!) GRAUSTARK ...By... CEORCB BMW M'CUTCHEON OpuvrttHl, KOI, tg Hcrttrt S. Asm ; CONTINUED FROM PA(iK7 i never saw a mln like It until after I had seen yon." he confessed. He felt her arm press his a llttlu tighter, ami there was a quick movement of her head which tokl bhn, dark ns It was, that she was trylug to see tils face and that her blue eyes were wide wltU something more tliuti terror. "I do not understand." she exclaimed. "I obtained the coin from a sleeplug oar porter, who said some one guve It "Do you think it dangeroust" to him and told him to have a 'high time with It," he explained in her ear. "He evidently did not care for the high time,' " she said after a moment. He would have given a fortune for one glimpse of her face at that instant. "I think he said it would be neces sary to go to Europe in order to follow the tnjuuetion of the donor. As I am more likely to go to Europe than he, I relieved him of the uecessity and bought his right to a 'high time.' " Ttiere was a long pause, during -which she attempted to withdraw her self from his side, her little fingers struggling timidly beneath the big ones. "Are you a collector of coins?" she asked at length, a perceptible coldness In bcr voice. "No. 1 am considered a dispenser of coins. Still, 1 rather like the idea of possessing this queer bit of money as a pocket piece. I intend to keep it for ever and let It descend as an heirloom to the generations that follow me," be said laughingly. "Why are you so cu rious about it?" "Because It comes from the city and country In which I live," she respond ed. "If you were In a land far from your own, would you not be Interested iu anything even a coin that remind ed you of home?" "Especially if I had uot seen one of Its kind since leaving home," he replied insinuatingly. "Oh, but I have seen many like it. In my purae there are severul at this minute." "Isn't it strange that this particular olu should have reminded you of Lome?" "You have no right to question me, sir," she said coldly, drawiug away, only to be lurched back again. In spite of herself she laughed audibly. "1 beg your pardon.' he said tan taliingly. "When did he give It you?" "Who?" "The porter, sir." "You have no right to question me," he said. "Oh!" she gasped. "I did uot mean to be Inquisitive." "But I grant the right. He gave it sue Inside of two hours after I first en tered the car." "At Denver?" "How do you know I got on at Den ver?" "Why you passed me in the aisle vvlth your luggage. Don't you remem ber?" Did be remember! His heart almost earned over with the Joy of knowing that she had really noticed and remem bered him. Involuntarily bis glad fin gers closed down upon the gloved hand that lay beneath tb'ji. "I believe I do nember, now that yon speak of K e said in a stifled yoice. You werv standing at a win dow." "Yes. nnd I saw you kissing those Indies goodby too. Was one of them your wife, or were they all your sis ters? I have wondered." "They they were cousins." he in formed her ronfuawUp rocolli l- Nature's Great Invention On de books ob de Amttoa, far away, far away. Whar Dr. Green Rita Aupuit Flower to dis day , Ah picked dose flowers la Anfruit in olt BnzA, An' iildo' X'ae a Yankee, ak longi to be dar UU. Auzust Flower fa the only medicine sr. f otitii1ant that has been successful in keeping the entire thirty-two ieec oi uigesuve hhk040" " -normal condition, and assisting nature s r Ai-t-tinn aAnaratinn and ab sorption for building and re-building Dy preventing itBu w. -""rv causes which interrupt healthy and per- i u ami rMcttlt in intes- final indiirestion. catarrhal affections (causing appendicitis-stoppage of UK rail duct), lennemauon ui " i tooas, nervous uyay, - tW rntnnliunU. suca as colic, biliousness, jaundice, etc. t Aueust Flower is nature's intended reg ulator. Two sizes, 35C 75C All drugjpsU. ciileut thnt bad been forgotten. lie imu kirsou MKry Lyons and Edna Bur rage, but tlioir brothers wero prawnt "A foolish habit, Isu't It?" "I do not know. 1 have no grown cousins," she replied demurely. "You Americans have such funny customs, though. Where I lire no gentleman Would think of pressing a lady's hand until It pulned her. Is It necessary V" In the question there wbh a qtilL-t dig. nity, halt suluneiKed In