ffiEMEDFOBD MAIL a; 5. ULITON. Meufohd, Ohbqon April 20, 1000 . Don't overlook the representative ticket Vote for two. Tbere are only two names printed J. W. Perkins :aud U. D, Kubll, but vote for them anyway. The registration books for the gen eral eleotlon on June 1th, will be .opened April 20th and cloned on May ilSth. Those who have not registered heretofore will have an opportunity of doiug so. Attorney-General Crawford has glv en an opinion to tneeffeot that a per son of one-qaarter Indian blood Is considered white, and entitled to vote and that a half-blood Is oonsldered .an Indian. You can't plok out a better man for county surveyor tnan Gail T. Jones. 'He is a thorough master of his profes sion and his experience, gained In 'previous terms of office, will be most vaJuaole to the oounty. 'Look for bam Van Dyke's name on 'the official hallot and then make a crosB in trout of It. In that way wnn will hpln nominate n. flrst.alagB man for sherllf. One who will serve vie people booestly, faithfully and competently. W. R. Coleman's frlendB are all 'Sanguine of bis success in blB race for tbo Republloan nomination for olerk and why shouldn't be win? He has every qualification, makes friends wherever be goes. Of course he, 11 win. O. D, Owen bas made a boat of .friends during his oampaign for the Republican nomination for treasurer. 'Quiet, gentleman 'y and unassuming, at tbe same time be gives an impres sion of ability and Integrity that has won many advocates for his cause. Hon. W. I. Vawter stands upon blB record in the legislatuie in seeking a re-nomination, and if tbe people of 'Douglas and Jaokson county are wise they will again select htm as joint representative. He will be able to do 'good work - better than ever In his .Becond term. Honest lawmukes and bonnet courts will make short work of auy truBt or other combination in restraint of trade. It is up to the people therefore to provide these necessary agendas iustoad of oontonting themselves with howling and complaining whlle'noj? Jecting to do tbulr duty at the polls, W. 11. Qnre is one of the moBt oom petent men in Jackson oounty for the office of state Bonutox. His wide ac quaintance with tbe resources aud needs of the oounty, his knowledge of affairs end his all-around ability .and olear-hoadodness fit him for that office. He is first-class senatorial tim ber. Willis Duuiwny, oundldato for the Republican nomination for Btnto priuter, pledges hlmsejf to an econ omical administration of the office, aud to euro for the interests of the state in every way. Mr. Dunlway Is a life-long Republican, a practical printer and an bonest, upright citi zen. Ho is desorviug of the uoniinu ; tiou. "Today (Friday) Ib primary day. 'JL'ho ' total registration shows X1'20 voters who have rogletorod. About ninety per oent have duolared tholr politics. The records show two and one-half timos as many Republicans as Demo crats, aud 11 small percentage of Soci alists. According to this, if too ninny voters do not change tholr polities bo . fore Juue, It looks as if the Eopubli ..ona candidates had a walk-over. Joshua Pattorsou, for oounty com missioner, and Alva Kellogg, for oor oner, haveu't anyone opposing thorn 04000004000a4.040a Reo Baby Reo. Four Passenger $700 Two Passenger $675 Weight.......... 1000 lbs Horso Power. . .... ',, 8 Whoel Baso. 70 inehos ThiB little car is tho equal of its b'g brother in everything but sine and is now recognized as the standard runabout of (ho world. Hutchison . Phone 381. '" WM. S, CHOWELL, President First National Bank, MEDFOliD, OREGON Paid Up Capital, $35,000 Stockholders' Liability $50,000 fAIR DEALINQ, Will doa conservnrlve hanking buono y rHHtii pii'i'tllv with our own V WB SOLICIT VOUR ACCOUNT DTR tfflTflRC!. WM B. ilKOWKLL, F. K. DKIJKL. B. V. CARTM foi the nomination ho are sure of Buosess, but we reel like saying some thing Rood about tbem anyway. All wbo have resided in the county dur ing Mr. Patterson's term as