The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, September 21, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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OUR Tailoring is Distinguished for its v
Perfection in Style, Grace and Fit -.,
Fall Woolens are Now Nemiy for Your Inspection.
West Side of Track. THE TAILOR.
Kroni Klumuth Fulla Express:
Clinton Toxt.or, who lias boon uuso
oiutcd wish U, T. rionnoy iu tno proo-
Clou ut luw, left Tuesday inorniuif foi
Medford, whore be will make Ills In
ture botne. Mr Jlmmey will oontinut
tuo business of the HrJi at the old
stand. -saSSRi -"ft ES
liiVans ts uoullUL'
m l.... ........... i i Htoruov flsroe
i mi , ,tn his bod at tho notno or W. O. llua
' foe and gas. The hub meters run (or
the company and tho too boxes melt
for tbe company.
The alleged belrs of the Into Kussell
. a-e tare beoomlug almost as uuiur
.mizaa tbe "original Floradora sextet."
. Scientists deolare that tbe Arctic
region will extend until tbe; aunibll
: Bto our.oivillzation. In other words
if we do not get tbe north pole it will
come to us,
On with fracture of thd left leu, just
above the uiikle. While ut tbe Husou
borne rjuuuuy afternoon Mr. JSvun
slopped on a loose plank. obuhIiik blm
to i nil about three feet with tbe result
as tibove etuted
A. II, Nuftzgor returned Wednesday
niKnc irom a trni to urans tune. 10
says railroad work is being rushod
alouu and tbe Southern Paoillo is in
oreuslnu its forces as fast as men are
uvntlubJe. About IVJO men imrl HRVnru
J hundred bead of horses are now em
I tllnirnH I. fhn n..J n ... nV
According to a recent report from heavy Bteum dredges and shovels are
lr. ieuooy, seoretary of the (state engaged in the construction of the
Hoard of Health, there wore 123 oases '1,ne' Men are now at work on the
ml typhoid fever, with Ufteeu deaths,
' in tbe state during the mouth of Au-
suit, This Is tbe highest record for
any one month except during the epi
v.demlo at Eugene. This is said to oe
due to tbe ooutamlnation of water
- which is used In many communities
: throughout the state.
Tne fossllized skeleton of a giant
Iwrsee &as beenVllsoovered in tbe big
. r Sveetwater divide .fossil beds by ar-i-heololgsts.
I'he disoovery over
1 throws the exploited theory that the
horse was evolved 'from a small, five
toed' animal, the remains of whlob
two" found in the Wyoming fossil beds.
This skeleton is thirty feet long and
lolly as tall, and in an excellent state
of preservation. The giant horse was
an herbivervous animal and Its jaw-
i.bnne displays powerful grinders, whloE
-are but little deoayed.
road about twenty miles tuis side ot
Grass lake aud it is possible tha the
road may reaob Klamath Kails by
Marob 1st. i-imn
'Take a Hyomel Treatment Pour Times
a uay and be Cured.
Hyomel has 'performed almost iril-
- nonlons onres and Is today reaognlzed
by leading members of the medical
- profession as the only-advertised rem
edy for thlB disease tbat can be relied
upon to do just what it olalniB.
Until reoeutly your physioian would
have said the only way to cure oatarrh
would be to have a ohange of climate,
but now with Hyomei you 0011 oorry a
oealth-glviUK -climate in your vest
; pooket and by brenthina it a few min
atoa four timeB a day, cure yourself,
.The Hyomel treatment Is simple and
easy to use. It destroys all catarrh
1 germs in tbe air passages and entiohes
aad purilles the blood wtih ozone.
wnen using Hyomei the air you
' breathe will seem like that on the
.mountains, 1 ign above tbe sea 'level.
A complete Hyomei outfit costs but
'1.00, extra bottles, BOo. If it does
not give ytu satisfaction Chas. Strang
will-refund your money. You . run no
! risk whatever, in taking this reliable
Ktamatft County JNews,
"'.'enorJl Manager Abbott sjiruni'a
pleasant surprise on this olty last
Sunday, -when he re-establlsbod, with
out any'blowlng of trumpets or prev
ious announcement, tbe Sunday train
service botwoon Pokegama andTbiall,
Tho first intlmafrteu tot this move was
when the stagerrrolled up to the post
olftoo and dropped off tbe mail sacks.
