, OUR COUNTY Correspondents Jacksonville News. Fred Klein hummer, ot Buucom , vie- . 4 ted Jacksonville Tuesday. ; Wm, JonnlnKB, of Sterling, was a Tlbltor In Jacksonville Tueaduy. Saturday wiia a quiet day for Jaok flouville. Nearly every one wont to the circus. Alias Issie McCully and Mr. Kate Hoffman are vieituig friends in Ash land tbis weok. Wm. ColviR, theattorney,loft Tues day morning for Klamath Falls, whore .. ha goes on legal busiiiess. ' II. E. A 11 ken y tarriod at few hours in Jacksonville Friday morning, lie was on hie way to Klamath Fulls. r JumeB JlfiiiBbrough, the Douglus county politician, whh slinking hands 11 with friends in Jacksonville Sunday; t Miss Anna Judge, who Una been i visiting at the home of J. Nunan, re- . turned to San Francisco Wednesday morning. Dr. Ross was culled to Applegate Sunday to attend a sou of Frank Kouudtree. The lad is sult'oring from blood poison. MisH Sudie Kindred, who has been . apoudiug the summer in Southern On gon, returned to nor homo in Port land Saturday. ... A social dunce will bo givim Friday evening at Orth's hall by the young people. Miller's orchestra, of Mod ford, will furnish the music. Arthur Maxtor and Misses Aland and Jjelia Prim cuino in from (Jinuubur Wodnesday. Mr.,liuxtor, after viwit lug friends in Jacksonville, lor a few duys, will roturu to Ids home in Sua Franoiaoo. Judge 13. 11. Watsou, of Portlum and his sou, Jumos, of Hoseburg, n turned Monday from Cinnabar, whore they have been spending tho Infet fow weeks. Tlioy loft the same evening, each for their rospoutivo liomes. Tho county elork has issued the fol lowing marriage licenses: James W. Oil more and .tousle Amtcr; Frank J. Marou and FrauceB Johnston ;WilIiam Von der ilellon and Floy JO. Moy l'ropporo Lofrono and Mrs. H, David sou ;liort Miller und Virginia L. Moo maw. Kev. S. II. Jones, pastor of tho I'M rat Presbyoriun church, of Jtono, Nevadu, "visiti d frloiKlH In JitultnoMvlHo u few days lust week. Mr. J on on wan pastor of tho Presbyterian church of this place for a number of yuars. Ho hud Plaited tho Lewis and Clark fair and other points' in Oregou ami V" ou his return to liono. How's This, WooiTurOiio Hundred Dollars llowiml for ? !iyV,l?,u?rC4nrli tlmt camiot bu urud by U Clarrh cur. J. CHUNKY & CO., Tolfiilo, O. ""Wc, (ho uiiilurbtRncil, liuvo known F. J. ' Chenuy lor tho liml Ifi yunrH, und bolfcvu him le rf (Hilly lionnrtitilo In iilllniii!8Htniiiiiui!t1oiin i hi ilium dully tvblfl lj carry oul nuy obllga Uouh miule by IiIh tlrm. , WaMHNII, KtMNAN A MahViM, W IioIi-hiIu DniKftlHtH, Toledo, o. Hnll'B (ntiirrlt :nrn In Milieu Inlornnlly, acting llrcclly upon tho blood mid uiiicouh HUrlocuH of tliii .sytitcm, TuhllimiiilHls sunt Irt'O 1'rlco 7fi ctiiiH or bottle, Hold by al) driiBiflntH. Take HiiU'h KitnillynilH fur coimtipallon. '1'Hiile Kock I wind BY .. 0. .1' ' Wm. iiolmea Was out lust week, looking over tho fruit growth. N, C. Ciuiiii made a business trip to Grants Pass Saturday evening. Prof. Nurroguu passed Tuesday morning on his way to Mod ford. Jesse liailoy, of Phoenix, is hero for a fow duys, awaiting work develop meuts. Jus. Musty came down from the Mondows with a loud of posts Mon day . At a special school mooting oil Aug ust 23d a one mill tux wits voted for improvements. We understand Unit both the Welch aud the Wilson sawmills have closed down for the season. The Peudleton-May hunting party retimed Wednesday noon. Thoy had good hick and a happy time. People in this neighborhood are get ting anxious oyer their threshing, us thorc is