The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, July 27, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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    P OUR COUNTY . . . Jj
I I'
Roftie Point Eaglets,
J, H. Carlton bus bad aa open porob
pat lu front of bis store.
Carl Ringer left here last Saturday
for bSaorameuto, Oallfornia.
Wm. Winkle started with his fam
ily last week for Ft. Klamath.
Sam Murnieb has moved from the
Wllllsoroft faim into the Uri tilth
Miss J'VauulB Obeuohmn bas been
stopping for asverul days at tbe Sunny
Side hotel.
Ulatenos Cox, of Ashland, came up
tbe first of tbe week to visit bis moth
er and family, Mrs. W. P. suiltb.
Miss Jennie Lewis, of Eagle Point,
is saleslady in Karnes & Ritter's oon
teotionery store in Meafotd. Mr.
K. is an nnole of Miss Lewis.
Dr. Picket, assisted by Dr Holt, op
erated on Mrs Mattie Martin, one
day last week, for Sappendioltis. The
patient is getting along nioely.
T. B. Sears, a young man who has
been attending sohool at Monmouth,
is at this writing, here selling stereo
soropie views durlug his vacation.
I unintentionally omitted to state
in my last that Mrs, Dr. II 'It arrived
here and that they bad rented two
rooms in Harry Carlton's bulldiug.
Ueorpe W. Daley, Sr., is getting the
lumber out for bis big hall near the
wagon bridge here. He expeots to
bave it under course of oonstruotion
in a short time.
J. D. Abbott, of SpringUeld. 111.,
arrived to visit with his brother, J.
A. Abbott, last week. Ihey bad not
seen eaoh other for fifty-Qve years. J.
A. ADbott learned through J.N. Urov
er tbat his long-lost brotbor was in
Siskioyu oouuty, California, and be
immeudiatelv wrote to him and the
result was be oame to Medford and
'phoned over of his arrival, and tre
two brothers met in Modford for the
first time sinoe their boyhioa days.
Married-July 22, 1906. by A. L
Haooltou, J. P., Mr. Tracy Boothby
and Miss Manning, laughter of Frank
Mauuing, of Leeds. Tbe happy cou
ple Bpent the nigbt at the Sunny
Side hotel and about ten o'clook p
m., about a dozen of the young folks
of our town gave them a short obiv
arie. Mr. B. was prepared with can
dy and oigars, and after a few mo
meats' pleasant chat the boys dis
persed and psaoe and quiet reigned
J. W. Urovor, who is interested in
i mining enterprise in California, re-
m ned homo last week and wbilehere
l understood that be sold two hundred
aores of land to F. V. Streets.oonsid
ration 315.50 per acore. I learn that
Mr. S. intends to put out tbe most of
It in fruit trees, build a fine residenoe,
large barn and other buildings. He
also bought a large lot of hay of Mr.
Grover. He is tbe same man wbo bas
bad charge of the S. P. L. Co. 's bus!
oess at Butte Falls and bought the
Hazel (old Dave Dunlap) plooe. Per
haps tbe Medford & Crater Lake Kail-
road changing handB had something
to do with tbe deal.
horn from tbe northern put of Cali
fornia. Fred says that Leather oreek I
is cood enoush for htm. ! I
111 Penlng, who bas been employ
ed ut tbe Brnden mine for some time,
ban moved with bis family to the old
Pe lug plaoe, in the Ulaokweli dli-
ilo. I
I. 'no Ubllders and McOlendon saw I
I I, nu Kanes oreek, baa oomnienoed I
op-railoue and tbey will soon be pre-1
pared to furnish alt Mcda of rough j
and dressed lumber.
Does evil still youi whole Ufa till?
Does woe betide?
Your thoughts on sulolde?
You nted a pill I
Now for and fict DeWitt'a
Little Early Kluers are tue most pleas
aut and reliable pills known today.
Tb?y neve- uripe Sold by Cbaa
Strang, Medford; Mary M e, Central
Real E-ita e Irrn" s
It is always well to bave a box of
Balve in the house. Sunburn, cuts,
titles and bolls vield to Do
Wltt'a Witoh Hazel Salve. Should
keep a box on band at all times to
provide for emergencies. For years
the standard, but followed by many
imitator". Be Bure you get the gen
uine Dewitt's Wltcn Hazel saive.
Chas. Strang, Medford; Mary Mee,
Central Point.
Kane Creek Items.
By Sine Die, No. 19.
Mrs. Jbildera was the guest of Mrs.
Keese on Friday.
Misses Mary and NorB (Sale left last
week for Grants Pass, where they
bave employment.
, Eimer Higinbotbam and wife spent
at Table Rook, tbe guests of
relatives and friends.
