A LITTLE OF ' A shortage in the Maine spruce gum "fcrop la reported. Otherwise the jtf airs of the nation seem to be going .-as gmoothly aa could be expected at ithis time. You can't persuade the fireworks men that the 815,000,000 which it is estimated was spent (or fireworks (or the oelebration ot Independence day was misapplied. ' ' Modern transportation la the won dor of the world. The modern pas senger engine, pulling a solid vesti bule train weighing a million pounds at the rate of sixty miles nu hour, is the height of achievement in land ttausportatiou. On the water, a pas sengor stoamer seven hundred feet long and making nearly 25 mliea an hour betweeu New York and Liver pool, is an accomplished faot beyond the visions of a Julea Verne of fifty years ago. Germany has a protective tariff on live stock to the extont that live beef ' on foot sellB for 14 cents a pound and hogs 14 conta. As the average of cattle dress about one-half, beef in Germany must sell by the carcass at almost 30 cents a pound to merely even up the butcher, that is, except for hides and offal values. Fork dressed about 60 per cent, therefore would have to sell about cents a pound by the caroasa, no profit being conaidered in either case. No won der meat is considered a luxury in liermany. According to the Pall Mall Gazette the liraziliau ohamber of commeroe has devoted the enormoua sum of . X 100,000 as a prize to be given to the .scientist who shall discover a really enduring method for the oure of can cer. An tutornaional oommittee is to ' be formed, oouaiating of two members of the Medioal aoademy In Rio Janeir an I of four eminent pathologists choBen from London, Paris and Rome. 'These six gentlemen will aot as the .jury in the case of awarding the prize. The Westminister Gazette rolatos 'that an aotlou was being tried before Lord Coleridge for damagos for the -deuh of a sheep dog.a wiuuer of niauy piizos at bouch shows and couusol for the defeuse wua endeavoring to show that the dog was had "had his day" and that damages should bo .nominal. Lord Ooleridge, howovor. was sweetly Blumburlug,. aud counsel felt the necessity for rousing him if possible. So, gruduully raising bis voice, ho asked one of the plaintilf 's "wtuesses, "is it not your experience ' aa an exhibitor that wliou mi old dog baB takou his place regularly ou the . benoh for ninny years ho 'gets sleepy ' xud past his work?1' The laughter jtbat followod had the desired oireot, THE 01UU1NAL. Foley &. Co., Chicugo, originated llouey and Tur as a throat and lung Tomuy, and ou account of tho grout merit and popularity or Koloy's llou-:-ey uud Tar uiuny iininitittioiis are oll'ured tor tliu gouuine. Ask for loluy'a llonoy uud Tar and refuse any substitute oll'ered as nu other prepar ation will givo tiie sumo susipfaotioit. It is mildly laxutive. It contains no opiates and is safest fur children and lelluato porsons. Klamath County News. From Klnumtli Kxh-qsh. Tho log boom at . Wiley's mill hroko louse during the high wind Sunday mid 125,000 fnolt of logs lloated down the, river. They wore recovered with tho aid of the launch Kwautiu, Mon duy. The Cnrmody ranch, northeast of the Ankeuy and Cuutrall much, thut llllft escheated to tho statu, was sold by the uhorlll' Saturday. Frank An keuy bought' eighty acres at $12 50 per aoro and S. T. Summers 100 acroa 4lt fl.Ou per ucie. Nolsou Dunn, a resident o' Lnuuoll Valloy, died on Wuilnesilny lust, of iniuiiniuulii, after a brief Illness; aged ' thlrtytwo yours llu leaves a wife and ' one child to mourn his loss, The tuuural oouiirrod at il o'clock on Fri day, the burlul bolug mado in tho bo nanza conietery. A forost lire is stilt raging In the piuo woons nortnwostot Vonua valloy, uud much valuable timber is beiug aaorifloed to the Uames. A roport has it It that tho fire was set out by a Jiomesteador near the site of tho old Orulokshauk mill, and It has already burned over some thousands of acres. It aeeinB to be spreading in sevoral -directions. TSd. Bloomlugcamp, who went Vhrnnoh Kbm U.l ...I. I. - .1 i a ioov noun hilu n UUUH OX 500 mutton snoop, saya