The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, March 31, 1905, Page 1, Image 1

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Wlli boom In 1805
Will keep you posted od pasBing e:t
IVuilm'tolalui to publlih tne "only
in w-oHpyr" in Southern Oregon, but
't not lur troia the bend ol tbe elui
wa li It fount to "the best"
We publUb the netrt wblle It Is "new"
and It's alwnyi reliable. -'When you
tee It In THE MAIL, It'l so.
vol. mi.
NO. 13
If not, why not?
"'The county court has contracted
for two grading maohiues, to add to
the road machinery already owned by
tbe oounty.
SJ. H. Ring, of Gold HiU, recently
unearthed an Indian grave on Rogue
river, some two miles above that
town. In tbe grave be found a akull,
id a preserved condition, a handful
qf silver coins, bearing stamps of the
United States, Mexico and Peru, sev
eral long knives, beads, buttons, an
army coat, a bear trap and Beveral
other articles. Some of the relics
fere purchased by W. A. Carter and
tley will be on exhibition at the
Lewie and Clark fair.,
Harry Grant, of the firm of Weloh
A Grant, a business house of Gold
Hill, unceremoniously left that town,
leaving some unpaid bills. His part
ner. Albert Welch, baa shipped tbe
against it, and has closed tbe store.
Grant was married at Jacksonville on
February 24th to Hiss May Curry, and
una maae many irienos in u ua xiiu.
Ae he did not dissipate in any way
the people are at a loss to account
for his strange disappearance.
May Miller, a fourteen-year-old girl,
who has been making her home with
Mr. and Mrs. Price Fowler, of Ash.
land, wbb abduoted Sunday, presum
ably by her father, J. H. Miller, who
resides in Benton count . The girl'B
parents were divorced, and the girl
was legally adopted by Mrs. r . P.
Morgan, of Corvallis, who later al
lowed Mr. and Mrs. Fowler to take
her. This is the second foster child
that Mr. and Mrs. Folwer have lost by
beiug abducted within a year.
'Edwin Williams, of Ashland, who
was taken to the insane asylum at
Salem last year, died at that place
Tuesday, aged thirty-seven years.
Deceased is a son of Mr. and 'Mrs.
' Holland Williams, and has spent the
better part of bis life in Ashland and
the state of Oregon, being employed
until his fatal illness as lineman for
the telephone and telegraph com.
panis. His affliction was oaused from
injuries received in the discharge of
bis duties as a lineman.
Frank Cress and a vioioue horse;
which be was riding, created some ex
citement in Ashland last week. The
animal plunged and horse and rider
finally landed in a heap on the side
walk, mnoh to the relief of the epecta
tors who were sure the animal was
bound to orush through the big win
dows into the Gem Cigar Store.
Cress, who was somewhat bruised in
the mixup, iB experienced in the ac
cident line. A few months ago while
"gigging11 salmon he managed to im
bed the Bpear in the calf of his leg
instead of a fish and a surgeon and a
blacksmith had to be called "to extract
the barbs from his flesh.
. May Extend Ditch.
wnen Messrs. tjiarii, Deiser, i-aiui-tag
and Williams, of the Jackson
County Improvement Co., were here
last week, a directors meeting was had
and it was decided to make a propo
sition to the people of the valley for
the extension of the ditoh from its
present terminus on the company's
farm. The proposition, briefly stated,
is this: That if the farmers will guar
antee 5000 acres of land for irrigation
the company will build the ditch to
the west Bide of Bear oreek, crossing
the creek near the northern boundary
of" the city and covering much of the
land between here and Central Point.
This would bring a large acreage into
productiveness, whioh is now produc
ing little or nothing.
On the other hand the company, if
thja proposition is not accepted, in
tend to cut up their holdings in forty
and eighty acre tracts and induce
people to come iu and buy these
tracts. This was the intention of the
directors when' they came up here,
but seeing that the oountrywas wak
ing up and upon the verge of a boom
concluded to make the first proposi
tion to the people. A committee of
citizens will probably be appointed
tcwait upon the farmers and interest
them in the scheme.
Entertainment at Central Point.
