The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, August 25, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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Syoopsls of Preceding Chapters.
CHAPTER I The Sidaa, havlnfc
among her pnBengers Irus Deane,
daiiKhLerof theownoroftho ship, and
Robert Jenke, who le working as a
waiter Is wrecked. II All are lost
eeva Mies Deuot and Jenks, who are
cast ashore on an island in the Pacific.
IjIJenks recover storee and weapons
from the wrecked vessel, lie finds the
skeleton of a European on the island,
I V A eave on the islund Is fitted up an
a habitation. A chart of the inland
mysteriously marked, Ib found on tne
skeleton. V. Jenks finds a hollow
tilled with human skuletons, the re
mains of a mining party. He is rescu
ed from an octopus by Inn while re
covering rifles frum the wreck of the
hlrdar. VI Jenks tells iris that his
real name is Anstruthcr and that,
through the machinations of Lord
Vontuor, he has bt:un unjustly (UbiiiIhh
ed in disgrace from the KnglUh army.
Lord Ventnor has been mentioned on
the Sirdar as affianced to Iris. VII
leas is attacked by a party of fierce
Dyaks Polynesian natives. They are
beaten oft by Jenks, three, however,
escaping In their boat. The castaway
dread their return . VIII Anstruthcr
prepare to defend IrU and himself,
fortifying a led ye of tho luck above
their cave. IX A rich gold mine, in
dicated on the mystorlouH chart of the
Island, 1b discovered in the cave. X Htid
XI The Dyaks attack thy Inland,
timong I hero is an escaped con vie, tin
Indian Mussulman. They discover the
hiding place, but are defeated by the
Englishman, XII Aa unluoky shot
cost Jenks and Iris their wnter simply.
A truce with the eavajjcs; the Mussul
man. Mir Jan, the Indian, agrees to
aid Anstruther and supply him with
water. XIII Iris and Robert, in tho
midst of perl), ayavv their love for each
other. The fight continues. XIV
Mir Jan Is true to his word and uids
the beleaguered couple. At the oriti
uil mnment the three nro reeoncd by
the British warship Orient, which had
i-een ntracted to the Island v the firing
XV On board the Orient is Sir Arthur
Deane, father of Iris, who has been
arching for his shipwrecked child.
XVI Sir Arthur i In Lord Ventfnor'b
lioanoial power and has promised that
Iris shall wed him if rescued.
EORD VENTNOR was no fool.
While Iris was transforming
herself from a acmlsuvage con
dition into a semblunce of an
ultra chic Parlslenne, Sir Arthur
Deane told the earl something of the
Ntate of affairs on the Island.
His lordship, a handsome, hh turn I no
man, cool, insolently polite, counseled
patience, toleration, even silent recog
nition of Anstruthcr's undoubted
claims for services rendered.
"Bbe Is an enthusiastic, high spirited
girl," ho urged upon his surprised hear
er, who expected a very different ex
pression of opinion. "This fellow An
Htruther 1b a plausible sort of rascul, a
good man in a tight place, too Just the
sort of fire eating blackguard who
.would fill the heroic bill where a fight
Is concerned- Hang htm, he licked mo
" Further amazement for the shipown
er. "Yea, It's quite true. I Interfered
with but little games, and he gave me
the usual reward of the devil's apothe
cary. Leuve IHb alone. At present
she la strung up to an Intense pitch of
gratitude, having barely escaped a ter
rible fate. Let her come back to the
normal. AnBtruther's Bhady record
must gradually leak out. That will dis
gust her. He la burd up cut oft by his
people and that sort of thing. There
you probably have the measure of his
scheming. He knows quite well that
he can never marry your daughter. It
Is all a matter of price."
Blr Arthur willingly allowed himself
to be persuaded. At the back of bis
hud there wns an uneasy conscious
ness that It was not "all a matter of
price." If It were he would never
trust a man's fnco again. But Vent
nor' b well balanced arguments swayed
The course Indicated was tho
only detent one. It was humanly liu
iiitmllili' fiM ii man to chide IiIh dauirh-
Not vnrv many years ago alcohol was
ustU fur lighting In combination with
, . other fluids under
tho name of "Cam
phone," but It suf
fered banishmont
because It was too
Ah'ohul la gener
ally harmful when
taken In tho form
of medicine, ospo
f daily to a dollcato
ir. Pierce's fla-
i(-rrbut(!lTip ami
fwrtlun-Htrttujlhcniny plan of trmtmaU
Ih following after Nature' 9 plan.
lie uses natural remedies, that Is native
metlk'ltial roots, prepared by processes
wrought out. by tho expenditure, of much
time and tmmev. without the use of alco
hol, ami hy skillful combination In tho
nion exact proportions.
U!tel as one of the active Imirodlents
of Dr. Pierre's (iolden Medical Discovery,
iii.ack mkui:viiahk socially exerts its
Influence In cases of lung and bronchial
troubles, and this "ihhiovkuy " Is, thero
foro. a sovereign romcdy for bronchitis,
laryngitis, chnmic coughs, catarrh and
kindred ailments.
