The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, June 02, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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thrieks of Mangled Passengers Heard
for Great Distance and Many Has
ten to Render Assistance.
Baltimore, May 27. William Stem-
Ter was almost InsUmly killed and hall
a hundred men and women were in
jured, several of them seriously, in a
collision between two trolley cars re
turning to the city from Westport, a
suburb of this city.
In the neighborhood of the terminus
of the Westport car line are several
summer residences, and the cars,
which were the last to come to the
city, were filled with belated pleasure
seekora. The last car but one had
reached a point where the tracks cross
those of the Western Maryland rail
road's new tide water extension. The
'Conductor had gone ahead, as Is cus
tomary, to make sure that no railroad
train was approaching.
Before he could signal the motor-
man that the crossing 'was plear the
last car appeared at the top of a steep
grade at the bottom of which the West
ern Maryland tracks cross the railroad.
The rear car was running at full
speed. The motorman, Sobastian Hell
dorter, attempted to stop It, but the
brakes failed to hold and the car rush--ed
down the Incline with constantly
increasing Bpeed. There was a crash
tbat aroused the neighborhood and
then shrieks that were heard in the
-city, which is separated from the scene
-of the accident by a wide arm of the
Fatapsco river, known as Spring Gar
dens. The forward car was hurled clear
across the railroad tracks and both It
and the one that followed was badly
The lights were extinguished and
those that remained in the cars fought
each other in their efforts. to escape,
and in doing so trampled those who
"had been thrown to the ground by the
collision. The Arabella of Westport
summoned the citizens of the town and
they set to work to aid the injured and
telephoned to this city for ambulances
and further aid, which was promptly
When light was obtained Stemler
was found, horribly mangled, on the
Tear platform of the forward car, upon
which he was riding. His arm had
been torn from his body. He was still
alive, but died a few minutes after be
ing taken from the wreck. The motor
man was found in an unconscious con
dition on the front platform of the
car. His escape from instant death
is little short of miraculous. He was
taken to a hospital and is not expected
to live. Private carriages belonging
to residents of the neighborhood were
used to bring the injured to the city,
and as soon as possible after the acci
dent the railway company sent special
cars to assist in this work.
Acute Rheumatism.
Deep tearing or wrenching pains,
occasioned bv gettlner wet through,
worse when at rest, or on first moving
the limbs or in cold or damp weathor,
is cured quickly by Ballard's Snow
Liniment. Oscar Oleson, Gibson City,
Illinois, writes, February lti, 1902, a
year ago I was troubled with pam in
my back. It soon got so bad that I
could not bend over. One bottlo of
Ballard's Snow Liniment cured me." 25
cents, 50 cents, St.00. Sold by Cbas.
Engine of Destruction That Will Prob
ably Revolutionize Sea Fighting.
Sag Harbor, Mny 27. A torpedo
which will, it is believed, revolutionize
naval warfare, a powerful destructive
engine, with aim as true and range as
wide as a modern heavy gun, such is
the invention of Frank W. Leavltt,
consulting engineer of the E. W. Bliss
company of Brooklyn.
The torpedo is deadly in aim at 1500
yeards and good percentage of bits
have been made at over twice that dis
tance. A contributing mechanism, the
gyroscope, perfected by Leavltt, makes
its control simple. The torpedo travels
at a speed of forty miles per hour, sub
merge.!. Two of the new torpedoes have been
purchased by the United States gov
ernment and are now at the Newport
naval station. Exhaustive experimen
tal tests have demonstrated all Leavltt
claims for bis invention.
Three Physican Treated Him
Without Success.
W. L. Yancy, Paducah. Ky., writes:
"I had a severe case of kidney disease
and three of the best physicians In
Kentucky treated me without success.
I then took Foley's Kidney Cure. The
Brst bottle (rave immediate relief, and
three bottles cured me permanently.
I gladly recommend this wonderful
remedy." For sale at the Mediord
A Pointed Rrplr.