oounty commissioner are aware of the reoord he bae maae and for that reason wlsb to retain blin In office. Tbe indirect result of his efforts, aud those of bis colleagues, bas been tht offer by the government to build tbe half mile sample highway. Mr. Kellogg has been a worker in tbe party and Is J thoroughly oompetent to fill tbe office I of ooroner. Last week The Mail published a list of the candidates for whom it had a preference for tbe oflloes to which they aspire. This aotion must not be oonstrued to mean that if tbe gentle men named should not be successful that tbiB paper will "lay down" on tbe ticKot which the people of Jack- "on ?"nty do ohooae' We do not set our judgment up against that of tbe whole people, and whatever aotion tbe Republicans of Jaokson county take in tbe primaries, Tbe Mull will be found loyally and earnestly support ing tbe ticket. The men who are ask ing for the various uomlutlons for oounty oUloes at tbe hands of the Re publicans are all good aud oompetent men, but tbere la always a ohoice to be made between all men, and we ploked what, in our judgment, was the best ticket. Jackson Goiiniy Bank ESTABLISHED BY W. I. VAWTER IN 1888 Capital Efl&TV? $50,000.00 Earned Surplus, $30,000.00 OFFICERS and DIRECTORS. W. I. Vawter, President; B. F. Adkins, Vice-President; G. R. Lindi.ey, Cashier; L. L. Jacoiib, Assistant Cashier; R. II. Whitehead, A. A. Davis, F. W. Hutchison Eihteenyeariunderone management Member American Banners' Association Insured against Burglary ''The mountain labored and brought forth a mouse," and, aftor consulta tion wltb hlB mentors, the pseudo oditor of the Tribune, evolved tho Idea that Tho Mail's editorial of lust weok in support of W. R. Colemnu'a candidacy for the Republioau nomin ation for oounty clerk was un luneudo dirootod ut Mr. von dor llollon.his op ponont, ou nooount of tho letter's for oign birth because It was stated that Mr. Colomnn was not only a untive Amorionn, but u native of Jnokaou county as well and cited tho luoldent of Prosidont Roosevelt addressing in oordiul tonne n delegation of (Joruinn citlzous upou the snme dtiy. Tbe sim ile quoted nt tho beginning of this article is not just oxaotly appropriate, tail It will do. Somewhere someone has suld something about milking a "mountain of a mole hill" ami again of looking for the "beam in tnlrro own eye before Becking the mote hi tbe eye of thy neighbor, ' eitbor of whluh mlgbt lit the present case. In the edi torial oonipliiinod of by the Tribune tuero was no intention to oust any ro lleotlou upou Mr. vou dor llolleu oo- oauao he had not been born lu Amorl- tho stnto ot Oiegou or Jaokson oounty, but simply to onll the atten tion of tho voters to tho (not that, a descendant of ouo of the men who braved the ilntigers of tho truokloss 0000OOO4OOOOO0 Lumsden, Sole Agents in Southern Oregon Medford, Oregon. rr , URURU, Vice-President i SAFETY, SECURITY . Always sifa.guirltnj ou customers' plains, tbe suow-olud mountains and unfavorable streams to win this groat state to tbe Kepublio, was asking for your suffrages, "Evil to him wbo evil tninks," Is an old Freuon axiom, Mr. Potter bas thought evil where no evil was Intended and bas made prom inent a faot wblon Mr. Coleman's supporters bave never made a point of, for the reason that everyone real lzes that there are no better nor more loyal Americans tban the olttzens of tbe United dtates of German birth. Tbe evil the Tribune thinksreading between the IIuob Is that a dlsgraoe attaches to foreign birth. Not so wltb Tbe Mall. "By their work ye sball bonor them. " If tbey are good citi zens we honor tbem, and the bad citi zen is bad whatever may be bis nativ ity. - ' Judge E. 14. Watson is tbe man whom Oregon should send to the United States senate. He has tbe ability, experience and knowledge of national affairs t make him one of the prominent members of tbe nation al senate. Judge Watson is closely Identified with the progress and pros p rity