The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, April 27, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Punlxi'il fvi?r Krldftv Mormnv.
MEDFORD, OKEQON April 27, 1906
W. I.VAWTKR, oi;okion
bbpbsbentativbs: '
B. D. KUULI, ol Applosulo
1. W. PERKINS, ol Boxy
D. H. JACKSON, ol Albltnd
W. ft. COLEMAN, ol Phoenix
It, T, BURNETT, ol AnbHrnd
JAB. M. CRONEMILLHIt, ol Jacksonville
GAKU T, JONES, ol Medford
A. E. KKLLOOO, of Oold Hill
The "also-rans" are numerous In
Oregon's Brat free-for-all raoe for
LominatioDS lorotflce.
" a Ohio woman has left ber bus
I d because be talked in bis sleep,
frjjr man. It probably was the only
obanoe be bad.
Altbougb defeated, Mr. Curter and
hie friends in Southern Oregon have
reason to oongratulate themselves
upon the Bupport he received at home.
The Mail didn't guess right in all
instances as to the result in the pri
maries, but it's a good tloket just the
same and worthy the support of ail
A report by the baoterologist of the
state board of health of the quality of
the water of Rogue river at Grants
Pasa shows that the water furnished
Grants Pass is unhealthy.
Southern Oregon has been fortunate
in that nearly, if not quite all, of
those bailing from thla auction who
were in San Franolsoo at tbe time of
tbe earthquake have reported tbem
aolves aa safe.
That New York clubman who filed
a petition in bankruptcy the other
day, asserting that he oould not live
on $10,000 a year, evidently failed to
give eerlouB consideration to Pastor
Wagner's sermons on the "Simple
It keeps a fellow busy trying to And
what the Demooratio vote was in the
soveral oounties, even from tbe news
papers of eaob particular oounty,
Can it be that our friends the enemy
are oonoealing their strength so that
they may surprise us in June? That
was done four years ago, resulting in
a Demooratio senator for tbo first
time in t-enty yeaia.
There will be losBea in the great
oatastrophe at San Franolsoo wbioh
will never come to light, but men,
women and ohlldren will mourn the
loss of treasurers, of little Intrinsic
but of inestimable sentimental values.
Think of the thousands of nomea
wbioh have been destroyed and the
millions of keepsakes, hallowed by
tlma or asBooiatlon. Baby'a first
shoos, the lace from grandmother's
wedding dross, souvenirs of those long
slnoe dead. These loeses will nevor
be spoken ol in public, but in privets
many are the tears whloh will be
The Portland Oregmlan says that
alphabetical order has a great deal to
do with pollloal euooeas under the
working ot tbe direct primary law,
Where tbore are many caudldatoB for
the same oilloe, and cites the vote In
Multnomah on the first twelve candi
dates for tbo legislature in that ooun
ty. The Orogonlan bolievea that mauy
voters marked the Mrst twelve names
and then quit, and deduces from this
that In a case ot this kind a man
1 named Adams or Brown will bent a
man named Young or Zolllooffor every
time. It la to be hoped that thle
opinion will not oauee a rush of ap
plications to tbe legislature for a
ohange of name.
That tbe "milk ot human kindness"
still flows Is shown lu tbe generous
contributions from all over tbe United
StatoB -indeed from all over the world
bo the rollof of San Franolaco. From
every olty, town, bamlet and cross
roads, provisions, olothing and money
is being sent to thuse bereft of every
thing. People, who are tbeniBelvoB
struggling for oxlBtouoo, are pinching
thnmeelves a llttlo more In order to
assist those who are in moro despor
ate etraits and these last-named con
tributions will oount In the grand
summing up of human accounts far
beyond tbe gifts of the multt-million-ales,
even as tbe "widow's mite"
oounted at the dawn .ol the ohrlstlau
"Uncle Jimmy" Twogood, formerly
a resident of this section, but now liv
ing at Boise, Idaho, has an interesting
letter In tbe Capital News of that olty 1
of March 24th, dealing with pioneer
inoldonts of Jackson oounty and re
ferring particularly to the career of
the late Col. R. F. Mnury. Mr, Two
good takes exception to a sentence In
the brlel sketch of Col. Maury's life
whloh appeared in Tbe Mall wherein
Col. Maury waa montloned aa having
been in tbe freighting business in
1802, oalllng attention to the fact that
First National Bank,
Paid Up Capital, $25,000 Stockholders' Liability $50,000
Win do b coniervarlve banking- btnlufl'i. Alvrtvi tifuarllic our omtoauri1
ternxii crjnsllv with our own
DTRFnTARQ- ws ishiiwkll. p k. dkukl, e. v. carter
lllVEiLlWlVO. C1IAS. 8TUANO. OHO. W. DrNti.
there were 00 wagon roads in South
ern Oregon In those days and that the
word ''hauling" was lnoorect. We
acoept the correction and promise not
to offend again. Mr. Twogood men
tions the names of many pioneers of
Southern Oregon, most of whom bar
orossed the great divide,
A flood Show.
