The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, August 25, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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    1 VAN DYKE'S
s'y" " Men's Fine Shoes
Tho latest ideas in Foot Dress
are always shown first by us. Just
now we are showing the new Fall
Styles in "Walk-Over" and
"Florsbeim" Makes.
For a
Dress Shoe
Nothing beats the "Walk-Over,"
$3.50 and $4.00 lines. The Fall
Styles are better than ever before.
In better grades we have the
"Florsheim" Shoe in $4.00, $5.00,
$6.00 and $7.50 grades.
Ask Us to show them to you
J. H Butler, Funeral
-Director, with Medford
Furniture Co., House
furnishers and Undertakers-
Day 'Phone
Main 353. Night Phone
Main 115
The programs for the shootiag
tournameut to be held iu Medford,
September 22d aud 23rd, have beeu
i Baaed uud ulroady responses are com
ing in to J. ID. Enyart, the -ckainuaiv
of the committee, from shooters, an
nouncing their intention of boing
present at the tournament. Inci
dentally they compliment Mr. Eu
yart upon the unique arrangement o
the pamphlet which advertises the
tournament which pamphlet was
printed at thie office and the book is
worthy of oommendation. The .'Man
Behind the Gun, 1 where 1 'The
Duffer, " emulating Silas Wegg,
""drops into poetry" is not unworthy
of the sotting which the facile penoil
of Voluey Dixon has given it with his
timely illustrations The legends and
illustrations beneath each advertising
page will cause the reader to look ovov
the whole book before he lays it
down. The man who delights in
unravoliug mysteries will And "his"
in deciphering what some of thorn
mean. The solution of the whole
thing 1b this, however: You who are
followers of the sport of trap shoot
ing, who delight in the crack of the
shot gun aud to see the Boaring "blue
rock" disintegrated in midair, will
find excellent sport hore. You will
find an hospitable people, bent upon
giving the "stranger within tho
gates' a good time, and withal you
will be able to reach as flno fishing
and hunting ground within a two
days' drive as you can find on tho
northwest coast. You will find a real
western welcome in Medford.
130 acre farm in the coal and oil
belt of Ohio for sale or trado for
Jacksou county land. Inquire of W.
T. York. 33-26
Fruits are beginning to come in
at the exhibit building rapidly.
There are some mammoth water
melons from Central Point, hugo ca
abas from Phoenix, pears, plums,
prnnes and apples from all over the
-valley, not to mention the bumble
spud one of whioh would make a
meal for a family or the auoeulent
onion big enough to spoil a dozen
-courtships if properly distributed.
The vegetable and fruit display is
'Commencing to be "something like."
'.Sugar boets of enormous size, carrots, ,
turnips everything that grows iu the
ground show up grandly. A big rain
bow trout from Rogue river, with the
fly that caused htB capture, still in his
mouth, is one of the exhibits that at
tracts the attention of the sportsman.
The fish is a fair sample of those reg
ularly caught in the river.
Carlopd of com out and plaster
Paris, just received. Am selling at
luwuut price, j. r. wuue. zi-it.
Dr. O P. Demorest, who has for a
number of yoara practiced denistry in
this town, has sold his dental parlors
to Dr. W. R. Boyd, of Klamath Falls.
aud Dr. Boyd has sold bis parlors at
Klamath Falls to Dr. Demorest, who
will move his family to that place in
the near future. Mr. Demoreat built
up a good business in this town and
will no doubt be successful in the
practice of denistry in Klamath Falls.
Dr. Boyd comes well reoomm ended as
a dentist, and while tho departure of
Dr. Demorest and his family is re
grotted, the glad hand of welcome is
extended to Dr. and Mrs. Boyd.
Lakeview Herald. Dr. Demorest
formerly resided in Medford.
G. W. Priddy. the export brick
maker, has a kiln of superior brick
just burnt wniuu no is selling at rea
sonable prices.
The atmosphere has been growing
lore smoky each day of late, owing
to fires in the nearby foothills. The
extremely dry season makes it an
easy matter for flros to get started,
and additional precautions should
be taken by everyone in handling fire
where it is likely to got out. Tho
penalty for carelessness in this re
spect is vory severe, and the authori
ties are determined to enforce the
law, wherever evidence of its viola
tion can be seourod.
Dr. Goble'a office is in Butler's
jewelry store, where ho may be found
every oaturaay.
Gee, but tho market has been
chuck-o-blook with melons this week.
