The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, August 18, 1905, Page 1, Image 1

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OREGON Is the Best
part of the United States.
is the best paH of Oregon
MED FORD Is tn the uentar of tbe
valley and THE MAIL the best paper
If you want to
Mine, Saw Lumber.
Raise Fruit,
Grow Stock
or do most anything elee you
will find your opportunity here
THE HAIL tells about it
NO. 33.
Jos. R Kelly, super luteudeut of
construction for tbe Med ford & Outer
Lake railroad, commenced laying
track Tuesday and will continue t
push the work forward as fast as pos
sible. The tracks in tbe terminal
yards will first be finished, so that
material can bo unloaded upou tbe
conipuny's own ground. Tho South
era Pacific Company now has some
sixtenii miles of rails ready for deliv
ery to it be Med ford & Crater Lake
Comnyt so that there will be no
shortage of material iu that line.
A system of progression bets on
tbiscaUroad proposition would have
been a winner from an optimistic
standpoint. Ouo could have made
wagers: first, that the amount asked
to be subscribed would not be sub
scribed; second that there wouldn't
be ny grading done ; third, that the
brhlges over the two streams between
.here and Eagle Point would not fro
built; third, that there never would
'be a rail laid on the line. The sub
scription was raised, the grade lias
been completed to Eagle Point ; one
'bridge is completed and the other
nearly so, and rails are being laid.
Now it's up to to some one one. of
ithe kind who rides backward iu the
carB and never sees anything until it
:goeB by to tell you that he knew the
"thing would go all along.
Qrasshoppers in California.
From the Yreka Journal:
The hoppers are still a great pest in
Shasta Valley, but tbe ranchers light
them oft' to fiequent the dry, unculti
vated plains, where they clean up the
weeds and stunted grass in short
order. They are worse than tbe large
criokets whioh can be driven and
kept out of small enclosures by itight
fences or devoured by bogs, having no
winga to fly over fences or up -into
trees like tbe hoppers.
Tbe hoppers prefer the vegetable
gardens to the fields, and are prevent
ed from doing much damage by resort
to drumming them away with tin, pans
and driving like little ohiokens.
Out at Juliens, south of Montague,
.a Chinaman oorraled some eight hun
dred pounds of the hoppers iu a met
;and scalded them to death, but 'there
.were plenty of tbe hoppers left.
Around Moutugue and along Shasta
river for quite a distance the grass
ihoppers have BWiped the second crop
.of alfalfa to make the ground as -bare
of vegetation as a ball room floor,
whioh will prove a great Iosb to sever
,al ranchets. The dry open fields of
withered grass makes poor feeding af
ter leaving alfalfa patches, henoe they
.get stai ved out to a great extent on
leaving the river or watered sections
(before reaching more distant fields. at
Little Shasta and theupper and lower
ends of Shasta Valley. The hoppers
.also like to feed on lace curtains, car
pets and cloth of any kind, honce
doors and windows have to be kept
closed, until they get out of reach
on their travels. The rivers and es
pecially small streams are no barrier,
as .many of them can fly long dis
tances like birds.
The cooler weather of past week or
o has made tbe hoppers less active
in incursions and as the hot sum
mer days will end in a few weeks,
the iprospects of their riddance is
neon raging to farmers, who may be
able to save some of their second crop
of alfalfa. They do not seem to at
tack the grain crop like grass and
vegetables, especially where ripe or
Dearly ready for harvesting.
Many Observations.
MR. EDITOR: 1 made a hurried
circuit of about forty miles Wednes
day through the heat and dust, over
the most productive, beautiful and
interesting portiou of Rogue river
valley. Progress, improvement and
prosperity was to be seen on the
right, loft, front aud rear in every
section 1 passed. The grain is cut
and the fields are dotted with agri
cultural wealth. The meadow fields
are dotted with shocks of green alfal
fa and orchards are bending with red
checked apples, pears and plums. 1
took notice of no sun burnt fruit.