The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E.
church will give a bazaar in the af
ternoon and evening of Friday, Ap
ril 21st, at the town hall. Everyone
is cordially invited to come and pur
chase whatever you want, as there
will be articles to please old and
young. One of the most pleasing
features of the evening will be the
flsb pond and another will be the sup
per. Come one! Come all 1
MRS. J. E. BOSWELL, Sec'y.
The $25,000 Subscription fully Made Up by the Citizens
of Medford, the Bond Signed and Contracts Let,
Monday forenoon the
pleted which insures the construction of the Medford and
Grater Lake Railroad. The full sum of $25,000 in stock
asked for by the company
citizens and within a very few
tion will be commenced.
The contracts for construction, which had been held
in abeyance during the time the subscription" was being
made up, were signed up. Chas. Ewing is awarded the
contract for' grading between
and A. Hooks, of Jacksonville, the contract to furnish
piles for the bridge acrosR Bear creek, near Medford. Con.
tracts for other bridges will be
The time which has been
years by our most progressive
The vast forests ot tne vjascaaes are to be readied by a
railroad, and the immense timber wealth, which has been
going to waste for the past two decades, is .to be utilized
and become part of the varied resources of Southern
To the city of Medford, as
railroad, will come the trade of the extensive region
through which the road passes trade which is now often
diverted to other towns and
few years fulfill her manifest destiny as the largest and
most prosperous municipality in Southern Oregon.
The agreement entered into by . the . subscribers is
given below. The company has executed a bond, which
has been accepted by the committee of citizens that' so
licited the subscriptions, by which the company binds it
self to construct the road as far as Eagle Point by October
10, 19Q5, but it is their expectation to reach that point by
July 15th; Construction, according to the agreement, is
to commence on or before April 10th; but the chances are
favorable for work to commence during the coming week.
The bond is for the sum of $50,000 and is signed by
the officers of the company, and by its terms they agree to
faithfully fulfill the provisions thereof and to complete the
road to Eagle Point, or further, within the time specified
Monday morning considerable machinery in the way
of scrapers, etc , was received by Mitchell Lewis & Staver
Co.'s branch house in Medford to be used on the new road.
This article would not be complete without a special
reference to the committee of citizens through whose
efforts the subscription was raised, and whose work has
been so successfully performed. The good work they have
done is appreciated and will be more so as the benefits
this city will derive from the construction of the road be
come apparent. The committee consisted of Geo. L. Davis,
D. H. Miller, I. L. Hamilton, J.. F. Reddy, J. E. Enyart
and Hon. John D. Olwell.
Below will be found the agreement entered into, fol
lowed by a list or tne subscribers to tne stocK. in con
nection with the subjoined list in justice to the committee
we would say that before commencing their canvas they
had agreed upon the approximate amount which each
property owner and business man in the city could be
fairly asked to contribnte. In some instances they failed
to secure the amount they deemed they should, and this is
the cause of apparently inequitable assessments in some
, The sums opposite each
of shares taken, as well as the
dollars. .
Medford, Oregon, March 13, 1905.
We, the. undersigned, hereby sub
scribe for the number of Bhares of
tbe capital stock of "Medford and
Crater Lake Railroad Company,11 as
set opposite our respective names,
and agree to pay for the same in the
following manner, to-wit: Thirty
three and one-third oenta per share
on April 1st, 1005, and thirty-three
and one-third cents per share on May
1st. 1005, and thirty-three and one
third cents per share on June 1st,
1905; said tock to be of the par value
of one dollar per share and to be fully
paid up and non-assessable and to be
issued and delivered to the subscriber
on payment of the last installment.
This subscription is maae wun tne
iind.ratnndintr that the Medford and
Crater Lake Railroad Company shall
and does hereby obligate itself, ite
successors and assigns, to the under
signed subscriliers to tne capital
stock of said compnny in the full sum
of fifty thousand dollars that in con
sideration of a subscription by tbe
undersigned citizens of Medford and
vicinitv in the sum of not less than
$25,O0O!0O it, the said Medford and
final negotiations were com
has been subscribed by our
days the work of construc
Medford and Eagle Point,
let later.
looked forward to for many
citizens has at last arrived.
the starting point of thi8
this city will within the next
name represents the number
sum paid for the same in
Crater Lake Railroad Company, will
guarantee to begin construction of
said road to Eagle Pointer some suit
able point equally distant from Med
ford without an ? unnecessajy delay
or interruption, said construction to
be begun not later than April 10th,
1905 ; and the said Medford and Crat
er Lake Railroad Company hereby ob
ligates itself, itH successors and as
signs, to furnish and execute in favor
of Baid undersigned subscribers to
Bald capital stock of a good and suffi
cient bond in tbe sum of $50,000.00
for the said construction and build
ing of the railroad.
