The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, July 06, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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No leu than Mrentjr-oue amateur
potts have lent John D, Rookefellev
Jr., ooDRraiulatory poema on bia aon'a
(birth, ' .
Sarah Bernhardt baa aaltl tbat she
will nerer visit the United States
agata. Sarah la possessed of auob a
.delightful strata of humor I
From the number of genuine pho
' tograpba of the bombtbrowlug at Ma
. drld tbat are now being published,
that event must have been oarefully
planned and extensively advertised.
About tbe only thing tbat does not
- get on tho bargain oounter la the mar
riage Uoensej and If It did It would
.not be worth tbe price.
What a splendid world It would be
if we were all unselfish and altruiatlo
. enough to let our brother get tbe best
of It, or the profit, in every trade we
make I
An Alabama paper urges tbe need
'Of more water troughs, on tbe ground
&hat a man can buatle for water, wbtle
-a borac oannot. Hut tbe question as
it is to Alabama is, will a man bUBtle
:Ior water?
Salem gets $15,000, Baker City 86.
00 and Eugene ?50,(X)0 In the public
buildings bill. Tbere are at least three
places In Oregon where tbe pork bar'l
.will be mentioned witb reBpect.
The oltlzen who doesn't value bis
Tight of suffrage highly enough to reg
later ought not to be allowed to vote
Voting by certificate la a premium oil
fraud, indilferonoe and neglect. There
i should b an end to it.
A Missouri edltoi says that the big
gest trust ou earth Is the country
newspaper combine. It trusts every
body, gets ouBsed for trusting, mis-
. trusted for cussing and if it busts for
- trusting, gets cussed for busting.
l''urnlture is made to be used and
' books to be read. If tbe disarrang
ing of a ohair or the misplaoing of a
'boon usets the order of a room, some
thing is wrong. Tbe order that faints
at tight of a bit of dust, the order that
locates every chair and table by
obik mark, ia not tbe older that la
vital. !
A Tragrio Finish.
A watohman's negloot permitted a
'ieaK in me great nortn sea dkye,
. whiob a onild'B finger oould have plug-
aed, to become a runinous break. ctev
. Bstatiog an entire provinon of Hol-
. laud, in like manner Kenneth Mc
Iver, of Vanoeboro, Me., permitted a
ucue com co go unnoiioea until a
tragic finish was only averted by Dr.
King'a New Discovery. He writes:
"Three doctors gave me up to die of
' rung innammation, caused by a neg
lected cold ; but Dr. King's New Dis-
oovory saved my life." Guaranteed
beat cough.and cold oure, at Cbas.
otrang's arug stare, boo and Sl.uo,
' TriHl bottle free.
Klamath County News,.
From Klamath Falls ExresB:
f - BnA Mm Un1l-f 1
"1.1 DUU .u.a VUQUUUMU.
Earenta of Sheriff JObenobain, arrived
ere from Central Point. Jackson
county, last ween and will stay about
six weens in luauiatn oounty, visiting
their sous. They are now with their
aou, f rauK, in ijangeu valley.
O. B. Qatee, while at work on the
telephone line near Altamont last
Sunday noon, was overcome by the
) beat and has sinoe been ouuiined to
his bed at hie borne in this oity. Mr.
' Uutea waa aooompanied by bis two
- small boys, who could render him no
assistance and he baa no dear recol
lection of how be got into tbe buggy
. and returned home. Under the oure
. of Dr. Geo. Merryman, Mr Gates 1b
improving and will soon be able to
.attend to his business again.
'Tbe new oontraotora take churgo of
,the mall routes on July 1st. There arc
,y few obanges from the old regime. The
ty Klamath Falls-Pokegumii Hue remains
uu.'wo db.uo uinuagnuiDuwiD MOT'
7 ie Co'. ' 3 L. Yadon will run the liuo
i, ' from tble oity to Fort Klamath and
? aUo the .line from here to Merrill,
xionce:io xuie jjaxe. uross at ijaiU'
. bort,' of Ijob Angeles, will ruu the
Lukevlew-Klamutb Falls route. A
.piirtiou of their equipment is already
- vuu .the ground, and thoy are now buy
Mng atook so hb to bo nble to .give a
'ilrat-oaaa servloe.