Soon -th-word spread that tbe "mall
wen In,-", and while the usual rush was
not present, a largo number availed
themselves of the opportunity to get
. tbokunall tunny hours ahead of time.
H. Collahau, who resided near
Bonanza, died at his home at 1 o'olook
Tuesday afternoon. Death was due to
(the Injuries be received a few weeks
ago, when be had bis hip broken by a
fractious horse, At Aral it was sup
poxeA that It would not result serious
ly; bnt time and medioal attention
I brought no relief and he suffered uu
: toM agonies for a week prior to his
death. Mr, Oollahan waB about thir-ty-ilvo
years ot age and has resided in
this oounty most of his life. He had
extensive Interests near Bonanza, and
' hns always boon noted for Mb progres
dlvnuess nud public spirit. He is sur
vived 'by -bis wifo and two ohildrou,
two brothers and several sisters,
With hardly a word of forewarning
worn on the seoond nnit of the great
. government canal was begun Monday.
' liver sinoe the date set for tbe open,
nt hlrta for this section of tbe lr-
..ligation ystem, that is to reclaim this
vast expanse ot arid landB, Project
Engineer Murpby and bis assistant,
Mr. Humphrey, have been luDorlng
assiduously to start this great uuder
tabing, which is to be oaitled on un
der their supervision and by tbe gov
Arnment itaolf. instead of by oon
tract. Embraoed in this seoond unit
re nineteen miles of main canal nnd
twentv-seven miles of laterals. The
main canal begins at a point in see-
tlon nine, township 31) south, rango
10 oast, near tne Short rauch, and will
run via Olone to a point two miles
nerth of Merrill. It will cross Lost
river by means of an Inverted con
crete siphon 300 feat in length and
nix (oet in diameter. Tbe Poe valley
canals are classed .aa laterals and are
embraoed in the twenty-sevon mile
. donetruoted.
The laxative effeot of (Jhamboulfeta's
Stomaoh and Liver TabletB 1b bo agree
able and so natural you can hanlly
realize tbat it 1b produced by a niedl
olue. TheBe tablets alao euro- indi
gestion audi biliousness. Prise 25
oonts. Samples free at Chas. Strang's
drug store.
xue tMumacn oounty nigh school
opened lust Monday with an enroll
tnent of sixty two students. Tbe first
lew aays were devoted to tbe orsani
zation of olasses and now instructors
and students have entered iinnn n
yvur a wura wmou promises to ne suc
oeasful In every particiar. The Klam
ath OOUntV hieh SOhonl in unnno tha
bat in the state and the nnmnlnta fmir
euro cuurse, logeiner witn the com
mercial course and musioal depart-
ment, makes it an ideal eduoational
institution. The InrffAr minthAi, nf
scuaonts nave entered upon tbe four
years' oourse, which oomprisos two
years of mathermatics, four years of
English, two years of bistorv. two
years 01 science and the regular 00m
merclal oourse. A shorter course of
two years nas also been mapped out,
devoted principally to tbe aommeraiai
branches, but few students bave an fur
entered lor the oourse.
J, U. Pieroo, seoietary of tbe Klam
ath FallB liand and Transportation
Company, and A. H. Naftzger, repre
senting the Klamath Development
Company, entered into a compromise
this morning whereby the two com
panies are to occupy jointly a portion
ot Main street for street railway pur
poses. The agreement entered into
was ratified at 2:30 this afternoon at m
meeting? of the board of dlrMitnra nf
tne mamath l' alls Land & Transporta
tion Company. The agreement pro
vides that the Klnmnr.h IaIIh T.niH
.transportation Company shall oon
struat a double-track line on Main
street from Conger avenue to Seventh
street, and that tbe oompauies ore-to
oooupy the railway jointly. This
agreement settles all street railwnv
controversies and gives positive neeur
auoe tbat Klamath Falls will have' a
Btreet oar service at an early date.
