference. Rev. Arm
strong does not expeot to be re-ap
pointed to this plaoe, whioh faot is a
matter of regret to his many friends
in Jacksonville. i
School Superintendent?. H. Daily's
house oame near being destroyed by
tire Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Daily were
absent from home and the tire was
discovered by neighbors after it had
hind leg was fraotured in two places
by a kick from anotner animal and he
had to be shot.
1. B. Maodonald lately bought a
weanling colt, paying 8100 for it. The
colt was sired hy Faroeur and is a
beauty, when farmers can sell colts
five months old at that price they will
appreciate having a 95300 horse in the
Peter Applegate oame out from the
oounty seat Monday and in oompany
with W. R. Bryum and S. K. Adams
drove to Antioob, where they will lay
out a oounty road ao:oss the oountry
to the Joe Hanna plaae,on Rogue riv
er and another from the Meadows
down the east fork of Evans oreek to
the upper By bee farm.
Brownsboro Items.
Miss Mary Wall, of Santa Anna,
Calif., is now the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. O. E. Stanley.
The pubiio road:bnilders, with their
engine and maohibery, are now in oar
seotion of the oounty, working on the
read leading into the Bradshaw lane.
We hope for betterrbads in the near
future. "
Our people will give a ohuroh festi
val on Saturday ' evening, September
29th, consisting of an entertainment
followed by ioe cream and other re
to attend.
E. V. OBborne, who has been visit
ing relatives in Nevada during the
summer, returned home last week.
Miss Clara Bouyer, his niece, aooom
panled home on his return and will
spend the winter here.
Ashland, died at his home in that city
Saturday evening of neuralgia of the
heart, aged sixty years. He leaves a
wife and two daughters, Mrs; H. H.
bizer, of Knoxsville, Tenn,. and Miss
Floy MoNeill, of Ashland.
J. P. Gllmore, a prominent oitlzsn
of Ashland, died Buddenlv at Dead
destroyed a bed and ruined quite a wood, in the Dead Indian Beotlon,
His Guiding Star.
On a lonely road or trail in a lonely
oountry, on the baok of a lonely bur
row, Bat David Marshall and be plain
ly showed that he, with the otber ob
jects about him, was juBt as lonely.
David was a queer man, twenty-three
years of age and for the past two
years he had traveled every trail in
Arizona and had made some new
ones. He had determined to be rloh,
he ha j first to be rich before be oould
olaim to aspire to the plan he so muoh
wished to till. He was good looking,
weu eauoaiea, very industrious, out
very nervous. He was not satisfied to
get rloh in the ordinary way. but
desired to search the bowels of the
earth and find there hidden the riches
be so muoh desired. Thus on bis
lonely trip he felt that when he reaoh
ed tne plaoe in quest he would find a
rloh vein and startle the world. It
was not the desire for money or
wealth that spurred him on, but baok
in the mountains he always had her
before him, but give up? Not he un
til tne five years had rolled 'round.
After that he did not care. He dared
not return and had sworn he would
not until he oould so a wealtbv man.
Nina had many lonely hours also.
She knew but she dared not. She
would wait and hooe. She would
stroll down town, go in to see old
''unortie" uarnett's store, admire the
beauty of his Toledo ranees. Doint out
the vessels she would needy. ooonting
this and that,.. and had long since
come to the oonoluBion that one did
not have to be very rich to furnish a
Bmall nouse with tine goods if every
one sold like "Sbortie." She had
AU are cordially invited I JSlSi
dollars to buy all she needed in her
kitohen and if David Marshall was
where she would get hold of him she
home when ho bad graduated at bis j
side stood Nina Beeson. Dave bad j
never told her he loved her, but some !
of bis friends bad and Nina bad oon-'
tided to some of her compan one that
David was her hero,' only he was
poor. She had Bald to this same
friend that she would remain single
for ttve years and if David was still a
poor man she would then possibly en
tertain some proposition made her.
David hflfl navnr Rnlri nna wnrri
The work on the Uold Hill canal, her or she to him. hnt hm-dlv mnnth
whloh was Interrupted last week by I passed but he heard, tnrough others,
an injunction suit, filed by the Oon- oh TL fiad .
7.- s r . n if t. . sohool. She often saw letters from
dor Water & Power Co., has been re- nim, written to others, and just as
sumed and will be pushed to com pie j often wished those letters were writ
tion. ! ten to her, but never said a word.
a M v in i. i I un an tne lonely trips he made Nina
Henry O. MoNeill,a business man of was his guiding star. When he dug
would nave told him so, but as long as
he wbs riding a lonely mulejon a lone
ly road in a lonely country like Ari
zona she would wait and hope, and
visit "Shoitie" Garnett's Btore.
Oontinued next week.
Bearing- Another's Burden.
That It Is not Impossible to ring a
new change on woman's aversion to
telling her correct age has been proved
by the rector of a New York church.