The corn fields appear larger, mere
numerous aud with larger ears than
usual. I found the roads badly cu
up, as travel seoms to be immense,
I mot many teamsters bound for the
queen city of the valley, Medford,
with lumber for the Iowa Lumber A
Box factory, wheat, wood, fruit and
melons for Medford merchants, all
wearing a broad smile of contentment
and happiness. I briefly touched at
Conrtal Point, Agate, Table Rock,
Sams Valley, Gold Hill aud Tolo. Wo
crossed Rogue -river on the centennial j
bridge built by Mr. Michael Chav-1
ner in the year 1876. Mr. C. was a j
pioneer, progressive citizen in the
early development of the county and j
state. All the above-named places I
seem to be making slow, permanent
improvements, Gold Hill seems to j
lead in hustle, bustle, life and activ- j
it.y In trade. I am not quite positive '
but pretty certain I got a glimpse of i
Mr. T. J. Miller, the new editjr of the
Gold Hill News. lie was in bin shirt
sleeves, pencils behind each ear and
pockets full of sample copies of his
much improved paper. I am told tbe
financial venture is proving a success.
On my trip in my gazing about for
something attractive aside from the
happy and contented farmer sur
roundings tny attention was riveted
on two or three district school houses
and other surroundings. Out near
Agate, over tn the Table Rook and
in Sams Valley proper, some school
houses are built iu favored places of
natural, shady groves. We ail know
district schools frequently stand,small
and weather-beaten beside the county
road aud many of them look about as
they did twenty-five or fifty years ago,
although some of them, but not all,
have a flag pole above them now,
winch was not there when the men of
today were children. How familiar
the grounds and surroundings about
the buildings 1 They oousist of about
a quarter or one acre of land, selected
rprobably becauso it was good for no
thing else and not a tree to offer a
band's breath of shade for a measely
grasshopper, jackrabbit or coyote
about the school house, not a vine
or shrub to be seen. The school houses
above mentioned aro models of clean
liness and are an honor to any com
munity, but we think a little improve
ment could be added to make tbe
house and surroundings doubly at
tractive. We would suggest these:
The fencing of your sohool grounds,
the planting of trees, vines and shrub
bery some kinds of quick growth
don't wait for Arbor Day in partic
ular, because it is set apart for that
purpose, but make use of any avail
able time. The children should be
directly interested in this public
work. Then, children, prevail on
your parents, teacher and citizens of
the whole district to assist in beauti
fying your district school grounds.
A few rows of green, shady trees
would add much to the cheerfulness
and attract! veu ess of the house and
play grounds. In the care of plant
ing and attention to their growth
this early training in childhood would
certainly reward you aud be a step
forward for tbe betterment, uoi alone
while you are attending school, but
to those that may oome after you.
Public Rights.
The decision of Judge Frank Mu
raksy, of San Francisco, in the ase
of Kosta, a restaurant proprietor,
against the Cooks Union and tbe
Waiters' Union, saysjthe Oakland in
quirer, would seem to settle the ques
tion of picketing. Jucfg? Murasky
holds that picketing is unlawful when
it becomes a nuisance and that even
one man distinquished by a banner,
badge or other device, may become
a nuisance. In the decision the jngde
quotes as follows from Mills versus
U. S. Printing Company, 91 N. V. S.,
"A wayfarer upon the public streets
should be free for peaceful travel No
mau against my will has the legal
right to occupy the public street to
arreet my course or to join me on my
way ; be he ever so polite or gentle
in his insistence. There may be no
intimidation and yet an interruption
of peaceful travel. There tray be an
noyance without danger."
This decision which is in Mno with
many others on the subject of the use
of streets would seem to settle the
righ of the people to a peaceful move
ment along the streets without inter
ference from any one.
W. C. T. U. Items.
The Union opened on time with a
good attendance at the Christian
church August 10th, The new presi
dent, Mrs. Hopkins, was led to the
chair by the ex-president, Mrs. Buck,
and was reoeived by the W. C. T. VU.
salute. Mrs. Hubbard led the devb
tional exercises by scripture reading,
prayer by Mrs. Vogell; singing by all.