svoru, so point ed, so uuiulstnkuble. that h Hushed, iiruea com wmi uinrtiiicuiinn and luc lily rciuovpd the amorous lingers. "I crave your pardon. It In Mich a strain to hold myself and you ugulust tne rolling of tills wiikoii that 1 uu roiuwIouHly gripped your hand hauler tlinu I knew. Youyou will uot mis understand my motive?" he begged, fearful lest he had offended lier by his ruthlessness. "I could not misunderstand some thing that does not exist." siie said simply, proudly. "Ily .love, she's beyond coinpuri.iun:" he thought. "You have explained, and 1 am sorrj I spoke as I did. 1 shull not again for get how much I owe you." "lour Indebtedness, if there be oue does not deprive you of the liberty to speak to me us you will. You could not say anything unjust without ask ing my forgiveness, and when you do that you more than pay the debt. It Is worth a great deal to me to hear you my that .you owe something to me, for 1 am only too glad to. be your creditor. If there Is a debt, you shall never pay it. It is too pleasant an account to be settled with 'you're welcome.' If you Insist that you owe much to mo, I shall refuse to cancel the debt and al low it to draw interest forever." "What a financier!" she cried. "That jest was worthy of a courtier's deepest llattery. Let me say that I am proud to owe my gratitude to you. You will uot permit it to grow less." "That was either irony or the pretti est speeell a woman ever uttered," he said warmly. "I also am curious about something.' You were reading over my shoulder in the observation car" "1 was uot!" she exclaimed indig nantly. "How did you know that?" she inconsistently went on. "You forgot the mirror in tile oppo site side of the car." "Aeh! Now I am offended!" "With a poor old mirror? For shame! Yet, in tile name of our American glass industry, I ask your forgiveness. It shall not happen again. You will ad mit thnt you wore trying to read over my shoulder. Thanks for that immuta ble nod. Well, I am curious to know what you were so eager to read." "Since you presume to believe the mirror Instead of me, I will tell you. There was a dispatch on the first page that interested me deeply." "I believe 1 thought as much at the time. (Hi. confound this road!" For half a mile or more the road had been fairly level, but, as the ejaculation In dicates, a rough place had been reach ed. He was nuns back in the corner violently, his head coming In contact witli a sharp projection of some kind. The pain was almost unbearable, but It was eased by the fact that she bad In voluntarily thrown her arm across his chest, her bund grasping his shoulder spasmodically. "Oh, wo shall be killed!" she half shrieked. "Can you not stop him? This is uuulness madness!" "I'rny bo calm! I was to blame, for I bad become careless. Ho is earning his money; that's all. It was not stip ulated iu the contract that he was to consider the comfort of his passen gers." Grenfall could feel himself turn pale as something warm began to tric kle down his neck. "Now, tell me which dispatch It .was. I read all of them." "You did? Of what interest could they have been?" "Curiosity docs not recognize rea son." "You read every one of them?" "Assuredly." "Then I shall grant you the right to guess which interested me the most You Americans delight iu puzzles, I am told." "Now, that is unfair." "So it is. Did you read the dispatcli from Constantinople?" Her arm fell to her side suddenly as if she had just realized its position. "The one thut told of the French am bassador's visit to the sultan?" "Concerning the small matter of a loan of some millions yes. Well, that was of Interest to me inasmuch as the loan, If made, will affect my country." "Will you tell me what country you are from?" "I am from Grnustark." "Yes; but I don't remember where that is." "Is It possible that your American Bcuools do not teach geography? Ours tell us where the United States la lo cated." 