He does not appear to be more than
fifty years old, but declared to an In
quiring parishioner that he was seven
ty-five and added, "I shall be seventy
seven my next birthday."
"The other evening," he explained,
"my wife and I computed that our
combined ages foot up to a hundred
years. Now, of course, no lady Is ever
over twenty-five years old, so to keen
peace In the family I suppose I must
say I'm sevonty-ave."
"But why will you be seventy-seven
your next birthday ?"
"Because my wife's birthday and
mine happen to fall on the same date,
and" with a sigh of resignation "of
course I shall have to shoulder both of
Presidential Coincidence.
John Adams was eight years older
than his successor, Thomas Jefferson;
be eight years older than James Madi
son; he eight years older than James
Monroe; and he eight. years older than
John Q. Adams. George Washington
ended his term as president In his sixty
fifth year, and so, too, did John Adams.
Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and
James Monroe. Thomas Jefferson and
John Adams died on the same day, July
4, 1820, exactly fifty years after the
signing of the Declaration of Inde
pendence..- One other president, James
Monroe, died on July 4. His death oc
curred In 1831, .
EiKhteen miles from Medford, Beven miles -from
Uold Hill; 120 aorcB, 80 or which are clear
t ed and partly In tiKulfa. First clnsn fruit laud,
. Now liou-e und barn, good water. Will sell
I the place, lnclndlng machinery, three hones,
i COW. two WHeoni. iito.. 'or Ifi 00(1. f-I.JOOn n:ih
balance In two, three, four and tire yean at
six per cent. Must sell at once; therefore am
offering the property at fully $1,000 under Us
present value. Address owner, I,. M. FISHER.
Gold Hill, Oregon. Pept H-l-m
The undersigned, having been duly
appointed administrator of the estate
ot John H, Stiue, deceased, by order
of the County Court for Jaokson
County, Oregon, sitcing In probate
and having qualified as suoh, notioe
is hereby given to all persons having
olaims against the estate of said John
H, Stiue, deoeased, to present said
olaims with proper vouohers attaohed
to the undersigned at Medford, Ore
gon, within six months from tbe date
of the first publication of this notioe.
Dated at Medford. Oreg6n, Septem
ber 14, 1900.
Administrator of tbe estate of John
H. Btine, deceased,
quantity or ciocning, Tne lire was
caused by an eleotric iron being left
on a bed with tbe current turned on.
Only tbe prompt nation of members of
the fire department saved the entire
building from destrnction. Supt.
Daily estimates bis loss at about 8100.
Table Rock Items.
Mrs. S. M, Mears and family re
turned to Portland Saturday.
So far as we have been able to learn
the bountiful rain last week was wel
comed by every one.
S. K. Adams has purchased a sor
ghum mill and will soon be prepra-d
to grind cane for everybody.
The Elsenhart-May camping party
returned last week, saying that they
had a most enjoyable trip.
Dr. Henry Jones and wife, of Port
land, are vinting at the Washburn
home and enjoying the lovely weather
sinoo the rain.
Air. Weloh. Jr.. representing the
Woloh Lumber Co., at Asbestos, v
doing business here Monday. lie
thinks they will move their mill to
another locality by spring.
People In this seotion were very muoh
pleased to learn that the rural mail
route from Central Point, covering this
oountry and a good part uf Antiooh,
has been ordered to begin November
Messrs. Wilson and Chapman had to
loavo oft work last week on nooount of
ths heavy rain, but Mouday morning
found them busy again on tbe Wash
burn paoking bouse.
Mr. Chapman, of Antloch, was un
fortunate In looting one of his n Ioe
matched sorrel team Monday, His
last, week of heart disease. Mr. Gil-
more was on a hunting expedition
wltb several companions. The remains
were brought to Ashland tor interment,
Ashland business men were taken in
iaBt week by a smooth individual in
the bunco line.. This obap represent
ed himself a seeker for land In whioh
to invest O. H. Gillette, a real estate
man, took him driving over the coun
try Saturday afternoon, and the drive
was prolonged until after banking
hours. Tnen the stranger found he
had failed to provide himself witb
money for Sunday. lie had money in
both Ashland banks. Would Mr. Gil
lette cash a 810 oheck for him. Mr.
Gillette would and did. Exit land
buyer. He is still exiting.
Mlmi-nli:N .Multiplication.
A lady win recently lDti;;ht n diuuci
service conslstln-; of llfty-fonr pieces
for 1 Us. wan Informed by her house
uinltl the next day that the bargain
had becone still more wonderful, for
It now consisted of 1.1BS pieces. -Punch.
Mrs. .lu'jo!;l:i2 Have you any
hand cnibroltlercd waists? Salesman
(who lias waited on her before) I'm
very Sony to dlsnpilnt you, madam,
hut wo have. Chfcnjro News.