still considerable uncertain ty us to who will do it. The circus has come and gone and those so fortiimite as to soe it all pro nounce it good. There was only a small attendance from hero. Cm mo of omnia. ImliL'-'tfLion nearly always dinttirbn the mum1 i) more or Ictts and is o'Lmi the cause nf insomnia. Mnny cases have been pornmittMitlv on red hy Chamber, lain' Stounieh and Liver Tuhluttt, For Httle by 01 ins, Strang, .Sums Valley Items, Ily M. Ci. Minn (irace Kt'cves has returned to the Pol ton farm from a visit at tho Portland exposition. Mr. Morgan returned Monday from a week's stay at UolosUu, not much Improved in health, A. A. Oohlo und family, of Union county, are taking a look over Jack son county. Owing to the Illness of Mrs. Uoble thoy are cumped at Moon vllle for a short time. Mrs. bkoltoii and little son left last weok on their re turn homo to liliiek woll, Oklahoma, after a sovoral weeks' vaiit with her sister, Mrs. C. C. Uil christ. Mrs. Skeltou will visit her ueiee, Mm. I'l. it. Mngruder, at Situra metito, CtiUf,, while on route home. , Homo person intent on doing duiu-; ago to others hns boon setting out llren In the upper Muiub ore ok country i aud at such close proximity tu some of the farmers' fences that was it not for the quick and prompt action in putting the Uames under control an number of miles of fencing would have boon destroyed. A certain party ia suapectod. East Med ford Items. Or. und Mrs. W. S, Jones ar in Han Francisco for a week's stay. Kev. F, W. CarstenB is attending the Provolt Baptist campmeeting, Mrs. J. II. Butler left Thursday for a stay of ten days at the Portland fair. Miss ICmma Armstrong, of Jackson vllle, visited Mrs. Thomas Collins Saturday. Mrs. It. M. MclJonoughfOf Jackson ville, was a guest of Mrs. Uus Sam uels Friday. Mrs. Wallace Woods and sister, Mrs. U. E. Loming, are visiting relutives in Jacksonville. John Nichols and wife, of iOagle Point, visited (Joo. W. Nichols and family Saturday. Miss (Jlarice White returned to Klamuth Fulls Tuesday, ufter a visit of several weeks with friend hern. Martin McDouotigh and wifo aud Ltligtios Jessie and Addie Lout return ed this weok from their several weeks sojourn at Orator lake. Mr. und Mrs. H. L. Taylor returned r nday from 0 rants Pass, where Mr. Taylor hus been attending the exam ination for forest ranger. W. Kawlings and family have re turned from their summer 's trip to Idaho und will occupy their l'nrmor residence in East Medford. Supt. P. Jl. Daily and wife, who I lave been visiting several days with Mr. and Mrs. L. liurcli, left Monday for a week's stay at the Lewis and Chirk fair. Dr. Itobiusou, of Dolinont, S. I). una wire stopped over u day in our city tliis week, to visit P, D. Scott and 11. Li, Robinson and ramilies, old-time friends. Prof, and Airs. Ous Samuels, who have been residents of this section for a few weeks, returned to Phoenix this week, where Mr. Samuels assumes professorship of the schools on Men day next. Kenl Estate Transfers. The following real eetuto traiiKuetuttis have been recorded since the lul Issue of this puner. Win Laws to W A Hell ; east side of aw, of soj-4, boo 21, rnv'n' of ne,', sec '2H. con (it) acres, &!ijuU ilenry Laws to W - A Hell: land In see 21. tp s, r 'I w, WfiOa HJMyuiutoWA Hell; ue' and aoiif of see 21, tp !M h, r 1 w, 225 ueres. tfl.iWU. Frank Myors to W A Bell : sec U, tp :J5 s, r 4 w; also s'' of nw',i and nii or 8w,sec a, tp a s, r 4 w,8WUU, Jas Owens to S J Myors; b,W of nw.14 nud nwj of bw4 ; sw.'4' of so4 and II 11; we1 of imku ' tp W a p i w, 81200. jas owons to S J Myers; se.'j of noki, boo 'l, 8W. or nw, Beo : and nwWof uwK, see 4. tp Ii5, r 1 w. 8-IU0J, J Moore to S J Myors; e.j or se,';i, 1 sec 4, tp :m,r 4 w, con 80 uorea, 2000. 