The development company will extend
its line on to the Hot Hnrlnin'nHrHMon
and the Land & Transportation Cbm-
Eony will at onoe oomplete tbo'Belt
line Railway. The agreement will
meet with tbe Hearty approval ot'all
Klamath Falls citizens and the com.
promise appears tn be eminently sat
isfaotory to all parties ooncerned;
She Onvo Killed, PltIiiiiih. the Great
llnNlll IVuiv Oeuuiiletl by tile 1'uulO.o
Oueim Latent IileuM of Science ua to
CuiiilltlmiM 011 Our Sutclllte.
Millions of years ago tho earth was
not tbe hind bound, sen swept globe
m fiimllliir to us, but a liquid mass on
which floated crust sonio thirty-five
Tiilos thick. At that porlod, says tho
Strand Mupr.iiie, it turned on its axis
at a constantly increasing speed thai
finally sbortenejj lig day (o three houra,
Wheii that' fefrillo" velocity" was ob
tained 6,000 cubic million miles of mat
ter wore hurled oft by tho enormous
centrifugal force, and our moon was
born. Tho cleaving of so larcro n ho-lv
must havoTofisoTrio som 011 tho earth's
(jUl'fut'o, It has accordingly been sug
gested that tbe great basin now occu
plea by tbe 1'aclllc ocean was once
filled by wbut is now the moon.
Our moon has the distinction of be
ing the largest of all planetary sat
ellites so large,' Indeed, that to tiie
Inhabitants of Mars It must appear
with the earth fls a wonderfully beau
tiful twin pinner.
Because the moon rotates 011 H axis
luexnctly tho snniovtlino tbat ,lt re
volves around the eiitrth we are flei
lined to see little inorcthan ono hc::!i-
sphore. So slow Is thitf-rotation V.ii
the lunaruay Is equal tOvflftecn of o..r
days, For'Jinlf a moutll vlbo moon l !
exposed to the lierco heat of tbe ku:l;
for half a month It spins through space
in the densest jtloom.
Smaller in' umss than tbe earth Is.
Hie moon's attraction for bodies ninsi
bv correspondingly lesflv A good ter
restrial athlete could cover about lib
feet! on the moon1 in a running brom'
jumpi. and leaping over a barn would
be a vsry commonplace feat. A wiiu
In the moon could1 carry six times as
much aad run six times as fast as 'tie
could on the eartb.
Although separated- from us by M
dlstnnco that at times' reaches 253,001)
miles and is never lean than 222,000
miles, we know more of tbe physical
formation of the single pallid face' that
the moon ever turns toward us: man
we know of certain parts of Asia' and
the heart of Africa.' Powerful tele
scopes have brought our sarelllte Willi-
in a distance of forty miles of tlte
earth, rhysiclst have matlimustlaillj
weighed it and fixed its massi nt ono-
elgbth of the earth, or 73,000i800,000,
000 tons.
Tbe moon presents aspects i vMtboiu
any terrestrial parallel. Kent by tires
long since dead, its honeycombed
crust seems like a great globe of 'ciilll-
ed slag. Crrtters are not 'uncoinnxm :on
the- earth',, bnt In member, size' nnd
structure they boar flbr tbe niost;part
Uttle reseml.ft nco to tihos' of the intion.
A lunar crater is noC tbe- mouth otT:'a'
volcano hivvui'r n diameter of' a fa-w'
handreiT Ceetv Sat a great tfrcnluir pluSa
twenty,, flftj',. ven ai lurndnwl mfflts
1m diameter;, surrouutleir. by a procipice
rising to a hefglit of 5iOCJ or 10,C'
feet; with! a- oeutrnl hfUl or tiwoflbV,itl
, half' as Mgh:.
Witter' cannofr possllily exist as m
liquid,, for the tampers tuxe- of tiro
Whore lie Wua.
Bnoriua Trains "on Tl'mei" I "To what do you attribute vour oond
The public service rendered by the hefhw' nua remarkably robust condl-
uon r . .