Robert Sunden and family will leave
on Wednesday for Tolman springs lor
a several weeks' outing.
Walter Wterman, who has been en
gaged at work for Mr. Hlokey during
tbe haying, has returned to bis borne
in Sams Valley.
Mr. aud Mrs. Engle, who bave been
6 he guests of James McDugall and
wife for some time, left on Saturday
f or Coos oounty.
Fred Taylor and wife have returned
Mother's Ear
wo0 m MorNH'i mtutt wnm
mummima am imfamt, aho m rum
MoummHMmmr mo waca4r pom
Send lor tree sample.
SCOTT ft 110WNE. ChemUti.
409415 Pearl Street, Ntw York.
i bin f i.vw 1 n-T ri nnii
The following r4i iirn iruim-i-uons
huve been recurutu n, last
Issue of this paper.
F E Marti u to J Johnson ; 5 acres
In Medford, 8525.'
Jj 11 Amy et ux ;co nor ia uorum ;
ots 1 to 4, blk 73, Central Polnt,82C0.
Harrv Carlton et ux to Frank Cook;
wH of w,, seo 14, tp 5, 2 e, 2T00.
il A wnitmau 01 ux 10 r ei iviuron ;
land in tp 37, 1 e, 810,00;).
J B GrilUu et ux to Alta Naylor;
1-7 interest in lotB 6 and 7, blk 45,
Meaford, 8127.
msry iu (jnuaers to rjawaru a uis-
ir ; land In tp 61, a w, eouj.
F J BoarJman et ux to Alfred Weeks;
property in West's Jadd to Medford,
A A Davis et ux to J IS limerick;
lots 5 to 7, blk '2, Davis udd to Med
ford, 8000.
Euua A. maun et tlx to Oris Crawford ;
property in Medford, 8100.
J W Merritt et ux to Thos W Gar
riott; (13.40 aores in seo 23, tp 38, 4
, 8J18.27.
G Maeruder et al to Heilen O Little ;
bond for deed to lots 9 and 10, blk 4,
Central Point, 8600.
Ben lie ill et al toljeonard Williams;
lot 7, blk 71, Central Point, 815.
J W .Merritt, trustee, to Leonard
WilllamB; lot 5, blk 71, Central Point,
IBon Beall et al to Leonard Williams;
lots G, blk 71, Central Point, 810.
j x lireoden et ux to rj n rearoe er,
ux; V6 interest in quartz oiairn, -uui-
terdy," 8500
Marv Baker et ux to Wm Ross; 36
sores in tp 37, 2 w, 83200.
Eliza Evans et ux to JoboJUunanBon
et ux property in blk T.Bll add to
Asniaua, coou.
Jumes R Reames to Alice Reames;
land in tp 38, 1 w, 81.
H 11 Haskell to Rebecoa UaBkell; 20
aores in tp 30, 2 w, $2000.
U o to Harry uaruon ; iou aoreB in
sec 14, tp 5, 2 e, patent.
.1 L Demmer et.ux to Robt Stowing;
uH lot 3 and all of lot 4, blk 01, Mod-
lord, 83UU.
Frank Williams to Wm L Jaoobsen
et ux ; land in tp 39, 1 e, 810.
Kozene Letrene et ux no jonn w
Abbott et ux; lots 20 and 26, blk K,
R R add to Ashland, 81.
Louisa A Reynolds et ux to Rosinta
Bedford et al; (property lu Meeker's
add to Medtora, nou.
T J Kusson to A urant, ; ioib -1 to
23, blk F, R R add to Aahiand, 810.
A D Hall et ux to Olaf Bierregaard ;
2 aores in tp 7, 1 w, 8350.
Geo W stoops en ux 10 njtnei nice ;
lot 2, Wollen add to Ashslnd, 8200.
J A Freeman et ux to Jaoob Isler;
sec 16, tp 40, 1 w, $2087.
United States Land Oflloe,
RnaehnriE, Oie , June 14, 1001)
Notice is hereby given that in ooin
pliunoe with the provisions of the act
CoDiiiem of June 3, 1878, entitled, "An
not lor the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as ex
tended 10 all the Pnhllo Land States l''
not of August 4, 1892,
of St, Jaini'B, oounty of Watonwan,
Stale of Minnesota, has this day Hied
In this offloe his sworn statement No.
U86, for the purohaso of the N N i
ot Seotion No. 20, in Township No. 40
South, Ranei No. 2 Woet, and will of
lor proof to show tbat Ihe land sought
Is more valuable for its timber or
slone thiin for agrionltural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land
before A. . Bliton, TJ. S Oommisoion'
er, at his office at Mcdlord, Oregon, on
Saturday, tbe 15th day of September,
tl names as witnesses: Samuel Jack
.nu, lrrsncie T. Desmond, both of St.
