MEDFORD IRON WORKS, Founders and Machinists'. Mining and Milling Machinery. Agents for Fairbanks, Morse & Co, Gasoline Engines and Spray Outfits and Power Pumps. Figure with us on ; , - ; New and Second Hand Boilers and Engines. OUR COUNTY Cojrfcspondentsj Jacksonville News. H. W. Orth spent Monday In Ash land, H. E. Ankeny, of Eugene, spent Saturday and Sunday in Jacksonville. Peter ADDlegate, the assessor, has gone to San Franoisco for a few days. R. E. Cantrall, of Klamath oounty, spent a few days lately visiting rela tives and friends in this vailey. J. Nuuan returned one day last week from San Franoisoo, where he went to purchase spring goods. The funeral of the late Ool. Maury took place Wednesday. The remains were buried in the Jacksonville oom- etery. Mr. aiid Mrs. Klddel, of Portland, are spending a few dayB in Jackson ville. Mr. Riddel has businoss In the oirouit oourt. The oounty olork has Issued the fo lowing marriage licenses: Alfred M. Christie to Gttle May Rouadtree ; 3. L. Demmer and Lily Spuhn. Walter L. Toose, of Woodburu, the politician, spent Bsveral days In this section last week. Mr. Foose 1b look lug after his political interests. Saturday evening a spealal train took nearly all of the Jacksonville Elks to Medford, where they joined the Medford Elkls and journeyed on to Ashland to visit the lodge at that place. Gus Newbury and 11. von der Hellon beoamo members of the ordor that night. 'I able Rock items. BY J. 0. P. Messrs. Blsaell and Hitzler, with their friends, attondod the furniers Institute at Eagle Point last Wednes day and report an interesting nud Instructive mooting. W. R. Uyruui and wife attended the Odd Fellows lodge supper ut Jack ' souvllle Saturday night, returning Sunday. T. 11. Pendleton roturned from Grants Pass the middle of the week and report that they bonded a pluoor mining property for one hundred thousand dollars. Work will be oom menoed at onoe, A numbor of dalrj men met at Leo WntkluB1 Saturday, February 17th, at 2 p, m. and formed a temporary Dairymen's Association. Leo Wnt klus was chosou president and S. K. Adams secretary. They expect to have their next mooting at the school houso nt Agnto on Saturday, Maioh 3d, at 2 p. m., when tlioy hope to have all the dairymen present and com plete a permanent organization. I, B. Macdonnld gavo a freo dauco at hts residence last Wednesday ovonlug February Htli. Wtion the gueBts bb- HUinuieu IV wus nmuu KUUWU LUUli bUOl boat and Miss Linn Viuoeut had been married during the day and the party was to welcome their friends. Congratulations followed. Fiue re freshments were served during tho D. T. LAWTON General Dealer In Vehicles andMachinery We carry the celebra ted Mitchell Wagons, Hacks and Buggies, Harness, Etc Planet Jr. Seeders and Cultivators, Stovers Gasoline Engines and Myors' Pumps. J. I. Case Black Land and Free Soil Plows and Har rows. Barb Wire, Poultry Netting - and Sanders' Disc Plows. In fact we Carry a Full Line of Vehicles and Machinery MEDFORD, OREGON evening and dancing was indulged In till nearly morning and a general good time was the verdiot. Prof. Davis and the olass he pre pared for the eighth grade examina tion are reoelvlng all klndB of con- gratulatioons these days upon the fine set of papers they turned In. Mrs. E. D. Blssell took oharge of the ex amination. Rose and Mary Nealon, Delia Uunn and Verne Pendleotn con stituted the class and them will be graduating exercises at the oloao of the term, fuller particulars of whiob will be given later on. Miss Pearl Grisham, who graduated from the eighth grade, with the Central Point class last spring, took the examina tion with the olasB as a test and If she makes as good a showing in the teach ers' examination whloh followed, there will be a good teacher for some district to aeouro. Wobdvllle Items Boru 17, 1900, -Near Woodvlllo, February to Mr. and Mrs. Will Milton, a son. ' Jamoa Herr has moved his here from near Jacksonville. family Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Clement have moved to the lower saw mill. Their elder daughter, Tena, is attouaiug sobool in Jacksonville. J. B. Phelps was here