1 AS FAR F PEACE AS EVER THE CZAR APPRECIATES ROOSE VELT'S EFFORTS BUT SEES NO HOPE. Vh Japaneas Peace Talkers Art In p.cting Cotton Mill. Paris, Aug .56 The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Tempe tele- , graphs luat Emperor Nlcholaa, while - eipresslng to Ambassador Meyer hla , deep recognition of President Rose- Telt'a efforts, explained that he waa : unable to make furtner concessions. His majesty said that the payment of en Indemnity would be contrary to the fundamental policy of the nation, : While it would further the ambition of the Japanese for fresh territorial conquests, and, involve the possibility of the war in the near future with the balance of power in their favor Instead of an oquallzed strength aB at pres ent. The desire of the Russian peo ple for peace, the emperor told the ambassador, did not supercede the Batlonal Interests. Toklo, Aug. 26. The Asscviated PreBS correspondent has reason to believe that nothing that has oc curred at Portsmouth, N. H., will change the attitude of the Japanese government. While the foreign office maintains its usual reticence and the officials decline to talk for publication, the demand for an adequate indemnity remains unalterable. Portsmouth, N. H., Aug. 26. The peace situation now awaits the re sult of the pour parleurs known to be in progress between President Roose velt and Emperor Nicholas, and be Ueved also to be going on between the United States and Toklo. M. Wltte privately makes no concealment of the fact that for the present the ne gotiations are ended and that he has gone as far as he can without his emperor's sanction. Should no final result be achieved or no final definite instructions be received today, a pre text will be found for the adjourn ment of the conference until Monday or Tuesday. Whether the conference results in a treaty or not it will have been pro ductive of great good, leaving only the -question of monoy between the bel ligerents a question which could be solved at any time. Portsmouth, N. H Aug. 2G. Ko mura, with four members of the Jap anese peace commission, left Ports mouth for Manchester, N. H., to visit the extensive cotton mills in that city. Are You Knsrei'(l? Engaged people should rpmember. that ufur marriage, many quarrels can bo avoided, by keeping their digetion in pond condition with eleotrio bitters, S A Brown, of Bennettsville, S. C, sarf: "For years my wife suffered in tensely Irom dyspepsia, complicated wi'h a torpid liver, until she lost her strength and vijor. and became a mere wreck ol her former self. Then she tried Electric Bitters, which helpe-i her at. nnre, and llnaly made her en tirety well. She is "now stronsr and healthy." Ohns. Strang drussrist. sells and guarantees them, at 50u d bottle. Returns Money to Victim. Auburn, Aug. 26. Dr. G. A. White of Sacramento came here last night and amputated the leg of Frederick Venzke, superintendent of the Bald Mountain mine, who was shot on Tues day by John L. Caskey at the mine in the Canada hill district. It was neces sary to take the leg off near the hip. Venzke is still In a serious condition, though It Is thought he wi 1 recover. After he brought Venzke to the hos pital Wednesday evening Caskey was around town, spending money freely, evidently confident that Venzke would not proBecute him, as it Is said the latter was in great rear of him. He visited Venzke at the hospital that night and returned to him 100 in greenbacks. A" GOOD NIGHT'S REST "Speak for It I" he critd to doeirle, . For she knew In her little heart. That German Symn, home's ureal treasure, Could health and joy Impart. The greatest tonic on earth is a good night's rest. Restless nights and the ter rible exhaustion of a hacking cough are dread dangers of the poor consumptive. But why this fear of the night when a few doses of Dr. Boschec's German Syrup will insure refreshing sleep, entirely free from cough or night sweat? Free ex pectoration in the morning is made cer ' tain by taking German Syrup. We know by the experience of over thirty.five vears that one 75-nt bottle ot German Syrup will speedily relieve or cure the worst coughs, colds, bronchial or lung troubles and that, even in bad cases of consumption, one laree bottle ol German Syrup will work won..ers. it Two sizes, 25c and 75c All druggists. CAUGHT PLAYING POKER. Police Make Raid on Gambling Rooms and Capture Notables. Portland, Or., Aug. 