of tbe state and If elected will serve tbe people with zeal and hon esty. Mrs. O. II. Pierce's doral Htook has arrive. Ladies wishing bouse plants will find something to their taste by inquiring at tbe reHidenoe of J. A. Lyons, East Medford. Hawley Will Win. Willis C. Huwley, oaudidnte for Congress, Is being widely advertised by his opponents as a orunk, n preaoh or, a Prohibitionist, u tool, a dummy, a lunatic, a tlioorlst, a plugntist, and an ouemy of the U. A. R. Ills supporters are donounued as soro bonds, riugstors, sulkers, graft ors, thieves, machine politicians, old political baoks and mombors of that dark and mystoriouB aggregation kuowu us tno guiu-shou brigade A few inoro choice expletives nro now being coined for use in trie last stages of the oampaign. lu tho fuoe of oortuin defeat men of tou lose tholr bends, grow desperate, become abusive arid forget their bet ter nature. Meaiitirno the hop grovv or, tbe rural mail carrier, and (.?. A. R., "the laboror mid produoor," aud all tbe special luturoBta whose votes are budly wanted are doiug thoir own thinking nud refuse to bite at bare hook. WILLIS C. HAWLEY HAS iN EVER BEEN ANYTHING RUT A THOIi OUUI111RED RBPULU1UAN AND A CLEAN MAN. Marlon oounty, whore he has lived uenrly tweuty years, will give him more tliau oue thousand majority aud bis uoiuiuation is assured. Mrs. K E, Gore, teacher of ruu Bio. Tbe oourse iu plnuo inoludes work iu harmony, sight reading aud ousembie playing, whiub lends to reliable and ilueut teohuic, stimulates attention and insures raoid Droaresa. Speolul methods for advauoed players ana ouuureu. OOO4OOOiQOOi0Oa Reo Touring Car, Five Pass enger. Cur with five lumps $1,300; Car with five lamps, top mid search light, !fl,.00; weight 1(500 pounds; horsopowvr 18 to 20; wheel base 90 inoh; frame proasod steel. This our is nnt only dust proof, noisoless and very ensy riding, but it is absolute ly the best built cr in tho world at the prioo, which includes gas lights, oil lights, horn, pump, dust apron, etc Shows Where he Stands. In the Issue of tbe 12th iust. tbe Tribune takes np the matter of tbe state treasurersbip and Incidentally exposes his position and bis animus toward Hon. E. V. Carter. R. W. Hoyt, of Multnomah, and Ueorge A. Steel, of Claokamas, are named us the leading candidates for tbe Republican uominacion, This statement is not only misleading, but is an Intentional blow at ndr. Carter's oandidaoy. As a matter of fact Mr. Carter Is admitted by all to be one of the strongest can didates in the raoe, wbioh has Indeed narrowed down to a contest between Hoyt and Carter. The artioie referred to bears the earmarks of having been written with the idea of turning votes from' Mr.' Carter to one or the other of bis opponents, and the Interests in wbioh it was written la shown in the following tolegram : Portland, Ore., April 15. 1906. REV. 0. T. MoPHEKSON : Liquor dealors are supporting Hoyt ior state treasurer ana Ditteriy ngnt ing Carter aoconnt of letter's vote against Jayne amendment. Do all you can in oburoh tonight and through the primaries for Carter. CLARENCE TRUE WILSON, . Prealdent Anti-Saloon League. The Real Situation. The office of state treasurer oarries with it responsibilities in oonneotion with tbe management of state affairs of paramount Importance. Two other Btate offioeB only are in the same class with It, measured by the influence and tbe opportunity for the exercise ot exeoutive ability on tbe part ot the inoumbent in behalf of an honest and business like administration of state affairs. The governor, secretary of state and treasurer comprise under our laws a board endowed with im portant powers of administration. Southern Oregon desires recognition and a voice In the oonduot and direc tion of state affairs and admittedly has a right and iust claim thereto. The onl candidate for the Republi can nomination for state treasurer from thie section at the primaries, Friday, is the Hon. B. V. Carter, of