one day last week, visiting among old-time Monde. The dauoe given by the M. W. A. the 11th of February was a success so- olally and financially. Quite a Bum was addod thereby to the lodge funds. Mrs. J. B, Hair returned Saturday from a short visit with rolativeB in Grants Pass. Clint Mooro, Will Pyburu, Elmer Carter and several others weut to Drain Monday, to begin work with tho Southern Pnclllo bridge gang. Word has boon received here that Geo. E, Zlders, former sAotion fore man hero, is now foreman at Horn brook, Calif, ' ft. W. Owings and family roturned reoontly from Salom, aooompanlod by Mr. Owlng's father, who huB been a patient nt the O. S. 1. O. for sovora years, but is now fully rooovorcd. Rov. Robt. TweoJ has formally an nounced that his connection with this ohuroh will cease on March 18, 1000. A oongregatioual meetiug 1b oallod to. moot at 2 p. m. on March 3d aud it ta hoped that all Interested will attend, A number of miprovom.uts are be ing mado by our pvoporty owners. Mr. Seaman Is buildiug some new fouce and Mr. Wilcox is making aomo cbaugea In the hotel, adding seroral bed rooniB, enlarging tho dining room and making things lu gonornl more oouveuiont. C. W. WIIoox Is selling his fuiiii turo and homo, preparatory to a re moval to the new towiiBito iu Califor nia, Fnrallouo City, near Snn Fran oisco. Wo wish thorn joy nud prosper ity in their new homo. M. T. Olluo, the now superintend cut of tho Uomestnko mine, assumed ooutrol of nlfulrs last weok.iu place of F. II. Trowbridge, who was Buporiu tondont for muiiy mouths. The latter wont from horo to Grautu Pass aud ox- peotod, after spending n fow days there, to make an extended visit with relatives lu California. 0. A. Dolkiton, of the Fashion liv ery stables, In Grants Pass, has been here, purchasing horses of P. J. Lev erlob, O. F. Wright, Chas. Magerle and others. Mr. Wright reoelved 8025 for two team, but we did not learn the jrf? r?oe'Te y aa? p' others. Phoenix Hems. Grain Is looking fine in this local ity, but the aoreagi is very small com pared with other seasons. , 0. Carey was on Saturday's morn ing's train en route for Talent, where he met the mill men who are to fur nlen the lumber for a large barn Mr. 0 will build soon, John Mast bought five bead of fine mlloh vows iu Ashland this week and drove them to bis dairy ranch. Mr. Mast Intends to Increase bis herd, as he believeB dairying pays quite well. Lloyd Colver has set hie twenty aore traot of land out to choice apple trees, all of the very best varieties for both keeping and shipping; R. T. Blaokwood baa established a pumping plant on bis ten-aore garden traot in Stringtown. The pump is an ingenious oontrivanoe of Mr. B. 's own invention, 1b rnn by horse-power and is onpable of throwing a continu ous, flve-inoh stream of water and will be somewhat of a curosity when in operation. The meeting of the cemetery board was not very well attended and re sulted In there not being any great amount of business done. The school direcotors, however, eleoted trustees for the ensuing term. Phoenix has one of the prettiest sitea for a oeme tery iu the county and a little work would gieatly enbanoe its beauty. Quite a number of our good towns people attended the mask ball given at Talent last Wednesday nigh and all report having had a very enjoyable time. The management of the dancing partlee given at that place is well spoken of and those furnishing the supper are equally praised. The famors' institute at Talent was we'.l attended aud counted a real suc cess and was of much value to chose Interested In farming, gardening, hor ticulture, as many good points of in terest were discussed. Those of years of experience wero there for the ex press purpose of giving out what they had learned and thus helping those industries whloh are the bone and sinew of our laud. May the good workB go on. Central Point Items. a B, F, Penrt was In Medford one day last week. Mrs. May Stlcklo, of Euglo Point, is visiting relatives here. Chas. Stacy, of Sams Valley, was here on business last Monday. S. Murray was transacting business in Medford one day luBt week. Mrs. J. C. Barnard