A , A Now York muu spoilt 380,000 ou wine aud $20,00 ou woiuon in olio your, , j It iB 0110 of tho uiiBolvod myaloriau .how two mou can oxishnnt'o umbrellas Mid ouoli invariably got the worst of it. Tbo fact that alcohol la usod in tlio 'manufacture of Binokolosa powdor is another argument as to its pernicious- ..UOHfl. A California man claims to uavo porfooted au invontiou which will en able peoplo to travel 200 miles an Lour. A Now York lady dropped $8,800 in a solid lump somewhere oil liroadwuy -a day or two ago. Stylo of gamo not mentioned. Blnco the Unitod States supremo court has decided that doaliugs in futures Isn't gambling, marriage cun't bo, either. A man will give up a dollar for a Ufty cent articlo he wants, uud a wo man will give 08 oeuta for a dollar ar ticlo that she doesn't want. A Chicago judge has decided that u milliuor is an urtist. That may ox plulu why she is ublo to draw a man's salary for four weeks liftor fluiushlug A bouuet. A Kan9as City man has noen flued for saying "darn" to a policomun. Kansas City has boon doing all kinds of things recently to attract public attention. J Miss Mae Wood threatens to pub lish the love lettors which she claims to have received from Piatt, Let him who never wrote lovo letters be the tflrst to egg hor.on. Tho Ualiforniau who threatous to ;ahoot ou sight tho man who marries his divorced wife has found a way that probably novor occurred to the other divorce reformers. Tho Chicago board of oducatlou is 'thinking about, establishing a special school tor wives of loss thun fourtoou yours of ago. Wo hopo the attond auoo will not bo large. , More than 100 Amerloati tourists .liuve barely osoaped death in an ortip .tlun of Mt. Vesuvius. Simo old story ; didn't know it was loaded and lookod down tho orator. Tho discussion hi tho Now York Sou of the question: "Do suckers bito?" rofors to lisli. Tho groon goods men, therefore, haven't felt culled upou to tuko a hand in it. That wook draws nigh, that dread ful wOek, whou fueling spriug' 'astir 'within hor blood, tho.housuwlfo drives us forth and mops Jind scrubs and ohuugos things around until tho liouso is c'o ui. John D. Kockofollor's woalth In all -ror dollars would, some one Iiiib es timatod, weigh us much as two first olass battloships; in onb-dollar bills it would niako u doublo girdle around the earth and loavo u runiuant of 1, . . 500 inilos long. Pugilist JoHrlcs, throwing nsido .Ills lighting gloves forovor because his wifu.wuiits Mm to, uuturully wins .tho admiration and approval of all women. But why, O why, did ho Hpoll it nil by adding, "Uosides, box lug doosu't pay." Aruhoologiats havo uuourtliod docu niontury evldonuo that a curtain Jigytplan tonclior received what anioiinted to 823 .for twolvo months' work in tho yoar 100. So tho college professor's salary t"scems to havo evo . luted some what, after all. Aetllma Suffura Should Know Tills. Foley's Honey and Tar has ourod 'many cubcb ol atlhina thai were con sidered hopolesa. Mrs. Adnlph Hius ing, "01 West Mi d at, Davenport, Iowa, wriloB: "A severe cold contracted "twelve, years ago was neglected until Jt llimllv grew into iixlhmn. Tho heat me dical Blcill available could not give me more than temporary relief, Foloya Honey and Tar vas recommended and one fifty cont bottle entirely cured me ol autumn which had been srowinir on mo for twelve yours, and If 1 had taken It at tho atm't I would have been saved yoara ol BuHculng. For Bale at tho Mudlord Pharmacy. Klamath County News. Kl.matb Fall. Reubllnu. 