The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, August 25, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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peripatetic lovemaklnf. It was oign
tlmt be settled down In life, took an
merest In the legislature and achieved
a position In tbe world of affaire. He
had a chance now. Tbe certain success
at hit Mend's project, the fortunate
"You win all be paupers."
"Completion of bis own diplomatic un--dertaklng,
marriage with a beautiful
-auu cusrmmg woman tnese items
would consolidate his career. His heart
was set on Iris.
He seized the first opportunity that
presented itself to make Sir Arthur
Deane acquainted with a decision al
ready dreaded by tbe unfortunate ship
owner. Iris must either abandon her
Infatuation for Anstruther or bring
about the ruin of her father. There
was no mean.
"If she declines to become Countess
of1 Ventnor she can marry whom she
likes, as you will all be paupers to
gether," was the earl's caustic sum
ming up.
This brutal argument rather over
shot the mark. The shipowner's face
flushed with anger, and Lord Ventnor
fastened to retrieve a false step.
"I didn't exactly mean to put It that
way, Deane, but my temper is a little
short these days. My position on board
this ship is intolerable. As a matter of
fair dealing to mc you should put a
stop to your daughter's attitude to
ward Anstruther ou the ground that
her engagement Is ueither approved of
by you nor desirable under auy consid
eration." It may be assumed from this remark
"that even tbe earl's sardonic temper
was ruQled by the girl's outrageous be
havior. Nor was it exactly pleasant to
him to note how steadily Anstruther
advanced In the favor of every olncor
ou the ship. By tacit consent the court
martial was tabooed, at any rate until
the Orient reached Singapore. Every
one knew that tbe quarrel lay between
Robert and Ventnor, and it is not to be
wondered at if Iris' influence alone
were suiliclciit to turn the scale In fa
vor of her lover.
The shipowner refused poiut blank
to Interfere in any way duriug the voy
age. "You promised your co-operation In
business even If we found that the Slr
tlar had gone down with all hands," he
retorted bitterly. "Do you wish me to
make my daughter believe she has
come back Into my life only to bring
me irretrievable ruiu?"
"That appears to be the result, no
matter how you may endeavor to dis
guise it"
"I thought the days were gone wheu
a. man would wish to marry a womau
against her will."
"Nonsense! What does she know
about it? The glamor of this Island
romance will soon wear off. It would
be different If Anstruther were able to
maintain her even decently. He Is an
absolute beggar, I tell you. Didn't he
ship on your vessel as a steward? Take
my tip, Deane. Tell him how matters
4tand with you, and he will cool off."
Hut BAT IWen lee.
Mamma No, dear, the Atlantic.
jcan never freezes over. Elsie On,;
tmt It must I heard papa telling Mr.
Oayly that when he was coming across
from Europe the last time he had bis
Rkates on all thp t1rn
9)OOD for OLD and YOUNG
4. rtUOVAQ
August Flower kpi tie children healthy and
Pull ofrigor and frolic the whole day 1onr.
So when Mamma necdj more they rush on la
hiffh clee, . ....
And shoot to tie dniglUt: "Please five It to
me I"
Inability to get up brisk and fresh in
the morning, lack of appetite, pallor,
muddy complexion and poor spinta
these all indicate a disordered stomach
and bad digestion in adultsand children,
too. They also indicate the urgent need
of taking Green's August Flower regu
larly for a few days,
It's a reliable old remedy for all stomach
troubles, never fails to cure indigestion
dyspepsia and chronic constipation, and
is a natural tonic for body and mind
Two sizes, asc and 75c. All druggists.
Sheriff's Poaae and Detectives Fall
to Find Trail.
San Francisco, August 1ft. No trace
of the daring robber who held up tbe
Half Moon Bay and Ban Mateo stage
yesterday morning In the suburbs of
San Mateo has yet been found, beyond
where he left hie tracks In the brush
In the Immediate scene of the hold-up
and robbery. The sheriff's posse and
detectives of Wells, Fargo ft Company
are following every clew and keeping
a close watch for him all over the
peninsula. He was so completely dis
guized In a long overcoat, overalls,
black mask and smoked glasses be
hind the mask that little hope of Iden
tifying him Is entertained by the of
fice ra.