The nuiiifx of the medMnul Inarcttlcnts
of this world-famous remedy nro: Golden
Seal root, Oueen's root. Stone root,
Hlaek Cherryburk, llloodroot and Man
drake root.
"I linve hnl such n wonderful expcrlenco
with Dr. Pierce' lioldtu Mint leal Discovery
that f do not heMtato to recommend U, Ih
llevlnir It tt lie ti wonderful medicine to build
up the tissues of the sysioni," writes Miss
Hessle llmwu. Secretary Kmorson Literary
AsNockiltiii. -CM Herman Avenue, Apnloion,
WIk. " Worry and nervous trouulfH had com
pletely run-down my health and strength!
find no ammtite, slept badly, and was In a
stale of nervous collapse, I Wmk twelve
bottles In nil, and. each work, knew that 1
wustreitlnir better and stronger, until finally
I wit at well and strong as 1 had ever Ihhmi,
f htiVK the utmost f alt)) and ronlldenco in
your medicine, mid with to thank you for my
irood lu'tilih, which li a blessing to anyone"
For 21 one-cent stamps to cover cost of
malliuK. you can got a frao copy of the
"Common Nenn Medical Adviser," paper
covers ; or cliith-bonnd for 31 stumps.
Address Dr. II. V. Pierce, llnffnlo, N. V.
Dr. Pierce's Plrasnnt IVHow should bo
used with "tiohien Medical Discovery"
whenever a laxativo Is required.
of the
TRACY m$jk
ter atid'fiout her rescuer within an hour
of finding them.
Lord Veutnor played his cards with
a deeper design. He bowed to the In
evitable, Iris said she loved his rival.
Very well. To attempt to dissuade
her was to torow ner more cioseiy into
that rival's arms. The right course
was to appear resigned, saddened, com
pelled against bis will to reveal the
distressing truth. Further, he counted
on AnBtruther's quick temper as an
active agent. Such a man would be
the first to rebel against an assumption
of pitying tolerance. He would bring
bitter charges of conspiracy, of un
believable compact to secure his ruin.
All this must recoil on his own bead
when the facts were laid bure. Not
even the hero of the islund could pre
vail against the terrible Indictment of
the court martial, dually, at Singa
pore, three days distant, Colonel Cob
tobell and his wife were staying. Lord
Ventnor, alone of those on board, knew
thin. Indeed, he accompanied Sir Ar
thur Deane largely in order to break
off a somewhat trying entanglement.
He smiled complacently as he thought
of the effect on Iris of Mrs, Costobell's
indignant remonstrances when the bar
onet naked that Injured lady to tell the
girl nil that had happened at Hong
kong. However, Lord Ventnor was most
profoundly annoyed, and he cursed
Austruther from the depth b of his
heart. But he could see a way out
He came ashore with Iris and her
father. The captain of the Orient also
Joined the party. The three men
watched Robert and the girl walking
toward them from the group of offi
cers. "Ajistruther Is a smart looking fel
low," commented Captain Kltzroy.
"Who Is he?"
Truth to tell, the gallant commander
of the Orient was secretly amazed by
the motaraorphosls effected In Robert's
appearance since he scrutinized him
through his glasses.
Poor Sir Arthur said not a word, but
his lordship was quite at case.
"From bis name and from what
Deane tells me I believe ho 1b an ex
officer of the Indian army." '
"Ah I Ho has left the service?"
"Yes. I met him last In Hongkong."
"Then you know him?"
"Quite well, if he Is the man I Im
agine." "That is reully very nice of Ventnor,"
thought the shipowner. "The last thing
I should credit him with would bo a
forgiving disposition."
Meanwhile Anstruthcr was rending
Iris a little lecture. "Sweet oue," he
explained to her, "do not allude to me
by my former rank. I am not entitled
to It. Some day, please God, it will be
restored to me. At present I am a
plain civilian, and, by tho way, Iris,
during the next few days say nothing
about our mine."
"Oh, why not?"
"Just a personal whim. It will please
"If It pleases you, ltobert, I am satis
fled," Ho pressed her arm by way of an
swer. They were too near to the wait
ing trio for other comment.
"Captain Fltzroy," cried Iris, "let me
Introduce Mr. Anstruthcr to you. Lord
Ventnor, you have met Mr. Anstruther
The sailor shook bands. Lord Vent
nor smiled affably.
"Your enforced residence on the is
land seems to have agreed with you,"
he said.
"Admirably. Life bore had Its draw
backs, but we fought our enemies In
the open. Didn't we, Iris?"
"Yes, dear. Tho poor Dyaks were
not sufticlently modernized to attack us
with false testimony."
His lordshlp'B sallow face wrinkled
somewhat. So Iris knew of tho court
martial, nor was she afraid to pro
claim to all the world that this mau
was her lover. ,As for Captalu Fltz
roy, his bushy eyebrows disappeared
into his peaked cap when ho heard tho
manner of their speech.