'I confess Ignorance." "Then I shall InslBt that you study a man. Graustark is small, but I am as proud of it us you are of this great broad country Uiat readies irom ocean to ocean. I can scarcely wait until I again see our dear crags and volleys, our rivers and ever blue skies, our plains and our towns. I wonder If you worship your country as I love mine." "From the tenor of your remarks I Judge that yon have been away from home for a long ame," ne voiunieereu. "We have seen something of Asia, Australia, Mexico and the United States since we left Edelweiss six months ago. Now we are going home home!" She uttered the word so lov ingly, so longingly, so tenderly, that be envied the homeland. There was a long break in the con- versatlon. both evidently wrapped In thought which could not be disturbed bv the whirl of the coacb. He was wondering bow he could give her up, now that she bad been tossed Into bli keeping so strangely. She was aBklna herself over and over again bow so thrilling an adventure would end. They were sore and fatigued with the strain on nerve and flesh. It wai an experience never to be forgotten, this romuntlc race over the wild moun tain rood, the result still in doubt Tel minutes ago strangers; now friend! t lenst. neither knowing the other. "Surely we must be almost at the end of tills awful ride," she moaned, yielding completely to the long sup pressed alarm. "Every bone in my body aches. What shall we do if they have uot held the train?" "Send for nn undertaker," he replied grimly, seeing policy in Jest Tbcy Wi.re now ascendlnir nn Incline, hnmu- i:ig over bowlders, I'luftling 'tlifotiglt treucnerous ruts und water wuslied holes, rolling, swinging. Jerking, crash ing, "i'ou have been brave all along. : uon t give up now, It Is almost over. You'll soon be with your friends." "How con I thank you?" she cried, gripping his arm once more. Again bis hand dropped upon hers aud closed gently. "I wish that I could do a thousand times as much for you," bo said thrill. lngly, her disheveled hair touching bis luce, so eiose were bis lips. "Ah, the lights of the town!" be cried an Instant later. "Look!" He held her so that she could peer through the rattling glass window. Close at hand, higher up the steep, many lights wero twinkling against the blackness. Almost before tbey realized how near they wore to the lights the horses be gan to slacken their speed, a moment Inter coming to a standstill. The aw ful ride was over. "The train, the train!" she cried In ecstasy. "Here, on the other side! Thank heaven!" Ho could not speak for the Joyful pride that distended bis heart almost to bursting. The coach door flew open, and Light Horse Jerry yelled: "Here y'are! I made ber!" "I should say you did!" exclaimed Grenfail, climbing out and drawing her after him gently. "Hare's your ten." (CONCLUDED IN NEXT 1BSUK) KEBLKCTED COLDS. Every part of the mucous membrane, the nose, throat, eare. heod and lungs, etc., are pubjeet to disease and hlleht from neglected colds. Ballard's Hore homid syrup is a pleasant and effective remedy. 23o 50o and $1.00 W, Aken rlrlek. Valley Mills. Texas, writes: "I have used Ballard's Horehound Syrup for coughs and throat, troubles, it is a nleasant and most effective remedy." Sold by Ohas. Strang. collirsrtay" get out yet. The Ruling of the Victoria Judge In His Case Seems Wrong. Victoria, B. C, Sept, 2. A new com. plication is likely to arise out of the futile application on behalf of George D. Collins, the San Francisco lawyer, before Judge Martin yestoruay for ha beas corpus. Judge Martin admitted Collins' right, but denied the applica tion on the grounds of propriety, in the meantime consigning Collins to lail for two months, awaiting the hear ing of the application by a plurality of the judges. An eminent judicial authority here declares that not only had Judge Mar tin no right to do so, but he bos ex posed himself to a penalty of five hun dred pounds, which Is imposed by Bngll8h law where any Judge denies the primary rigat involved In a ha beas corpus application involving the sanctity of the person of a subject. Not only that, but It Is claimed also that It releases the man under deten tion. THREE JURORS CURED Of Cholera Morbus with One Small Bottle of Chamberlain's Coilc, Cholera and Dlurrhoea Remedy. Mr. G. W. Fowler of Hluhtower, Ala. relates tin experience ho had while Borvlnp on a petit jury in a murder cubh at Edwardsville, county seat of Olebourne county, Alabama.