-Tainen, Minnesota; Daniel E. Grpi'n,
Daniel D Duff, both of Medford, Ore
gon. Anv and all nersons olaiming ad-
erselv tbe above-desoribed lands are
requested to file their claims in this
(illice on or before said 1Mb day of Sep
lembKr, lOOti.
Benjami;; L. Eody, Register.
JVOXlGlii I'UK fUBl-iUJrtl'HJK.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, June 14, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the sul
1 uongress 01 iuna 3, 100, eiuutea
An act for the sale of timber laudh
n tbe Stated of Culiforoiu, Oregon,
Nevada-, and Washington Territory,"
aB extended to all the Public Laud
Slates by act of August 4, 13U2,
or Eehol, eountv of Watonwan, State
of Minnesota, has this day filed in this
office iiis sworn statement No. 6S87, for
the purchase of the Sw i, being E !
SW i and lots H ar.d 7, of Section No.
in Township No. 40 South, Kange
No 2 West, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more val
uable for its timber or stone than for
gricultu-al purpose?, and to establish
bis claim to said land before A. S.
Bliton. U.S. Commlsssoner, at his of
fice at Medford, Oiegon, on Saturday,
the 15th day ot September, 1105.
He names aa witnesses: Christine
Erickson. Mathilda E. Hatigen, both
of. St. James, Minnesota: Daniel D.
Duff, Daniel E. Green, both ot Meo
ford, Oregon.
Anv and all nerBonB claiming ad
versely tbe above-described lands are
requested to file their claims 111 tine
office onor before said 15th day of Sep
tember, 1HUU.
BENJAMIN Li ffiDDY, IteglSier.
Something Wronar.
"Somehow, Willum, after I bin eatln'
awhile me appetite seems to go off
"Thee becst 111, Jarge. 01 never veela
like that thur." Tatler.
xt n rrv..n, Ht. Pnnl. June 31. '08,
t',o ilvnd bo long, remember well
nhan fhA MtRfllSBiriDl WBB U uiuua,
My good health and long life oame by
taking Hollister's Rooky Mountain
Tea. 35 oents. Hlnaie-a irug atore
For that
There is one thing that will
cure it Ayer's Hair Vigor.
It is a regular scalp-medicine.
It quickly destroys the germs
which cause this disease.
The unhealthy scalp becomes
healthy. The dandruff disap
pears, had to disappear. A
healthy scalp means a great deal
fo you healthy hair, no dan eruptions.
The best kind of a testimonial
"Sold for over sixty years."
nullah Rearard For Teaching.
If there Is one occupation wblcb
pini?iishmen are unanimous m con
demning ns degraded and degrading it
Is that most fascinating, most uitncuit,
delicate and important work, uie train
log of the mind. In what are numor
onslv called "the higher walks" ol
teaching there are respectable salaries
to be earned and agreeame rooms or
houses for occupation. Here, purged
of the dross of utility, a man may once
more take rank as a gentleman, anu
if he becomes head of a house the su
preme uselessness of bis position com
mands unlversnl ana slieni respect
Nineteenth Century.
no mKDuhoturerB or
Department of the Interior,
uuncu 3tmii uauuuinbci
Department ol tbe Interior,
ln(l Office at Koiuburg, Ore., May 'J2 1008.
Noiloe ti bereuy given mat ibo
Darned settler bai tiled notice of bla Intention
RoBttburif. Oreiton, JuDettd, 1!Hj6,
It COntOHl affidavit haVIIIB been tn tlnl rutmmiil.llnn nrnnr in .nnrvirt
lllod in tulH Otli A. Hubb i.d, con. i 0( ui, u aad tliatiald proof will be made
tehtaut, titfilin- Hoint'Btuud eutry No 10107, before a. p. Hilton, U. 8. Com mlu loner, at bli
mdoJuiy, IW, for th;-ou-b Woat Qunrtar oftice at Medford, Oregon, on Auguit 3, 1000,
ol beotloue, iovviiriliipHA m.uili, Kmmea Kttit, iTl.
by George B, Cole, t oateitee, In wbioh it ia wniArJAv w WaKKfIklu
Kffli I or .ha No- M- 'owuihlp ft? aotitli. rauo 1 Saat.