Minutes of last meeting read and ap
proved. Several visits to the sick
with flowers and aid were reported.
A letter was read by Mrs. Hammond
from Mrs. Additon giving Medford
Union a word of cheer. Mrs. Vogeli
was elected vice-president at large;
Mrs. Hubbard, vice-president from
the M. E. church; Mrs. Russ from the
Baptist; Mrs. Hamlin from the Chris
tian ; Mrs, Baker from the Presbyter
ian; Mrs, Morgan from the M. E.
Church, South. On a vote the time
was extended for our new president
to study the different departments
of work before chosing the work for
the year. Mrs. Dodge's paper on
"How to Start a Reading Room."
was discussed. The meeting was dis
missed by Mrs. Hubbard, to meet ut
the1" Christian church August 17th.
Come one, come all,
Open Season for Deer.
August liith tbe open season for the
killing of buck deer commenced nud
closes October Hist.
September 1st the close season for
the killing ot does opens aud closes
with Octobei 31st.
Both must be killed between half an
hour before sunrise and one hour af
ter sunset.
Each, hunter must secure a license
from th county clerk of this county.
E. E. Bowen, lawyer, Miles'
block. Medford, Oregon. General law
business transacted. 2i-tf. i
D. C. Herri n, formerly of Ashland,
and Miss Llda Ruser, daughter of Mr.
and Mr?, B. P. Ruser, of that oity,
were married last Thursday at Port
land. They will make their home
Jesse Thrasher, of Jacksonville, was
severely hurt at the Jaokson County
Lumber Co. 's mill one day last week,
by the breaking of a chain used in
handling heavy logs. The chain
struck the young man in the back.
Mrs. Josephlno Hasten, who has
been living in Ashland for the past
year, was adjudged insane last week
aud Bent to hhe asylum at Salem. She
came from Minuesota and has a son
aged twelve year, who will be sent to
relatives in that state.
L. L. Mulit and Miss Gertrude Mo
Calleu were married a Ashland Thurs
day evening. Mr. Mulit is cashier
of the first National bank of Athlaud
aud his bride is the daughter of A.
McCallen, president of the bank.
They are spending the honeymoon at
the Portland exposition.
A Southern Paoifio freight car came
into the Ashland yards unsealed Mon
day and it was found that thieves
bad entered aud stoleu therefrom a
number of articles, including some
ladles1 underwear consigned to an
Ashland -firm and some groceries
billed to tbe S. P. wrecking train.
The municipality of Ashland and
tbe electric light company have
lockod horns over the use of the water
iu Ashland creek. T ast week the el
ectric oompany's employes diverted
the water from the Anderson ditch,
owiied by the city, into the light com
pany's ditrh The city water commis
sioner turned the water back and had
the employes arrested. That night
the city was without lights. The fight
still goes on, both parties claiming
the water. The employes of the elec
tric Light Co., who diverted the water
were bound over to appear before tbe
circuit court.
The Valley Record asye: T. S. Hen
derson, of San Francisco, who worked
the flag tradiug stamp scheme upon
a number of our merchants, was here
a few days ago and left the matter
of settlement with Attorney C, H.
Dalrymple. Henderson wants the par
ties concerned to buy his unused trad
ing -stamps, finish the onntest and
award the flag to whoever the winner
may be. The merchants found that
the Interest In the matter proved of
short life and duration, and they are
prepared to go ahead with the enter
prise if Mr. Henderson will wake up
the enthusiasm. The same scheme
was started in Medford, but the enthu
siasm soon dwindled to nothing and
the dlag is "still there," waiting for
somebody to win it.
iFire at Grants Pass.
