The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, June 01, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Eagie Point Eaglets.
J. B. Jackson has been patting up
a long string of feiioe enclosing a line
traot of paature laud.
Prof. W. A. Wood, who baa been
lu Josephine oouuty for some time,
returned to bid old home at tboSunuy
Hide last (Saturday.
The Eagle Point Ladles' Aid Socie
ty are anticipating a big run on oloo-
tion day. Sale and dinner.
Samuel Jacksou is building a new
barn on hla land, bought from J. W,
Grover. George Daley is doing the
Levi Murphy, wife and bou, Itou,
'oame over on Thursday of I net week
and Bpeut u couple of days with Mr
and Mrs. Ilon-lett and olatuno fnemis
Little Dickie Daloy had the mtafor
tune to out bis foot quite badly cue
day last week. Dr. Holt was called
and dressed the wound.
J. W. Conner, our photogrnpher.
made his tent last Saturday and took
to the tail timber to Bpeud tho sum
mer. John Edsol and Thomas Froclouburg
oame out from tbo'r mountain bomos
last Monday morning on their way to
the oounty seat on logal business.
Thero is to be uu oqual suffrage
meeting hero at tho churob omorow
(Saturday) night. There will be
prominent speakers trom Medford to
uddress the audience.
Thero has been considerable luuv
ber brought nut of the hills the past
week, but tho tine rain we have nad
has put u stop to hauling lumber for
a few days.
Our Butte creek soil is proving to
bo the proper thing for strawberries,
-'Jos. Mooinaw, Frank Lewis, J. B,
-Jaokson nud in feot ull who have tried
it on a small scale have made a sue
' oess of it and hi. S. Wolfer is plant
iug out a largo lot of plants now. He
' supplied the Medford market with a
-fine lot last week.
, There is considerable excitement in
- our midst ovor the road question. An
effort is being made by one party to
abandon the road running up the
oreek and moving ll back and those
who are living on the old road olaim
that they sbut in and have no
outlet unions they buy the right of
way. The petitions are being oioula
ted pro and con.
Last Sunday I had a call up to the
Dry creek oountry to John Owens,
and was surprised to see suoh a change
in the appearance of tne country,
where a few years ago was an open
traot of land covered with bruin
and timber now it is a oolleotion of
Qne farms and orohards and every
thing shows thrift and enterprise.
Mr. Losier, of Medford, was a pleas
ant caller at the Sunny Side last Mon
day night. He is traveling in the in
terest of our local option law. He
says he saw a letter written by a sa
loon man to a voter in Jaokson ooun
ty, telling him if he wanted to vote in
favor of the old Iooal option law as it
stands to vote, "yes;" but if he votes
"yes" that is, for the amendment,
' that kills our local option law. All
who are in favor of the old law should
vote "NO."
Geo. W. Daley, Jr., one of our en
terprising oitlzeus.haa put in a cen
trifugal pump on his plaoe and at
taohed a gasoline engine so aa to irri
gate bis land. .It 1b a small affair to!
,look at, but my how: it does throw the
water. This is but the starting point.
Ilf that proves a sacoess there will be!
several others put in and the Sunny';
iSide of Little Butte creek will be sup-'
iplied with water and our valuable!
iland that now is not i utilized wiU be
made to bring forth lruit and vegeta
bles to perfection.
An Alarming Situation.
Frequently results 4rom neglect of
tdogged bowels and torpid liver,
until constipation beoomes obronlo.
This, condition is unknown to thoBe
who use Dr. King's New Life Pills ;
the best and gentlest regulators of
istomaoh and bowels. Guaranteed by
'Cbas. Strang, druagist. Price 25c.
Lake Creek Items.
by w. T. Kinney.
J. G. MoCullietei' made a business
trip to Brownsboro one day last week.
Gastnph Peok.of South Butte, made
the MoOallister spring saw mill boys
a pleasant call not long since.
When the
Hair Falls
Then it's time to act! No time
to study, to read, to experi
ment! You want to save your
hair, and save it quickly, too!