1 United States to Carrie E Goorgo; (patont) nw4, see 20, tp H2s, r 1 w, ltii) acres. Elia Niekolson to R C Hnuford; lots 2 and H, sw1 of liw,1 and w of hw', see G4 tp IW, r 4 w, HiO acres. Wm Horonson. ot ux. to K Li llan- ford; 1(10 acres, sees 7 und 18, tp 118 s, r 4 w, $1000. C Fields to W A Hell : 80 ueres. sec 7, tp :i8, 80 litres, $1. Matilda if uook to K U Uuurord: se' of ne'y and iwl$ of see'i sec 7 and n,1,, of sw.1, &oc , tp ;(8 s, r 4 w, J J I'Vycr. et ux, to W F and U A Smith; laud in Kuglo Point, &100. Wm K Starr et ux to A If rod Vullon; lots 10, 11, 12; nlso W feet w side lot 7, blk f(i, city of Asliland, finiuU Alfred Vallon et tlx to Klizeua M Maupiu ; name as above, $(00. Alfred Vallon et ux to KHzeua Man pin ; lots 10, 11, 12, blk SO, city of Ashland, $1850. 11 C Mver ot ux to John W nud Jas Al Putter; 2;tlnt in lot i) and f feet oil w side lot 8, blk 5,eity of Ash land, 810. W Potter to M Pottor ; all lot !) aud 5 foot otf north side lot 8, blk f, city of Ashland, $1. J I' White et ux to (too aud Mary Walles; so cor lot 4, sec 7, tp 118, I w, thence w 8.(12 chains, thenco n Il.7l chains, thence o 8.02 chains, thence b ;i.70 chains to place of beginning, ,2i ncres, fivini. S A Van Tine ot ux to Ceo and Janette Churchman; laud in boo o, tp ;tli s, 1 I e, f)2 ncres, $1. M P tlacoby to J J Pnnkev: lots 1.2. :i, 4, r, ti, blk :w, Tolo, ho.;-, - i J I'ankey et ux to J 41 Jtooman ; same as above, $110. W Anderson to John A Weaterluud ; s'y of bSj of uwl4, sec 24, tp ;i7,r 1 w, $!KHU United States to Atec Lund A Cut tle Co; lid ofswi.,, hoc It,'!, tp Ui, r 10 0 of (lila und Salt river iner, in Ar izona. J M Under, Hhorltr, to C U Hostol: e'.j flw4, boc 14,eli, nvi sec 311. tp IK") b, 2w, $810.75. J M Under, shoritl, to Louia E Davidson; lot 2, blk 8, Ashland aud II A; T turn it, mining eluini, $2;t00. C H Kostel to C F Case; elv 8w-4', see 14, e'j nw1.., sec 2:t, tn ;15. 2 w. $8iU). J U Simth to J E Davidson aud W L MoCluro; l., Int. in bwj of ww'i.soc 1(2, tp :I5, :t w, $.(tH). l- . ' Mk, Louia K Davidson ot tt to (.too E Kosfiuuu; lot 2, blk vS, Ashland, $10 Tlios Itouor et ux to Kohoeoa I-'.u- gleston ; lots 15, III, 17, blk C, U,U add to Ashland,!? 125. Lewis anil Clark Imposition. During Die Lewis and Clark Imposi tion tho Souther Pncille Company will sell round trip tiokets to Port laud, limit thirty days, at one and uno-third faio for the round trip. 1-or parties of ten or more traveling on one ticket, one tare for the round trip. For organized parties of one hundred or more, individual tickets. ; one faro for round trip. Stopover of leu days will be 1:1 von at Portland on nil one way ttekots roadinu throunh that point durinu the Exposition. Tickets must bo de positee, with Joint Agent at Portland , aud eharuo of lift v oints will be made! or extension of time. Subscribe (or Tho Mull. Circuit Court Docket. following is a list of the cases docketed for trial at the September term of circuit court: CRIMINAL. State of Oregon vs. George E. Bloomer. State of Oregon vs. Jonas Justice and F. M. Howard. State of Oregon vs. John Doe. State of Oregon va. Michael M. Heed. State of Oregon vs. Bert Bull State of Oregon vs. John Smith. State of Oregon vs. John Doe. State of Oregon vs. Edward Graham. Sta e of Oregon vs. Chas. Wilson. State of Oregon va. Jesse Maddison. State of Oregon vs. Milton 0. Sta rm e. State of Oregon vs. John Doe. State of Oregon va. Douglas Kuw linsou. State of Oregon vs. John Chritch low and (Joo. Schatter. Stuto of Oregon vs. John Wolff e. State of Oregou vs. Ehler Band. ACTION. B. B. Leo vs. William M. May. John W. Frail vs. Frank W. Waite. 