The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, September 01, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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School Days! School Shoes!
School Days
will 8(101) l)B
11th, and
your boys amT
girls must bo
ready fur
"Little Red
School House'
SHOES have a
national reputa
tion. We have
lately added a
line of this cele
brated footwear
and reccoinmend
them fur service
as School .Shoes.
Box Call', Chililrens, Si to 11, price $1.50; cheaper quality, M.'Ji
1U lo 2, price $1.75; $1.50
MiFSes Dongola Bluchers, SI to 11, price $1.50.
,. 11 to 2, price $2 00.
Boy'u 9 to 131, price $1 .75; others at - - $125 for pair.
Boy's Bluchers, 13J to 2, price $2.00; others at $1.50 per pair.
Other Children's Shoes in patent leathers and fine Dongola at
$1.75, $2.00 and $2c0 per pair.
Dry Goods. Shoes.
J. H. Butler, Funeral
Director, with .Medford
Furniture Co., House
furnishers and Under
takers. Day 'Phone
Main 353. Night Phone
Main I 15
The Medford Furniture Co. re
moved thoir undertaking parlors this
week to the now quarters in the Boy
don brick, recently finished, just hack
of the Btoro. The parlors are being
neatly fitted up and when completed
will be second to none in Southern
Oregon. The Medford Furniture Co.
also has the second floor of the build
ing, beside half of the lower floor, and
will US' the latter for storing extra
stock of their large and complete line.
The firm has been badly cramped for
room and this additional spuco will
enable them to handle thoir business
much more easily. The goods will be
transported from the lower to the up
per story by means of a largo freight
elevator, the first apparatus of the
kind ever used in this city.
Want to buy Lots or plat of
ground, close in, upon which to erect
a number of cottages. Apply to G.
Xi. Schermerhorn. 27-tf
A party waB over from Klamath
Falls Monday and while here made the
purchase of a complete outfit for fur
nishing a thirteen roomed lodgiug
house in the Falls city. After looking
over tho stocks in storos at Ashland
and getting prices the party came to
Medford and purchased the entire
outfit of Weeks & Baker. There wore
175 rolls of wall paper, 150 yards of
bed room carpeting, complete furni
ture for twelve bed rooms and a par
lor aud hall, togother with tapestry
carpeting for hall and stairs. Pretty
good order that was ; but it has al
ways been . that way Medford mer
chants beat 'em all on complete
stocks of latest pattern goods aud
on prices.
When you want bagains liko those,
that are reliable: 200 acres; 100 acres
in cultivation, 30 acres In alfalfa, 25
acres in coin, balance in wheat, bar
ley and oats. All fouced and cross
feuced. One lloreford bull, hogs, all
kinds of farming implements ; 22 miles i
from Medford. Good roads aud not ;
sticky. Price $4000. Crop goos at i
above price and worth 91500. 80 acres,
20 acroB of whoat, 8 acres in bearing
orchard, mostly apples. 1 milf s ;
from Medford; price, cash, $800, why I
eoe, White &. Trowbridge, West Sido.
The steel for the Medford & Crat- j
or Lake railroad Is laid to the Bullock :
place, about a mile beyond the Beari
crook bridge and the work is progres
sing satisfactorily. Superintendent
Kelly is working a force of between
twelve and seventeen men, some days
the greater number, some days tho
lesser, He is somewhat handicapped
in being unable to secure the right
kind of men. As he expressed it:
"Tracklaying is pretty heavy work
and it takes a pretty good man to
stay with it until they get used to it
I've got a pretty good crew now,
The nicest stock of the uicest sta
tionary can be found at Russell's con
fectionery store. The stock is all new
and you will find the prices right.
W. H. Brown, the gentleman who
purchased the Carroll oichard, is mar
keting a crop of very fine peaches
right now. His daily shipments to
Portland of Alberta peaches is fifty
boxes. An idea as to the size of the
fruit may be arrived at when we Bay
to you that forty-six of thorn are all
that can possibly be gotten into a
box. Andy Chalk, than whom there Is
no better packer of fruit or finer gen
tleinan in the valley, is superintend
ing tho packing of Mr. Brown's fruit
and no complaints come back as to
poor packing.
