The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, August 25, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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    - ROYAL
Baking Powder
MeJces Cloevrv Brea.d
With Royal Baking Powder there is
no mixing with the hands, no sweat of
the brow. Perfect cleanliness, greatest
facility, sweet, clean, healthful food.
Full instructions in the " Royal Baker and Pastry Cook"
book for making all kinds of bread, biscuit and cake
with Royal Baking Powder. Gratis to any address.
Sl J
Eagie point Eaglets.
A letter from J. H. Iulow says that
he "has been sick at Klamath Falls
fot some time, but is improving uow.
Paul Vau Scoy and family arrived
here the first of last week. They are
visiting Mrs. Vau Scoy 'a parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Brown.
J. J. Fryer has had a new roof put
on the house occupied by the late
Jo tin Lewis, but more recently by
Rev. Countryman.
Last week as Johnny Childreth was
riding on a horse with another boy,
by some means he lost Mb balance,
fell oif and broke his arm.
Samuel Coy, of Ashland, formerly
of this place, came up last week on
business, spending a day or two
among hla old neighbors.
Prof. Robbie Jonas, who is engaged
teaching school ou Forest creek, came
over last Saturday to look aftei his
business in these parts.
(Joorge Parsons, assistant civil en
gineer ou the M. & C. L. R. R., who
has been on the sick list for several
days, was out last Saturday and Sun
day, smiling on hiB friends.
Charley Obenchain, who has been
one of the tapemen with the M. & C,
L. R. R. crew, took a lay-off last Sat
uiday for a few davs aud weut to hie
father's last Saturday evening.
I understand that Mr. Ewen, the
contractor to do the grading for the
new railroad, has about doubled his
force aud is pushing the work right
Frank Smith and family, another of
J. W. Smith's boys, of Big Sticky,
passift- through here last Friday after
noon, on their way to see the old
folks. He has not been home for a
number of yeart,.
Mr. Warmsley, the man who bought
the Asbury place in our town, seems
to be of toe rignt sort, tor ne pro
poses to givea good lift on the pro
posed church bulidng here.
Mr. Haskins, the gentleman who
bought the Heckatnorn property,
seems to have Btarted off on the right
foot aud he and his good wife seem to
be adapted to the place they occupy,
Mrs. Warner, daughter of our saw
mill man, Mr. Lee, started for her
home in Pendleton last Thursday. She
has been visiting her father and step
mother for several weeks at the Round
Top mill.
J. F. Brown and wife, who have
been taking in tne Lewis and Clark
fair, returned last Sunday. They re
port that there were so many things
to see and so much granduer that it
had a tendency to confuse the mind,
but they had a fine time.
Frank Jackson, be who bought J.
H. Inlow out at this place, has re -ar
ranged tne interior or tne ouuaiug
ana IS using tuiugs uj iu iiue ounn,
making a pleasant reBort for ladlenand
gentlemen to wnue away an evening
or an odd hour occasionally.
Miss Cora Chidreth and Miss Char
ity Williams came out from Medford
last Saturdav. the former remaining,
but Miss Williams returned Sunday
evening. Two of the Chlldretn broth
ers came out from Medford Sunday
morning to visit their brothers here,
returning the same evening.
Tti3 Snowy Butte mill is about ready
for business again, a. is. noimes ana
J. H. Carlton have rented the mill
and Mr. Haakel, of Central Pointj a
nmnHnnl miller, is iroiuff to superin
tend the mill work and we are assured
nf the, move be in ir a success. The
farmers are already storing their
wheat and meobanlcs are at worK re
pairing the mill and putting it in
shape to do as good work as in form
This falling of your hair!
Stop it, or you will soon be
bald. Give your hair some
Ayer's Hair Vigor. The Fall
ing will stop, the hair will
Hair Vigor
grow, and the scalp will be
clean and healthy. Why be
satisfied with poor hair when
you can make it rich?
Mt hair neirly U rm out. 1 ihen trlM
Ayer's Hair Via.-r an-1 onl brttiv trre'l
the falUnir. 3w liair cune In r! tliirk ami
just a little curly." Mats. L. M. Sxith,
Saratoga, N. Y.
fd.W s bottle. J. C. ATKR CO..
All .Irm-L-LM.
