The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, October 27, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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Ladies' Garments
New Express Shipments of
'Latest Styles in Ladies' Cloaks
The Newest Ideas in Fashion
able Wraps for Women
Empire Styles in Manish
Effects isi Covert Cloths
and Mixed Suitings
Our New Store is
Rapidly and Will
in a Snort Time
J. H( Butler, Funeral'
Director, with Medford
Furniture Co., House
furnishers and Under
takers. Day 'Phone
Main 353. Night Phone
Main I 15
The "oldeet inbabitaut" is pre-
dieting a bard viuter, that ie a hard
winter for this climate, although it
would probably be regarded aa extra
mild iu some sections of the east.
The "O. I." bases his prediction up
011 the similarity of the preseut soa
- son to that just proceeding the "big
winter" of twenty, thirty or perhaps
forty years ago, and on the further
fact that we have bad a long succession
of winters which have been compara
tively free from storms and that there
fore a hard winter is about dne.
The old hunter iluds that boar' are
plentiful and fat and are coming down
low in the foot hills, which is regard
ed as another Bigu of severe weather.
Lost On Wednesday, October
25th, between the Dr. Pickel ranch
and Medford, a 38 S & W hammorless
levolver. Liberal reward will be paid
the finder. Leave at Medford Mail
oflico. 43-lt
The Mongolian pheasants liber
ated several years ago seem to be
increasing rather slowly, owing doubt
less to tho infraction by unscrupul
ous hunters of the law protecting
them. They are most numerous in
that seotion of the valley reaching
from Jacksonville to Central Point,
1 for the reason that the farmers in
that part do not allow any hunting
on their premises and besides refrain
from shooting the birds themselves.
In a few years, if properly protected,
the "Chinamen" would become num
erous enough to furnish excellent
sport, besides making a dish fll for
anyone's table.
A lady q art tte n lways a
source of delight to lovers of beautiful
music, and the -Schubert Lady Quar
tette is ono of the best.
Next Tuesday will be "All Hal
loween," and several sooial events
appropriate to the season are already
upon tho tapis. The practical jokes
and pranks of former years have grad
ually given way to a more decorous
observation of the festival, and while
a few gates may temporarily disap
pear or appear in unexpected places,
as a usual thing the young people
have ceased to see any fun In that
sort of thing.
Rye and vetch seed lor sale at J.
A. Perry's. 37 tf
W. H Norcross, the Central Point
orchardiBt, will commence getting
ready this fall for the establishing of
a little irrigation system of his own.
PERSONS Have Remarked so often lately that
Owen's Grocery
and China Trade
"Has Crown Great."
It IS ItUd The people have built us the
Best and Most Dependable Trade of any
of Like Kind in the Valley. We appre
ciate it.
Come into Our Store and be at home with
us, no matter whether you want to buy
or not.
Being Finished
Be Ready for Us
lie will put down a well 10x10 feet in
size this fall, and next spring he will
put in a three horse power electric
motor and a three inch centrifugal
pump and with these pump water with
which to irrigate his twenty-four
acres of orohard. Tne experience of
bis neighbor, Mr. Barrnett, the nur
soryman, with this kind of an outfit
this season has oouvinced him as to
the feasibility of the project.
Sick headache is caused by a disor
dered oonditiou of the stomach and is
quickly cured by Chamberlain's Stem
ach and Liver Tablets. For salo by
Chas. Strang.
J. E. Olson is doing a good bit of
house-bui'ding out in hiB end of town
Northwest Medford. He has two
good, substantial and very pretty
large residences now in course of con
struction and we understand he con
templates putting up a third one. If
there is a chance for Mr. Olson to
make a dollar either by sale or rent,
that does not require hard knocks The
Mail hopes he . will get it. He
has made it easy and possible for
many of our townspeople to build in
days agoue and has well earned a few
easy dollars for hiB own purse.
Americans like to laugh, and this
: fact is not overlooked by the Schubert
i Symphony Club. Several numbers
, on their program, as well as all their
encorns, are full of fun, and you
I will be highly entertained by their
program at the Wilson opera house
on November 4th.
It was an amusing sight that of
three wagon loads of strangers driv
ing Into Medford Tuesday from Ash
land each load accompanied by an
Ashland real estate dealer They were
all here for lunch, but as.soon as that
lunch was partaken of those real es
tate fellows got uneasy and nothing
short of immediato departure for Ash
land would insure them reaching tho
Granite city before long after night
Those strangers, however, got passing
glimpses of .the busiest town in all
Oregon before they left and they'll
be back again.
