ANOTHER WAR IS IMMINENT ;FBANCE IS NOW CONVINCED THAT GERMANY INTENDS TO PRO VOKE A CRASH. Great Britain Believes Aggression Is Aimed at Her as Much as Against the French Republic, New York, June 17. A special to :the Sun from London says: It can no longer be denied that we are In the presence of an International crisis of the first magnitude. Paris wires that the French government is almost con vinced It is Germany's deliberate in tention to provoke war. Orders were given by the minister of war on Wed nesday to make every prepartion to resist attack, all the officers and men on leave were ordered to rejoin their coters instantly,vaud special trains In all parts of the country have been fa ciltating the execution of the instruc tions. Prime Minister Rouvler has adopted a most conciliatory attitude towardGer many, but every concession he makus inspires fresh demands unttll now the emperor asks in effect the cancella tion of the Anglo-French entente. The British government is fully aware that Germany's aggression la aimed quite as much at Great Britain as against France. Lord Lansdowne : la all for peace, but the remainder of the cabinet are determined tto resist with all the resources of the empire any serious encroachments on British interests. Lansdowne has counseled France "while avoiding all provocation, to pre serve a firm attitude in the face of 1 German aggression. Britain has also taken important Independent action which ia not yet disclosed. It will become known when the China squad ron and other ships of the British navy, which are hastening homeward at top speed, approach their destina tion. It will be found aB significant as the mobilization of the flying squad ron, which was Great Britain's re sponse to the, kaiser's famous Kruger : letter. There is reason also to believe that If France yields to German pressure in the matter of the international con ference in regard to Morocco, Great Britain will veto It even If she stands alone. The British government and people were never more anxlons for peace than now, but if the kaiser should attempt to deal with this country as he is dealing with France, war would be a question only of hours. Acute Rheumatism. Deep tearing or wrenching p.tins, occasioned by getting wet through, worse when at rest, or on Brat moving the limbs or in cold or damp weather, is cured quickly by Ballard's Soow Liniment. Oscar Oleson, Gibson City, Illinois, writes, February 10, 1MB, a year ajro I was troubled with a pain in my back. It soon got so bad that I could not bend over. One bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment cured me. lo cents. 50 genu, $1.00. Sold by Chaa. Strang. , Forced Japanese to Retire. St. Petersburg, June 17. General Linevitch in a dispatch to the emper or dated June 15 reports that a Rus sian turning movement forced the Japanese to retire from Iulantlzl .June 11 after burning their supplies. Another Russian force June 12 ad vanced from the valley of the Tzln liver to the village of Vanloungow, pushing back the Japanese posts. Th) same day the Russian cavalry occu pying Nanshantclienzi retired slightly northward. CRUISER BEGS COAL SUPPLY. Russian Warship Stops at Saigon on Her Way to Home Port. Saigon, Cochin China, June 17 The Russian auxiliary cruiser Kouban, formerly the Hamburg-American line steamer Augusta Victoria, has ar rived off this port and asked to be DO IT TO-DAY! " "And to think that ten months airo I looked like this 1 I owe It to German Syrup." The time-worn injnnction, "Never put off 'til to-morrow what you can do to day," is now generally presented in this form : " Do it to-day 1" That is the terse advice we want to give you about that hacking cough or demoralizing cold with which you have been struggling for sev eral days, perhaps weeks. Take some reliable remedy for it to-day and let that remedy be Dr. Boschee's German Syrup, which has been in use for over thirty-five years. A few doses of it will undoubtedly relieve your cough or cold, and its continued use for a few days will cure you completely. No matter how deep-seated your cough, even if dread consumption has attacked your lungs, German Syrup will surely effect a cure as it has done before in thousands of ap parently hopeless cases of lung trouble. New trial bottles, 95c; regular size, 75c. At all druggists. RtiiMiliod' with