So make up your mind this
very mmute that if your hair
ever comes out you will use
Ayer's Hair Vigor. It makes
the scalp healthy. The hair
stays In, It cannot do any
thing else. It's nature's way.
The best kind o! a testimonial
" Bold tor over sixty yr."
Forest Hanger Sam Swennlng made
Antelope seotion an olllolul call laBt
Mike Conley is working on the new
Fish lake trail for Mike Hanloy.
Joas Cornell, of Antelope, is working
on the now trail for the Fish Lake
Ditoh Co.
Elmer Goer, of Brownsboro, is holp
lug on tho new trail for Diok Slinger.
The Fish Lake Dltob Co., Dick
Sliuger and Mike Hauley are the only
oues so fur who have donated any
work on the trail, wbioh promises to
be one of the best and a most oom
plimentnry uot on the part of the gov,
eminent and people. It will be all 0.
Miss Flossie Brlsooe, of Ashland, is
teaching sohool in the Lost oreek die
trlot. A good school is anticipated
by all, as Miss Briscoe comes well roc
John A. Millor, the expert mehan
lo and gardener, has made a garden
of Eddtt of his ranoh. Uow did he do
it? By working at the right time and
ut the right thing. Mrs. John A. Mil
or is a speudid co-worker in the
uause of success. Lots of good
runohes for sale and rent are awaiting
the comiug of otbera who will build
for themselves homes like tue Millor
Wm. Mnrtlu nas bought Mauley
Canity's homestead improvements,
paying 850 for samo. Mr. 'Conley is
gardening ut Lake orosk on his mot.
hei 's ranch. He also has tne liuudlea
ranoh and has a good orop of hay and
corn promised mm for his labor.
Mr. Martin is helping T. L. Fnrlow
improve his new location, wbioh la
the beBt ranch in this part of tits
country. Mr. M, iutouda to raise
hogs in quantities to suit, which bus
Inoss he 1b an export at. He also has
a much favored louution for the busi
Jamos Howa.d is doing some oar-
penter work for J. P. tlall, the mer
chant of Brownsboro. Mr. H. 1b a
good mechanic. He has made a deal
to buy quite n bill of lumber from the
MoCallister Springs Sawmill Co., the
company having a nloe lot of lumber
and are outting more. Aprosperous
business is promised as Boon as tbe
roads are fixed.
Cool Oeer, the expert Toad builder,
in company with our efficient boss,
Louis Hosier, are oomiug baok to do
Borne more work on our North Butte
roads. J. G. McCnllistor has furnish
ed tbe timber and the mill company
has sawed quite a lot of bridge lumber
to bridgge a very bad iplaoe in the
road by Geo. W. Frey's ranob. Tho
good work will be continued on up
the line until our road will be pass'
able. The railroad to Eagle Point is
very enoouraging to all brauohns of
bualueas in these parts. Butte oreek-
ers are on the spot where prosperity
reigns supreme and there is plenty
of room for new oomers.
Acute Rheumatism.
Deep, tearing or wrenching pains.
occasioned by getting wet through ;
worse when at rest, or on 'first mov
ing the limbs and in oold or damp
weatuer, is ourea quiokiy By Bal-
iara's snow J-iiniment. 'usoar Ule
son. Gibson City. 111., writes. Feb.
10, 1902: "A year ago I was troubled
with a Dain in mv baok. -It soon uot
so bad I could not bend over. One
bottle of Ballard's Snow 'Liniment
oured m." Sold by Cbas. Strang,
mearora ; central foint rnarmaoy.
Phoenix Items.
BY M. O. O.
The recent rain isoausing-the heavy
alfalfa in this part of the - valley to
fall badly.
Eden preoinot is a veritable Eden
indeed. Grain and fruit aodgardens
never looked better than they- d now.
0. Coray was bo unfortunate as to
mash the flesh from the thiid finger
of his left hand while driving a' large
nail. Hie hand ao slipped as to re
ceive the full foroe of the -blow, and
the nail bead was driven through tbe
The several Republican candidates
gave one of their ralleys at Woodmen evening last week. They were
accompanied by a male quartette,
whloh wsb very much appreciated.