and daughter, Netta, of Taleut, visited relatives and frlonds horo last week, Miss Mary Vocum Is absent from school this woek, oil account of the illness of hor brothor, Fred. Fred Warner, of Trail, ' spent Sun day with his Bister, MIsb Lu Waruer, wo is attending sohool here. Mr. and .Mrs. V. T. uriove wore made happy February 17th by tne ur rival of a baby boy lu their home. Rov. Rlloy gave an interesting lect ure Tuesday evening, February 20th, in tho Baptist ohuroh oil tbo subject of 'Missions. " Uoorge Stidharn, who is patrolman botweeu Gold Hill and Grants Pnss, for tho Condor Wntor & Powor Co. wnt homo last woek on a visit. Misb Nora Buebo and her friend MIbs Osborne, wno hnve been tnklng tenchors' examination, took Suuday's train for Ashland, whore they will re sume their studios at the Normal. East Medford Items. Mr. nud Mrs. Walter Bostwiok ure home from Applegate. E. D, Elwood aud family wore oupylug their new home on East Sevontb stroot. Mrs. Carrie Luiuty, lrom Illy, Ore gon, is hero, visiting friouds and rel ativoa. Mrs. Zulaia Goodsell has aocepted a position as saloslady in Deuel & Kout- nor'B mercantile establishment. llonry Parson's new residouoo Is shining with a new coat of paint. J W. Ling is the doaorntoi. F. G. Sutherland and family have moved from the Wilson residence, on East Soventb, to tho West Side. Mrs, Geo. Corum aud baby leave this wook for WoedB,Calif., whore Mr. Coram Is employed aa cook in a mill ing oamp. Wm, Kabler, of Portland, was here for a fow days this week, greeting old frlendB and visiting with his brother, Thomas, and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Millard Opdlke, who have been for some time with Martin MoDonough and family, have taken apartments with Mr. and Mrs. A, Slover, of tho west sldo. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Stewart and the girls hnve returned from Santa Rosa, whore they have been for some time past. Perry says Southern Ore gon beats thorn all and he Is here to stay. A Hero by Compulsion. Mining Journal: News reaohoi us of a most remark able enoountor with a big brown bear weighing 250 pounds by a boy of fif teen on January 23d, and his name is Ralph Fox, He lives at the Argo mine on Rogue River Ualioe Mining Districts. The particulars of the re markable encounter are as follows : The young iad was alone in the blacksmith shop of the mine, work lug, when in walked tbo big brown bear without a word of announcement and hunohed on his back legs near the door. It was impossible for the boy to escape, and of oourse he was very muob frightened, as he had no gun or weapon of defense, in tne exoltement be threw a drill at tne bear, who simply warded It off and tben made for the lad, who in his des perate effort ploked up a four pound sledge and struok tbe bear a hard blow on the top of'the bead, whloh dazed tbe ugly customer long enough for him to get several other good blows on bis bead. When the men arrived they found the boy straddling tbe bear and trying to cut bis head off. This story is vouched for by Ed. Cassldy, Q. W. Klrkly and F. J, Brinkerboff, who were at the mine and saw tbe bear. To us this is one of the most remarkable oases of boy heroes we know of and probably could never be repeated, but the boy had been raised in the state of Washing ton and had been in tne bills for game. He surely showed lots of pluck and fight and suooeeded. School Notes. . Hazel.Davis and Angle IPurdin, ed itors. Percy Cochran is among the absent this week. Miss Rutb Merriok, of Portland, en tered the high school Monday. Miss Floy McNeill, of Ashland, ie assisting in the primary-department. Venita Hamilton and Minnie Corey are absent this week because of ill ness. MIsb Hill made a general changing of seats last week, muoh to the sur prise of some. Prof.Signs spent a few days in Jack sonville last week, during the teach ers' examination. Miss Mary Calking, of Crescent City, and Carl Glasgow, of Portland high sohool, have joined the ninth grade. The different classes are now pre paring for the entertainments for commencement week, which will be In the latter part of May. Several new studies