Nevertheless Ventnor smiled again.
"Even the Dyaks respected Miss
Deane," he said.
But Austruther, sorry for tho mani
fest uneasiness of the shipowner, re
pressed the retort on his Hps and
forthwith suggested that they Bhould
walk to the north bench in the first
iiiHtanco, that being the sceno of the
During the next hour he became audi
tor rather than narrator. It was Iris
who told of his wild fight against wind
and waves; Iris who showed them
where he fought with the devilfish;
Iris who expatiated on ttie long days
of ceaseless toll, his dauntless cour
age In the face of every dlthculty, tho
way in which he rescued her from the
clutch of the savages, the skill of his
preparations against the anticipated
attuck and the last great achievement
of all, when time after time he foiled
the Dyaks' best laid plans and ttuug
them off, crippled and disheartened,
during the many phases of tho thirty
hours' battle.
There were tears In her eyes when
she ended, but they were tears of
thankful happiness, and Lord Veutnor,
a silent listener who missed neither
word nor look, felt a deeper chill In his
cold heart ns he realized that this wo
man's lovo could never be his. Tho
knowledge excited his passion the
more. His hatred of Anstruther now
became a mania, an Insensate resolve
to mortally stab this meddler who al
ways stood lu his path.
Robert hoped that his present ordeal
was over. It had only begun. He was
called on to answer questions without
number. Why had the tunnel been
made? What was tho mystery of the
valley of death? How did ho manage
to guess the dimensions of tho sundlnl?
How came he to acquire such an amaz
ing stock of out of the way knowledge
of the edible properties of roots and
frees? How?" Why? Where) When?
They never would be satisfied, for not
even the British navy, poking Its nose
Into the recesses of the world, oftcu
comes across euch an amazing story
as the adventures of this couple on
Rain now lsiunu.
He readily explained the creation of
quarry and cave by telling them of the
vein of antimony Imbedded In the rock
near the vault Antimony 1b one of the
substances that covers a multltudo of
doubts. No one, not excepting the doc
tors who use It, knows much about it,
and in Chinese medicine it might be a
chief factor of exceeding nastinesfl.
Inside the cavern the existence of
the partially completed shaft to the
ledge accounted for recent disturb
ances on the face of the rock, and new
comers could not, of course, distinguish
the bones of poor "J. S." as being the
remains of a European.
Anstruther was satisfied that none of
them hazarded the remotest guess as
to the value of the gaunt rock they
were staring at, and chance helped him
to bafilo further Inquiry.
A trumpeter on board the Orient was
blowing bis lungs out to summon them
to luncheon when Captain Fltzroy put
a final query
"I can qulto understand," he said to
Robert, "that you have an affection for
this weird place, but I nm curious to
know why you lay claim to the islund.
You can hardly intend to return here."
He pointed to Robert's placard stuck
on the rock.
Anstruther paused before he an
swered. He felt thnt Lord Ventnors
dark eyes were fixed on him. Every
body was more or Icbs desirous to have
this point cleared up. Ho looked the
questioner squarely In the face.
"In some parts of the world," he said,
"there nro sunken reefs, unknown, un
charted, on which many n vessel has
been loat without any contributory
fault on the pnrt of her officers."
"Well, Captain Fltzroy, when I was
stationed with my regiment In Hong
kong I encountered such a reef and
wrecked my life on It At least that
Is how it seemed to mo then. Fortune
threw me ashore here after a long and
bitter submergence. You can hardly
blame me If I cling to the tiny speck
of land that gave me salvation."
"No," admitted the sailor. He knew
thero was something more In the al
legory than the text revealed, but it
wun no businesH of bis.
"Moreover," continued Robert smil
ingly, "you see I have u partner."
"There cannot be the slightest doubt
about the partner," was the prompt re
ply. Then every one laughed, lls more
than any, though Sir Arthur Deane's
gayety was forced, and Lord Ventnor
could taste the acidity of his ewn smite.
Later In the day the first llcutcnunt
told his chief of Anstruthcr's voluntary
statement concerning the court martial.
Captain Fltzroy was naturally pained
by this unpleasant revelation, but he
took exactly the same view as that ex
pressed by the first lieutenant In Rob
ert's presence.
Nevertheless he pondered the matter
and seized an early opportunity of men
tioning it to Lord Ventnor. That dis
tinguished nobleman was vastly sur
prised to learn how Anstruther had cut
the ground from beneath his feet.
"Yes," ho said, In reply to the sailor's
request for information, "I know all
about It It could not well bo other
wise, seeing that next to Mrs, Costobell
1 was tho prlncipnl witness against
"Thnt must have been nwkward for
you," was the unexpected comment
"Indeed! Why?"
"Because rumor linked your name
with that of the lady In a somewhat
outspoken way."
"You astonish me. Anstruthcr cer
tainly made some stupid allegations
during the trial, but I had no Idea he
was able to spread this malicious re
port subsequently."
"I am not talking of Hongkong, my
lord, but of Singapore, months later."
