The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, August 25, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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s The Justice of tbe peace of a Colo-
'Xiao town la aiao tue m age blaalc
smith, He make- a epeolulty of forg
ing matrimonial ohalna. ,
" Slceptloa who question the gororn
nient Ugmnres on per capita oonsump.
tioa of hard llauor are TODeatfulW re-
f ei red to the testimony in the Uaggart
case. . . . i . ,
Col. Watteraon says that If Paul
Joaea waa a pirate then Ueorge Wash
ington was a footpad and Franklin a
lobster. We judge that Paul Joaea
waa not a pirate. .
New York le much perturbed be
cause trade has invaded tbe aristo
oratio reiiidonoe districts of that city.
Still, if trade oan Btand it the aristo
cratic districts ought to be ublo to do
Mrs. tituyveaunt Fish, attired in a
magnificent gown, recently paraded
in a urenoniug ruin in w usningtou.
All faablondom Is exneotod to follow
the new fad and ho fool-kiiler will get
in nis worK at last.
The czar of Iiusaia, it is said, has
25,JOO,000 iuveated in Kngliah socuri
ties and $0,000,000 in American rails,
iron and ooal. And doubtloBS ho
would give it all if that would
make everybody lovo him.
"Now in order to subtract," ex
plaiued a teacbor to the class in
mathematics, "things have to be al
ways of tbe same denomination. For
instance we ouuldu't take three apples
from four poars, nor six horses from
nino dons. " A baud went up in
the back of tho room. "Toaoher."
shouted a small boy, "can't you take
four quarts of milk from three cowuf
' Tbo now sun license law will be-
como operative with the open season
for buuting which begun on August
15th. All hunters who coutemplute
going ou the aotive liat this season
will do well to protect thomaelvea
wttn the requlsito license, for wbioh
a fee of $1 la charged ruaidente of
Uregon ; non-roaiduuts must nay S10.
Rosidens hunting upon thier own
lands are exempt from tbo paymout
oi tuo ticouae xoe.
Tho cotton growers, well organized,
bavo dotormiuod to make tho Wall
street speculutois pay twelve coutB for
cotton or be squoezed out. Tho sea
son's crop is oatimutod at 9,000,000
oaios. xuo roreign uomanu la Heavy
me oiu crop is nouriy exliuusted and
it iooks as tnougli tbo growers are
"it," providoa tnoy cau bold on long
ouougb. While ovorybody will re
joico to"aoo the producor got what is
coming to him, it must not be forgot
ton that when ho boldB beyond tbo
marketable stago of bis crop bo be
comos himself a spoculutor in prioes,
Tbo postoUioo dopartmout Is going
attor tuo souvenir postal card lad.
Orders bavo boon rooeived to stop
all such oards wblob aro olfonaive to
doconoy and good taato. There aro
plenty to thoso curds which aro not
genornuy rogardod na indocont and
aro not worse than maay of tho piot
uros lu illuatruted wokolioa, but which
aro entirely too "skittish" to suit tho
taste of tbo poatoillce dopartniinout
Hereafter pictures of girls in bulbing
Hints will not roach tlioir addrusaea,
nor will picturoa of red dovlls acoom
pnlod by the logond, "I'm buviug u
devil of a time. "
U. H. Iliiiliiiiis Tontines after 4 years
Q. B. Uurhnns, of Carlielo Center, N.
Y., write: "About four years ain I
wrnto you stating that I had been en
tlroly onrml o( a suynru kidney trnnhle
by taking leas thau two holllus of Fol
oy'a Kidney euro. It entlrolv stopped
the brick dual amllmont, and "pain aad
B.vmptonis ol lcidneyfclieaso dlhitppeni'
cd. I um glad to aay that I have never
had a return ol my of those avmploms
during the luitr voars that havo olapsud
and I am evlduntly cun cl tnstav cured,
and heartily recommend FoIhj 'sKidney
Cure to any ono auffuri 't' from Kidney
or bladder trouble.,' For sale at the
Mod lord Pliarmnry.
Klamath County News.'
Ktnmntli KrIIh Hxprena,
Tbo Oal. &. N. K, surveyors have
permuiiontly located twenty miles of
tho road from tbo proaont terminus
oxtondliig seven miles this sidu ol
Grass luko. Tbo graile lines not ex
oeod one por cent and tho curves not
ovor four por cent.