"You haven't got much of a head,"
aid the needle to tho pin.
"No," replied the latter, "but at the
same time we pins have our fine
' ponts." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
A Brute.
Younghusband I dreamed last night
that your mother was dying. His Wife
Brute! I heard you laugh in your
sleep. New York Times.
A woman docs a lot of thinking try
ing to figure out whether the baby la
going to be a great man or a good man.
New York rress.
Presbyterians Wrestle With Problem
Brought up by Dr. VanDyke.
Winona Lake, Ind., May 27. Wheth
er the Presbyterian general assembly
should depart from the laws and tra
ditions of the church In America and
adopt a form of worship, even to the
extent of saying the jhurches might
use this Torm or not, as they liked,
was the principal question which came
before the general assembly yesterday.
Dr. Henry Van Dyke, chairman of
the committee, came Wednesday to
do some active campaigning in favor
of it on the floor.
The form of worship whloh tho
committee offered was regarded as
mild In tone and opposition to It made
its objection on the ground that the
Presbyterian church was not a denom
ination for rituals, printed prayers and
fixed forms.
Dr. Van Dyke said he would not con
sent for the assembly to adopt this
form of the service which the com
mittee offered, but he wanted the as
sembly to give its approval. He said
someone had called these prepared
prayers "canned prayers," but for two
years he had been tolling on these
prayers. ' Tears came Into his eyes
when he said he had In these two
years gone to the mercy seat of
Cures 01(1 horeH.
Westmoreland, Kans,, May 5, 1002.
Ballurds Snow Liniment Co: Your
Snow Liniment cured an old sore on
the Bide oi my chin thai wad supposed
to be a cancer. The sore was stubborn
and would nut yield to treatmen, until
I tried Snow Liniment, which did the
work in short order. My sister, Mrs.
Sophia J, Carson, Alk-nsvilie, Mitlin
Co., Pa., has sore and mistrusts that
it is a cancer. Please send her a 60c
bottle. Sold by Chan. Strang.
Philadelphia's Executive Says He Can
Prevent Passage of Gas Lease.
Philadelphia, May 27. Late yester
day evening Mayor Weaver stated that
he had received a sufficient number of
pledges from the select and common
councllmen to prevent the passage of
the gas lease resolution next Thursday.
He declined to make public the names
of the councllmen.
Mayor Weaver's mail daily contains
numerous letters , commending him
upon the stand he has taken and sev
eral of his correspondents announced
their intention of being present with
ropes and guns In council chambers
next week when the gas lease comes
up for action.
The Salve lliat Penetrates.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Sulve penetrates
the pores of the skin, aud by its anti
septic, rubifoclent and healing inliu
pnca It subdues inflamatlon ana cures
Bolls, Burns. Cuts, Eczema, Tetter,
King Worm and all skin diseases. A
specific for blind, bleeding, Itohing and
protruding Plies. The orlgional and
genuine Witch Ilozel Salve is made by
E. C. EeWitt A Co., and sold by Cbas.
" Led All h Goeita.
In the days of King George III. ol
Englnnd the Persian ambassador to bis
court demanded, but was denied, prece
dence over all other foreign representa
tives. Ho refused to go to court, caus
ing it to be reported abroad that he was
ill. He met the prince regent at the
house of the Lady Salisbury of the'
time. "I am very sorry to offend your
royal highness by not going to court,1
he said. "Now, sir, my sovereign, he
tfll mo I go first; your people say I
Mist go last. Now, this very bad for
me when I go back to Persia." So say
ing, be made n significant pass toward
his head, expressing decapitation. The
prince tried to appease him. "But, sir,
you still angry with mo. You have not
invited mo to your party tomorrow
night." The prince cxpluincd tbat it
was only a children's party, but the
anibnssndor might come if be chose.