26. Judge A. S. Bennett of the The Dalles, senior counsel for Senator Mitchell during his recent trial and one of the best known attorney! in the state, was ar rested last night In a oensatlonal raid by Detectives Carpenter Raising upon a room In the Imperial hotel, la which L. W. Robertson, a former cbief of po lios of Portland, was running a poker game for high stakes. It is told on good authority that Judge Bennett had made $600 at the game in the paBt two days. With the Judge were arrested W. F. Matlock, mayor of Pendleton; his brother; Tom B&paer; Charles Babb, a well known horseman of eastern Oregon; Dr. K N. Davis of Portland and others. Robertson, who is known as one of the most daring poker players in Port land rented the room In the imperial, which is kept by Phil Motschan, former state treasurer, and which la one of the leading hotels. Here he has been conducting hia game for several weeks, until raided last night. The men were taken to the nolle station, but were not booked. Don't Be llliopsed Upon. FoIhv & Co. Clilosgo. originated Qoney and Tar aa a throat Hnd lung remedy, and on account of the great merit unit popularity ot Foley's Money and Tar manv imitations are offered for the genuine. Auk for Foley's Hon ey and Tar and reluse any substitute offered us no othor preparation will give the same i-aiisiaciioii. It is mildly lux-itivc. It ironuuns no opiates and is Baiest for children and delicate persona Forealu at the Medford Pharmacy. MONEY-LENDER MURDERED. Former 8an Francisco Man 18 Killed In Montana. Lewltown, Mont., Aug. 26. Samuel Studzlnskl, a fur buyer and pawn broker, was murdered here some time last night. The crime was discovered when e friend went to Studzinskl's shop to do. liver the mall. Ho had been hit on the head by a blunt Instrument and al most instantly killed. A trunk and suit case were standing open, their contents having been stolen. On the victim's breast the murderer had placed- a small card upon which had been written in blood "K. C, Number 17," and a similar card was found on the front of a small heating stove In the same room. Studzlnskl was 67 years old and had resided In San Fran cisco for many years before coming to Lewiston. He had been here six years. A Cold Settled In His Kidneys. A. J. JennesBee, 9201 Butler St., Chicago writes: "I am a -witnhman acd am out in all kinds uf weather, 1 took acolu'which settled in my kidneys and I whs in bad shape. I tried sevur- I advertised remedies with no benetlt, ti til I was recommended to try Foley's Kidney Cure. Two-thirds of a bottle er.red me.' r or sale at the Meuiora pnarm:icy. President Wheeler to Speak at Fair. Berkeley, Aug. 26 President W'lie ! er left last night for Portland, Ore to take part in the Conference on Education which will be hold from Augu.it 28 to September 2, under the auspices of the Committee on Con gresses of the Lewis ami Clark Expo sition. He will deliver an address on "The Relation of the Pacific Coast to Education in the Philippines and Other Transpacific Countries." The conference will be attended by a large number of educators from the Pacific Northwest. Are yon lacking in strength and vigor? Are you weak I A10 yon li oiilnr Do vou teal all run down The blessing of health and strength come to al) who use Hollister's Roekv Mountain Teu. Dr. Hiukle's Drug store, Central Point. TOUR OF TAFT NEARING END. Citizens of the Capital of Albay Prov ince Drape the Trees, Manila, Aug. 26. The transport Lo gan with Secretary Taft and party on board arrived at Legaspl, the capital of Albay province, Luzon. The dec orations, displayed In honor of the visitors were decidedly Ingenious and highly elaborate. An Interesting dis play of hemp, the main source of wealth of the community, was a feat ure of the reception parade, and jl'ing the entire route of three miles irotn the city to Camp Daraga, trees, at Intervals of every twelve feet, were draped with the valuable fiber. A banquet was apread at noon at which Senator Long ot Kansas made a very effective speech, during which he virtually promised that the privil eges of free trade would be granted to the islands, for the reason that from them, there was no fear of competi tion in any pronounced form. Before leaving. Miss Roosevelt was presented with many interesting sou venlrs by citizens. The Logan arrived at Sorsogon, a town In Albay, about twenty-three miles south of Legaspl. On Monday