crml sufiVc'.out lo reach tli.1 nearest .Russian port. Her ro quest is boing couddnred. The Kouban 1b fitted with a wire loss telegraph apparatus and carries sixteen guns gf small calibre. The Kouban did not participate In-the bat tle of the Sea of Japan, having been dispatched from the Russian fleet to reconnolter the east coast of Japan as far as Yokohama. On returning she learned of the disaster to Vice Admiral Rojestvensky and steamed to Cape St. James, near here. Cuban Diarrhoea. U. P. Boldlera who bur veil In Cuba durimr the Spnniah war kno.vs what 'bis dleoiiee is, and that ordinary rem dies have little more effect than so much wtiiur, Cuban diurrhoea its al most na 8tvHe and iluiiirt'inua as a mild attack of cholera, , There le one remedy however, that (tan always be depended upon as will be seen hy the following certificate from Mrs. Minnie Jacobs, o Houeton Texas: "I hereby certify that Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and J)hv rrboea Remedy cured iny husband of a eevere attack of Cuban diarrhoea, which he brought home from Cuba. We had several doctors but they did him no good. On bottle of this remedy cured him, as our noghbors will testify. I ttiuuk lioti fur so valuable a mediuine." For pale by Chae. Strang. NEW JUDGE FOR OREGON. Will be Apolnted to Succeed Judge Bellinger, Deceased. Portland, June 17. Senator Fulton has announced that President Roose velt would appoint W. W. Cotton of this city United States District Judge to succeed the late Charles B. Bel linger. It was before Judge Bellinger that the land fraud cases, in which Senator Mitchell Is one of the defend ants, were to be tried. His death made necessary the selection of a judge to try the cases and Judge De Haven of California was chosen. " As the new appointment will not take effect until September, It Is be lieved that Judge De Haven will con tinue to hear the cases. W. W. Cotton is the head of the le gal department of the Oregon Railway and Navigation company. He Ik a law yer of great ability and was associated with the late Judge Bellinger In codify ing the laws of Oregon. Cures OH1 hurra. WestmirHlani. Kan-j., May 5. 1W12 Rallards Snow Liniment Co: Your Snow Liniment cured an old ti 're on the aide of my chin tbal was su mst to oe a cancer. J he eore wus stubborn and would not yield to treatment, until 1 tried Snow Liniment, wmuh did the work in short order. My sister, Mrs. Sophia J. Carson. AUensvllle. Mnlin Co., Pa., has a sore and mistrus t that it is a cancer. Please oped her a 60c bottle. Sold by Chas. Strang. CHOLERA ON THE INCREASE Presence of Disease in Poland Alarms Stv Petersburg. St. Petersburg, June 17. The an xiety caused by the danger of an epi demic of cholera is growing. A dis patch from, Poland, re ports that deaths from cholera are oc curring daily there, and three sus peoted cases are reported at Tula. Th authorities of both these cities have ordered anti-oholera inocula tions In the lnfooted regions, but the warm, moist weather prevailing la fa vorable to the spread of the dtseaso. The Salve Ihat Penetrates. D Witt's Witch Hazel Salve ppnetrates the pores of the Bkin, and by its anti septic, rubifooient and healing influ ence it subdues inftamaMon and cures Boils, Burns, Cuts, Lczema, Tetter, King Worm and all skin diseases. A a pec i fit; for blind, bleeding, itching and nrotrudine Piles. The oricional and genuine Witch Hozel Salve is made bv E. C. EeWitt & Co., and sola bv Chns. Strang. WARSHIPS VISIT PORTLAND. Webfoot Metropolis Honored by Visit of Uncle Sam's Fighting Machines. Portland, June 17. The United States cruisers Chicago and Boston are anchored in the Willamette In front of the city. These vessels, with the torpedo boat Perry and the reve nue cutter McCulloch, form an impos ing fleet of warships which are swing ing at their anchorage within sight of the Lewis and Clark centennial expo sition grounds. Next week the fleet will be added to by the presence of the Italian war ship Umbria, which will arrive from the north to visit the exposition. Rear Admiral Goodrich and the executive staffs of the visiting cruisers were wel comed to the city by a party of busi ness men headed by President Goode of the exposition. The Chicago and Boston will remain here one week. A "naval day" will be celebrated at the exposition to give the men on board the vlBitfng war ships an opportunity to visit the expo sitloD. , Tired out, worn out woman cannot sleep, eat or work ; Beems hb if she would fly to pieces. Holllstcr's Rocky Mountain Tea make? strong nerveR and rich red blood. 