Gas Newbury gave an interesting 'talk
as did also E. T. Staples and W. 'R.
Coleman. '
Mrs. Wiley Turn uow returned from
Sampler Valley last week, where 'She
went to attend ner mother, Mrs. John
Calhoon, during a very severe Illness. ;
Her mother was able to aooompanyj
her home, we are glad to say, as ail-l
so her father, Mr. Calhoun. i
Miss Jessie HeBrn, who has beent
visiting ber brother, A. Hearn, our;
merohant, the last few months,return-
ed to her home in Mexloo last Friday.
Her mother being quite 111 called Miss
Hearn home.
Miss Gertie Weens, who has been
in her brother"1 store in Medford dur
ing his sojourn at Portland, returned
home last Sunday. She was accompa
nied by her little neioe, Gertle.daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hargrave.
The interest being taken by the peo
ple in beautifying the Phoenix oeme
tery for decoration day 1b oommend
able. There are a number of new
monuments being ereoted and the
plots oleaned and otherwise beauti
Cures Old Sores.
Westmoreland. Kans.. May 5. 1002.
Ballard. Snow Liniment Co. : "Your
Snow Liniment oured an old sore on
the side of my chin that was sup
posed to be a oanoer. ' The sore was
stubborn and would not yield to treat
ment, until 1 tried snow Liiniment,
wbioh did the work in abort order.
My sister, Mrs. Sophia J. Carson,
AUensville. Miffln Co.. Pa., has a
sore and mistrusts that it is a oan
oer. Please send her a 50o. bottle."
Sold by Cbas. Strang, Medford; Cen
tral Point Pharmaoy.
Kodol Dyspepsia Core
MomU what vou Mt,
Continued from First Pago.
audit and allow bills for tho neoossary
expenses of said commission to the
exteut of whatever appropriations
may be made for the purpose adopted
oy tno senate tfeoruary n, iuud.
Oonourred In the house February 7,
I bnve inst reoeived a letter from
Mr. K. A. Harris, teurotary of tbe
commission aoove referred to, wmon
reuas as rouows:
Medford, Oregou.
In behalf of the Oregon state road
commission, appointed in pursuance
of the resolution on the back of this
letter, I am writing to advise you, as
a candidate for oieotion to the next
legislative ussembly, tbat the com.
mission has delved into this matter
pretty thoroughly, and h a unit in
the behalf that suoh a law is not only
reasible, but one of tho must benell
oiul and progressive 'stops our Btnte
oould possibly take. We find that
tho people and the press is with us ul-
most unanimously. In evidence of
this faot, 1 will say that almost with
out exception the county judgoa of
uiegou nave r?spouaed witn entnusi
asui, promising hearty co-ouonition
and uumiug a list of influential citi
zens to aot auxiliary to this commis
sion in impressing all voters with the
great benefits to be derived from puob
u system of employment ot convicts.
When a bill is framed and adopted
in the report of thiB uomiuisBiou. as
one will Buroly be, 1 assure you it will
met the highest ideals of tho entire
commission 'from the standpoint of
practicability and greatest possible
benefits to the outire state.
Trusting wo may bavo your euthusi
astio uud active support, both now
and in the legislative assembly aud
uskiug an expression of your views in
joply to this, 1 remain,
Very truly yours,
The Farmers' State Grander Asnwii
ation at Albany Saturday, May 2(itb,
passed resolutions requesting comiug
legislature to puss bill requiring oon
vict labor to be employed upon oouu
ty roads of state.
State normal sohool. I am au advo
oate of education and advancement.