the coyotes of turn vnuuy re iiio most lauiuiar ones ho ever mot. While the Hook was Irunt: nvni tti.iht- a. .1... l.lll.. Huu uu .uo Ulna UUHI JJairy ooyotes came within fifty foot vi iuu uuuiu huu aiuea mroe sueep. When tho liordors awoke next morn ing the brutos were ohewing away at They were entirely too tamo to suit Urn. Ab near as wo oau find out 10,000 jihb uoon luvosiou oy Kininatlit Falla and Klumath county people In tho .Mexican Rubbor Company, whoso agent was through horo soniotiiuo ago ud who soldlJavo KilltirSlO.OO) worth, at Lakovlow, taking tho lattor's note for that amount and disposing of the OTI rT2T OVaCVVJT KJ Ltf. We Intent The tainted Wood of ancestors lays upon the shoulders of innocent off aprin? untold suffering by 'transmitting, to them, through the blood, that biiglituiff disease, Scrofulu; for in nearly every instance tho disease can lie . traced to some family blood trouble, io the laws of nature. Swelliug, JLi.ifA o.Aii' Scrofula appeared on the head of inv little ? eruptions, white swell- ram,cmlll onl ,8 lollt old, amUprc.d ing, hip disease and other pitlly over het ily. The disease next attacked -deformities, with a wasting tue evc, ,,u we fere,i she would lose her sight, of the natural strength and It was then that we decided to try S. S. S. That vitality, are some of the ways medicine at once made a speedy and complete this miserable disease man- cure. She is uow a young lady, and has uevei Ifesta itself, The poison nau a transmitted through the 50 S. blood pollutes and weakens that health-sustaining fluid and in place of its nutritive qualities tills the circulation with scrofulous matter and tubercului -deposits, often resulting in consumption. A disease which has been in the liamily blood for generations, perhaps, or at least since the birth of the suf lerer, requires of this great Droves, the symptoms all pass away, ease is cured permanently while posterity is protected. Book on the blood wd any advice wished, furnished by FWC SWIFT note the following day for $9,000. The Boheme looks Buspioious. How one of our bankers and one of our solid merobantB oould be Induoed to invest in rubber is more than we can figure out. Aa we said some time ago Klamath Falls, as she prospers, is go ing to be full of oonfldenoe aud sure thing men, and it would be well for our suokers to "loog a leedle oud" ; As the editor was siting In his sano turn at 6:10 Friday afternoon he beard a shrill female voioe ory "fire, fire I" Running out outo the Btreet and in the dlreotion of the alarm, he perceived the cloth awning on the side porob of the residence of Alex. Martin, Jr., on fire. The fire com panies responded quiokly but their services were not needed, as the fire was put out by Jaok Kimball dashing a bucket of water on the burning clotb. Jerry, the Ingenious sou of Alex, bad been experimenting wltb the jleotrio wires in trying to make an arc light. He bad fastened the elootrio light wire to two pieces of iron and placed their ends bo close together that when the "juice" came on, about 5 o'olook, the pieces were fused together and formed a short oiroult, which caused the lire. KlimatU Fall. Republican Wm. Penning, wlte and child, of Medford, arrived in the city Tuesday evenniug and will visit Mr. and Mrs. A. Li. Eugle, of the Klamath Hotel. Capt. O. C. Applegate, of the Grand Rounde Agenoy, arrived in the olty Sunday evnelnfg. Mr. Applegate will remain in the county several weeks. Hie family is uow living at Eugene, Henry Sout last week sold to Mart Real and Frank Sutton, of Ashland, nis Lost river ranoh, consisting of 500 acres, also fifty head of cattle, six head of horses and all farming imple ment ta. The price paid was $15,150. Claud Klrkpatrlok came in Tuesday from Pokegama with a uew planer, sticker and other machinery for a new sash and door factory, which Prlohett St Sou are erecting on the property recently purchased in the biohn addition. The plant will be run by steam power. Klamath oounty baa another uew town. The plan for tho town of Clinton was filed aud approved by the county commissioners at their