11. J. lJohlaud and W. L. l-'lndloy, roproBeutlng tho Keviow of Reviews, are at t'ort Klamath this woek. They oxpoot to visit Crater lako and will tuko views and write descriptive ar ticles of this section for their magazine. BLOOD POISONi The disease that has done more than auy other to wreck, ruin and humiliate life, is Contagious Wood Poison. Sorrow, shame und suffering go bund in hand with this grent enemy, and man has always hated and fought It as he has no other disease. It is the most powerful of nil poisons; no mut ter how pure the blood may be, when its virus enters, the cutirc circulation becomes poisoned and its chain of horrible symptoms begin to show. Usu ally the first sign is a small sore or ulcer, not nt all alarming in appearance, but the blood is being saturated with the deadly poison, nnd soon the mouth nnd throat begin to ulcerate, the hair and eyebrows drop out, a red eruption breaks out on the body, copper-colored splotches nud sores make their appearance and the poison even works down into the bones nnd nttacks the nerves. Not only is the disease hereditary, being transmitted from parent to child, in the form of scrofula, weak eyes, soft bones, weak, puny constitutions, etc., but is also so highly contagious that many n life has been ruined by a friendly hand shake, or from using the toilet articles of one infected with the poison. To cure this blighting, deadly curse the first begins to expel the poison nnd build up and strengthen the system. S, S. S. Is guaranteed purely vegetable. Wo offer a reward of $ 1,000 for proof that it contains a particle of mineral of any kind. Book on the dis ease, with Instructions for home treatment, and any advice desired, without ch"e- THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, 64. Mrs. Alex. Martin loft Monday for Sau Francisco. Slio will return north tho II of tho week aud will bo joined by Mr. Martin at tho railroad and together they will proceed to Portland to tako in the Lewis & Clark Exposition. Futher Hoiurich has been very low during the past woek, but yesterday his condition wus somewhut im proved. Joseph Ollbert Plorco was unitod In tho bonds of matrimony to Agnes, tho daughter of Mrs. Sunford Sher uinn Avery, at Flushing. Now York, on May 2:id. Tho dwelling houso on the farm of D. 11. Ward, a milo west of Dairy, took lire Friday last, from some cuuae unknown, uud burned to the ground. Tho loaa wus proubaly &lf0. Sam Cariiiiohucl hud his right log broken bolow the knee yesterday, while loading logs ou a truck in tho woods live miles this aide of Kouo. Tho unfortunate young muu wus brought to tho Lakosldo Inn, where he is under Dr. Morrymau's caro. Through u request from tho resi- outs of Alkali valloy, tho name "Al kali" will bo erased fom tho govern ment maps and will hereafter be known as "Yonna valley." It is to bo deplored that uuy district with us much good bind us this vulloy should bo souufotiinutoly named uud have attaehod to it whut Jia considered, In the irrigation world, ruthor a stigma. Observers say that a small-sized tornado or funnel-shaped cloud passed ovor a portion of Swan luke valloy during u thunder gtorm Sun day at 11 o'clock. . A doluge of jaiu, something like a oloud-burst, follow ede in Its wako. It was a most un usual ocourrence lu this part of the world. Tho stage driver coming from the Fulls saw tho strange looking cloud as ho wus coming across Pine Flat. He was , frlghtonod und whip pod up his team to koop out if its way. HobsIo IE. Hanks, wife of Major Hunks, of this olty, died lit her homo ou Mouduy morning at 0:30 o'clock from childbirth; agod ulnotoon yoars, four months and twenty-nine days. Tho decoasod was tho'bdaughtor of Mrs. Sainuol.Chuppoll,, of this city. She was born in North Yakima and moved to this; county with hor parents while quite young. She was marrlod about a your ugo to Major Hanks, tho youngest son of Mr. und Mrs. J. L. liunks. Tho funeral services wore hold at tho resilience of Mrs. Chap poll Tuosduy morning at 10 o'clock, luterineut was made in the Klamath Fails cemetery. Whothor Poo valloy will bo included in tho Klainuth irigation projoct do ponds upon lmmodiato action by tho laud owuois of that valloy. Poo val loy bolonga nuurnlly, tho onginoors state, to neither tho Clour luke nor tho Upper Klamuth lako Bystom and to irrigato tho lauds of tho valley in volves a houvy additional oost,us they cnunot bo reached by u largo main oanal, but require sovoral long later als. Tho work there ulao demunds