The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, July 20, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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... . An Indlan&polU barber laya be
: aa't share a man 'a ohio while tallc
' Ion ; that la, while the man la talk-
- r;'- :; !;
Why It it, a oare'e.a, ajreu-year-oid
kid cau drop a Ball burned match in
ma alley and barn up all tbe barns in
block, while an able bodied man
h to use op a whole box of matches
to get a wood ore started In a beater
that baa draft enough to draw all tbe
tfnrnlcure up the store pipe?
Despite her . alllBDoe with Japan
Kagland 1b forming a strong naval
base at Singapore. She will pay Hi,
170,000 for tbe tranafer of dooks at
Siatgapore and Pbnang and expeond
many millluna more on harbor fortl
Soatlons, England must now envy
aa tne ownership of the Philippines.
. Il 1b related that a female footpad
ia Ohio tlokles a man under the ohlu
Itb . a newspaper and extracts bis
tratoh or diamond stud before he re--overs
from the surprise. Tnere is
otnlna new In a woman getting
money fiom a man by tlokllng blm
under tbe ohlu. .
Amid all the current excitement tbe
disoussloo contlnuoa as to wbetbei
the United States "1b" or "are."
Those who contend for tbe plural
form say our forefathers who made
.the constitution settled tbe matter
about VZO years ago. But tbe dispute
waa re-opened forty-live years ago, at
whiph time a viotorloua army and
.navy decided, that the United States
'"la,.".. No one has ever had occasion
to regret the declBion.
-James Manning, aged fifty-seven
years, the man who Is said to bave
ed Cbas. Qulteau, the murderer of
'jpreaideut OarUeld, to do the deed
whtob sent him to the gallows, and
onoe wealthy and prominent, died in
the lot of a stable In Obloago last
week. He squandered bis fortune and
.aunt to a oommon Btable hand and a
:raoe tout. He died calling for his
"wife, from whom . he separated, after
dividing fortunes, upon the dieoovery
of bis improper oonduot.
The eoboolniaeter opened the dirty
'envelope and smoothed out the crum
pled sheet of paper, ills brow con
tracted as ho read the first word.
Who bad dared to insult him thus
he, a village sohoolmaster? This Is
wnatheroad: "Our, ass, you are a
man of uo legs I wish to Inter my
son in your skull." Who was insult
ing him? Who bad daared to play a
praotlaal joke on blm? Then the
-truth slowly dawn, lie bad received
moms queer letters from Illiterate par-
enta, but this was tbestrangcBt of all.
With af ello'w-master, he translated it
correctly like this: "sir As you are
man of knowledge, I wiBb to enter
imy sou in your school. "
Modest Claims Of ton uairy
Most conviction.
When Maxim, the famous gun
veator, plaoed nis gun bofore a o
. mucee or Judges, he stated lfcn nurrv.
lag power to be muoh below what he
reit sure the ruu would do. The re
sult of the trial was therefore a great
sur rise, instead of disapointment.
It is tbe same with the manufacturers
of Chamberlain's Oolio, Onolera and
' Uiarrhoe Remedy. They do not pub-
.Italy boast . of all his remedy will ao-
.eoinpllsb, but prefer to let the users
make the statements. What they do
claim, is that it will positively cure
.diarrhoea, dysentery, pains in tho
stomach and bowels, and taas never
bean known to fail, for sale by Ohas.
LKIemath County News.
From Klamath Palls Express:
Ky Taylor, justioe of the
elect, qualified for the ollloe last Fri-
day and presented bis resignation to
tho county court on Saturday,. The
resignation waa accepted and Judge
-Griffith appointed a. P. Nicholas to
fill the vaoanoy. Mr. Taylor resigned
because he felt that he oould not give
tthe otHoe the time that it should ro
oelva. Jamos Oalvin Slgler died last Satur
day morning at 1 o'olook at his real
denoe in this city of inflammation ot
tbo atomaoh, aud was burlod the same
afternoon under the aupsloes of the
A. O. U W., the Kev. J. W. Bryant
fioldlng a short aervlco over tho re
mains of the deceased at the rosl
ciunoo. Mr. Slgler was oorn in De
troit, .Mloh., on the 20th day of No
Tumber, 1853, being fifty-three years
of age at the time of bis death.