ThiB article is in consideration of
the afotesaid subscription and is
otherwise not to be binding or of
effect : otherwise to be of full force
and effect.
(The .Medford and Crater Lake Rail
road Company hereby assents to all
the terms anil conditions of the above
.Medford and Crater Lake Railroad
Company, By A. A. DAVIS, Pl-..uirl..lit
J. M. Keene. Secretary. '
(Davis, Vawter and Howard hereby
agree to subscribe $6000 toward the
building and construction of the Med
ford & Crater Lake Railroad, and
hereby agree to take stock for the
same ; but said subscription Is to be
in addition to the 125.000 taken by
the citizens of Medford and vicinity
and aald money to be nsed in con
struction of the road beyond Eagle
Point ,
(sa) ' DAVrS, VAWTER
and HOWARD.) .
The Medftfrd Back $ 1000
Jackson County Bank 1000
J. F. Reddy....... 1000
J.T.CiNaeh 1000
Tho. McAndrew. .V. -1000
Young & Hall...... 600
Hutchison & Lnmeden 500
F. K. Deuel.... .. 500
A. M. Short 500
Geo. F. King ' 500
Mrs. A. B. Phipps . 500
Frd Barneburg 400
B. Wilkinson 400
Warner & Davis 300
Karnes & Bitter 300
HIE. Boyden 300
Medford Furniture Co . . : . . . 300
U B. Brown 300
D. T. Lawton 300
E. R. Van Dyke 300
Hubbard Bros , . . 300
A.W. 8tergis 1 300
J. W. Cox 300
Joseph C. Smith 300
Angle & Plvmale 300
F. L. Cranfill 300
E. B. Pickel 300
L Neide'meyer , . 300
C. W. Palm 250
J.F.White 250
Chas. Ewing...... 250
J. B. WilBon 250
Keene&Bundy 200
F. MV Stewart. .;. 200
A. M. Helms. ; 200
Chai. Strang.. 2O0
L. B. Hogan . . . 200
J.A.Perry....... .. 200
n n mL.!... OA.
i. r. lii'irs... 4vaj
W. A. Hutton & Co........ 200
Selby & McGill.... . 200
Kapnick & Kenedy ....... 200
W. H. uarr zuv
Collins & Nichols. 200
W. S. Clay 200
Chas. B. Hazlerigg ........ 200
Nicholson & Plat 200
John Arnold .;. 200
W. S. Jones.. 200
Weeks Baker 150
W. H. Meeker & Co 150
G H. HaBkins 150
G. L. Schermerhorn ........ 150
Cookerline Bros 150
0. D. Owen ...... 150
Wortman & Gore 150
1. L. Hamilton 150
A. S. Bliton 100
H. C. Garnett : 100
Opinions of Some of
Cockerline Bros: "No, we haven't
sold out our livery business yet.
The fact is we. are not particularly
auxiouB to sell ; but we are those
kind of people who believe in selling
anything of a properly nature we
have when tbe right man with the
right price comjs along. Messrs.
Walker and Rowland, of Eugene, have
been here looking over the situation,
but no definite conclusion has been
reached yet."
Chas. B. Gay: "I've bought back
my meat market in Central Point.
Why? Well, I sold out several weeks
ago and then chased around trying to
And another business to go into; but
couldn't And anything that exactly
suited me.. Filially I concluded that
1 had better be making a little
money running that business than
spending a whole lot running around.
I will rent tbe property I bought in
Medford and live at Central Point
until something better turns up."