Pros. F. S. Johnson and Man. a. O.
Johllaon of tbe MeOloud railroad, will
arrivo In the Falls Saturday to moot
and bocomo acquainted with our busi
nosa mon. Ono liuiulrod additional
mou havo boon put to work on tbo ex
tension of tho road.
Young EnrloJOiny, of Poo Valley,
who was accidentally shot somo weoks
ago, is roportod to be on the road to
rooovory. Ho was tukiug a loaded
shotgun out of a boat whon tho gun
went oir the shot going through one
arm nbovo the olbow taking out two
iuohoa of the bono. The doctors onllod
adviaod amputation, but tbo boy's
fatuor domurrod and tbo nrm will bo
t Miflfl Marie MuMUlmn, of tho Lake-.
Bido Inn, mounted a bucking brouoo
last Saturday In tho roar of tho hotel
preparatory to taking a oanlor
through town. Tho brouoo Boomed to
have somo woll-doilnod objections to
tho iiroooodiug, an bo began to stand
SStnlifVii l0Kfl!nd' o( not howl,
out paw tho air violoualy. Tho oharm
Their Pains and Ailments
Any taint of tbe blood quickly shows itself with old
people, and troubles, which a younger, more vigorous con
stitution holds in check, take possession of those of ad
vanced years, A mole, wort or pimple often begins to in
flame and fester, terminating in a sore thnt refuses to heal.
of a rheumatic character arc almost constant, the joints get stiff and the mus-
cies sore, mine sleeplessness ana nervousness make life a burden. The nat
ural activity of the body is not ...
o great in old age and all the r"0' Ii!LG1n',f' whil:l1 le,ft,nl?
j..ii ... i i.i. "dm0"' physical wreck. To add to my wretched
organs get dull aud sluggish, condition, kheumatism developed. In a short
failing to carry out the waste time after beginning S. S. 8. 1 was relieved of the
matters and poisons accumu- pains and have gained in llh and strength and
lating in the system and they my general health is betterthan for years. I heart
are taken up and absorbed by "yT?,'1 & S" S "
the blood, rendering it weak Dnlon' S' C- v- Gkv.
and unable to properly nourish the system. There is no reason why old age
should not be as healthy as youth if the blood is kept pure and strong. S. S. S.
its 6ne tonic effect. Almost from the first dose the appetite increases, th
general health begins to improve and the pains nnd ailments pass away,
lng young Iday came to the conclu
sion that discretion was tbe better
part of valor and disengaging her feet
from tbe stirrups fell prone on tbe
ground. Hut, unforunutely, tbe
brouoo overdid the thing and, losing
bis balance, foil over baokwards and
nearly outo tbe frightened young
lady. Fortunately Miss McMillan es
caped with slight injury, as the bron
co, in tbe mixup,8teppea on or kicked
her left foot.
The one-stoiy frame dwolling In
wbioh Mrs. Kelly resided at Pine
grve, near the gap.caught lire Sunday
afternoon and was completely destroy
ed. Mrs. Kelly was alone at tbe time,
ber husband and eldest son being in
Lake county. The fire originated in
the ceiling and is believe to have been
caused bv a defeotive stovepipe. Only
part of the household belongings were
saved. Tbere waa no insurance ou
tbe property aud as the family is in
straightened oiroumstauoes 11. S.
Origsby has been securing subscrip
tions for their relief. John Shepherd's
barn caught tiro from tbe Kelly houBe,
but tbe names were extinguished be-
tore mucn uamsgo waa done.
Mrs. W. O. Smith died at the homo
of ber parents Tuesday afternoon,
August lf, 1005, from complications
arising from tbo premature birth of a
baby boy Sunday morning. Tbe fuu
oral was held at the residence of tbe
deceased's parents, Mr. aud Mrs. I.