Ho did choose, for he went and, being
the only ambassador there, led all the
guests, thus scoring heavily for rersia,
which mnde him comfortable about the
neck again.
nefltnrliiR- Puileil Ink.
Faded ink on old documents, papers,
parchments, etc., injiy be restored so
as to render the writing perfectrj- legi
ble. The process consists In moisten
ing the paper with water aud thou
passing over the lines a brush which
has been wetted with a solution of
sulphide of ammonia. The wi lting will
immediately nppcar quite dark in color,
and this color in the case of parchment
will be preserved. On pnpof, however,
the color will gradually fade again, but
on a fresh application of tho sulphide
Of ammonia It will reappear. Writing
executed in ordlnnry ink which has
been rendered illegible by age may be
restored by carefully moistening it
with an infusion of galls or a solution'
of ferrocynnldo of potassium slightly
acidulated with hydrochloric acid.
Care must be taken to apply the liquid
so as to prevent the ink from spread
ing. Sandr'e Initiation.
A Scottish gillie was Invited by the
laird to take a pull at bis Husk after
gaffing the first fish of the day.
"I canna trlnk oot a bottle," protest
ed the gillie, with a frown of disap
proval. "Aweel, try, Sandy," said the laird
encouragingly. And Sandy tried tried
so thoroughly that the laird gazed in
mingled awe and admiration as the
whisky gurgled and gurgled out of the
fiesk dowu the swarthy throat until,
with scarce a beel tap left In It, the
"pocket pistol" was banded back to
the owner.
"Hoot, Sandy, maybe ye were rlcht;
maybe ye canna trlnk oot of a bottie,"
gasped the laird, with a mighty sigh,
"but, eh, mon, ye'd soon learn!"
Daily's Magazine.
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Bciy Medicine for Buy People.
Brtngi Golden Helth tad Beaewed Vigor,
A pelfle forCinftipfili-n. InH;rof!iri. F.Itu
anil Kldn-V Trouble. Hrnpi. Eczema. Impiif
Blood. Bad Brenrh, Slii(Titi.h Bowl. K-'ft'laciw
and Backache. It's Kocky Mountain Tea in tab
lt fo-in, 3.1 cents ft box. Ufnulne maJa by
HoLXisTtm Daco CoHPajiv, Mft'ilvm, Wis.
Will positively cure any case
or Bladder disease not beyond
of medicine. No medicine can
strengthens the urinary organs,
builds up the kidneys and invig
orates the whole system.
TWO SIZES 50b and $1.00
Woman Attorney Raises an Important
Question In New Jersey.
Trenton, N. J., May 27. Miss Mary
P hUb rook, one of the few women law
yers in New Jersey, haa raised a con
stitutional question as to the powers
of the court of pardons which, If valid,
threatens the release of every life pris
oner in the state prisons She had ap
peared before the court of pardons on
behalf of Ltbby Garrabrant, who has
served thirty-three years in prison, her
sentence of death having been com
muted to one of life Imprisonment.
Miss Phil brook called upon Governor
Stokes and suggested that under the
constitution the court of pardonB is
not vested with the power to com
mute a sentence of death to one of
life Imprisonment, and that by so do
ing it usurps the powers of the trial
court by fixing a new sentence. The
constitution empowers the court of
pardons to remit fines and forfeitures
or grant pardons, In all cases except
Impeachment, but contains no provis
ion as to the commutation of any sen
tence. Found a Cure for Dyspepsia.
Mra. S. Lindsay, of Fort William,
Ontario, Canada, who has suffered quite
a number of years from dyspepsia and
great pains fa the stomach, was advis
ed by hor druggist to take Chamber.
Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. She
did eoand says, ''I find that they have
done me a great deal of good. I have
never had any suffering since I began
using them." If troubled with dyspep
sia or indigestion why not take these
tablets, set well and' stay well? For
sale by Chae. Strang.
Decldee That He Cannot Undertake In
vestlgatlon of Equitable.