have been takon up for tne second term. Among them are the eleventh grade botany, ninth grade "The Courtships of Miles StandlB." Tuesday morning the ninth grade took final examination in physical geography. Next Monday they will take 'final 'examination ' iu grammar, New studies are be takenup for the latter half of the year. , The "mook senate" is to take place iu the high : sobool Friday, February 23d. The question decided upon was, "Uniaipal Ownership," It will oer- tniuly be an exoiting debate, the Freshmen and Juniors vs. the Soph mores and Seniors. The primary department is s orowded that tables are neoessary at which to seat pupils. The sume cou ditiou exists in the high sohool de pnrtmeut. The entrance of three new pupils required tbe' addition of seutB in au already over orowded room. Moro room muBt be provided before next September if tbe school is to keep paoe with tho demandB upon it. Patrons who aesire to see the exact conditions should drop in some day aud look things over. Wants to Come Back. The following letter received by W. T. York from C. H. Cory, of Howard Lake. Minn., who was here a year ago for u few months, shows how people appreciate this oountry when they are away from it: "Last full I wrote you about coming out to Medford, but shortly after I bought back iu the store and since then have worked in the store. My family Is atnyiug in your town, for tbo wiuter, nud 1 am not certain yet whether 1 will come out or not this time, but would very much like to soe Medford agniu and breath that balmy air and roam in those lovely orohard8 sud feast on Oregon fruit. What do you think of Butte Falls? 1 see by The Mail that they have platted a townsite and ereoted a saw mill aud talk as if there was going to bo a town right away. How far is it from Eagle Point? Is the new rail road heading for that point? If so it ought to be a ntoo little town in the near future. When these cold north west winds oomo down upon us aud it gets to zero aud 25 below, it makes me wish I was out in the west, but whou the summers oome we forget about wiuter." A Few Medford Items.. GATHERED BY J. 0. MARTIN. Our good neighbor, Mr. Page, has gone to Pyetto, Idaho, on business. Born On North O street, February 16, 1000, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. How ard, a son. MIsb Ethel DeCoudress is convales cent from a severe attack of la grippe and has again joined , her olass in sohool. We are sorry to say our old friend, Dave Reynolds, who haa been strick en with that loathsome disease, paraly sis, for so long a time, is no better. Played Good Ball. In telling of tne basket ball same played at Roseburg last week between the Rosebuig and Medford teams, the Review of that oity has this to say. Skill (or luok) In throwing baskets triumphed heavily over faster playing and superior team work at tne Rose burg theatre Tuesday night, when the local high sohool rive defeated the Medford team at basket ball by a score of 31 to 16. The game throughout was ohaiaoterlzed by roughness and blokorlna, aid fouls were numerous. A good-sized orowd was present. Twenty-niinate halves were played. At tbe end of tbe first half the score stood 13 to 10 in favor of the locals. In the second half tbe looals scored for a total of eighteen points and tbe latter three for a total of six. Out of Medford's pretty team work Miles and Rotberinal shone as stars. Miles, by the way, is beyond doubt the fastest and beadiest basket ball player that ever delighted a Roseburg a-idienoe; but like fits team mates, borse-Bhoes were absent in bis tosslngs (or baskets. In the first half Rother mal threw two baskets in succession in less than one-balf minute of play ing. This feat was eclipsed In tbe sec ond half by King, wbo repeated the performance in about ten seoouds of time. RoBeDurg's playing was of strlotly Individual cbaraoter, but luck was with them. In the second half they kept the ball nearly always in Med ford's territory, and seemed that every time a local tossed tor a basket, no matter now dimouit tne position, he scored. Commissioner's Court. Expenses of county court and commissioners, i 125.75 Justice conrt, 103.95 Sheriff's office, 333.33 Clerk's offioe. 