.The soven-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Arable Mason wim thrown from
a pony near oamp No 1. Tuesday
morning and sustained a fraature of
the left arm juBt above tbe elbow.
Ira. Cartwright aud Htelner roduood
tap traoture and the lad la getting I
McCormick Mowers and Rakes
New Moline Wagons
John Deere and Velie Vehicles
Right from
the Factory '
lubbard Bros.
Come and See Them,
reoaDcaaCrwaaoo oooooooo
along nicely. Healer, employed la
the tunnel at shift No 1., waa thrcwa
from tbe bucket on reaching the lur
faoe and In tbe mix-up bad both dodos
of tbe left arm broken almost midway
between the wrist and elbow. Ot.
Oartwilgbt set tbe arm and the in
jured member is gettlug on as well aa
oould be expsoted A orew of five
men at work in one i f tbe new tunnel
shafts was partially asphyxiated last
Thursday by the powder smoke from
blasting and tho foul air In the shaft.
All of the crew was removed before
any serious oonseauences resulted
One or two of tbe men boaamn uuoon-
solous, but revived fmniediatly upon
reaonmg me surface.
Rarly Tuesday morning, about five
o'oiock. a. m, unuders, residing in
East Klamath rails, went to a oatb
bouse nearby to take a bath and waa
considerably startled when he disaov
ered a oorpss lying In tbe water wbiob
ia only about eighteen inches deep
He immediately notified Ooronei Mar
tin and Sheriff Ooenobalu, wno went
to the eo&ne of death, where tney
found tbe body of a man lying on Its
oaoK lu tbe warm water, The olotb
lug waa scattered about on the out
side ot tne bath bouse and was thor
oughly Boaked, indicating that he
bad t e n in tbe water before he bad
removed ' his clothing. An inquis
was held and tbe following jury was
summoned I O. D. WIIbod,. foreman;
w. u, Mmitn, ny Taylor, Marlon
Hanks, O. K. Brandenburg and W. 0.
Bandoreon. A nuinbei of witnesses
were examined, the substance of tbe
evidenoe being about as follows : Tbe
man came to Klamath Falls Monday
afternnoa fiom Keno witti Oliver
Head. He had been employed In tbe
Otey and MoOollum shingle mill, near
rteno, xor-aoouc ten aayn. ne arana
fieely of Keno oooze and when he ar
rived here he finished up his last
spree. He was last Been on tbe streets
about midnight, and having left bis
manners in Head's wagon at tne Alex
ander stable, it is generall) supposed
that he aimed to go there to find bis
bed, but being intoxlooted be fell In
to the stieim flowing fiom thi hot
springs. He mmt buve removed his
clothing to dry while be went into
tbe bath houso to take bis final
wasb. Tbe jury after considering tbe
evidenoe returned a verdiot about as
follows: We, tbe ooroner's jury, find
that tui deceased, known by the name
of Mike Moore, oame to Ills deatn by
acoldmtal drowning while in an in
toxicated oonditiou." '
From Klamath Palls Republican:
Judge J. B. OriUltti, Oommissioner
Walker and Melhase and Oounty
Clerk Chaetain visited Merrill Tues
day for the purpose of inspecting the
oounty bridge at that place and de
olde on what repatra are necessary to
put it In lirst-olaBs condition.
G. D. Grizzle, the tombBtone man
of tuamath falls, bas opened a valu
able stone quarry on the mountain
side northeast of the valley, and has
been getting out stone bases for
.monuments this spring. The stone iB
a grey conglomerate, almost as hard as
granite, lie says it is tbe best stone
he has been able to Hud in tbe ooun
ty. He has brought the land and
tbinljs himself fortunate.