Washington, May 27. President
Roosevelt, as heretofore noted, haa
been urged to take steps looking to a
government inquiry Into the operations
of life insurance companies and es
pecially the Life Insurance society ol
Now York, concerning which embar
rassing complications have developed
during the past two months.
After careful consideration of the
subject and inquiry into the legal
phases of such u suggested investiga
tion, the president has determined
that in the entire circumstances' the
government has no authority to take
up the matter either through a special
commission or through a bureau ol
corporations. It is doubtful, IndceiTrTn
the judgment of the la.w officers of the
government, whether congress Itself
constitutionally could employ gov
ernment officials to make such nn in
quiry. ' Smoking in a Powder Magazine
Is courtiug death more suddenly but
not more surely than nelcutiiiK kidney
disorders. Foley's Kidnev cure will
cure a slight disorder in a few days and
its continued use will cure the most
obstinate rases. It has cured many
people of Bright'e disease and diabetes
who were thought to be incurable. I1
you have kidney nr nlnddea trouble,
commence taking Foley's Kidney Cure
today, before it la too late. Sold by
Medford Pharinacv
Imposing Ceremonies for First Day of
Portland Exposition.
Portland, May 27. Colonel E. Z.
Steever, grand marshal of the opening
day exercises at the Lewis and Clark
fair, has announced that the parade,
which will be the most impressive that
has occurred in tho history of the
northwest, will start from Sixth and
Morrison streets, June 1, at 10 o'clock
In tho mornfng. The military contfn
gent alone will consist of nearly 100
United States regular soldiers, lnclud
Ing infantry, cavalry, artillery and a
mounted band; the Oregon National
Guard and possibly a portion of the
Washington National Guard. Colonel
Steever with the Fourth United States
Covairy will lead the parade, follow
ed by Vice President Fairbanks and
party and other distinguished guests
of the Lewis and Clark exposition.
In the evening a banquet and reoeption
will occur at the New York state
No Secret About It.
It h no secret, that for Cuts,
Ulcer. Fever Sores. Sore Eves
Hoi is,
etc . nothing is so elective as fiuck'en's
Arnica Salve. "It didn't take loog to
cure a bad sore I had, and it Is all O.
K. for eoreever." writes D. L. Gregory,
of Hope, Tex. 25c at Chas, StrangB drug
Medford Pharmacy
un ivaat He Sain
"I asked that drug clerk If he had
any five cent stamps, and he said 'No
but he could give me 'something just
as good.' "
"Ah! Force of habit, en?"
"No; he meant It He gave me two
twos and a one." Philadelphia Ledger.
"You are threatened -with brain fe
ver. What Is your business ?"
"Nothing. I am merely a society
"Lemee look at your tongue again. I
am mistaken In that brain fever diag
nosis." Houston Post.
Two Opinion.
"I think the money in -the world
should be more evenly divided," said
the long haired man.
"Well, I think It would be better to
more evenly distribute the hair," said
the baldheaded one. Yonkers States
man. The Answer.
Teacher Robert, what does
cano do with its lava?
Robert (the dullest boy in the class)
I um ah give it up!
Teacher Correct I Very good indeed,
Robert. Llppinoott's Magazine.
At the Conservatory.
Miss Knownlt I can't just recall
what a fugue Is. Do you know?
Miss Hairbraln Certainly. It's one
of those horrible family quarrels that
southerners carry on through genera
tlons. Judge.
Waa II f
Was It wrong; to lot Ned kiss me
As we stood In tho hall last night?
With his dear, dear armi around me.
It could not seem but right.
Was It wrong- to let him hold me
Clasped tightly against his heart
And to hear his dear voice whisper
That we never again should part?
It seemed ao very sweet there.
urur d
But I gueae It must be ft wee bit wrong.
For, you ma, I'm engaged to Jim.
That Waa Differ an..