ad journed meeting Saturday. The now town Is located ou tho south bank of Lost river and direotly opposite the town of Merrill, In the southern part nf the countv. In roulitv it is only nn nrlHiflnn to Merrill. but ou aocount 1 of the Btroots not oontoruiiug to tnoso i in Merrill, acoording to one uew luw, ' if huh found nocessarv to nlut it us a separate town. Tho town cousits of ' olven blookB, one of which Is not sub ; divided, and contains 72 lota 00x120 1 feet. The streets are ou tool wiue, I Tho town was platted by Clinton D, Vun Brimmer uud his wife. A petition is' being circulated this wook and is being generally signed bv the business moil of this city, which will bo presented uf tho next regular mooting of tho city council ou the first Mouduy in noxt mouth. The imtitiou imks thnt tho franchise asked fnr lv tlm Luuirell Valley Telephone fliimiiniiv lie irrtlllted bv the COUUuil and that tne original oriiimiuue uu passed without uny uhunge or uinoiul mont. It is a case of oonjo?tiirs us to what olfeet this petition will hnvo on 1 1, ii nnllnn at the uitv uouuuil ill re gard to tho telephone franchise. At tholr last meeting tho majority of the mom bora o.xpresseil themselves opposed to tho ordinance ill its pros out lurm. Consuuiptives Mall i! Uoiilloftulile. incipient consumption Is wired by Foley's Honey uud Tar, but wo do not hold out false hopes to consump tives by claiming that it will cure this i Irene I disease ill the advanced stages; but if the lungs lire not too fnr gone Foley's llouoy aud Tur will ell'ect a euro, ub it stops tho racking cough and soothes tho lutlamod air passages giving thoui n ollliuce to Ileal, and oven in mo nuvnuceu sutgos ii, iuwuj b gives comfort and relief. A. A. llor ron, of Finch, Ark , writes: "Foley's llonoy and Tar is tho best prepara tion for roughs aud lung trouble. 1 know that it has cured consumption in the first stages" Sold by Modturd Pharmacy. v Alt Unmarried Wltlnw. It would appear Hint tho standard of happiness of at least one African widow la .Manhattan hnil reached high water mark. Judging by this advertise incut published n few duys ngo: WMow, colored, nee 34. with hlifh school trululntf, voi'Hllst. excellent cook, tleslros a huHlmml sumo use or younger; uwl'til extremely fidr. climil, seller, merul me! never lioen married. Address WIDOW. Tho following personal, printed In n metropolitan newspaper the other d:iy deserves n class by Itself: A European Rentlemim wl.ilies to me.e an American who Is tho typical ilau.ihic: of all that Is most aduilraldo la oer a:;: one Klftoil with the hold frankness of e::. derstaadlns. the onthnslasm of oxpectoe cy, the merry elicerfelaess of hup t oi-i: the psychical and physical alertness lliose ot tomorrow: the worldly led. pendeucu or this optimist must ho dup:; catcd: view, inutrlmonv. KKSTINA LUNTB. New Yorlt l'ross It mukos no difference how long you hnvo boon sick,, if you aro trou bled with Indigostiou, ouustlpatlou, llvur aud kiduey troubles, Hollister's Rooky Mountain Tea will make you well, 35 cents. Dr. lliuklu's drug store, Central Point. T A A Disease or blood-kin uinrnafre which is contrary ulcerating glands of the neck, catarrh, sign oi uic unease to return, 5th St., Saliua, Kan. Mrs. R, nuRKt.v, constitutional treatment. S. S. S. is the remedy best fitted for this. It cleanses the . blood of all scrofulous and tuberculous poisons, make! It rich and pure and under the tonic effects blood medicine the fftneral health iui there Is a sure return to health, the dis our physicians, without charge. SPCCIFIC OO., ATtAMTA. GA. Bowser Rents A Bungalow He Decides to Take Possession of It After Interview With an Agent HAS PLEASANT DREAMS Maket a Journey to the Spot Desig nated and There Meet! a Disappointment. Copyright, 1906, by R. B. McClure THERE was suppressed excite ment In Mr. Bowser's look ami gait as he reached homo the other evening, and Mrs. Bow ser had scarcely smiled a welcome when lie exclulmed: "By George, hut I've struck it thin time!" "Do you mean that you've bought u new milk cow?" "No, 1 don't mean anything of the kiudl I