"Honest HeartB" is an honest
American pastoral drama dopictiug
with wealth and beauty and picturea
queness in scenery and true Kentucky
rural characters one of the most ab
sorbing romances of the stage. Mar
ty, the country beauty, wins all
hearts. Wilson's opera house, Octob
er 31st. .
The forest rangers of this district
will put in several days this fall in
straightening and shortening the trail
from McAllister springs to Fish lake.
This will be an improvement which
will be appreciated by persons wish
ing to visit the lake. The present
trail is rough, steep, overgrown with
brush and piled with logs, so that it is
very difficult to follow.
G. W. Priddy, the expert brick
maker, has a kiln of superior brick
just burnt which he is selling at rea
sonable prices.
Stan Aiken, of Prospect, was in
the oity Wedneday. He tells that a
gang of twenty men are now at work
putting in the Condor Water & Power
Co. 'b dam, on upper Rogue river.
The dam is being put in at a uanow
place iu the river and is a very solid
structure put in t ) stand agee of
water wear, Mr. Perkain, who has
but recently completed the big ditch,
has charge of the dam work. The
ditch is about one and a half miles in
length, Is sixteen feet wide at the top,
eight feet deep and eight feet wide at
the bottom, Mr. Aiken incidentally
made several complimentary remarks
with regards to the thorough and ex
peditious work which Mr. Perhain has
done on this job.
The best and most complete line
of silverware and jewelry the Med
ford Jewelry Co.
The Georgia Harpor Co. has been
playing this week at Wilson's opera
house, in repertoire. Miss Hurper
has appeared for three successive sea
sons in Medford and Is a great favor
ite with the play-goers in tbis oity.
This season she has even a stronger
supporting company than before aud
a consequence the star shines
brighter. Monday evening the bill
wbb "Frou-Frou," Tuesday evening
the "Gay Parisians" was presented.
Wednesday evening "CamiUe," the
play which has thrilled audiences all
over the world, was the bill, and Miss
Harper, as "Les dames aux Camlllias"
gave a rendition of the character
which brought out all tho1 real woman
hood of "CamiUe," while at the sams
time the lesson to be read between
the lines was not made secondary to
the emotional motive of the play.
Miss Harpor, as "CamiUe" gives a
life-like representation of and an in
terest to the oharaoter which touched
the hearts of her audience. Thurs
day night the romantic drama, "The
World Against Hor," was given. To
night (Friday) "Madga," with Miss
Harper in the title role, 'will be giv-
and "Niobe" wiU be the bill Sat-i
urday. Matine Saturday afternoon,
'Happy Hooligan." A cabinet sized
photo of Miss Harper will be givon to
each purchaser of a twenty-five cent
A great many newspapers through
out Oregon and California have, per
haps purposely, laid stress on the fact
that that man Logan, .who was caught
in Medtord last week, was, as they
asserted, an elder in the First Baptist
church of Oakland. A newspaper
clipping before us, published by au-
thoriy of that church, stating that
Logan bad only been a member for a
few months aud that he and his wife
were admitted to membership by let-
tor from a ohurch iu Saoramouto. !
Tho article admits that Logan was a i
trustee elected only, however, to fill I
a temporary vacancy.
Watch repairiuc nuicKlv and
satisfactorily done Medford Jev.dryl
There is going to be something i
doing pretty Boon in connection with
the Fish Lake Irrigating Ditch Co.
C. i). Vincent, a member of the com
pany, has been in Medford for the"
past several days, and upon being
questioned as to what, if any, new
work was bdlng mapped out, a Mail
representative was given to under
stand that if be would just lay low
for about ten days tbore would be a
good bunch of good news for him tho
nature of which Mr. Vincent did not
even hint at, It is generally known
that the Fish Lake Company is not
quite satisfied with the exent of their
operations in Jackson county and
that they are contemplating reaching
out into new territory and after new
business. TbiB company has spent a
vast amount of money in the county
aud thoy do not intend that this in
vested capital shall not be productive
of revenue.
"Dad's only girl," the pictures
que central figure of "Hones Hearts,"
has won a place in the portrait gal
lery of the famous oountry beauties
of the stage and the play is a beauti
ful story.
L. T. Fierce, formerly a resident
of Medford, now residing in Portland,
was before Judge Cameron in the
municipal court of Portland last Fri
day, charged with having attempted
to shoot a former roomer at his lodg
ing house. Pierce claimed a balance
due for fuel from the roomer and
when this was not forthcoming, he
drew a revolver and fired it, but no
one was injured. Because of Mr.