W. II. Holablrd, who le well known
n tbiB oity aB being formerly oonnect
ed with the Kluuinth Development
'Co., Is hero for a short visit, uftor six
'ipouiha' sojourn in the Orient, and a
long illnoBS in Los Augoles following
his return. He is looking Hue and
Btatea that ho greatly onjoyoJ hia
- drive -from the Central Paclllo rail
way north thiougb the timber to the
vntloys of Modoo and Lassen aountlos.
lie la still an enthusiastic boliovor In
the future of Klammth Falls, tnd pro-
. diets a real boom at au early date,
possibly not until tne rnllwny oon
atruotura are close to the oity, but it
.Is oomiug and a good ninny In Klum-
McCormick Mowers and Rakes
New Moline Wagons
John Deere and Velie Vehicles
Right from
the Factory
' at
Mbard Bros.
Come and See Them,
atb Fall will be tailing soma on to
ioz mem ior not investing in oity
real estate at the present low prices.
m oltes oasea in oitles of five to
twelve thousand persons, where the
prices ior iron! loot oi unimprovea
business real estate li not leas than
1760 for front foot, and asks why
should not real estate in Klamath
Falls b. worth as much and more when
tbe great enterprlsea now uuder way
are uuisnea,
From Klamath Falls Republican
An Immense gasoline launch has been
ordered by Ithe Klamath Canal Co,
for use on the Upper lake. It will be
thirty-five feet long, eight and one
hslf beam and will be equipped witb a
20-borse gasoline engine. It will be
tbe largest on either lake and have a
apeed tbat will be a record breaker.
When Frederlok Weyerneauser was
on his tour of inaeotion last week, he
Instructed Ueneral Manager Abbott to
erect a aobool house at Thrall and one
at Pokeaania and send tne bin to him.
He further Instructed Mr. Abbott tbat
they should be used for religious aer
vIccb at all time , and tbat be should
furnisb light and beat on such ooca
Grading onsratlonB at tbe corner of
uonge- avenue and Main strict wore
begun toaay by tne Klamath Canal
Company. It la tbe intention of tbe
company to bring cue avenue to i
grade with Main street at tbe June
tion, and reduoe tbe grade to tbree
per oent, A atone retaining wall will
be built ou tbe river side of tbe ava
nue and when the work la uorapleted
it will be one of tbe most ploturesque
ana nest tnorougniares lu tne state,
After July 8th no Sunday trains will
oe run on tne tuamutn I uke rail
road. TbiB was tbe older ousted' in
this oity Tuesday by General Manager
E. T. Abbott, who waa here on that
day. Ab soon as tbe change was made
Known ne waa besieged wltn objeo
tions, but be waa inexorible and stat
ed that the change was made on tbe
direot order of Mr. Weyerhaeuser and
would go Into effect on that date.
This obange will be a bard blow to
tbis oity. Transportation bad reached
the point where it waa possible to
travel to this oity with some degree of
oouifort and on aohedule time. If this
rder bad been deferred until Sep
tern er or October it would not have
worked such a hardship aB it does
ooming at tbe very beginning of tbe
greatest influx of travel to Klamath
oouuty. "Tbe order is explicit and
implicit. When Mr. Weyerheauser
waa in Tbrall this week it was one of
tbe first question he asked me if Sua
day trains were run. He is unulti r
ably adverse to Sunday word of any
klud where it Is at all possible to
avoid It. He believed Sunday trains
could be dispersed with and they will
be until he orders otherwise. There
are, of course, two sides to this ques
tion. Onr men are entitled to some
recreation and this order will give it
totuew. "
From Merrill Record :
Davidson & Davis, of tbe Merrill
Meat Maket, are up In arms against
tne ooyoteB of tbla neighborhood.