Thick Hair
er years. They have made arrange
ments to buy a reasonable amount of
Last Friday Rev. Carstens, accom
pli Iod by Br. Adkius. A. P. Talent
and W. T. Kame, came out to assist
iu the organization ofaUapist church
at this place aud to take steps toward
building a churoh house. They were
Bomewbat disappointed on account of
not having the number come into the
organization that they expected, as
only eight came forward, but they
have the promise of some six or seven
more, who expect to join with them
soon. Rev. C. gave us a fine talk and
made a strong appeal for a church
house. Dr. Adkius and Mr. Kame
also spoke encouragingly of the move
ana Uounty commissioner ueorge
Brown spoke strongly in favor of the
move. That we need a church is a
self-evident faot and as a business
propositiou I can't see why money
Invested in a move of that kind oould
or should not pay interest on the in
vestment. Quite a number of men
are engaged here in business and of
course it is to their interest to have
others come and settle among us
buy Jots, build nouses, nil up our
scnoolB and by tbat means cause
money to circulate among us. I for
one am receiving letters from differ
ent parts of the country, inquiring
about our town ana tne surrounding
country and especially about our
schools aud churohes, and when they
are informed that we have no regular
proaohing here and no church thoy
naturally turn to some other place
where thev can have such necessary
accompaniments to civilization, Jiut
tne outlook is encouraging, as a num
ber of the business men are becoming
interested in the move.
A Warning: To Mothers.
Too much care cannot be used with
Bmall children during the hot weatner
of the summer months to guard against
bowel troubles. As a rule it is only
necessary to give the children a dose of
castor oil to coirect any disorder of the
bowels. Do not use any aubEtitute,
but give the old fashioned castor oil.
and see that It is fresh, as rancid oil
nauseates and has a tendency to gripe.
If this does not check the bowels give
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dia
rrhoea Remedy and then a dose of
caBtor oil, and the disease may be
checked In itB incipiency and all dancer
avoided. The castor oil and this rem
edy should be procured at once and
kept ready lor instant use as soon as
the first indication of any oowei irouoie
appears. TniB IB tbe most euccesBiul
treatment known and may oe rciieu
upon with implicit confidence even in
case of cbolera Infantum. For sale by
UhancB Strang.
Kanes Creek Items,
Mrs. Pennine;, of Ashland, is the
guest of Mrs. McDugall this wek.
John RailB was transacting busi
ness in Gold Hill on Monday.
Mrs. Taylor and daughter were
guests of relatives in Gold Hill recent
ly. Mrs. Ella Rhoteir left on Monday's
train for Grants Pass on a business
Ed. Roten is out on the high inoun
tains of Evans creek on a prospecting
Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Hicinbotbam
spent Sunday in the valley, visiting
Miss Ada Swinden and Mrs. Bau-
man will leave Wednesday for Port
land and the fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, of the Mil
lionaire mine, transacted business in
Gold Hill on Monday.
Elmer Nichols and family left on
Monday for the Applegate country, to
look at a place ne ib tmnmng 01 pur
Miss Anna Birdsov. who has been a
guest of relatives on Kanes creek, left
for her Home in Ashland last Satur
The Dardanells school has no teach
er engaged for the fall term. Reason
able wages are offered to the right
person. A nale teacher is preferred.
Dear Gus: I have solved the mother-in-law
problem, juBt etve her ree-
ularlv HoUister's Rockv Mountain Tea
It will make her healthy, happy and
docile as a lamb. n cents. Tea
Tablets. Dr. H inkle's drug store
Central Point.
ffoted Dead In Trlnltr Churchyard.
Alesnnder Hamilton is burled In
Trinity churchyard, at the head of Wall
street, ew lork, and the grave
marked by a conspicuous white mar
ble monument near tho Itcctor stroo
station of Ihe elevated road. Ills wife,
who lived until 1854, fifty years nfli'r
his denth In the duel Willi Iturr, is
burled beslile him. Albert Hulliitin.
who succeeded Hamilton n seeretiir.v
of the treasury, lies only n few feet
away, and near by is also the grave
of Robert Fulton. Inventor nf the
steamboat. Another famous oecup:int
of Trinity churchyard, whose monu
ment is near the Broadway gate, is
Captain James Lawrence of tho 1,'nlted
States navy, commander of the frigate
Chesapeake, who fell In battle with
the British ship Shnnnon June 1, 1813.
In the thirty-second year of his age.
As he fell upon the deck he cried to
his subordinates, "Don't give up the
14 Br! ok the lllaheat Price of Amy
Orient! Fruit.