Captain Fltzroy's tone wns exceed
ing dry. Indeed, some people might
deem it offensive.
His lordship permitted himself the
rare luxury of an angry scowl.
"Rumor is a lying Jade at the best"
he said curtly. "You must remember,
Captain Fltzroy, that I have uttered
no word of scandal about Mr. An
struthcr, and any doubts concerning
his conduct can be set at rest by pe
rusing the records of ids case In the
adjutant general's office at Hong
kong." "Hum!" said the sailor, turning on
his heel to enter the chart room.
Tho girl and her father went back to
the Island with Robert. After taking
thought tho latter decided to ask Mir
.Tan to remain In possession until he
returned. There was not much risk
of another Dynk invasion. Tho fate of
Taung S'AH's expedition would not en
courage a fresh set of marauders, and
the Mohammedan would be well armed
to meet unforeseen contingencies, while
on his (Anstruther's) representations
the Orient would hind au abundance
of stores. In any event It was better
for the native to live In freedom on
Rainbow Island than to be handed
over to the authorities as an escaped
convict, which must be his Immediate
fa to no matter what magnanimous
view the government of India might
afterward take of his services.
Mir Jan's answer was emphatic. He
took off his turban and placed it on
Anstruther's feet.
"Sahib," ho said. "I nm your -Mop.
If somo day I am found worthy to be
your faithful servant, then shall I
know that Allah has pardoned my
In spite of himself Sir Arthur Deane
could not help liking Anstruther. Tho
man was magnetic, a hero, tin Ideal
gentleman. No wonder his daughter
was Infatuated with him. Yet tho fu
ture was dark anil storm tossed, full of
Blnlstor threats and complications. Iris
did not know tho wretched circum
stances which had come to pass since
they parted and which had changed
the whole aspect of his life. How
could ho tell her? Why should it bo his
miserable lot to snatch the cup of hap
piness from her lips? In that momeut
of silent agony he wished he were
dead, for death alone could remove tho
burden laid on him. Well, surely he
might bask In tho sunshine of her
laughter for another day. No need to
embitter her Joyous heart until he was
driven to It by dire necessity.
So he resolutely brushed aside the
woebegone phantom of care nnd en
tered into the abandon of the hour
with a teaV'that'delTghTed ber.: The
dear girt Imagined that Robert, her
Robert had made another speedy con
quest, and Anstruthcr himself was
much elated by the sudden change In
Sir Arthur Deane's demeanor.
They behaved like school children on
a picnic. They roared over Iris' trou
bles In the matter of divided skirts, too
much divided to be at all pleasant The
shipowner tasted some of her sago
bread and vowed it was excellent.
They unearthed two bottles of cham
pagne, the last of the case, and prom
ised each other a hearty toast at din
ner. Nothing would content Iris but
that they should draw a furewcl) buck
etful of water from the well and
drench the pitcher plant with a torren
tial shower.
Robert carefully secured the pocket
books, money and other effects found
on their dead companions. The baro
net, of course, knew all the principal
officers of the Sirdar. He surveyed
these mournful relics with sorrowful
"The Sirdar was the crack ship of
my fleet and Captain Ross my most
trusted commander," he Bald. "You
may well imagine, Mr. Anstruther,
what a cruel blow It was to lose such a
vessel, with all those people on bourd
and my only daughter among them. 1
wonder now that it did not kill me."
"She was a splendid sea boat, sir.
Although dlsubled, she fought gallant
ly against the typhoon. Nothing short
of u reef would break her up."
"Ah, well," sighed the shipowner,
"tho few timbers you have shown me
here are the remaining assets out of
"Was she not insured?" inquired
"No that is, I have recently adopted
a scheme of mutual self insurance, nnd
the loss falls pro rata on my other ves
sels." The baronet glanced covertly ut Iris.
The words conveyed little meaning to
her. Indeed, she broke in with n
"I am afraid I have heard you say,
father dear, that some ships in the
fleet paid you best when they ran
"Yes, Iris. That often happened in
the old days. It Is different now.
Moreover, I have not told you the ex
tent of my calamities. Tho Sirdar wus
loat on March. 18.. though. I .did no
He looked the questioner squarely in the
mow it ror certain until this morning.
But on March 25 the Bahadur wns
sunk In the Mersey during a fog, and
three days later the Jemadar turned
turtle on the James and Mary shoal in
the Hoogbly. Happily there were no
lives lost in either of these cases."
Iris was appalled by tills list of casu
alties, yet she gave no thought to the
serious financial effect of such a string
of catastrophes. Robert, of course, ap
preciated this side of the business, espe
cially in view of the shipowner's re
mark about the insurance. But Sir
Arthur Deaue's stiff upper Hp deceived
him. He failed to realize that the fa
ther was acting a part for his daugh
ter's sake.
Oddly enough, the baronet did not
seek to discuss with them the legal
looking document affixed near the cave.