35 cents tea or tablets Dr. Hinkle's drug store Central Point KIRKMAN MUST BE IMPRISONED Committed to the Penitentiary With Approval of the President, Washington, June 17. The presi dent has approved the findings in the two trials of Captain George Kirkman of the Twenty-fifth Infantry, sentenc ing him to dlHmissal from the army and confinement in the penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., for three years. Kirkman was connected with the sensational case resulting in the sui cide of the wife of another army of ficer at Omaha, Neb. mm Will positively cure any case of Kidney or Bladder disease not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE strengthens the urinary organs, builds up the kidneys and invig orates the whole system. IT IS GUARANTEED TWO SIZES 6O0 and $1.00 MANSLAUGHTER MEN RESPONSIBLE FOR DEATHS DRUNIQ TEAMSTERS' 8TRIKE WILL BE INDICTED. Chicago, June 17. The grand Jury room, where witnesses are being ex amined as to the payment of money for the settlement of strikes and re garding assaults upon non-union driv ers, Ib still the center of Interest In the teamsters' strike. The employers' association 1b resting and the team sters' joint council has decided to meet only every other day. Nothing was heard about peace yesterday and there was no evidence of a strike on the streets. Deliveries of goods in all lines are almost normal. While the statute of limitations may bar Indictments for conspiracy to set tle strikes by the use of money, It Ib said to ba certain that quite a number of Indictments for man slaughter would be returned against persons claimed to be responsible for the deaths resulting from riots due to tbe teamsters' strike. A number of business men and two women answered subpoenas to ap pear before the grand jury yesterday. The women were said to have lived at a hotel frequented by labor leaders. Astnma Suffer Should Know This. Foley's Honey and Tar Iisb cured many cases ot nfthroa that were con sidered hopeless. Mrs. Adolph Buss ing, 701 West 3rd st, Davenport, Iowa, writes: "A severe cold contracted twelve years ago was neglected until It finally grew into asthma. The best medical skill available could not give mo more than temporary relief, Poleys Honevand far as recommended and one filly cent bottle entirely cured me of asthma which had been growing on me for twelve years, and if I had taken it at the start I would have be.'n paved vears of suffening. For Bale at the Medford Pharmacy. : SECRETARY HAY TAKES' A REST. Plans to Stay With Daughter at the Laurels for a Time. New York, June 17. Secretary of State John Hay has left the hotel In this city where he stopped last night and went to "The Laurels," the home of his daughter in MIneola. When asked as to his plnns for the Imme diate future he said: "I intend to remain with Mr. and Mrs. Whitney for a time. I can't say Just how long. It is probable that I will run down to Washington for a few days soon and look over matters that need my attonllon In the state department. I don't Intend to exert myself too much at first, for you know I am under orders from my physician to take the 'rest cure.' " Mo Secret About It. It p no secret, that for Cuts, Burns Ulcers. Fever Sores. Sore Eyes, Bolls, etc., nothing is so effective as Buck'en's Arnica alve. "It didn't take long to cure a bad sore I bad, and it Is all G. K. lor sore eyer," writes IJ. L, Uregory, of Hbpe, Tex. 25o at Chas. Strangs drug store. COMMISSldVR ORDERS" "CHANGE. Instructions for Medical Examination 8hall Emanate From Bureau Washington, June 17 Commission er of Pensions Warner has decided that after July 1 all orders for the medical examination of pension claims shall emanate from the medical branch of the bureau, under direction of the medical referee. The proposed change will dispense with the use of mote than 200 rosters of examining sur geons. The commissioner also contemplates changing the present method ot keep lng the records of claimants for pen lion on large, cumbersome books to the card system. HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buijr Medioins for Bob Peopl. Brlngi Golden Htslth ud Btnowed Vigor. A wrwclfle forCoiMllnntton. In'Hpostlon, Ur and Kidney Trouble. Pimple. Kozfcnvi, Impure Ulood, Bud Ureal h, sWfrfflh Bowls, IlWlnclie and ilackaehe. It's Hooky Mountain Ttt tu tab let form, Xi en'. a d-it. 