If you want Sweet Cream you can
got it at tho Creamery. 25 cents per
quart nnd lo cents per pint.
There is an ordinauoe prohibiting
the obstruction of tho railroad cross
ing on Seventh street by any train for
more than five minutes. This ordi
nance is frequently violated by South
em Pacific freight trains; Wednes
day morning the crossing was ob
structod for fully thirty minutes un
til Policeman Roberts compelled the
train crew to "cut the crossing.
With only one crossing for five blocks
tho oostruction of Seventh street
inconveniences the public greatly and
should not bo permitted.
G. W. Priddy, the export brick
maker, has a kiln of superior brick
just burnt which ho is selling at rea
sonable prices.
The foundation of the Karnes &
Rittor-Kelly building was finished the
first of the week and the brick laying
commenced Wednesday and will be
pushed as rapidly as possible. Con
tractor Priddy has a whole lot of ma
terial on tho ground, so that there
will be no delay in putting up the
structure. The wood wotk on this
building is being put in by the Iowa
Lumber & Box Co. ,and G. L. Schem
erhorn is superintendent of the work.
Dr. Goble's office is in Butler's
jewelry store, where be may be found
every Saturday.
W. E. Bodge, Glendale's popular
tailor, has sent his household belong
ings to Rose burg, where he has de
cided to open a tailor shop. Mrs.
Bodge departed Wednesday evening
for a brief visit with relatives at Mod-
See The
Japanese Mush Bowls
ford, after which she will join her
husband at the county seat The best
wishes of a host of friends ucoompany
them to their new home. Glendale
Vou will do well to got your school
tablets at KUBseirs. ikwi
Stan Alkoo waB in trom Prospect
yesterday. He tolls that the two
different gangs of ditch men are
working full handed on upper Rogue
river. With all these enterprises close
to Mr. Aiken's door bis big Red
Blanket ranch will soon be a propezty
which some big capitalist will need In
his business.
J. G. Fryer, late of California,
has purchased fifty-one acres of the
Major Barron property, near Medford,
the consideration being 97500. Mr,
Fryer will take possession of his pur
chase at once. The sale was made
through the agency of the Roguo
River Laud Co.
Guaranteed Forest Kotierve scrip
for t?a)e, in metre or small q mm u ties
bv Frank E. Alley, iimst'tirs over .Land
Otllce, Rosehuri;, Oregon. Will place
same for non-resiauiit purchasers.
Major Audrus, who has been hav
ing a serious time for the past couple
or three weoks with poison oak, is
able to be about agaiu, but is still
wearing a bandage over one eye. In
many places on his faoe the poison
oak ate the flesh away as deep aB the
B. I, Stonor has resigned bis po
sition at "The Medford" bar, and to
day (Friday) assumed charge of the
Hotel Naeh bar. After this the penial
Barney will dispense liquid refresh
ments at the last named place. W. A,
Hutton succeeds him at Young &
For Sale A new ten-horse boiler
complete. Enquire of Medford Iron
W orks.
The Vroman and Birdsoy placeB,
near Rook Point, have been bonded
for large sums and will be prospected
with a view to dredging operations.
The soil is said to prospect 25 cents
to the cubic yard and is from 20 to 110
feet deep with few large boulders.
E, E. Bowen, lawyer. Miles
block, Medford, Oregon. Generallaw
business transacted. 21-tf.
A very pleasant danoing party was
held at Wilson's opera house Saturday
evening. Quite a good -b) zed company
of the dovoteeB of Toriohore gathered,
tho floor was in fine condition aud the
niu?io by Miller's orchestra was, as
it always is, first-claBS.