"To Regular habits and early retl
British railway lines, tbe convenience
to the traveler and the shipper, Is far
in excess of anything to be found In
this country. The British Isles are ab
surdly small when compared with our
vast areas, and this of course simplifies
the operating problems. There are no
snowdrifts to delay schedules, no sec
tions of crudely built track awaiting
perfection, and the locomotives are
never far from their home shops. Yet
even with allowance for these advan
tages both freight and passenger traffic
are habitually bandied with a regular
ity nnd certainty that deserve tbe high
est degree of praise, In any large
toririluiU Ig England the number of
passonger trains that arrive either ex
actly on time or a minute or two ahead
Is far greater than that of trains even
tho ieast overdue. Five minutes Is usu
ally a safe margin for an Important
connection. At Flnsbury Park, a sub
urban station just outside London,
trains pass on an average of one every
two minutes night and day, yet this
tremendous traffic Is handled with
clocklike precision. Ray Morris In At
lantic. Qneer Rneslan Ways.
If you drive through a Russian vil
lage about 10 p. m. you will be struck
by the absolute quiet that pervades
tho scene. 'Not a creature, man or dog,
Is visible moving about, Tbe place bus
tbe air of a deserted village. Suppose
by some rare untoward chance you
come upon a group of men standing
together, apparently in conversation,
you will notice that tbey speak in sub
dued tones, and, wait so' long as you
please; you will never bear them
laugh. The cause Is simply this: These
Russian peasants believe ia evil spir
its; bat, unlike the Chinese; they be
lieve tbat tbey are attracted, not
frightened, by sounds. And so' ft some
unlucky ittto deciee that tbe
out of Uoovs- after 11 p. m, he Is1 a-painfully
silent man. This feeling also' ex
tends to some' of tbe southern towns.
Kiev, tbe holy city of Russia, is a
model In this-respect After 10 fa m.
you may praetlcally have the street
to yourself. Blackwood's Magazine.'.
"Then yVB have been so situated thai
you could carry out theso excellom
rules for ..lii'fl preservation of the
health?" -
"Ob, yes.' ItavaS In' flie' Illinois peni
tentiary for twenty -three years."
Cleveland Plain KNenler.
"What a splendid woman she' is!"'
"I am glad to thlnkx you have goV
such a wife"
"Such a' wife! Why, man, you haw
no Idea of her generosity. When I waK
poor she refused to niurry mo beenusf
she was afraid of being a burden upor
mo, but the moment I came Into my
fortune she consented at once. Wha
do you tbiuk of that for kindness?"
Percy I niu tired of this life of ease
I want a life of toll, danger, oxclte
ment and adventure!
"Oh, this Is so sudden I But you may
ask papa." Life.
When you have a cold it is well to
be very careful about using anything
that will cause oonstlhation. Be car-
tleulaily careful aibout preparations
containing opiates: Use Kennedy's
Laxative Honey and Tar, wnion
stoDS' the ooush and moves the bow
els. Sold by Chas. Strang, Medf ord ;
Mary Mee, Central Point.
fflf AUWork Guaranteed ft
United States Dand Office.
BobqIjwip, Oregon, September W.. lBOfl. Z
NOttrelB noreuy given mai in coawimiimj
with tho provisions of the actto.'Oojtyress of
Jvxk 3, 1J7B-, entitled, "An act fur tho 8ie or
timber lHTiKflin She alle of CaJ.fonrtw, Ore
uoAt Neviwiai and Wathfington Territory," aa
ext-Fixd to all tie YuMtc Land Elates by act
of Angust-.V1B92, ..
of AmhhincSUoiinliy of Jackson, otate cf Ore
gon, b'ss tlifir day tiled in ihis offlee on AugUKt
ao. UWVh'er sworni statement no. ixtff for the
nurciwae of t3ie W oi SW , NK toV SW
t.,1 aw 1 . mv u. nt 9ipt1on Jo.. 32. in
TownirhtpiNo.' S3 South' ft Range ltov- 3- 3h8t,
W ; .H..UrKRti BllUi WW unci iiuui hi ouu.i
that Iho liwml sought i moro vnltiaolo
lorftB niber and stone iuan ror ajrieuuariu
purpose and to eHtabllsfti lata ciaim iD saitu
land fcMAro AV. S Hilton,. 0. 8. Commtfaloaer,
at his oaice IU!Medtord,.Weon, on Tuesday
tho lltldayof Decemtier, WOe.
shA nnmpfi as wltiittssosr. Reorire Kino; tKa
moonjs; surface-
iiitvu'' o' uiuuuwv uut m a,.u. iprospeex.uregon.
doBi-ocs below Hie zero, i of ;flrtSrirS.Sf
IfliUronhelt tiiurmomoter;. and' tbe nt-i! their oialnaln thisom'ce on or beforo mid il.v!u
mosnherlc- nressnre' Is son low that a. ianrof Dewraber.itiM. ,r.