mean that I've got a place on the seashore where we can put In four or five weeks this summer. You kuow, we were talking about it the other evening." "But you said we'd stay home." "Never mind what I said. I didn't know of this place then. Bay, I've got a daisy of a place, and we'll put in the best vacation we ever had," "Well, tell me all about It." "We ride out fifteen miles on the steam cars and are then within half a mile of the beach and the bungalow no malaria, no mostjultoes, no nui- A ItINO AT THEIU END OP Til 13 LINE. snnees of uny stirl. Two sides of the bungalow fact the oeean, uud the life giving o'oue Is whooping her up for us titty anil night. There are lishing, eltuninitig and bunting, mill great hi. lobsters eruui up out of the water and hog to he chucked Into it b.isliel." "Hut they tire uol ready lmi!e;l." "If they are not we can soon boil them. There lire nyslers, loo. whole beds of them, wailing f-r us. Think of oysters, eliinis, lisli and lobsters right I'resli front the water, instead or being curled nil over the. country for a month. Yuni, yum lint 1 cnu hard ly wait." "And who told you of the place?" itskeil Mrs. l'.owser. "Fellow dropped into tile oflieo to day. Tho reining' Is lu his hands. You'll imagine, Just as I did, Hint tl place of the sort rents for- about $i0 a month, but what tie you suppose his price was to me, I paying a mouth lu advance r" . "Ten dollars less, perhaps." "Only ?20 n month. It's cheaper limn a fanner's heucoop. lies gjl two or throe other bungalows on ttie stinie beach, and he -wanted to ntlver tlse the fact that I wits it tenant. Why I can gather In and send to town $5V Wurth of oysters ami clams every month." . "But what Is a buugiilow?" "A bungalow? You don't know what a bungalow Is? A bungalow, my dear, Is u a" "A what?" "Well, It's a bouse of some kind, bill Just now I can't exactly describe It Ho said It had all tho modern con veulouces and uo fault could be fouuil with It. It was occupied by a million aire's faintly Inst year, and his wlfo gained over a hundred pounds of flesh. Why tlon't you swing your hat anil cheer?" "I think I'll wait until I have soon It." "Thoro you go. Always croaking like somo old raven. Do you suppose the man would have come to me If tho place hadn't been all right? Of course not. Mou don't go around lying about bungalows. Besides, I tun going out there lii Uio morning uud luok the place over. He said that one or two window pnues might have been DroKen during the gules of winter, but he'd pay for nil repairs. Tly John, woman, I tell you we are lu great luck. You wait till I get back mid tell you nil about It, and you'll fairly taste lobster Btihul." The subject was dropped at Intervals (luring the evening, but uever for long, and wheu bedtime enmo Mr. Bowser was so excited that It was two hours before sleep came. Then he locked his lingers behind his neck and dreamed of era tilling and clamming ntid gathering In barrels of ozone, and still In his ilretuns ho caught a whnlo In a boar trap aud bi getting him nshoro fell out ef bed with a crash that shook tin bouse. "If bungalows are going to affect you this way you'd better drop 'em," chid- ed .Mrs. Bowser. "Say," ho replied, "I forgot to tell you that tho feller suid a drove of whales cumo along tho shore twice a day and that It was tho easiest thing in the -world to catch ouo and try out fifty barrels of oil. I wish I had thought to look at tho market report and what whale oil Is selling at." Mr. BowsiT was up tm hour earlier than usual, and by S o'clock he had finished breakfast and was ready to go. Mrs. Bowser expressed the hop thnt he wouldn't be disappointed In his bungalow and It surroundings, and h confidently replied: "No Tear" of That We have got a good thing and needn't doubt It I'll take pencil and paper and Jot down a few memoranda. If I uud a telephone out thero I may call you up." Wltb that he was off. On the way out In the cars ho met an old farmer who looked as If he knew nil about bungalows and seashores, and he was SBked If be knew where Ocean. Breeze Hill was. ' "Yes. I've been there two or three times," was the answer. "I've rented the Dancing Wave bun galow, for the season," observed Mr-Bowser. The old man gave Mr. Bowser a more careful looking over and then leaned back and laughed heartily. "What the devil Is the matter?" "N-nathln'." "Then what are you yawping like e Jackass for?" I was thinkln' ot suntnln' that hap petoed about twenty yeurs ngo. No of fense, stranger. Ooln' to Ocean Breeze Hill, aro you?" I said I was," sulkily replied Mr. Bowser. 