It in not enough that this shall
merely be a good show, It must be the
best and give entire satisfaction to
the most exaotlng. They attribute a
large amount of tlieii big Business to
the one great desire to please the
people. In fuot, just like any other
business, if you will deliver tbe goods
you will get the trade. Mr. Eiler. in
selecting people for bis oompany pre
vailed on having only artists of abil
ity lor each character. (Jiving Jeffer
son's version of Kip Van Winkle most
oureful personal attention Is paid to
all tbe minor details, with no mislead
ing adveitisements; ao it is- no won
der they are meeting witn suoh great
success and oreatiug sucb a soirsation
everywhere they appear, heaidus see
ing one ot tbe beet American plays,
high olasa vaudeville acts or special
ties are given between acta, making
a continuous performance. A fine
baud aud operatio orobetra 1b alBO
one of the features of Ellor's big Rip
Van Winkle show. Under cauvas at
Medford, Monday, April 30tn.
tor sale house and lot. Enquire
of O. H. (iorsline, Medfor d, Oregon.
Jackson County Bank
Capital EVaSif y.D $50,000.00
Earned Surplus, $30,000.00
V. I. Vawter, President; B. F. Adkins, Vice-President; G. R.
Lindley, Cashier; L. L. Jacobs, Assistant Cashier; R.
H. Whitehead, A. A. Davis, F. W. Hutchison
Eighteen yean under one management
Member American BanKers' Amsociation
Insured againat Burglary
Normal Notes.
The oampus Ib taking on a carpet of
green, wbiob Is beautiful to look upon.
The oaks will soon be in full leaf.
LaBt Friday evening the Congres
sional Debating Sooiety mot in tbe
ohapel aud rendered a deolamatory
program as follows:
Oration, "Soolalism," L. Smith.
Oration, "The American Flag," H.
Oration, ''spartaous," Robt. Jonaa.
Reoitation, H. Inlow.
Oration, "Susan B. Anthony," F.
Miss Esther Silsby and party, wbo
left for San Franoisoo last week to
hear a oelehrated opeia oompany, re
turned Friday, disappointed and well
shaken up. They bad not reached
tbe olty at the time of the earth
quake, but experienced tba shook and
saw something of the horrors of the
burning city. On the returu trip they
wero betwoen two train wrooks but
luckily escaped acoident.
Seven of our young men, in order
to beaome more profloient in the art
of debating and to study tbe gruat
pnllticnl and social quostions of the
day, havo organized into a olub and
have arruugod a aeries of Bevon de
batoa, ouo to be held eaoh week. The
subjeot dlBCUssod this week whs:
"ReBolved, that protective tariff
ahould be abolished,." Last Thurs
day, in ohapel, Prof Van Saoy,dollv
orod an address to the Senior olnss,
which contained muoh wisdom and
wholesome advice, aud wbb appreciat
ed by the meuibors of tbe olnss.
W. C. T. U. Itms.
Tbe Union opened at the home of
Mrs. Day with a good attendance
with prosldont in chair. After de
votional exorolsoB, minutes of last
meeting rend and approved. Thirty
mlnutoB was devoted to buBlnesp. A
letter was read from Mrs. Allen stat
ing that tbe regular county exeoutive
meeting will be held In Ashlaud April
'ilth, sending program. As the me
morial eorvlcos of Mrs. Hammond
will bo held lu tho aftoruoou of the
21th, most of the ladles of the Med
ford Union will attend. The Union
adjourned to meet at the Christian
ohurob April 20th. PRESS SUPT.
for men who toil
P, K. DEUEL, Vlct-PruUltnl
M. L. ALFORO, Cash
Tbe pastor will preaoh at 11 a. m.
subject, "Sympathy Promised. " Tbe
members and friends of tbe oburob
have an espeolal invitation to this ser
vice, aa tbe Holy Saorament will be
administered. Sunday school at 10 a.
m., D, T. Lawton, superintendent.