- He says: "While there I ate some fresh meat and some snuse meat and it gave mc cholera morbus iu tt very severe form, 1 whs never more sick in my life aud sent to tile drug store lor u certain cholera mixture, hut the itrucuisl sent tne n Dottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy instead saying that he had what I sent for. but that this medicine was fo much better ho would rather send it to me iu the fix I was in. I took one do-e of it und whs better in five minutes. The second dose cured uie entirely. T?io lellow furors were aillicted in the tame man ner and one small bottle cured the three of us." For sale by Chas Strang . Union of Foiicetvun and Ds.v.itics. Chicago, Sept. 2. Ue .t'vln.; that their services will soon be In denuunl again, owing to the printers' strike, special deputy sheriffs and policemen held a secret meeting yesterday and organized a strike-breakers' union. A scale of wages of not less than $5 a day, and $6 if It can be secured, was fixed. Charles E. Turk, a discharged policeman, was elected as president. Then each of the 110 charter mem bers paid 25 cents for expenses. Turk produced a book and said that every one present must sign It, the idea be ing that the first man that signed was to get the first position. A large num ber fell over each other In their haste to sign the book. Best for Children. Mothers, be careful for the health oi your children. Look out for coughs, ColdB, Croup and Whooping cough. Stop them in time One Minute Cough Cure Is the best remedy. Harmless and pleasant, Contains no opiates. A L. Sprtfiord, poBtmaster at Chester, Michigan sayB: "Our little pirl was unconciuuB duriDg a sudden and terible attack of croup Three doses hali an hour appart of One Minute Cough cure speedily cured ber." Sold by Chus. Strang. Emperor Makes Lukewarm Request. Shanghai, Sept. 2. There is a large demand for tonnage for Nluchwang, which meets with an excellent re sponse. The imperial decree received here yesterday, has greatly softened the effect of the anti-American boy cot. In his decree the emperor refers to the long friendship which has ex- latcd between China and America, and also to the desire expressed by the later to negotiate amicably a now treaty. Ho advises all Chinese to re frain from boycotting Americans while the discussion regarding the new treaty Is proceeding. Are you lacking in strength and viuor? Are vou wfak? Are von Ir, oi'ln? Do you leal all rundown? The. blessing of health and strength come to all who use Hollister'e I lock v Mountain Tea. Dr. Hinkle'a Drug store, Centra I'olnt. IS UT JAPAN WILL NOT CEABE HOSTILITIES UNTIL TREATY IS SIGNED. tt It Stated That the Treaty Will be Ready for the Signatures by Next Monday. Portsmouth, K. H., Sept. 2. An arm istice has beu signed to take effect after the signing of the treaty. The delay in the cessation ot hos tilities was due to the refusal of Ja pan to consent to an earlier time. Portsmouth, N. H., Sept. 2. Japan lias refused to consent to the cessation if hostilities until the treaty of peace is signed. The Russian plonipoten taries, accompanied by their secre taries, called on Baron Komura and Mr. Takihara shortly after noon yes terday and wore in conference with thorn for half an hour. Japan indicated last night through Baron Komura her willingness for an armistice. Mr. Witte supposed that tie would And them ready to sign. Baron Komura explained that while his government was ready to consent to an armistice his instructions were that this should not take effect until alter the Bigning of the treaty. The discussion lasted for half an hour, tho Russian position being that Japan's contention was without precedent aud that if the armistice was not to take effect until the signing of the treaty it was practically unnecessary. The Japanese were insistent and an agreement was accordingly entered into providing for an armistice, which shull take effect the moment the treaty is signed. Portsmouth, N. H., Sept. 2. It is now expected that the peace treaty will bo completed by tomorrow night Full summaries, If not the actual text. will then be cabled to Tokio and St. Petersburg for the approval of the re spective governments and by Tuesday, or Wednesday at the latest, M. Witte and Baron Komura expect to receive dual authority to affix their signatures. The subsequent exchange of ratifi cations by the two governments will be simply a formality. Mr