It claimed all rights In the Island In
their joint names, and this was a topic
he wished to avoid. For the time,
therefore, the younger man had no op
portunity of taking him into his con
fidence, and Iris held faithfully to bcr
promise of silence.
The girl's ragged raiment, sou'wester
and strong boots were already packed
away on board. She now rescued the
Bible, the battered tin cup, her re
volver and the rifle which had "scared"
the Dyaks when they nearly caught
Anstruther and Mir Jan napping. Rob
ert also gathered for her au assort
ment of Dyak hats, belts and arms, in
cluding Taung S'All's parang and a
sumpitan. These were her trophies,
the spoils of the campaign.
His concluding act was to pack two
of the empty oil tins with all the val
uable lumps of auriferous quartz he
could find where he shot the rubbish
from the cave beneath the trees. On
top of these he placed some antimony
ore, and Mir Jan, wondering why the
sahib wanted the stuff, carried the con
signment to the waiting boat. Lieuten
ant riaydon, In command of the last
party of sailors to quit the island, evi
dently expected Mir Jan to accompany
them, but Anstruther explained that
the man would awnlt his return some
time lu June or July.
Sir Arthur Deane found himself spec
ulating on the cause of this extraor
dinary resolve, but steadfast to his
policy of avoiding controversial mat
ters, said nothing. A few words to
the captaiu procured enough stores to
keep the Mohammedan for six
months at least, nnd while theso were
being landed the question wns raised
how best to dispose of the Dyaks.
The commander wished to consult the
convenience of his guests.
"If we go a little out of our way and
land them In Borneo." he said, "they
will be hanged without troubling you
further. If I take them to Singapore
they will be tried on your evldeuce
nnd seut to penal servitude. Which is
It to be?"
It was Iris who decided.
"I cannot bear to think of more lives
being sacrificed," she protested. "Per-
A Time When Women Are Susceptible to Many
Dread Diseases Intelligent Women Prepare
for It. Two Relate their Experience.
The "change of life"ls
the most critical period
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and the anxiety felt by
women aB it draws near
is not without reason.
Every woman who
neglects the care of her
health at this time in
vites disease and pain.
When her system is In
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or she is predisposed to
apoplexy, or congestion
of any organ, the ten
dency is at this period
likely to become active
an d with a host of ner
vous irritations, make
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time, also, cancers and
tumors are more liable
to form and begin their
destructive work.
Such warning symp
toms as sense of suffo
cation, hot flashes, head
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ity, sounds in the ears,
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sparks before the eyes,
irregularities, constipa
tion, variable appetite,
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tude, and dizziness, are
promptly heeded by in
telligent women who are
I Alrs.
approaching tne period
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may be expected.
These symptoms are all lust so many
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cry should be heeded in time.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound was prepared to meet the needs
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It has carried thousands of women
safely through this crisis.
For special advice regarding this im
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and it will be furnished absolutely free
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Read what Lydia E. Pinkham's Com
pound did for Mrs. Hyland and Mrs.
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
"I had been suffering with falling of the
womb for years and was passing through the
Change of Life. My womb was badly swol
len; my stomach was sore; I hod dizzy spells,
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Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Succeeds Where Others HL
naps II these men are' treated merci
fully and sent to their homes after
some punishment their example may
Berve as a deterrent to others."
0 "." was settled tnat'way. The an
chor rattled up to Its berth, and the
Orient turned her head toward Singa
pore. As she steadily passed away in
to the deepening azure the girl and her
lover watched the familiar outlines of
Rainbow island growing dim in the
evening light. For a long while they
could see Mir Jan's tall, thin figure
motionless on a rock at the extremity
of Europa point. Their hut, the reef,
the ledge, came into view as the cruis
er swung round to a more northerly
Iris had thrown an arm across her
father's shoulders. The three were left
alono just then, and they were silent
for many minutes. At last the flying
miles merged the solitary palm beyond
the lagoon with the foliage on the cliff.
The wide cleft of Prospect park grew
less distinct. Mir Jan's white clothed
figure was lost in the dark background.
The island wus becoming vague,
dreamlike, n blurred memory.
"ltobert," sold the girl devoutly,
"God has been very good to us. Do
you remember this hour yesterday?"
she murmured, "How we suffered from
thirst; how the Dyaks began their sec
ond attack from the ridge; how you
cllmbetl down the ladder and I fol
lowed you? Oh, father, darling," she
went on Impulsively, tightening her
grasp, "you will never kuow how brave
lie was; how enduring; how he risked
all for me nnd cheered me to the end."
"I think I am beginning to under
stand now," answered the shipowner,
averting bis eyes lest Iris should see
the tears in them. Their Calvary was
ended, they thought Was it for him
to lead them ngaiu throughthe sorrow
ful way? It was a heartreudlng task
thnt lay before him, a task from which
his soul revolted. He refused even to
attempt it.