morning, August 28 she will put in al Olongapo ,the naval base of the Amorl can Philippine squadron, arriving at Manila on the evening of the same day. "v.. Like Finding Money. Findine health is like finding money so ti inks those who are sic . When you have a cnugb, co'd, sore throat or chei-t Irritation, better act promptly like W O. Barber, ol Hirn'v l.evei, V He sav-:! had a terrible chest trouble caused bv smoke and co:l dust on nu lling. Vint, after finding no relief in other remedies, I was cured by Dr Kine s New Discovery for consump tion. Cmiuhs anil Colds " Greute't chI- of any cough or lung medicine in the world. At Chas. Strang s drug -tore. 20c and 1.00, guaranteed. Trial bottle free. BENEATH WATER MAKE8 A DESCENT IN IOM0 ISLAND SOUND ON 8UBMA MARINE BOAT. Chief Executive Expresses His Delight at Novel Experience submsrgso for Fifty Minutes. Oyster Bay, Aug. 26. President Roosevelt late yesterday, afternoon made a descent in Long Island sound on board the submarine torpedo boat Plunger. He was aboard the vessel about three hours. At one time thi little boat was submerged for fifty minutes, and In that time was put through all of the submarine feats ol which she is capable. The president expressed his delight at the novel ex perlence, and said that he waa I in mensely Impressed with the boat and with the manner In which Bhe was handled. In thus braving the dang ers of submarine maneuvering th6 president has endeared himself to na val officers and men the world over. The president's Intention not only to make a personal inspection of the tiny vessel likely to prove so deadly In naval warfare, but to make a sub marine descent In it, was reached at ter a conference with Lieutenant Nel son. The president hns long desired tn watch the operations of a submarine at close range, and before tins wouiu have made a trip In one bad he not been deterred from taking the riBk by the advice of his friends and official associates. Convinced by the logic of Lieutenant Nelson, he arranged to take a trip on the Plunger and to have the little vessel perform all her wonderful feats while he was on board. The special trial of the boat with the President on board, took place between 3 and 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon in Long Island sound, just off the entrance to Oyster Bay. After many maneuvers had been performed Lieutenant Nelson ordered all the lights on board to be ex tinguished to demonstrate how thor oughly the members of his crew know their business. They worked per fectly In the Inky darkness, evidently with as much skill and ease as If they performed their duties in the glare ol the electric light. During the operations of the Plun ger, the tender Apache remained with in a short distance prepared to rendor any assistance that might be necos sary. She was not needed however, and the Plunger returned to her moor ing near the J. Wiest Roosevelt pier without any untoward accident. The president shook hands with all the crew as he left the vessel to return to Sagamore Hill. Dining Car Off the Track. Redding, Aug. 26. The dining car San Pedro ran off the track at Delta yesterday morning and delayed the southbound express two hours. The same car ran of at the same place on August mill, when M. D. Wltten. porter, was hurt. Numerous and Worthless. Everything is In the name when it comes to Witch Hazel Salve. E. C. DeWiH& Co. ol Chicago discovered some yea-s ago how to make a fitlve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for mles. for blind, bleeniug. itching and P"otruding piles, eezi-ma, cuts, burns bruisf and all skin diseases De-Wlll s salve has no equal. This bus given rise to numerous worthiest! counterfeits. Ask for De Witt's the genuine, f-'old by Cliu-i. Strang. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. Mne Blanche Fredin. a dlatlmniinha French woman. Is dead at Cincinnati rom pneumonia. She was the organ izer in this country of the Alliance Francala and was widely known In llerary circles. Six thousand union carpenters of Boston have received an Increase In their wages from 3 to 3.28 for an eight-hour day. After twelve years of tedious and painstaking work the offlolals of the World's Fair at Chicago have succeed ed in closing up the affairs of the con cern. There Is 120,000 for stockhold ers who cannot be found. The emperor of Korea, on the oc casion of his birthday yesf.erday granted an audience to the diplomatic corps and distinguished foreigners re siding in Seoul, While the steamer Panama was on her way up the coast to San Francisco an Infant died on the vessel and was burled at sea. WHY BE RAY OEBMATOLOOHST Mils. SETTIE HARRISON'S 4-DAY HAIR RESTOREE Will bring back tlie nntnrnl rolnr. Jr:i r faded bnir restored penn:iin-u;ly w . ' lit ineenventenee jili'I ui'It no .'