Deunison aud Mr De Martens will meet again this afternoon The conditions of the armistice, or rather complete sua sion of hostilities marking the conclu sion of the war, will be arranged, ex cept for minor details by the pleni potentiaries here Technically the formal ceaslou of hostilities to be arranged will be an "armistice"' inasmuch as it is tempor ary pending the final exchange of rati fications It will uot provide fur the ultimate release of the Russian and Japanese prisoners of war An article coveriug the latter subject will be in cluded in the treaty The ceremony ot signing "The Treaty of Portsmouth" will be us as quiet and unostentatious as possi ble. Both sides desire to avoid any spectacular features. Both realize the treaty will not be popular In their re spective countries. Iu Japan especial ly there is cpected to be a great popu lar outcry. "We know," said a member of the Japanese mission, "that we are going home to stones and perhaps dyna mite." No arrangements looking to a joint farewell visit to President Roosevelt bave been made or even suggested. "The Treaty of Portsmouth" Is to be given to the world. There is to be no secret about it, neither government having any reason to withhold it. Its provisions are therefore to he pub lished broadcast textual ly, but not immediately. Mr. Sato said to the Associated Press that it would not be given out until the final ratifications had been exchanged by the sovereigns of tho two countries. The treaty will be engrossed on the treaty paper of the American state department, a peculiarly fine quality of linen parchment paper. Two of the caligraphors of the state department have been sent for to come here and do the engrossing. It Is officially stated that President Roosevelt will not come to Portsmouth to be present at the Bigning of the treaty. Murder and Suicide. Tonopah, Nevada, Sept. 2. R. D. Chase, aiios Russell, formerly of Chor okee, Iowa, and Oklahoma City, shot and killed Allle Watson, with whom he was living. He then fired a bullet Into his own body, inflicting a wound which will prove fatal. Ho left a note naylng that he was the brother of O, L Chase, tho head of a mercantile com' pany la Kansas City, and that h leaves a wife and two children at 1 Klewood, a suburb of Chicago. Are Yon Engaged? Engaged people should remember, that uftr nmrrlHge, many quarrels can be avoided, by keeping their diction In eood condition wttb electric bitters. S. A. Brown, of Bennettsvilln, 8. 0., Bays : "For years my wile suffered in tetiflcly from dyspepsia, complicated with a torpid llvnr, until she IohI her tftrngth and vijor, and wcamp a mere wreck of her former 8lf. Then nlie tried Electric HitUTP, which hclpo-f her at once, and flnalv made her en tirety whII. Htic i no Btrontf and healthy." Chan. Stfanif dmsgist, -etl8 and tftiRrantflfO ttifm. fit ftwi: d Dottle, Subscribe for The Mail. iRL STRUCK BY TRAIN WILL DIE. She Stumble In Front of Train and ! Hit by Locomotive. . Oakland, Sept. 2. While trying to oroBs the railroad trucks at the Twen ty-third avenue station la front pf the rapidly approachlug broad-gauge local which left Frultvale at 8:43 for the mole, 12-year-old Isabella Com ash was Itruck by tho train yesterday morn kig and her skull so badly fractured as to leave no hope for ner life. According to those who w.. incased the sad accident, the lltle girl was warned by the flagman not to cross. hut disregarding his shouts to keep back, started to run over the tracks, and while In the middle of them slip ped and Btumblod and In that fatal: Instnat was hit by the locomotive. She was picked up six feet from tne' track bleeding from the ears and In a fleini -unconscious condition. She was taken to the Seventh and Broadway station on the train and from there conveyed to the receiving hospital, where an examination of the girl's in juries by Dr. Stratton showed that sho had sustained several severe frac tures on the back of the skull. The child Is the daughter of Frank J. Comntih of 1002 Twenty-sixth uve nue, who is employed at the Vulcun. Iron works iu Sun Francisco. Numerous and Worthless. Everything is In the name when it comes to Witch Hazel Salve. E. U. De Wilt & Co., of Ciiluauo discovered some years uo how to make a salve from itch