The explanation of the shipowner's
position was painfully simple. Being n
daring yet shrewd financier, he per
ceived in the troubled condition of the
fur cast a magnificent opportunity to
consolidate the trading lufiuence of his
company. He negotiated two big loans,
one of n Bcmiprlvate nature to equip
docks and railways in the chief mari
time province of China, the other of a
more public character with the govern
ment of Japan. All his own resources,
together with those of his prlncipnl di
rectors aud shareholders, were devoted
to these objects. Contemporaneously
he determined to stop paying heavy in
surance premiums on his fleet aud
make It self supporting on the well
known mutual principle.
Ills vessels were well equipped, well
manned, replete with every modern im
provement and managed with great
commercial skill. In three or four
years, given ordinary trading luck, he
must have doubled his own fortune.
No sooner were all his arrangements
completed thnu three of his best ships
went down, saddling his company with
an absolute loss of nearly 000,000 and
seriously undermining his tlnnucial
credit. A fellow director, wealthy and
influential, resigned his seat ou the
boa 11I and headed a clique of disap
pointed stockholders. At once the fair
sky became overcast.
Sir Arthur Deane's energy and finan
cial skill might have enabled htm to
weather this unexpected gale were it
not for the apparent loss of his beloved
Is it true you want to look old ?
then use Hall's Hair Renewer,
of early life restored to your
AEG. Wan d
" I wrote you for advice and commenced
treatment with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound aB you directed, and I am
happy to say that all those distressing symp
toms left me and I have passed safely through
the Change of Life, a well woman. I am
recommending your medicine to ail my
friends." Mrs. Annie E. G.Hylaud, Chester
town, Md.
Another Woman's Case.
"During change of life words cannot ex-
Eress what I suffered. My physician said I
ad a cancerous condition of the womb. One
day I read some of the testimonials of women
who had been cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, and I decided to try it
andto write you for advice. Your medicine
made me a well woman, and all ray bad symp
toms soon disappeared.
"I advise every woman at this period of life
to take vour medicine and write J'ou for ad
vice." Mrs. Lizzie Hinkle, Salem, Ind.
What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound did for Mrs. Hyland and
Mrs. Hinkle it will do for any woman
at this time of life.
It has conquered pain, restored
health, and prolonged life incases that
utterly Darned, physicians.
daughter with the crack ship 'or nis
line. Half frenzied with grief, be bade
bis enemies do their worst and allow
ed his affairs to get Into hopeless con
fusion while fie devoted blmseir wholly
to the search for Iris and her compan
ions. At this critical juncture Lord
Ventnor again reached his side. His
lordship possessed a large private for
tune nnd extensive estates. He was
prudent withal and knew how admi
rably the shipowner's plans would de
velop If given the necessary time. He
offered the use of his name and money.
He more than filled the gap created by
the hostile ex-director. People argued
that such a clever man, just returning
from the far east after accomplishing
a public mission of some Importance,
must be a reliable guide. The mere
cubled Intelligence of his Intention to
join the board restored confidence and
But there was a bargain. If Iris
lived she must become the Countess of
Yep t nor, His lordship was. weary of
Take Kodol After Eatiug.
After a hearty meal a dose o( Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure will prevent an attack
of Indigestion. Kodol is a thorough
digeBlant and a guaranteed cure for
Indigestion, Dyspepsia Gas on the
Stomach, Weak Heart, Sour Risings,
Bad Breath and all stomach troubles.
L. A. So per, cf Little Hobk, Ky says:
"Kodol Dyspepsia Cure deserves all the
commendation that can be given it, ns
it saved the life of our little girl when
she was three years old. She is now
six and we have kept it for her con
stantly, but, or course, she only takes
it now when any thing disagrees with
her. We feel grateful for the benefit
derived from its use and would not be
without it." Sold by Chas. Strang.
An Eccentric Painter,
William Wlllard, well known as the
painter of Massachusetts' governors,
wos very eccentric In his ways. His
special aversion was the attempted
purchase of his many old relics of fur
niture by people of wealth. A New
York woman visiting in the vicinity of
Sturbrldge, bearing that the old artist
possessed a beautiful colonial mirror
and a rare clock, tried to buy them.
Mr. Wlllard seemed to readily agree
to the sale, but when asked when It
would be convenient to have them
packed replied, "Not until after the
funeral." "Whose funeral?" asked the
visitor. "Mine," replied Mr. Wlllard,
with a chuckle.
Renders the bile more fluid and thus
helps the blood to How, it affords prom
pt relief from billiousnes?, indigeBtion,
sick and nervous headaches and the
over indulgance in tood and drink.
HerhinR acts quickly, a dose after
meals will bring the patieut into a coon
condition in a few drys
G. L. Caldwell, act. M. K. and T. R.
R. Checotah, Ind. Ter., writes. April IS
HKKS: "I was sick (or over two years
with enlargement of the liver and
spleen. The doctors did me no gooJ
and I had riven up all hope of being
'cured, when my druggist advised me to
use Heroine. It has made me sound
nnd well." 2oc, 60c, $1.00. Sold by Strang.
It Depends.