The wonder is whore they all go to
where are the people who consume all
of them? When one sees tho wagon
load after wagon load whioh are un
loaded iu front of tho several grocory
stores of the city ho cannot but be
lead to the belief that for a fow weeks
at least the principle diet of our
townspeople is melons The melon
crop is a large one this year and the
size and quality of the fruit itself is
Guaranteed Forest Reserve scrip
for sale, in large or small quantities,
by Frank . Alley, upstairs over Lund
Office, Ror-ebure, Orecron. Will place
same for non-resident purchasers.
The Iowa Lumber & Box Co. has
been booking some big orders for
boxes from California lately and the
factory is just now about as busy a
place as one could find hereabouts.
The machines are all going and there
See The
Japanese Mush Bowls
is au air of bustle about the establish
ment that shows prosieiity. Mana
ger Edgar Hufer while he has been iu
California has seourod some vory
large orange box orders in the south
ern part of the stato
If you want Sweot Cream you can
got it at the Creamery. 2ft oento per
quart aud 15 cents per pint
W. G. Murphy, proprietor of the
Gold Green Front" cigar store, has
beon having his place of business
made over this week. The artists are
Kerr & Shearer and the job they are
doing is a good one. The front baa
been painted a dark green with a
sprinkling of gold, whioh at first leads
one to believe that .the sun has per
forated holes in the awning. The in
terior has also been painted and pa
pered, and the appearance has been
greatly improved, Mr. Murphy la
fuBt building up a Bpleudid cigar
trade. He keeps a nice, quiet plaoo
and it is not a pitfall for the young
men of our city.
Hon. Garl T. Jones is having a
Blx-room oottago built on property
he owns at the head of North B
street. The building will be 28x35
feot in size aud Is being built by Mr.
Jones' eon, J. M. Jones, of Spokane.
Mr. Jones owns an aore and a third
of laud upon which he is building.
The site is a very pretty one and when
this cottage is com Dieted he will have
a home to be proud of.
Dry limb wood for sale. 50 cents a
load. J. I. Morgan, on old Bleeober
place, 1 miles south of Jackson
ville. 30-tt
The descriptive pamphlet of Jaok
son county, compiled under the su
pervision of the county court by M.
F. Eggleaton, of Ashland, has been
issued. It gives a clear, comprehen
sive statement of the resources and
products of Jackson county, is pro
fusely illustrated with orchard, farm,
timber and mining soenes, well print
ed on good paper and withall is a
very creditable piece of advertising
Fouud At Union livery stables,
small gold lockot, initials "W. D. W."
engraved on buck. Owner can re
cover same by proving property and
paying tor tnlB notice.
T. H. Moore has men at work
putting in a foundation for a 40x70
foot brick building, on South G street.
This building will be two stories high
and will form the stable part of the
livery barn which ho ib building on
Seventh street. The barn when com
pleted will have a frontage of thirty
feet on Seveuth street, by seventy
five feet deep, whilo at the rear it will
oonnect with the stable above referred
When you want bagains like these.
that are reliable: 200 acres; 160 aoros
in cultivation, 30 acres in alfalfa, 25
acres in coin, bulanco in wneat, bar
lev aud oats. All fenced and cross-
fenced. One Hereford bull, hogs, all
kinds of farming implements; 22 miles
from Medford. Good roads aud not
sticky. Price $4000. Crop goes at
above orico uud worth $1500. 80 acres.
20 acres of wheat, 8 acres in bearing
orchard, mostly apples, 1 niilpa
from Medford ; price, cash, S8U0, why
see, White & Trowbridge, west tsiclo.
Messrs. Woeks & Baker have their
undertaking parlors nicely fitted with
all modern improvements for hand
ling undertaking goods. Those par
lors are sufficiently large to permit of
holding funeral services there should
there be occasion for it. The parlora
are also provided with chairs to ac
commodate such an occasion.
For Sale A uew ten-horse boiler
complete. Enquire of Medford Iron
W orks.
Supt. II. L. Kelly, of tho Rogue
river hatchery, left for Portland Mon
day morning in charge of a consign
ment of Rogue river trout for exhi
bition at the Lewis aud Clark fair.
Tho varietios were rainbow, Bteelhead
aud black spotted trout and wore
beautiful Bpooimeus of the several
kinds of Oah.
E. E. Bowotv lawyer, Miles
block. Medford, Oregon. Geuorullaw
business transacted. 21-tf.