L. Annleuute. this nioruini at 10
o'clock, interment being made in tho
lilumatn rails cemetery, the l(ov. Clay
ncarr perrorming me last aau xltes,
and Fred Seballock, Carey Kamaby,
T. N. Kinnov. Duu Fred
Houston aud L'r. White acting us pall
uouroia. a lurge number or Borrow
ing 'riouds aud acquaintances attend
ing tbo funeral. The Uoral oli'oriiiKs
woro many aud beautiful. Jesaie Ap
plegnte was born in this county, in
Alkali valley, April 18, l!KM,uud spout
tbe earlior years of her life there and
at Kdgewood ranch in Swau valley,
moving to Klamath Falls with ber pur
outs about six yoirs ago. After at
tending tbe schools hero she went to
Monmouth and Ashland Normal
achools und to an elocutionary school
ut Los Augelos. Sbo wus married to
W. O. Smith, editor of the Klumuth
Falls Republican tho lattor part of
last year und her untimely death
brings unusual sorrow to hor busbaud
pareta and other relatives and frieudB
who mourn that the lusurtubale plans
of Providunco should ilud It neces
sary to take one so young from the
oiroio or iuobo so near und denr to
her. Sho leuvea a husband mid iufunt
son, nor parents aud two ulsters und
two brotbora to mourn tlioir loss, bo
aido vory many other living friends
und relatives.
IClainath Falls Hcubllcan.
Marled North Emmitt. Auguat
17, l!H).r), in ho roaideuco of tbo bride's
parents, near Kono, K. u. North and
Ivy lOmmitt. Juduo linldwill nnrfnrin-
od tbo coremony.
M. L. nnloguto. of Onklaiifl.Gi.llf..
arrived in Klamath Falls Wednesday
night to attend tbo fuuorul of his aia
tor, Mra. W. O. Smith, who wua bur
lod this forouoou ut 10 o'olouk.
Tbo Klamath Lake Lumber
puny havo bought tho boiler and en.
glue ot D. M. Urlllltb, which wub used
ou the stoumer Alma, aud tho ma
chinery tbat wus on tbo wrecked
Htoamur Joasio from J. F. (looller.
Tho company are putting this machin
ery in tboir now planing mill at tbe
Marlon Hanks plnoo und will aoou bo
rendy with nil kinds of llooriug, ceil
ing und rustic.
W. 8. Wordnn returned Wn.lnuli,v
uvuiiuiK irum wuou, uunr., ncoompa
llled by A. II. Naftzuor. (if I.nH An.
gcloa, who is connected with the Cali-
rornui noruioustorn Railroad Com
pany, and anyB tho llrat eootion of
twenty niilos of the new rmwl llnu
aide Ol uruss lake lias boon located by
n.u muvuyuia mm luat uiua will aoou
bo called for from conlrnotora. The
rouu will no llrst-ulasa ami will l
uxcoou u one por cont grudo.
S. C. llamakor. of tula nlt.v. linn rn.
turned from a business trip to Klam
ath county. While ansoot he nego
tiated for tho Watts Uros.' general
morchnndlsu store ut Itlv. ami lia unm,
iih bo enn nrraugo bis business ulfniro
bore ho will go back to Illy to take
charge of tho business and conduct it.
ineir ninny lrlunila hero will regret to
bavo Mr. llamakor und family leave
Ashland, but they retain oonaidorablo
properly lutorests I llll'll. Iltlr) ii'lll lii
llnltoci with tho city In Hint wny.
Wuh Wasting: Away.
"1 hml ht'cn troubled with kidney
(liHuum) for Hit hint IWf vtarH." wrih t
Koburt H. WutlH, of .Sulfiii, Mo. "I lost
fhiHli und novvr frit wt-ll huh doctori-tl
with limdinu phyhiciuna ami triv.l nil
renuulit's BUL'Mi'fted wilhoiu relief.
Khmlly I trb'tl Foley 'a Kidney Cur
and less tluin two bottles completely
eured mo and I am now mnnul und
wull." During the aummer kidney ir
roiruliirltUid aro often eauHed by oxeoB
aivu drinking or being overheated.
Attend to tbe kldneyB at oneo bv U8ing
Foley's Kidney (Juro. For sale at th
Med ford Pburtnacy.
Whl Yon Don't Hear.
You hoar something like this ever
day In tho week: "Ten yearn ago he
couldn't got credit for a suit of clothes.