tho dredging of Lost river for almost the ontire length of tho valley. The pereeiitugo of tho lands of;tho valley undor contract to tho Wutor Users' Association Ib very small and It would bo manifestly unfair to allow the uusubserlbod hindB oftliis pruc ticully outsido territory to delay the work. Unless all the glands are sub scribed the Water Users' Associa tion by Juno lfith it lis probable that Poo vally will bo pornianontly olimiu ntod. Isnao F.naign Mitchell, of this city, died Monday ovenlug, about 8:-lf, of heart trouble. Mr. Mitchell wus llt Icudlng tho railroad aud irrigation mass mooting at the court liouso and was apparently lu good health when ho was suddeny stricken with heart failure. A doctor was summoned im mediately, but the iinfortunatu man was dead within ten minutes. The dooenscd was a freighter and all old time resident of this county. Ho had been n resident of this county for .thirty years and took an active part lu the Modoc war. Ho came here from California, lie leaves a wife anil two children: Mrs. Edna Mc Millan and Clarence Mitchell, of Klamath Falls. The funeral cere monies were conducted frum the family resilience at 10 o'clock yester day morning, by tho Odd Fellows, of which lodge he was a member. The pall-beurers wore all mou engaged In thu business of frleghtiiig and wero companions of the deceased. It has boon practically known that a sulo of the famous hot springs prop- 'erty adjoining the olty had taken MAN'S GREATEST ENEMY blood must be piinhcd, and nothing will do tt so quickly and surely as S. S. S. It goes down to the very bottom of the trouble, drives out every pnrticlc of the poison nnd mnkes tlfc blood clean and strong. It does not hide nr cover tin nnvthiue-. but from the place during tho past woek. it Is understood that It Is the Intention of tho Hot Springs Improvement Co., whiulils composed of wealthy capi talists, to spond ubout i? 50,000 in thu construction of u sanitarium aud to develop the hot springs, so ua to niuko it one of the 'greatest resorts in the west. Tho land surrounding the springs will be pluted and laid out for fashionable residence property. The streets will bo gruded.the grounds improveed and larks laid out. It is ulso probable that hot water will he piped from the springs so as to cover most of the property. A polition has already been framed to bo presented to tho town council, asking for a frmichiao for an olootrin streot rail road li ii through tho olty. This pe tition will not bo presented ut once, s it is tho intention of tho promoters to build only in oaso tho government begins work on their irriation pro ject and tho railroad is built. Tho streot cur lino will probably run through tho city "and through tho hot spTings property and connect with navigation on the upper lako. nilmn DiuiThuea. U. S. poldiers 'who served in Cuba during the Kpunish war knows what tills diai'ii-ic is, and that ordinary rem edies have little more effect than ao relieh water. Cuban diarrhoea is al most as severe and dangerous as a. mild attack of cholera. There is one remedy however, that can always be depended upon as will be seen by tho following certificate from Mrs. Minnie Jacobs, o Houston Texas: "I hereby certify that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Plu rrhoeu Itemedy cured mv husbaod of a severe attack of Cuban diarrhoea, which he brought home from Cuba. We had aeverul doctors but tlioy did him no Knod, One bottle of this remedy cured m. as our neighbors will testify. I thank (jod lor so valuable a medloine." For sale by Cbaa. Strang. KEEP YOUR HEAD. How On Woroii Loat Her Temper and Her Art Treaavrea, Apropos of tike woman with the abil ity to plan a big coup and who then loses It and her head at the lost moment an auctioneer In New York tolls an Interesting story. The woman was an American who had been living abroad with her husband for many years. Upon his death she returned, bringing with her a large collection of valuable paintings which had been bis property and which