Last week thev bought three lambs
and were going to treat their cus
tomers to mutton, but instead tbe ooy
otea were the ouea tbat got the mut
ton. The tbree sheep were put in tbe
PBBture at tne slaughter house and
next morning when they went to look
alter them only one .waa left alive
aud tbe bonea of tbe other two were
mute evidenoe of tbe visit 'of the wilj
Four Baooook Standard fire extin
guishers, a book and ladder wagon
aud one hundred pound fire. bell.
These are the things tbe Merrill town
board instructed Fire Chief Ben
Faus to order at a special meetins
last week. This is the best evidence
at baud that the municipality of Mer
rill hue com to rolize that our little
burg la fast building as a business
center and it IB due the business men
to proteot them to some extent from
the fire demon. Tbis is only the
beginning of the move toward a fire
protootlou for our growing little town.
It means an outlay of $1000 for appra
tus and tbe laying of mains, a mattei
which the board will take up at its
next meeting.
Modest Claims Often unrry
Most Conviction.
urt.n njni. ti... ...... i
"u,u uuiiiu. ma iauivua KUU ill"
ventoi. placed hia gun before a' oom
mittee of judges, be stated its curry
ing powor to be muoh below what he
felt sure the gun would do. The re
sult of tbe trial was therefore a great
Btir rise, instead of disapoiutmeut,
It la the same with the manufacturers
of Chamberlain's Colic, Cnolern and
.Dlnrrhoe Remedy. They do not pub
lioly boast of all his remedv will ac
complish, i but profor to let the UBers
make the statements. Whut they do
alalm, la that it will positively oure
dlurrhoea, dysentery, paina in the
stmuaoh and bowels, and has never
beeu known to fall. For sale by Chus.
Strung. .
Accounts Due and Payable.
All acoonuts contracted at the Mod-
ford Pharmaoy, .prior to May 1, 1000,
are duo and payable to the uudorslug
ed, and to no other person or persons.
J. WHlTlii, Owner.
J. S. DuVall, Manager.
Beuittt yTM Kim tw Have Mways Bought
Subscribe for Tho Mail.
Canada Will Reason Sunday.
Sunday will be more thoroughly ob
served throughout. Canada than in any
other country In the world, if a Lord's
day bill now before Parliament be-
oomes a law. Tbe measure, wbloh la
a government bill and thus sure of
enaotment In its present form unless
modified by tbe government Itself, ia
the most aweeplng piece of Sabbath
legislation ever framed. How wide la
tbe soope of tbe bill may be judged
from tbe following summary of Its
main provisions:
Nobody may work, do business, sell
anyhing or employ any person to
work. 1
No games or performances whore
admission fee ia oharged.
No sxouralon for amusement.
do public parks, pleasure ground
or amusement.
No publlo oarks, pleaaure ground or
amusement place open where admis-
siou fee is charged.
No target-shooting.
No foreign newspapere sold.
Certain exceptions are made of
worka of meroy, religion or necessity,
in regard to running through traiUB,
oeoan vessels, eto.
Jews, AdvontistB and others who
keep Saturday as a day of rest may
do business on Sunday.
Tbe exoeptiona allow:
Work In connection with divine ser
Work for tbe relief of tbe sick,
Sale of drugs.
Work in respeot to telegraphs and
Essential work on any lndustr al
process of suob a continuous nature
tbat It oaunot be stopped without
serious injury.
Work for tbe supply of heat, water.
gae or light.
Conveying of travelers.
Continuous passage to their des
tination of trains and vessels in tran
sit when Sunday begins.
Loading and unloading of merohan
dise at intermediate points from paa
senger boats or- trains.
Keeping railway traoka dear of
snow and making emergenoy repairs.
Work in handling trams in railroad
yards before 6 a. m. and after 8 p. m.
Labor about ann ocean vessel wbloh
would otherwise be unduly delayed
in sailing.