'I'-nuine made by Hot, lister Dnvn C"WPA?T, Mmlivin, Win. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLff Dr. Hinkle, Central Point, Oregon. SOLD 1ND RECOMMENDED BY Medford Pharmacy REMARKABLE TRIAL ENDED. Negro Acquitted After Death Warrant Had Been Issued Ten Times. Reading, Pa., June 17. Samuel Grcason, colored, has been acquitted of the murder of John Edwards. Mrs. Kate Edwards, wife of tho murdered man, whose testimony over three years ago convicted G reason, yesterday com pletely exonerated him. Edwards was murdered nearly four years ago and G reason was arrested several months later. His death warrant had been issued ten times and his case has developed into one of the most remarkable murder trials in this state. Mrs. Edwards, the mother ot G rea son's child, U under sentence of death, and it is understood that the governor will fix the date of her exe cution within a short time. It was postponed several months-ago so that she could be used as a witness at the trial of G reason. Found a Cure for Dyspepsia. Mrs, S. Lindsay, of Fort William, Ontario, Canada, who has a uttered quite a number of years from dvspepafa and H)at pains iu tho stomach, was advis ed by her druggist to take Chamber Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. She ilirl oo..0 til ik.., it.,... t,.. (lone me a great deal of good, I have uau any huuurillLf BIUUO 1 UU(,rHIl using them." If troubled with dyspep sia or indigestion why not take these tablets, get well and Btay well? For sate by Chas. Strang. CONFER WITH PRESIDENT. P. M. 8. Company Wants Resumption of Traffic Agreement. Washington, June 17. Theodore Shonts, chairman of tbe Isthmian Can al commission; R. P. Schwerln, presi dent of the Pacific Mail Steamship company, and Maxwell Evarts of New York, counsel for the Pacific Mail Steamship company, have held a con ference with the president relative to the resumption of a traffic agree ment between the steamship company and the Panama Railroad company, the latter now being In the absolute control of the United Slates govern ment. No definite determination of the matter was reached. Billious Bill the sleepy head, Uearly loved to lay a-bed; Coulun't wake bun if you shook hi:h. Sudduuly he started waking Ev'ry morn when day whs breaking. What's this inagio necromancer? Kariv Ulsurs that's the answer. The Famous Little Pills "Early Risers" cure Constipation, Sick iJuadtiche, Billtousncss, etc., iff their tonic effect on tho liver. They never gripe or sicken, but impart early rising energy. Good for children or adults. Sold oy Chas. Strang. LINES OF GRAY" FORM AGAIN Confederate Veterans Cheered as They March Through Louisville Streets. Louisville, Ky., June 17. The large crowd of soldiers and visitors In Louis ville who attended the United Con federate Veterans reunion have been augmented by arrivals In great numbers from many nearby .towns who oame to see the great parade of yesterday. The route covered three miles. The sidewalks were Jammed with people and windows along tho line of march showed thousands of spectators. The parade started shortly before noon. Commander-in-Chief Lee and his staff, all on superb mounts, were given a rousing cheer aa they took places at the bead of the column. Huge floats gaily decorated were pro vided for the veterans who were un able to walk. Sprained Ankle. Stiff Neck, Lame Shoulder. These are three common ailments for which Chamberlain's Pain Halm Is especially valuable. If properly appli ed It will save you time, moiev and suffering when troubled with any one of these ailments. For sale by Chaa, Strang. TolatoT finds Fault, St. Petersburg, June 17. Count Tol stoi, In an Interview published In the Rusb, praises the United States' ten der of her good offices and Russia's consent to negotiate, but finds fault with the whole roform movemQnt, pro claiming that getting back to the soil and sharing tbe land among tbe peas ants ( the only panacea, for Russia's political Ills. Ptitid Stent and Gravel With Exoruelatlng Palm A. H. Thurnes, Mgr. Wills Creek Cosl Co., Buffalo, O'., writes "I been afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble for years, past ing gravel or stones, with excruciating pains. Other medicines only gave relief. After taking FOLEY'S' KIDNEY CURE the result wis surprising. A few doses started the brick dust, like fine stones, etc., and now I have no pain across my kidneys and 1 feel like a new man. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE has done me $ 1 ,000 worth of good." lo Othir Rimtdy Can Compart With It Thos. W. Carter, of Ashboro, N. C, had- Kidney Trouble and one bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE effected a perfect cure,. and be says there Is no remedy that will compare with it. Medford ' Oregon. HANDS TIED BY COURT MISSOURI COMMISSIONERS RE STRAINED FROM ENFORCING SCHEDULE Kansas City, Mo., June 17. Judge Smith McPherson of Red Oak, Iowa, in the United States district court here has Issued a temporary injunc tion restraining the state railway and warehouse commissioners and the at torney general of the state from en forcing the maximum freight law which has just gone into effect, and against three Kansas City shippers, preventing thq latter from claiming penalties under the law. The injunction was granted at the request of etghtoen railways doing business in Missouri, who brought suit against the slate officials on tho ground that the rates provided In the new law are prohibitive and would amount to the confiscation of their property.; Tho suit against the three Kansas City shippers is intended to cover the shippers of the staie as a class, aud the order of the state against them will restrain them from bringing action against tho railways under the law. Tbe order of tho court is mude returnable on June 2G, when the railroads will seek to have it made permanent. At that time District Judge John F. Phillips will hear the case with Judge McPherson. Huf?e Task. It was a huge task, to undertake the cure of such a hard case of kidney di BeaBe, a that of C. F. Collier, of Chero kee, la., hut electric Bitters did ft. Be writeB: "My kidneys were so faro gone, I could not Bit on a chair without a cushion; and Buffcaed from dreadful backache, headache, ana depression In Electric Bitters, however, I found a cure, and by them was restored to perfect health. I recommend thin great tonic medicine to ull with weak kidneys, liver or stomach, uuaruntoea by Chas. Strong, druggist; price BOo. Contented In Spain. There is one charming feature of Spnln a fine capacity to Imagine your self the center of the earth for the time being and yet not be offensive. You meet a man on a donkey in the In terior and get to talking with him, and soon you learn that he has the finest donkey of tbe province, and so far from envying any man he It Is who Is satis lied that bo is exciting the admiration, If not the envy, of his neighbors. If I met that same sort of outfit In the mountains of Colorado or Nevada, the cavalier would bo sure lo hold his bur ro In contempt and would talk of tho tine horse lie meant to have when his mtne had been developed. We Amer icans preach contentment, but we de spise the people who are contented. Tbe true Spaniard is thoroughly con tented. National Magazine. , Do Not Sleep on the Left Side. There Is little doubt that an Immense number of persons habitually sleep on tbe left side," and those who do so can never, It Is said, be strictly healthy. It Is the most prolific cause of nightmare and also of the unpleasant taste In the mouth on arising In the morning. All food enters and leaves the stomach on Uie right side, and hence sleeping on the left Bide soon after eating involves a sort of pumping operation which Is anything but conducive to sound re pose. Tbe action of the hoart Is also seriously Interfered with and the lungs unduly compressed; hence It Is best to cultivate tho habit of always sleeping on tho right side. "The Lout Chord' Sir Arthur Sullivan was at one time greatly worried about what appeared to him to be a bad inconsistency in "The Lost Chord." Sir John Robinson tells tho story: "The words are, 'I struck one chord of music like the sound of a great amen Now, amen Is a word of two syllables, so that there must have been two chords. He did not notice this, he said, until after tho song bad been sung in public, and he was terribly afraid ho