The two go hand in baud for the sim
pie reason that education and enlight
enment point out the road to advance
ment and development. There 1b no
question as to tho magnificent work
thnt is being doue by tboBtate normal
school of Southern Oregon, loouted at
Ashland. Not only is Ashland bene
fited by tbls Bohool, but also Medford,
Control Point, Gold Hill, Eagle Point,
Applegate, Jacksonville and in fuot
SOUTHERN uREGGN. There is no
argument regading thiB normal school
as it is buch a blessing to ub all that
every one couaeeds and WE ALL DE
MAND that it shall be continued aud
inoreased. 1 have already pledged
myself to work for this institution
aud it will reoeive my beat efforts if I
am elected to go to Salem as a repre
sentative. Statement No. 1. I am a firm be
liever and advocate of the election of
the United . States senator by direct
vote of the people and will always sup
port that candidate receiving tbe
largest of votos at the oomiug Juno
oieotion. I have signed STATEMENT
No. I.
Jaokson county first. I am an on
thuBiast and believer in the future of
Jaokson oounty aud if I am eieoted .to
tho oomiug legislature as a reresen
tative from this county, my first
thought and consideration will be for
tne advancement, development ana
welfare of Jackson oounty and its olt
izens. With the natural resources that
abound on every hand in this coun
ty, there oan he but one future ahead
of us, yet it will take some oapital,
some brains, some labor and a great
deal of encouragement to develop all
of these resources as they should be
developed and to plaoe Jaokson ooun
ty. In the first rank of counties in tbe
state of Oregon, where she belongs
by virtue of the immense wealth,
largely undeveloped at the present
time, that is to be found within ber
borderB. I am in favor of auoh laws
as will encourage and prcteot those
engaged in the development of these
resouroeB, whether they be in tbe hor
ticultural, mineral, timber, agricul
tural or any other industry tbat as
sists in the development of our oouuty
and plaoes as nearer the goal that we
should always have in sight, namely,
that Jaokson oounty should be and
Will UD III fUB ,U UUU1V, but, A
111 I 1 .... . 1 1.1 T I , -11
GON, and that the state of Oregon
STATES and that the Paoitto coast
Btates shall represent the BEST POR
Btmth. Tlio Kind Vou Have Alwars Bought
The Early Art no men.
' The ftirly astronomers -were all as
trologers and claimed to be able to pre
dict tbefuture careers of various lndl
iTlduals by "casting horoscopes" show
ing the position of tbe planets at the
time of tbeir birth. The position and
movements of the various celestial
bodies were not only supposed to con-
.trol the destinies of men, but-were also
thought to bring weal or woe, tempest
or sunshlno, upon the earth iftself. A
man born when tho sun was in tbe con
stellation of Scorpio was believed to be
naturally bent toward exoessive radul-genee-of
the animal passions. One born
when .the sun was In Pisces was pre
destined to grovel or be a servant,
while one whose earthly career was
opened when the great luminary was
in Aries would be a great scholar :tnd
a man known to the world despite all
opposing Influences.
rrttan m thrMt kinds of Deovle ta
the worldthe wills, the won't an
the can'ts. The first accomplish every
thing, tbe second oppose everything,
the third (all to everything.
Those who are gaining fteah
and strength by regular treat
ment with
Scott's Emulsion
should continue the treatmt It
In hot weatheri smaller dc: 9
and a little cool milk with It wli'
do away with any objection
whloh la attaohed to fatty pro
duote during the heated
Send for rrc naU.
40MIS Purl SumI, Vtm Ve.
tc u4 f 1401 n ara(fh
10, 12-2 and 15 Cents-
The Best and tho Prettiest Patterns in WALL
PAPERS that can be shown for these Prices.
A Full Line Colors The old reliable Detroit
White Lead Works Paints.
'Visit us and let us
show you; it will
be a pleasure.
Real Estate Transfers.
The following real eBtate .transactions
havo been recorded since the IsBt
ues of thiB papr.
VV T Gameron to Esther J Camoon;
wW ee, e aw, 24, 34, 1 e, 81.
0 O Plotoher to Geo F Kinp; bond
for deed to wj ne, n W sw, 10, 31, 3 e,
O M Dunoan to 13 P Mylers proper
ty near Jacksonville, $3350.
A S Stephen to G L Sohermerhorn ;
10 sores of laud iu tp 37,sr2 w, 81100.