X'l.Jht ih.r iinra the 7iM?h ill the followiof wltiieinei to prove
t . Coia, ii duugbter.t bil iin ine leatn hi h, ,niltmoll- rmidanoa unou aud cultivation
ind, via: Kawin oi. wnuo, ene u.
kaiibew 8. Tnompaou, all of Climax,
ttu bald Outline ii. Colu noli bur of Hie bald bela
Ilttt ifHiai'd uooii wrm iuu uuu uui'nur ui iji(,ep
aiiMi il ihe name to be tmnrovOt. or Oillllvat-
I u.iri tlrnt tlmtr alinftice fro t tho mid land
wiih hoi due to emuloyiuettt In tbe njilltory or
navtl -eivlcit of to Utilifd Siates, onid pariloa
are hereby ooiilled to appear, rHpond at.d ol
firivMpiin inuehliitr hiitd ulli-Latlon at 111
o'clock a. m. on 8rteuiber 10, 19im, bifore A.
8. Blloii, United tuaie-CommlHtiouer, at hla
of lice nt Medford, Oregon, unl -but lliial bear
Intf will be helrt ut II) o'clook n m.nn October
8. 1H06. before tbo Itev istur imd Kceiver at tho
united Htate i-nna umcoin KOKonurir.ureiion.
Th kft'rt RnntflMtHnt huvinir. In n DrotMir iif-
flduvlt. filed lune it). 1900. set forth facts which
show that uf'er due dlllRence personal service
ol this notion can not be mnde It Ik hereby or
dered and dircoicd thtttBUOh notice be given
by due und proper publication.
nr,.ijnMin u. cum, uufioicn
Hbkjamin Eddv, Kegltier,
Departtnont of the Interior.
NftttoA It hiirnhv arlvfln triat the followlna.
amvu settler haa tiled notlcu of bis Intention
a make Pinal Proof in tUDDOrt of lilt olalm.
and that aald proof trill be made before A. 8.
Bliton, U. 8. com ml si loner, at hli office, In
Medferd, Oregon, on Auguit 2, 1906, via:
On'ted 8t"tC3 l.ortd Ofllc",
Ropeburp Ortgon, Jiino 14. 100A.
KaH la h ura he ulvon ihflt til Oft 111 ilHftllPO
with the P'ovlsiona of the not ot Cm.isrrM of
June 8, 1878, eniltlnd, "An act for the half of
Umtier ladn In tbo Htntes of Ortllfftrnin, Ore
gon, Nevudti ond Wnshln'Mon Torrltory," asox
tfnded to aH the Public Land Btatea oy aot of
of .IftPVsonvil e, county of .laoltunn, stnto of Ore
Hon. has thlBdnv tiled In thin ofllco tiw awnrn
RtHtntnont No. flSSft, for the purohse of the
W Ol SfPllOIl NO. III TftVncnipwo.
ttangf4 West, and will offer poof lo hIiow
tbat the land sought ia more valuaiiUi for iin
timber mid Rtone than for agricultural pur
poob, and to patabltah his claim to unld land
tiofnroA.S. iiltion. U. 8 Commissioner, at bis
oilleo. In Medford. Oregon, on Wednesday, tbo
5th day of Septcmbur lOOti.
lid nnmes hs iuibj-cs: iii'iny i' rum.
and 1'atrlck F. Swamp, of jark-onville, and
Klmcr A. Hicks and Charlof Canioy, of Med
ford. Oregon.
Anv ami nil porous clnimiPR adversely tnn
above-dceribed lnnd are renueted to Hie
their claims in th'e ofllce on or beforo said ftlh
day of September. Io0.
Department of the Interior,
and Office at Koselmnr. Ore. May 2. 1006.
Notice is hereby irivun that the follow in n-
named settlor has filed notice of bla Intention
make final proof in support of bis claim,
d that said oroof will bo made before A. 8.
Hilton, U. 8. commissioner, at his office at
Medford, Oregon, on Augusta, 1006, via:
II. E.. No. 9281. for the NEJtf NWU, WW
H, and NWVf SEW of section 7, township 33
He names the following witnesses to prove
his eontlnoiiH residence UDon and cultivation
of Bald land, vis. James McClanalinn. Alfred
t'orden. John Mcciaualian, all ol Trail, Ore
gon; Daniel Whetstone of Medford, Oregon.
ukmahimj. cuui, newsier.
United .States l.nnd Ofllce,
Bonoburg, Oregon. June 15, 1900.
Nftlton Id hnrnhv irK'rn ti nt In comnll I1C0
ith iliBinovlsionBOf the net of Con cress of
juno ii, if, eut'iieu "An i iur iiih i
timber lands in tbe Ptntes of California, Ore
-n. Nevada, and Washington Torrltory." as
ex' ended to dl tbe Public Land Stales by act
or August,
of Medford, fonntv of Jaekon. stnt- of Orogon,
has fllwl In this office his sworn statemf nt No.
1191.'. for the purchase or the h W ne l4, N m !,
of Section no 0. In Township no. J3 South.