would get laugh ed at for ft. Btrongo to say, nobody ever seemed to have found It out" Not a Llnserlns Fault. "Dear George has only one fault," said the bride of three short weeks. "He Is such an awful flatterer." "That fault," rejoined her elder sis ter, who bad been up against the mat rimonial game for three long years, "will gradually disappear as tbe hon eymoon wanes." "On, dear,'' sighed tbe bride, "I was In hopes tt would last forerer.' Chi cago News. Safe Deposit Vaults. Did you over rent a sufe In a vault? Well, sir, they are In great variety, the annual charge being from $6 to $700. The former Is about an inch and a quarter deep, five Inches wide and eighteen inches long. It might hold half a dozen bonds. The latter Ib about four feet high, three feet wide and two feet deep; It might hold many millions of securities. Both are fitted with key or combination locks, as are all those of Intermediate prices. New York 1W Tain of a Dollar. There are three ways to learn tbe value of a dollar. Tbe first is to spend it and see what you get for It. The second Is to earn it and see what you give for It. The third is to save it and yearn for all the things it might buy If you were weak enough to Bpend it Troy (Kan.) Chief. A Loony ) vent Ion. "Pa, began Bobby, "may I ask one more question?" "Urn!" replied pa, without looking up from his book. "Well," said Bobby, "if they had clocks In the moon would tbey be lu natics ?' Life. We are never so ridiculous because of tbe qualities we have as because of those we affect to have. Rochefou cauld. The laxative effect of Chamberlain' Stomiiuh and Liver Tablets lb so aree ablu anil ho iiu'iintl tlvat you do not realize it is tbe effect of a medicine. Kor sale bv Charles Strang, Chicago Wants Peace Conference, Chicago, Juno 17. A movement to have the peace negotiations between Russia and Japan take place In Chicago, should a change from Wash ington be desired, has been inaugurat ed here. John M. Glenn, secretary of the Illinois Manufacturers' association, which represents $1,000,000,000 ot In vested capital and employs 500,000 men, took the Initiative by asking the governor of Illinois and the mayor of Chicago to join In extending an Invltatlou. A Bad Scare. Some day you wilt get n bad ecare, when you I eel a pain in your bowels, and lenr appendicitis. Safoty lies in Dr. King's New Life PilN,.a sure euro, for all bowel and ntoinuch dis(!asos,buoh as hendachu, billtousncss, costivenoss, otc. Guaranteed at Chut?. Strang's drug store, onlv 25i . Try-tbem, POPE MAY NOW MAKE"NOBLES. Decided That Titles Bestowed by His Holiness Are Valid. Rome, June 17. Tho Italian Her aldic court has decided, In accordance with the privileges guaranteed to the pope by the law of guarantees, to con sider as valid a title of nobility con ferred by Ills Holiness. This doclslon Is considered of great importance and is looked upon as a new stop toward an understanding be tweon church and Btate. ' Makes digestion and assimilation Kerfcut. Mak c new red blood and one. That's what Hollistar's Hocky Mountain Tea will do. A Ionic for the sick and weak. Jf5 cunts, Tea or Tablets Dr. Hinkle's drug store, Central Point. Will Indict Beef Trust Officials. Chicago, Juno 17. Proposed Indict ments against officials of at least five paoklng firms were said to have been presented to the members of the fed eral grand jury yesterday by District Attorney Morrison for consideration. A report was ourrent that the indlot moats had practically beon voted by tho jury. Mother Slays Four Children. Dubinpio, Iowa, Juno 17. Mrs. Pnul Class has killed her four children and committed fi'itcldfl nl. her home near KMcr. She used a butcher knife, cut ting their throats. The oldest child was ti and tho youngest a baby. Tho woman had been In 111 health. Not h Onlr On. Tonkins I don't object ao much to Fann? klsnlng her dog, but I prefer ber to kias me before and not aftor. Wllklna I know, but don't you sup pose the dog has his preference too? Tkwton Transcript. CABTORIA. JAPAN'S REPLY IS ftlADE PUBLIC DESIRES PEACE IN THE INTSREST OF THE WORLD A8 WELL A& IN THE INTEREST OF JAPAN: Expected That Three PlenlpoteirUar les Will be Chosen by Each Side Ito and Nelldoff the Leader.. Washington. June 17. The' follow lng Ib the text of the Japanese- reply to President Roosevelt's Identloal noti