Hazel that le a specific for uilee, for blind, bleeding, itching and p"otrudiug piles, ec.cmu, cuts, burns bruise and all skin disuuHes DeWitt'tt salve has no equal. This has given rise to numerous worthless counterfeits. Ask for De Witt's the L'enuinu. Sold by Chu4, Slntot;. Fire at Red Bluff, Red Bluff, Sept. 2. An entire block of residences was destroyed by fire here yesterday afternoon, as a result of boys playing with matches. The loss Is approximated a $15,000. The homes of Paul JJonnard, Frank Mont gomery, Frank Carter, Frank Hughes. P. B. Collins and J. F. Shearin weru burned. The block was bounded by Pine, Lincoln, Johnson aud Oak streets. Always Successful. When Indigestion becomes chronic it is dangerous. Koilol DytspepsialCure will cure indigestion aud all trouble results ing therefrom, tbuB preventing catarrh of the stomach Dr. Newbrouiili, of .eatnie. W. Va.. '"To those suffering from indigestion on stomach trouble I would phv there is no butter remedy than Kodoi Dyspepsia cure. 1 huve prescribed it for a number of my pa tients with good muctcss " Kudol Dys pepsia cure digests whut you eat und maKes the stomach sweet. Sold by Cbus. Strung. Seven Killed in Explosion. Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 2. Four men were killed, another is missing and two are supposed to havo hen blown to pieces and three more wore seriously Injured yesterday afternoon by the bursting of a tly wheel at the National Tube company of McKeosport. Two of tho dead were skilled workmen and AAmericans. The others were for eigners. The wheel was fifty-five feet In diameter and It went to pieces with a loud report, tearing a big hole In the side of the mlil and wrocking thous ands of dollars worth of machiuery. SPUAINS. S. A. Rd. Cico, Texan, writes, Mttrch 11. 1001; "My wrist was .sprain ed so badlv bva fall that it was useless and alter using Beveral rorneu'fs tnai lulled to give re I ltd, used bal lards iiituw Liniment, and was cured. 1 earnest 1 v reeum mend i t to any one sufferinn from cirains." 25c, 50o, $1.00. bold byitJlHus. bt,miii. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. The emperor of Austria congratu lates Russia and Japan upon tho con elusion of the peace treaty at Ports mouth In strongly worded praise. ..President Lizardo finrcia, who was elected president of Ecuador January 11, has assumed the office. Kcrmlt Roosevelt, youngest son of the president, who has been hunting in Wyoming, has concluded his outing aud Is on his way home. Tho Lick observatory eclipse party who wont to Labrador, report having bad poor success la their observations on account of the hazy weather. Don't Be Imopsed Upon. Foley & Co. ClilcniEO, orinatcd Honey and Tar us a throat and lung remedy, uud on account of the ureal merit an:J popularity of Foley's Honev and Tar many imitutiuiiH ar-u offered (or the genuine. Auk (or Foley's Hon ey und Tar uud refuse any sutmtHute offered b no other preparation wit! give tiie came ratisfuutioii. It is mildly laxativu. It contains no opiates and U aalebl for children and delicate persons Pursuit at the Mfdford Pharmacy. Big Contract for ttmp.. Glasgow, Sopt. 2. Tho Nippon Tu sen Kalaha (Japanese Stoamshlp com pany), through the Japanese consul here, la placing contracts for eighteen Hnera with Clyde shipbuilding firms FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE Will care &ny case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medicine. OIVIN UFTO Dig B. flplft, 1204 N. Virginia Bt flvsuvme, id,, wrltea t "For orer foor rntri I wag troubled ritfi a kldoev end bladder a (Tout loo. I loat flwb Ind., wrlteat and waa aaable to work. Three phrriolaoa failed to help me a ad I was given op to die, Foler Kldoej Cere waa recommended and the Oral tattle ave me great relief and after taln the un none eeeona oouie i wueotireir carea. Twt 6U SO Cents and f 1.00 For sale at thrf Med ford Pharmny THE IDEAL WIFE Shapes the Destiny of Men The Influence of a Healthy Woman Cannot Be Overestimated. Seven-eighths oi tho men in this worUt marry a woman because site is beautiful In their eyes because she has the quali ties which Inspire admira tion, respect and love. There 1b. a beauty In health which is more at tractive to men than mere regularity df feature.' The influence- of