Pierce's age, his previous qood record
as a oltizen and his army record hiB
case was not prosecuted very vigor
ously. His was a penitentiary
offense, but he was let off by giving
a bond in the sum of 9500 to keep
the peace.
For sale: House and lot on North
D street, now occupied by J. D.
Fletcher; also roses, flowering plants
and Wyandotte chickens. Apply at
Wednesday of this week was Prof.
M. B. Signs' birthday, and Mrs.
SignB, to make absolutely certain that
her good husband should not forget
the occasion, invited ten or a dozen
of hU friends to spend the evening
with them at their new home In
Southwest Medford. The evening
was spent in just a jolly good time of
pleasant talk and story-telling chief
among the latter being the camping
experiences as told by II. C. Garnott.
Light refreshments were served.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. O.
D. Owen, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Roberts,
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Harnett, Mr. and
Mrs. W. T. 5fork, Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Fine line of new goodB just un
packed, at the Medtord Jewelry Co.'s
On Tuesday evening of last week
the members of the Methodist church
of this oity gave a reception to tbelr
pastor. Rov. Chas. T. McPherson, and
his wife, at the home of J. W. Red- j
den, In WeBt Medford. There were j
fully seventy-Uve present and a i
splendid social evening was enjoyed, j
Refreshments of cako and cocoa were 1
Berved. Several selections of luetru- I
mental aud vooal niueio were ren
dered. C. H, Pierce and family, of Hia
watha, KauBaa, arrived iu Medford
this week and have located, tempor
arily, iu the Joe Thomas residence,
out near the Grove school house.
Mr, Pieroe is a gentleman of consid
erable means and it 1b quite probable
that he will decide to invest Borne of
his surplus capital in Jackson county
real estate.
Or. Goble's office is In Butler's
jewelry store, where ho may be found
every Saturday,
One of the features oi the exhibit
building this week 1b an enlarged
photograph of one of the sugar pine
trees of the upper Rogue river ooun
try. The tree is at least ten feet In
diameter, not the largest by any
means of the many big trees in that
section, but stiU big enough to be
out of the "pole" class.
The Old Government whiskey,
used in the medical departments of
the U. S. army and navy service.
Matured in bond. The purest stimu
lant for family use, sold exclusively
at Selsby & Magill's. 10 -it
A deputy game warden In Jose
phine county was tried and convicted
of unlawfully killing deer. At the
time the offense was committed the
accused was on his way to Galice
creek from Gran tB Paes to arrest par
ties accused of alike violation of the
law. " "...!.
Love's irresistible power iu spite
of all the differences of advantages in
life, its troubled course through
reacherv. revenge, jealousy and at
tempted murder, is told In "Honost
Hearts" with the romance of old Ken
tucky over all. Satan, in the form of
evil iu tho human heart, steals a,mong
the simple country touts, out moetB
his match. Wilson's opera house,
October 31st.
The Granite Hill mine,near Grants
Pass, is soon to be furnished with a
60 horse-power electric current. A
contract to that effect has been re
cently entered into with the Condor
Water & Power Co. The mill at tne
mine now has a battery of twenty
A. Slover, drayman. Safes moved
up-stairs, down stairs.any old place,
quickly and cheaply. D raying of all
Kind promptly attended to. 10-tf.
Judge Mahlon Purdin made his
first argumont before tho circuit court
Saturday in tho case of MoCowu &
Eisenhart vs. Powell, ou the part of
the plaintiffs. The case was taken
under advisomont by the court.
Alfalfa hay for sale, billed or loose.
Leave orders at J. A. Perry's ware
house. 37-tf
SUft. Kelloy, of the Medford &
Crater Lake railroad, is still having
troubles of his owu securing ties,
but is pushing the track laying as
fast as possible in the face of the difll
cultios he labors under.
J. Yarbrough, of Talent, has pur
chased the Chas, Cox place, south of
Medford. . Tho price paid was $6650.
Mr. Yarbrough has already taken pos
Miss Bessio Jordan was the for
tunate holder of the key that opened
the "Red Box" at the Medford Shoo
Parlors this week and as a conse
quence secured the 20 tit contained.
Ask your grocer for Rogue River
Creamery butter iO ?entsper square.
Mrs. R. F. Andorsou has rented
the vacant room,near Smith & Molon
ey's shoe store, and will opon a res
taurant therein about the first of No
vember. Ex-Judge Chas. Prim has moved
his law offices from Jacksonville to
Medford aud has office rooms, tem
porarily, with Attoruoy W. E. Phlpps,
in the Stewart building.