Mwt . -. A .... nA . I .. ...
ation Bervloe, and r. M. unapman and
wire enioyea a triD to uaessa uuudav
on a launch. Mr. Chapman, wno haB
been here collecting BDecimens for the
Amerloan Museum of New York, loft
Tuesday morning, Hie trip here wub
very suooessf ul and he speaks in words
or nignept praise over tbe oordial
treatment aooorded him.
A. H. Naftzgor, prealdont ot the
CaUtornia-NortheaBtorn, arrived here
last Friday. He had no publio state
ment relative to the street railway
situation. C. IN, Hawkins, head of
the Klamath Caual Company, arrived
here Monday. Ho was equally reti
cent on the subjeot. Both gentleman,
however, admitted a conference was
possible and it 1b understood that the
quoBtion of reaohlng an agreement
will be taken up today.
Claudo R. Fountain, nephew of P.
L. and John Fountain, of this oity,
has been eleoted to tbe chair of nhv-
sIob in Williams uollege, Massaonu
settB, one of the old established and
hiKh-olasB col legos of tho New Ens-
land states. Prof, Fountain 1b a Klam
ath Falls boy, having graduated from
tho publio sobool in this oity, after
which ho passed through the State
University of Oregon and Columbia
University, New York.
The following ollloera were installed
by District ueputy ueo. T. Baldwin.
of tbe A. O. U. W. Lodw. on Tuns
d.y evening: W. O. Smith, P. M.
w. : uoy jriamaker. M. w. : John la-
dBU, fotemau; Frank Wilson, over
seor; J. W. SiemonS, reooider; Ueo.
T. BDldwln. receiver: Alex. Martin.
Jr , tlnnnoier; Walter Lenox, guide;
jjiuni nigort, inside guard; vv. w
uaiuwiu, outBiae guard, in his re
marks after tne ceremonies, Judge
Baldwin stated that. twenty yean he
ussistea in installing the late J, w.
Hamaker, iuther of the present M.
W., sb the first Master Workman of
Lilukvllle Liodge No. 110.
Twenty Yeai'a Battle.
"I was loser ill a twenty voar battle
men onromo piles anu malignant sores,
until I tried Buokluu's Arnioa Salve;
which tamed tbo ourlng botb,
till uot a traoe remnlne," writes A.
Uruoo, of Karmvlllo, Va. Boat tor old
Uloora. OutB. Burns ana Wounds. 2Ta
nt Unas. Birans,drii(tglst,
Im Moderation-Ves. . v
A lady reooived the following reply
from a uelgbbor in auswer to the
question why she allowed her ohild-
ran and Hatband to litter np every
room in th bouse, and tbe sentiment
will find lodging In tbe heart of every
home-loving person In tbe land,
"Tbe mark of tbe little feet upon tbe
floor can be easier removed than tbe
stain wben those little feet go down
into tbe highways of evil. Tbe prints
of the little fingers on the window
pane cannot shut out tbe sunshine
half bo much as the shadow that dark.
ens tbe mother's beart over the one
vtbo Is but a name through coming
years. And if my husband Suds his
borne a refuge from care and trouble,
and his greatest bappineea within its
four walls, be can put bis b iota in the
rockug ohair and bang bis coat up on
the floor every day in tbe week. And
if I cau stand it and he enjoya it, I
caun'it see that It la anybudy else's
Subscribe for The Mail.
A Tragic Flulsli
A watchman's neglect permitted a
leak in the great North Sea dkye,
wblob a onild's finger oould bave plug
ged, to become a runinous break,dev
astating an entire provmon of Hol
land. In like manner Kenneth Mo
wer, of Vanceboro, Me., permitted a
little cold to go unnoticed until a
tragio finish waa only averted by Or.
King's New Dlsooverv. He writes:
"Three doctors gave me up to die of
lung innammation, oaueeu oy a neg
leoted cold ; but Dr. King's New Dis
covery saved my life.'! Ouaranteed
best oough and oold oure, at OhaB.