The Only Way
There iB no way to maintain the health
and slroogih of thu niitid and body ex
cept by nouulfcliraeiit. There is no
way to nourish exuept through Ihe
stomach. The stomach must lie kept
liHalthy.pure and sweet or tbe strength
ill let down Hnd disease will setup
No appetite, lui-a o! strength, nervous
ness, hfH(iHClip,eonRtipation,hHil breath,
sour risintfs, rifling, indigestion, dys
pepsia and nil stomach troubles that
are curable are quickly cured by the
use of Kodol Dyspepeia Cure. Kodol
digests what you eat und strengthens
the whsledigeetlve upiiaratus. Sold by
Ouas. Strum;.
No Clew as Yet to the Daring Stage
Robber of the San Mateo Stage.
San Mateo, Aug. 19. Tnere is still
no clew to the perpetrator of the
stage robbery near this olty Thursday
morning. All day Sheriff Mansfield
and his deputies have been exploring
the canyons and beating up the covers
in search of some lurking place for
the robber, but without results. De
tective J. W. Thacker of Wells-Fargo
Joined in the search yesterday and
covered a wide territory In company
with Deputy Sheriff Sheehan. The
officers are not hopeful of capturing
the bandit, for they have no means of
Identifying him even ir he Is taken.
His disguise was perfect and de
scriptions of the man are so widely
different as to be quite unreliable
Several men were examined and
searched yesterday, but there was
nothing to juBtity the holding of any
of them. Detective Thacker Is conn
dent that the man Is an old hand at
the business, and It Is probable that
he has made good his escape.
Stop That Cough!
When a cough, a tickling or an ir
ritation in the throat makeB you feel
uncomfortable, take Ballard's Hore
hound Pyruu. Don't wait until the
disease has gone beyond control. Mr.
and Mrs. I. A. Anderson, 354 West 5th
St., Salt Lake City, Utah, writes: "We
think Ballard's Horehnuntl Syrup the
best medicine or emifhs and colds.
We have used it for several years; it
always gives immediate relief, is very
pleasant end gives perfect satisfaction,
25c, 60c, $1.00 sold by Chas. Strang.
Czar Rallies His People Against Japs.
Portsmouth, N. H.. Aug. 19. The
manifesto of Czar Nicholas issued yes
terday is his answer to the Japaneso
demand for the payment of a war
tribute. The granting of reform is re
garded as virtually an appeal to the
Russian people for support to resist
Japan's demand.
"It will create enthusiasm at home,"
said one of the most prominent mem
bers of the Russian mission, "because
all thinking men realize that It me'ans
eventually a great change in the com
position of the Russian state. It will
be followed by a true parliament, a re
sponsible ministry, a premier and Rus
sia will become a constitutional mon
archy." A Touching Story
is the salvation from death, of the babv
e-irl of Ueo. A. Evler, Cumberland, Md.
He writes, "At the ape of 11 months,
our little eirl was In declining health.
with serious throat trouble, and two
physicians gave her up. We were al
most in ddspair, when we resolved to
trv Dr. Kine's New Discovery for Con
sumption, Couelis and Colds. The
first bottle gave relief ; after taking tour
bottles she was cured, and 19 now in
perfect healtn." Never falls to relieve
and cure a cough or cold. At Chas
Strang's drug store; 50c and $1.00 guar
anteed. Trial bottle free.
Gable Ship Arrives at Nova 8cotla.
Canso, N. S Aug. 19. The cable-
aalp Colonla, which sailed from Water
Tills, Ireland, August 5, with 2400
miles of cable to lay the Commerolal
Cable Company's additional line from
Watervllle to Canso, and thence to
Newfoundland, arrived off Canso Wed
nesday last and landed the shore end
of the cable at S o'clock yesterday
iNothinir In the Market Equal to
Chamberlains CoJie, Chnlera
and Diarrhoea Remedy.
This fact ip well known to druggists
everywhere, and nine out of ten will
give their ensrnmers this oreperatlnn
when the heat in asked for. Mr. Obe
v ltner, a prominent druggist 0 Joplin
Mo in a eirenlar to his enstmoers savB
"There is nothing on the market In the
way of patent, m-iiirlnes which equal
Chamberlain's Colic. ChnlArn Knrt
and Diarrhoea Rmirlv for howel com
plaints Wo ell and recommend this
"rnaratlon." For tale by Chan
Roosevelt Receives Jap Representative
Oyster Bay, Aug. 19. Presldenl
Roosevelt's only visitor yesterday wai
Baron Kaneko, who Is a confldentla
'representative In this country of tbt
j Japanese government This was hi!
fourth visit to the President in a fev.
weeks and the second within a week
Reasons developed yesterday for tht
statement that Baron Kanoko'B cal
had relation to the proceedings of ti
peace conference at Portsmouth. Hi
la known to be In direct communlca
tion with the Toklo government
Of All the War Vessels at This Sta
tion the Marblehead Is the Only
One Fit for Duty.