Mrs. Tittle-What a beautiful world
it must have been when there were
only Adam and Eve in it! Thcro was
nobody to sny nasty things about them
Mrs. Tattle-But; then, they had no
body to talk about. Mrs. Tittle Well I
guess, after all. the world has Improved
since their time. Ronton Transcript.
Looking; Ahead,
"Now," whispered the eloping girl as
she jumped into his arms, "how shall
we dispose of the ladder?"
"We must hide it somewhere In the
garden," replied her gallant lover. "If
your father doesn't forgive us we may
have to use it to get back again."
Philadelphia Ledger.
A Menu SnfCKCtttlnn.
"You know," eaid Miss Kroech after
her solo, "I intend to go abroad to fin
ish my musical education."
"Why not finish it right now," sug
gested Miss Cndley, "and save the ex
pense''1" Philadelphia .Ledger,
Census Shows a Big Gain.
Los Angeles. May C. The school
census for 1005 for the city of Los An
geles has just been completed and
shows a population of 201,349. This
Is a gain in population of 31,716 since
the census of May, 1904.
British Steamer Ashore.
Baltimore, .May 6 The British
steamer Ormley. Captain Olsen, which
nailed from this port for Cavlte with
;al, la ashore off Bodkins point. The
tug Britannia has gone to her assist
aaea. A lilt of Good AdTlcf.
One of the best things to do before
we criticise others much is to begin
an Intelligent study of ourselves. Chi
cago Journal.
Three Hundred White Cap Indictments
Jackson, Miss., May 13. The federal
grand jury has returned Indictments
against 300 citizens of Franklin coun
ty on the charge of White Capping.
Some of tho parties Indicted are among
the most prominent citizens of Frame
iln county.
Golnir to Extreme..
Tbe craze for old furniture bafl reach
ed such a lielght that Lord has
turned bis wife out of doors to make
room for a Louis XVI. cabinet Lon
don Truth.
Death of General Wright.
Centflrvllle. Ia., April 29. General
H. H. WrlRht, acting adjutant Konoral
under Governor F. M. Drake, died at
hl home yenterday. General Wright
waa a prominent politician.
o AST offfiv .
Bauitha Ito Kind Yoti Ha5 Atays Bought
Pmid Stoni and Qraval With Eioruolatlng Paint
A. H. Thurnes, Mgr. Wills Creek Coal Co., Buffalo, O., writes:
"I have been afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble for years, pass
ing gravel or stones with excruciating pains. Other medicines only
gave relief. After taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB the result waa
surprising. A few doses started the brick dust, like fine stones, etc.,
and now I have no pain across my kidneys and I feel like a new man.
FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE has done me $1,000 worth of good."
No Othar Ramtdy Can Compart With II
Thos. W. Carter, of Ashboro, N. C, had Kidney Trouble and
one bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE effected a perfect cure, and
he aays there is no remedy that will compare with it.
Medford Oregon.
Policy Holders Gain 8llght Advantage.
Over Equitable.
New York, May 27. The motion ot
Franklin B. Lord, which sought to
restrain the officers of the Equitable
Life Assurance society from mutuall
zatlng the company, has been granted
by Justice Maddox, In the supreme
court in Brooklyn. In granting this
motion Justice Maddox said, after re
viewing the facts in the case:
"The motion, therefore, is granted,
but Is limited to the filing and effectua
tion of such proposed amended charter,
for it appears that such contemplated
amendment had been adopted and exe
cuted by the board of directors."
The Injunction against tbe mutual!
zatlon of tho society Is to be done In
force only pending the trial of the ac
tion, which also involves the same
A Bad Scare,
Some day vou will get a bad scare,
wheu you leel a pain iu your bowels,
and tear appendicitis. Safety lies in
1) r. King's Now Life Pllla, a sure cure,
for all bowel aud stomach diseases .such
as headache, billiousness, costiveness,
etc. Guaranteed at Cbas. Strang's
drug store, only 25c. Try them.
Her Flrnt Dinner.