Strang's drug store, 5Uo and 81.00.
Trial bottle free.
Dandles of PfiMl Centurlea Would
Blake Suluiuou Look Sad.
Compared with the gay appurel worn
by the duudles of the past ages tbe
youths of our time In the gayest of
gay raiment mnko but a poor show.
The bishop of Ely In tho fourteenth
century had n change of raiment for
every day In tho year. Tlio Earl of
Northumberland boasted no Icsb than
Sixty cloth of gold suits at this time.
lu Queeu Mury's time the wardrobe
of a bishop must havo been the envy
of Solomon for tho variety uud costli
ness of Its contontB, and even a simple
Village priest wore "a vestment of
crimson- satin, a vestment of crimson
velvet, a stole and fanon set with
pearls, etc."
lu the time of Chaucer tho meu wore
clothes as many colored as Joseph's
coat, so that while one leg would be a
blaze of crimson the other would he
tricked out In green, blue or yellow
without any regard for harmony or
contrast. ;
Even as late as the middle of the
eighteenth century a dandy would
dress himself In a vivid green coat, n
waistcoat of scarlet, yellow breeches
and blue stockings.
And the gentleman of a few years
later wore, among other vagaries, n
coat of light green, with sleeves too
small for the arms and buttons too big
for the sleeves; a pair of fine Manches
ter breeches without money in their
pockpts; clocked silk stockings; a club
of hair behind larger than the bead
which carried it; a lint not larger tbau
a sixpence.
It was a common thing in the early
part of the eighteenth century for a
man of fashion to' spend several hours
dally In the handB of bis valet. Among
tbe many operations which took up
this time was "the starching of the
beard and the proper perfuming of the
garments, the painting of the face and
anointing with oils, tinctures, essences
and pomatums." New York Herald.
It Ham Alvraya Been the Love Plate
of the Apache Indian.
The flageolet Is of peculiar Interest
to Americans, as from time Immemo
rial It has boon the medium through
which the .Indian youth courted their
sweethearts at a distance when they
wero so unfortunate as to be unable
to gatn a personal audience.
The love or courting flute of the Apa
che Is made of a round stick of cedar
about twenty-four Inches long, split
lengthwise aud hollowed to form an air
chamber. A hole is made on each side
of this diaphragm and a shallow air
passnge cut from one hole to tho other.
Above It a cap of wood Is placed for
the purpose of covering the upper hole
and tho air cbannel. The Hp Is made
of a thin sbeot of lead and the whole
bound together with n slender thong.
In tho tube purt or body of the Instru
ment are placed six finger holes, a
condition thnt points unmistakably to
the lutlucnce of coutact with the white
The flageolet, as ordinarily under
stood, may be described as a whlBtle
headed flute. In the seventeenth cen
tury English ladles often played on It
Sometimes two or three flageolet tubes
wero constructed with one head for the
purpose of Introducing notes In har
mony. These were called doublo or
triple flageolets, and a patent was tak
en out for this Instrument by one
An old English diary of 166T contains
this quaint reference to the double
flageolet: "To Dumbleby's, tbe pipe
maker, thcro to advise about the mak
ing of a flageolot to go low and soft,
and he do show me a way which to do,
and also a fashion of having two pipes
of the same note fastened together, so
as I can play on one and then echo It
upon tho other, which la mighty pret
ty." American Inventor.
Still 'rime.
Burroughs Suy, old man, there was
a time when you promised to share
your last dollnt with me.
niehloy That's all right I haven't
got down to It yet.
Though the suu scorches ns some
times nnd gives us tho headache, wa do
not refuse to acknowledge that we
stand In need of his warmth. Dt Mor
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A lhiy Nodlolaft for Busy Feopl.
' Bring! OoMoa Ussllb ami Raaewtd Vigor.