Blue prints of township maps,
showin? all vacant land, fifty cents
each. For reliable information con
cerning Government land write to
Prank E. Alley, Abstractor, Roseburg,
. H. E. Ankeny was in Medford
Friday last, on his way from Eugene
to Klamath county. Mr. Ankony Ib
an enthusiastic believer in the future
of Klamath county, when the govern
meut irrigation schome becomes an
accomplished fact.
Among the reoent incorporations
which have filed articles with tho sec
retary of state is the Bartel Plumbing
Co., of Portland, in which R. A.
Proudfoot, formerly of Medford, is
mentioned as one of the incorporators.
Foundations for tho brick build
ings being erected by T. H. M:ore ou
the west sido, are about completed
aud the material for tho structures is
being placed on the ground in readi
ness for rapid completion of tho work.
G. W. Pugb, the gontlemau who
recently purchased tho T. F. Wost
residence, on North A stroit, has had
men at work painting tho same and
improving the apearanco of the placo
A city main burst near tlie South
ern Pacific depot Wednesday night
aud Thursday morning the streets
wore flooded with water. Repairs
were promptly made Thursday fore
uoon. OIlu Whitman is acting us ware
houseman at the Southern Pacific de
pot, while Will Boyd, the regular man,
is taking his vacation, which he iB
spending at bis old home in Pugene.
The Diano recital to be given by
Flori Gray Friday evening, Sept. 8tb,
is the first of a series of recital 8 to be
given in turn by the advanced mem
bers of Mrs. E. E. Gore's class,
B. P. Thoiss & Co., wholesale
grocers of thisoity, received a carload
of sugar Monday. They will have a
carload of meat in the last of this
week or the first of next.
The Cneteo Copper Co., of Ash
land, C. W. Evans, Thomas H. Gil
ham aid Clyde A. Payne incorpora
tors, has filed articles with a capital
stock of $1,000,000.
C. W. Palm reports the sale
through bis agency of two acres in the
Mingus tract, west of Medford, to Ed
ward Gutchos for a consideration of
Three horses belonging to the Bar
nam & Bailey circus were Bick when
taken from the cars here Saurday and
one of them died during the day.
F. D. TuVelle, the gentleman who
purchased the Kleinhammor oro bards,
ia having the buildings on the farm
painted and fixed up generally
Toe offices of the New York &
Western Mining Co , have been re
moved from Grants Psbs to tbe Oregon
Belle mine on ForeBt creek
Southern Pacific passenger trains
are running in three and four sec
tions so heavy is tbe travel to and
from the fair.
J. L. Wilson, one of the good
farmers of Griffin creek, is enlarging
his barn and ctherwaya improving his
Edmond Judy, out on Grifllu
creek, 1b Improving the appearance of
his farm buildings by the application
of paint.
Married At Koseburg, Oregon,
August 2.1, 1005, Ellsworth Goode, of
Medford, and Miss Ethel Wright, of
J. P. Wilder, the Phoenix fruit
man, was in Medford Tuesday with
another load of very flue strawbei
Verne Van .Dyke bus taken a po
sition as salesman in the dry goods
store of J, G, Van Dyke A Co.
Miss Lula McMillan commenced a
three mouths' term of school at the
Redtop school house on Monday.
Mrs. N. MoCaln is Buffering from
bilious fover. Or. StovenBon 1b In at
Guy Berlin baB taken a position
as salesman in E. N, Warner's groc
ery Btoro.
Commercial Club Meeting.
A meeting of the Commercial Club
was hold Tuesday evening at the club
rooms. There was not a very largo
attendance and mutters of most im
portance wore only discussed inform
ally, Tbe water situation was tbe
paramount issue in hand and several
projects for improving our wutor sys
tem were dicsussed, but no action
waB taken. The matter of construc
ting a wagon road from the head of
Gritfiu creek to the Sterling mine was
talked over quite at length aud Dr. J.
F. Reddy was appointed a committee
of one, with authority to appoint as
sociates, to make an inspection of the
proposed road and report Its prob
able cost.