.iV. 1 Me after effects. ,'ot ft dye; i e1 in cavs no sed'mcnt, tnid liots iiotln.i!;i X nir -.-. '1.0". Uri. VtKTT"? initnKOt. -1. i.t el '."Til- M ,. ,-n Vnr. . t . ' "o lif-ir. !i.. mi l-'reneineo, Cn! Sold by Leon Haskins, Medford. ViDE FOR HIS LIFE. A Nevada Man Has an Experience He Doesn't Want Repeated. Reno, Nev Aug. 26. R. S. Barlow, assistant manager of the Florlston Pulp and Paper company, had a thrill ing experience while horseback rid ing last night. As a result he is now suffering from a number of Berloua bums about the body, face and hands, while the hair on bis bead has been entirely destroyed. Barlow had been carrying on some experiments In the paper mill, and placed a Quantity of phosphorus and another compound In his coat pockets, when he started on his evening rids. The chemicals were scattered about his clothing, and in mixing they, lg. nlted. In a moment his clothing was a mass of flames. The fire frightened the horse, which ran away, literally carrying Its human torch through the woods, around precipices and over gullies. Barlow, when he brought the horse to a stop, Jumped to the ground and tore his clothing from his body; not, however, before he had sustained serious Injuries. He will recover. Prolific Married Couple. Allentown, Pa., Aug. 2G. Mr. and Mrs. Allen C. Depp of Hickory Run, with the appearance uf twins yester day, are the parents of twenty-three children. The parents are only forty years old and claim to have the larg est family in America, age considered. They were married eighteen yearn ago. Six pairs of twins are now num bered In the family circle. Depp is employed as a section foreman on a railroad. Best for Children. Mothers, be careful for the health of your children. Look out for coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping cough. Stop tlium in lime One Minute Cough (Jure Is the bept remedy. Harmless and pleasant. Contains no opiutes. A L, Sprtfford, postmaster at Chester, Michigan says: ' Our little pirl was unconcious ilurinir a sudden ami terlble a Muck of croup Three doses half an hour appart of One Miuute Cough cure speedily cured her." Sold by Chas Strai.g. Held Under Water Until Drowned. Redding, Aug. 26. While trying tc recover from Clear creek a coon ht brother had shot, last night Ben Mar tinez, the son of 6. G. Martinez oi French Gulch, became entangled lr roots beneath the surface of the watei and could not release himself. He was drowned, while his brother and fathei searched In vain for him. Cured of Lame Back after 15 Years of Suffering. IT ,..., hl..,l ith liimn huelr for fifteen years and l found a com plete recovery in the use of Chainl er- !..:..-. U..I.. nlm .... .Inlin fl Uialmr Gillain, Iud. Tnis liniment Is alto without an equal fur tprains and bruis es. It is for sale by CntiB. Strang. PEONS OF OLD MEXICO, I ml Inn Farm Laborer That Ar Really Bcnatn ot Burden. Tho Mexican peon is the backbone of the republic. Without him tho great landed estates, or haciendas, would lie In idleness, while agricultural and com mercial interests would stagnate. Of n cast iron constitution, he can endure, apparently without effort, the hardest sort of drudgery. His energy comes from n diet that consists chiefly of ground peppers, beans or frljoles and a large quantity of tortillas. He works from U to 0, enjoying In tho meantime his two simple meals. In general, the Indian fnrm laborers are of a submis sive and respectful disposition. Like the negroes of the south, they arc not far from the twain building, so ns to be on band whenever their services are required. They usually Insist, Ujow evor, on celebrating their holidays, which lessens their rcnl usefulness about 25 per cent. The holidays are numerous and afford the laborer many opportunities to quaff from the stupe fying pulque bowl. Their stock of sur plus change Is not apt to be excessive. It cannot be when moat of them re ceive but little over 20 cents a day. Field bands In the states of Guanajua to, Mlchaocnn and Querctaro receive