OIbbb meeting at 1 p. m. Epwortb
League, 7 p. m
I Unlon'Temperanoe service aunaay
at 8 p. in. in tbe Baptist Cliurdb.
A moat oordial invitation 1b extend
ed to ail. chas. t. Mcpherson,
"Wbat Baptists Believe tbe Bible
Teaches Regarding the Dootrine of the
PerBeverance of the Saints," is the
subjeot of sermon tor Sunday morn
ing. A Union Temperance Bervioe of tbe
Baptist, Christian, M. E., M. E.
Soutb, Free MethodlBt and W. C. T. U.
will take tbe plaoe of the regular
eveuing service in this churcb.
A moat oordial invitation is ex
tended to tbe services of this oburob.
Strangers and new comers especially
At the usual hour next Sunday at
11 a. m. the pantor will be in the
pulpit. Sunday sonool at 10 a. m. ;
Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. ; Boys'
Club Tuesdays at 7 :30 p. m. ; prayer
meeting Thursdays at 8 p. m.
Union Teinperanoe servioe Sunday
at 8 p. m., in tbe Baptist Church.
A missionary to be ordained on
Wednesday, May 2d, in the Presby
terian oburob at 8 p. m. Qeorge D.
Byers, will be ordained by the preB-
bytery of Southern Oregon. Mr. By
ers bae been appointed by tbe board
of foreign mieBions to tne work in
tbe island of Hainan. A native of
Oregon, eduoted in Oregon and from
Oregon he goes to carry the gospel to
the islands of the sea. Come to give
and reoeive inspiration as he turns
his face with thia high commiaaion to
tbe Orient. All the publio and all
christian people are requested to be
Union Temperance Services.
There will o a union temperanoe
servioe at the Baptist church Sunday
evening at 8 o'olook.
Following Is the program:
Opening Hymn
invocation, Rov. Good.
Hymn, "America," Choir and Con
gregation. aoripturo Readiug, President W. C.
T. U.
Player, Rev. W. F. Shields.
Muelo, Speolul, Chorue Choir.
Addresses Ten minutes eaob.
(Note Speakers will be beld strict
ly to time limit.)
Why we are Here, Rev. F. W.
Cars ton b.
Our Looal Option Law, Rev. Yaoou
bi. The Proposed Amendment to the
Local Option Law,Rev. W. F. Snields
Election Day, Rev. Corbln.
The Enforcement of Law, Uev. C.
T. MoPberson.
Speoinl mualo. Choir,
Bonediotion, Kev. 0. 11. Uoxie.
Come oarly if you want a seat. This
sorvloe will without doubt be largely
attonded, l ouoau't afford to miBB it.
DALLAS, Texas, Maroh 27. Eight
tnousana peopio saw uernnarclt play
"Camlllo" in a tent here tonight, it
was Bernhardt 'a ill at appearanoe un
der ounvs and tho situation seemed to
please hor. She gave her interpreta
tion of "Camilla" as oleverly and re
aliatacally as It Bbo were confronted
by an audience of New Yorkers or
Pai islans in the most modern theaters.
Tho tent was orowded.
Eiler's big Boonio Rip Van Winkle
Co. with band and orchestra traveling
in two speoinl oars, whiob is said to
be one of tho boat ehows on tbe road,
will appear lu a tent at Medford, Mon
day, April 3lth.
Central Committee Meeting.
The members of tho Republican
County Committoe just elected and
hold-over members, wbore no now
members wore elected, are requested
to meet at Modford on Monday, tho
30th day of April, at 2 p. m., for. the
purpose of olocting otllcers and tho
trauBaotlon of such other business as
may oome boforo it.
By order of Sooretary.
E. T. Staples, Chairman.
Mack Andams was at Gazelle, Calif.,
thia week on business.
U. O. Culy, of Steamboat, spent
Monday night in Medford
Mr. and Mrs, Jerry Heokatborn
made Ashland a visit Monday.
Mrs. B. F, Adkins returned thia
week from a visit to Portland.
J. Court Halt was la Portland
business for tbe past several days.
Logan Woolridge, of Applegae, was
In Medford on business Thursday,
Miss Etbelyn Hurley spent Saturday
and Snnday with bom folka at Tal
N. B. Bennett has gone to San Fran
Cisco to secure photographs of the
Misses Alta and Minervla Naylor
returned Tuesday evening from San
David Coulter, the well-known min
er, was in tbe city from tbe Blue
Ledge tbe Brat of the week
Mrs. J. 0. Neil, of Ashland, was in
Medford Saturday upon a visit to
Merchant and Mrs. W. H. Meeker.