A. W'lno fw O.msllivitlon. IiKllirostlon, I.lo
nn t KMnrr Trouble Hinplw. tem 1, Immir
u'1"''. Brailh, Kluculsli ikro-cK llcmluolit
and ltackncliii. ltn Rocky Mountain TVa In tub
lot form, cent a bo. Oontilnn made by
Unu-mca !n-n Cowjwv, Maillam. Win.
Dr. Hinkio, Central Point, Ore
Subscribe for Tho Mail.
Tarawlasj Mas.
Udell words without meaning are
used a person's vocabulary must be
bounded by bis knowledge. Many
years ago I waa teaching a , class of
poor children in the) school connected
with tbe Church of (St Paul's, Covent
Garden. One day I exhibited a picture
of a bayfleld with pen carting hay.
I aaked tbe children what tbe men
were throwing up into the cart. Tbey
answered, without a moment's hesita
tion, "Mudl" It then occurred to me
for tbe first time that these children
had never seen a bayfleld or the cart
ing of hay, but the scavenger's cart,
carting mud, they were quite familiar
with, and hence they spoke within their
knowledge London' Notes and Que
ries. The Word "Tar."
Why Is the word "tar" a synonym
for "sailor?" Some dictionaries say
that the allusion Is to the seaman's
tarry bauds and clothes tbe "savour
of tar" of Btephono's song In "The
Tempest" Burns uses "tarrybreeks"
as equivalent to "sailor," But It Is re
garded as mucb more probable that
"tar" Is short for "tarpaulin," since
Clarendon and other writers colloquial
ly use "tarpaulin" to signify a seaman.
Of course, tbla ultimately gets back to
tar, a tarpaulin being a tarred "pall
ing," or covering (the same word as
Sure of Hli choir.
A peppery New England parson who
was disturbed by his choir during
prayer time got even with them when
he gave out bis closing bymu by add
ing, "I hope the entire congregation
will Join In singing their grand old
hymn, and I know tbe choir will, for I
heard them humming It during the
United States LfuhI Office,
Ro6ehiirff. Oregon, June 10. 1006.
Notice ia hereby given that tn com
pliance with the provisions of thu aofc
oi (jongrew oi June A, JH7H. entitled
An not Jur the sale of timber landri in
the BtuteB of California, Oregon, Ne
vada and Washington Territory. " as
extended to ail the Public Land States
by act of August 4, 1892.
of Med ford, oounty of JuckHon, state of
Oregon, has filed In this office his sworn
statement no. 6025, for the pur
chase of the SW, of Section' No.
2. TOwnsbip No. 35 S., Range No.
EuBt. nnd will offer proof to Bhow
that tbe land sought Is more val
uable for Hb timber or stone than
for tigrluultural purposes and to .estab
lish his claim to said land before A. S.
Bhton, U. 8. Commissioner, nt bis of
fice nt Met ford Oregon, on Wednesday
tho 12th diiy of September, 190(1.
! He nameB as witnesses: Harold u.
Lumsden George F. King Clarence I.
Hutchison and Eunice M. Luuisden, all
of Medford, Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming1 adverse
ly the above-described land are re
quested to flle their claims in this of
fice on or before said 12th day of Sept
ember, lftOB. .j
. Benjamin L. Eddy, Register.
West Side Livery, Sale
and Feed Stables . . .
HAYES & DEVENY, Proprietors
Horses Bought, Sold or exchanged. Board by the Day, Week
or Month.
Moore's Brick: Stables,
All Orders Now Filled Promptly, for
Rustic, Ceiling. Floor
ing and Finishing Stock
Butte Falls Lumber Co.,
Office: Medford, Oregon.