Phoebo M Dekum to W Wright j
proporty iu Gold Hill, 85000.
Fred Wbipley to James MoGlanaban ;
1-10 interest in property in seo 7, 33
a w, giou.
W A Baboook to Otto Sewos ;w ne,
ei nw 3, S3, 2 w, 81000.
J D Anderson to O G Johnson ;prop
erty in sees 7 and 8, tp 38, r 1 w,87000.
M M Gooksoy to J M Gibson s 5 in
Central Point, 81.
II K Reed to Goo 13 Boss 35.8 aores,
tp 37, 2 w, 83000.
W B Jackson to L B Kent property
in tp 37, 1 w, 8300.
J S Tnov to Anna Stephenson ; 20
aores, tp 3, 2 w, SI.
A J Sinks to W B Crowell lots 1,
3, blk 18,lieatty'saddtoMedford,80U0.
William Balm to J S Spitzer; prop
erty nenrTalent,8375.
Jacob Stone to William Beum prop
orty near Talent, $400.
O A. SB) 1? Q H X A .
Am tie 1 hB Rind Vou Have Always Beiifiln
, jj me una you
Kanes Creek Items.
By Sine Die, No. 19.
:Mr. aud Mrs. Reese spent Sunday
as guests of Mr. aud Mrs. Childers,
of Kanes oreek.
iMis. Ray Blackley, of the dredge,
is at present the guest of Mrs. S ton or,
of Kanes creek, and of Mrs. Gary, of
Willow SpringB.
Mrs. Perry Knots, who spent sever
al days at Jacksonville lately, visiting
friends, returned home on Wednea
Mr. and Mrs. Donne, of San Fran
oiseo, arrived here last week and will
make their home with th'lr son-in-
law and daughter, Mr. and Airs. .Mi
Mr. aud Mrs. Elmer Higinbobham
spent Sunday on Galls creek, as guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dungey.
Miss Ada Swinden and Ed Koten
spent Boverul days of last week in
Jacksonville, aa guests of relatives
Ike Householder left last weekrfor
California to look after hi mining
interests there.
Anna Blrdsey,who has been TiBiting
her brother, George, in Grants Pass,
for some time, haB returned home.
Worse Than Brake.
The .'American Tourist I Bttppose 1 1
speak rokcn FTench, eh, HenrlJ Tbe
Walter Not eggsactiy, m'stenr. Ton
haf a -word describes it bettalre-Jtt
me see ah, yes It is pulverized.
Tne Mean Hani
The 'into. Max O'Rell gave this advice1
to bachelors: "Marry a woman smaller
than yourself." Many a man oonSdnit
Bud one. Milwaukee Journal.
inmlhlne Eteteem.
When women like each other, itfcey
Mm; when ,they lore, they do one an
thers battv-rliady Evans In leaden
Be sun no man was ever discontent
ed with the world who did his duty to
It Southey.
Notice U herebv siren tbat tho undersigned
has been appointed b? the county court of
JACKflon uoun'.y.iurcgun, auiniuiBirnvtix ui me
Estuto ol William BroatLdeceaBed. All persona
bavins claims against said estate aro required
to presontthem to the adminlslatrlx at Jack,
sonville, Oregon, or to her attorney, Gus New
bury, within six months bom tho dato hereof,
duly verified.
uatcu June i. ifjo.
Administratrix of toe eatatoar William Broad,
DeWltt's VSSl Salve
For Pllety Burn Sore
I have in Stock all Regular Sizes, and can make
any odd sized Screen Door or Window needed.
Show me the opening and I will screen it.
& CUeisset,
Pepartmcal of tho lnteiior,
Land Oflieo at KoscIjutk. Ore, May 90G,
Notice Ib hereby given Unit tlio following
iinnu'd settler hits tiled notice of his In trillion
to iimko lliml coinmutatl'Ui proof in support
of his elnlm, aiitl that said proof w:ll be inudo
before A. Hilton, V. S. Commissioner, at Ms
otilee at Medford, Oregon, on August 3,
viz: ,
on H. E., No mn, for the ?M WEJi of section
No. W, 'ownshlp37 south, range 1 east.