A special traiu bearing A. S,
Craig aud W. E. Comau, prominent
railroad officials, and party spent
sometime in Med lord Tuesday morn
ing, on a tour of inspection of the
road. The party was deeply interest
ed in the display in the exhibit build
ing and made an exhaustive examina
tion of it.
W. E, Phippa, attorney at law.
Offices in Medford Bank building.
The building for the new vinegar
factory is boing rapidly pushed to
completion, ft will bo a substantial
ly constructed and convenient build
ing when finished, and well adapted
for the purpose for whioh it is to be
uBcd. The Iowa Lumber A Box Co.,
has the contract.
-Blue prints of township mans.
showing all vacant laud, tifty cents
each. For reliable information con
cerning Government land write to
Frank b. Alley, Abdtracior, Koieouri:.
F. E. Martin has his new resi
dence, corner of L and Ninta streets,
nearly oompleted. It ia two stories
high, 1b very pretty in design aud is
conveniently arranged, l'be location
ia a desirable one and gives Mr. Mar
tin an idoal home.
Threshing is proceeding slowly,
as there are only three machines
Clute's, Savage'a and Glass' operat
ing in thia end of the valley. The
crop is a hoavy one aud it will bo sev
eral weeks before the work will be fin
ished. Barnum k Bailey's groat clrous
will be here Saturday and will give
one performance only. This 1b one
of the greatest, if not the greatest,
traveling aggregation in the world,
and has a reputation all over the
world for its great attractions.
J. P. Uoaland, of Central Point,
baa The Mail's thanks for a flno large
watermelon. Mr. iluagland has a
splendid crop of mebns tnis year and
i marketed a great many of them
in Medford.
Bartlett pears are moving pretty
rapidly now, and the demand for
them ensures good prices. Man
ager Perry, of the Fruit Growers'
Union, loaded several oarloadB this
woo It.
L. F, Lozier,llving just woat from
Medford, is agent for a Willamette
valley firm for the purohaue of prunes,
lie is prepared to pay the highest
market price for all grades.
Mrs. Chas, Carney had the mis
fortune Sunday to fall and bieak two
bones of her left ankle. Dr. Camer
on was called and reduced the fract
I. J. Estes brought to Medford
last week one hundred watermelons
a full wagon load, which averaged In
weight twenty-two and three-fourths
pounds each.
Eddie Wilkinson, who has beou
suffering from a severe attack of In
flammatory rheumatism, is able to be
about once more, we are glad to say.
Fires are reportod in the Big
Butte section and also about Gold
Ray, which causes a heavy pall of
snioko to haug over the valley.
S. Chllders has finished the brick
work ou the Miller residence, on
South G street, and Fred Day is now
putting up tho carpenter work.
Pat Kelly and Ed. Neilon engaged
iu a fistic encounter Friday night on
the streets, for which they were as
sessed $10 each.
-Mrs. Rhoda Dunlap, of Phoenix,
was adjudged insane by Judge Dunn
last week, and was taken to the asylum
at Salem Saturday.
Misa Mamie Ragsdale haa taken a
position, temporarily, in F. K. Deuel
& Co's dry goods Btore.
Married - In Medford, Monday,
August 21, 1905, Harry J. Evorltt and
Miss Irma Noble.
A, W. Countryman and family
have moved from Eagle Point to Med
ford. Born Iu Medford .August 18,1905,
to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wiley, a son.
Medford Items.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Mackey loft
Saturday, bound for Big Butte and
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Richardson, pio
noor people of Beagle, wero in Med
ford Saturday, trading.
Mr. and Mrs. Si. Norton, of North
C street, left Wednesday for Prospeot,
where Mr. Norton has employment on
the Ray ditch.
Mies Lulu Brown, a popular young
lady of the Beagle section, has boon
visiting for the paBt ten daya at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Norris.
She accompanied her mother home on
John Houaton, the well-known
stock, fruit and sorghum raisor, of
Long Branch, tarried with us Thor
day night, lie brought in four fine
beeves, which he roadily disposod of
to our city butchers,
Died At Prospect, August 15, 1005,
Willie.sou of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Walk
er, of heart failure. Tho iu torment
was made at Prospect. These good
people have the sympathy of your
humble writor and family.
Daniel Reynolds, a pioneor of South
oru Oregon, but who recently located
in Idaho, and who came to Medford
some two months ago, very badly
paralyzed, baa so fully recovorod no
dor tho treatment of Dr. Joues as to
bo able to return to hia home.