Jaokson oounty, who is acknowledged to be a leader in the race. Mr. Car ter and a Portland oandidate are com ing down the home stretoh ueok and neck, as thoae olosest in touch with the situation view it at this time, with a tine ohance for Mr. Carter to finish a winner. The most prominent Portland candidate himself refers to the Jaokon oounty man as ''one of his moBt dangerous opponents." Mr. Carter is bound by the closest tieB with the interests of Southern Ore gon. He la the peer of any of bis competitors for the plaoe. He is a Jackson oounty candidate,' the only one for that or any state office on the Republioau ticket at this eleotlon. A vote for Mr. Carter -is a vote for the recognition of Southern Oregon in the conduot of state affairs, Do you believe In helping to get this recogni tion aud maintaining It? Ou this ground alone Mr. Carter is entitled to every Republican vote at th pri maries, not ouly .n Jaokson county, but in Josephine, Klamath aud Lake counties, with which tbiB county is most closely allied. Ashlaud Tidings GRAND MASQUERADE SKATING CARNIVAL Wednesday. April 25th, tbore will be no akutiug Id tbe afteruoou. Doors will ope u pro'tiptly at 7 o'oIogk p. m., skating until 10 p. m. Dancing from LU until 12. Skating 50 cents, in cluding danoing. You should get 'in your order for skates not later than Tuesday, for if you don't you will find tbem all goue. Part of the proceeds go to tbe Altd ford cornet band. 0. F. SMITH, Manager. AMONU THE CHURCHES. it. E. CHURCH. The sorvicos In tbe Methodist Epis- copul ohurch, Sunday, April '2d, wil bo of pooullar attraction. The ptistor will pioaeli at 11 a. in. and 8 p. m. Morning subjoet, "The Thorn in Paul's Fleah. Evening suhjeot, "A Man wbo Defeated Himself." Tbe ohorus choir will render special ma- slo. The Sunday sohool, under tbe superlutondonoy of D. T. LawtoQ.will be glad to welcome new people at 10 a. m. The Epwortb League meets at 7 p. m-, Mr. tilake Adams leader. Subjoot, "Our Resources inServioe. " A most cordial invitation is extenaed. OllAS. T. MoPHERSON, Pastor. it. E. CHURCH SOUTH. Sunday, April 22: Proaohing morn ing and evening. Subjeot for 11 a. m., "Parental Responsibility," For 7:30 p. m., "A Traitor in the Cniup. " Sunday sobooi at 10 a. rn. Prayer meeting Thursday afternoon at 2:30 All are most wetoome. H. B. YACOUUI, Pastor. BAPTIST CH URCII. "What Baptists lleliovo tbe Bible Touches Regarding the Salvation of Infants," is the subjeot for Sunday morning at eleven o'oloek. A report of the Paoiho Coast Bap tist Congress will be given at the even ing servioe at 8 p. m, Vou are most cordially iuvited to attend both of those services. A spec ial invitation extended to now comers HUd straugors who may be in the city. FKEDEK1CK W. CARSTENS, Pastor. A few suapa lu orgaua at trie Coss Piauo House. Come aud see. We onu save you niouoy. Store at the Modfoni ilook Store. Ki-lt ;evTtrau&$ overalls made from selected materials E B WATSON, ; of Multnomah County, Candidate for Republican Nomi nation for U. S. Senator. CHAS A JOHNS, of J-iuker City, Republican Outidid'ate Governor of Oregon for E. V. CARTER, 1 of Ashland, , Republican , Candidate State Treasurer. for WALTER LINCOLN TOOZE, of Woodburn, Republican Candidate for Congressman From the lr,t District of Oregon. "The friend of tbe Laborer aad Producer s. b. Houston, Of Hillsboro, Washington County Candidate for Republican Nomination for Congress First Congressional Olstrlot. Paore Maximum Bate law. Porch-e ry government of all unsurTeyed lundi la rail road grants. No further scripting of public lands. Uoeto't ride on a railroad pass. CLAUD GATCH, of Marion County, Candidate for the Republican Nomination for Secretary of State. AGUSTUS C. JENNINGS, of Lane County, I hereby announce myself as a Candidate for the office of State Treasurer, and solicit tbe votes ot an Kpuoiicaa8 at tne primary eleo tlon, April 20, 1903. The only Grand Acmy man a candidate for a State office and the