Riwb' no. 1 linst, and will oner prooi io snow
that the land sought Is more valuable for its
Umber aim stone thnti for agricultural pur
post's, anil to establish hlB oialra to a1 land
boforc A. S. Hilton. U. S Cr-mnilsBloner, at bin
fw In Med'or.Oreeon.onButurdny, the 8th
dnv of Spptomht-r, 190ft.
Ho nam s as witnesses: Cltnrles 13. Worlno,
of Trail, Oregon, ond Daniel V, Oreon.Thomns
Lyons ana Marry uunopeii, an oi nimi uru,
Anv and ail persons clafmlne adversely tbo
above described land are rcquosted to tllo their
elnims in this ofllce on or before said 8th lay
of September, WOft. . ,
Hknjamin It. Eddy, Register.
Department ol the Interior.
Land Office at Itoteburg, Ore., May 22, 1006.
Notice is hereby iMvcn that the following.
named settler has filed notice of bis Intention
mako frniil nroof in sunnort of Ills claim.
and that nald nroof will bu made before A. 8.
Hilton, U. 8. C'ominlsKloner, at his ofllce at
Medford, uregon, on August l, llwo, viz:
K.. No. 10,194. for tbo WW WW of section
22. township 34 south, range 8 east.
Ho names toe follow in ir witnesses to prove
is continuous residence upon and cultivation
Bald land, viz: .lament. I'attnn. Kdmund ti.
at son. Frank D. Netherland. Robert L. Par
ker, all of lilg llutte, Oregon.
UbftJAJIlri Li, CDUY, ItOglBier.
. Denartincnt of tho I nterlor.
Land Office at ftorsoburir. Ore.. May 22. 1001.
Notice is herebv nlven that the followlnc-
aincd settler litis it led notice of his intention
i make Final Proof in nunnnrt of hifl olalm.
and that said proof will be made before A. S.
union, v. a. (JommisEionci, ni ni wnie in
Medford, Oregon, on August 1, 10(H. viz;
II. K.. No. 10409. for tbo SK. suction 32. In
township H I south, of range 3 east.
tic names inc ioiiowing witnesses to pruvu
(innous resineuce upon anu cumvaunn
tiiud.vlz: James I. I'atton, Robert U
r A Uliam R. Lamb Elmer B. Uoardman,
.fg liutte, Oregon.
Benjamin L. Rnov, Register.
NOTICJg FOrv i'UliLdUA'iAUfl.
United S t tea Land Ofllce,
Rose bure, Oregon, June 14, 1909.
Notice ia hereby given that in com
pliaooe with tbe provisions of the act
of CongresB of June 3, 1878, entitled
An aot lor the aaie oi timDerianaa in
Mm States of California. Orecon. Ne
vndn. and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land StatuB
by act of August 4, 1892, .
of St. Jamee. county of Watonwan,
Stale of Minnesota, has this day tiled
in this office her Sworn statement fNo.
0888, for the purohaee of the N bW
M, b VV WW o w tow t, oi cseu-
tion No. 32, in Township No. 39 South,
Kange fNo. l WOBt, ana win oner prooi
io show that the land Bought 1b moru
valuable for Its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish her claim to Baid land before A.
S. Bliton. U. S. Commissioner, at his
office at Medford, Oregon, on Friday,
the 14th day oi rieptemoer, iuw.
She names as witnesses: GuBtaf Lind-
quiBt, kA Echols, Minnesota; Christine
v rio.Ksnn. Mans iviarsiun. nuui ui ov,
James, Minnesota ', Daniel D. Duff, of
.viPfitnrii. t i'p?on.
Any and nil persons claiming ad
versely the above -described lands are
rpmt fitted to fllo their claims In tbie
office on or before said 14th day of "Sep
tember, 190.
URN.1AMIN Li CiUUY, legl8ier,
United Statca Land Ofllce,
Knsobnrir. OroKon. Juno 15, 1006
'nilrl hprMtv olven thnt In romnllance
with the provisions of tbe act of Con grow of
June . 187S, entitled "An aot for the Fale of
ti,hnr iftniU in thp Stales of California, oro
gon, Nevada, and WaPbinRlon Territory," as
extended to all the Public hand States by act
ol August 4, vm,
of Medford, county of .lacltHO , Stntc of ure-
nnn iibd fiiori in thi nrfle.n hlH sworn state
ment no. 0010, fo- tbe purchase of tho bk'4 sk11
of section lft I hwW swU. lA hwW ol aecllon
no. U, in towtiHhip no. 32 stmh, ra:po No. 2
east, and will offer proor to snow mat too iano
nnnahi in Ynnm vftittfthlo for Its timber and
sto c ibtin for agricultural purposes, and to
ertabnsn ols Claim io ram mna noiurw n. a.
ui inn It h ('niiimiaiilnnflr. at hU ofllce In
Medlord, Oregon, on Saturday, tbo 8th day of
eentcmoer, iwu.