she hoped to sell. She made arrangements with the auc tioneer to hnntlle them for her, and lie was delighted with tho cleverness with which sho had obtained vouchers for each ono. It showed enterprise and thoroughness seldom fouud lu men or women and mado It certain that the pictures, which were really good ones, would bring good prices. To every ono living who had been In any way connected -with the pictures, owned them or bandied them the wom an had gone for a written guarantee, and, in addition to the names obtained lu tills way, she had been to tho Amer ican consul, and he In his turn had guaranteed their signatures. Tboy wore all sworn to and duly witnessed, mid the auctioneer congratulated the woman. That was all right until Uncle Sam stepped In. The custom house authori ties, though unable to obtain possession of the guarantees, appreciated the pic tures, estimated them to be worth their full value as understood by the owner and put duties upon tliem entirely be yond tho woman's power to pay. She was greatly distressed at first, then an noyed and Anally furiously angry at what she considered au Imposition. Tho auctioneer endeavored to cousolo her. "They will be sold for little or noth ing nt the custom house sale," he said, "and the host thing to do la to buy them In. They will go for $10 or $15 apiece, and wo will have the sale after all. I will buy them In for you, and we will both make a 'pot of money' out of them." Hut by that time the woman was too angry to listen to advice. She consid ered that nlie had boon badly treated, If tho custom house wished to keep her pictures from hor, very well, they might have thorn. She tore up the guarantees, the pictures were sold for next to nothing and scattered no one knows where now and tho woman lost a small fortune. Xew York Times. l-cel Impending Doom . Tho feelintr of liuneiullnir doom in tin- minds of many victims of Wright's illHoasc and diabetes has been changed to InnnkfulpefS by the benellt derived from taking Foley's Kidney Cure. It will euro 'incipient Br'.iiht's disease and dlaboloa and even in the worst oases gives comfort and relief: Slight dlaordera are cured lu a few days. "I had diabetes in lis worst form." writes Marion l.ao of llunreath, lnd., "I tried eight physicians without relief. Only three bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure nuiilo me a well man." Sod by the Modford Pharmacy. Ilomepowcr. The difference between nominal, In dicated and effective horsepower often puzzles people. Nominal horsepower 1b an nssumed quantity, used for tho con venience of makers and buyers In de scribing the dlmeuslons of tho engines. Indlented horsepower la the amount shown by computations of the Indica tor diagram. Effective or netunl horse power Is the work an engine can do or the difference between the Indicated horsepower and the horsepower requir ed to drive tho engine when unloaded. The Children's Favorite. For Coughs, Group, Whooping Cough, etc., One Minute Cough Cure is the children's favorite. This is because it contains no opiates, Is perfectly harm less, tastes good uud cures. Soly by Chas, Strang. Her Strong; Will. Teas She's a very trongmlnded girl. Isn't sheJ Brm-Oh. yes! Sho tolln m sho can quit chewing her gum the very minute her Jaws got tlredl-Detroit Tribune. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Tr JJ Signature of C&afj7C&AA4 s TO SEEK SITES UNITED STATES NAVAL EXPEDL TION WILL SELECT WIRELESS TELEGRAPH STATIONS. Stations Will bo Located at Intervals of About 200 Miles and Equipped From Mare Island. Vallojo, Cal., Juno 3. Lieutenant Commander Henry C. Gearing, head of the equipment department at tho Mare Island navy yard, left hore laat even ing for a trip down tho southern coast, with a view to determining tho best sites for the wireless telegraph sta tions which are to bo established by the navy department. ( Lieutenant-Commander Gearing la accompanied by George Hanscombe of Vallejo. master electrician of the equipment department. He goes