250.00 Recorder's office. 151,21 Treasurer's offioe, 83.33 Sohool superintendent ana trav eling expenses, 133 33. ABSessor'a offioe, 125.00 Current expenses, 180.72 Co art house, 27.00 Jail, 21.05 Poor, 254.11 Insane, 5.00 Road and bridges, 77.77 Ferries, 10.66 Road suDervisor. 200.00 Jackson oounty fruit inepeotor, 18.00 Total, 82UL2rj Order appointing Harvey Richard son Buperintendent ' of road distrlot No. 9. In the matter of the road petitioned for by tbe Opp Mining Co. Order appointing Garl T. Jones oounty sur veyor, Jack- True, road master and L: D. Minear viewer to view said road on February 24th. In the matter of tbe oorreotion 01 the judges and olerks of election : It appearing that J. L. Downing ie un able to serve as judge of election for South Ashland preoinot, N. C. Doz- ier is appointed instead of said J. L. Downing. E. A. Hildretb, Jr., is ap pointed first olerk, Amos Mluinger, second olerk and O. C. Tiffany third olerk. In Barron precinct H. W. Barron is appointed flist olerk instead of D. W. Kincaid for the reason tbat said D. W. Kincaid belongs to the same political party as the ohairman of the election board of said preoinot. In Big Butte preoinot the name of the second olerk should be E. Watson instead of E. Wilson. In Foots creek preoinct it is ordered that Grant Mathewa be first olerk and Marion Lance second olerk, so that the first nlerk and ohairman will not be of the same political party. In Gold Hill preoinot the chairman's name should be Dan Richards instead of Jeff Riohardson. In South Jacksonville preclnot Pat- rlok Donegan, Jr., is appointed first olerk, Lewis Ulrloh second clerk and Wm. Puhl third olerk. In Lake oreek preoinot the name of Chas. Rambler should ue Chas. Ran dies and that of E. O. Charley should be L. C, Charley. Iu Meadows preciuot J, B, Welch is appointed judge instead jof Henry Grieve, whose whereabouts is un known, and said J. B. Welch is ap pointed ohairman ofthe board. In North Medford preoinot W. F. IsaacB is appointed first clerk instead of third. Iu South Medford precinct M. F. MoCoweu is appointed first ilerk In stead of W. B. Juckson. In Sams Valley preoinot W. A. Tres ham is appointed first clerk instead of Ed. Shipley, who is appointed first second clerk. In Talent preciuot Jns. Cameron is appointed clerk instead of Fred Rapp aud James Garvin is appointed chair man of the board and E. Beesou is exoused from serving as judge. In Trail preoinot Shannan Oliver is appointed first clerk. In Wimer precinot J. B. Hil is is appoiuted first olerk and W. K. In- gledue instead of Joshua Neatbam mer. In WoodviUe G. W. Wilcox is ap poiuted judge instead of E. Stevens, whose address is unknown.. The Southern Pacific's New Train. As n result of the tremendous amount of advertising done by the Southern Pacillo Company through nut the eastern states and tho expen diture of the speolal appropriation of one hundred thousand dollars in the eastern mnsazines. touether with the wide distribution of Sunset Magazine aud tbe newspaper advertising se cured bv the issuance of the new book entitled. "The Road of a Thous and Wonders," California is enjoying at the present time the greatest influx of tourists in lta history. These tourists will commence to. move northward earlv In March aud In nrrinr tn npnommodate the heaVV travel from Southern California the Southern Paolfio Company will place in servloe, on March 1st, an elegantly appointed new train to be known as "tne snore Line Laimitea. AMONU THE CHURCHES. M. E. CHURCH SOUTH. Siindnv. February 25. Dreaohlng at 11 a. m. aud 7 :30 p. m. Subject for tne morning service, "What Kind of a Church would onr Church be If Every Member were Just Like Me." For the evening, "An Old Testament Revival." H. B. VACOUBI, Pastor. BAPTIST CHURCH. Evangelistlo meetings at the Baptist ohuroh continue with lnoreasing In terest. Servioes each night this week. Sunday morning Rev. Loveridge, a returned missionary from Uummah will preach. Sunday evening Evan gelist Smith will be tn full oharge of MEDFORD SHOE PARLOR OUR NEW SPRING and SU AIMER GOODS are