CEN. KUROPATKIN IS DISGRACED VIOBT BITTER IMPERIAL REBUKE EVER CHRONICLED IN THE HISTORY OF RU83IA, . New Army of 450,000 Men Will bo Hurried to the Far East May Hasten the Revolution. St. Petersburg, March 18. With tho I Japanese hanging on the flanks of the remnants of tSe broken and dofeated Russian army, General Kuropatkln, the old Idol of the private soldier, has been dismissed and disgraced, and General Lincvltch, commander of the i Bret army, is appointed to succeed him in command of all the Russian land and sea forces operating against Japan. The word "disgrace" is written in . large letters In the laconic imperial p order gazetted which contains not a - single word of praise, and also dis poses of the rumor that Kuropatkln had -asked to be relieved. Tho Russinn military annals con tain no mors bitter imperial rebuke. While it was known that the war council had already decided to . sup plant Kuropatkln after the Mukden disaster, the decision to confer the task of laving the remainder. of the army in tho very midst of Its flight, on. General Llnevltch came as a sur prise. It transpires that Emperor Nicho las upon the advice of General Dras omoft and War Minister Sakharoff de termined that the step was necessary when It became apparent that Kuro patkln, whilo concentrating at Tie pass, seemed unaware that the Japan ese had worked around westward again and practically allowed himself to be surprised. Old reports brought by General Grlppenberg regarding Ku ropatkin's falling mentnlly also had Influence. Under the circumstances, therefore, It was considered Imperative in viow 9f the exceedlmdv uerllous nnslttnn nf (tne army, to turn over its command to Llnevltch. who alone hod henn nhlo to bring off hie army in order after the name or Mukden. His record during the Chinese war had also demonstrat ed his capacity as a commander. Kuropatkln will return to St. Peters Durg forthwith. The task confided to Llnevitrh nf withdrawing what is left of the great army or 3ou,uuu men to Harbin is a desperate one. He is hemmed in on all sides. General Knm lumably is pressing northward through me mountains eastward ready to . swoop down, Generals Nogi and Oku on the west of the Russian forces, the whole line of railroad threatened, if . not already cut, and Chinese bandits are even reporte.1 to be in the rear of Harbin. A consummation of th Muk- , den disaster is feared. BEWARE IF- IMTATI0E1 " mm mtw mm mm of FOLEY'S HONEY ANO TAR On account of the great merit and popularity of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR for Coughs Colds and Lung Trouble, several manufacturers are adverdsW mntauons with .imfla, "sounding names with the view of profiting bv the (ZTZf known reputation of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. iavoraoiv. BO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON v" MvHrr AND Tar as a Throat and Lung Remed and unless yu FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR you do not get the original and genuine ' Remember the name and insist upon having Foley's Honey and Tar. Do not risk your life or health by taking imitations, which cost you the same as the g Foley s Honey and Tar is put up in three sizes25c, 5oc and $1.00 Prepared only by FOLEY & 00., Ohio Sirest, Chicago, lilinols. DISACRE SSBBsgEBS&fc. SOLD flSSi. RFfislMMPsmcn Bv Meclford Pharir acy, Medford, C re on. CLAUS NISSEN RELEASED. I His Father NOT WANTED AS CITIZEN8. State of Texas Will Refuse to Natural Ize Japanese. Houston, Texas, March 18. C. V. C. Van Dusen, agent for the department of justice, has begun an investigation i Of the issuance Of nntltrilllvntinn no. pera to Japanese, many of whom have settled in this vicinity recently. Mr. Van Dusen holds that the Japanese are Included In the inhibition flnnlvtnc tn t Mongolians, and will make a report on me matter to the Texas authorities and will Issue no more papers until the matter la definitely settled. Under the Texas law the Japanese cannot own land until they are natural ized, and farms are being held in trust pending the Issuance of the paoern. Strikes Hidden Rocks. When your ship ot health strikes the hidden rock of Consumption, Pneu monia etc., yon are lost, if you don't fret help from Dr. King's New Disoov ery for Consumption. J. V. Mc Kinnon, of Talledega Springs, Ala., writes: "I had beun very ill with pneu monia, under the care of two doctors, , but was gettin? no better when I began to take Dr. King's New Discovery. The first dote