di rect from hero to San Diego, and will look over the ground at Point Loma, where it 1b thought that the flrst of the new stations will bo established. The expedition will then start back up the coast, making a careful examina tion to determine the best site for othor stations between San Diego and San Francisco. The expedition will return to Mare Island In about ten days, and will then start north, go ing as far as Cape Flattery and the Puget Sound avy yards. It Is ex pected that the northern trip will con sume about rtiree weeks. Upon the return of Lieutenant-Commander Gearing from Puget Sound his recommendation In regard to the sites to be selected will be embodied in a report sent to Washington, where it is expected that the department will at once take action In the matter. Bight wlrejess stations In all are to be established along the coast, rang Ing from Point Loma to Point Flat tery, and being located at intervals of about 200 miles. Tho establishing of the new stations Is in pursuance of the policy of tho navy department to greatly extend Its wireless system. The benefit to be derived from the sta tions is almost Inestimable, as it will enable the naval and commercial world to have accurate knowledge at all times of the exact location of any ves sels cruising up or down tho coast. The work In connection with ' the wireless apparatus will be more exten sive than that already done here in the equipment of the stations at the Farallone Islands and the preparations of the wireless stations at Guam and Honolulu. The work for all the new stations Included In the twelfth light house district, which extends from San Diego to Point Mendocino, will be done at Mare Island. The equipment department at this yard has been re markably successful In wireless work, all the outfits for this coast as well as for the stations In the Philippines having been prepared hore. Quality vs. Quantity. Hard muscles and strong body do not depend ou the quantity ol lood you ear, hut on its perfect digestion nod proper nsstmilauou. wnen you lake ivodol Dvhuensia Cure sour ssUm ects all the nourishment out of all the food you eat.lt ditifsts what you cat regardless of the condition or tho s to ranch and con veys the nutrient properties to the blood and tissues. This builds up and fitrenuthens the entire system, over comes ami cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia I eieninn, hour ntomncu, old. ivouol Dyspepsia Cure for what i? Bomotlmee milled America's uiitlutml disease Dys pepsin is destined to eventually work a. wonderful and lusting benefit to sufferers (mm this diwtreesMur and mind harassing condition. Sold by Chue. Strung. Mexican Town Under Water. El Paso, Texas, Juno 3. A tele phone message from Earlliam says tho town of I.a Mesn, N. M., on the opposite bank of tho Rio Granclo, Is under seven feet o walcr. There was no loss of llt'o. The rlso of the river was gradual anil all tho peo ple In tho town oaenped. Dyinir of Famine Is, In its torments, like dylne of con sumption. The progress of consum ption, from the heiniining to the very end, is n lone torture, both to victim and friends. "When I hud consump tion in Its llrst staeo," writes Wm. Myers, of Cearfoss, Md., "alter trying different medicines and a itood doctor, In vain, 1 at last took Dr. King's New Discovery, which quickly nnd perfectly cured mo." Prompt reliel nnd sure cure for couehg, colds, soro tlirnnt, bronchitis, etc. Positively prevents nnonmonltt. Guaranteed nt Chas Strang's drup store.