' Eades' Second Hand H
St ore, West Side, Med- ft
, ford, Oregon.
Tho Suclety rjucttfrny.
That maligned creature the '"society.
butterfly" Is as hard working In; its
way as Bolomon's ant and gons about
Its duties with a steady apipllcatlon
nnd a determined disregard of fatigue
and borodom which not a fe?.v Indus
trial and other workers mlgbit Imitate
with advantage. Take, for . Instance,
the charity bazaars and fosttvjals. Lon
don World.
Too Strontf Competition.
Country Mouse How are you getting
on with your business, doctor? Coun
try Doctor Bud. Too close to ijonaon.
Why, Lady Cashbags went to town
and paid two guineas to, hare a oorn
extracted. I'd have nraputaittd, hot.
foot for that. London Answers.
. In HlN Utitliualnam.
Judgo (to prisoner) Why did lyou
take only tho monoy nnd leave' tuo
basket of sllvor? Prisoner Bocndse-It
was too heavy. '-'Judge (excltcdly
Aren't you nshnnied of yonrsolt, you
lazy uiau? Fllcgeude Blatter.
A11 Anprnlnement.
Marlnn-Now, there Is Algy Vau'ipt.
fleglldor, for Instance Jane Ohi , be
la so haughtily statuesque that I hnvo
often wondered If ho cau really betlc
kllsh ou tbe bottoms of his feet Hike
common people. Watson's Mngnatno.
To bo respectable Implloa a multltuxle
of little observances from the strict
keeping et Sunday down to the oarefuJi
tying of a cravat. Vtctor Hugo.
ttmiu a 1h Kind Von Haw Mwp Boutin
it escaped;. Ibo' and suowr ore the-
forms, tlim. wlilkh: lunarr Tvate' must:
assume.- !
Because of-' tliE- proseut: paiiatty of
watt:r'tbo-moon's4lfKos0herG'1lB'. so ox-;
cecdliiBly rare- tliat- startlltur efTcctfi.
nro-ni-oilured; rrtmps ttfe'inost strlU-'
Ing Is'tbut of fliii'Sinu'lJC: Bnwn and:
tho soft golden: glow tbat' ushers In
terrostrtni' day tHerc 01imot: bo:. Tho
sun leap from flie-bortton; n: flttmluK
slclile; and the loftier- pente imme
diately flHulii lutin Ughh
There- Is no'azaro-Hkto.wlleve the
m snotonuns oft'orts of luky blttcU: sh all
ows amltduzzllng whltcrexpanaes'. The
sun gleams-ill: lfcree splendor; with no
clouds to. diffuse Its; blliuUlig- light.
All dny long It IS nccianpanlbil by the
wolrd z,idlnoal: light tlintr wo-bcbfflld nt
euro Intervals.
Even In. uiUIdny iilO' hetrrems nre
hpltcb blnok,. so, that,, despttn- Ul sun
! light, tho stars and; plimeta- glcum
Kvltb a bclghtnoss that they never x
liiblt to- w oven on: the- cleurpst of
moonljss: nlgQIa nt son. They ablne
steadily, toj. for It is 0 earth's at-mospboro-
tliinb onusfie thomi to twinkle
to. out-oyos. .
In tho 1B'. of Hli-dit It ib: lruposslbli-
to. oettmnte- distances, fur-there Is noi
such phencnionon us- a-erliil perspec--tlve.
Objccta: nro seen only when taw of ' the ann, strike Uunn.
At times there mnjr ue oosorvea;
spofs which: dnrken, nttur- sunrise nnil!
gmduiilly disappear towara sunsat..
Thy cniuiot bo euusml: tor shadows;.
for shadows weuld bo- least vlslBle
when the, sun Is. dlroctly oreiiiend.