From Rogue River Courier:
Wednesday night at 1:30 a. m. an
alarm was turned lu that brought the
fire department to a fire that had
started in the Eagle brewery and Ice
works. As the brewery was located
outside of the oity limits, on the stage
road south of the Rogue river bridge,
there was no wuter supply at hand
and the buildings were quickly con
sumed. When tbe fire reached the
ice plant the ammonia tanks explod
ed, one of with such terrific force bb
to demolish what little there wag left
of the building, and to hurl pieces of
timber and iron all about, some of tbe
pieces of iron falling an eighth of a
mile from the building. Many by
standers had narrow escapes, but no
one was hurt. The shock was bo great
as to jar buildings in all parts of the
oity aud sounded ilke a heavy dis
charge of dynamite.
The establishment belonged to Aug
ust Fetsob and consisted of a brewery,
ice plant and a saloou. Mr. Fetsch is
in San Francisco, having gone there
last week to seek a partner for the
brewery, and i expected home this
Friday evening. His loss is supposed
to be about 810,000 and he iB reported
to have ?fiS00 insurance ou the proper
ties. It is unknown us to how the
fire originated. Whether he will re
build will be decided by Mr. Fotsch
when he returns.
The destruction of this saloou elim
inates for the time being, a contro
versy as to whether a saloou shall be
run iu the suburbs of Grants Pass
outside of the city limits. Mr.
Fetsch applied for a license at. the
July term of county court, but was
beaten by a remonstrance. Since
then the saloon has boon run without
a county license.
As a sequence to the burning of
Fetsch 's establishment Frank Smith.
his bar tender, was arrested Thursday
night by Constable Handle, as ho was
attempting to board the south bound
train, on a charge of argon.
Mr. Fotsch has been very unfortun
ate in the matter of tiros, having
been burned out once while in busi
ness in Medford and once before this
time in Grants Pass.
Commissioners' Court
In ro the application of C. W,
Palm, I, L. Hamilton, George S.
Farnsworth for the approval of the
plat of Palm's addition to the city of
Medford ; order made aud approving
In re the resignation of Chaa. M.
Warren, justloe of peace for Wood
ville precinct; order made accepting
resignation and he 1b discharged from
further duties or responsibilities as
said juBtioe.
In the matter of an extension . of
time for the completion of assess
ment; order made extending time to
complete the assessment until Octo
ber 2d, 1905.
It appearing that the bills for print
ing and composing the county write
up for the Lewis and Clark fair will
be due before the next regular meet
ing of the couuty court, the couuty
judge iB hereby authorized to settle
Bald aooouuts and ou his order the
county clerk will draw warrants up
on the general fund for the amounts
due tbe parties respectively.
In the matter of the road petitioned
for by M. M. Clark et al; order made
disallowing, for the reason there was
presented a remonstrance with much
larger number of signers of freehold
ers residing in the road distriot than
there were signers on the petition.
In the matter of tne road petitioned
for by Aaron Beck ; order same as
In the matter of the petition of Ed.
Scott et al; order made disallowing
for the reason that the road is not of
enough importance to justify the ex
pense of building aud in the opinion
of the court a better route could be
Order appointing Willie DeRo
boam fire warden for section 4, tp 40
s, r2 w.
Order appointing J. H. Bogley fire
warden for sees 12, Id, 15, tp 30 s, r
4 w.
Order appointing Walter H. Parson
fire warden for the distriot consisting
of the terminal grounds and right of
way of the Medford & Crater Lake
Railroad Co.
It is ordered that John Bliss be ap
pointed ferryman for Rogue river for
one year, at $200 per year.
The following hills were allowed:
Current expense for July, 1005, $906 02
Road supervisors, 102 50
Justice and -constable fee, 34 GO
Commissioners' fees and judge 140 00
Road expense, 129 05
Rebate of tax, 1 78
Sheriff. 333 33
Clerk, 250 00
Recorder, 128 79
Treasurer, &3 33
School Sunt., 133 &3
Assessor with deputy hire, 497 00
Ferryman. 16 66
Court house, 27 00
JaiL 77 77
Health officer, 18 75
$3480 92
In this age of progross nothing need
surprise anyone. Improvement is
certainly the 'Order of the hour. It is
looked for in -every branch of science
and commerce, but it is not expected
so much in the way of entertainment.