- price 50o and $1.C0 a bottle. Trial bottle free. UNIQUE APPEAL OF EDITOR. Asks Carnegie to Contribute Some thing for Children of the South. Union Springs, Ala., Juno 3. Edi tor 1. C. Lawrence, of tho Bullock County Breeze, lias a sensational let ter In this week's Issue of his paper addressed to Andrew Carnegie, mil lionaire and philanthropist, asking thnt ho contribute something for "the 260.000 whlto children In tho south between the ages of 10 and IS years who uro Illiterate," and adds to this request an appeal for a donation of $500,000 for the purpose of establish ing a weekly newspaper, to be known as the Carnegio News, to bo circulat ed throughout the south for 10 ccpU I year. CABTORIAi B.u.11,. Tne Rind Yea Hare ljrs E liie Mud Yoy Hare Mmrs I Bignitus , of Took No Chances. Lust season when the Weber &. Fields ogHiiizatlou was booked to pluy lu Suit Luke City, Utah, Low Fields, in Los Angeles, received a letter from a Mormon friend of his in Salt Lake, requeuing two passee fur the bhow. Mr. Fields hates to U&ue passes, but this gentleman wus a par ticular friend of his, so ho made an exception In his euse, und forwurdud liy Bpeoial delivery letter, this pass: Admit tfturer und ONE wife Lew Fields' Inference Physician Tee, sir, my opinion Is that one-half the diseases Uat afflict humanity are due to overeating. Friend (reflectively) It may be may be. Now I think of It, It is months since any one was sick at my boarding house. New York Weekly. Aldfl to Snceeaa. There are six things that bring sue cess. The flrst Is the will to work. The other five are work. Chicago Record Herald. r.Amcun sfivfq pipf I . We have just received b which we are eellii g at LET US FIGURE ON YOUR NICHOLSON ta PL ATT, The Best Place to Buy Hardware. When You Come To Portland Make your plans to stop at a home-like hostelry; a place where you will be shown every courtesy and treated as you would be in your own home, town or city. THE FORESTRY INN Is Btich a place, and it stands within one block of the Exposition Entrance, on 25th Street facing ; Upshur. THE FORESTRY INN is constructed on the log cabin style; furnishings, cuisine, and mnnagfment conforms thereto. It has 150 large commodious rooms, all opening on broad, cool verandas; with elee'ric lights; hot and cold wuttr and free baths. From the roof garden a view is had of the Expofition grounds, the city f nd surrounding country. Car service direct to all parts of the city. European plan. Dining ser vice a la carte and reasonable as in any part of the city. Price of Itooins, $100 and $1.50. Special Rates to Parties of two or more. MEALS A LA CARTE THE FORESTRY INN, Inc., Address P. C. MATTOX, Manager, or H. M. FANCHER, 25th and Upshur Sts. PORTLAND, ORE. r iNash Uivory Stables A. W. WALKER, Proprietor Tho Sublet has been newly refitted, and New Ulgs and Good Horses added. All Ifcght TelephneiService. Orders filled at anytime Reasonable Rates. Efficient Service MEDFORD, DAVID HARDIN, 2.29 1-4 at 3 years old, Will make the Season of 1905 at the Brick Stable, MEDFORD PEDIGREE: Sirrrt bv Caution No. 10.581 h'lrrtioiipfr.he ol Franctsio. Jjl'.OvetB.'JMrj; John or .Moiile si ,y:nvt- nun i.i oinvrs m uic iifi nrMuiuu, iu), u nnuuiu dlum. 2:1S. ho by Hni ov Medium sire or Nancy Hanks, he by Hamiltoniim secoud dam, Flois by liipram, he by Volunteer 55. he by Hamlltoniuu 1C nCCrnilkf 1AM ravirillaramlstWeyenrs, stands 16 hands high. UEovKIr I IVil weighs l'JOO pounds, has good bone and action, is a natural trotter, colur bay with while points, li a tree goer nnd kind diiposition TEnilC- ,ni4Uro payuble whon mnro known to bo In loal; $10 for I CKITIO"St'apon, payable July 1, HHXi. In case os sale or removal of mase, f fees are due at once. ff S. P. PURDY, Owner j LOOK AT THIS! The Sharpies Tubular Cream Separators ROGUE RIVER. Sour Stomach Ma appetite, loss of strength, nervous n3, headache, constipation, bad breath, genetal debility, sour risings, and catarrh ol the stomach are ail due to indigestion. Kodol cures Indigestion. This new discovery repre sents the natural Juices of digestion u they exist in a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dyspepsia' Cure does not only cure indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach trouble by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes Uning Ihe st'jmach. Mr. S. S. Ball, of Rivenswood, W. V., nrir 1 was troublod with lour stomach for rwtnty year Kodol cured mm and ara now ualnt H hi nit for baby," Kodol Digests What You Eat Bottleioolr. $1.00 