'Waal, you git off at tho next stop and toiler the highway. You won't have fur to walk. Ha, ha, hal" Yawping again, aro youl" was shouted at blm as he made for the car ahead, but he neither turned about nor answered. When the station of Ocean Breeze was called out Mr. Bowser dropped off. The ocean breeze bit blm fair between the eyes as be did so. Then It hit him In the back of his head as he.stood and looked at tbe weather beaten and half completed station. Then It whistled about his ears aa he took the road lead ing down to the beach. There was a landscape made up of stuuted bushes aud sand, and he looked In vain for bungalows. When be finally stood ou a sand bill overlooking tbe sea the only building of any Bort in sight was a tumbledown sbanty which might have sheltered some dago worklnguien once upon a time. A farmer was gathering seaweed near it and piling tbe stuff on a wagon, and Mr. Bowser approached and asked: Can you tell me If this Is the place called Ocean Breeze?" "Yes, sir, this is the place." "But wheru ure all the bungalows?" "The bungle what?" "Tho bungalows. Didn't you evei hear of a bungalow?" T auess I have, but I've forgotten wketlter"tbey live lu the water or ou land," "A bungalow Is a house a sort of house ii seashore vlllu, If you will," was explained. - Oh, I see. Waal, that bulldin' there I;; the only one for live miles nluug here. Y'ou may call it a bungalow If you wnnt to, but we call It nu old shod." But 1 rented a buugulow hero for the summer." 'Then niovo In. I hain't preventiii' you. Hut there is no bungalow here." Then you've been took In and made a fool of. As many as ten peopie came lown here last summer lookln' for buu.nnlou-s, but that one was all they found." "I say I've been lied to and swindle:!!" honied Mr. Bowser as he stumped around. Sort of till Uncle Reuben, eh? I thought they nil lived out in the coun try." Mr. Bowser looked the old mail over uud believed he cotl'd lick II lilt In three minutes by the w-uteli, lint he couldn't figure Unit Halt would help hilil any The fill-liter tolii him where n telephone was to he found, and when ho hud walked a mile ntid n half and got good and mad Mrs. Bowser, the cook and the cat hoard n ring at tholr end of the Hub uud then tt voice saying: ' "N'o Ocean Breeze, no bungalow's, uo clams, oysters and llsht Woman, your line Italian bund Is in this! liownro nnd tremble! Wheu I conic, n terrible revenge will be mine! Selub." M. QUAD. Fn!i of Tragic Meaning:. aro these lines from J. H. Simmons, of Ca ey, la. Thiuk what --might have resulted trom nis terriuie cougu it he had not taken the medicine about which he writes: "1 had a fear ful cough, that disturbed my night's rest. I tried everything, but nothing would relieve It, until 1 took Dr. King's Hen Disoovery for Consump tion, Ooughs and Colds, which com pletely oured me. ' ' Instantly relieves aud permanently cures all throat aud lung diseases; prevents grip aud pneu monia. At Chas. Strang's druggist ; guaranteed ; BOo aud $1.00 Trial bot tle free. Vaunt Arabian Is Sentenced to Prison Stock too C' V Elmer St. Claire, aa educated young Arabian, pleaded guilty to burglary in the second de gree and was yesterday sentenced by Judge Smith to five year in San Quen tln. He has relatives In New York and is well connected. Though a full blooded Arabian, hla English is per fect. Pont Borrttw Trouble. It is a bad habit to borrow any- tullig, out tne worse iuiuk you cu possibly borrow, is trouble. When sick, sore, heavy, woary and worn out by tho pains and poisious of dys pepsia, biliousness, Brlght's disease, and similar lutoirual disorders, don't sit down and brood ovor your sym ptoms, but fly for relief to Eloctrlo iiit...M II, t..