C. F. Martin, of North C stroet,
wbllo playing on the Medford & Orat
or Lake railway Wednesday had tho
misfortuno to get three of his toes
pretty badly mashed by n car wheel
passing ovor them. Although quito
painful he thinks his recovery will be
sufficient, to enable him to attond the
great circus that is coming on the
Married Wagner-Case.
Mr. Fred D. Wagner, editor and
publisher of the A&hland Tidings, and
Miss Stella M. Case, of Ashland, were
married on Wednesday e von ing of
this week.
Tho Mail is joining with these peo
ple's many friends all ovor Jackson
county In wishing them a long life of
happy companionship.
To My Patrons.
1 am now temoorarilv located nt
the Medford Furniture store, where I
am prepared to do anything In the
way or watch repairing just the same
hb ever. a. ss. uui'bEK.
Pay More
for other
Davis' Best,
$1.00 per Sack
Every Sack Guaran
Jack Loar returned from the north
Suuday evening.
Fred Burn o burg was iu Ashland on
business Friday.
J. il. Butler is oujoying an outing
at Ciunabar springs.
Dave Pence, of Elk oreek, was a
Medford visitor Monday.
Capt. Gordon Voorhles ret u mod to
Portland Friday evoulug.
Mm. W. W. Bates is at Portland
attending the exposition.
Hon. Ben Haymoud was'iu Medford
from Rock Poiut Saturday.
Mr. aud Mrs. il. O. Lewis have gone
to Portland for a short stay.
J. W. Jox returned Sunday evening
from a short stay at Colestln.
Mrs. Carl Phelps left Friday even
ing for Portlnud, to visit tho fair.
Merchant W. K. Coleman, or Phoe
nix, was a Medford visitor Monday.
Jos. Slinger loft Sunday evening
for Portland to be goue a Bhort time.
T. G, Spangler was in Medford
Monday from the Rogue river hatch
ery. Rube Johnson, the Elk oroek stock
man, was in Medford Monday, on busi
ness. Hon. W. S. Crowell returned last
week from hia annual outing at New
port. Mr. aud Mrs. John Orth, of Jack
sonville, were Colestiu visitors ovor
Mrs. H. W. Jackson and ohildren
are iu Portland, attendlug the expo
Merchants aud Mrs. J. P. Roberts
returned from a visit to the fair
Farmer I. B. Maodouald, of Table
Rock, was in Medford Monday, ou
Attorney C. L. Reomos, of Jackson
ville, spent Saturday ) and Sunday at
Merchant Ed, R. Van Dyke returned
Mouday from a visit to the Fortlaud
Mrs. C. R. Ray aud daughters re
turned Sunday from a trip to the fair
at Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Redden loft
Monday evening for Portland to take
in the fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Gay, of So
attle.are visiting lelatives and frionds
in thia section.
Miss Grace Huff, of Cor vol lis,
visiting H. Von dor Hellen and fam
ily, at Wellen.
W. W. Batos loft Monday for Port
land, to joiu Mrs. Bates who went
down last weok.
Capt. A. M. Short, who has beon
here looking after his interests,
turned oast Friday.
J. Court Hall and family returned
Sunday night from httouding the
Lewie aud Clark fair.
Miss Stolla Spangler in visiting with
her fathor, T. G. Spangler, at the
Rogue river hatchery.
P. H. Emery, of Summit, S. D., is
here, ou a visit to Mb brother, who
res idea at Central Poiut,
Cashier G. R. Dudley aud family
returned a few days sinoo from a trip
to C niter lake and other points.
J. J. Brophy, who Is now locatod at
Fort Klamath, was in Medford
business several days thiB woek.
Mr. and Mra. Chaa. Strang nnd
son, Fred, loft Saturday for Portland,
to spend a fow woeks at tho fair.
Mr. aud Mrs. L, E. Jlovor are
among the Juokson county visitors
at tho Lowis and Clark fair this week
Mr. aud Mra. R. F. Anderson and
II. Helms nnd family ure onjoying
outiug in tho Dead lndiuu couutry.
Mrs. Weathorford, who has beon
visiting her sistor, Mrs. J. A Ward,
left Saturday ovoning for bor home In
Enst9rn Oregon.
Andrew Can trull, one of the solid
farmers and atockmon of tho Apple-
gate section, was in Aleuioru on
businesu Saturday.
Postmaster Woodford visited Grants
Pass Friday, returning Saturday, ao '
companied by Mrs. W., who has been
visiting relatives thero.
Miss Eula Hanse, of Goldendalo,
Wtish., who has beon visiting Rev. F
W. Carstons and family, loft on her
return home Saturday.