It will prove very much to the in
terest of Medford merchants to have
this road constructed. Several years
ago a subscription was raised in Med
ford, by the publisher of this paper,
to build this road, but aB the county
commissioners would not at that time
give any assistance and would not
agree to keep the road In a passable
condition when built, the matter was
dropped. It was considered at that
time by all of us to bo a matter ot
great importance to Medford s bUBi
ness interoats. It is now of more im
portauce than at that- time and toe
matter should be takon hold of with
an avowed puipose of carrying the
project to completion.
Another matter came up and was
disoussed, which waB that of tho stand
ing of a number of the members of
the olub in their relation to the club
and its fin unco. Then aro over an
hundred members of the olub nnd
more than half of these are 'way bo-
hind iu the payment of their duOB.
Some havo not oven paid their initia
tion fee, nor have they paid any dues
wihle others have paid the Initiation
fee but have paid no dues. This is
not right. In fact it 1b all wrong.
No organization can exist and accom
plish anything for the good of the city
when moro than half its members are
not in good standing and aro not con
tribuiing to the fund wnich is ex
peoted to accomplish many things for
tho betterment of all our people.
Mahlon Purdin, tho secretary, is now
sending out statements to those in ar
rears and it is hoped that none will
refuse to respond. Tho club needs
tho dues of evory member and it
needs your wise counsel at its meet
The next meeting of the club will
be held Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock
at tho club rooms, and it is expected
tnero will be a large attendance.
Medford Hems.
l'loronco Walkor and family, who
went to Klamath Falls two months
sinoQ, returned to tho city Sunday,
Thy report Klamath county prosper
ous enough; plenty of work and would
have enjoyed themselves aud prolong
od their stay, but for tho festivo 11 y,
mosquito, and iutoloiable clouds of
James Grimes, a popular businc&B
man of Kiumath Falls, aoeompaniod
by his wifo and Stanley Vaugh, made
usn.bripf but pleasant call Friday,
ou their return trip home, uttor
two weeks of pleasure and recreation,
visiting the fumous Cutter Inko, Hue
kloborry patch and other places of in
terest in Southern Oregon. Mibs
Emma Grimes, of 1; odd ing, accompa
nied them homo for a mouths1 uut-ing
Our old veteran friend of tho Grand
Army, Mr. DoCouorass, of North C
street, who gave an arm in defeuse of
his coun'ry, is about to givo up tho
use of one leg in times of peace by
the sovere attack of dwolling and run
ning sores, which give the old gentle
man much pain and annoyance when
be Bhould be sitting in the shadiest
places and in health In bis declining
years. Dr, Stevenson Is iu attend
Pay More
for other
Davis' Best,
$1.00 per Sack
Every Sack Guaranteed.
J. n. Cochran is In Portland on a
business trip.
Mrs. J. I). Giay is visiting her
daughter, at Kouueth, Calif.
Rev. li. C, Brown returned Tues
day from a trip to Portland.
Wtn. Perry lett for Portland Mon
day morning, to see the fair.
Hiram Doubloday,of Big Butte, was
iu the city Tuesday, upon business.
J, II. Butler return od Suuday even
ing from a trip to Cluuabar springs.
Floyd Poarce, of hlagle Point, waB
in Modford Saturday, attendiug tho l
Minn Mollie Ray, of Ruch, is visiting :
in Medford, the guost of Miss Mabel !
Peter Britt, tho venerable Jackson
ville pioucor, was in Modford on busi
ness Tuesday.
Walter Kennedy aud family aro vis
iting relatives aud friends in Siski
you county, Calif.
Attorney A. S. Hammond, of Grants;
Pass, was iu Modford on professional i
business Tuesday.
Mrs. M. L. Alfordaud son have re
turuod from an outing of several
weeks at Newport.
Mrs. Wm. Parkinson, of Alameda,
Calif., is in Medford, upon a visit to
Mrs. Nellie Wing.