"Yes," said Nowllwed, "my wife and
I are housekeeping now. Sbe prepared
our first dinner last night with her own
fair hands."
"How was It?" asked Bacheller.
"Well, the nuts and raisins were
fine." Philadelphia Ledger.
Mo.t Deadir of In.nlta.
Fweddle That creature nctunlly told
me to mind my own business, y'know!
Cbolly The Impertinent wretch!
Fweddle- Positively insulting! As If to
Insinuate, don't y'know, that I was In
business! Cleveland Leader.
Nobody can help being horn stupid,
but anybody can help becoming stu
pider than he was born. Lady Helen
Makes digeotiou aud assimilation
perfect. MuKjc new red blood und
bone. That's what HolliBter'H HocKy
Mountain Tea will Uo. A tonic for the
sick and weak. 35 cents, Tea or Tttolels
Dr. Uinklu'b drug store, Central i'uliit.
Wnternronllngr DrcN. Ooodfi.
One of the most Important processes
used for watcrproollug dress imilerinls
Is on the lines of the old alumina proc
ess. In this ense the factor used Is
rosin dissolved In a large bulk of pe
troleum spirit. The fabrics to be proof
ed are passed through n balh of this
solution aud dried to drive off tho
solvent. Following this, the goods are
treated by pressing with hot polished
metal rollers. This Inst process melts
the siniill quantity of rosin which is
deposited on the cloth and leaves ouch
single liber with an exceedingly thin
film of rosin on It.
Forent. null Niitlonnl I'roriperltr.
As a living exumple of the conse
quences of deforestation we need sim
ply look to Spain, a country which cen
turies ago was rich In timber mid agri
cultural products, a proud soufnriug
nation of world conquerors. Hpain's
decndcncc dates from the time when
her timber supply became exhausted,
her shipbuilding relaxed and her bar
ren, unprotected soil ceased to bear
fruit Forum,
Reciprocity Treaty Delayed.
Washington, May 6. It 1b learned at
the state department that negotiations
with Germany for the preparation of a
reciprocity treaty will not be under
taken before next fall, when they will
be conducted In Washington.
Benefltn of Proper Ilreathttiir
The habit of alow, measured, deep
breathing that covers the entire lung
eurfuco in of more value and impor
tance than you will ever believe until
you have tried 11, and wlien you have
established the hnblt of breathing in
thia manner you will nay nomo remnrk
ablo thin en In ita fuvor. It will reach
all polnta of your physical system. All
the beneflta that occur from n healthy
condition of the blood will In a greater
or leas degree be yours, for the manner
and completeness with which the in
spired air comes In contact with tho
blood in the lungs are of the utmoat Im
portance to every vital process. Chria
tlan Work and KvnngellaL
A Lome Wny Aronntl.
A mnn with a large family of daugh
ters on his linnds may prollt by the fol
lowing suggestion: An old lady wtio
had Hcvcml unmarried daughter fed
Uiem largely on a Hull diet bei.nuHO, as
she Ingeniously observed, "Hsu la rich
In phosphorus, nud phosphorus la use
ful In making matches."
of Kidney
the reach
do more.
Officers of Cork Works are Charged
With Despicable Crime.
Trenton, N. J., May 27. The govern
ment's caBo against J. H. Stone, S. C.
Qulntard and CbarloB and James Russ,
officers of the Nonpariol Cork Works
of Camden, charged with Increasing
the weight of cork blocks for life pre
servers by Inserting Iron bars to at
tain the required standard weight has
been concluded In the United States
district court. The government placed
several of the company's employes on
the btand and they testified to seeing
the Iron bars Inserted Into the cork
blocks. A motion to non-suit was mado
on the ground that there was sufficient
cork in the blocks, and even with the
Iron the buoyancy of the preservers '
would reach the government's stand
ard. The motion was denied.
The laxative en", ct of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets U so agree-ubl,-
and so natural that you do not
realiz 1 it is iIih effect of a medicine.