Adiuncts to enterainment, however,
shows the same general tendency to
betterment. In the mont popular
form of entertainment, the circus, oue
concern has alwayB led the way and
itjis continuing to do so Reference is
made to the Barnum & Bailey Great
est Show on Earth. It is needless to
recount the many and substantial
reasons for its unvarying pre-eminence,
they are so varied and so well
known. This great concern is this
season paying extraordinary attention
to the comfort of its patrons. Among
the items in tbis direction is the gen
erous provision of a comfortablo foot
resto for every patron in all parts of
the amphitheatre. This one provi
sion creates the necessity for twice as
much room for seating arrangements
as hue heretofore been necessary, aud
other necessities require so much
more that the size of the great pavil
ion has been just doubled. This enor
mous increase in the size of the tent
was made necessary because tbe plac
ing of a foot-rest before every seat
demands more space, more parapher
nalia, and consequently larger canvas
Another couspioaouB improvement
will be found iu the menagerie tent
which, by the way, has been greatly
enlarged. In this big canvas, 350 feet
long, a stage or elevated platform
runB down tho center nearly
nearly the entire length of the inter
ior and upon this structure are placed
curious performers, all of whom give
exhibitions of various kinds. Cages
of wild beast are arranged in the form
of an elipse surrounding the plat
form and at one end ot the tent are
three herds of elephants, and at tho
other a herd of giraffes, two droves of
camels and other leash animalB.
The main entrance, or marquee, as
it iB called, is a very pretentious
affair with eight bright nickel-platd
guideways through which visitors en
ter the menagerie tent on their way
other bite top or tent whore the regu
lar performances take place. Alto
gether patrons of tho circus will dis
cover many improvements of different
kinds both in and around the tents,
and a great mi rubor of them in the
character and arrangement h of the
acts and general performances, which,
it is wife to say, are to no found witli
no other amusement institution. All
will be here on Saturday, August 26th.
One performance only.
Delegates Appointed.
Governor Chamborlaiu has appoint
ed tho following delegates to the an
nual convention of the National Asso
ciation of Road Workers, to be held
in Port Huron. Mich., August 29-31:
County .Judges C. II. Stewart, of
Linn; John if. Scott, of Marion; T.
F. Ryan, of Clackamas; George W.
Dunn, of Jackson ; and Henry J,
Ik-en. of Umatilla.
Opinions of Some of Our
Citizens-Serious and
Otherwise. .
J. P. Moomaw: "Things are mov
ing these times out at Eagle Point.
There is considerable real estate
changing hands aud business general
ly seems to be caking on new life.
Yes, the railrjad building, I fancy,
baa much to do with these condi
tions." II. G. Nicholson: "Whenever you
people waut to go fishing or hunting
aud are uncertain about the weather,
oome down to my store and I '11 tell
you all about it. I brought a barom
eter from Poitland with me whou I
came back last week. It is the
real thing, same kind of machine
they have ou ships to tell what kiud
of weaher is coming and the kind that
is UBed by the government."
J. Ii. Wilson: "Crops are good
out in the Griffin oreek country. Ves,
mine are llrst-class. 1 am cutting out
general farming to quite an extent
and am working ' into alfalfa and
dairying. I have twenty-two acres of
laud now growing alfalfa aud I am
going to put out more of it. There
is plenty of water ou my . plaoe aud
that insures a crop every season. I
have five head of Jersey cows now and
am going to get more of them. My
farm, with all that water running ovor
It, can bo madeuu ideal dairy ranch."