11. M. Coss vs. Theresa and Delia Bryant. Lake County, Oregon, vs. A. J. iNoalon, et al. Thomas J. O'ilarra vs. Condor Water & Power Co. T. C. NorrL vs. W. I. Vuwter, et al Charles Ed in on d sou vs. A. T. Hum ble. Charles Edmondsou vs. E. O. Br is tow. M. Sorousou vs. T. C. Wheeler. George F. King vs. A. A. Davis. Jane D.Champlin vx. Abbie Chump lin. Lewis Pan key vs. Thomas Pan key. Medford Furniture Co. vs. F. B. Harrington. A. H. Grieve vs. the Southern Pa cific Company. Eber K. Davia vs. Ashland Mfg. Co, and A. C. Manning. A bra K, Kowiey vs. Ashland Manu facturing Co. and A. C. Manning. Z. M. GaHHott vs. the Roaring Gim let Gold Mining Co, Jorminh Nunan vs. Wm. Broad and Anna Broad. ! A. L. Eisonnart vs. N, W. Prall ot al. Ashland Manufacturing Co. vs. L 1'', Lozier. J Frco.nan it Wiley vs. W. L. Camer on. . First National Bank of Now burg vs. D. 10. Bordan. W. II. Grant vs. W. 13. Coul aud M. M. Gault. C. C. Bookman vs. W. L, Cameron. Lewis Paukev vs. Peter Wilson and J. J. llouck. Ntiiian, Taylor A Co. va. A. J. Stev ens. Tho Model Confectionery Co. vs. E. E. Lest or. EQU1TV. A. A. Davis vs. P. 11. Oviatt. Melvinu Coukliu vs. Thomas D. Con Id in. Sudio O'Noil vs. John O'Neil. E. EdwardB vs. J. J. U'Noil. Allen Duvis ot al vs. II. L. Chumber- lafn, et al, Clalruorfie Neil vs. Jeftorsou Nod. O. O. Bfisse vs" John Gaupon otal. J. E, Olson vs. W. K. Bradbury, ct al. Alford Crance vs. Mamie Cruuce. William Mendeuhall vs, tho Hoarius Gimlet Mining Co. M. v. iiunley vs. J. W. Slineer. ot ui. Jean St. Luc DoKoboum vs. A. Sehmidtling. Uaroline Swucker vs. Oscar Swacker. Carolino J. Willott vs. Geo. 11. Garuett, Jr. J. C. Parslow vs. Louisa Parslow. J. T. Buck, ot al. vs. W. K. Stan- sell, ot al. W. L, yfmiiLr ot, L vh. W. R. Stnu- Sell, ot al. J. A. i'Toomun vs. Dumel Marx, et nl. John Coleman, ot al. vb. Aaron Weatherby und Medford Bank. llattio M. Plymule vs. Fruuces G. Ply male. Will nun Bvboo vs. Frank E. By- boo, ot al. N. II, Latimer, et al, vs. Joseph Morris, et al. Mary E. Ashurst vs. Bert Ashurst. K. li. Duu 11 vs. Theresa Prim. Wm. Scott vs. John F. White, et'nl. .J. B Wolch,et ul.vs. William Smith. Eliza Corwitt vs. Chas. L. Corwin. Claud K. limham vs. Mary itmhuiu. Laura Arm burst vs. Wm. Arm burst Lilly Spuhu vs. Paul Spuhu. II. Li. Garnett vs. Clara M. Brown. Ashland Electric & Power Co. vs. city of Ashland. State Laud Board, Geo. E. Cham berlain, governor Oregon, vs. Adel bort W. Myers. Mitchell Lewis & Stuvor Co. vs. C. C. Parker and wife. City of Ashland va. tho Ashland El ectric Light & Power Co., a corpora tion. The Enterprise Mining Co. vs.M. L. Stanley, et al, 10. G. Owens vs. Mary E. Owens. Louisa Broshcars va. Jas. T. Bres hears. Frnnces E. Both vs. Wnrren L. Cumoron. A. W. Soroy, et nl, vs. Sttsan Gist, ot nl. James S. Ellison, ot nl, vs. Allan Smith. M. W. Polston vs. Lucy V. Polston. TV J. Howell, et al, vs. City of Ash land. Mnrgnrot J. Peyser va. Frnnk Poy sir. K. B. Mathews vs. John D. Cook and Eat nor K. Chirk. Frodoricke Woitfe vs. John Woltfe. Zelma Goodsoll vs. Evert Guodsell. Jottuio E. Gibson vs. David li. Gib son. Emily Chirk, et id, vs. W. J. Booa oy, et ul. Luther Smith va, C. F. Leaven worth, ot id. Alfred Lewis, otnl, vs. Jas. 11. Boo man, et al. New Suits