For sale by Charles Su-anj;.
Candlefl.h of Paget Sonnd.
Very queer fish are caught In the
waters ot Puget Bound. One kind Is
called the cnudlellsh. It Is dried and
packed In boxes like candles. We are
told the fishermen uso them to light
their homes and that at ono time all
the boats on tbe sound used tbera in
stead of sperm oil lamps. By putting
the heads of the fish downward In a
candlestick and lighting the tail, which,
In conjunction with the backbone, acta
aB a wick, it burns like a caudle. They
eat this fish, and, when cooking, It Is
o fat It fries Itself.
' Proof of lib Snaltr.
"Well, I am the only sane man here
who has the papers to prove It," one
Oekaloosun observed.
The rest looked at htm In astonish
ment. "Oh, It's true," ho protested. "I'.ve
got my discharge from the Mount
Pleasant Insane asylum right here In
my pocket"
"Backache, "The Blues"
Both Symptoms of Organic Derangement in
Women Thousands of Sufferers Find Relief.
Ilow often do we hear women say: "I t
seems as though my buck would break,"
or "Don't speak to mo, I am all out of
aorts?" These significant remarks prove
that the nvatum requires attention.
Uackaciic and " tho blues" are direct
symptoms of an inward trouble which
will sooner or later declare itself. It
may be caused by diseased kidnnysor
some uterine derangement. Nature
requires asHiHtiinco and at once, and
Lydia 13. Plukharn's Vegetable Com
pound lnstnntly asserts its curative
powers in all those peculiar ail men la ot
women. It has been tho standby of
Intelligent American women for twenty
years, and tho ablest specialists agree
that It ia the most universally success
ful remedy for woman's ills known to
Tho following letters from Mrs.
Tlohncs and Mrs. Cotrcly are among
the many thousands which Mrs. Pink
ham liaa received this year from those
whom she has relieved,
Hurelv such testimony U convincing.
Mrs.J.U. Holmes, of Larimoro, North
Dakota, writes:
Dortr Mm. Plnkham
" I havo sutr crod everything with backacho
and womb trouble I lot tho troublo run on
until my Byatom was In such a condition that
I was u no bio to bo about, and then It won I
commenced to um Lydia K. Pinkham'i Vog
tablo Compound. If I had only known how
much suffering I wotdd have saved, I should
havo taken it mouths toonor for a fow
woeks treatment marie me well and strong.
My Itackaches and headaches are all gone and
I iuffer no pain at my tnnastrual periods,
wherens beforo I took Lydia E. Plnkham's
Vegetable. Compound I luliered intense pain ."
Mrs. Emma Cotrcly, 109 East 12th
(street, New Yorlc uty, wriios:
ik Mrs. PlDkham's Advice- A Woman Best Understands a Woman's His.
One Advantage of ISiiBlnnil. Poara.
"Should scientists succeed iu finding
ways and meuns for dispelling the fog
gy condition of England's atmosphere
I am afraid that country will lose mom
than It gains," said a weaver. "One of
tho reasons why English weavers pro
duct) fabrics of finer and softer flnlBb
than American weavers from the same
qunllty of cotton and other ynru Is bc
causo of the damp condition of the at
mosphere In that country at all times,
"It Is a well known fact that yarn
kept continually and uniformly damp
will spin finer and softer than that dry
lng out in the process of weaving
Thousands of dollars have been spenl
by our weavers In appliances to keep
their shops uniformly humid, but thus
fur without sncccss. The tlno quality
of piinama hats, for Instance, If thr
strnw were not kept dump while the
process of weaving Is on, could not be
produced. The Btraw is not worked un
der water, as taatif suttwse, bat In
kept uniformly damp by being worked
In tho early morning hours when a
heavy dew 1b falling." Milwaukee Sen
tinel. He Wanted That Wine.
General Sir E, Hamley Is cited as.
tho authority for a good unccdoteaboii.