Caring for llvestook and perishable
operation or a ferry or apassenger
Hiring of horses for personal use.
Work after 8 p. m. in preparing tor
Monday edition of newspapers.
Work after 4 p. m. in connection
with setting bakers' sponge.
Delivery of milk and ioe.
The work of domestio servants.
The operation of interprovinoial or
international electric oar lines.
It will thus be seen not only that
all usual business vocatlona aud work
muBt oease absolutely on Sunday, but
that the operation or freigbt trains
and freight vessels, unless in transit,
when Sabbath begins, must oease, and
tbat operation of street cars except
on lines specifically made exempt,
must also stop.
It haB caused more laughs aud dried
more tears, wiped away diseases aud
driven away more fears than any other
medicine in the world. Hollister's
Rocky Mountain Tea. 35- oents, Tea
or TibletB. Dr. Hinkle'a Drug Store.
Soubeni Oregon Normal School.
The year ended June 12th witb tho
graduation of thlrty-foui seniors, the
largest olasa in the history of tho
Bobool. Tbe citizens of Asnland aud
tbe surrounding oountry .oume out en
niasBO and more than 1500 people wit
nessed the dosing exeroiseB in the
Ohnutauqua building. The presenta
tion of the scarf by Miss Nora Uoebe
on behalf of the Seniors to Walter
llerndon, who received it ou behalf
of the Juniors waa an unique and
pleasant feature. This banner passes
from oloss to olass year after year and
Is tho ohorished i-cllc of the school.
The number of people who attended
the exeroises from abroad bespeaks
the wide interests felt in the school.
School superintendents and prinoi
puls aud teaohetB from various parts
of Southern Oregon were in attend
ance. The Alumui Association was attend
ed by ninety members. Tho present
fHOulty and students were rejoiced to
see the lively interest here shown by
tbo students of long ago.
Nearly all of tho graduates of tbis
yeur will teach, , More of them have
good positions. Next year will find
them looated in some desirable field
tor work. Tbe boat positions ask fur
the bost teachers and the best teaoh
era Beok the bost positions The Nor
mal graduate and the bost positiou al
ways llnd eaoh other.
Of rocout grndaates Vora Storey Is
elcotod to tbe WoodvlUo high aobool,
Floy McNeil and Anna Beeson to the
Mod ford Bobools, Era Storey, Doioa
Willlte aud G. W. Milam to tho Abu
land Bchoola, Harvey lnlow prinolpal
shlp of Ploaaaut Hill, 0. Strange, oity
superintendent Cottage Grove, Worth
Harvey, prlnolpal Grants Pass Bobool,
and Mary Mundy, high sohool at Cot
tage Gove, Ola and Mabel Mlokey,
Cordelia Grant andfJessle Wllaon,Cot
tage Grove publlo whools, Lottie
Cooper, Myrtle Point school, Stella
Campbell and Mabel Campbell, Klam
ath 1'allB sohool, Elsie Parks, Ores
well aobool, Elizabeth Gibson, Central
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A busy Medicine for Easy Peopl.
Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor.
A sppolflo fiir Constipation; In. 1 1 Ration, I.Iva
anil Kidnoy Troubles nmplc!. Koroma. Impur
lilixni, itiiii Kroalb, Slupijlsli HowkIs. Hoadiu-he
and llACkncho. It Hocky MountAln Ti 'n tab
lit form, afi cpnts n bos, Umulno nmde hy
Uolurtkh Dnr CjiPiNV, Sludl? i. Wis.
Dr. Hinkio, Conlral Point, Ore
Point, and Luole George, prlnolpal
at Grants Pass, i
Of tbe former graduates Liuoolu
Savage Is superintendent of the
. , , , , ,
aohoola of Josephine oounty, J. Peicy
Wells, superintendent Jacksonville
publlo schools, and S. P. Robblns,
superintendent of Myrtle Point uo
Ho schools.