a cuartlllo of com in addition to their wages of 12 cents a day. One haclen dado who voluntarily raUed the wages of bis hands to IS cents a day found himself without laborers for two dajs of the week. As the extra wages sup plied living means for the entire week, what was the need of working? These laborers are of all sizes and ages; but, whether young or old, all bear alike upon their brow the depress ing and degrading leathern thong that makes of them beasts of harden. The effect of this customary strap on the shape of the head Is seen tn the fact that the peons the country over have peak shaped heads tending toward the shape of the pointed hat The supply of laborers ffl, so to speak, perennial. The young muchacho receives his train ing In watching the sheep and the goats, acting as messenger or prodding the burros In the pack train. When he Is about sixteen years old ho takes his place with the regular laborers and be gins to cast his eye about for a help mate. The wife may prove useful and earn a small wage at some such opera tion aa sowing seed. Her life will be a monotonous one. A strip of cloth serves as dress and skirt, a strip of leather provides a sandal, and In the hot re gions the clothing for the boys Is even as simple. All that Is required Is a Jorongo, which consists of a yard of cotton cloth with a bole for the bend and two depending flaps to cover breast and back. There Is no possibili ty of their clothing Impeding their movements. When the woman takes her husband's meal to him far out in tho fields, she takes the little toddler with her fastened securely In her re bozo. Pilgrim. Children Must Attend School. ' Alameda, Aug. 25. The Board ol Education hns nppolntnd R. O. llomtln truant officer. Ho has bnen r;von o list of (he rhlldron nf tho w Thr' should bo In ntl.r.n nnl Mi - A-tj pafft nil rifi wh""n ' ' f , SllbhCHhe I :j r I'll M" DEATH IN TRAIL OF HOMES ARE WASHED AWAY BY THE DOWNPOUR OF WATER 8. Twt Town In Colorado" Are Deluged and Many llvee Lost In the Calamity. Trinidad, Colo., Aug. 26. According to Information received from Hastlngi yesterday morning possibly fourteen persons were drowned In a flood al Tabasco, sixteen miles north of Trlni I dad, last night. Several houses occu ! pled by Italian laborers and their fam J Dies were swept away. At noon Coroner Espey received a messeage from Hastings stating that five bodies had been recovered. The coroner left immediately for th scene of the flood. Joseph Veltrl, his wife and three children are reported to have been drowned, their house at Tahaco hav ing been washed away. The Colorado and Southern branch line to Berwln was washed away and a heavy volume of water rushed down the canyon all night, making it Im possible to penetrate to the point where the loss of life Is said to have occurred. Rumors are in circulation that twelve to twenty housos were Bwept down the canyon and twenty five to thirty lives lost. These reports nro still unverified. Traffic on the Colorado Southern, the Santa Fe and the Denver and Rio Grande railways Is Interrupted owing to washouts In this vicinity. Tabasco and Berwln, coal mining camps, having together about 2000 population, are located In Rhode can yon, a usually dry arroyo. This cloud burst is the first that has occurred there since the towns were estab lished. Berwln is a mile below Ta basco, and the flood was not of so great force there as at Tabasco, much of tho water having sunk In the sand and run off Into tributary arroyos Considerable damage was done to the Colorado Fuel and Iron and the Colo rado and Southern Railway compan ies' property. A party leaving Trini dad for the scene of the flood was un able to get tin o ugh on account of washouts. A Skin Game. "Things arc not always what they seem," said an officer of one of the big leather companies tho othor day at a gathering of leather men. "Onco upon a time there were six good little goats In a field. They tiled young, like all good little gouts with good skins, and the fellow who was responsible for their death shipped those skins to a tannery. - When they came out the skin of ono little goat was an elephant's hide, that of the bccoihI little goat was a monkey skin, that of the third was a sealskin, the fourth a sea Hon, the fifth n green frog skin and the skin of the sixth enmc out a beautiful walrus hide." New York Times. rrutiiiioleN' LarKe FamlUea. Few birds have