Attorney W. E. Phlpps: "Whilo
out at Newport last week I met our
mutual friend and old-time Medford
citizen, Mr. D. S. Youngs. He is a
lapidarian at that place and is doing
a spleudid business. When on tho
bench oue day I found a very pretty
agate. I took the stone to Mr. Youngs
and had it ground and this 1b what
he made of it a very pretty and pe
culiarly shaded watch charm. I wish
you would mention the above, just to
let Mr. Youngs' friendB know that he
is still living; is as fat, fair and foxy
as ever, aud 1b doing well ; and say
as little about me as possible. "
About Canada Thistles.
Medford, 8-12-'05.
Gentlemen : I have read with inter
est your remarks concerning the prev
alence of the Canada thistle here. and
thought it would be proper to make a
few romarks along this line. Tho
Canada thistle is a very bad weed and
is remarkable for its propensity to
live under extreme difficulties.
All plant life must have roots under
ground and leaves above ground to
live any length of time, tbe roots to
take nourishment and leaves as lungs
to breath through aud some are very
easily killed by the destruction of the
leaves or luug portions above ground
and others are very difficult to kill by
this mode of warfare and the Canada
thistle is one of the very hardest
plants to kill in any way. The best
method for the destruction of tnis
weed and tho one most generully re
sorted to is to cut the thistle under
ground and continue cutting them
under ground, never allowing them a
breath of life and they will finally bo
I have had some experience with
varlouB bad weeds and I nm very
ready to notioe any of them whenever
they come before me) but I have soon
no Canada thistle here yet, but 1 do
not pretend to say it is not here. I
have, however, found a small cockel
bur known on the coast as the Chin
ese thistle (not the Chinese lettuce,
but the Chinese thistle) whioh is a
bad weed, but not hard to kill. It s
an annual and can bo disposed of by
cutting just before the burs and seed
are ripe enough to re-seed or germin
ate. Very truly,
Cinching Deer Killers.
From Yreka Journal:
Tho officers down at Happy Camp
have cinched parties for killing door
beforo tho open season, four of whom
were finod $.'15 each, including the
game warden, who ought to have been
fined don bio, as ho certainly could
not claim ignorance of the law. Two
others skipped out aud belong to Co
in su, but aro to be brought back for
ignoring the law. A poor lone China
man bought a deer head from an In
dian for twenty-five cents and, waft
fined 25, just a dollar for each cent
of his purchase. The Chinaman was
fearfully d isgusted about A morjcnn
law, of which he Keomod to 1h) totally
ignorant, and has no desire to buy
more deer heads at any price. Jus
tiio lirown of the Happy Camp court
does not think any of tho parties will
appeal from the judgment, for fear
of getting a heavier line and include
Married at Reno, Nevada.
From A -blunt! Tiding:
A news dispatch of Saturday last
from lie no, Nevada, reports a mar-
riago of local inteieht,the bride being
a former resident of Ashland, who ns
Mrs, Chaussee was divorced from nor
first husband, and the groom being a
well-known young man from Jaokson j
county. i
"William T. Reames and Lulu C.
Dame, giving their address as Fort-
laud, Oregon, were granted a mar
riage lice nee in Reno this morning.
It Is understood they are prominent
residents of that place. Every effort
was made to keep the wedding a sec
ret. The ceremony was performed at
3 o'olook this afternoon at the Method
ist church by Dr. Welch. Mrs.
Welch and a friend were the only wit
nesses. The couple arrived here this
morning and registered at the River
side hotel. Tonight on the early
train they loft for California, having
purchased tickets for Sun FrnnciBco.
'Yes, we are from Portland,' Reames
said to an inquirer at the hotel this
evening. 'We came to Nevada to get
married because we wanted to. I do
not see that it is anybody's busi
ness.' " Ai
Doin'B at Rabbitvilic.
Rabbittville correspondence to the
Irrigon Irrigator: 'ihe Hon SimDipp.
the solebratted tlnanseer and states
man of Irrigon, was'oirouluting around
in our midi last Suuday. ' If Irrigon
was upp to snuff and had a good drug
store like Rabbittville has, Sim would
likely gdt drunk at home, instead cf
coming over hear every Suuday toao
oummulate a jag. The ladies' aid so
oiety is about to pull off au ice cream
sociablo, which will be boldon at tbe
Bunco House dining room. The affray
is to wind up with a oyster, supper
and dause in the evening, and Peg
Leg Charley iB to be brung in from
the Petersen boys' ran oh to do the
flddlin' and old man Bunco has prom
ised to sober upp and call the Hggers.