H. X. Uutler: "I have an idea that
my daughter, Jeunesse, will be home
within a few weeks as soon as the
present term expires at the school she
Is attending. She has been mnklng
great progresB in her music ami her
musical instructor is trying to per
3eo. R. Lindley 100
ChaB. Nickell 100
W.L.Cameron .... 100
G. P. Lindley 100
G. H. Howland 100
S. 8. Pentz 100
W. H. Brad eh aw ' 100
H. W. Jaokxon. 100
J. Brandenburg 100
D. B. Russell 100
H. M. Coes; 100
T. E. Pottenger 100
F.W.Gaines 100
T. H. Moore 100
W. F. Isaacs 100
J. V. Willeke 100
A. D. Naylw J 00
F. M. Wilson 100
J. A. Smith'. ; 100
J. M. Wanner 100
E. C. Gaddis. 100
Bates Bros 100
A. Slover;.. 100
H. G. Shearer 100
Wrllaoe Woods 100
J. T. Eads 100
J. E. Toft , 100
Owen Dunlap 100
Ira D. Phipps... 100
J. F. Kelly 100
Mrs. N. K. Short 100
Mrs. Etta Bates 100
A. C. Tayler 100
Darby O'Toole 100
Mrs. E. J. Slinger 100
M. F. Hanley 100
Mrs. R. F. Anderson 100
Luy & Coffenbery 100
H P. Hargrave 50
W. F. Taggart 50
H. C. Maokey 60
J. S. Lacy 50
Leon B. Haskins 50
Ted E Kelso. . 50
Church Bros 1 :.. ' 50
Mitchell & Boeck 60
G. F. Mernman 60
R. W. Gray 50
F. B. Harrington, Jr 50
B. N. But'er. 50
F. W. Wait 50
Eisenhart & McCown. . . . . , 60
E. W. Starr... 50
E. S. Wolfer........ 50
M. L. Duncan 50
J.C.Howard V 50
Carrie E. George 50
'Narregan ANarregan 50
Hicks & Kershaw ' 60
A. S. Wells 60
Whiteside & Cook 60
N S Bennett 50
Edwin Rubs 50
Garl T JoneB. . . ... . .. 60
D. W. Hazel 50
E. Amann 50
G. T. Faucett 50
Alf Weeks... 50
J. W. Smylie 50
J. W. Ing 25
D. B. So'isw ?5
M. M. Gault 25
M. Bellinger 25
W. Steiger 25
C. W. Palm 25
$ 24,000
suade us to let her stay. But Mrs.
Butler and I are considerable lone
some without her and besidoB that
she has been studying hard for near
ly a year, so that I don't believe a
rest will hurt hor. I don't believe
in giving a girl of her age'too much
exacting work, and music is ono of
the most exacting of studies."
I''. M. Stewart: "I have just re
ceived a letter from Judge D. R.
lllndmaii, of Boone, lowu, acknowl
edging receipt of draft for tho pur
chase price of his ten-acro tract in
tho Orchard Home. In tbe Icttor the
judge takes occasion to thnnk mo for
my elforts in his behalf and to prniso
my course in tho handling of the
bUBlnese. 'A man shouldn't take cred
it to himself for being Bqnare, bocauso
its the proper thing to do; but when
a fellow gets a letter like that from a
man of the Btanding of Judge Hind
man, it makes him feel pretty good
Mrs. J. C. Pendleton : "I have just
received a letter from a friond of
mine at San Diego, whioh gives ono
an insite into the conditions prevail
ing in Southern California. .Shetnys:
'Rob and I Btarted about ono o'olock
this afteinoon to drive to an orange
grove, some miles distant, in order to
replenish our bxhnusted stock. It
was a largo and flourishing grove,
but lias thiB year been abandoned to
nature, and the fruit is going to
waste. There arc many acres hun
dres of trees and exceptionality fine
fruit. It is too bad. But the his
tory of most ranches hero' is Monti
cul. No water, exorbitant freight
a tradegy iu four words. Tbe nog-
looted look everywhere is pitiXuV.