Filed. C. S. Sermon t and V. A. Dunlap vs. i Joseph Lamb; action to recover mon- j ey. M. t'urdin attorney Tor plaintiff. V. H. I'aine, Jr., vs. A. K. Kt 1-1 logn, et al; suit for monev. Jos. 1 tlatmuersly attorney for plaintiff. Can Shoot Some. Tho military rillo tournament now being held atSealUrt, N. J., is show ing the Oregon National liuard up in lino condition Tho tlrst day's shoot ing at Uirgets brought out lT7 ritle meu, representing almost every state and every organ i?jt ion tu the tegular army and navy, including the otll cers' training school at West Point and Annapolis Tho leading six com petitors named In the dispatches in clude threo Oregou National (i nurds men, a showlug of which the state may welt bo proud. Tho six named given spool al mention are: Sergeant Gilbert, Oregon; Dr. llouck, of Hobo burg, Oregon ; Lieu tenant iioweo, Iowa, 40 each. Ser geant Bird, Iowa, Captain Lee, Cali fornia, 15 each. Corporal U. S. Alder, of Sulem, Oregou, and Sergeant Agos tiul, Iluwuii, 44 each. Each competitor Urea ten shots each at at 200, 300, 000 and GOO yards, show lire, and a similar number at 200 and 600, ; rapid Are, and participates in two skirmish runs. A Hoodoo Car. The Redding Froe Press says: The dining oar "San Pedro" seems to take special delight in getting off the track at Delta. Twioe within two weeks has this car left the traok at a point just above the Delta depot, and twice has the southbound train been delayed for two hours because of this car's rest lossriess. The southbound express due in Koddirig at 10:30 did not arrive until 12:30 Friday. The delay was due to the jumping from tho mils of tho diuor "San Pedro." The car left the rails at the identical spot that it flew the track 011 August 10th, und ntjthe stuud aud he tostiliod thut ho was the same time of day. No one wns in- jurod this time, however A Freak Tree. G. X. Bay, who lives two aud a half miles northwest of Eugene, has a freak apple troe. It might bo classed as a perpetual fruit raiser. Mr. Kay brought to the Register offico yester duy npplos matured, upples of hulf size and apples just formed from tho bloom und fresh blodaoms, till from tho same tree. Thus the troo shows fruit iu all stages of development. Tho tree from which these samples wore taken is of the Grnveustine va riety. Eugene Register. Reduced Rate to Visiting Easterners. ft?!?"? "'li "ILS.', '""S At tn ,.,il,l n t' V ,!, .. li" 1 1 ' ui-OKon with tho viow ot sottlinK iin.Kliin. 'I'h... li..!,..! ,., Ill l. ,.,.! for lo days limit with stop over t .ill This will lllli-id tho various counties and oommiinitios that will maintain exhibits und ndvoiliso in othor ways at tho Exposition, ovory iniluooinont to liuvo Uastorn peoplo visit thoir soo-tiou. GRAUSTARK We have a good one for our readers now GRAUSTARK, the Story of a Love Behind a Throne, by George Barr McCutcheon. f Marie Bankhead Owen, reviewing the story in the Book worm, says : A practical bookman has just said, "no book since Trilby has taken so great a hold on the popular fancy as Graustark." T Being a story of love behind a throne, 'it teems with scenes of adventure and impassioned romance. T The author, George Barr McCutcheon, himself an Ameri can, has given the reader a noble example of an ideal American as hero. T The plot is thrilling and well sustained, the story being told in vivid, terse English. The motive of the story is the love of a man and a wo man, and what that love emboldens them to venture, to dare, to renounce, to endure 1 T It is beyond the province of the reviewer