This list will suffloe to show the
obaraoter of positions occupied by
those people thoroughly prepared for
their work. They are receiving sal
aries varying from 850 to $100 per
It will be of interest to all friends
of tbe sohool to know that witb the
acceptance of tbe appropriation ;bill
by the people tho Ashland water Bya -
tern will be extendei to tbe Normal
aobool grounda where lawns and foun -
tans, plants and shrubbery will furth -
ei adorn the already beautiful Normal
school oamnus. A heutlno nl.nt will
be established at once and large addi
tions will be made to the pbysloal and
ohemioal laboratory and to the Nor
mal eohool llbraiy. Three new touch
ers will be added, an advance year
will be added to the course from whiob
will be graduated at least fifteen per
sona who are already applying for en.
tranoe to that course.
In fact graduation and oourse of
atudy and obaraoter of work done will
parallel that done by tbe San Frauds
co Normal School wbloh la taken aa a
standard and whloh is acknowledged
the best Institution of its kind on the
Paoifio coast,
The fuoulty and stud-ntB of tbe Nor
mal Bobool have passed resolution
tbunking the people of Southern Ore
gon for tbe stand they took at the
polls in June concerning tbe appro
priation for state institutions. Every
town and county in tbe territory em
braced by Jaokaon, Coos, Curry,
Douglas, Josephine, Klamath and
Lake threw a heavy majority for the
appropriation bill and tbis institution
construes this vote into an aot of
klndnras and recognition of merit
shown towards the institution.
Therefore, we take oourage and go
forward in our endeavors to make It
an institution of whioh every oltlzen
of Southern Oregon will be proud to
speak when they journey abroad and
wbloh they will delight to see when in
tbeir wanderings they return to their
onioveo state again.
United States Land Offloe,
Rosehurg, Oregon, June 16, 1906.
Notice Is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the aot
of CoDgreie of Juno 3, 1878, entitled
An aot for the sale of timber lands in
the stales of California. Oregon, Ne
vada ana waBningion lerritot-v. us
extended to ail the Public Land States
l.v .int. nl A linnet A 1 All?
j v. uuu m,
oi jueatoru. uountv oi JucKson. state or
Orenon. has tiled in thU office his sworn
Btatt-ment no, (.925. for the our-
chtise of the SW, of Section no.
Townabip No, 35 S., Range no.
Eust, and will offer proof to show
that the . land eoucht Is more val
uable for its timber' or stone than
for agricultural purposes and to estab
lish his claim to said land before A. 8.
DlilnB Xt c nrinn.nnDW v,i
BUton, U. S. Commissioner, nt his of-
11 to nu lucuiui u vicituiii uii iicuudbuhv
the 12th day of September, 1900.
tie nameB as witnesses: Harold u.
Lumsden George F. Kinc Olarence I,
Butch ison and Eunice M. Lumsdcn. all
of Medford, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
V the abovedn8oribed land are re
lies ted to file their claims in this of
ce on or before said 2th day of Sept
ember, 1908.
mcNjAMiN u. tavdYi ttes later.
All Orders Now Filled Promptly, for
Rustic, Ceiling. Floor
ins and Finishing Stock '
Butte Falls Lumber Co.,
Office: Medford, Oregon.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer. In
Vehic I es andMachinery
j& Medford,
Mowers, Champion Rakes, Reapers and Binders.
Binding Twine, Bale Ties, Hay Cars, Fork,
Pulleys, Wire Cable. Machine Oil. Mitchell
Wagons and Buggies, ttc.
Mario Report
This list will be ohanged each
week us prices obange i
i n uuivume rriue. . neiau rice
j Fiour, ,m ton ,2.00 per 100 lbs
Wholesale Price. Retail Price
Brnn. .(22 oer ton 1.2.1 nnr 100 lha
Chop. Corn $27 torn 11.60 per 100 Hib
R Barley t30 pur ton. ..$160 per 100 lbs
Wbsat In bulk ...67o
Oats '. 40
Barley $1,08 per 100 lbs
Potatoes $1.00 per 100 lh
Egg, per do 20o
Butter, per lb...,., 15o
Beans, white dry... 3.90 per 100 lbs
Beans, red dry, per lb 3c
Onlous. . . $1,50 per 100 lbs
Bacon, per lb 12
. Hams, per lb ,...16o
, Shoulders, per lb l2o
1 fd' per lb . . . .10o
j Hvlb";-;:":";""!