It wns at the height of tho durlan
lenson, when all aulinul kind la Malay,
two legged and four legged, la animat
ed by an Insatiable lust for the fruit It
self and quick to fill with savage anger
against whatever stands In the way of
satisfying Its appetite, for not the least
remarkable quality of this remarkable
fruit Is the amatory effect It has upon
those who consume It, says Caspar
Whitney In Outing, Alt durlan eating
Malays, man and beast, are aflame with
erotic fire. Tbe Jungle resounds with
the fighting of lovelorn brutes and the
towns awaken to courtship.
Tbe durlan is about the size of a
pineapple, with a similarly rough out
side covering armed wltu bait men
spikes which are tough and sharp. It
grows on trees fully sixty feet In
height whose trunks are bare of limbs
except at the very top, and when the
fruit ripens It drops to tho ground. So
as the season approaches natives erect
small nuts under the tree or neur by,
from which they watch for the falling
Those who are fortunate enough to
have, such trees growing on their own
loud practically live on the Income de
rived from the sale of the durlan, for
in the peninsular market it brings the
highest price of any eastern fruit. In
the jungle edge, whore these trees have
no ownership, the race to bulk? the first
hut and thus establish proprietary In
terest In the falling fro It Is equal In In
tensity to a land rush, and lu the jun
gle the nutlves must compete also with
the wild bensts that share man b fond
ness for this extraordinary fruit.
Once In the jungle as I sat smoking,
puzzling out some lost seladaug tracks,
falling durlan attracted my atten
tion. The nearby trees seemed alive
with monkeys racing to first reach the
ground. One monkey that had been
loft at the poBt, so to say, deliberately
dived from the top of the tree where ho
sat, fully forty feet, Into the top of a
smaller tree below, whence he swung
to the ground. Bnt, though he beat out
the others, the durlan had disappeared.
A small leopard-like creature had
sneaked off the fruit, and I was too ab
sorbed in watching the aerial flight of
the monkey to get more than a glimpse
of the thief. The troop of monkeys
tbat Instantly forgathered discussed
the situation loudly and in very ob
vious anger.
In trying to take short cuts to suc
In looking on the dark side of every
thing. In overconfidence born of a first easy
In not working to a plan or pro
In not being ready for the opportuni
ty when it came.
In sampling every kind of invest
ment scheme that came along.
In dreaming of great things Instead
of doing the little ones at band.
In being so disagreeable and selfish
that they could not make friends.
In waiting for somebody to help
them or give them a boost or for some
rich uncle to die.
In refusing to take the positions they
could get because they did not know
whether they would like the work or
not. Success.
The Ontloolc For History.
History must be human, making Its
final appeal not as a monument of eru
dition, but as a masterpiece of art. In
which the collective deeds and pas
sions of men shall be not merely pic
tured with photographic accuracy, but
vitalized and Interpreted. Let us not
suppose that this is a new aim. The
great historians have always held It.
The Idea that Thucydldes nnd Tacitus
neglected to consult all the material
available In their tune Is ludicrous.
Gibbon knew his "sources" as pro
foundly as tbe impeccably correct Gar
diner. Mommsea, we may be sure, had
not, like Stubbs, a body of evidence
which he dared not explore. The mas
ter historians in the future, by what
ever method they may work, will prove
themselves to be akin to these in In
Bight, In power and In art W. R
Thayer in Atlantic.
Had Them Either Wr
In his "Recollections of a Virginian'
General Downey H. Maury tells of an
old lady In Fredericksburg who was
reduced to taking In boarders in order
to mnke both ends meet. On one occa
eion of peculiar stress the larder was
so empty that the good lady took to her
bed and summoned her servant. "fc all
ey," she said, "there's nothing In the
house for my boarders to cat except
mush. But give them thot. If they are
Christians they will uccept In resigna
tion and thankfulness. And If they are
not Christians it is a deal too good for
Heap Tour Reward la Peace.
You have a disagreeable duty to do
at 12 o'clock. Do not blacken 0 and 10
and 11 and all between with the color
of 12. Jo the work of each nnd reap
your reward In peace, so when the
dreaded moment in the future becomes
the present you shall meet It walking
In the light, nnd tbat light will over
come Its darkness. George McDounld.
Mr. Bnshlclgh Miss Dors, I couldn't
begin to to tell you how much I I
Dora Hope Von certainly have been a
long time beginning, my poor lioy. Oo
ahead. I'hlcago Tribune.
First Took An' what was yez talk
In' nbout? Second Cooh oh. we whs
dlscussln' the mistress problem. Puck.
Those who are gaining flesh
and strength by regular treat
ment with
Scott's Emulsion
should continue the treatmr M
In hot weather; smaller dc i
and a little cool milk with It wii '
do away with any objection
which Is attached to fatty pro
ducts during the heated
Send for free Mmple.