Peg Legg is a natural born fiddler by
ar. Some folks say he is us good as
Paddy Roosky, but we don't swuller
that, for that Roosky chap could fid
dle by notes. The ladies has agreed
to pay Peg Leg one fifty and his ex
penses, which will be four bits. So
it will be seen that the Rabbittville
ludis do not strutter nt expenses whou
it conies to a great event of this kind.
Brings Dead to Life.
DBS MOINES, la., Ang. 13. Left
for dead and stripped for post mortem
examination, Louis Viele, an Italian,
frightfully stabbed by a negro, as
tounded the hospital corps today by
coming to life. The heart had ceased
beating and respiration had ended
when Or. Wilbur Conkling inserted
hie hand in tho wound whioh had been
made by a razor, pinched the hoart
and waited developments.
Suddenly a shudder passed ovor the
frame of the patient. Tho pale face
beoaine suffused with a swift inrush
of blood aud the veins aud arteries
began to pulsate. In five minutes
the erstwhile dead was living aud the
physicians proceed od to sew the gap
ing wounds. Local doctors declare
that this case has no pamllol in the
annals of medical science.
A Palhlic Incident .
rom Albany Htsrald.
Tho remains of the late Mrs. Maud
Collins, who died in Medford Fri
day, were yesterday brought to this
city and taken to Toledo on tho noon
train, whore they will be buried. The
parents of the. deceased reside in
Toledo. The remains were accompa
nied by the husband aud throe little
children and tho little ones did not
realize that their mother was deud,
but believed she would joiu them
whou they arrived at their destina
tion. It was pathetic tho way tho
littlo ones asked for their mother nnd
expressed their impatience at tho
slowness of time that kept them away
from their grand parents, where they
hopod to find their mama again. The
party loft on the bay train for Tole
do, and the little ones wore jubilant,
for thoy said they would soon reach
their mother now.
Probulc Conrt.
In ro guardianship of Granville
Soars, au incomm potent. Order to
show cause.
u re estate of Christian F. Blake.
Order appointing Monday, tho 11th
day ofScptuinbur, for final settlement.
In re estate of Phil Gloavo. Order
appointing September 1005, day for
llnl settlement.
In ro estate and guardianship of
Shipley Kohh o'tal. Order confirming
In ro estate of August Wulf, do
ceased. Order made to lease mining
Articles of incorporation of tho
Chotko Copper Company, filerl AugUHt
M, 1IHJ5. Capital stock one million
dollars. The incorporators aro :
Thomas Gilham, Chits. W. Kvaus and
Clyde Payne. Iho property iu in
Curry couuty and fonsists of seven
teen claims.
J. 10. Foster and Mrs. Jessie Lan
goll Farnsworth wore married at
Grants Pass Sunday, at tho residence
of the bride's sister, Mrs. W C. Hale.
Tho groom is a member of the firm
of Foster ,t Gumiell, who have (marge
of the Oregon Hello and Opp mints.
Tho bride is tho youngest daughter of
Hon, and Mrs. N. Langell and a tin -
tivo of Jackson county, whore sho has
u host of triemls.
Harvey Richardson was In Medford
Saturday on bis way to Jacksonville
to lay a proposition before Jndge
Dunn for the improvement of the road
on the north and west side of Rogue
river. The people living on the upper
river realize the neoesBity of an- im
provement of this thoroughfare one
of the most important in the county,
as it traverses a great agricultural sec
tion aud the work being done by the
(old Hill Canal Co., aud the Condor
Water & Power Co., near Prospect,
necessitates better transportation fa
cilities than at present aro available.