Now ho can wrlto hu cheek for 9D0,
?Ut he,ir au?'
thlnB llko thlH? Ten ycftrfl n8 htt
waa thougbjlcsa and regardless of his
follow meu aud cared for nobody but
himself. Now ho Is kind and gentle
and Is a constaut cucouragemont to all
wno desire to enlargo their faith in hu-
man nature'-Kanaas City Star,
Wandering pains
is purely vegetable ana is the snlcst ana best blood
purifier and tonic for old people, because It is gentle,
but at the snmc time thorough in its action, purify
ing the blood of all poisons and foreign matter,
8treniFtheuinir it nnd toninirun the entire svstem bv
Pilgrim Joe
Plods Along
His Pain Alleviator Gets Him Into
Periotu Situation at Red
Hot Tavern.
Copyright, 1906. by R. M. McClure.
I BAD sold forty-eight bottles of
my Pilgrim Pain Alleviator
on tbe public square of the
town of Yuba Dam and
tired to my virtuous couch In the Red
Hoss tavern to sleep and dream tbat
tbe time bad come when all tbe world
bad turned to goodness, when I was
aroused by the door of my room beln'
kicked in by stalwart and Indignant
1 beg tbe reader's pardon for leaviu1
1. 1 in bung up in the air for a moment at
this thrill in' Juncture, while I remark
that my Alleviator has now been be
fore the discriminating public for the
last thirteen years, and doorlu' all that
time It has uevcr once failed to do
what was expected of It. It soothes
tho weary, calms the nervous, brings
new hopes to tho hopeless, and any
sort o' pain, from a headache to
broken bones, Is alleviated almost in
stantly. No other remedy ever compounded
klu tako Its place. I have seen a
grlevlu' wldder woman grlevln' away
as If ber heart would break, and
sayln' that she might as well commit
suicide, take one dose of my Alleviator
and then begin to laugh and sing coon
songs. If I should set out to tell the
half of what this wonderful compound
has done It would require ten times
the space of tins paper.
1 have heard people say a thousand
times over that It was well wuth
dollar a bottle, but my prlco Is Invari
ably 25 cents. Where a grlevln' wld
der woman and her nine fatherless
children appear before me in a body
and want ten bottles, all to once, I
make a discount of 10 per cent. In
cases where I find ministers of the gos
pel preachlu' ou Sundays and dlggin
post boles for 15 cents a holo door In'
tho week I nlso make a slight dis
count, but to all others the price Is as
stated. No pills go with the Allevi
ator. It stands out by itself, like a
wnrt on a politician's nose. Ilavla'
made slrli explauashun as I deemed to
bo due tho public I will now return to
my perilous sltuashun In tbe Red
IIoss tavern.
No sooner had the stalwart and In
dignant citizens before mentioned bust
ed open my door than I gently Inquir
ed what was wrong. Iu reply they or
dered mo to git out of bed and foller
them. On the same public square
where I had achieved victory two hours
before was now a crowd bowllu' for
my life, while tar and feathers had
been collected for my bcuetit. I soon
discovered the causo of tho commo
shun. A cross eyed citizen who had
bought a bottle of my Alleviator for
the earache bad driven the pain down
Into his stomach. Iu order to drlvo it
back again be had absorbed a gallon
of sour buttermilk and was theu lyln'
on the ground with the pangs of de
Bpalr gunwln' at his vitals. Tie had
claimed that my Alleviator had pi
zened him, and tho liberal hearted
crowd had taken his word for it and
set out to mob me.
My presence of mind did not desert
me. Even with tho tar warmln' up to
the right pint, aud a woman stand In'
by with two pillars off ber parlor bed,
I held up my hand and made an ad
dress to tho crowd. I contended with
slch sincerity that the sufforln' critter
had been mix In' sunthln else with my
remedy thnt ho finally broke down
and confessed the truth. I then or
dered him rolled on a bar'l, stood on
his head and given a few kicks, and
whon he had come to the right frame
of mind I administered a dose with
my own hand, and in five nilnlts he
was smilln' like a babe.
Public opinion changed at once. I
waa hailed as a public benefactor and
a hero, and upon reopen in' business I
made a sale of thirty-four more bottles
and was serenaded by a string band.
Whon I loft tho town the next morn In"
tho mayor hlsself took off his hat to.
mo and gave me an ofllclal luvltashun
to call until. I el to this case to show
thnt a good man, backed by a good
pain allovlator, kin alius depend on
Provldonc to bring him through all
I had driven about five miles next
forenoon when I beheld half a dozen
cltlsens approachln me on hossback.