larger families than the bjghholc, but, were It not for the number of his family, how could he hold his own among so many enemies? Ills conspicuous size and color always make blm a shining mark to the col lector, for every village lad In the laud has collected flickers' eggs. Ho Is a fellow of expediency, however. If his home is robbed, his wife soon lays an other set of ggs. It Is on record that ono pair, when tested by the removal of egg after egg, laid Bevonty-one eggs in seventy-three days. St. Nicholas. SPRAINS S. A. Road, CIhcu, Texiis, wrltus, March 11, 1UU1; "My wrisi was Jprain ed si Imclly bv a full that it was utelUH Htw alter using sevonil remt'dVa that fnikd to give ruliul, lined Billiard V Snow Liniment, and wits cured. 1 uariteHtly recommend it to any oim suffering from spruliiB." UIkj, 50c, $1.00. Hold by Cha. Strang. II I till en TrcBuoro In England. In Unglaml when hidden treasure Is found the law requires the coroner to bold an inquest over it. Formerly It was a coroner's duty to bold an In quest In case of a burglary. A statute of Edward I. decrees that "when cor oners are commnnded by the king's bailiffs or by the honest men of the county thoy shall go to me places where any be slain or suddenly dead or wounded or where bouses are bro ken or where treasure Is said to be found and shall forthwith command four of the next towns, or five, or six, to appear before him In such a place." The AbMMhed Shark. In a recent article on Americans nu English writer gives the following us a characteristic American after dinner story. Its subject being a politician in bathing: "All nt once a shark, n man eater, was coming the other way and swam up squarely In front of him. They eyed each oilier for a moment, and thou the shark blushed und sped away." FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE Will cure any case of Kidney or Bladder disc a bo that it not beyond tho reach of medicine. GIVEN up to on. B. flottmL 1201 N. Virginia St.. KranirtfU. !nd writoi : "For over four jean I wu Iron bled with a kidanr and bladder affection. 1 teat (Jaili and waa tmablo to work. Throe phrilolana failed to help ma aud I was ulna tip to dla. Poler'a Klduef Cnr waa recommended and the Oral bottle are me reat relief and after takliiff lb ftocoud boltla 1 waaDlireljr eared." Two SU SO Cinta and 1.00 Tor rol hi iK I edli rd 1 1 am ay Baklna Watoaea. "I will bo with yon In a moment. I must finish the baking of this batch of watches first." The speakor was a jeweler. Ho said us he worked: "I supposo you are surprised nt the Idea of watch baking. I v:.l explain. The machinery of a w.tt.b is dolleute, yet it must work tin same In winter as in summer, the t, i.:ic In Russia as in Cairo, tho same in tho Sahara as In Iceland. There is only one way to ac complish this the watch must be reg ulated to heat and cold. "I am regulating these watches to boat.;. Afterward,. In a refrigerator, I will regulate them to cold. Then when they go out In the world the; won't disgrace themselves In any cli mate. Chronometers must be regulat ed moro carefully than watches. They are often kept for weeks In temperu turea that are now utro and now 120 degrees." Philadelphia Bulletin. Incitutlvee to Murrlatrc. Apparently the (ierinan town of Hnschmuun does not believe in a state of single blessedness, Annual prizes are offered to tho men who wed the ugliest, the most deformed and the old est women in the town. Eighty dollars Is paid to the man who marries the ugliest, whtlo but $00 Is the reward for the one marrying the cripple. -All wom en over forty who have been jilted at least twice bring their spouses sums which vary according to the state of tho fund, which wos loft by a rich resident of the town. The average price paid Is $50 to each unless they should be unusually numerous, while the trustees aro empowered to pay n larger sum when, lu their judgment, It seems wise to hold forth a special In ducement to procure the marriage of Borne particularly unfortunate woman. CnrloMltlfN About Wood. The strongest wood which growB within the limits of the United States Is that known as nutmeg hickory, which flourishes on the lower Arkansas river. Tho most elastic Is tamarack, the black or shellbark stnndlng not far below. Tho wood with tho least elas ticity and lowest specific gravity Is the Fiscus a u re a. The wood of tho high est specific gravity Is the blue wood ot lexas