to reduce the plot of a masterpiece of fiction to a compressed summary of the story. A zealous story reader delights in the dis covery of what happened next as well as to revel in the style and the literary atmosphere. T I would as soon be given a glass of skimmed milk or a squeezed lemon as a book of fiction accompanied with a synopsis of its contents. Graustark I leave therefore to the ploasure of the prospective reader. The story will begin In a few days, and we believe you will thoroughly enjoy It. Of one thing we are lure a more thrilling romance you have never read. Honor Your Dear Old Mother. BY J. li. MARTIN. 1'imo has Beattorod tho snowy llakoB ou hor brow, plowed doop furrows ou her uheok, but is sho not swoot aud beautiful still? Tho Hps which have kissed many a hot tear from your childish cheek, are tho sweotost lips iu all tho world. Tho eyo Is dim, yot it glows with tho rapt radiance of a holy lovo which can uover fade. Oh, yos, sho is a dea old mothor. Hor sands of time are nearly run out, but feeble as alio is sho will go furth er and reach down lower than tny ' one olso for you on this earth. You cannot walk into night's darkness i where sho cannot soe you; you cannot outer a dark, dismal prison, whoso bars shall keep h.-rout; you can never mount n scllouting so high that she will not climb, to kiss aud bless you in ovlileuco of her deatliloss love. When tho world will despise and forsake tyou, wheu it leaves you in the ditch i by the wayside, to die unnoticed, . that dear old mother will gather yon i iu her tcehle arms, carry you home i and tell you of all your goodness un til you almost forget that your soul is stained by vices. Then, boys and girls,lovo her tender ly, cheer her declining years with holy devotion. Secure Rooms Now. To tho people of Medford and vi cinity : If you shotud want rooms during tho Lewis aud Clark fair call on Mrs. 1;. T. l'iarce, formerly of Medonl. Terms. 1. W and 81.50 per day; residence .VI Kast Oak street, oruer UHh, Portland Oregou. J0-tf- Ashland 'Blind Piggers" Put Up $750, Asnlaud Blind Plgers Put up $750, From tho Ashland Tribune: The "blind pig1' oasos, which huve occupied the attention of the public during the past few days, have been finally disposed of and the city has scored a signal victory. Yesterday morning a conference was held between the city attorney and the mayor aud the defendants in the cbbos and a compromise was affected wherooy the city receives $750 and the defendants promise to give no further offense. The defendant firms of Sonnichaen and Murphy and Million and Gilette pay $300 each and J, T. Roberts pays 9100. The amount of $100 was advanced by each firm aud batik able notes for the 1 bulanco payablo after ninety days were taken iu oach case, The Tribune tells of the following trump card which was played by the prosecution during the trial: Tho defense called Sonnichaen to uot a partuor of Murphv. but thut the I business bolow belonged !to him und I thut tho con footi 011 ery department ia mo property 01 luurpny. At this juncture the prosocution flushed their "trump card" in tho shapo of u gov ernment license issued to the ilrm of Murphy aud Sounicbseu and thereby tho defendant Souuichsou iu the opin ion of the prosecuting attorney, was made liuble to a churge of perjury." SoDuichseu spout one night in the city jail, as a charge of perjury wua to be ontered aguiust him, but after the compromise hud been effected he was released. Soulhrrn Pacific Reduced Rales. Ou uccotmt Of llin Lnvifi M li rl ClurU I ttofcuT