San Francisco, Aug. 19. Had the
Pacific squadron under command of
Admiral Goodrich been called upon for
active duty yesterday afternoon the
Admiral would have bad to hire a tug
or else meet the lnvadera on dry land.
A lamentable condition of affairs ex
isted. The flagship, Chicago, was
aground and-ln collision with the
wreck of the Bennington, and out of
the whole fleet of six shipB only one,
the Marblehead, was In condition for
sea duty, and she was cruising In
the north.
It was an opportunity for the Lena
to get up steam and pass by the
stranded and powerless Admiral and
escape. Or if she had been more pa
ciflcly inclined, she might have come
to the assistance of the flagship and
pulled her off the rocks where the ill
fated Bennington was bumping her
first on one quarter and then on the
Here is a list of the American
squadron detailed to guard the Pacific
coast and their condition on August
17, 1905:
Chicago (flagship) Aground and in
Bennington Wrecked by boiler ex
plosion and tied to the stranded Ad
miral. Boston Waiting for a new low
pressure cylinder-head at Bremerton,
and in need of repairs to her boilers,
which cannot be patched up before the
middle of September.
Princeton Waiting at Panama to
be relieved to come north to be re
paired. The Bennington was going to
take her place at the time the disaster
Wyoming Out of commission for re
pairs. Propeller shaft broken and star
board engine wrecked; turret to be
removed and strengthened.
Marblehead No report available.
It is not known that Admiral Good
rich has received any message of con
dolence and sympathy from the Rus
slan Nebotogoff, hut suoh a communi
cation would be singularly appropri
ate. A noteworthy incident of the Chlca
go's plight was the presence of Cap
tain Harry Marshall of the tug Rellei
among those who went to the Ad
miral's rescue.
Only a few short weeks before, the
Admiral, then the proud commander of
a floating fleet, had taken Captain
Marshall to task In a communication
to the Harbor Commission for not re
moving himself and his tug from the
path of his launch as he steamed
across the bay.
Now, the admiral had tried towing
and It had ended In getting his own
ship and tho Bennington aground.
As the Relief hove to to asBist the
mighty fallen, the Admiral and the
captain, talking to each other through
their megaphones, made friends and
Captain Harry went to the assistance
of the commander of a squadron,
which, although on a peace footing,
looked as if it had been fighting tb
battles of the ages.
Here Is food for the contemplation
of Captain Mahan and the high board
of strategy:
Problem if an admiral with a bust
ed squadron sees an enemy coming at
him, what is the wisest course to take?
Anyone Is at liberty to hand In an
Was ill Feor Health For Years.
Ira W. Kelley. of Mansfield. Pa..
writes: "T was in poor health for two
years, euffering from kidney and blad
der trouble, and spent considerable
money consulting physicians without
obtuining any marked benefit, but waB
cured by Foley's Kidney Cure, ami I
desired to add my testimony that it
may be the cause of restoring the
health of others." Refuse substitutes
Sold at Medford Pharmacy.
Catholics Murdered In Africa.
Berlin, Aug. 19. A dispatch re
ceived here from the governor of Ger
man Bast Africa says that native re
ports reaching Kllwa announce that,
a Catholic bishop named Splea, two
missionary brothers and two Bisters
were murdered while traveling from
Kllwa to Llwale.
If complexion
Is fading,
If face
is wrinkling,
If skin
la aging,
enables one to retain
frenh glow of youth.
A 75ci. Jar lasts three
months. Try it now.
You will soon
bo accounted
for as one of
the "elderly
Mm. KKTTIR IIAnntSO. Df rmitolwrUt,
la Wet 7th St., Srr York, N. Y.
140 Gear? St., Han Prancieo CmU
Sold by Leon UaskinH, Me iford.
Facial Beauty
Seattle, Aug. 19. In a letter to a
friend In this city, the wife of Charles
D. Lane writes that her husband, who
Is one of the best known mining men
In California, and as president of the
Wild Goose Mining company has done
more than any one man towards the
development of the Nome region, Is
totally blind. Mrs. Lane will bring
her husband out on the next tilp of
the Oregon.