Rev. F. W. Carstens returned Sat
urday from attending the PaolBo
Coast Baptist Conference at Portland.
Miss Ora King left Monday for San
Franoisoo, to aid in nursing the In
jured and siok viotims of tbe earth
Dr. B. F. Adkins, wbo has been
attending tbe Paoiflo Coast Baptist
Conference, at Portland, returned
hojoe Saturday.
Miss Mand O'Brien, wbo is teach
ing sobool In the Neil district, soutb
of Ashlaud, waa visiting Medford
friends Saturday.
MIbs May Earbart returned this
week from San Francisco. She was
there during the recent disturbance,
but esosped injury.
Attorney H. M. Esterly,of Portland,
was in Medford tbia week, en route to
Trail oreek to visit bia father, wbo is
living in that locality.
Misses Kate and Emma Reed ar
rived in Medford from San Franoisoo
on tbe Becond section of tbe north
bound train Monday.
Fred Hopkins, the Central Point
orchard ist, was a Medford visitor
Monday. He, too, felt tbe earthquake
of Monday morning.
W. W. Eddington, of Gold Hill,
waa in Medford Monday. Mrs. Ed
dington, he stated, had been quite ill
for several montbB paBt.
Mrs. P. M. Shadduok, of Portland,
is in Medford upon a tew weeke' visit
to ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Meek
er, and other relatives aud friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bigham ar
rived from San Franoisoo Tuesday
evening and will remain for a time
with the former's brother, P. 0. Big-
ham. They saved very little.
W. A. Hutton, proprietor of tne Joe
Bar hotel, where there are- "no Seas,
mosqultos, nor candidates for offloe,"
was In tbe bub city a couple of days
last week.
A. H. Miller, boos: keeper for tbe
Iowa Lumber & Box Co., left Monday
for Eugene. Tbe purpose of bis visit
is shown by an item in another part
of this paper.
Miss Maud Prim, of Jacksonville,
reaohed home Monday night. She
spent the first night after the earth
quake wltb Mrs. E. Wilson (nee Ella
ioung, of Jacksonville) and tbe sec
ond on Twin Peaks.
G. L. Schermerhorn and A. D. Nay.
lor returned Saturday from a fruitless
trip to San Franclsoo, in- searoh of
relatives. On their return, however,
they were met with the oheeiing news
that tbe folks were all safe.
J. O. Matthews and Claud Moore,
who have oeen up at Trail creek for
tne past several months at woik im
proving their homesteads, left Mon
day for Weed, Calif., where they will
And employment in the lumber camps
until fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Mumford arrived in
Medford Friday evening from San
FranoiBOO. They were theie during
the earthquake and Are, but left as
eoon aa they could get away. Mrs.
Mumfoid is a daughter of Captain and
Mrs. W. CarroU.
Mrs. Ray Bunch arrived from San
Fianoisoo Tuesday evening. The
Buncn brothers succeeded in saving
Bve barber ohairsifrom tbeir two shops
and will be in business again as aoon
aa tne eartn gets steady enougb so
that a man isn't afraid to get shaved.
Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Pickel left Tues
day evening for Portlandfaud Astoria,
at wbioh latter. plaoe the doctor will
attend a meeting of the state board of
health, and will also read a paper be
fore to teachers' institute wbioh will
be in session at that time.
Mr. and Mrs. H. F, Swingle, of Lo
rella, Klamath oounty, arrived in
Medford this week. Mr. Swingle re
turned home the following day, but
bia wife will remain for a several
weeke' visit with ber parents, Mr.
and Mrs. S. L. Bennett.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Uartzell ar
rived Tuesday night from San Fran
oisoo. The bouse in whloh they were
living was wrecked by tbe earthquake
and afterward burned. They lost ail
tbolr personal effects with tne exoep
ton of the olothes tboy could hastily
Qnd in the excitement and terror of
the moment.
Millard Mauiy and Mr. and Mrs, J.
E. Uowglll aud son arrived from San
Jose Tuesday morning. Mr, Maury
left here Friday morning to liiok hem
up, found them all rlgbt and brought
tbom heme. The apartment house in
which Mr. and Mrs. Conglll lived war
badiy shaken, but did not fall, while)
in n
V nni itipii ninnn
..Jill r i iH iiHnin
in ii
of Jackson County,
' Republican Nominee for Joint
Representative for Jackson and
Douglas Counties.
of Ashland,
Democratic Nominee for State
Senator lor Jackson Countv.
of Roseburg,
Republican Nominee for At
torney General.
of Phoenix
Republican Nominee for County
of Jacksonville,
Demooratio Nominee for County
Ireasuier for Jackson County.
a similar building a blook away ool
lapsed, eanght tire and was destroyed,
together with seven of tbe inmates.