' At first I took thorn to bo citizens of
the town of Last Cali, who had heard
of the wonderful soothln' effects of
my Alleviator and had raced out to be
the first to buy, but In a lectio thuo I
was undeceived. As they cam op
and halted and formed a ring around
me tbo leader asked:
"Hain't your cognomen Pilgrim
"The same, thank ye," I replied.
Aro you a single man?"
"Reasonably single. That Is, I've
got an old woman buck In Indlnny
whom I haven't seen nor hoard of for
oven years. No telllu' when she'll
turn up, however."
"Sho don't count," says the ninn.
"Iliu-k yore two miles Is a grlevln'
wldilcr. She's been a wldder for three
years, and Is grievin because sho can't
cntcb a mini, llor esse has appealed to
our sympathies and teched our hearts.
Day by dsy we have sawn her drooplu1
and plnln' for a partner, but he bas
came not."
"It's a case where my Alleviator will
git In Its work," I said. "After taklu
one bottle, she'll kick up ber heels like
a spring colt, and after tukln' two she'll
set out aud travel till she fluds
proper man. I've never knowed It to
"And It wou't fail this time, 'cause
wby? 'Cause we are goln' to take you
along wltb us and give tbe wldder
"But how kin I marry her?"
"Easy as pie, and It's got to be done.
Come on."
I would have resisted with carnal
force, but they was too many for me.
In half an hour we reached the wld
der's, and sbe come to the door and
looked me over.
"Will be do?" asked the leader of tbe
"I reckon he'll have to, as there
hain't nothlu' better In sight. Old man,
dost sigh for a birdie V"
"Not a durned sigh! Wldder woman,
I want to tell you that I've got an old
wife in Indlany."
"But that don't bluff me. Say that
you love me aa you have never loved
I refused to do so, and what did that
crowd of critters do? One of 'em
claimed to have been a preacher lu
Missouri before be stole a cow and bad
to Ueo to the wild, wild west, and they
hauled me off my wagon while be said
tho marriage ceremony. Then they
threatened me with dire pains and pen
alties If I ran away, raised their hats
to tbe late wldder, and a minlt later
galloped away and left us cooln' on tbe
doorstep. They had fastened a rope
around my neck and given her the end
to bold.
"Joey, dear," sbe says when they bad
departed, "why this coldness of de
meanor to'rds your birdie?"
"Git out!" I says.
"Docs that mean that thou dost not
love to dwell with me?"
"It dost."
"Dost It mean that thou wilt not sit
here with me when the sun goes down
and tbe gloamln comes and recite
poetry in my ear and tell me tales of
lovo and romance?"
"I'll never even squeeze your hand.
"Say not so, my Joey. I would that
I could be cast on some fair Isle wltb
theo, there to dwell forevor and for
ever, when tho daylight faded softly
Into night; when the stars came forth
to tell their love; when the great, white
moou looked down upon us as we whis
pered our tales of love"
"Forget It!" I yelled.
"Forget It? iNever! Not on your
life! Joey, my frolicsome darling
my pet lambkin"
And then I broke away and ran for
the wagon. She made a grab for me
nnd missed, nnd with one tremendous
bound I reached tbe seat and put the
gud on the old hoss and liberty was
nilue agin. Tho wldder woman who
had lost her Joey followed me for a
mile, sometimes galnln' and sometimes
losin', but eventually my lucky angel,
hacked by my wonderful Pilgrim Poin
Allevlntor, triumphed over nil things,
aud sbo gave up In despair and turned
her face homeward. Alius shako the
bottle before usln'. M. QUAD.
A Good Tip.
Tout I have a good tip for the last
Ooodthlne-Whnt is it?
s Tout Play Smoke for all you got.
It's going to blow In. New York T.ies.
Iletlilnnr Illtn Out.
Mr. Stutter A-a-a-a-h, b-b-b-b-but
c-c-c-c-c-c-c-could d-d-d-d-d-do
Listener (eucournglngly) Hurry up,
my dear fellow. I know the alphabet
The Lnekr One.
I grow weary of the labor
That begets my bread and cheese
When I see my lucky neighbor
Sally forth to take his ease.