Tllcv Douonr most quickly at tile
equator and liwnde the higher atti
tudes after a lnpso of a few days.:, lo
tdio polar regloos thoy haTO never been
eou. What aro tneyt urgnnio- uie
resembling vegetation, answers. Pro
fessor Pickering of Harvard univer
sity, vegotntlon that flourishes luxnrl
antly while tie- sun shines and withers
at night
A single day, It may be urged, is
uot sufficiently long for the. develop
ment nud decay ot vegetation, bnt Blx
teeu hours ou the moon Is little more
than bnlf an hoar on tho earth; a day
lusts bnlf a month nnd may,-be regard
ed aa a miniature season.
; Medf ord Cement Construction Co.
Manufacturers of
(Gardeu Walks, Walls, Copings, Curbs, Driveways,
Etc., Concrete Foundation", Basement Floors,
' Vaults, Fences, Etc. All Work Gunranted
For information call ai factory on creek bottom
back of Osanbrugga residenco, or seo
Subscribe for The Mail.
i west Site liven, Feel M Sale Staples,
R. O. DUNCAN, Prop.
Rigs Nwlijr Added. Houses Boardedl by Day, Week
oif Month.
Moore's Brick Stables, West Side
Medfard, Oregon
12L5 Miles Just Received. Examine. The PAGE,
before buying a
iNIKHOLSON & PLATT, Medford,. Oregon.
-G ADDIS & DIXON, Agents for Jaekaon, Josephine
and Klamath Counties.
The expressions "Hallehrlah" and
"Amen" are said to have been; Intro,
ioced Into Christian worship 'by St.
Jerome about A. D. 890.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In
Medford, Oregon
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Buy Htdlolu ftr Baiy Pecp(.
Brtnca 0lJn Eialti and Basonad' Vigor.
A sncclno for ConsUmtlon. InHHon. Live
and Mtlwy Troiililw. I'lmlilsa. Koeem. impure
W.wil, BiW nroAtli, nitifnrtsli HoweU, Hrailni-ha ItA..! 1a It.vL-v Mnill.titllt T.V1 (ntl-
In form, ai cnts ft box. (lioiitm nwilo by
HoliI.lSTKtt DnVO OOUI'ANV, MlXl!.:!, WiB.
Dr. Hinki, Central Point, Ore
3J CIotcc Blqisqm n4 Uaaar Dta ao Evary QoMU,
Now is the time to get your Disc Plow ready for
plowing, and we offer you the Celebrated Sanders Disc
Plow, and gunrnnteo it to work with any plow on the
market. In sizes From one to four discs.
No appetite, loss of itrenrth,
nM, headache, ecnitlpatlon, bad truth,
(onenl debility, lour rUlngi, and catarrh (
thoalomacharo aJIduo to Indignation. Kedel
cures inaigunon. I nis new discover reprt
aents the natural Juices of digestion a UJ
Mill In healthy slomach, comblntd will
Iho greatest known (onto and reconstruclln
properties. Klodol Dysptpsta Cure deal net
only cure Indigestion and dyspepsia, but Ihtf
lam'oua remedy cures all stomach treuklw
uy cjeansinr, puniv nc. sweatenlnf and
strengthening the mucous mtmbranaa Valnf
no siumaon,
Mr, S. S. Ball, of Rirenawood. W. Va ma
"l was irouoiM Willi sour stomach for Jirt
Kodol cured me Bid we ere oow uUBt at at ml
Kodol Digesu What You tat
Bottles otur. tl.00 Slse holdlniSK HnsutkeM
- ske, which sails for SO cants.
Prepares! ty I, p. Dewrrr a 0O OW0A
For Sale by Chas. Strang
Office, 7th uud B, OppogJle Medfotd ButjV
ruone No. 108,
Market Report
Tbia list will bo changed
week as prioea obange:
Wholesale Price Retail pric?