I!e names tho following witnesses to prove
hlse ntinuoiis residence upon and cultivation
of sid land, viz: Kdwln M. White, Merle 11
Glover, 'auhew S. Thompson, nil of Climax,
Oregon; I.ane M. Wylaud ol Wellen. Oregon.
Uknjamin Konv, Kegistur.
Department of the Interior,
Land Office ai Koaeburg, Ore. May 15. 1006.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has (lied notice of his Intention
to make Final 1'rotf in Fitpport of hlB claim,
and that said proof will be made before A. S.
Hlitnn. U. S. Commfsslonrr, ot hts nlllce, in
Bedford, Oregon, on Angunta, 1906, vis:
on II. E., No. iwW7, for the SEVf, section
No. 1-1, in township No. 38 south, of range No.
'2 west.
He names tho following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of nid land, viz- Cliarles V. Kraley. Edwin L
lU'ilpath, James Hereford and Joseph Here
ford, nil of Medford, Oregon.
Benjamin L Eddy, Register.
Department of the Interior,
Land Office at Hoseburg, Ore., May 22, HWfi.
Notice is hereby given that tho following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make llniil proof In support of Ills claim,
and that said nroof will hi inndn hifnm a. K.
Ullton, U. S. Commissioner, nt his office at
weuioru, uregon, on August a, iym, viz:
on II . E., No. 0281, for tho NEU NWU, WW
NKK, and NWV SEJ-f of section 7, township 33
south, range 2 cant.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz. James MuClanalmn, Alfred
uonien, joim Mcuianalian, all of Trail, Ore
gon; Daniel Whetstone of Medford, Oregon.
UenjaminL. Eddy, Register.
Department of the Interior,
Land Office at Rosehurt?. Ore.. Mav 22. ikm
Notice is heroby given that tho following-
iiuiiiuu auLLivi iwih iiiuu iniiiuu ui ins lIHUimon
10 miiKo uiiai proot in support 01 nls claim,
and that said nroof will be made ho torn a. s.
Bllton, U. 8. aommiBMoner, at his offlco at
itiuiuuru, uregon, on August 1, twin, viz:
on H. R., No. 10594, for the WW W of seotion
22, town shin 8-1 south, runtro 3 east.
Ho names tho following witnesses 1o prove
ins uiiii.iiiuoiiH refliucuuti upon nnu euiavaiin
of said land, viz: JaincB I. latton. Edmund H.
watson, j-runic v. iseinerinna, Kooort Xi, Par
ker, all of Big Butte, Oregon.
Benjamin L. Eddy, Begister.
Department of the I'nterior,
Land Office at Rorsetmrir. Ore.. Mv 29. ifloi.
Notice la hereby given that tho foDowing
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to maKe 1'inai itooi in support ot nis claim,
and that said nroof will toe nmde "barnrn A. fl.
Rllton, U. 8. Commissioner, at 'Me Office in
aicaioru, urcgon, an Aiiguei i, iwutiviz :
on H. B No. 10409, for the 8K,-eoctlon 82, tn
townslllnS4 south, of r&inre S pah)..
Ho names tho following witnesses to provo:
hls voutinnoiis rcsldouoenpon and cultivation
01 mm mini, i7. James 1. ration, KODert it.
Parker, William R. Lamlo, ElinerB. Boardmau,
all of Big Butte, Oregon.
Bhnjawtn L. Eddy, RegfB'ur.
Department of the Interior,
Land Offvee at RosehuTg, Ore., May 22. 1908.
Notice 1b herebv u-lvmi that fh fnllnwfnv.
named settler ho fllcd notice oIIiIb Intention
10 mane nnai proor in npTiort -of his clalra
and that said nroof will lie made IteTore A. r
nllton, U. S. Commissioner, at 'his office trt
Medio ra, uregon, on Awgnst 4, luocviz:
on H. E., No. 9Soi, for tne Wi N1 md 8EW-.
f 01 neuuim vt luwnump ji nuaiu, range i
He names tlve followig witnesses -to prove,
his continuous residence upon ana cultivation
of said land, vie itenjanmi Frcdcnnnig of Mig
Butte. Ore eon: Orln Wak-efleld f Phoentx.