There are three places on the road
which will require extensive improve
ments; one at the head of upper Table
Rock, through a Btretoh of "sticky,"
one on tbe Tucker hill and the other
ou the t'louiice Rock grade. Each
one of the places will require the ex
penditure of about ftlftOO tn tint them
iu HrBt-class shape. The following
offer by the Condor Wator & Power
Co., explains the projeot:
PROSPECT, Oregon, Aug. 5, 1005.
. We agree to payto the county judge
of Jackson couuty 91500 for use iu im
proving the road between By bee
bridge aud Prospeot, Jaokson oqunty,
Oregon, aud on the north and west
side of the river, provided the coun
ty of Jaokson will give $1500 for the
same purpose, and provided that the
publio of Jackson county will- give
81500, and further that all payments
aro made to tho couuty judge withiu
ninety days from date, and that the
road improvements are made within
twelve months from date. Provided,
further, that the Condor Water &
Power Co. shall chose one engineer,
the county judge one engineer and
the publio one engineer. Said engi
neers to decide ou improvements,
same to be made and money expend
ed uuOr their and the county judge's
per Dr. Ray.
Mrs. Klizabeth Hodges was born in-.
Andrew county, Mo., January 24,
1B39. In 1843 sho crossed the plaint
and settled In Polk oounty, Oregon,
where she was marrlod on November
14, 1857. The union was blessed with
twelve children five boys and seven
girls, three of whom, one boy and
two girls, died some years sgo.
In 1859 she gave her heart to God
and united with the M. E. Church,
South, of whioh she was ever a faith
ful and consistent member. Her daily1
walk and conversation was n contin
uous testimony of her lore to God.
aud devotion to His causn. Her life
wbb consistent with her piofession.
Shortly before her death she talked
freely about dying and expressed her
self as being fully prepared. She re
joiced in the hepe that she would
soon be ut roBt with her buvior. The
only regret sho epxressed In dying;
was that she must loavo her fnmily,,
for her home and family wore very
dear to her; but aside from tho pain
of leaving her family, sho was glad
to go. Her dying request whs that
her children might meet her in
heaven. This desiro was always on
her hoart and she never ceased to pray
that her children bocomo christians.
With only a part of nor family
about her bedsido, the oLd camo
quietly aud peacefully, August 8th,
thus ending her earthly life of sixty
six years, six months and fifteen
days. "Sho rests and her works do
follow after hor." X X
Hold Up at Eugene.
A highwayman, whose methods wore
something like thor-u of the fellow
who held up the Niudi hotel a couple
of weeka ago, attomptod to rob tho
Hoffman house at JO n gone Wednesday
morning at 1:40 o'clock. The hand it
came Into tho oflico. and ordered th
night clerk to opou the cash register.
The clerk denied having a key and
the robber, probably on account of
other pooplo approaching, left and ran
down tho street. The alarm was given
and ol Doors Croner and Farringtou
gave imauo. Fori ington caught eight
of tho bandit and ordered him to halt,
whereupon throe kIjo(,h wore 11 red by
the fleeing man, one taking effect in
the olllcors leg, incapactating him
from fuithor locnnoUon and the hnM
up escaped.
New Suits l:ilud.
C. C. lieekmiui Warren I. Cam
eron; notion tit iv cover money. At
torneys for plaint ill', Reames & Kennies.
Jas S. KlHsnu et al vs. Allen Smith;
U..H tr,,- ,1,,.., u .1 II Mi,1.IL,!t.
I tiitil A. I'i. I U allies attornevs for
W. II. Grant vs. W. K. Coul and
M. .M. Gaull. ; net hut tu recover
money. Win, 1. Vawl.rr attorney lot
I!. 11. Matin ws s. J. 1). Clark et
al ; suit to r'-(,vei money. Cotdiow &
lllee attorn for plaintiffs.
l or Sale
mr full I r! noded Poland Chinas,
two boars anil two gilts, all April far
row. CouM In1 registered. Nino dol
lars each. Two miles southwest of