1 Mutton, per lb 80
. Chlokeos, spring '.'.$2. 00 to $3,00
Chickens, old $3.60 to $4.00
Huy baled' K"ln 10.00
United S "tea Land Offlae,
Roaelmrg1 Oregon. Juuo 16. IMI.
Nntleo Is liereby given thut In compliance
wltn tho provlsloni of tbe Rut of Congress of
Juoei, 1178, entitled "An nol for tbo sale of
timber landi In tbe Htates of Oallfornla. Ore
son, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
.....u.tuou wo., .uv , uutiv muu nifties oy aoi
of Ventura, county of Ventura. State f Cali
fornia, has this dav Sled In thlH nfRnn hi.
sworn statement no. 60UJ, for the purchase of
tho SB lA ofseotfon NO 2S. in tnwnshln Nn. SB
south, range NO. 8 east, and will offer proof to
uu tun., u, i,uu euugui in more vaiuaoio
for Its timber or stone than for agricultural
fiurnoses and to establish his claim to said
and before k. S. Bllton, 0. 6. Commissioner.
ai ma oince at Meaford, uregon, on Thursday,
the 13th day of September, 1906.
He names as wltnos&OB: Oert H. TTnrrla.
Prank W. Streets, both of Mcdford, Oregon;
ma Duyr, wrugun J Don K
C. Edmondson. of nerbv. Orcirnn.
Any and all persons claiming advorsoly the
ahovt-descrlbed lands are requested to file
meir cmmB in mis oinee on or Derore said IStb
uny oi sepiemDer, iwo.
bbnjamin L. bdpy, Register.
United Htates Land Office,
Roiehurtr. OrAtron. Jnnlj lonA.
Notice la hsireby given tliatln oompiianct with
the provUtnqsoflh aotofCongrcsa of Jun
i:o. en u iieu -ati mci ior mt laie ui timuei'
landi In the States of California, Orenon. Ne
vada, and Tflrrltorv nt n-rtnlBr1
to all the Publlo I, and BUte by act of August
4. IO., ,
of fit. James, count? of Watonwan State of
OTinnemnti, una ioib a ay niea in tDis oince ner
sworn statement no. 6890, for the purchase of
tbe be 4 of section no. 6, In township No. 40
south, range no. 9 went, and will offer pioof to
for its timber or stone than for aRrioultuftal
pnrposeB, and to establish his claim to said
land before A. B. Blltoa. U.S. Commissioner,
at bis office at Med ford, Oregon, on Friday, the
14 lu iy ui oupieniopr, in,
He names as wi'DOBies: Daniel K, Green,
DanM I. Puff, both of Med ford. Oreeon: Otis
tat Llndqulst of Echols, Minnesota; Hans
Aiarston, of at. James, Minnesota,
Any and all persons claiming adversely tbe
Above described lands are requested to tile
their claims In this office on or before said 14th
day cf September, 1906.
Benjamin L. Eddy, iteglBter
No. 8236.
r.a... rl , .
OfHceof Comptroller of tho currency.
v. axbinctoii. D. Mav ffl. land.
n'HRHWAR. hv untlHlnnlnrv nvlilonpo nro.onti.,1
the undorslcued. It has boon made to annnar
In the City of Med ford, in tho County of Jack
son and State of Oregon, line complied witb all
the provisions of the Statutes of the United
States, required to be complied with before an
nasociation shall be authorized to commence
the busfnesB or banking:
Now Therefore, I. Thomas P. Kane, Deputy
and Acting Comptroller of the Curroncy, do
hereby certify tbat
In the City of Medford, In the County of Jack-
f son and Stale of Oregon, is authorized to com
mmco tu, business of Banking as provided in
eootion fifty one hundred and sixty-nine of the
Revlaed'Slatntes of the United States,
In Testimony Whereof witness my hand and
Real of 'oince this twenty eighth day of May.
seal) (Signed) T. p. Kane,
Deputy and Acting Comptroller
of the currency.