and Mexico. The heaviest of the foreign woods are tho pomegranate and the lignum vltao, and the lightest Is cork. Four huudred and thirteen different species of trees grow In the various sections of tho country, and of this number sixteen, when perfectly seasoned, will sink in water. These woods of high specific gravity grow mostly In the arid regions of New Mex ico, Arizona und Nevada. No Itenaon For Tiro Tripe. rntrlek's wife was "ailing," and Pat rick put on his Sunday best 'and walked four miles to the doctor's house to tell him about her. "Now," said the doctor, when he had heard all Patrick had to say and had prepared some medicine, "here Is something for your wife. I've written the directions on (lie bottle and I waul her to try It faithfully for a fortnight. Then, if It doesn't relievo her, come to me again and I will give you an other prescription." "Now, doc t her, see here," said Pat rick, staudlng straight aud looking grimly at the physician. 'Mf you have your doubts o' tills curln' Mary, as It's ivldentyou have by the way you spake, why don't you give mo first what you're goln' to give hie last?" Torpedo IIoHtit. Torpedo boats do not ram tho ves sels against which they operate; they simply discharge self propelling torpe docs which. If they strike the vessel, explode and sink or otherwise damngt' it. Then, If not sunk by the enemy's lire, the torpedo boat runs away and a Tier Inking on more -torpedne In ready for .service again. Torpedo boaM arc built very light and of enormous speed. They cannot resist gun tire and are cosily sunk If hit oven by com paratively light shot; therefore they operate to host advantage lu the night, so that the threatened (loot has to be very wide awnke with Its searchlights aud its light guns. An Odd SSmlli. A Scotch minister who used similes tli at would bring home to the rough characters, around him tho truttis be sought to Impress was once denounc ing the ingratitude of man for all the benefits conferred on him by Provi dence. "My friends," be said, "look at tho hens when they drink. There's not anc o' tli em but lifts its held In thank fulness even for the water that Is sao common. Oh, that we were a' hens!" Not Tio Much Fur Our Good. "Lawd," prayed tho old colored dea con, "please give ub In dls worl whar we llvln' ot; all do prosperity we kin stand, but w'en we gits dizzy wld It en goes ter celebrutiu' too much des send 'long old Hr'er Trouble tor moko us sit ntlddy In de boat, en we'll be mighty thankful!" Atlanta Constitu tion. Aonompllahmentsi, Muggins My dnughter will be a great catch for Borne one. Hbo can cook or write poetry with equal can? and effectiveness. Juggins Well, my daughter can wrlto poetry. I never snw her try to cook It, but I'll hot she could. Cleveland header. Diamond Cat Diamond. "This Is a hard world," growled the chronic kicker. "ThaPs whatl" replied the observunt man, "The only tiling with which you can make an impression on It Is 'rockfl.' "Exchange. Cowards die many times before their death; the valiant never taste of death hut once. Shakespeare. Attsukfd hy a Mob und beaten, tn a lab u rim, until cover el with poreit. a ChifHffo street cur con ductor applied lijckien's Arnica Halve, Had wax booh iMmndaml we!'. '1 used it (m my family," write H. J. Welch, of TeboiiBha, Mich, "and llnd It per led" Simply great for cum and burn. Only 2-ji: at (ban. Strain V drug Htore, twrpeao coat Destroyer Launched Toklo, Aug. 2(5. Tho torpedo bo?l destroyer Nnnnhl bos bon hiinphf-il at Kuro. This Is tho flfth of tho now fleet of twenly-flvn dCBtroyers under construction In lw inni,r,j PLAN BOLD ROBBERY RAILROAD DETECTIVES ARREST A PAIR OP THIEVES, A MAN AND WOMAN. Clilcnito. Aug. ail. Tim mysterlqut dlBsppearance of hundreds of trunks and other baggage from railroad trains and station's In Chicago, St. Paul and Denver during the past two years ha. Just been revealed through the' arrest of Roy Atdrlch, alias Roy Espey, ol California, and a woman slvlng hei name aa Daisy Dean and her home'ai Denver. ' They were arrested on a charge of stealing furniture from store In the Masonlo Temple. When their rooms were searched the police found a large number of trunks and suit cases and a profusion of the moB expensive clothing and toilot article, for men and women. Miss Dean confessed to the police yeBterday her participation In a scheme which has caused a large num ber of railroads to loan . ...t ... of valuable baggage. The scheme was simple. They would take a trunk, satchel or suit case con taining only a shirt or some other ar ticle of clothing and check It to some nearby point. After the trunk was placed in the baggage car either the man or the woman would go to the baggage agent, hand him a half dollar, show tho check and ask to be allowed' to open the trunk or satchel In order to get out a clean shirt or some other article. In not a single case did tho b..... master refuse the request. While os lensmiy getting something out of one trunk to wear the man ni wnn-.t would exchange the check on the empiy irunK or valise for one on the best appearing trunk or valise In the car. Wfhen the train reacharl th Hnafin. atlon to which the dummy baggage bad been shipped, Aldrlch would Immedi ately present the duplicate of the check which he had transferred to another trunk, get It, and take It to his room. When the owner of thn .n.ni called for It he would be offered th dummy trunk of the sharpers. Dotectlvos of the roads are now trying to trace the stolen properly. The Doan woman admits that much of it has been stored in vnrlmin naa but so far she has refused to reveai wnere. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy c Aids Nature. Medicines that aid nnturo are always most effectual. Cbnmberluin's Cough UeiiH'dy ne-is on Hub plan, lb allays the cough, relieves the luiuifi, aids ex pectoraiion, opens the seerolions, und aids naiuru in restoring the system .to healthy condition. Sold by Chas. Strang. Two Tit lew of Mac rend)-. H Is nut always well to strut and fret one's little hour upon the stage too realistically. .Maeready, who threw himself Into his acting heart and -soul, used to tell funny stories about tliccf I'eet of his easy, colloquial manner upon the players collected for bis com pany In small provincial (owns. Oneo in the play of "William Tell" be turned lo one of these stupid rustles and put the question, "Do you shoot V' so natu rally that .(he man v;rt quite thrown off his guard, and. to his horror, replied, "A litllc, sir, but I've never had a gu with one oi iln::i ernssb.iws." Auolher time In irgiulus" he asked, "Do you wait for me to lead Virginia In, or will you do so"' only to be greeted unex pectedly hy the actor who played lell ius with, "Why, really, sir, I don't care; just as you do It in f.ondou." Sennit. In Polynesia (it id (be racllic Islnnds generally tho outer busk of the cocoa nut Is braided Into slramls of uniform texture, known to the natives as sen nit and used hy them for a variety of purposes. The fromcwork of their houses Is held together by braided sen nit, and the strakes of their boats aro united by It. It is the staple from which siring Is made to bind the ad'tt blade to Its handle and to tie (ho dif ferent parts of their implements se curely together. In shurl, whatever things are nailed or screwed or pegged or glued lu Mhcr lands are tied togeth er with sennit by the south sea is lander. One IjOKired Dlnnir Pnrty. A certain gentleman, the possessor of a cork teg, living in one of the Lou don suburbs annuully gives a dinner to a dozen owners of a like substitute. In the center of the table arc grouped four crutches, around which twine fes toons of tin wers; miniature legs In Ivory compose the ha tulles of tho knives and forks, while the piece do resistance Is invariably a magnificent turkey that has been deprived of a leg before being brought to table. RnffllNli KIrIi l.nwjs.. Kish, because of Its tendency rapidly to decompose, holds a peculiar position among foods. In ICnglatul It Is the h object of a special act of parliament. So long ago as lliDS men knew tho evil consequences resulting from eating mackerel of uncertain post mortem ago, so they passed an act providing that except during the hours of divine serv ice this fish could be sold on Sunday. That act has never been repealed. Mnklnit It IMnln. Saplelgh Oh, 1 any, Miss Hammer ton, why is It that you aro always out when I call? Miss II a miner ton Hccausc I'm foolish, I supposo. Bap Ielgh-I er beg pardon! Miss Ham merlon -Well, you know the old say lug, "A foul for luck." Sleep. If the muscles aro not tired, there cannot be a full demand for sleep, un less, of course, tho brain has been overworked. Healthy bodily exercise, carried to tho point of rendering rest sweetly welcome, Is ono natural means of promoting sleep.