Wholesale and Retail e aler In
Vehicles zandRlachinery
-t Medford,
Mowers, Champion Rakes, Reapers and Binders. 1
Binding Twine, Bale Ties, Hay Cam, Fork,
Pulleys, Wire Cable. Machine Oil. Mitchell
WagonB and Buggies, etc. ''
Market Raport
This list will .be changed each
wfeK as prices onange i
Whole-ale Prioe Retail Price
I ITIniiH . n nn iaa ii
J- r"- pi iuu f.wr per iw iub
Brail. .$20 per ton $1.20 per 100 lbs
unup. worn ton. fi.ou per IW ids
R Barley 980 per ton. ..$160 per 100 lbs
! Wheat in bulk fi7o
i lata 40
Barley $1,05 per 100 lbs
Holtttoo.,. ..$1.00 per 100 lto
EHfaa.jier doa. 20o
Butter, per lb 16o
Beana, white dry. .13.00 per 100 lbs
Benna, red dry. per lb 3o
llninfik ftl K( IAA IK.
yiivv jo iuu i uo
'Baunn, per lb...,. 12o
Hunid, pur lb..... 16o
Shoulder), per lb..,. ,.12o
Lurd. per lb lOo
riotrs, live, per lb 6 to bio
Beef, live, per lb. 2k to So
Mutton, per lb. 81c
ChleknnB, sprint; '. .$2.00 to $3.00
Chickens, old... ...,.$3.50 to $4.00
Hriy baled, grain 10.00
United Btitf Land Office,
ROHaburB'1 Oi-orrm In nn 1. lUfUl
N'Otlce Is liflrebY riven that In nnmnilannn
with the DrovlBloni of tha act of firm of
I June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for tbo sale of
gon, Nevada, and VatthlngtOD Territory,1' aa
extended to all the Public lnd states by aot
ui nuguBt t, ion,
of Ventura, oountv n Vnnturai. fltntA nf Pall.
forntn, has this day filed In this office bis
mvum mmuiuuub no.owh, ior me purcoaie oi
Ow 8B Of Section NO 26. in tnwtmhln No.
auuth, range no. fl east, and will offer proof to
mow Him iqo lanu nougni is more vaiuame
for ltn timber or moneiban for agricultural
purports and to eBtubliBh hla claim to Bald
land before A. 8. Bllton, U. 6. Oommfsaloner,
at hln office at Medford, Oreson, on Tburuday,
tbe 13th day of September, 1900.
He names as wltuosiea: Bert H. Hnrri",
Prank W. Streets, botb of Medford, Orepoo;
Roy a. Young. of Bis Uutte, Oregon; Ben b.
C. Edmondsou, of Derby, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tbe
above-deieribed Unda are requested 10 file
tbelr claims in tbla office on or oefore said 13tb
day of September, lftjO.
Benjamin i,. Eddy, Register.
Administratrix's Notice To Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given that tbe undersigned
liai been duly appointed administratrix of tbe
estate of John H. Brantner, deceaied. All per
bpiis having olalmB agtiinst said estate are
hereby notified to p'eeent thorn to me, at my
residence In Applegate Precinct, Jacltsou
tJounty. Oregon, duly verified and with the
proper vouchers thereto attached, within six
u onthx from the date hereof.
Dated Applegate, Oregon, July 13, 1006.
Mits. Mary uhaktker,
Admin iBtratrix of the estate of John H. Brant
ner, deceased.
In the County Court for Jackson County"
In tho matter of tho Estate of D. Polk Math
ews, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
has been appointed by the County Court for
Jackson County, Oregon, Bitting in probate,
executor under tbo will of tho estate of D.
Polk Mathews, deceased. All persons having
claim agalnpt tbe estate will present them io
tho undersigned at his ofllce in Medford, Or-
gon, with proper vouch ord attached, wltbln
six months from the first publication of this
1 nt loo. i
Bated June 29, 1906.