Hon. W. I. Vawtor loft Monday
evening for Nowport, for an outing
with his family, who have been there
for tho past several weeks.
Mrs. E. F. Porter, of Kansas City,
Mo,, has beon vleiting bor Bister, Mis.
II. C. Garnott for the past six weeks,
left for home Monday evening.
J. Ralph Woodford and Louis War
ner, who have been communing with
nature in the tall timber of tho Big
Butte country, returned homo Fri
Misa Ella Gaunyaw, who is acting
as stenographer In tho law offlo -8 of
Reamos A Reamea at Juoknonvillp,
apont Sunday with home foU n
Miss May Slootim, of Mlnb rn,
owa, a nelce of tho Hubbard b -in
ra, who has beon visttliig h e ir
several woeks past, loft for bor nume
Monday ovenlng.
Joe Hoagland, of Central Polui n
n town Monday morning with n mud
of melons that would make a ivnn
arkey quit a j'lb on a Pulln un c- r
to BQinplo one of them,
Mrs. Anna L-tning, of Ciuwf j'ri
Neniaskn, who has boen vUiLui In r
slHt"r8,MoHdttmi!B Anhnol Hnbhiu it ul
Wallace Woods aud their fjniiilim,
left for her homo a few duys siir u
Mrs. Sulllo Muury Cowgill, wlw
Attention, Fruit Growers!
is on, and this season
with a better manufac
toried box than ever.
If our
Pleased you last year, they
will more than please you
this year
File Your Orders Now
Iowa Lumber & Box Co.
Weeks 6c Bakerf
boon visiting bor father, Col. R. F.
Muury of Cotitrnl Point prooinot, for
tho paat several weeks, loft for hor
homo ut San Ardo, Culif., Woduos-
il. Iluffur, of Jacksonville, who has
boon studying at the Good Samaritan
hospital at Portland, has graduated aa
a trained uurso front that institution,
and returned to hor homo in Jaokson
villo, for a Bhort rest bofore entering
upon tho praotioo of hor profoBHlon.
11. L. Koyto, of Morliu,was iu Mod
ford Saturday, upon n visit to D. T.
Lawton. Mr. Koyto is interested in
tho Tin Pan niino, uoar Uolil 11 ill,
Mr. nnd Mrs. fo. N. Eads and 'son,
of Kansas City, Kunsas, nrrived in
Modford Weduosday for a visit to J.
T. Gads and taiuily. Thoao pcoplo are
returning from a visit to tho fair.
Mrs Win. Turuhnm and children, of
(Smuts Pnss, aro visiting Mrs. Turu
j ham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .). 10.
: Olson. Tuoy will visit at tho mill, ut
Mrs. C. Kuley, (uoo Camorou) of
Bolso, Idaho, who has boon viBiting I Borby, before returning.
rointivos in tno vanoy, returned nomo
Sunday. Sho was nooompanlod us far
as Portland by her sister, Miss 13or
11100 Camoron.
Nato ltidon whs down from
orook Saturday. Ho and Mb family
aro now, and linvo boon tor Homo
time, living on their homostead in
tho Big Ilutto country.
Ex-oounty commissioner, Martin
Porry, returned Saturday .from Now
port. Mr. Ferry lias beeu living for
sovornl months at lily, in Klamath
county, und will roturn again to that
plaoo within a fow wqoks.
Misa Loulso llulfor, daughter of J.
llonry nnd Miss Molllo Maury, of
Jacksonville wore Modford vinltors
Wednosduy, having oomo ovor to soo
tlioir siBtor, Mrs. J. G. Cowgill, off
for hor homo at San Ardo, Calif.
Mrs. T. J. Watkins aud daughter,
MIbb Mury,who have boon horo upon a
visit to J. P. Kohorts nnd family, re
turned to thoir homo at Manguin,
Oklahoma, Wednesday. Mrs, Wutkins
has visited ninny localities on tho
oonst, including the Hood rivor ooun
try,und sho doolures Mils Is tho best of
thorn all, aud next year she will re
turn nnd mnko Modford tor future
Wo just roccived from tho factory
a sliiptnniit f 11 io colubrateri
Regular Price, $6 Our Price, $4
Also a Factory Shipment
of the Late Fall Shapes '
in Stiff Hats
jtsr REMEMBER: We have the orily
Hat Conformator arid Band In
itial machine in Medford
Up-to-Date Hatters
cr.d Men's Outfitters