MIsb Maud McKeevor returned Sun
day from a two weeks vacation at
the Portland exposition,
J. D. Heard and family returned
Friday from a business and pleasuro
trip into Klamath county.
Mrs. Carl Crystal arrived Friday
from Sebastapool, Calif., on a visit to
relatives and friends bore,
P. W. Thomas, a nophow of I. W.
Thomas, of Chattanooga, Teun., and
family, are visiting the lattor.
Mr. aud Mrs. Ellsworth Goodo, Miss
Bortha Goode and Fay Anderson left
this week on a trip to Crater Inks.
Miss Luoy Hamilton ,of Wolf crook,
ueice of I. L. Hamilton, visited the
latter's family in Modford Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Young, of Gold
Hill, who have bebu visiting in Med
ford, returned home Tuesday evening.
Edythe Cranflll returned this woek
from a several weoks' visit with
friends iu Washington and at Pert-land.
Mrs. A. C. Allen loft Monday for
Seattle, where she will visit for a
mouth with nor sister, Mrs. R. S.
Capt. W. Ruwlings returned Friday
from an oxteuded visit t his old
home in Iowa and to other eastern
Miss Grace Pearce, of Poormans
creek, spent several days iu Medford
this weok, tho guest of hor cousin,
Mrs. J. D. Fay.
Clareuce Caso, accompanied by
Mr. Faskett, of Ohio, brother of Mrs.
Morris, of Boaglo, wore visiting iu
Medford Tuesday.
Mrs. B. P. Thoiss aud daughter,
Miss Goraldino,wbo havo boon at Col-
ostino for the past sovoral weeks, re
turned home Saturday,
Mr. aud Mrs. Myers, of Wiscon
sin, arrived in Modford Tuesday even
ing and two now out at Wellon, viBit
lug Mr. Myers' brother.
Mrs. D. T. Lawtoh and child ion re
turned Tuosdaj from tltoir toa weeks
visit to Portland, Seaside and points
in the Willamotte valley.
John GroyeiHou, one of tho soild
citizens of Mountain district, was
trading in Medford Tuesday; also
Wm. Scott, of IIogtiG rivor.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Strang and sou,
Fred, who have been spending a short
time attho Lewis and Clark oxposi
tiou, roturned homo Sunday,
Editor Voorhios, of tho (j runts Pass
Courier, was in Modford Saturday,
attending the circus aud mado this
oiliuo a pleasant fraternal call.
Mr. aud Mrs. W. J. Webb, of Rod-
ding, Calif., arrlvod in Medford last
week and will remain hero if they can
seouro a house In which to Hvo.
T. C. N orris and Chas. Milllgan,
with thoir families, and P. S. Enyurt
left Tuesday morning for the famous
berry patoh ou Huokloborry mountain.
Homer Rothermal, who has boon
employed in a Portland drug store
for tbe past several months, is visit
ing old frionds hero during his vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bodgo nnd
Mrs. J. E. Shearer, of GJondalo, wero
in Medford Saturday and Sunday, vis
iting old friends aud taking In the
H. M. Chamberlain was In last
week from Wagner creek. Tho gen
tleman has rooontly erected a fluo
barn on bis homoBtead, 30x40 foet
in bIzo.
Hon. and Mrs. W. I. Vawter and
sons, Mrs. E. II, Pickel and Mrs C. I.
Hutchison and daughtor returned :
Friday from a outing of soveral wooksj
at Nowport,
George Lynch, of Trail, was in Med-;
ford Saturday, taking in the circuB. I
Ho baa just returned from Silver J
lake, whero he has been for tho past
several mouths,
A C Allen and his foroman,George
Wolgamott, loft Wednesday for a two
or three weoks trip to Crator lako,
Pelican bay and other points of inter
est out that way.
Mrs. O. A. Boydnn, of Sheffield,
Illinois, vho has boon visiting her
B'Mi, Merchant H. K Hoyden, and
family for sorno time past, left on her
return home the first of the week.