W I. Vawtbr,
Executor of the estate of D. Polk Muthnwa.
rfears the lfo Kind You Hare Always Bougm
Oregon j&
We have the celebrated
Champion Alfalfa Draw Cut
N. SDMtlt. loss 0! stranrta.
out, hudtbh., conitlpstton, bi arasta,
Kin.fti debility, sour risings, and oatarrk mi
e stomach ar all due loindlgMtlea, Kadal
ouros Indigestion, This new discovery repre
sents the natural ulca ol digestion as tasy
exist In a hsallhy ilom.oh, oomblnod wiia
the grettMl known tonlo and reoonstmotrn
properlles. Kodol Dyspcps's Cur. ds Ml
only cur. Indigestion and dyspepsia, but this
famous remedy curei all stomsoh treufelM
by cleansing, purifying, woeleninf and
strengthening the mucous membranes lataf
the stomaoh.
, Mr. S. S. Bill, of Rmennod. W. Vi, svei
I vu troubld with KUr Momech lor twert? fmmn
Kodol eurd ne cad . tr. oow tula. H Si mm
for baby."
Kodol Digests What Yon Eat,
fettles oelr. $1.00 Sum holdlntJX Usee rSeSM
sue, which Hlli for to cut.
Prapare. by I. a D.WITT OO,, ONrMM
For Sale by Chas. Strang
United States Land OlDcc,
rtoaDburn, Orown. June 14. 1UOQ
Notice Is hereby given lhat in compliance
with the provisions oi tho act of rongrens oi
June 8, 1878, entitled "An act (or tho sale of
tlmhap lnnrin In thn fltaloa nt Cnllfnrnla. Ore
gon, Nevada ana Washington Territory." an
exienaea to an tne r uoiio i.ana Diaiua uy avt,
of August -1, 1892,
ot Medford, county of Jackson, slate of Ore
gon, bas this day filed In tbls ofneo his sworn
statement No. 08UC, for the purchaso of the N
b 14 of Section No. 18, lu TownBhlp No. 82 South,
Ihnt the l&nil Koiivlit is mure vnluablo for lis
timber anil stono than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to tatd land
before A. 8. Ullton. U. S. commissioner, at his
ollice In Medford, Oregon, on Thursday, the utn
day ol September, 1906.
ne names as witnesses; wiiuuui 1. uiuivu
anil npoiee nanlel.of Prosnect. Oregon, nnd
John tVbynot and Atbort L. Ousfck. ol Medford,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
aunve aescriuca lanns are rcqursten 10 me
thftfr ntnlms tn thl nfllna on nr before said Gth
day ofBeptember. 1006.
llJ.JA91iN u, auijv, iiuKisier.
TJnitecl Slates Lnnd Ofllce,
Rosobnrir. Kretron. Juno J(i. 1006.
Nntlre Is horohv izivoii In comnllanco
with the nro vision a of the ant of ConttrORH of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for tlie sale of
timber lands in the states ot California Ore
gon. Nevada and WuBhiniyton Territory," as
extended to all the Publio Land Stutes by aot
OI AUh'UKl 1, 1D,
of Medford, county of Jackson, state of Oregon,
has filed in this office hln sworn statement no.
6922, for the purcbaee of the wWnw', ne
NWM, KW NE 4, Set'llOO HO. Z9, lOWIlBUip
No. 34 S., Ranse No 2 Kast. and will offer proof
to show that ihelani' sought U more valuable
for itB timber or stone ihaa for agricultural
fiurposes, and to esiabllBh his claim to said
anu before A. S. Bllton, O, S. Commissioner,
at his ofllce in Medford, Oregon on Tuesday,
tbo 11th day of -optomrjer, 1006.
Ho names as wHiiushhh: Benjamin Frcdon
burc, Thoinus Fredenburg arid John Hltjln
botliati, of Derby, Oregon, and Joseph T. Our
rle, of Medford, Oregon.
Any and all nerHoiia elalmlnir advorHelv the
abovo-descrfbed lands are requested to 11 le
tlielr claims in til In ofllce on or before said 11th
day of September, 11KM1.
United States T.nnd ofllce,
Rosoburg, Oregon. May o, IH06.