Flour. ,34 per ton 1(2.00 per 100 I Irs
Bran.. $18 per ton 1 .10 per 100 lbs
Chop. Oorn $27 ton. tl.BOper 100 Hie
R Barley $26 per ton. ..$145 per 10U lbs
Whaat in bulk 60o
Oats 40
Barley GOo per 100 lbs
Potatoes $1.00 per 100 Hw
Efrgi, ner doz. 221c
Butter, per lb 20c
Beans, white dry 83.90 per 100 lbs
Beans, red dry, per lb 3c
Onions $1.50 per 100 Iha
Bacon, per lb 12o
Hams, per lb 16o
Shoulders, per lb .12c
Lard, per lb 10c
Hoes, live, per lb 5 to 6ic
Heel, live, per lb. . '. : 2i to 8o
Mutton, per lb Hie
Chiokens, spring Oc. per lb
Chickens, old 8e. per Ih
Hay baled, grain .10.00
When two Btrong men oume to
blows, even If tbey are well'matobed,
it is not a pleasing sight, but if tbe
man wbo gets the woist of it will nse
DeWltt's Wltoh Hazel Salve be will
look better and feel better in short
order. Be Bure you get DeWltt'a
Good for everything a savle ia UBed
for, including piles. Sold by Ohae.
Strang, Medford; Mary Mee, Central
"Veterinary Dentistry a iiolalty
All rail orders promptlv
fllitd day or mi: lit,
Ofkiob at Union Studies, Modfortf, Or
Homwtoud iiu Timber Land tilings and
r 1 ."u tKHcn in iRua con
Mtlforrt Oregon
jj T. JONES,
AnTor allkinowof Survcptnn prompt: dout.
, Medford, OroRoa
phisicih ANDsirsiaooN,
Offloelloura 11 to 12 a. m. ana: 1 :E0 to 7 n. m
X-itay Laboratory KanilaatlMts' 82.50 oo 92ft
Oflloe Haaklo Block, Medfo?a, Oregon.
R. S. SeAR.MC9D,
Plim-Noldermoyer Building. 'Phone 13i
'Phone 500.
from. W ashington, D. C, lately
retnrned from studying abroad.
hex located at CENTRAL.
OFFICE Plcaseiit'n Hotel, Mala Street.
fA' of Kepairlnir. House Wiring o, Special- S
!1 ty. All Wor k Guaranteed. Prices
IfjJ- Bight, t
Hsuiano GomnierGiai
Complete and thorough training
imthe Commeroiul. Shorthand and
English branches. Individual In
struction and Up-lo date improve
ments. The expense is the lowest
and the advantages are the best
No more thorough course to be
had anywhere, and the total ex
pense of securing such a course
here is but little more than half
the cost of getting the Bauie in the
largi r- cities.
AddresB, Ashland Commercial
CoiAEGE, Ashland, Oregon.
Our graduates are employed and
more demanded than we can supply.-
Vice President
W. B. JACR80N,
Asst. Cahlei
The fledford Bank
Mcdforo. Oregon
A General Banking Business
Office: Roosa Palm-Neldermeyer - Bloosi
Residence : Corner South C aud Nlnth'streets?
I, D. PHIPPS, D. D. S:
Officers n AdsJas Block, adiclelng Hsakloa
Drugstore Medlord, Oregon
Office: Boom 6; Adklns' hloolc. Calls protnBOt
attended day or night. 'Phone 563.
atedlord Oregom
U, S; Beputy Mineral.
Office in Palm Building, MEDFORD, OREOON.
A r Hatisfaotlon guaranteed O
)1 Work doue by Day or Contract.
,!f UP-TO-ATiC Y
S nuRvSEtRyS
Will have for the Season's
Trade of 1906, 80,000 Pear
Trees in the following var
ieties ; sjsf
25,000 Bartlett 2
25,000 D. DuOomice SL
10,000 Beurre d'Anjou W'
10,000 B.Bosc If?
5,000 Howell b
5,000 Winter Nehs
Also Apple, Peach, Cherry, mm
Apricot and' Berry Plants 2
and Monterey CypresB. J
- Central Point, Oregon, t
Founders and Machinists.
.Mining and Milling Machinery.
Agents for Fairbanks, Morse & Co.
Gasoline Engines and Spray Outfits
and Power Pumps.. Figure with, us
New and Second Hand
Boilers and Engines.
And TJiose Intending Building, call at Medford'
New Tin and Plumbing Shop. Workmanship and
material first-class. Prices Reasonable.
Medford, Oregon.