Those are protty busy times among
Medford merchants. Thoro is a great
amount of business being done few
are there who have reason for com
P. Deneff, who had his foot
mashed by a failing scaffold ut the
Karnes & Ritter-Kelly building last
week, is able to be about on crutches.
Bring your hair and hair work to
Mrs. Roainos, first door east of the
Lutheran church. 39-tf
Hubbard Bros, this week reoeived
a carload of John Deere disc plows
and are tolling about them In another
oolumn of this issue,
For sale : Thoroughbred Costwoid
bucks, and Angora goat bucks. C
M. awanson. iv-it.
Mies Myrtle Lawton has taken a
position as saleswoman in Church
Bros, bakery,
Musi cal instruction given by
Mrs. J3.
E. Gore. Class aud
Mason's Touch and Technic,
Hurrah for Free America aud
Russell's new line of books. Just
what children and grown people like.
Pay .More
. for other
Davis' Best,
$1.00 per Sack
Every Sack Guaranteed.
L. O. Charley was iu from Browus-
boro this week.
Mrs. II. C. Maokey vlaltod her
mother ut Ashland.
R. A. Cook, of Foots oreek, wus a
Medford visitor Tuesday.
Mr. aud Mrs. J, U. Feudlotou were
la from Table Book Tuesday,,
R. T. Blackwood, of Phoenix, wbb a
Medford visitor Monday.
Mrs, Orrin Murphy left Monday for
Sisson, Calif., on a visit.
S. C. Lawrence, of Gold Hill, ws
Medford visitor Monday.
Prof. Mathewson, of : Gold Hill,
spent Monday In Medford,
Mrs. B. F. Adkins returned Satur
day from a visit to Portlaud,
A. S. Moyer and family visited
friends at Ashland Saturday.
Farmer N. L, Narregan was in town
from Sams Valley Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook visited
Ashland a few duys this week.
A. Torrey, of Talent, was iu Med
ford this week, upon business.
Mr. and Mrs. Rolla Shearer were
visiting Ashland friends this week.
Calvin aud Midnus Peiioe, of Trail,
were trading iu Medford this week.
T. J. Kenney and O. E. Neuber
were ovor from Jacksonville Saturday.
Eniil Held, or the Portlaud Liberal,
was in Medford a couple of days this
G. P. Liudley loft Tuesday morning
for Elk crook on his auuual deor
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hosjor, of Ash
land, visited Modford friends tbis
Mrs. Wm. Angle and daughtor,
Miss Katie, visited Asblaud friends
Miss Ethelyn Hurley spent Satur
day and Sunday witn home folks at
Manager V. T. MoCray was in from
the Fish Luke Ditoh Co.s ranch
Mr. aud Mrs. Goo. Lauco, of FootB
oroek, wore among Medford friouds
II. U. Maury, of Central Point pre-
oiuot, was iu Modford ou .business
L. Garricht, of Vreka, Calif., was
in Medford tbis week, lookiug about
for n location.
Wm. Gibbou and sou, Joseph, of
Central Point, wore iu Medford Mon
day upou business.
W. F. Shaefor,. of the Gold Hill
Caual Company, was iu Medford on
business Tuesday.
Mrs. J. O. Johnson, of Paoiflo
Grovo, Calif., is visiting relatives and
friouds iu Medford,
E. L. Barton, of Mltoholl, South
Dakota, was iu Medford tblB wook,
lookiug ior a looation.
Mrs. E. D. Weston loft Monday for
Etua, Calif., ou a visit to hor mother,
Mrs. D. I. Wnldroop.
Mesdames W. A. Cnrter and J. L.
Hammorsly, of Gold Hill, wore Mod
ford visitors Monday.
Bon Beall, oue of the successful
farmers of Central Point, was a Mod
ford visitor Saturday.
Mr. aud Mrs A. W. Boo bo, of Cen
tral Point, woro pleasant callers at
The Mull uflloo Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Gllmoro, of
Beavor Dam, Wis. , aro among the re
cent arrivals in Modford.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wright, of Cen
tral Point, were pleasant callers at
Tho Mail office Saturday.
Judge Chas. Prim returned Sunday
from Yroka, Calif., whore ho had
boon ou professional businoss.
F, A, Hartzoll lo t for Grants Pass
Monday evening, to look aftor some
mining busiuess in that seotion.
Cashier G. L. Davis and Bookkeep
er Will Jaokson, of the Modford Bank,
wore in Gold Hill on business Satur
day. Mr. and Mrs. John Bagloy.of Wood
vllle, spent the day iu Medford Tues
day, guests of Mr. aud Mrs. F. W.