Ma imi witnfiSSG i Goorco Oiltilcl. nil
Ham 'I'. Grieve, John Grieve, all of Prospect,
Oregon: J -inesA Perrr, of Hedfo'd.OreKon.
. tint! nil nnrsnnti rlnlmlno ndi-CTHOlV tllO
above described lands are retiucstcd to fllo
their claiinB In this ontco on or ociore saiu om
day oraepicmonr, iwu.
Henjamin I. Kddy, Rogisier,
United RtatCH Land Ofllce
lEnaphnrir. Oreiron. June 14, 1000.
Notice la hereby given that in compliance
ith tho Tirovlslons or tbe act oi unnxresH oi
I...... iris Aiitiiini "An not. for Ihe pale ol
timber lands in the States of Oallfornia. Ore-
ROD, Nevada, ano viatoiUBiun iwrrnury
extended to all the Puolic l.nnd Slates by act
of August 4, I'W,
of Vedford, County of Jackson. State of Oro-
stnicmentNo 6s08, for tbe purebaso of lots !i
and a, section n, lownahip 118 south, range
enst. nnd the SWtf K fnd hkknw oi seo
3 east, and will offer proof to show that tho
land poilgbt is morevnmnuiB ur in umuwi
stono than f r ngriointual nurposct, and to
nuni.nDi hln .iloiiTi tn flnld land before A S.
Mnrifoi'rt.Orriron. on Thursday, tho 6th day of
Scnlember, 1900.
Medford Oregon; Malcolms Mccown, Htan b.
ii nA ai no ii ii All nf Prnsnect. Ore con.
Anv and all oeraonB claiming adversely the
above-described lunda aru requested to file
thnii- ninlmR In this office on or boiorc said 0th
dayorsepicmonr M(MrlR,--
United states Land Office,
Roseburp;, Oregon, June 14, 1900,
Nntma is hereby civen tLat in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
nf r?nnirriRt nf June 3. 1878. entitled
"An aot for the sale of timber hnds
in ilin States of California. Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, 1892,
of Traverse City, county of Grand
Traverse, State of Michigan, has filed
n this omco ms sworn statement no.
0885. for ihe purchase of the N H N W
A little love, a little wealth,
A little home for you and me
TtB all I ask except good health
whlnh r.nmPB with Rocky Moun
tain Tea. Hinkle'a Drug Store.
Tfcfetr Reward.
rvr Rtrnehnn. blflhoo of Toronto, was
waited nnou by two churchwardens.
hn enmnlalned tbat their clergyman
wearied his congregation by repeating
the same sermon. He had preached It
twelve times. The bishop asKea ior
thtk tKf Neither of the churchwardens
could remember. "Go back," aald the
hlahoD sternly, "and ask your clergy
man to preneh the sermon one more
and then come back and tell me the
text." j
Children like Kennedy's Laxative
Ronov and Tar. The pleasantest and
beat cough syrup to take, because it
fontftins no ooites. Sold by Cbaa.
Strang, Medford ijMary Mee, Central
Rontinn No. 8. in township No.
South, Ramie No. 3 Eaot, and will of
fer prooi to snow tnat tne iano pougni,
1b more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural mirnoseti,
and to establish bis claim to Bald land
before A. 8. Bliton. U. 8. Commission
er, at ItiB office at Medford, Oregon, on
Saturday, tne join a ay oi oupieuiuur,
He nameB aa witnesses: cnnrieB
Ohenchain. Charlea A. EdmondBon.
nri Wlllllnm H. ChamberB all of Bis
Butte, Oregon; and Bert H. Harris, of
Medford, Oregon.
Anv and all oersonB claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file their claims in thlB
office on or before said 15th day of
September, 1900.
rl'jTliJJS ?tJK rujiuiuftiiuiv
tlnltpd Rtatcn Land Office,
Vnnniiitrir. Omirnn. tune 14. 1006.