-oi,l will lltid sure mid permanent forgotfiiluess of all your trol Oles, ana you oouy win uui w, burdeued by a load of debt disease. At Chas. Strang's drug store. Price 50o. tiuarauteod. Big Price fer Seat oh Stock Exchange, Ne York. ". . 2 All records of prices ot stock exchange seats have been broken by tbe sale of a seat for $33,000, which with ine Initiation fee, makes tho price 184.000. The sent Is said to have been bought by Frank W. Ornves, formerly a financial Writer on a New Y'nrk paper. HOLLI9TCfV8 Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buiy tledlcloe for Bniy People. Brtagi Qotdea Health and Raowl Vigor. A uneolllo for Const! (nation, linlljrtwtlon. t.lve Bn.l kiuncy Trouble., ilmplrn, Kerenii, tiapuw iilood, lied Breath. Suteeliih Howe!, HeaUoche ami ntu-itrtotte. It's Roetcy Mountain Tm 'n tab let forin. 8.1 cent a dot. tliuiino ninito by UoujfTEa Davo Coxpairr, )ltiillon. Wl. .0OLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPU Dr. Hinkle, Central Point,Oregot .TIGER HUNTING. Irti the Flere AalMla kr laai- tatlnsl ft Honker. To call a tiger the proceeding was as follows: The mlklr, having first ascer bilned that a tiger was In the neighbor hood, would climb into a well branch ed, leafy tree situated near where be supposed the tiger to be, and alter nia- ng himself among the branches as nest he could would commence to Imitate tbe chattering of a monkey and break and drop twigs In the way that mon keys do. ' i Then he would let fall to tbe ground n bundle of rags weighted so that tbe thud when It struck the ground would sound as If a baby monkey bad tum bled down from tbe tree, and at the 3timu time would Imitate the supposed baby monkey cries. This would be the supreme momeut, for If a tiger were uo.tr It would often spring out In the hope of snapping up such a dainty morsel as a young monkey, and then a bullet from tbe gun of the hidden mlKlr might find Its billet In tbe tiger's body. By this means tho mlklr was said to hare killed a considerable number of tigers, and certainly tho man's power of mimicry was wonderfully good. The call for deer was of an entirely different nature, the sound Imitated be ing the cry of a fawn, and as this cry sometimes attracted tigers, too, It had to be adopted with caution, because it was used only in open grass land, from which the caller would not have bad much chance to escape were a tiger suddenly to put In an appearance. London Field. Market Report The following are the orices paid by our merchants tbiB week for farm produce.- This list will be changed each week as prices change: H'hsat 68o Oats Flour fz.00 per 1UU ids Barley c. " " Brao 20.00 per ton Mlddlinee 26.00 Potatoes tl.OOperlOOIbs Eggs, per doz 25o Butter, per lb -. 20c Beans, white dry, per lb 4u Beans, red dry, per lb ... 3c Baeuu, per lb... 11c Hams, per lb 12o Shoulders, per lb 9o Liri. per lb 10c Hoirs. live, per lb 4 to 6 Beef, live, per lb 2 to 21 Mutton, per in oc rojtdcrous Hiimlet. Hnudul was very huge, weighing over liOO pounds. His llgure wus un wloltly and ho rolled from side to side as he walked. His bunds were so thick aud ponderous that people woudered how he could play tho harpsichord or organ nt all. His face was red and coarse, with a long nose, thick lower lip and full chin with a dlmplo In It. His eyes wore prominent and eye brows very full. He was a monstrous eater and at times diauk heavily. His conceit was stupendous, and he always entertained the Idea that there was no music to be compared to bis own. He was boorish In manner, quick In tem per, and when Irritated would some times give utternuee to a robust oath in tbe German language. Ills con temporaries said be looked like a por ter. Ortinrre Trees. Au ornnge grove In full bearing la one of the most delightful sights the eve can witness. The trees are a beau tiful shape if left us nature made them. The limbs come nearly to tbe ground, so close thut an orange picker goes under the tree Hut on ills buck nnd often cuts 100 oranges from