De Peyster (they have been convers
ing on art toplcs)Are you fond of ma
jolica, Mrs. Farvenue? Mrs. Tarvenue
(who has made several bad mistake?
since her entrance into society aud Is
on her guard i Well erthat depends
piUlrely m how It onVed.
Then keep your gray hair. If not,
and have all the dark, rich color
hair. u TttiTT&iliEirW
Societies of Medford.
I. O. O. F. Lodge No 83, meet fn I. O. O, fr
hall every Haiti ra ay at 8 p. m. VialtluK broth
urn ulwuye welcome.
J. L. Dxmmbr, Reo. Bee.
I. O. O. P. Rokuc Hirer Eacamnment. No.
30, meets In I. O. U. K. ball the tocotid and
i ou nil vteuiienuaytioi enuu muoiu mi o. p. m.
J.L. DBMMk-H, G. P.
II. II Hakvev, Scribe.
Riiilmeo Meuford Weatonka No. 30. moots
every ThuroUay In Red men's Hull, Angle blk.
LhB Jacoiis, Chief of Record,
CO. Rahpiulk, niit'hem.
Modern Woodmen '-- Meets first and third .
KrtdayH of every month, Uurnett Committee
man, Duncan beeretery. Meet in -hull.
Olive KebeltHii i-odpt No 'ih, murthlul. O.
o. P. hall tlrnt and itilrd Tueudaj-K of oh
month. Vieitlug ulsicrB lnved to attend
Bihdib hall Heo. 6ec. ,
A. F. aan A. M. Meets first Friday ou or te
foje full moon at 8 p. m.. in Masonic halt.
J, W. Lawton, Rec. See.
K. of F Talisman lodge So. 31. mcctH Mon
day evening aib p. m. Vieitlug brother al,
ways welcome. Fukd Lvy, O. U.
Ma iilon 1'uhdin. K. of R. and S.
KnitiJits of the Maccabees. TriumrhTeot
No. 14, meets in regular review on the 1st aud
ad Fridays ol each month in A. O. U.W Hull
7:30 p. m. Visiting Sir Knigbta cordially In
viied to attend, A. B. Ellison, Comniauder.
W.T. York. R. K.
A.O. U. V. LoriKeNo. da, meuu every flrot
ant third Wendebday iv tne mo 't at o p. m.
In their ball in the Opera block. V Initio
brothers invited to attend.
Loiien Damon, M. W.
Ashael H I'll hard, Hcccrder.
F T. of A. Medford Lodge No. 42!. meet
the second and fourth Tuesday evenings 1b
each luomh in the Red me lis hall. VLltluf :
Kr uteri- iuviteu to attend.
F It A MCI b Joan AN, F. M.
L. A. Jordan. Sec.
Woodmen of the World Cump No. 90, meets
every Thursday evening in K. of P, hall.
Medford Oregon.
W. R.Jackson, Clerk.
ChryHimthtmum Circle No. 84, Women at '
WoodcraftMeets second and fourth Tuesday
of each month at 7:30 p.m. In K. of V, hall.
Visiting sisters invited
Hits. ADA MlLIA, Q. N.
Pkub Angle, Clerlt
W, It. C Chester A. Arthur corps Wo. 34.
meuts Urst and third Wednesday of eaota, .
month ut 2 o'clock p. m., in Woodman's hall.
Visiting sisters Invited,
Mkb. Ivan Hum abon. Pres.
Mils. Hester Hartzell, Sec.
G. A. R. Chester A. Arthur Post No. 47,.
meets tn Woodman's ball every first ana
third Wednesday night In each month at 7:3C
Vislting Comrades cordially invited to attend.
Geo. We'uicniiammer. Com.
F. M. Stewart, ai utani.
W. C. T. U. Meets every other Thursday at
the Presbyterian church.
Mrs. Bucx, President.
Mrs. J. Morgan, Secretary.
Fraternal Brotherhood Mee la first and third
Friday evenings at 7:50 p. m lu their hall In
K. of P. building, Mtdford, Oregon. V'sltlo
Sisters and Brothers cordially invited.
. O. w. Muri'UY Pres.
W. J. Dockenyos Secretary.
O. K. a. Ht'ames Ohnntpr. No. 66. dipMh ma.
ond and fourth Wednesaay's of each month M
Masonic nan. aieuiora, uregon. visiuug Buv
terB and Brothers always weTcorxe.
Mattie Hutchison, W. If.
HattiiWuite Secretary.
the captain in K.'of P. hail.
ti. ii. HOWARD) uaptatn.
E. L. Klwood, Recorder.
A.O. P. Court Medford. No. ROM. moots pvnrv
Monday night at 7:30 p. m. in A.O. O. W Hall,
Anglo blicR, Medford, Oregon. Visiting:
Foresters cordially welcomed.
1.. U. IlOOVEIt, u. K.
Frank II. Hull, Rec. Sec.
Methodist Episcopal Ohuron It. C1 III olcwej.,
nastor. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. n..
and 7 :30 p. m. Sunday sohool at 10 a. m D. T
Lawton, supt. Glass meeting follow
&reacmne service sunaay morning, Julias
eeker. leader. Enworth League at 6:30 n. m..