Mr. Lane last spring disposed of his
Interests in the Wild Goose company
to San Francisco Interests and return.
ed to Nome for the purpose bf devel-j
ping Borne of his Individual prop
ertles. He has been In falling health
tor more than a year and complained
greatly of his eyes when in this city.
in June, en route north. Mr. Lane is
best known on the Pacific coast
through his development of the fa
mous Utlca mine, which for years was
one of the largest dividend payers In
the west. His undertakings in Nome
were of a colossal nature and almost
always uniformly successful. He had
endeared himself to hundresd of min
ers and prospectors in the north by
his many acts of generosity and it is
said that no man In the territory ever
appealed to him In vain for aid either
to get out of the country or for assist
ance In eking an existence Inside.
cures Sciatica
Rev. W. L. Rilev. L. L. D.. Cuba. N.
Y., writes: "Aftur fifteen (lava of ex-
cruoiating pain from sciatic rheuma
tism, under various treatments, 1 was
induced to try Bulard's Snow Liniment
the first application giving my lirBt
relief and the teconti entire relief. T
can fgivG it unqualified recommenda
tions, iijc, ouc, l uu. bom by Unas.
Sons of Commercial Company Agent
and Four Natives Lost.
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 19. Two sons
of Henry Detrlch, the Alaska Com
mercial Company's agent at Bethel, on
the Kuskokwim river, and four natives
recently lost their lives by jumping
overboard from a smalt steamboat on
the Kuskowlm. The men, whose ex
perience on board steam vessels was
limited, were frightened out of their
wits by steam escaping from the safe
ty valve of the craft, and fearing an
explosion, the two Detrlch hoys and
five native passengers jumped over
bonrd into tho swift current of the
river. One of the natives was rescued
with difficulty by tho crew of the boat,
but six were swept away and drowned.
At the time of the accident the little
river steamer was going up the Kusko
kwim to Bethel with a cargo of the
schooner Volant of San Francisco,
which struck and went to pieces at the
mouth of the river July 6.
Public is Aroused.
The public Is aroused to a knowledge
ol the liiirutiye merits of that umit
medicinal tonic, bleclrlc Bitters, lor
sick Htotnach, livoi- and kidllt-yp. Mary
H. Walters, of 640 St. Oiair Ave., uo-
liimbua, O., writes: "For Bevernl
months t wus given up to die. I had
fever and aeue. mv nerves ware wreck
ed ; I could not sleeo and my stomach
was so weak, Irom useless doctor's
ilrncs that could not pat. Soon after
beginning to take Kleotric Bitters I ob
tained relief , and in a slxort time I was
entirely cured." Guaranteed at Chas.
Strang's drill; store ; nriceoOc.
New $5 Silver Certificate of Private
Issue Is Bungling Piece of Work.
Washington. Ausiist 19. Chief Wll-
1H0 nf the United Statos Secret Ser
vice has announced the appearance
of a new counterfeit $5 silver certifi
cate. It Is of the sorlos of 1899, Lyons
register and Roberts treasurer. It Is a
noorly executed note, printed on two
thin pieces of paper. There are many
mistakes in the lettering on tne lace
of the note.
War Against Consumption.
All nations are endeavoring to check
the ravages o' consumptioe, the"whito
plague" thai claims en many victims
each year. Foley's Honey and Tar
cures coughs and colds perfectly and
you are In no danger of consumption.
Ho not risk your health ny taking some
unknown preperation when Foley'B
Honey and Tar is snfo and certain in
results. Ask for Foley's Honey and
Tar and Insist unon having it. Sold at
Medlord Pharmacy.
Capital Stock "Reduced.
Sacramento, Aug. 19. The Cali
fornia Electric Light Company has
Sled with the Secretary of State a
certificate of diminution of capital
to $500 In 50,000 shares of the par
value of 1 cent each. The company
filed artlclCB of Incorporation on. June
30, 1879, with a capital of 15,000,000.
Pleasantly Ell' etivn.
Never In the wny. no trnulil" to carry,
pasv to take, pleiMnt and nt'Vr fiilnu
in results are UcWiU's Little Early
Ulrwia Thpue fmiiinlff lililt- p.'l- nr.
ertain ptisrantped anin-l lifHiiche
biliouani'R. torptd liver ad al nt flir
'1 b n;inllinff from con-tlpHiloii. Tlut--nnlc
Hnd Bl.n-nuthcn tlin liv.-r Cute
laundlce. Sold by CIihb. Kthi i?.
AT nm flwn option.