to Japan and Russia on the- subject ot negotiations for peace: "The Imperial government has given to the suggestions of the presl dent of the United States embodied In the note handed to the minister ot foreign affairs by the United Statos minister on the 9th Inst, very serious consideration to which, because of Its source and Its Import, it Is justly entitled. Desiring, In the Interest ot the world, as well as in the interest of Japan, the re-establishment of peaca with Russia on terma and conditions that will fully guarantee Its stability, tbe Imperial government will, in re sponse to the suggestion of the presi dent, appoint plenipotentiaries of Japan to meet the plenipotentiaries of Russia at sueh time and place as may be found to be mutually agreeable and convenient for the purpose of negotiat ing and oonoludtng terms of peace di rectly and exclusively between the two belligerent powers. ": , : Washington, June 17 Following the selection of Washington aa the seat of the conference whloh It Is hoped may. eventuate In a permanent peace In the Far East, there Is a luU In tae -negotiations. " It was Indicated that the selection of the plenipotentiaries will be tho next step. It Is now expeoted that the announce ment of the selection of the plenipot entiaries will be promulgated In Wash ington after the two governments shall have communicated their fieleo-. tlons to President Roosevelt. It is probable that the formal announce ment of the seleotlon will be made here practically coincident with the president's communications (o Rus sia and Japan. It is learned authoritatively that M. Nelldoff, the Russian ambassador to Paris, will begone of the plenipoten tiaries for the St. Petersburg govern ment, and that Marquis Ito will prob ably be the principal representative of Japan. Ito's selection is certain pro-' vlded his health will permit him to participate In the treaty negotiations. Bo far as oan be ascertained here the number of the plenipotentiaries to be named by each government haa not been determined, but It is ex pected now that the number will not exceed three each. It Is not unlikely that the names ot the plenipotentiaries and the time agreed upon for the assembling of the conference will be mado next week. , Appropriation. "Our language Is a strange thing. When the Methodist board of missions appropriates hundreds of thousands of dollars for work among the heathen there Is rejoicing nnioig church peo ple. When congress appropriates a. good sum for liver nnd harbor Im provements we nil agree that It Is quite a good thing. But wuou a clerk appropriates a few hundred dollars of his employer's money he Is sent to the penitentiary. The tlrst sorts of appro priations are quite appropriate, but the lust sort is altogether Inappropriate. Bavannnh News. " Cnrrnn'N llctortj Currnn's, frluud wuh tickled by the orator's retort apropos of ttio Jury sys tem. The frlcud was tmiKKlug of bis attachment to It nnd said, "With trial by Jury I have lived and, by tlio bless ing of God, with trial by Jury 1 will die!" "Oh," said Currau . In umnzemcnt, "then you've made up your mind to be hanged, Dick!" Amended. When a Scotch schoolmaster entered the temple of learning one morning he rend on the blackboard, "Our teacher Is a donkey." The pupils expected there would be a cyclono. hut the philosophic pedagogue contented himself with adding the word "driver" and opened tho school as usual. No (Jenlun Wanted. "Really, 1 think your son Is n gen ius," "Oh, don't say that! Wo have been hoping nil along Unit ho may grow up to be a good,, scnslblo man uud llually succeed his father lu business." Chi cago Record-Herald. DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY and Backache Alt dtfJAfiitflH of KMntv. CURE Bladder, Urinary Organs. ache, HoartDlseaao, travel, juTopsy, temaie Trouoies. Don't becoma dlRcmir&sAd. Thera Is a Cure for you, 1 1 nocoHnnry write Dr. Kouner. llo linn Hpout a ll(t) Unit) (iiirlnjt Just auoh cuosaayuurs. ah consultations jrreo "Kor years l nan haclcnche. sevore pains acrmn khlnuytt and Braiding rn-lnn, 1 could not ftot on tot bed without twlp. Tho moot Dr. Fonnur's Kidney nnd llarknclto Carp ro utorod mo. 0. WAUONEIt. Knol)vlUe. I'u." DriiRRlHtfl.&Ott., It. Auk for Cook HookFree, QT VFf HCiUPC Kure OuroTuircular. bi OlifllUO UflnbtFoDnor, Prcdonla.N.Y