Bsuath. ThB Kind VouHaie Always Biugtil
Oregon j&
We have
Champion Alfalfa Draw Cut
No ippatlt. lot. oi itrnrth,
out, h.adach., eonillpition, b4 kiwlk,
Sin.ial ttoblllly, jour rldngi, and eatwrk W
ilomaoh r all dut to IndlraUon. KMM
ouraa indif unon, Thu now ducavry npct
tent. Um ntturml ulcsi el dljaitlon u Imt
exist in healthy .lomaoh, oomblned will
the grealett known tonlo and reoonitruetrf
properllee. K.odol Dysp-.pal. Cure doea net
only oure Indigeailon ana dy.pcpila, but thle
famous remedy euros all atomaoh trouble
oy oieansinf, puniymy, sweeiemof one
tron(thenlng the mucou membranea Hatof
in. .lumaon.
.. Mr. S. S. Ball, of Imimat W. Va., ent-
I wu troubled vim eour Monuch ior twMtr taarf
Kodol cured roe ud ve are oow uilai R In KaB)
' KocJol DCijmU What Yon Eat
ottlMOBir. tl.OO Slu aoJdlnt3H Umu
tltt, which mIU for 60 wnU
rl4 kt a D.WITT OO.. OHIMM
For Sale by Chas. Strang
United States Land Office,
ItosBburiT. Orciron. June 1-1. Iw6.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the aot of Congrens of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the stntes of California, Ore
got., Nevada and Washington Territory." an
eiieuutju wan luuruuiiv uuiiu omioo u m.
of Medford, county of Jackson, slate of Ore-
trnn. has thisdav ffleil in this ofllno his SWOrn
statement no. 68'JO, for the purchase of the n A
a X of Section no. 13, In TownBhlp ko. 32 South,
that the land sought is more valuable for its
iimoerana stone innn ior agnauiturai pur
TU.HAR. and to establifih to ald land
before A. S. bllton. IL S. f!oramlHBlonor. at his
otttce in Medford, Oregon, on Thursday, tho 6th
aay oi Hopteraoer, ivw.
tie names ut, wiiccBseif; mitiaiu i. uruivo
John Whynot aud Albert L. Ouslck, of Medford,
Any anu an permjiiH uiuiraing aavuraeiy iuc
auave uoouriueu iiinua are ruqurnieu iu nic
their olalrns in this olllco on or before-said 0th
day oisoptoinoer. mm.
United States Land'Offlce,
RoBeburir. Oreoon. June 16. 1906.
.Notice is herebv siren that in comnl iance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands In the states 01 California Ore-
eon. Nevada and V.nsblnntnn Torrltorv." &t
extended to all the Publlo Land States by act
01 August 4, litre,
of Medford, county of Jackson, state of Oregon,
has Hied in this oftico kit. sworn atatement no.
CftS. for tho purchase of the .wUkwJ, neJ4
nw M, nw M nb 14, Section no. 28, Township
xa. o-i o uiLiiKti 4 iiisi, unu win uiiur prooi
10 snow tuat iub iaiu' sougnt ia mora vaiuauie
for its timber or stone than for agricultural
fiurposes, and to establish his claim to- Bald
ano before A. 8. BUton. U. S. Commissioner.
at nis oince in mcuioro, uregon on Tuesaay,
ou 11111 uuy ui upLumuur, iuuu.