women glorious in the possession of perfect physical health upon men, and upon the civilisation of the world could never be measured. Because of them men have attained the very heights of ambition; because of thenx even thrones have been established and de stroyed. What a disappointment, then, to see the fair young wife's beauty fading away before a year passes over her head 1 A sickly, half-dend-nnd-allve woman, especially when she Is tho mother of a family, is a damper to all joyous ness in the home, and a drag upon her husband. The cost of a wife's con stant illness is a serious drain upon the funds of a household, and too often all the doc toring does no good. If a woman finds her energies are flagging, and that everything tires her, dark, shadows appear under her oyoB, her sleep is disturbed by horrible dreams; If she has, backache, head aches, bearing-down pains, nervous ness, whites, irregularities, or despon dency, she should take means to build her system up at once by a tonic with specific powers, such as Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. This great remedy for women has done more in the way of restoring health to the women of America than all other medicines put together. It is the safeguard of woman's health. Following we publish, by request, a letter from a young wife. Mrs. Bessie Ainsley of 611 South 10th Street, Tacoma, Wash., writes: Dear Mrs. Plnkham: " Ever stneo my child was born I have suf fered, as I uopo fow women ever have, with inflammation, female weakneos, bearing-down pains, bucknnhe and wretched headaches. It auVcted my stomach so that I could not en joy my moals, and half my time was spent In bed. Lydfa E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Succeeds Where Others Fail NEW YORK STRIKE METAL WORKERS WALK OUT BE CAUSE ADVANCE IN WAGES IS NOT FORTHCOMING sheet metal workers in thlB district was called last night by the Amalga mated Sheet Metal Workers' union, j About 2300 mombers attended the meeting and the call for the strike was ; almost unanimous. The strike will affect about 200 buildings which are in course of con struction and about 300 Bhops in which the metal workers are employed The men demand nn advance of 50 cents a day. Their wages are now $4 a doy. They claim that about a year ago they entered into an agreement ( whereby they were to receive tho raise; last January. The men did not get the promised increase, however, nnd severnl montliH ago they notified the cmp.oyers thut If the advance was not forthcoming there would be a strike. FEVER ABOUT ENDED. Authorities In New Orleans Think Its Back is Broken, Uew Orleans, Sept. 2. Signed state ments of all the leaders In tho fever fight, indicating that the crisis has passed, that the campaign of science fs meeting with unbounded success and that the fever will practtcnlly be wiped out by the frost, wore printed yesterday. Though showers were predicted, the day was clear and warm, with no marked change in the yellow fever sit uation, there being a nominal report of new cases and deaths. liikc Finding Money. KM-Jin. ltuulth.ia H kn (InrliniT mnflOV ao tbinkHthOHo who are sic . When vou have a oouirn, cold, wore inrom, or chest (rritiUion, butter net prornnUv like W. C. Ilarhpr, of Kmu'v U'vel, Va. Hefjiv-:"! bud n terrible ahem trouble ..... .A t... u..i.l,. imt i-f-i:l illicit, nil mi limps, but, ufter fuwlini! nn relief t' other remedies, I was run-i y im l.intf 8 WOW iiniMiviiry M'l ""iii'MiiMi tn n l,u ...wl Hfildu " frmitimt. Milt' of any eonih or luntr mi'dicinn In tin- world. At (Hum. Ntruny's time mniv. 20e and $1.00, guaranteed. Trial bottb tree. Canal May be Extended. Maryirvlllo, Sopt. 2. The statement Lb mado M. N. Sheldon of the BuUe County Canal company that the canal will be extended Into Suiter couny to Yuba City, almost immediately. Many of those who argni land for water have doubled their acreage so far as to Increase the amount to 10,000 acres. The company will not undertako to ex tend Its systom unless that amount of land to pledged for Irrlgaion. HKAUTIKUL WOMRN. Plump chunks flu-died wii.h ih glow of health and a pun eoni'.l x . m ken all wmn-n heiuHlfiil Tik ma 1 1 doHo ol Ilerblue niter cued w It will unweii t emiHt jprtLi'in kihI iliffi-Ht what you have e,ven