Site holdlnr 2K tlraMtbatotf site, vhlch Mils for 50 canta, Vrmpvi by t. O. Dt-WITT CO., OHIOAOfl For Sale by Chas. Strang One Day, Finish every day and be done with It Yoo have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept In. Forget them as soon as you can. Emerson. . Carload of SEWER PIPE a very reasonable price. PLUMBING WORK OREGON 2.Vri. he by the famous 0. C urn km was the sire nv Hamilton inn 10. Kdtson, i!:lfisi ; Kittie Caution, 2:J2;;. dam Me- Are the closest skimmers liuve low supply can Easy to wash E.isy to turn Are guaranteed to give satisfaction PRICKS FROM $45 UP. fepaiators sold for crsh, or installments and we will take cnarn for payment. We pay the market price for Creoni. Milk and Cream Testers from $2.50 up. Call on or address, CREAMERY, Mlford. H, E. MORRISON, M. D., lllWOItli, OHKIiON. oillco: Iinom 8, J'ulm-Ni'liU'iineyor Hloclc ItysltluiK'U'.uornur bouiuu uiiu iiuu itiruuiy ,"S. ULITON, I U.S. COMMISSION EK, DISTHlCTtiF OHEGON Uouu'nU'iuI uud Timber Lund tilings and prooln made. Testlliiuliy tukuu lu land coo lest cujies. Office wllu Medlord Mull Mdterd Orflgoo I D. PHIPPS, D. D. S. oniuuB d A'Jiiat Block, ttJJdr'r.g IIiBkln Drug Stoic MuUIor J, Oietcoft (, STEPHENSON, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON ANl OI'TICIAN. Office: Room 0, Ad k ion' block. CalU prjmptl attended Uuy or night. 'Phono Mttilfurti, Oregon. (4. T. J0NE, COUNTY SURVEYOR, Any or all kinusof Surveying prompt' done Tne County surveyor oun ylvo you liie only legal work Modford. OreKon -B PICKEL, PH iSICIAS AND SURG DON, Offlcehouti II to 12 a. nt. and 1:30 to3 p. m X-Kny Laboratory Eji ami nations 12.50 to $25 Otllce Ilnskin Ulouk, Mtidloro, Oregon. H( HESSE, VKTER1N ARY SURGEON Headquarters, Haslilus' drug store. 'Phone 203 Med ford, Oregon, v. I. Vawtbk. Pros. fl. B aokins, V-Pres G.R.LINbLEY, C&sbler CAPITAL and SURPLUS $75,000 MEDFORD, OREGON Loan money on approved socurlty, receive do posits aubjoct to oheok and transact & genera banking business. Your business Bollolted.,.. Correspondents: Lad d & RuHb, Salem. Anglo California Bank, San Francisco, Ladd ft Tilton. Portland. Corbin Banking Co., N. Y, WolU, Fargo & Co.'a Bank, Portland; Flra National Hank, Cblcajfo, and Hanover Nat ional Bank, New York. H. E. ANKENY, President. M. L. ALKOHD, Cashier. 1. B. E NT ART, Vice President W. B. Jackson, Asst. Cashier The Hedford Bank MtDFC-nD, ORCOON Capital and Surplus, $55000,00 SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES TO RENT A General Banking Business Transacted THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MEDFORD NO 7701. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. , OFFICE OP TUB COMPTROLLER OP THE CUKKiSNOY. ...., lu , Washington, D. LAprJI 21. 1905. ediotho iindersifiifd. it has been made to ?J,pJeir,f.'lut "Thu Flrst National Bank of Medford" In t' c city of Medlord, in the County i i n h and StHle of l,reKn- h compiled Unlned States, required to bo complied with belore an association hil hn a..thn.-f,i A commence the buinees of BankiuB. NOW THEREFORE t. William B. RIdgely. .S m L'J ine currency, do herebv cer tify that -The First National bank of Medford" in ,he city of Medford. in the County of Jack son and tho State of Oregon, Is authorized to commence tho business of Uanking as provided in Section Fiity ono hundn-d nnd nlxly ulne of tht' Revised Statutes ol the United Slates. in testimony whereof witness my hand and seal of oillou this Twenty.ilrnt day ol April, 1905 iSKAL) Wm. B. Ridegely, Comptroller of tbe.Currency. J. R. WILSON, i () $ Blacksmithing $ I AT - f THE OLD STAND. 1 . Brick Shop . $ 1 W Modford, . Oregon 5000 acres of farming and ranch lands Ranches from 40 to 500 acres. Alfalfa Lands, Grain Lands, Garden LandB, Fruit Lands and Slock Ranches with un limited outside range. DR. C. R. RAY, Tolo, Ore . This is a Cut of . . PMILARD'S - NON - MAGNETIC Watch Movm ent. Absolutely unaffected by Electricity or Magnetism. B. N. BUTLER, Agent Corner. 7th and C ts. County