Many poor, deluded dbooIh hava mno
out here and sunk their all in a lemon
grove, and are now tied to it. They
cannot sell on any terms nor con Una.,
make a living on the land. ha
have abandoned their nlRnan nA w.
sought work here in town. Otben
struggle on hopelessly. "
J. R. Erford. bv letter rmn, rw
ton, 111. "Euolosed find P. O. ocobf
for 91.00 for which give me credit, fee
it seems that we cannot get aksw
without The Mall. Think ...
a good change when you cot utl
pasted tbe leaves, It saves a what tat
of trouble in turning the pages. K
seems to me that tbe citizens of Med
ford and vicinity ought to be aliva ts
their beat interests with refereamt
tbe railroad now under eortsidenUoit,
and put their shoulder to rtfaa -ntm
and assure tbe nrannanil nhJ
do not feel able to suljeertbetor steak
they ought to do all Id 'their ,iw
otherwise to aid the road. I Aoa
think tbe benente to Medford aat
vloinlty can be estimated. " :
- D. H. Miller: "I hud .
tion with Cant Nash' th. nW .
just as we were cloainir nr. th.
roaa sutjeorlptlon which above faaar
be feels about the matter. The .cap
tain, when the subject of a sainorip.
tion was first touched to him, waaM
have none of it; but after thiakiBtr.
the matter over subscribed his tKBt.
In this conversation mentioned to
stated that he was now perfectly sas
iBfled bb to the road being a fiayias'
one in the future and that be iinaW
not now accept 10 per cent premiaaft
on his investment I believe a is
right and I wouldn't take that for any
shares. There are over five biilHn
feet of timber to come out of Uatt
country, not counting that oa Una
forest reserve, which will nil i lining
be cut under the government rqrolav.
tion. That's enough to keep tbe raat ..
busy for a good many yearn, and if tt -,.
didn't carry a pound of other freight ..
or a single passenger 1 am confldeat. -
it Stockholders Will rAn1l7A fmm i& .
to 25 per cent on their imrnntirmat.'"'
Movements la Real Estate.
Medford real estate has been ft-ian
lng hands pretty rapidly during ta
past few days, and a number of goad '
sales have been recorded. There as
nothing in tbe naturo of a "booaaT
in the common aoceptanoe of ttm
term, about it, being merely Uwaaa
ural outcome of tbe growth of llnnUp
W. T. Kame sold hie residence pnav
rty, on North A street, to H. a Gav
nett, of the hardware firm of Jtobortu
& Garnett, for a oonaideratioa at
S1500. T. C. Gaines sold te Chas. a
Gay a house and lot in West Medfort
for $700. This Bale was made throatse
the agency of W. T. York. C. K.
Palm reports the sale, through 3e
agency, of a number of lots in Uarrai
second addition. Two lots to M. to.
Alford, consideration tt!50. Two kan
to Charles Crnnflll for 1W. Two Mm
to G. W. Howlnnd for $250. Rorar
lota to A. L. Miller for $350. One he
each to Orin Murphy, E. R. Van
Dyke and W. K Isaacs, for $175 eat!.
The purchasers of the aliove prefiw
tics soon expect to build upon theon.
Mrs. C. L. Corwitt sold to Jim.
Mary B. Grr ono hundred feet nqmum
facing on South A street for a oonsifr
erntiou of $250. This was purchasnG
its a residenco property and tho m
owner will, have a dwelling construct
tliorenn. Mrs. A. A. Kellogg, of Port
land, sold to Miss Carrie IS. Borsij
the property at tho north east corn'
of U and 0th streets for a considers.-
tion of $1500. Thiu property has waHi
hundred arid twetily-llve feet ftont urn
C and one hundred feet on 0th etm&.
Most of these purchases have boon
made for the purpose of eHtttblisbiitfr
a home, and indicate solid grwUh.
No one of them was mado for epaan-
lative purposes, and the record at
sales showR the confidence of ourei&
zens in the future of onr oity.
Besides local sales several sales rf
outside property have been muSm.
White k Trowbridgo report the tnai
of two hundred acres in Sams VaHwj
township :W, 2 west, to Ezrn Monroe
and Gamril Miller, fora'considentMti
of $:1000, These gentlemen are fram
Texas and aro purchasing the his
with a view to cutting it up lata
smaller tracts. D. R. llindrnnn hog
sold to .las. Kelso ten acres in tho
Orchard Home trnot for $500. Tnun
sale was made through the agency otP
Oregon City Land Olfice Removed.
President Roosevelt lias signed an...
order directing tho removal oi tb.
land oltlcc at Oregon City to Port
land. The rlato of the removal is'lcft
to tho discretion of the commissioner
of the general bind ulllce, who statr
that. July 1st probably will bo selecl
ttd for the dute of tho change. -