Oregon ;ThomaB H. FleAonhurg -and Andrew:
J, Meeker, notnor uerDy.rcgon.
Benjamin L. Edity, Register.
Denartmeert of the Interior.
Land Offlc at Rosebnrg, Ore.. May 22, 1906.!
nonce is ncreoy given tnat. me lonnwmg
named settler has Hied notaoeof 'trie 'intention
-to make final nroof In aumxn-t of "his claim.
karrd that said proof will be made before A. S.
Bliton, u. 8 Commissioner, at ins -office at
'Mouiora, urepon.on Auguscs, iwo,mzi
0'H. B.,No. 10218, for the HKVtf NE', B!
rsrA, HW!i o'A 01 accuon s, i-3wnsnrp soutn
tbiRC 3 east.
He mimf the following wIltaeftsnes-tA ttrnve
hiB-coutinuous residence upon and eutttvatlon
of-satd land, vis: William W. Parker, Robert
1. Parker, Hiram Doubleday, W. Lee Ettmond-
on-aii 01 uig nunc, uregon.
DEN.IAUIN U. Eddy, Regiater,
Department of the Interior,
Unri nfdpfl at KosemirtT. Ore:. Mav 32. 1906.
Notioeis hereby given that the lollowing-
namea-aMtier nas nica notice 01 ni lniention
tomake;final proof in support ol his claim,
anA ttiittivilrl nroof will he made before A. S.
Hilton, iU. 8. Comralsiioner, at hit office at
Hediora,uregon, on Auguai , ivuu, viz:
An u K.. o. tonfit. for the rym. NWW HE.
SW'NBM-d section 6, township 85 south,
rangeAeaat. 1
Henames'tlie following witnesses to prove
his con tin uow residence upon and cultivation
of laid ianfl,.TW.: Aaron iiecm, rrana u. revn
erland, Robent L-. Parker, Elmer R. Board
man, all of Big Bntte, regon.
Benjamin L. Eddy, Register.
and Builder,
Mica Axle Grease
The Best in the World
The Place to Buy Your Hardware.
Watchmaking and
Repniiing of all
Kind?, promptly
done. . . , .
.AND I..
Guarantee Every Job.
Stowort Building, next door to Bnkory.
Just arrived. PRICES RIGHT. We assist in
erecting and guarantee every rod. 30 Style
Medford, Oregon.
Who Oreatee the Nobby Fit. EIFERT GarmontB are Cut and Drap
ed by Artistic Workman, who devote their time and ability to please
his customers.
Orders taken (or SultB, from $14.00 and up.
Orders taken for Over Coats, Ifl4. 00 and up
Suits Pressed and Cleaned.
W. W.
The City
We Guaranteed the Fit.
$900 House
$1400 House and three lots.
. $1000 House and lot.
All well located and are snaps.
I alse have lots for sale and party will build house; snme eold
on good terms. $4000 100-acre farm four miles from Medford;
a snap. First-class orchard land close to town, at $100 per acre'.
I have the plat of Butte Falls and am prepared to sell lots- ai
reasonable prices. Come and Fee me before the rush begins,
Iucctnor to " ' '
J, Q. TAYLOR, The Harness flaker
Fine Line of Hand Made Harness, Blankets,
Robes and Whips. Repairing Neatly Done.
Nash Uivory Stabels
Tbe Stables has been newly refitted, and New Rigs and
Good Horees added. All Night Tclcpbno Service.; Orders
filled at anytime.
Reasonable Kates.
I hnve been in
busi- ees in Med
ford for 11 years
and my work has
a 1 way 8 been
Medford, Oregon
Will Scientifically measure yom who has-the
. . . Knowledge of Measurements,
Tailor, Medford. i
and four lots.
Efficient Service