Notice Ir horeby given that in compliance
with tho provisions of tbo actor ''.oni;resa o
i o ic'io nniitinii i.An nt. fni- the. nftle n
titnberlanksin the states of California, Ore
gon. Nevada, ana v. anninguiH . '"')'
extended to all tho Public l.nnd Slates by
of Migut)L4, 18'J2,
l nln,itla nf .InnlfMnn. RlfttG Ot OrC'
gon. has litis day lllcd in this office his sworn
statement no. 6892, for the purcnase oi ino o
SW H. of Section No. 26, in Township no.
o...ii: u.t.n. L'n Kail nnd will offer nroof
show that the land sought la more valuable
fonts timoer ana amnc jimn "'""""
mioses ana to pfliaoiian ih '' an'"
at his oilleo in Medford, Oregon, on Friday,
the 14th day ol September, WW.
lie names brwiiihiw. " "".". r.1-'
Robert L. Parker and Hiram Doublcday. alio
nlB Butte, Oregon, and Jessie WiUon.of Med
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested m file
lhe1rclalm1n thif ofllce on or before said 14th
day of September. iuo.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
H. E.. No. lo(WT. tar the SVM SEW. leetlon
. 14, In township No. 3d aoutb, ol ranee No.
Ho names the following witnesses to prove
Is continuous residence upon and oulttvatloa
FHid land, vie- 'lmrlfi W. Vralov. Edwin L
Red path, James Hereford and Joseph Mere
lord, all of Medford, Oregon.
iiEKjAUiK it r.DDx, negisier.
Mica Axle Grease
The Best in tiKe World
The Place to Buy Your Hardware.
Watchmaking nnd
Kepniiing of all
Kinds, promptly
I have been in
busi ess in Med
ford for 11 years
and my work has
always be en
...AND I....
Guarantee Every Job.
Medford, Oregon
Stewart Building, next door to Bakery.
Department of tbe Interior,
Land Office at ftoseburir. Ore.. May 2-2. 1000.
Notlro is linrnhv uIvimi that the fnllowliis-
named settler bah filed notice of his intention
tonuiKc llnal . proor In support ot ms claim
and that Bald nroof will be made before A. a
union, u. n. commissioner, at nis nince ai
Medford, Oregon, on August 4, IfXHi, viz:
H. F!.. No. HXSi. for tho Wii NEW. and SKlrf
NWof Bectlon2i), township .14 south, range 2
He names the following witnesses to prove
hla continuous residence upon aud cultivation
ot said laud, viz Henjamin Predentin rs ot nig
lliittfi. (lrccrnn: Orln Wakelleld of l'hoenlx.
Oregon: Thomas H. Fledenburg and Andrew
MneKcr, ooin oi weroy, uregon.
Who Creates Ihe Nobby Fit. E1FERT liarmenta are Out and Drap
ed by Artistic WnrktnuD, who devote their time and ability to please
bis customers. '
Orders taken for SultB, from $14.00 and up,
Ordei'B taken for Over Cou.e, $14 00 and up.
Suits PreBsed and Cleaned.
Will SolentiBcally measure you, who has the
. . . Knowledge of Measurements.
Department of the Interior,
Land Ofllce at Roseburar. Ore., May 22, 1006.
Kntlcfi is hnroliv elvon that the followltiff-
named settler haB Illed notice of his intention
malic Dual Drool in suppori oi nis eiaim,
and that Bfcld proof will bo mado before A. 8
Hilton, U. B Commissioner, at his office at
Medlord, Oregon, on August 8, 1IHW, viz:
on H. 15., No. 10218, for tho lE NK, KM
8E of section 8, townsbipl south
range 3 east.
lie names we miiuwinn wkiiubhiiub iu pruvo
s continuous resmence upon anu cultivation
f said land, vis: William W. Farlter, Robert
, Prtrlror. Htrnm Doubled av. W. Io Edmond-
son, all of Big Butte, Oregon.
Department of the Interior,
r.nnd ntflpp nt RnRnhnrir. Ore.. May 22. 1000.
Notice la lifirehv (t'veil that tl)0 followltlK-
named settler bas Illed notice ot his lutenlion
to make final proof In support of his claim,
and tbat said proof will be made before A. 8.
Mlliou, u, a. tummiitsiuiiur, ui uaa uniwo t
Medford, Oregon, on August 8, 1000, viz:
on II. E., No. 1(1061, for the 8) SYM, N wi aa,
8W;"i NI';; of section 0, township 35 south,
110 names mo loiiuwuiK wimiebkb w h"
ia nnntlniiniia rfxlilonoe u noii nnd cultivation
of said land, viz: Aaron neca, rrani u.svw
erland, Knbeft L. 1'arker, Elmer H. Board
man.auoi uig uuiiB. urcKuii.
Bekjamin L. Eddy, Register.
The City Tailor, Medford.
We Guaranteed the Fit. .
$900 House and four lots.
$1400 House and three lots.
$1000 House and lot.
All well located and are snaps.
I also have lots for sale and party will build house; same sold
on good terms. $4000 100-acre farm four miles from Medford;
a snap. First -class orchard land cIobc to town, at $fc00 per acre.