the tree before ho conies out. Oranges are never picked, but are cut oft' with shenrs having n spring between the bundles. An orange that has no stoni ou It is considered a "cull" tllul Is not pnckctl by a tirst class packer. & Heating' Stoves. j& UNIVERSAL WOOD HEATERS, Made by Cribten & Sexton, of Chicago. Fine Lookers Fine Heaters, and made to last. 1 NICHOLSON & PLAIT'S The Place to Buy Your Hardware. . Eifert's IT'S THE MAN BEHIND THE SHEARS Who Creates the Nobby Fit. EIPEKT Garments are Out and Drap ed by Artistic Workman, who devote their time and ability to please bis customers. Orders taken for Suits, from $14.00 and up. Orders taken tor Over Coals, $14 00 and up. Suits Pressed and Cleaned. Eifert W. W. EIFERT, The City Tailor, Medford. Who Guaranteed the Fit. Smoke "Murphy's Best" This is the best Nickel Cigar ever put on theMedford Market. La Cinceridad and Garabanas Are bit goods known the "world over as a prime article. Tobaccos and Cigars toSuit all tastes, at the OOLD-OREEN FRONT, W. Q. MURPHY, Proprietor Sour Stomach No appetite, loss ef strancth. tun. headache, constipation, bad kraalk lansTal debility, sour risings, and catarrh ei the Homier, are all due to Indlgestloa. Keasi cures Indigestion. This new discovery lepra tents the nstursl Juices of digestion as U eilit In a healthy stomach, combined wttk the greatest known tonio and reconstructive oroperties. K.odol Dyspepsia Cure dees Bet inly cure Indigestion end dyspepsia, kel that amouj remedy eures all stomach trsuklei ay cleansing, purifying, sweetening us strengthening the mucosa membranes lataa the st'jmaeh. Mr. S. S. Bill, of Rmnnrood, W. Vl SQt- I wu troubled with m Uoaucli for twentr jmn Kodol cured me end we era oow lulu a at asa lor baby." Kodol Digest What Yon Bat, Bonlol only. J 1,00 Slu holdlnf 2H Isa tk SM no, which ulli for 60 coats, Prssaraa by I. o. D.WITT OO., OHIOAM For Sale by Chas. Strang And That'll a Fact. "George, dear," said the fair maid who was new to the game, "when the man with the wire toilet mask says Play ball' what does he mean?" "When certain teams are engaged In the contest," answered George, "It means that be Is somewhat sarcastic." Detroit Tribune. A True Genius. "Failed, did he?" "Yes. Liabilities were half a mil lion." "Goodness! What are his assets?" "Not a cent." "And yet you denied that he pos sessed true financial genius!" Cleve land Leader. Not a Conalatent Yeftrner. "Bllgglns says that be yearns to be a barefoot boy again." "So do I," snld Mr. Duslln Stax. "But ouly for a minute, so that I could enjoy the satisfaction of writing check for all the shoes I wanted." Washington Stur. The Fool and Ilia Honor. Joseph Un you Imlievo nil this, Ar thur, about men buying wives V Arthur Oh, 1 expect so! Some men t-lll buy anything. Tit Hit. 'tllUAt Mako the DourIi. The principles of bilking Mny be to him like Greeii, At making paslrlos ho'a no doubt Excelled by womrvn weak, Tho mysteries of pie crust, Of bread and cake and rolls To him mny bo unfathomed As are those of the poles, And yet, desplto this fact, 'tis true, Aa all the world muBt know, In every walk of life It takes A man to mak tho "dough." Detroit Free Prea " OASTOniA. dews tho Ito Kind You Have Always Boiigfn MADE TO ORDER GARMENTS Will Scientifically measure you, who has the . . . Knowledge of Measurements. H.E. MORRISON, M. D MBFOBO, OHEOON. Oflloo: Room. 8, Palm-Netderuiojror Bloafc Hwfdeacti .torner South 0 aud Ma tit lcee(f ,t S. bUTON,. V. B. COUMIflaiONBB, DISTRICT Of OUOOM Uomeueid aud Timber Land HI Inf. tud MUW iuauc. ItWtllUUU lillKtiu ID U.UU WO (est ClirlCo. Often witb Medford Mall Mcdlord Oiefoa I, D. PHIPI'S, D. D. S.. OJBcefl1. n Adila Block, adJcJrlcf Uukluo uiuk oiuio Mvuiot-.. unwotv - Q. V. STEPHENSON, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OPTICIAN, Office: Room 6, Adkins' block. Calls prompt I intended duy or nibt. ThonefitW, Medford, Oregon. U.T. JONES, ' N COUNTY 8UHVHYOK, toy or all kinds of Surveying prompt'. done ' The County Surveyor can give you the only legal work Medford. OreRoo ft. B PICKED, PHiaiOIAN ANDSURGDON, Officebouu 