Chas. Morgan and family oame down
Wednesday from their homestead on
Trail oreek and will remain in the val
ley for about a month. Mr. Morgan
and bis brother, W. H. Morgan, are
eaoh oarving out good, honest home
steads from tbe wilds of Unole Sam's
publio doman, and each take a few
montha off every summer to replenish
tbe larders 'with those necessities
which the mountain glands oannot yet
Mr. and Mrs. Lester L. Bigham ar
rived in Medford Thesday evening
from San FranoiBOO and are visiting
here with P. C. Bigham and his
family. Thesejpeopto were in the oley
at the time of the Are, but luckily es
caped injury. Mr. Bignam was a
oook in a oafe in tbe Examiner blook
and was on duty when tbe shook
oame. He escaped, but not until the
building waa tumbling down. Mr. B.
lost his wife in Oakland and found
her through a newapaper bureaa of
information. He brought witb bim a
dozen or more scenes 'of the wrecked
buildings and Bays that fully six miles
square or tbe oity is lying in complete
Gold Hill Items,
Miss Nellie Ray, who has been in
California the past few months, re
turned home last week for a- short
Mr. and Mra. C. C. MoClendon re
turned the Brst of the week from an
extended vibit to relatives in Califor
nia ana Nevada.
The Gold Hill Commercial Club
elected J.'L.!.Hammerely, W. A. Car
ter and A. E. Kellogg delegates to at
tend the meeting next Friday at Ash
land to perfeot the organization of
the Southern Oregon Development
Messrs. Khoda, Cheney and Mrs.
Frank Jorden, of this plaoe, were in
mates of San Franolaco during the
late calamity arrived home the first, of
the week, loosing all their personal
effrots and relate some very narrow
es:apes and borrowing experiences
during the deatruotion of the oity.
The Southern Paoflo railroad have
grade atakes sec for an additional side
traok at this plaoe over one-half mile
long, wbioh will require considerable
grading below town, it will be neces
sary to remove the water tank now in
use, wbiob will be repiaoea with a
modern ateel tank with much larger
Tbe telephone oompany have recent
ly extended tbeir local exchange lines
out on Kanes creek as far as tbe
Milllonaie mine and to Galls oreek as
far as tbe Bill Nye mine. The Gold
Hill Canal Co. now have their power
lineB extend to these two properties
and are operated by J. W. Opp, who
has recently taken posseaaion of the
Barden mine, two miles south of town,
baa a large force of men engaged un
der the management of JacK Dawson
to begin extension operations at that
group, K. U. PerbBm has tak.n the
oontraot to install a new ten-stamp
mill on the property, to be operated
by eleotriolty in plaoe of tne old plant
operated by steam. The Conder Com
pany Ib putting in their llne to fur
nish power.
The Gold Hill M. W. of A. amatuers
reproduced their late success,
Thompkln's Hired Man," at Car
ter's opera house Wednesday evening
for tbe benefit of tbe San Franoisoo
sufferers to a very large and enthusi
astic crowd. Tney were assisted be
tween aots by Miss Rhoda Cheney,
wno related ner experlenoe and es-
oape fiom San Francisco during the
dtatruotion of the oity. Also by Mrs.
Daniel Lesley, who sang tbe "Beau
tiful Isle" and other selections, and
by Dr. C. H. Smith and Lynn Pur-
din rendered the quarrel scene from
the fourth aot of Julius Caesar be
tween Casus Cassius and Brutus. All
were pronouueed a giand suocess by
those present Tbe show netted $85.
After the show tbe floor was aeolred
and a social danoe waa enjoyed until
City Council Proceedings.
Thn MnHfnrrl l nonnnll mot In I
adjourned session Wednesday evening
of this week Mayor Bradakaw, Coun
oilmen Whitehead, Smith. Demmer. I
Oaeubiuggo aud Cox, and Recorder
The Best
and the
Our Stock is always
complete, with Feed,
Seed and Fancy and
Staple Groceries. We
handle the best and
the cheapest; which
do you want P
Toft present ; Counoilman Hafer ab
sent. The resignation of Counoilman
Whitehead was aooepted and T. W.