How can I nurao resignation
In my own rebellious breaatr
He Is off for his vacation.
And I sadly need a rest.
All the two long weeks of summer,
While ho gluts himself with play.
I keep working, growing glummer
As each day succeeded! day.
But, with self congratulation,
I today admit 'twas best.
He Is back from his vacation.
And ho sorely needs a rest.
-T. A. Daly In Cathollo Standard and
6lck hendticho results from a disord
ered condition of tue stomach and is
uickly cured by Chamberlain a tora-
ach and Liver Tablets. For sale by
Charles Strang.
Guessed the Price.
He la looking for a present for his
"Ah, that explains why he borrowed
80 cents of me yesterday."
No Excuse.
Tho bachelor, when his hair comas eat.
inra uiuo joy m IU,
Benauso he cannot go about
atm lay it on Ms wife.
By Another Name.
His rheumatism patned htm m
He couldn't ro about;
He 11I hlr to a mill ton.
And thon ho had the gout
A Httl forethought may ave you on
end lo trouhlo. Ativ one who ntiikes It
a rule lo keep Chamberlain's Colic,
Oboiera and Diarrhoea Kerned y at hand
knows thi to be a fact, For tale by
Chale Strang.
It ill v ah and not rub off
This complexion all envy mo,
It's no secret so I'll tell
Tnkp thuu Rstky Mountain Tea
Dr. Hinklo's drug store Central Point,
The Imperial manifesto proclaiming
the creation of a national representa
tive assembly In Russia was read to
day at St. Petersburg.
Three batteries of the United States
artillery will leave on September i
overland for the southern part of the
state for the annual target practice.
Kermil Roosevelt, the second son of
President Roosevelt, will leave shortly
for South Dakota on a hunting trip.
The chamber of deputies of Argen
tina has passed a bill for the conver
sion ot th external debt of th coun
try. Several members of th Royal Set
tlements commission of Oarmany
haw been ordered to th boiled
BtatM tor th pnropse of studying
western farm maagmnU and con
'They Appeal to Our Sympathies.
The bilious and dyspeptic are constant
sufferers and appeal to our svmonthiea
There U not one of them, however, who
may no, be brought back to health und
hanoiaesB by the use of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. These
tatileta invigorate the stomach and
liver and strengthen the dieeation
They also regulate the bowels. For
sale by Uhaa. btrang.
Market Report
The following are the prices Daid bv
our merchants this week for farm pro
duce. Tbia list will be changed each
week as prices change:
Wheat 60a
Oats 40
Flour 2.00ner 100 lbs
Barley 1.00
uran fiiO.OU per ton
Mlddlines 1'5 00 "
Potatoes $1.00 per 100 lbs
Etfga, per doz 20c
Uutter, per lb 20c
Beans, dry, per lb 34c
Bacon, per tb 10 to 12c
Hams, per lb 10 to 121c
Shoulders, per lb 0c
i.ara. ner lb He
Hogs, live, per lb 4 to 5c
Beef, live, per lb 1 to 2
Mutton, per head $2.00 to $3.00
Browning and an Umbrella.
A correspondent writes to the Lon
don Chronicle that ho once came upon
Kobert Browning in Piccadilly In live
ly dispute with a stranger who had
curried his closed umbrella over his
shoulder or under his nrm, with the
end sticking out Browning, walking
behind, struck down the dangerous I
Iiuuit wiui an energetic stick. l al
ways do it," said the poet with Just ,
indignation nnd in no tnensured tones. !
The man protested aloud, but Brown-
lug explained to the gathering crowd i
and Justified himself fully. No one
seemed to know how illustrious was
tho brawler.
Peculiar Disappearance.
J. D. Runvan. of Butlerville. O.. laid
the peculiar disappearance of his pain
ful syinptoms.of indigestion and bilious
nese, to Dr. King's New Life Pills.
He save: "Thev are a perfect remedy.
for dizziness, sour stomach, headache,
constipation, etc." Guaranteed at
Chas. Strangs drug store, price 25c.
If you want Satisfactory
clothing leave our order
with EIFERT. "
Fine Foreign and Domes
Woolens in Latest Shades
and Weaves.