Ho names as witnusfics: fieniamln Fredon-
burg, Thomua Frcdonburg and John Hlgin
bothau, of Derby, Oregon, and Joseph T. Uur
rie. of Medford. Oreeon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to Ale
their olaimB in this oftico on or before said 11th
day 01 September, iwg.
UKKJAHIN lJ, ii,DDV, itOglSter,
United States Land olfiee,
Rnsebnrir. Otoirnn Mav S. 1WV.
Notice Is herebv elven that iti nnmnlnincA
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
iimuor innus in tne Htates or uainornia. ore-
gou, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to nil the Publlo Land States by net
of August 4, IS9S.
of Willows, County oi Gilliam. Slate of Oregon,
has this day filed In this olllco her sworn state
ment No. 0715, for the purchase of the 8 WW
ol Section No. 12, in t-wnsnlp No. 32 couth,
range No. 2 east, and will offer proof tO' show
that the land sought Is more vuluable (or its
timber or stone tb an for agricultural purposes,
and to establish her claim to said land before
A. S fill ton, U. 8. Commissioner, nt his ofllco
at Medford, Oregon, on Friday the 10th day of
August, 1000,
She names as witnesses: Albert li. iislfilr
of Medford, Oregon; William T. Grieve of Cen
tral Point, Oregon; George Daniel of Prospect,
Oregon; Frederick Crystal of Medford, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or hefore said 10th
day of August, 1D00.
BiiN.rAMiN L. Eddy, Register.
U. L. DAvis,
Vice President
w. B. Jackson,
A Bat. Cashtor
The Hedford. Bank
ft General Banking Business
Transacted :
Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right .
Founders and Machinists.
Mining and Mining Machinery.
Agents for Fairbanks, Morse & Co.
Gasoline Engines, and Spray Outfits
and Power Pumps. Figure with us
New and Second Hand
Boilers and Engines.
And Those Intending Building, call at Medford's
New Tin and Plumbing Shop. Workmanship and
material first-class. Prices Reasonable.
Medford, Oregon.
OOloe, 7IU and B, Opposite Hadlord Bank.
Puoue N01 108,
C. B, TULb
(Veterinary Dentistry a Speolalty
All call orders promptly
filled day or mgbt.
Office at Union Stuolea, Moilford, Or
Uomesteud and Timber Land tilings and
prools made. Testimony taken in laud oon
test oases.
Office with Medlord Mull Medford' Oregon
Aay or all binds of Surveying prompt! done
TheGoumySurveyoroun give you tbe only
legal work.
Medford, Oregon
Offloebouis 11 to 12 a. m. aud 1 :S0 to 8 p. m
X-Bay Laboratory Examinations ll.JW to $23
OOloe Uaskln Block, Medfora, Oregon.
Palm-Neldermeyer Building. 'Phone 418
'Phone 600.
f om Washington, D. C , lately
returned trori) studying. abroad
has located at CENTRAL:
OFFICE Pleasnnt's Hotel, Main Street.
ff. E, MORRISON, M. D.
Office: Room Palm-Neldermeyer Block
Residence: Corner South C aud Ninth streety
I, D. PHIPPS, D. D. S.
Offices n Adklns Block, adjclmlug Uaskls
utunaiuio jJiuu.ora.uregOB
Office: Room O.Adkins' block. Calls protnntl
attended day or night.
'Phone R63.
Medford .Oregon.
rfe&rs the 8 Kind You Wm Always Bougfl
Will have for the Season's
Trade of 1906, 80,000 Pear
Trees in the following var
ieties: 25,000 Bartlett
25,000 D. DuOomioe
10,000 Beurred1 An jou
10,000 B. Boso
5,000 Howell
' 5,000 Winter Nelis
Also Apple, Peach, Cherry,
Apricot and Berry Plants
and Monterey Cypress.
Central Point, Oregon.
Rlnn nr infra nt t-nuinoliln
showing all vacant land, fifty centB-
aanU 17 m,H nUU l-C
oernlnii Government land write to--Prank
B. Alley, Abstractor, Roseburg,
Oregon .
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