Sf'OTT ft BOWNK, CliemljU,
407.415 Pearl Street, New 74rV.
50c. and i.oo all druggutl.
Accident iald to Be Due to Fading
From Red to White of Danger
Norfolk, Va., Aug. 19. A ghastl)
llscovery was made at noon yestorda
In tbe Elizabeth river at tbe polnl
where the Atlantic Coast line oxcur
slon train Jumped tbe bridge through
nn open draw. Divers, who bad beer
searching the bottom all morning
found a carload qt dead men, wonior,
end children, the victimB of the flrsl
car behind the engine, whose bodies
went into tho river when the end ol
the car dropped out as It was raised
by derricks this morning.
The work of raising the carload ol
dead bodies found in the river will
begin at once.
Previous to this time twelve dead
had been taken from the wreck, and
nlirhlv colored excursionists wore
missing, and many of these are un
doubtedly corpses in the cars 01
washed down the stream.
Shortly after the accident a derrick
and wrecking company raised the twt
submerged cars, but as they did
the ends fell out of tbe cars and what
dead there were went to the bottom
of the river with the debris.
The river Is now being dragged and
It Is expected that a number of bodiei
will be taken from the water before
night. The latest victims to ue rouna
are an unknown colored man and an
unknown colored woman. Tbe only
white persons known to be dead ur
to this time nre W. B. Jolly, the pro
moter of the excursion, and his young
nephew, Edward Forbes.
About 60 of these 169 excursionist
have come to Norfolk, either sllghllj
Injured or bruised. There are twenty
three injured ai the hospitals, with
twelve known dead, which leaves be
tween seventy and eighty of the ex
cursionists yet missing.
The Atlantic Coast Line offlclalE
have given out no statement In the
matter, but Cleveland Thompson, an
eye witness, says that tne email
danger Bignal which was placed on
the track to warn the approacning
train that the draw was open, though
formerly a red flag, had faded almost
completely white.
The tug for which the draw wae
opened was Just passing inrous"
when the train dashed Into tne wamr.
The tug reversed her engines quickly
and barely avoided being caught by
the engine In Its descent.
Cleveland Thompson declares that
Engineer Reld remained by his engine
up to the last and did not jump
first reported. Reld was badly
Jured about the head and body, and is
now in the hospital. He may recover.
J. J. Thompson, aged 60 years, a
farmer and father of Cleveland
Thompson, rushed with an ax to the
scene, and, leaping twenty feet, land
ed on top of tho second coach. He
cut a hole In the top of the car and
rescued thirty-flve persons just before
the car dropped Into the water and
became almost completely submerged
Sankm I.Ike Mohammednaii.
A swarthy man drew $800 out of the
saving fund, nnd tbe cashier said on
his departure:
"If all our depositors were like that
gentleman our concern would soon be
come rich. Murnd All Is an Indian,
n native of Calcutta, and his religion
forbids him to take Interest on money.
He has had a savings account with
us for twelve years. His Interest al
together has amounted to $700. But
he has never accepted a cent of It. It
has all flown back Into our coffers
"All Mohammedans are like Murnd
All. They won't take Interest on their
money, hence India, I think, must be
a grand country for the banking bus!
ness, and how glad our bankers would
be If Mohammedanism wero to spread
a little!" Philadelphia Bulletin.
In Search of a I,odarlnar.
There Is a Btory of a home loving
farmer who started for tho west and
came home "to spend the first night."
This was a Question of sentiment. But
another man, quoted by tho Philadel
phia Ix-dger, had a more practical rea
son for seeking cover. Ho had been
hired by a close fisted farmer, who be
lieved in burning the caudle at both
cuds. The first morning the new man
was called at 3 o'clock. About fifteen
minutes later he came downstairs with
his bag in bis hnml.
"Ain't you goln' to work?" asked the
farmer In surprise.
"No," was the disgusted answer. "I'm
goin' lo hunt up some place to stay all
The (jlfl nf r.nrdrn.
Coil Almighty llrst planted it garden.
And, Indeed, it Is tin.' purest of human
pleasures; it is the greatest refresh
ment to the spirits of man, without
which buildings itntl palaces are but
gross handiwork, and a run it shall ever
see that when ages grow to civility
! and elegancy men conic to build atnte
ly sooner than to garden finely, as If
j gardening were the greater perfection.
1 1 do hold It, In the royal order of gar
dens there ought to be gardens for nil
the months In the year, In which, sev
I orally, .things of beauty may be thOL
In season. Lord Ilncon.