Wonltl Re More Cnrcfnl.
Heavy Father (violently) Now, see
hero, Molly, don't let mo catch you and
young Dovecot flirting together in the
conservatory again. Guileless Daugh
ter (demurely) No, father, you shan't.
Grentncss Is to take the common
things of life and walk truly amen
them. Schrelner.
Wanted Thlrtv man
lowa Lumber Box Co.
Circuit Court Proceedings.
Ij. L. Love vs. Mrs. A. L, Donahue.
Deoree for plaintiff,
Basklns vs. Scott. Demurrer overruled.
State of Oregon vs. Clark St. John
Plead guilty to selling liquor without
license, waived time ana was fined
$200 and was plaoed in custody of the
State of Oregon vb, Joe Carter.
Same obarge and order as above.
J. J. Houok vs. Gold HiU Canal Co.
Order dismissing same.
Jennie M. Gorsline vs. Chas. Qors
llne ; divoroe, Deoree granted,
Olson vs. Moirls. Set for trial Sep
tember 21st.
Witt vs. Witt. Trial set for Sep
tember 21st.
Condor Water and Power Co. vs
Gold Hill Canal Co. Petition for re
moval to federal court. Attorneys
given until September 18th to argue
some. Order made September 19th
for transfer to Unitsd States district
Grimes vs. Grimes. Continued.
Grant vs. Grant. Trial set for Oo
tober 22d.
F. W. fludaon vs. Iowa Lumber and
Box Co. Set for trial September 22d.
W. O. Vaughn vs. John Bow et al.
Wilson vs. Wilson. Set for trial Oo-
tober 23d.
eastern vs. Castetu. ; divoroe. De
cree granted.
Court ordered fifteen jurors for
8peolal venure,
Ashland Eleotric Light Co. vs. City
ot Ashland. Order dlsmissins same
without oost to either party.
T. J. Howard vs. olty of Ashland.
Stipulation for dismissal granted.
Wanted Yonnat slrL not ovr
fourteen years old, to attend babr.
Perfect Features. '
In a perfect face every feature 'should
beer a certain proportion to every
other feature. The width pf the face
should be equal to five eyes. The dis
tance between the eyes 6hould be ex
actly equal to one eye. Another Im
portant relation Is that between the
eyes and the mouth. The width o. t'le
eyes should bo equal to two-thirds that
of the mouth. The . nose should be
equal In length to the height of the
forehead, of a regular pe and pre
cisely defined outline. "
Bnf fvymentK.
I have told you of the Spaniard who
always put on his spectacles when
about to cat cherries that they might
look bigger and more tempting. l..
like manner I make the most of my
enjoyiuents, nudr though 1 do not cast
my cares away. I pack them In as lit
tle compass as I can and carry them
as conveniently as I can for myself
and never let them annoy others.
S!if Knew.
"Maria," said Haggles to his wife,
with an idea of instructing her In po
litical economy, "do you know what
civil service Is?"
"Jasper," replied Mrs. Boggles, with
memory of recent contact with the
eook, "there Isn't any.''
tent tl The Kind Vou Hara Always Boiijln
Then we would IlkQ to help you. We
design the baodsomo, convonlont and
Inexpensive California Bungalows and
Mlasloa style cottages. These will look
pretty In auy neighborhood. Wc turn
Jsh plans, specifications and details
complete, any carpenter can build, and
the cost will be remarkably Ion. II you
lire interested, send us a stamp and we
will mall you our our prospectus, or
send ua SOo for handsome oook of plans.
Los Angeles, California.
Notice to real property owners in
Sewer Dietriot No. 3.
Notioe is hereby given that at the
meeting of the oity oounoii of Med
ford, Oregon, held September 14,
190G, the following proceedings were
bad :
That the city council of Medford,
Oregon, proposes to improve that por
tion of sewer distriot No. 3, lying be
tween C street and tbe oounty road,
by oonstruoting a lateral sewer from
the main sewer on Uth street, through
the Brobook reserve, Lumsden's addi
tion and Davis' addition, to the south
boundary of said distriot.
Said improvements to be made In
acoordanoe with the charter, ordi
nance and regulations of the oity of
Medford and the estimate ot the city
engineer filed in the recorder's office
in said oity, - '
Remonstrances against the above
improvement must be filed in the re
corder's otfloe by October 2d, at 6
o'clock p. m,
By order of tbe oity oounoii.
City Kecordsr.
Medford, Oregon, September 19.
1906. 38-lt
Blue prints ot township maps
showing all vaoant land, fifty cents
each. For reliable information con
cerning Government land write to
Crank E. Alley, Abstractor, Roieburg,
-Wanted, wood. Young HalL tf I Eaaln tnl" "Bo'
School Begins September 17th.
The Medford
Book Store
Is the Sole Agents for School
Books; and also have a large
assortment of all kinds School!
Moore Building,
West Side.