n"i to 30 i ys, 'or 0110 uud a third fmo Si:i20. rarty tlckotn, ton or more, (in nut ""M"V" wl "no r j "J, dys trip (OAK); limited tu ton days. Bom tu tha Kind Vou Have always Boufinl In Recorder Toft's Court. City Kocorder Toft has beou kept busy this week, listen ing to charges preferrod by Chief of Police Anglo Two of our prominent saloon men were arrested Monday, charged with conducting gambling games and they wore givou the minimum fine ot 320 oach, which was paid. D. H. Morrison, H. Williams and Jas. M osier wore arrosted, charged with boing drunk and disorderly. They were Quod $10 each. Williams paid his Hue, but tho other two are now "laying out'1 their flues In tho city bastilo. This "laying, out" linos is uot so much of a snap as one might suppose. Instead of lying Idle in the city jail, Chief of Police Angle puts them to work ou the streets aud tho lines are thus worked out. AMONG THE CHURCHES. raKSHYTKRAN ClllMtUH. Next Sunday at li it. in., a sermon to tho children. Union service at 8 p. ni. ia the Presbyterian church. Sunday school at 10 a. iu. W. V. SHIELDS, Pastor. UKRMAX l.UTllEBAN rilLHCH. Sunday at 11 a. m. preach from Luke , the pastor will lo:l-10, "Jeans tho Savior of the Sinner." 1st His seeking for the sinner. 2d -His find ing of the sinner. V. SACK, Pastor. Brt ti jf llie tod Km i""s BciighJ About Those Shoes The Question is Solved. Our Shoes are what you want, they are wait ing at our Store to give you comfort, aud to prove to you, that they are Shoes made in these days, which combine good looks, dura bility and reasonable price. Let Us Please Your Feet With a Pair of Our Shoes, you through life easy. Come and See Our Red Box Plan ... It may be worth $20 to you. . . . MEDFORD SHOE PARLOR, SMITH & IW9L0NY, Proprietors K. of P. Building, 7th Street PAGE WOVEN rIADE AT ADRIAN, niCHKUN. Some People Want the Earth. J"Vo Hre now tailing order tor Fall Snipuienl Will you let us quote you prices on the HKST KENCfc; MAllEr Does not niHUer when You wiuit lo leiiee. Page Coyote Fence Is ttiu Linest, and Is Ad up tod to alt Purposes. Page Farm and Stock Fence Will stop tlio Hofrsj PASIi l'OULTity and RABBIT FI5NCK will protoct tho gardens and orchard. We fully fjimianteo and us 1st In erecting till I'nge Fcuco. For further particulars or prices, call on or write, Volney Diron, Hoiuhern Oregon Hepre scntattrc P. W. W. F. or NICHOLSON & PLAIT, City Selling Agents, Medford, Oregon Smoke "SItHWs Best" This is the best Nickel Cigar ever put on the Medford Market. La Cinceridad and Garabanas Are bit goods known the world over as a prime article. Tobaccos and Cigars to suit all tastes, at the OOLDOREEN FRONT, W. Q. MURPHY, Proprietor Crowned Heads Honor Our President. OYSTER JiAY, Aug. 30. Crowned heads of the world unite with distin guished statesmen of Amorica aud liiurope in according tho glory of peuco between Kussia and Japan to President Roosevelt. Throughout last night nud today, telegrams of congratulation poured upou the presi dent in a great Hood. Tbey came from persons of bigh degree and low, and from all quarters of the world. Among the first messagos received was one from the King of England, as follows : MARIENBAD, Aug. 28. The Presi dent: Let me be tho llist to congratu late you on the successful issue of tbo peace conference to which you great ly contributed. EDWARD, R. I. Soou alter a notably cordial cable gram was received ' from Emperor William of Germany. It read To Presilont Roosevelt: Just receiv ed cable from America announcing tigroement of peace coutereuce on pre' limiuaries of Draee. 