"What would you do If you had a
hundred thousand dollars?"
"I'd own a private yacht."
"Then you wouldn't have a hundred
thousand dollitrs."-Washington Star.
Brsa ol Marine Hoa.t.r Vlrclala
parted In 1070.
B, U, Blackwell of Oxford baa pub
lished a careful reprint of "An Account
of Virginia; Iu Situation, Tempera
ture, Productions, Inhabitants and
Their Manner of Planting and Order
ing Tobacco." It la, In brief, a pam
phlet communicated to tne Boyal o
clety in 1070 by one Thomas Glover,
"an Ingenious Chlrurgloo, ' who Had
lived for some years in tne province.
Mr. Olover would seem to nave reckon
ed the sea serpent among tbe inhabit
ants of the colony to judge from the
minute accuracy of the following de
scription: "A most prodigious Creature, much
resembling a man, only somewhat lar
ger, standing right op in the water
with hla bead, neck, shoulders, breast
and wast, to the cubits of his arms,
above water; his skin was tawny, much
like tbat of an Indian; the Bgure of
his bead was pyramidal, and slick,
without hair, his eyes large and black,
and so were his eyebrows; his mouth
very wide, with a broad, black streak
on the upper lip, which turned upward
at each end like moustnehoes; his coun
tenance was grim and terrible; his
neck, shoulders, arms, breast and wast
were like unto the neck, arms, shoul
ders, breaBt and wast of a man; bis
bands, It he bad any, were undor wa
ter. He Beemed to stand with his eyes
fixed on me tor some time, aud after
ward dived down, and a little after rls
eth at somewhat a farther distance and
turned bis head toward me again, and
then Immediately fallcth a little under
water nnd swlmmeth away so near the
top of the water that I could discern
him throw out his anus and gather
them In as a man doth when he swlm
meth. At last he shoots with bis head
downward, by wblch means he cast
tayl above the water, which exactly re
sembled tbe tnyl of a fish, with a broad
fane at the end of It."
No Doubt of Hla lloneatjr.
Deputy Sheriff and Chief of Police
Alf Church of Woousocket was knowu
Id his day as a mau who was straight
forward and blunt in all his dealings.
One day a grocer went to Alf for in
formation about a certain Jog White,
who had applied for credit and a book
at his store, and the following dia
logue endued:
"Good morning, Mr. Church."
"Morn In'."
"Doyou know Joe White?"
"What kind of a feller Is her
"Putty fair."
"Is he honest?"
"Honest? I should soy so. Been ar
rested twice for stcalln' and acquitted
both times." .
When nalnB or irritations exist on
anvoartof the body, tho annlication
of Ballard's Know Linimentgivus prom-
ntreltel. JS. w. bumvun. fron Sul
livan House El Runo. O. T,, writes,
June 1. lUUz: ! tato pleasure in recotn
mending ttallard's hnnw Liniment to
all who are a filiated with rheumatism.
It is the only remedy 1 have found that
gives immediate reiier' zoc, due, i,ou.
Sold by Unas, htrang.
He la Good Humored With Hia Qneet
CntjtoniN mill llellef.
Professor Mylhis Erikson. writing of
the heathen Ifluktmo In northern Green
land, lays: "lie lacks Imagination, but
his powers of observation aro very
acute. In spite of the fact that bis life
Is an uninterrupted struggle for exist
ence the Greoiil antler Is always In a
good humor, nnd his boisterous laugh
can be heard sounding far over Ice and
pnow fields. Ills way of telling stories
Is. short and abrupt, but comlco.1 fea
tures are strongly emphasized. His sto
ries consist generally of his own ad
ventures, old legemlB nbout fights with
neighbors and wild animals, about se
vere winters and great famines, about
the creation of the world and about
supernatural beings. It Is considered
highly creditable to be able to tell Mo
rles so long that the audience Is lulled
to slefp. An orator who achieves ihlft
feat Is solemnly welcomed on the next
morning, and every one thanks him
profusely for the pleasure wblch he ac
corded the night before.
"Ideas of beauty arc peculiarly devel
oped In tbe heathen Eskimo. He re
gards beauty solely from the stand
point of utility. For Instance, a rock
projecting out of water only appears
beautiful to him when It Is visited In
summer by water blrda wblch breed
there. A foaming torrent Is only beau
tiful If It contains many salmon.