11 to.12 a. n. and 1:80 to 3 p. m X-Kay Laboratory Examinations 12.50 to pb Oitice HuBkio Block, Med fora, Oregon. C, E. TULL VETERINARY SURGEON E3Vetertnttry Dentistry a Specialty, All call orders promptly filled day or night. Office at Union Staotes, Medford, Or. H, E. A.MKBNY, President , I. IS. B NT ART, Vice President. W, B. Jackson, Aatil. Cashier (i L. DAVIS, Uaabier. The fledford Bank MCOFOND. OREGON Capital and Surplus, $55000.00 SAPB DEPOSIT BOXES TO RENT A General Banking Business Transacted . SUMMONS. (a the Clicult Court for the Coantr of Juckson, State ot Oregon. Zel ma Good sell. 1 Plaintiff. I vs. V SunimonB, Evart Goodsell, I Suit for Divorce. Defendant. J To Eva t Gooilsull, tlie above nHmed defendant IN THE NAME OF THE SI ATE O P OREGON : You are Uoreby requl ed to appear and answer (he co plaint of p alntiff tiled ugalnat you tn the above untitled court and Cause within Bix weeks from the dute of tbe first publication of this sumrrons, said (list publication being on Frldpy. August 2n, 1905, and ynu are hereby notified thut it you fall tn appearand answer or ortuenvie plead to plaintiff's complaint with in said time tbe p lulu tiff will apply tn tho Court for the relief demanded In tho com ul aim. towit! For a decree of divorce I rem vmi and that the bonds oi mut.'imony now existing between yourself and plaintiff be wholly set aside auu held for naught, uud thut plaintiff have the cure, control and custody of her minor son, De Forest Good Hull, atid that sue have judgment avainst j-ou for her ccsts and dlE husements uud lor sueu oihur relief as to the Court and In -ood couuience inuy appeur Just aud equitable Tins summons is puunsncu in tiik med-b-ouD Mail by order of Hon. H K. Hfliina, one oi tbe. Indues of the Circuit court (or Jackson oounty, Oregon, made on the 22nd day of Augi st, li0;. at Chauib ra wherein and In mid order it is ordered iliat tne defendant appear und answer pluintlff'a complaint within tlx weeks from the Unto of the tirst publication of this summons, which said first publication is August '2h, l&o. H.I. AWTKR, Attorney for plaintiff. GUA KDIAN'S NOTICE OF SALE. P. H. OVIATT, Incompetent. Guardians No tice of S It of Rvul Property . 'Notice Is hereby jtlveii thut lu pursuance of anorderof the Couniy Court of the slate of uregon, for the County of Jai kson, mado and enturtdou theStlmay of September, 11)05, in the mattei of the estate of P. H oviutt uu lu et.mpetent perf-on; the utiderslened, the guard ian of the person ami csl;ue of said ineompe tent, will from and afttrtho J4th dav of Oo tor.er, Jyu5, at the olllce of M. Purditi, her attorney, in Medfoul, Jackson eomity, Oregon, offer at private sale to the highest bidder for cash in hajjd subject to the continuation of sttid County Court all of tbe right, title und interest ol thesuul incompetent, p. H. uviait. In and to the following decribed reai property situate In Jackson Countv. urecon towit: Tne North Ease quarter of the North-West quarter and the .ortb-Wesl quarter of the Nor.h East quarter of section seven (7) I town ship thirty seven (37) South, Range two (8) West of the Willaniet Meridian. SARAH C. OViAOT, Guardian of the person and estate of P. U Ovlatl. incompetent. Dated September 14th, 1905. NOTICE OP FINaL SETT LEMENT- ln toe matter of the Estate of H. W, Elmore deceased Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of said estate haa Sled hit final account bb such administrator, and by order of the Hon. Geo. W. Dunn, county judge, said final acoouut will oe beard on Monday the 9th duy of October, 1905, at 10 o'cloct A. M. of said day. All peisons interested are hereby noti fied to appear and offer their objections to said account if any they have on or before said date and hour. Dated September?. 1905. C. H. ELMORE, Administrator of the Estate of a. 97. fclmore, deceased. . J. R. WILSON, V Blacksmithing AT - THE OLD STAND. . Brick Shop . M edford. Oregon; . This is a Cut of . . PMLIARD'S NON MAGNFTIC Watch Movement. Absolutely unaffected by Electricity or Magnetism. B. N. BUTLER, Agent W Early Risen The Immhm imto pm c