Notice is herebv etven thnt lit mmnlianro
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
.1uue3,lS78, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands In tho States of California. Ore.
gon, Nevada, aud Washington Territory," ob
extended to nil the Publio Land States by act
of Willows, County of Gilliam, 8'ateof Oregon,
ban this dny filed in this ofllce her sworn state
ment No. 6745, for the purchase of tlie SW'V
otHeellonNo. 12, In t wusliip No, 82 foulb,
range No. 2 tast, and will offer proof to show
that the land sought la more valuable for its
timber or stone than for aerlciilturtil Tiurnosps
and to establish her claim tn fluid land hnforn
A. S Bllton, U. S. Commissioner, nt bis ofllce
at Medford, Oregor, on Friday the lOta day of
August, 1006.
She names as witnesses: Albert L. Cuslck
of Medford, Oregon; William T. Grieve of Cen
tral Point. Oregon; George Daniel of Prospect,
Oregon; Frederick Crystal of Medford, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to filo
their claims in this ofllce on or beforo said 10th
day of August, 1906.
Benjamin l. Eddy. Register.
a, E. AN KEN Y,
. 1. E. E NY ART,
Vice President
W. B. Jackson,
Asst. Cashier
The riedford Bank
Meofoho. Oregon
A General Banking Business
. Makes Kldneya and Bladder Rlfjht
Founders and Machinists,
Mining and Mining Machinery.
Agents for Fairbanks, Morse & Co. s
. Gasoline Engines and Spray Outfits '
and Power Pumps. Figure with us
New and Second Hand
Boilers and Engines.
And Those Intending Building, call at Medford's
New Tin and Plumbing Shop. Workmanship and
material first-class. Prices Reasonable.
Medford, Oregon.
Offloe, 7th nnd B, Oppoalte Uedloid Btuk.
fboue No. 108. fi
C. E. TULL ' ;
"Veterinary Dentistry a Specialty
All call orders promptly
I tilled duy or niithi.
Ofkiok at Union Staolue, Medford, Or
A. 8.' BLITON,
Uomeatead aud Timber Land tilings and
prooli.uiade. Testimony tftltoo lo laud con
test oasea.
Office wJth Modlord IfaU Mcdfnrd Oregon
(3,T. JONES,
Any or all kinds of Burveylus prompt. dona
TheOountySurveyoroan give you tbe onl
legal work.
Medford. OreROt
Offlcebouri 11 to 12 a. m. and l :W to 8 p. m
X-Kay Laboratory Examlaatlooi li,W to 25
Ollloe Haikln Block, Medfora, Oregon.
Palm-Nolclormoyer Building. 'Phone 418
'Phone 800.
I om Washington, D. C , lately
returned from studying abroad
has located at CENTRAL
OFFICE-Pleasiuit's Hotel, MainSlrcet. '
Office: Room Palm-Neldermeyer Block
Residence: Corner South C aud Ninth streety
I, D. PHIPPS, D. D. S.
Offices ii Adit ins Block, adjoining- 13 asking
Drugstore MedlorJ. Oregon
Q-. W. STEPHENSON, . ... ',
Office: Room 6, Adidas' block. Calls prumptl
attended day or night. 'Phono
Medford .Oregon. .
U.S. Deputy Mineral !,
Ofllce In Palm Buildlnff, MEDFORD, OREOON.
Will have for the Seannn'R
Trade of 1906, 80,000 Pear
Trees in the following var- ff
25,000 Bartlett
25,000 D. DuOomice
10,000 Beurre d'Anjou
10,000 B. Boso
5.000 Howell
5,000 Winter Nelia
Also Apple, Peach, Cherry,
flpnooi ana Berry i-lants
2 and Monterey CvDress. 9
rnyt (Jentral Foint, Oregon. te
pi .una ui HlDUDlllu mSDH
showlni? all vacant land, fifty eentB
Bach. Ffir rf.llnhlA infnwnintinn
cerninis Government land write to
rrauK a. aiiey, AOBtraotor, Koseburg,
Subsorihe for The Mail.