Wiley Ha for, who has boon spending
To The Trade.
We want you all fco know
we are doing the business.
It is not because we are bet
ter than our competitors, but
because our goods and prices
VYe Handle
Cement, Plaster, Lath, Shin
gles, Wire Fencing and every
thing pertaining to building.
One Trial Order is all
Iowa Lumber & Box Co.,
v - )
Weeks & Baker
boon enjoying tboir'rauuual outing at
Squaw lako and Cinnabar springs,
woro northbound passengers Monday
evening, ou their return home..
J. G. ChriBty, of Odessa, Kansas,
was in Modford last woek for a few
uays tour of inspection of our coun
try and oity. He will, iu ull probab
ility, return to Medford with his fam
ily and tako up his rowidenoo bore.;
Mr. aud Mrs John Mollison and
Mr. Mollison.1 sister, of Smith Cen
ter, Kauasa, wero in Modford a couple
of days this woek. Mr. Mollison is a
cousi ot Alex Ormo and stopped off
for a visit with Mr. Ormo, not know-
tho winter iu Southern California, nr
rived Monday morning on a visit to ing Unit JlQ M movod to Seattle,
his brothors, Edgar and Claronco
Hufor, of tlio Iowa tminhor &, Box
Waller Llppineott, of Edgowood,
Calif., was in Mot j ford Saturday, visit
ing old-timo friends and seeing tho
circus. IHs parents aro living at tllko up tboil. ro8ldoiloo iu Medford
It.iliriiurnml tit .tl ...... I. : . 1
is station agout.
Mrs. Wm. U I wall, of Toxns, how
visiting at Eugene, was iu Modford
Monthly, looking ovor the city with a
view to the purchaso of city property.
Tho lady and hor husband aud hor
son-in-law and family all oxpoot to
Merchant F. K. Douel roturuod FH-
.1.... f.n. a ......
A oruoy W. M. Colvlg loft Tuesday , ti(11 ia lho 0u8ti Ttoll old fl.iondB
for Klamath couny whom ho nas pro-1,,,,,, fonn()r u,mulai Uo pllrollll80(i biB
foss.onal business connection will, , and whltor 8to(jk , morcllaulliB0.
iii.uu wuiur uiiou trouble vvinuii ih
on tlioro. Ho will bo at hia olllco in
Jacksonville Saturday.
Hon. 11. Von dor lloilon, of Wollon,
iMra. Douol, who was with him upon
'his tour of tho oast roturnod also.
Mrs. G. VV. Iiatmford loft Saturday
for Portland, to join Jlr. IJasliford.
Aftor taking in tho fair, Mr. and Mrs.
H. will CO by wator to Cons hnv nml
was a Modford visitor Wodnusday.
Tho crops in his sootlonof tho coun
try ho reports &b beingabout all har-
...I it (in 1
inako a trip through tho count oouu- ... , , .' . ' ., -uu. ",. ...
. ... .yiuiii hum uuuu very kuuu. uuuuuku iu
trios boforo roturning homo. . . I t 1 1 t
8 .soma inBtuucos not coming up fully to
Hon. E. II. Wutuon and son, Juntos oxpootations, which wore porbups a
A. Watson, of Portland, who huvo littlo too high in many aasos.
Your summer coat is shabby,
It's shiny on each sleeve,
The button holes are all torn out
'Twould make your best friend grieve.
Your summer vest is shabby,
With buttons off the front,
Each time you try to fasten it
You have to do a stunt.
Your summer pants aro shabby,
They're bagging at the knees,
In such a looking costume
You can't expect to p.oase.
In fact you need a new fall suit,
We knew it all tho while,
Just come and look our samples o'er,
They're bound to make you smile.
So get your order in ut oneo,
We'll fit you out with ease;
Don't forget it's the same old firm,
"THE TOGGICllY," yours to please.
Up to Date Hotter and
Men's Outfitters , . ,