f0it M Wm M Htrniid. Mdlnthlmi T Arl'e- May III. 11IM: Wu biu He' bitic In onr fam lv fnr idyhi f IKK I found U H'C bent m- ilielnr we v u ted forooiiPtlpailnn. hi Ioiim f ver ir miliaria." Hold by Ohas. Hranir. "LydiaE. Pinkbam's Vegetablo Compound made me a well woman, and I feel so grate ful that I am glad to write and tell you of my marvelous recovery. It brought m health, new life aud vitality." , What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. Ainsley it will do for every woman who ia in poor health and ailing. Its benefits begin when Its use begins. It gives strength and vigor from the start, and surely makes sick women well and robust. Remember Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound holds the record for the greatest number of actual cuves of woman's ills. This fact is attested to by the thousands of letters from grate ful women which are on file in the Pinkham laboratory. Merit alone can produce such results. Women should remember that a cure) for all female diseases actually exists, and that cure is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Take no substi tute. , , If you have symptoms you don't understand writo to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for special advice it hi tree and always neiptui. TRAIN WRECK IN ENGLAND. Ten Persons Perish and Many Are Injured. Withara, Eng., Sept. 2. As the ex press from London to Cromer, on the (Jreat Eastern railway, was entering Witham station yesterday morning several passenger cars loft the track and crashed into the station building, causing the death of ten persons, six of whom were women, and seriously itijuring twenty othors. Among thoso killed was the porter of tho station, who was silLiug in his room. He was crushed to donth, Two ticket sellers wore burled in the wreckage, but thoy escaped serious in jury. The gasometors beneath the cars caught fire and consumed tho wreckage All tho bodies wore saved before the flames gained headway. It was the rear cars that left the track, tho engine and front cars remaining ju the rails. Tho roar cars mounted tlie platform of the station, demolished the buildings and then turned over. - CUKICD OK BUI GUT'S LI8KASK. (Ji-o. A. Sherman, Lisbon Uud Mills, N. Y., wnifs; 'I tiad kidnu.y disease for man v years and bad been tmiLed by pb.vHiciaiiH lor twelve yi'ins, bad uk.'ii a welt known kidney med;uiiuv tid ot bur rumi'di s that we.ro rennno-p kkmkIimI btil yot no relief until I beuitn lining KnleyV Kidney Cine. The IW'sb iNilf boltlu rulievKl urn ami four buttles Imvo euivd irioof tbis tnrrlblu dielise, li fniM i b.yitn taking Foley's Kidney ii'c I had to make water about every lifiecn mniute.B, day and nijilit, and phmumI ,i hrbkuusl nuhstuiife, and -ometimen a Mimy Bubatunoe. 1 believe I would have du d if 1 bad ,not. luken Koley'h Kidney Cure." Held ni NkdUnd I'hnrinacv. YELLOW FEVER IN FLORIDA. Navy Yard Officials at Pensacola Have Established a Quarantine. Washington, Sept. 2. Captain Rob ert M. Berry, commandant of the naval station at Pensacola, Florida, has in formed the navy department that there aro four cases of yellow fever In that cfty, and he rocommonded the estab lishment of nquarantfno at the naval station against tnoc ity nnd a discon tinuance of tho work in tho yard to the extont rendored necessary by the quarantine-. The navy department has approved the recommendation and has author ized Uie commandant to restrict com munication between I'unsacolu and tho naval station as much as possible and also to establish outposts to make tho qnurantlno effective and to prepare buildings for Isolating casus. chamberlain's Cough Remedy Aid Nature. ,1... Homer- iiiuiuid nature ant always ni.. -L filtje.uml. Chamberlain s Cough .i uv huih on this plan. It ullays itn -cough, relieves tho lunut, anu ex .). c oi uuiJtit opuUH the uecruiiotit), aud .nit tiiUutu in re.Hturinif tbu syeicm to ..Imy condition. tiold by Chus. '-ll'.illg atriKO ror Bettsr Food. ETreret, Wash., Bept 2. tour hun dred amployea In two earapB of the ' Three Lakes Lumber company threw down their tools and Quit work at noon yesterday because the food did not suit them. When tho men de manded bettor food or their pay they wore givon tholr money. Three Lakes Is twolvo miles west of Everet.