daily arriving, and we are now prepared to show the finest, most Up-to-date and Snappiest line of Footwear the good people of Medford have ever had the pleasure to look upon. Nothing like it has ever been seen here before. WE HAVE SECURED the Services of Mr. M. S. Biden, the expert Shoe Repairer, who can make your old shoes look like new. . SMITH Medford, -2 NEW ERA PAINT. K- The Only Exclusive Paint and Wall Paper House in the City. We paint Signs, Carriages, Houses, Barns, or any old thing. Prices right for good work. Try us and be convinced. OLMSTEAD & WEISSER, White-Tbomas Building, West Side. Medford, Oregon the servioes. Baptismal service pro ceeding tbe sermon. Come and share tbe blessings with us. FREDERICK W, CARSTENS, Pastor, PRESHYTERAN CHURCH. Preaching noxt Sunday at 11 a. m and 7 :30 p. m. Sunday sohool at 10 m. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. All come. Come especially to tbe Sunday sohool, it will do you good. W. F. SHIELDS, Pastor. . Advertised Letter List. Following is a list of letters reaming un oallod (or at the Medford postofflce on Feb. 22, 191X3. Aunt ci), A R Nicely, 8 M benett. a a uwingB, g u Halm. G A Fertle. A N Cleveland, Arthur Rawen, Miss E Clark, l J rant McOtt, a Toe tienrborougn co. A charge of one cent will be made upon de livery of each of the above letters. Persons calling tor any of the above teller will please say " Advertised." A. M WOODFORD, Postnasttr Colonists' Rates, February 15th to April 7th and Sep tember loth to October 31, 1900, col onists tiokets will be sold from the East to points on the Oregon line, via Portland, from Chicago, 833. 00; St. Louis, $30,00. Missouri river points, $25.00, aud corresponding rates will be made from other points and will apply to all points on Oregon lines. A. L. GRA1G, Ueueral Passenger Agont The Coming Aristocracy. Visitor (in penitentiary) Who is that distinguished looking convict? Warden He Is known here as No. 1,147. Visitor He seems to hold himself aloof from his fellows. Warden Yes. You can hardly expect him to associate with the common herd. His trial cost the state $200,000. Chi cago Tribune. Irate Duck Excuse me, sir, but would you mind stepping off my foot? I wish to get out at the next corner. Mr. Beetle Oh, that's all right boss. That's my corner too. Woman's Home Companion. - Subscribe for The Mail Nerve. CONTRACTORS And Those Intending Building, call at Medford's New Tin and Plumbing Shop. Workmanship and material first-class. Prices Reasonable. Win. A. AITKEN, . Medford, Oregon. MOLONY Oregon DAVIS' OPERA HOUSE. 3 THREE NIGHTS 3 The Big Enstern Repertoire Co., rum i rmmr Monday, Feb. 26th: "Virginia.'' Tuesday, Feb. 27th: 'Because He Loved Her." Wednesday, Feb. 28: "A Fight For Honor." 5 Big TmdimllB Acts Reserved Seats Now on Sale at Hawkins' Drug Store. Prices, 25, 35 and 50 cents. Farm Notes. Oregon Agriculturist: Buyers in Portland are offering 50 and 75 cents per hundred pounds for potatoes, aud ate probably paying more for first-class stock. Although the problem of making the businoss of raising hogs profitable in Oregon is one which iequireB careful study we notice that most of the farm ers who are more successful than the average raise quite a number of hogs nd believe it pays them to do so. A short oourse in judging livestock at the Iowa Agricultural College is growing notably successful. That col lege is able to coileot for these short courses notably representatives of the leading breeds of cattle, horses, sheep and swine. The present season over COO students were enrollled in this oourse the first day. The oourse in cludes study of the live animals and also of -the caresses of animals after' they are slaughtered. To The Public. The Medford Dray & Transfer Co. is ready for business Will do any and all kinds of hauling and draying. Good teams, good wagons and care ful and obligiug men. We solioit a portion of your patron age. Our office Is at tbe Medford Book Store, 'phone C53. Residenoe West 10th and K streets, 'phone 146. Telephone orders will receive prompt attention. We also have wood for sale. OABTORIA, Bam tig The Kind You Hare Always BmjM