I have the plat of Butte Falls and am prepared to sell lots at
reasonable prices. Come and Bee me before the rush begins.
Department of the Interior,
Land Ofllce at rioneburg, Ore., May 22, 1000.
Notice li berebv irivon that the following-
named sutller huB illed notice of his Intention
to mako dual proof In support of his claim,
and that aald proof will bo made before A. 8.
Hilton, u- a. uuniiuiiMfiuiiui
Medford, Oregon, on August 3. 1906, viz:
nnmcitT pakker.
If. B. No. 10115. for tbo NlJ NE!4 and. EK Mffji
of Seotion ay, Township 3f South. Range a hast.
Iio names me innowiug wunww w umivu um
continuous residence upon anu cuiuvnuon
of said land, viz: Aaron Heck, .lames 1. I'atton,
Frank U. Nothcrland and William W. 1'ancer.
all of Big Hulte, Oregon.
Succesaor to
J, Q. TAYLOR, The Harness Haker
Fine Line of Hand Made Harness, Blankets,
Kobea and Whips. Repairing Neatly Done. .
W.-L,. ORR
TTttitd Htnto I, nnd Office,
tfrtt,nrtr Of..7nli. .ItlnRU. 1006.
v.iu. la hnr1v trlvnn ihnl III romnl InllCC with
the nrnvUlnk of ihe act of Congrewi of .Tune
3 IK'S, entitled "An act for the sale if tlmbor
Inlids In Hie Hlnics ni niinirnin. wicrun,
,i u'o.,iiiniti. n Tftrrliorv.' ns extended
to all ttlO mono i,mm owiw uy nv ui nuBunv
of Rt. James, county of Watonwan, "into 01
Minnesota, nas mis .mv nicu m uimwui
Bworn statement no. WO, for the pnrcnase of
tbe RR V of scrtlon No ft. In towiifhlp No. 40
pouth, range no. 0 west, and will offer proof to
(or !t timber or slono limn for .Krlcultufnij
TuirDn.PB. ami to pMnhllfh hi, rliitm to flfttd
Iniid be'ore A. . Hilton, U. H. CommtKfitoner,
nt hi, of IIcp nt MiMlford. Oregon, on Friday, the day of BfnlomtKT, 1WI0.
'ii. ... ui npwci f)an M H. Green.
Danlrln. Diift. ho hof Mtdrord Orefton; Oua
tdf l.lnonulftt of Ktholfl, Mlnneaoia; llanl
Manton. of l. Imw, Mlnne.ota.
Any nnd all per.on, claiming advorpely the
nhove doaeilbed landa are reqiir-nted to file
their olalm. In ihli office on or before Bald 14to
dayotHcptemher, 1000.
-heihamis L. Eddy, Ucglater,
Unlloil Slatoa Land Ofllce,
RciBoburg, Oregon, Juno 18, 1900.
Nntice in hereby ffiven that in com
pllanco with tho provisions ot the not
ol Congress of June 3, 1872, entitled
"An net, tor tne pa o oi umoer mnua in
the stateB of California Orecon Nevada
and Washlniiton Territory," ns extend
ed to all tho Public Luna states Dy act
of Aueust 4, WM,
of Medford, county of Jackson, state of
uregon, lias men in tins omco nis swum
statement no. 0020, for tho purchann of
the8 NW 8W yt N(i H,, fNW J4
SR U. nf Section No. 2. TownBhlD no.
35 South, Kanife No. 1 Kast, and will
olTnr proof to show that the land songht
is more valuable Inr Its timber or stono
than for BSrioultural purposes nnd to
establish his claim to said land before
A. 8. Hilton, U.S. Commissioner, nt
hinnfficn at Modford Orotron on Wed-
ncpday,the 12lh day of Boptember,lfJ00.
Ha names as witnesses: Haroid U.
Lumsiion, Georpe F. Kintj Bessie P.
Lums.lcn and Eunice M. Lumsden all
of Medford, Oregon.
Any snd all persons claiming adverse
ly tlie abovo-dosoribetl lands are re
quested to mo tncir claims in una ut
Nash LJvory Stables
Tho Stables has been newly relit led, and New RiijB and
Good Horses added. All Night Telephne Service.! Orders
filled at anytime.
Reasonable Rates.
Efficient Service
I flee on or hoforo Baid 12th day of Sept
ember, 1000.
Bknjami.n L. Eddv, Register.
Make. Kldneyn and Bladder RlQht
I have in Stock all Regular Sizes, and can make
any odd sized Screen Door or Window needed.
Show me the opening and I will screen it.
Rti; f3 A "V Contractor
. W . VjrrvrV I f and Builder,
Medford, Oregon