1 am overjoyed I nm nverioved t". to express sincere congratulations at the great success due to your untir ing oll'ort8. The whole of mankind must unite and will do so in tbauking you for the great boon you have given it. WILLIAM, 1. R. President Loubet, of Franco, oabled a9 follows : President Roosovelt: Your Excel eucy has just reudored to humanity an eniineut servioo, for whioh I felio itato yon heartily. The French Re public rejoices in sister America bai sister America has played iu this his- toric event. EM1LE LOUBET. The President has acknowledged the messages received from King Edward, Emperor William aud President Lou bet, but tbo text of his responses is not made publio here. FRENCH PRESS EULOGISTIC PARIS, Aug. 30. The French news f papers this morning devoto leughty 'and eulogistic editorials to President ; Roosevelt. The President is the hero :. of the hour indeed littlo mention is ; made of Emperor Nicholas. The Matin says : ! Roosevelt is Jthe great victor. He ! forced the two belligerents who were strangling each other to moot ou noil trn tmmA with tho 9am0 tranquility ; that he (displayed ou the eve of bat- 1 tie at the head of the Rough Riders, Ho tackled tho respective delegates of tho belligerent parties, facing Japan - eso cupidity and Russian infatuation with the same disdain for diplomatic usages as whon he was charging treuches with his slouch hat ou tho ground land a twhito haudkerchicf , around his neck, lie is the great I victor of this battlo of giants. They will take WIRE FENCE We Want to Fence It. fiVih'iVtWAVifiWWiVWWVWiWMWMVM I J. L. HELMS, ! i Veterinary Surgeon Graduate S. F. a Veterinary College a LATHLY OK QUA RTKHM ASTER'S OKl'AliTMENT U. S. A., ALSO VETERINARIAN FOR HAOQ1N RANCH, SACRAMENTO, OAL1I'. All Classes of Veterinary Woik. Calls answered day or night OFICE AT NASH STABLES Phone 441 Medford, Ore. 1 Advertised Letter List. FotlowiDg la a llHt ot letters reraatng un called for At the Medford poslofllce oa Auff. 30, 1WIS. AilkltiD, Mri Kiln Raudlo, Mr Walter Brisunr, Mr Geo Rowluud, E L Dllzell, nr Will StriuiiiBur, Jack Kerr, Mrs Mvra D Sulsby, Mrs Mure, tieo W A chArtrc of one cent will ha mnrtA tinnn ill ' U'ery of each of the above letters, i Persons eallliiR lor an v of tho above lOtten ill plc-ise say " Advertised." A. M WOODFORD, Postmaster Farm for Sale. 1G0 acres sixty acros of flue sub irrigated bottom land under fence and cultivation. A million feet of fine timber. Hundreds of cords of hard wood. Near town and all down grade and a fine road. Good, two-story dwelling with L, well of splendid water at the door. Lots of fruit and j berries of all kinds. County road and daily mail at the door. A splendid placo for health and a pleasant home. Address Box 117, Woodville, Oregon. A Knninnnlnn Cnstnm, A strange custom is still observed In Roumaniu which reminds one strongly of Robinson Crusoe. Wheu a servant has displeased his or her master the offender takes his boots in his hands and places them before tbe bedroom door of his master. It Is a sign of great submission, ami the boots are either kicked away as an Intimation th.it the fault will not be forgiven or else the servant Is told to place them ou bis feet, which shows that he Is for given. Inherited. Settlement Worker What a woll he- I haved little boy he Is! The Bnrelar's j Wife And he comes bv It natural. 'mum, Ills poor father never failed to 1 nare i!gooi behllTl01..pIlck- sentence reduced owins to o -a. sit our a.. iet tbe 1 he Kind Voa Haw Mways tagS