Clothes are not put together with any
Idea of regularity of color, only their
practical utility being considered. Hutu
tire made of snow and stones, with
domed tops, but without any arch I tec
lunil design,
"Only the imlrlt conjurers (nngnkokftt
occupy 1111 exalted position, being re
yarded as priests nnd doctors. Their
task Is to establish a connection be
tween the visible world and the bidden
Nplrlts, nnd Iu thin way they obtain n
certain Influence over their neighbors.
The angnkok asks his spirit for ad
vice nnd then Informs tho Invalid that
his Illness has been sent by the spirits
s punishment for certain deeds."
Soothing and Cooline.
The strive that heals without a pear lb
DeWiU'a Wilcbhiaol hulvu.lNo remedy
-ffp.f-tft kiteh snuedv relief. It druwa out
Inilammation, EootheH, oooU and houlH
nil cuts, burns and brulwup. A burc
cure for IMlen und bkin dincttees. He
Witt's is tho only genuine Witch Huxcsl
ShIvl. klewaru of counter flu, l!ioyarc
dangerous. Sold by Chaa. Strung. fi
Strange Womn.
Ia japan it is the height of bod form
(or a woman to express an opinion
contrary to that of her husband. Won-'
derful pcoplcl Minneapolis Journal.
The lteanlt.
Friend What wsb the result of the
consultation of doctor? Invalid
(glancing at the receipted bill) It left
me lu a very poor condition.
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Signature of
Hubbard Bros.
Just Received
A Gar Load of New Moline Wagons.
John Deere Buggies.
V McCormick Mowers
and Rakes.
Gome In and
Hubbard Bros.
You don't have to wait for rain, you oan be independent 0!
tho elements and plow when its dry if you use a
Sanders Disc Plow,
no ground is too dry or hard for it. It leaves your field
smooth and fine, equal to one harrowing. Intense Cultiva
tion means Big Crops. A SANDERS DISC PLOW Will Do
It. They weigh less, run lighter, aro simpler with fewer parts
and ioinls than others. The onlv Disc Plow with a frame
BiroiiK enough for engine plowing, Made in 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
disc sizes. The number of discs
ing extra parts.
Mitchell, Lewis
First and Taylor Streets,
Seattle, Spokane, Boise, Salrm,
D. T.
Quiet and Durable
The Simplest Sewing Hachine Made
Cannot Start in the Wrong Direction
Beat for All Kinds of Sewing, Will eew tne lightest gnodB without
pnekering them, and on heavy work makes a seam that 1b clattio, strong
and durablo.
General Office for Pacific Coast
231 Sutter Street San Francisco
B. 5. Qriffill, Agent, Medford Oregon
W. Iv. ORR
- Successor to -
J, G. TAYLOR, The Harness Haker
Fine Line of Hand Made Harness, Blankets,
Kobes and Whips. Repairing Neatly Done.
W. U.
Willeke Addition to Medford
Ifl now ilnttt(l in resilience lots ami rendy
for sale. Thin is in the best resilience dis
trict in Medford. If you wish 11 nice lot lo
Iniild on call nnil sec 111c nt once.
I also liuve a Iwi.'nty-ncru tract adjoining Medford Unit is a snap.
How Could She loubl f
"Oh, mamma," alio cried, niching In
to her mother's room and (llngiiiK her
arms around tho parental neck, "he
lores mehl He loves men!"
"My dear child, I'm so glad! Has he
told you? lias he asked you to be his
"No, but he's down In tho library
learning to play chess with papa."
Chicago Itecord.
See Them.
can be changed without buy
& Staver Co.,
LAWTON, Manafier, Medfoid.
The Only
That doeanot lull in
3 Times the Value
Of any Other
One-third Faster
One-third Easier
Rotary motion and1 bait
.bearing. Tho lightest run
nine Maohlno in the world.
Hapid. Save ubout one day
In three, scwlnp tbat much
faster tban vibrating ma
hinen "Does Not Shake
1 4
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A B1117 Medicine for Busy People.
Brings Golden Health and Benewed Vigor.
A Kpf.!iflc for CntwtliMitlon, InHpo-ition, Utp
nr,.t Mtln.-v Trouble. J'implca, rznn, luipiiw
l...-o,l 1 nil Urr-aih, riliifjcluli Powcls, Iftiuliiclie
and Hiu'kiu'iiii, It'll Kooky Moimtiiin Tea lu Wh
irl fnrm, a". wnt ii (li'imlnn nmdo by
llfjLLiH'fKii Unvu Company, Muillmm, Wis,
Or. Ilinkle, Contrnl Point, Oregon