Orders taken for Chicago
tailor made suits from $12
fTPressinjr and Cleaning; by Skilled Workmen.
The City Tailor, Medford.
When You Come
To Portland
Make your plans to stop at a home-like hostelry; a place where
you will be shown every courtesy and treated as you would be in
your own home, town or city.
la such a place, and it stands within one block of the Exposition
Entrance, on 25th Street facing Upshur. THE FORESTRY INN
is constructed on the log cabin style; furnishings, cuioine, and
management conforms thereto. It has 150 large commodiouBroomB,
all opening on broad, cool verandas; wilh electric lights; hot and
cold water and free baths. From the roof garden a view is had of
the Exposition grounds, the city rttd surrounding country. Car
service direct to all parts of the citj. European plan. Dining ser
vice a la carte and reasonable as in any part of the city.
Price of Rooms, $1.00 and $1.50.
Special Rates to Parties of two or more.
P. C. MATTOX, Manager, or H. M. FANCHER,
25th and Upshur Sts. PORTLAND, ORE.
Nash LJvery Stables
A. W. WALKER, Proprietor
Tho Stithies has been newly rellttcd, and New Rigs anil
Good Horse aiU'ed. All Night Telcphne Service. Orders
filled at anytime.
Reasonable Rates.
No appetlto. toss of strem th,
ness, headache, constipation, bad Wreath.
general debility, sour risings, and catarrh ei
thesumachireajl due to indigestion. lUdoJ
cures Indices, lorn This new discover nm
sent s the natural Juices of digestion m IM?
exist In a healthy stomach, combined wltb
the greatest known tonic and reconstructive
properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does Ml
only cure Indigestion and dyspepsia. bt thit
famous remedy cures all stomach treublea
Caeansing, purifying, sweetening
iQ..Kw.Bi.iug iaw mucous memDraoM
the stomach.
Mr. S. S. Halt a - t. .
"I J troubled with sour stomach for'tveeWreu
curad me sad we are sow itataf H to aii
Kodol Digests What Ym Btft.
onissooJr. 11.00 Slu twldlnff3K tlneaes!
lu. which Mils for ftn MaM
l'rr Sir O. O.WITT OO., OMI0M
For Sale by Chas. Strang
Few refereiuHH enn be i'miiuJ us to
'lie maimer lu whidi a meal wan served
and eaten during the dark ages. As
aear as we cun leurn, the soup was put
In a big bowl with eurs, culled a "por
rluger." There was seldom a spoou
for each person. Those who had spoons
dipped them into the porringer, and the
liquid was carried directly io each
mouth. Those who wero without
spoons drank their soup from the por
ringer, holding it by one of the ears,
or else borrowed a spoon of their neigh
bor. The meats were placed in a large
vessel In the center of the table. Each
person present at the meal picked out
with Ills fingers such bits as be desired.
One or two knives answered for half a
dozen guests. Those who were with
out knives borrowed from those who
had them. As a rule, the guests at
table used their own knives. Thero is
no evidence thut napkins were supplied
to guests at this period. At any rate,
no mention Is made of them.
Are the favorite tools of good work
men. Their all around goodness
has made them so. and all
ever use them swear by them. You
can't use any other kind if you want
to do the best work!
Chisels, Hatchets,
Gimlets, Saws,
Bits, Files, Axes.
For Sale By
Nicholson & Piatt
Medford, - Oregon.
City Talior
Efficient Service
Oftlc: Itooia 8, Pulin-Ncldetmuycr Slock
ItolJeiirai-C'oriior Soalli U und Ninth dttonlj
Homestead and Timber Land til lug sod
proois made. Tont.mouy taken In laud con
tent cases.
Omen wib Medford Hall MnHnrd Oraoa
I D. PHIPPS, D. 0. S.
Offices, n Adklni Block, adjoining Haaklaa
Drug Stole Mediord.Orego
Oftlce: Room 6, Adidas' block. Calls prompt!
attended day or night. Thone663.
, Medford, Oregon.
(jtT. JONES,
Any or all kinds of Surveying prompt'. done
The County durveyor can give you tbe only
legal work.
Medford, Oregon
Offlcehoim u to 12 a. a. and 1:30 to 3 p. m
XHay Laboratory Examinations f.5l to $2$
Office Raskin Block, Medtora, Oregon.