Pessimist Yes, Blr, I Inld the ni'n
gage on most of the trouhlos of tl:
worldl Optimist Well, you don ' lur
to foreclose If you don't want to! Iji
trrit Free Press.
It depends on education to open Op
rates wblcb lead to virtue or to vliv
to happiness or to misery. .lane I'm
Portsmouth, N. H Aug. 19. The
deadlock between the Russian and
Japanese plenipotentiaries over arti
cle 11 of the peace conditions (the
limitation of Russia's naval power),
which developed at Thursday after
Son's sitting of the conference, had
not been broken when the envoys ad
journed for luncheon yesterday. The
forenoon session was entirely given
up' to the consideration of the article
and the official statement issied aftei
adjournment said that the discussion
would be resumed.
While article 1 was the subject ol
consideration for a matter of fact the
discussion was not limited to that ar
ticle. It was general and covered all
the questions at issue.
No matter what the written "full
powers" of plenipotentiaries extraor
dinary may be, these modern days of
the cable and the telegraph, which
keep envoys In constant communica
tion with their home governments,
have made more or lesa a fiction of
the "full powers," which in the olden
days were given to envoys charged by
their governments with negotiating
and settling International Issues. Dip
lomatic negotiations are now conduct
ed by emperors and governments,
rather than by emmissarles. Envoys
propose and emperors dispose.
Both sets of plenipotentiaries here
are in continuous communication with
their governments. Accounts of each
day's proceedings are cabled nightly
to Toklo and St. Petersburg, and mes
sages are constantly arriving from
both capitals. The reports of the
Japanese are much longer and more
complete tban those of the Russians,
and the secretaries of both delega
tions work day and night preparing
and deciphering messages.
Fiendish Suffering.
is often caused by sores, ulcers und cun
ceaa, that eat away your skin. Win
Bedell, of Flat Uuck, Mich., aava: "1
have used Bucklen's Aruica Salvo for
ulcers, sores and cancers. It is the best
healing dressing 1 ever luunu. boom
es and heals cutB, buritB and scalds. 26c
at Ohas, Strangs drug store; guaran
New Orleans Begins to Take More
Hopeful View.
Now Orleans, Aug. 19. Up to S
o"clock to-day there were 20 now
cases of yellow fever and six deaths
Total to dato, 1237.
Total deaths, 181.
The Louisiana State Board of Hoaltl;
was advised yesterday by one of thf
physicians who has been on dut
among the sick on the Riverside plan
tation, St. Mary Parish, that there has
boon a total of 48 cases of fever and
throe deaths there.
An analysis of tho report of the
preceding twenty-four hours show:
that thirty-two of tho thirty-four now
cases of yellow fovor appeared In the
part of the originally affected quar
tors. The explanation given by the
Inspectors Is that after their own
houses are disinfected and the mos
quitoes killed, some of the Italians
go around to pay visits to sick
friends, become Infected themselves
and carry tho fovor homo with thorn
The situation above Canal strool
continues to improve. In that section
obedience to the Federal regulations
Is more general and tho results arc
plain. While the report showed five
new cases, only three new squaros are
The unexpected decline in the doatb
rate Is giving such a foellng of aatlB
faction here that people are beginning
to believe the possibilities of tho visi
tations have been overdrawn. The
' doctors, however, Bay that the low
death rate is duo to tho fact that prac-
' tlcally the whole community has boon
educated to the necessity of calling a
doctor the moment the temperature
If you are troubled with dizsty spulla,
beaducbes, IndlgcBllon, conHtipuuun,
Hiilliutnr'ii ftockv Mountain Tea will
make you well and keep you well. If It
lails, net your money buck. That's luir,
30 conta. Dr. Hinklu's drug store Cen
tral Point.
Chokes to Death In Cell.
Sacramonto, Aug. 19. A prisoner
named Charles Erlcson, who was con
fined In the City PriBon awaiting a
hearlnc on a chargo of grand larceny
committed suicide during the nlghl
by strangling himself In his cell. Ha
tore a strln from his blanket, tied 1
around his nock, fastened the othei
end to a hook, sat down on the edg
of his bunk and then throw hlmsoll
forward and slowly choked to death
Ho was a native of Norway and e
tramp watchmaker.
Will cure any case of Kidney
or Bladdor disease that is not
beyond the reach of medicine,
OIVIN up to on.
o. DP1RITB1, I0 p. Virginian,, TaiTiiv
Irii wrilait "For n?ar four rnnri 1 wai troonma
with s kidney and bladder alloctlon. IloattlORb
and waa anablo to work. TliriM phvilclana fallwi
t haln ma and I waa tflrfln nu India. Polar'!