Bismarck. Ilamloy was sitting cloa.
to the chancellor at luncheon, with th.
old Emperor William not far off.
Illsinurck, talking rather loudly, de
scribed the old monarch as being ge:i
erous, but very forgetful. Hamley go'
norvous, us ho thought tho ompero
would hear. "For Instance," continue';
Bismarck,. "I pleased him tho .otluv
day, and be asked me what he cou! :
do for mo. I said, 'Give me a dozen o:'
that Tokuy you have In your collar,'
and ho suld be would. "But," adde!
Bismarck, raising his voice still higher,
"ho buBii't done It" Here Hamley
hastily broko In, "I beg your pardon,
but I am really afraid the emperor will
hear you." "I want him to hear me!"
roared Bismarck. "That a Just what I
want." And a smile broke over t!ie
faco of his imperial master, "Fifty
Years of Fleet Street."
Tlarer Storr From India.
A man living In a village near Lu-k-now
Is reported to have had an ex
traordinary adventure In tbe Jun -le.
Ho had gone In search ot two buffaloes'
that had gone astray when he was at
tacked by a tiger.
lie was unarmed except for a heavy
stick, with which he fought until over
come by loss of blood, when he sank
unconscious. At this moment the two
buffaloes appeared. One of them stood
over the wounded man, while the other
snorted and tossed his head.
The man recovered consciousness and
staggered to his feet wben the tiger
mtulo nnothcr spring nt him. The beast
was, however, received on tho boras of
one of the buffaloes and was bo badly
wounded thnt it turned tall and slunk
away. London Express.
Liquid Metal Poll.h.
Take eight ounces of Spanish whit
ing, which must be perfectly free from
grit, and put In one quart of gasoline
Shake up the whiting and gasoline
thoroughly. You will notice the whit
ing settles Immediately, leaving the
liquid as clear ns wator. To remedy
this and, further, to make It a bettar
polishing agent, add to each quart of
the mixture thirty-two drops of olate
add no more, no less. Shake again,
and the whiting will not settle. Apply
to gold, silver, nickel, brass, glass or
any kind of metallic surfaco with ri
pleco of cotton flannel, rubbing wo'i.
Polish with a pleco of sumo cloth.
Blacksmith and Wheelwright.
The world's great men have not cor.
monly been great scholars nor Its gn . 't
scholars great men. Holmes.
Dar Mrs. Plnkham:
" Ifeelittiiy duty to tell all suffering womt
of tho relief I havo found fn Lydia 15. Pin
ham's Vegetable Compound. When I com
menced taking tho Comound I sulfetvif
everything with buck actios, headaches, meiv
ntrual ami ovarian trouble. I am complete
ly cured and enjoy tho bunt ot huulth, aud I
ovTti it all to you."
When women are troubled with irreg
ular, uuppresscd or painful menstrua
tion, weakness,- leucorrhoea, displace
ment or ulceration of the womb, that
bearing down feeling, inflammation of
'ie ovaries, backache, bloating (or
flatulence), general debility, indiges
tion and nervous prostration, or are be
set with such symptoms ns dizziness,
fuintness, lassitude, excitability, irrita
bility, nervousness, sleeplessness, mel
ancholy, "all gone" and "want-to-be
left-alone" feelings, blues ami hopeless
ness, they should remember there isone
tried and true remedy, Lydiu E. Plnk
ham's vegetable Compound at once re
moves such troubles.
No other medicine In the world has
received such widespread and unqual
fiud endorsement. No other medicine
has such a record of cures of female
troubles. Kef uso to buy uuy substitute.
Remember, every woman is cordially
invited to write to Mrs. Pinkham if
there is anything about har symptoms
she doea not understand. Mrs. Pink
ham's address is Lynn, Mow., her
advice la free and cheerfully given to
every ailing woman who asks for it.
Her advic and medicine have restored
to health more than one hundred thou
sand women.