Stella Duclos president. Regular prayer meet
ings every nmrsaay evening at 7:w p. m.
Ladles Aid Becietv everv Tuesday afternoon
at 2.30 Mrs. E. J. Pratt, president. W. P.M. B.
mceiB iirsv riaay in eacn mouu. airs, aa air
Fielder, president.
Presbyterian Cnurcn Rev. w. P. Shields
pat-tor. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. m
and 7:30 p.m. Sunday school at 10 &. m., Job.
Martin. Sunt. Christian Endeavor. 6:30 t. m.
Junior Christian Endeavor, 3 p. m. Everr
Tnuraday prayer meeting, 8 p. m. First Tues
day evening of every month churvn social..
Second Tuesday every month, 2:80 p. m., Mis
sion society. 1-H61 ana inira Tuesdays everr
month. 2:30 i. m.. Aid sociotv. Rev. W. P.
Shields, Pastor; Miss Beulah Warner, Supt..
S. 6.; Miss Edith Van Dyke Superintendent:
'. i. r.. -, iiavni ai. uay, i res. a. v.,
Mrs.J G.Vau Dyke, Pres. Aid society ; Mrs, i
W. Cox, Pres. Mission Society.
Christian cnurcb Corner of Slvth and I
streets. Services on the first and third Son
oays of each month. Sunday school and:
Christian Endeavor at usual hours every Sun.
day. Prayer meeting every Thuriday eveniogr
The people welcome. Rev Jones. Paster
Methodist Episcopal Church South Rov. M'
L. Darbv. nastor. Preaoblnsr everv Sundav at
II a. m. and evening; Sunday school at 10 a.m.;
Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 8 o'clock ;
woman's uome mission oocieiy meets nrs?
Wednesdav In each month at 2:80 n. m. Every
one is cordially invited to all our services
Christian Science services are held ever
Sunday morning at eleven o'clook at the ree
denceofE. H. Dunham, of Talent. All are-
In tho bounty Court of tho State of Oregon for
the County of Jackson.
In the matter of the Guard-)
ianshipofP. II. Oviatt, an Order to show
Incompetent person. ) cans.
It nppearlug to this Court from the petition
presentee ano nieu on mexoin aay oi J my, a,
I). 190ft, by Sarah C. Oviatt, guardian of the
person and estate of P. B. Oviatt, an incompe
tent person, praying for an order of sale ol aa
M interest in and to the Comstock of Orego
and Morning quartz mines located tn ttae
Willow Sorlnca Minins District in JroknoK
County, Oregon, belonging to Baid incompe
tent, mat it is tor tne oest interest or saia want
and necessary that said real estate be sold.
It is hereby ordered that the next kin of
said ward and all persons Interested In sal
estate, appear before this Court on Tbursdar
the 31st day MjAugust, 1905, At one o'clock p.
m. of said day, at the court room of thw
court at Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon,
then and there to show causo why an order '
should not be granted for the sale of said real
And it If further ordered thnt a copy of thl
order be published at least once a week for
four successive weeks prior to the hearing
hereof, order be published at least once a
week for four successive weeks in The Mkd
roRp Mail, a newspaper published in Jackson
County. Oregon, and also that a copy be per
sonally served upon said ward and his said
guard inn at least ten days before the said
Dated At Jacksonville, Oregon, August 1, A
D.. 1P05.
Geo. W. ddsn,
County Judge.
-Subscribe for The Mall.
(o the Unfortunate.
Tti n,TTrv")
V-4'n " ts forn.. Nl.ln
V 'JAn?v-iW&J lt .NTI1
v- ' w nil mm u;Oi-
'N V''S'YW HP""1' !.! oOln ii.
: ''Vn-iiitr tii followlTH symptom; fallow conn
. -. ilarK si.-its under the -yt. pin in tlu
..; t.iirirK In the ear, loss of
' l-t ;i;-;irmichitn grangers. p:illU;tl!' ii ot the
, m x, i t-r. n. nl !tf llmt.s a'nl tnu'k. low of rruMu
i ,t '!!: o?i the fcioe. ooncl . roi'-iunpn.'n, rtr
t. i;. il'!Mi lua irai'tin'il in S;m Frnlirifo If
..;..;;. .iti-i trutibll luM ixst fnil t., nitisul
:n :i ..: n-.-ve ttip lcn lit of h' cr.'i-t ir.t
i ti TIif!o.'tr'irrlj'-trMii'rst;ti; Trj
.v.i. orr utinrtiniri'il. IVrsr.iiN rnrrd p1
i t ti;,rT' ' f; .!''-. i Jilt or write. Ir .1. 1".
1. 1 bb'ii.4tUKiru j St.,S- Trani'loi-u i L
2 r- "-"Sit 1 roust MHV.-ffiil Siieciii!.
AFS.Vii raffiVfi5 cutitltniMs to -,!-. all