only announced candidate recognizing the 1905 flut Miliary mw u umuinn- H. D. KUBLI, of Applegate, Candidate- for the Republican nomination tor Representative. J. W. Perkins, of Roxy, Candidate for the Republican nomination for Representative. Wm. H. GORE, of Medford, Candidate for Republican Nomina tion for State Senator. Ei TV STAPLES, of Ashland Repnblican Candidate State Senator for For Joint Representative. I hereby announce myself as a Candidate for lie-n oin iimtion as Joint Itopresentative for Douglas nml Juckson Counties, subject to the Primary Election, April '20th. If nominated ind tsleoted I pledge myself to vote for people's choice for Senator; to favor Stale Hank Law and law eciitrolling Stale Funds; nctts milking for Good Konds and larg er powers to County Fruit Inspectors. WM. I. VAWTER, Medford, - Oregon. For Joint Representative, The undesigned announces bluisclfas can didate for joint Representative for Jackson and Don el as counties, subject to tbe decision of tbe Republican voters at tbe prl uries. My platform briefly stated, is: Give direct primary u fair tiial II found defective, amend it. Economical legislation. Equitable assort ment laws. Fevor election of U. S. senatorB by vote of the people, and endorse Statement No. 1 of primary law without equivocation, GEO. W. RIDDLE, RIDDLE. OREGON For Joint Representative, I hereby announce myeelf us a candidate for joint rt-preseniatlvo for Jackson and Doug las Counties, subject to the nomination at tbe hands ol the republican voters of said coun ties at the forthcoming primary election, J. A. BUCHANAN. J. M. HANSBROUGH, of Roseburg, Republican Candidate for Joint Representative For Douglas unci Jackson Counties. WE. COLEMAN, of Phoenix Republican Candidate for County Clerk A. E. KELLOGG, of Gold Hill, To the Votors of JaeUBon County: I horobv announce myself an a Candidate lor (lie ofllce oi i.om.ty uor-mur on me Republican ticks , subject to endorsement at the primary elec tions, April a), Utofi. GARL T. JONES, of Medford, Republican Candidate for Surveyor, Jaokson County & G. VAN DYKE, of Medford, Republican Candidate for Sheriff, Jackson County. J. M. CRONEMILLER. of Jacksonville, Candidate for the Republi can Nomination for County Treasure r. H. VON DER HELLEN of Wellen, Republican Candidate for Clerk Jackson County, D. H. JACKSON, Of Ashland. Candidate for Republican Nomination for Sheriff. O. D. OWEN, of Medford Republican Candidate for Treasurer, Jackson County R. T. RURNETT, of Ashland, Cnnriidnte for Kopublirnn Xominn tion for County Recorder. The Best and the Cheapest Our Stock is always complete, with Feed, Seed and Fancy and Staple Groceries. We handle the best and the cheapest; which do you want? MONROE & MILLER SENSATIONAL CIRCUS NOVELTY. Norrls & Rowe Finally Secure the Wonderful Stlrk Family. The present circus season will loner be remembered as almost precipitat ing one of the most bitter of circus wars. It started over tbe services of the Great Stirk Family. The home of this troupe is iu France and when they deoidud to tour America every oirous owner of auy prominence who could afford to pay the enormous sal ary they asked for their aot, made a bid for their services. It was just the one sensational feature that Norris & Rowe craved for thier patruns aud thev doggedly determined not to be outbid by anyone. When tbe Stirk Fumily liually landed on our shores, H. S. Kowe persunully greeted them at the Wew York dock. Other oircus men were also there and before the troupe fairly landed there were clamorous demands for their seivices. Consider able feeling was displayed when Mr. Rowe finally outbid hit) rivals nd went nome nappy wltu tne contract in hi; pocket. Retaliation was threatened ! AoltwA0e,Ar aizt3 oul!i bo Proud and it is no doubt true that the young ,bnm Harnett's store iu par- weoto niwMia nn,.mrC H11 t t-K western oircus owners will yet pay the peualty of incurring the displeasure of the circus truBt by