Johnson was eleoted to fill the va-
F. Osenbrugge was eleoted chair
man of the board.
A protest from persons in sewer dis
trict No. 3 waB presented in whiob a
protest was made against the estab
lishment of the district, for various
reasons, one of which was the laok of
water. Counoilmen Smith and Dem
mer were appointed a committee to
investigate the matter and report
their findings at tbe next meeting. J
An ordinance waa paBBed creating
sewer district No. 5, and City Engi
neer Howard waa direoted to draft
plans for same.
Councilman Cox tendered his resig
nation, stating aa bia reason for re
signing that he would be absent in
Eastern Oregon a good part of the
summer. No aotlon taken.
By request of tbe Counoilmen Re
corder Toft withdrew his resignation.
Don't Be a Knocker..
And in those davs when the earth
had gotten so hot and so muoh matter
was boiling that tbose wbo bad for
generationa passed over and beyond
got reatleea and began to knook and
kiok and Bought to escape, so Califor
nia being the closest and nearest
point to these bot regions that are
spoken of by our forefathers, tbev
made ronsiderable trouble, but as yet
none have been able to escape. Now,
these same knookers and kiokers are
some who have in days gone by in
habited Medford. We have a few yet
on hand and don't care how quiok
they join those departed and we don't
oare bow bot they get Jit, just so they
don't let any of them nsoape, for
the earth that is on the outside is no
place for suoh beings. Some people
like hot plaoes. This we judge by
tbeir actions and we know there h a
place prepared tor them. Some ceo-
iple don't oare how hot tneir kitohen
gets or now muon ruei tney use, but
some people, up-to date people, like
to have It pleasant and when they
onoe get a Toledo range plaoed in
tbeir bonse they have an ornament
and Bomething that oan and will oook
anything. Cook it good and quiok,
and not heat your room up to blood
beat. They are asbestos lined and
hold all the heat inside and if you
want to heat your room just open the
oven door and out abe oome). We
We Sell, Recommend and Guarantee
One Package will Color any kind of Goods
lOcts. or 3 for 25cts.
buve tbe oumpletest line of cooking
utensils carried in Southern Oregon
and defy anyone to duplicate our
gooda and prlceB. We have four
different klinds of enameled ware.
Tbe best house finishing, hardware
that money can buy and anyone ex
amining same is at onoe convinced
we tell the truth. Our paint line
oan't be surpassed. There may be
other makes just aa good, but none
better. We will see to it that you are
perfectly satisfied when you trade
with us and we are always ready to
refund money when goods are not sat
isfactory. See ua on pipe and pump
plumbing, electric lights, tin roofs,
anything in our line. We are right
and no mistake. Yours for a juBt and
fair deal. H. C. GARNETT.
That the oirous olown is not alwaya
the foolish fellow he seems is shown
by the ingenious devices Tote J3u
orow and Billy Soott of the Norris tc
Rowe oirouB have invented for evok
ing laughter from the little folks.
This Benson they have invented a
breakaway trolley oar. A burlesque
cirous parade headed by the clowns
starts around the 'hippodrome track.
They meet the trolley car ooming to
wards them. They refuse to get out
of tbe way. The tiolley oar starts
ahead at full speed with the inevitable
result that the burlesque parade Ib
broken up, the car runs over the
downs,. They retaliate by jumping
upon tbe car, when finally an explo
sion sends car and downs high in the
air, accompanied by tbe shrieks of
delight from the ohlldren. Another
of their laugh-provoking inventions
Ib a large red automobile called tbe
"Red Devil" and devil it is, for
when it starts around the traok at
full speed it runs over everybody in
sight. Squealing pigs, scurrying
chickens, an old maid witb her mar
ket basket, a fat man, a dude and a
tramp are run over witb equal im
partiality and tbe automobile final
ly goes up in smoke after all the
confusion it has caused. The chil
dren will remember these oomioal
fellows long after they have forgot -ten
everything else they saw with tbe
ohous. Tote Duorow and "Happy"
Bill Soott have as assistants in fun
making, Nick Mannigan, "FooliBh"
Willie Hyatt, Bob Curtln ana "Gro
tesque" Charlie Medora. The New
and Greater Norris & Rowe oirous will
exhibit at Medford. Thnrndav. Mm
3d. '
Special Announcement.
Send all vnnr nrrinro fnp mnain fn
Charles S. Mitchell MusioCo., box 14,
Ashland, Oregon, Latest oataiogue
sent on request.