Mr. aud Mrs. A. W. Boobo, of Con
trol Point, wore among The Mall's
good farmer friends who dropped in
to see us Saturday.
Mrs. John Rauzau, of Grants Pass,
the well-known dealer in hops, has
been visiting F. Ossonbrugge and
family, of Medford.
F. Ossonbrugge and W. L. Orr loft
Tuesday morning for Klamath coun
ty, whore they will shoot duoks for
ton days or two weeks.
Mr, nnd Mrs, Chas. F. Young, of
Gold Hll, woro iu Moodford Wednos-
duy, on their way to Asblaud on a
visit to relatives aud frlondB.
Geo. S. Howard, who has been em
ployed on tho works of tho Gold Hill
Canal Co., at Prospect, returned to
Medford last wook, to spond the win
ter. L. M. Lyons camo ovor from Klam
ath Falls Saturday and spent Sunday
with home folk. He still has about
two months work ovor In tho Falls
Henry Ireland, tho forest rangor,
returned Monday from Roseburg,
where he has been on special duty.
Ho loft Wednesday for , hie btation at
Pelican bay.
George Wilkins, of Gnllco creek, a
well-known miner, was In Medford
this week. Ho brought iu Beveral
ounces ot gold from ibis olalm in Ual
ioo oreek district.
Mr. and Mrs. Davonport,of Batnvla,
111., who have been visiting rolatlvos
Something New.
8 and 10-inch Pine Shi!)
lap; Bone Dry and in a
Shed, out of Rain or Sun
$12 oer Thousand
This Stock Cannot
Be Beaten for House
Iowa Lumber 8 Box Co.,
i v , i
Weeks & Baker
Un drtakers
and frtonds iu Eugone tho Goorgo
family passed through Tuosday morn-
, in8i bound south. Thoy oxpoot to re
turn shortly and InvostlgntotbeKoguo
river valloy with a viow to locating.
M. D. Wilson, formorly postmustor
at Talent, will lonvo JthiB wook for tho
Soldiers' Homo, at Suwtffll, Califor
nia, whoro ho willjremuiu for tho win
ter. J. H. Thorndiko, who haB boon in
ohargo uf the force of men engaged at
tho Gold Hill Canal Co.'s woiks, near
Prospoot, returned to Modford Mon
day, oporatione having boon BUBpoud-
ed for tho seasou.
Wm. Warorn, of Bollingham Buy,
Washington, is iu Modford upon a
visit to his old-time friond, J. K.
W Ubou, whom ho has not soon for
twenty yours, at whloh timo thoy camo
to tho ooaBt togothor.
Aivin Cnrdwoll.Bou of tho latoJamoB
Cardweil, is visiting tho soonos of his
Our Underwear for double wear
Hard to tear; anti-swear.
Never Over-Priced
The underwear that always pleases
Stops the cold and checks the sneezes
You won't feel SHEEPISH in this Un
derwear, although it is all WOOL
Made to satisfy, not to cheat,
Easy to buy, hard to beat
"The Toggery,"
Medford,. ... . . Oregon
boyhood days. Mr. Cardweil is a
mining ouglneor and aesayer with his
headquarters at Donvor, Colorado,
but it is vory possible that he will
locate hero. He believeB that South
ern Orogon hue the greatest future of
any mluiug seotion In the world and
intends acting upou that beliof.
Mrs. Wm. Bloakmanu aud sou,
Martin, of Elberfelt, iudiaua, return
ed to thoir homo Monday uftor a cou
ple of weoka' visit with Mr, mid Mrs.
O. R. Holmroth. Mrs. Bloakmanu is
a sistor of Mr. Hoimroth.
Mr. and Mrs, L, E. Sohoulor ar
rived Sunday oveulug and will be-
oomo residents of this oity for Bomo
timo. Mr. Sohoulor is tho now night
operutor ut tho Southern Paoiflo
depot, and Mrs. S. Is a formor Mod
ford girl, the daughtor of Judge aud
Mrs. M. Purdin.
Mr. and Mrs. Johu A.'' Larseu ar
rived in Modford Tuosduy from tho
oast. Mr. Larson bocame intorostod
lu this seotion a yoar or moro ago,
nnd lately has taken to himsolt a wife,
and thoy will booomo permanent rest'
donts of this section.
A. J. Smoot and E. E. Sponoor, two
good, houost and nottial settlors upon
that uusnrveyod portion of township
IU south, of rnngo 2 ouBt, in tho Butto
oreek oountry, woro in Medford this
week, uftor their winter supplle;.
These gontlomon have settled upon
this laud in good faith aud aro deter
mined t) make good, substantial