' Klrinav Ctir waa racnmmannnrt and tha Drat
bnltla arara ma raat rollof aud aflar Ukloa taa
. aaooud buttla I waaaollralr enrad."
I Two Siiea SO Cents mad $1.00
I 1 rale at il Mei ford l'lmrmay
One Preformance Only. NO NIGHT Show.
Beginning at 1 o'clock at
12th, J and G Sts.
SATURDAY, AUG. 26. 1905.
i ir aaar
i-",SAa -rail '" wwt wkto QaTti i roMiMvmu W fT)
owienwiiT, conn.
feW5Kat NEWYORKcmr.
Tirol Circus Ever
Or that has visited the onpitul cities of Europo, exhibiting I croro the
crowned heads and ruling familios of the world. Overflowina with do
lights for children, crowded with thrilling sensations for scientists,
teeming with chnrming features for
Most Popular Amusement Enterprise on Earth
Presenting exclusive features only
The Gorgeous Dunbar at Delhi
Reproduced Preoisely as it took place in India, before the Viceroy and Vloerlne,
Six Surpassing, Superior, Supreme, Sensational Surprises
Seen Solely with these Shows Stuggerlng and Stunning all Spectators.
Presenting for. the First Time in America
Startling and Stupendous Parisian Sonrational Soineraault Surprise
A Fascinating. Fearful. Flitting
The absolute limit to which mortals
The Highest Priced Attraction Ever Known.
JuBt think of It! A Youue Lady Heoeivlns $100 Cash Kvory Clock Tick For a
Somersault in
Volo the
Arching an Aerial Abyss in Defiance of Death
The Most I'rnrlnfa Aonul
Dual DeedsofDesperata JJaatli Defying Diring
fearful, Frightful, Feiiroinu, Fearless, Fascinating Feats
Perfd'-DKid by tbe MoM, Inlripiil ArtiHta in tho World. .
1 Myriad New Attractions of All Sorts.
100 Acts Performed in Throe and a Half Hours.
brides the nianv marvi.'lnii.-aii.i'n!tiMtis in h iimi hfnro the performance begins
Three Troupes of AnrohatB on Three Hiiijjub at once.Thirty Olowna in Sixty Con
current Acts I wo lorriiic Japanese niiuus lor L.iie at tne niime Moment, uhiim
pion Kqnedtriana KirJint; SimulUitcoulHy tn Three Kingd Prodigious Aerial and
around Displays, Tumbling and Leaping Contests, Com oh in. liout- and Ab
HHtiltB. "Snt'cltViho Smallest Horno Kver Discovered tThruo (lord of Elephants
Droves of Camels, a full Hord of Towering Transvaal Uiraffee, Triple CI roils.
Double Menageries, Olympic Hippodrome, Aerial Knulnve, Court of (iameB,
Sports, Arena, Mornus' Kealm, Uaulnu Track, Acrohatlo Plazas, C ,eling Circuit,
Aviary, Hpuetacular Amphitheatre and fclorae Fair. In which are cenn
1,000 Men. Women, Horses, Elephants and
'Animal Prodigies.
One Performance, at 1 H. M, No nijfht Show. Doors open one hour earlier
fora tour of the Mcniu'trh'S. Museum' ann Promenade Concert
Pnnnrnl A rlminnintt INfJMJIMNU RKAT WITH I'OOT-RKHT. Kftrtn
Ueneral AflflllSSIOn, umLmwx unikhtkny.sak, um prick. OUCtS.
Itenrved and Private Box Seats extra, according to location. All Item' r veil
T'cketB are Numhort-il and havn Coupons Attauhe.l. Private Bije and Ue
Bfrved Seats for Hale at MASK INS' Dm if Store and on the Grounds at
Hours of Opening. All tic-keU Hold at regular prleeB. Uewaru of
parties ehariflnif more.
Owing to the Stupendous Size of the Show
No Street Parade Will Be Made
But a High 01 jihh and Very Expensive
Free Show will be Qiven
on the Show Grounds
One Hour Beiore the Doors are Open.
r iULrmniAiivi.anuTt,-- -
exnmiiiog in Hew YorR
pessiblc of exhibition with this Show
Fugacious Frolic with fate.
may tempt death with Impunity
an Automobile.
Bicycle Aot Ever' Devised.