CVeterinary Dentiatry a Specialty.
All call orders promptly
tilled day or night.
Office at Union Stablee, Medford, Or.
O. L. OAvis,
). E. RNYAnT,
Vice Ptesldent.
W, B. Jacksoh,
Asst. Casbler
The fledford Bank
Mcorono. onceoN
Capital and Surplus, $55000.00
A General Banking Business
In tho Ciicnlt Conrt for the County ol
Jackson, State of Orogoil,
Zelma Goorisell. 1
vs. Summons,
Evart Gondsoll, I Suit for Divorce.
To Evan Gootisell, tbo above named defendant
You are bereby rvqut ed to appear nnd answer
the co t plaint orn alntiff llled against you In
t lie nbovo entlllort court und tJuuse within six
weeks from tbe date of tbe first publication of
this summons, said flirt publication bring on
Krlilny. August -jr., liHW, and you aio hereby
uoliiled thut If you full tr. appearand answeRor
ortherwisc plead to plaintid's complaint with
in said time the plain tiff will apply to tho
Court for tho relief demanded lu iho com
plaint, towit: For a decree of divorce irem you
and that the bonds 01 matrimony now existing
between yourself and plaintiff be wholly set
aside nnd held for naught, and that plaintiff
bave the care, control and custody of ber minor
son, DeForcst Good sell, and tbiit she have
judgment against you for her costs anrt die
mtsementsund for sucb other relief as to the
Court and in nood conscleuce may appear
Just and equitable.
This summons Is published in Tim Med
ford Mail by onkr of Hon. H K.
H a una, one or tbe judges of tho Circuit
court for Jackson oouniy, Oregon, made on
thoSl'nddav ot August, lOOft. at Chntub rs
wberefn and In tald order it is ordered thnt
the defendant appear and answer plaintiff's
complaint within six weeks from the Utile of
the first publication of this summons, .n'M-U -said
first publication is August -ib, 1905.
W. I. Vawter,
Attorney for plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the Stato of Oregon,
in and for the County ol Jacuson.
Margaret J. Poysui, Plaintiff,
vs. S ss
Frank I'oyser, defendant. )
T5.r.R.Plt Hoyer, tb.- above nnmed defendant.
you are hereby required to appear mid answer
the complaint llled against you lu tlio ubove
entitled Court nail causo. within "Ten" days
from tbo date of the servtronr thin Snmm,.a
upon you: if served wttbln this (invkson)
County. O recoil, or If serveil within nnv- nth-i
county within tht State of Oregon, then within
" i uenty days from the date of tbe mtvIco of nr tr in. ..i.u.,n
of this Summot s, then within elx weeks frnm
the dale of the Orst Publication thereof, nnd if
you if 11 so to answer for want thereof iho
plaintiff will nnnlv to tbn Ponri for ti.u Ai,Af
piayed lor In her complaint herein tn-wltr
For a decree dissolving tbe contract of mar.
rtage now existing between plafmiir and tho
lirferent relii( as to tho -miri m,
nble. 1
This Summons is Published In Tim Meaforo
Mail pursuant to an order of Hon. H K.
Hanna, Judge, made In cbambeis at lnckon
vlhe, Jackson County, Oregon, July 25, 10115.
tlluflrsi tilth lint Inn luii. ii... uu.u -1 -I
July A. D. 190.1, and lhe tast publiciuiou bchur
on the 8ih day of September A. W 1901.
M.o Hook,
Attorney for the Flalutiff
... luoiuoroi mo eeiaie 01 jesso lllnklo,
deceased. '
Notice is hereby alven that tho undersltrned
?u- "Finjimtju UJ- uiu uouniy (jourt ol
Jacksoi. County, Orepon, executrix of tho
estate of Jesse h inkle, deceased. All persons
h-ving clHims attain t the said estate aro
requested to present them to tho exceutrix
properly verified on or before six months irora.
the date of this notice, at Central Point. Ore
gon. July 28, 1905.
Gus Newbury, attorney for executrix.
Mary ann Mbb
. Brick Shop . I
. This is a Cut of .
Watch Movement.
Absolutely unuffeutHi! l.y
Electricity or Mngnci im.
B. N. BUTLER, A(?ent
Corner 7th and C ts