their threatened opposition. Aooordiug to the trust, Norria& Rowe are netting altogether too ambitios and enlarging too rapid ly and thiB the oircus trust considers a orime. However, Norris & Howe have had plenty of experience and oan probably hold their own, for they are a powerful factor iu the west. The Stirk Family is a troupe of ten peo ple, six- graoefful young women and four olean-limbed men acrobats. They have a novel aerialblcyole, performing in the air more tricks than was ever performed on tho stage. Tbo feats they accomplish seem incredible and from all aooounts it is the most excit ing and dangerouB aot ever attempted in the modern uirous arena. The Stirs Family will be seen here with the Greater NorriB & Kowe oirous, Thursday, May 3d. Reserve Your Nursery Stock Orders In Medford, on the last Saturday in every month, I will be prepared to take orders for nursery stock, from the Oregon Nursery Co., of Salem. This oompany oarries a greater variety of stook than any other oompany in Ore gon. Reserve your orders for me. 16-lm W. S. KINU. j Special Announcement. Send all your orders for music, to Charles S. Mitchell MusioCo., box 14, Ashland, Oregon. Latest catalogue sent on request. How IS THE A Complete Line of Sherwin-Williams House Paijita always on hand. Touch Up Your Old Furniture with -Jap-A-Lac- The first 24 house wives calling at our store next 5 Monday morning will receive free a sample can of I OAK JAP-A-LA.C. ' HASKINS' - DRUG - STORE, MliDFORD, OREGON. it (li Tis Good to be Here. While the great east and middie west is being swept by blizzards an cyclones, while the people are dodging: cyclones, lightning and blizzards, while the laboring man and capital'' are clashing as to the future and) while old Missouri is burning negroes while the old country people are run ning from anarohista and fiends, while California with her towering climate ia being shaken by earthquakes, these are the conditions ofr things in gener al. While here in the beautiful, fer tile Rogue River Valley we ars blessed with sunshine and' showers, peace and plenty, health and wealth, brains and interest, and should be the happiest people on earth, what can we ask? Could there be a place iuoie blessed?: We say nay. Medford, the very hub, the center, is being talked all over the ooast as the coming town, and why? Because in Medford, around Medford her people have their shoul der to the wheel aud by a united 6ffort are pushing her to the front. Every business is fully represented and she does a daily business of whinh LIUlUUr VOU CBU DUU ZUQ mOSt UD-tO date ideas in building hardware. Those xoieao ranges can't be surpassed any where. They have been tried, tried by cianky people who are hard to please, but with one accoid the 75 or more now in use in and around Med ford are satisfied. Quantitos of oook ing vessels, in three or four grades from the best to the cheapest, and paint Is perfeot. Carried in alloolors and shades. Poultry wire, incuba tors, churns, wash maohiues, bioyoles, gardtu hose, spray hose, water tanks made by our tinner is German and knows his business. So get wise and oome in and look over things and bee' if you can't get what you want and: get it a little cheaper than Sears Eho buok oan send it to you. I am your for business, H. C. GARNETT. For sale 65 acres of the Col. Joha E. Eoss farm, two and one-half miles, from Medford, with all improvements, tor 8105 per acre. White & Trow bridge. Advertised Letter List. Following is u list of letters rematng un oalled (or at the Medford postofflce on Aprl 19, 1906. Bamnan, Mrs O E Owens, Mr John. Cammu, J I Phelps. Rulus J )ues. c H Phillips, T B Lang-worth. Mrs Robinson, Miss Martha Morgan, Master Floyd Williams, Mr Bettlo A ohargo of one oent will be made upon de livery of oaoh of tbe above letters. Persons calling lor any of the above tetter will please say " Advertised." A. M WOODFORD, Postmaster TIME TO Paint OOaCrOOO00 ftOttOOOOOCiOCt0O t0000a00r000O