gave relief, and one bottl cured me." Sure cure for sore throat, bionchitia, coughs and colds. Guar antied at Chiu. Strange drug store, price 60c and $1.00, Trial bottle free. ; SENATOR DEPEW IN TROUBLE, Litigant Charges Him With Contempt of Court. New York, March 18. An applica tion for an order declaring Senator Chauncey M. Depew in contempt of court for falling to obey a court order, directing him to appear for examina tion In the trial of a suit for damages, has been denied by Justice Dowling in the supreme court. Justice Dowling informed counsel for the platntifi, however, that if the senator did not appear next Friday, when the suit comes up, another simi lar application could be made to the court. The application was brought by James F. Muldoon, Jr. As administrator of the estate of Ar thur Muldoon he brought suit to re- Onvftf- rinmnsM fnr tho Hnnth nf Arthur. who was killed by a New York Central train in this city. When the case was called for trial Auburn Boy Who Killed Exonerated. Auburn, March 18. Ciaus Nlssen, tho boy who shot and killed his father in aeiense of his mother and was ex onerated by tho coroner's Jury at auourn, has been released after his preliminary trial. The boy was In Jail less than three flays, and hut for tho possibility of mo grand jury being compelled to take the matter up, the citizens of the county would have chafed against oiuing mm for the routine prelimin ary trial. This Nlssen case is one of tho mnt remarkable that can he found in the annals of any state, in that hnth nmo ecutlon and defense were in ovtnnnt sympathy with the accused. Even dam' aging evidence waB passed over by counsel on both sides, and motives fa vorable to the boy and his mnthn, brought out from' the perfectly direct Leanmony iney gave. The mother frankly testified that after particularly brutal treatment In uSusi alio nau torn her boy he must protect her if he saw his father abus ing her; that he muet stay around wnen Ms rather showed signs of be ing ugly, and that he had hotter kin his father than lot his father kill her and leave no one to take care of tho UU.DIOS. A Chicago Alderman Owes his Rloc- lion to ouaiuuei-iaiirs Miuirii Ri muly. T nan houttilu ann .nnenlan tin..! . recommend Chiimherlain'sCoutrh Rein .'dy for affections of the throat aiu lnnirs." finvfl Hun. Jnhn KhonlnL- " So. Peoria St.. Chlcaffo. "Two vent h?o during a political campaign, caught cold after being overheated wmun irnimeu rav Liirimb aua 1 wa- Knoll,, nnmnallon in ,-,., r.o T ..n..M' speak aloud. In my extremity a friend uuvmeu me lu use vjiiamoeriain t Cough Remedy. I took two dosi-i that afternoon aod could not believ. mv senses when .found the next morn ing the inflammation had largely sub sided. I took several doses that dtiv rant .nnt. nn tullrtnn thn..l. U. campaign, and I thank this medicim- t.hflt T n-nn mv Rent, in tho dminnll ' This remedy is for sale by Chas. Strant DESPERADO CAUGHT. Luke Ray, Wanted In Kentucky, a noted criminal, San Francfsco. March 18. A mulat. to who IB said to be one of tho most desperate criminals in the United States, has been arrested here by se cret service agents. The man Is said to be Luke Ray, alias Lee Smith, alias Cole, and he is wanted not only for bill raising, but for a murder commit ted on August 1, 1903, In Cave City. Ky., on the occasion of an attempted arrest of him bv a nosse. Ray, who ia only 26 years old, was tne "treasurer" or a gang of negroes who made and nassed counterfeit and raised paper bills In Louisville. Ky., and Memphis, Tenn. He bad al ready served a, term in state's nrlson and was looked' upon as a desperate character. Pale Alto Contractor Missing. Palo Alto, March 18. J, F. Lane. here, leaving behind him mimprnm small debts amounting to about $200 and two unfinished contracts on dwell , lngs upon which he had drnwn a small amouunt of money. During his rodl- -'-.- ... . ( Kt.ni.-e m raio Alio uane uveu wun an f it was found that S.mator Depew. who, unmarried sister,-' who disappeared had been sumou? id for examination,; w)tn nm- He is reported to have a was,not present. " C. Pauling, who Wfe nvng Kansas. appcarea as couwt?! ior aenaior ue-, pew, explained that the senator was at tending a special session of the Unit t"i States ssr.pj Cureu UenioiYliaees f the Lungs. several yearB s nco mv lunis wun so badry affected that 1 had manv hemorrhages," writes A. M. Ake, o: Wood, Jnd. "1 took treatment witn several physicians without any bened'. I thee started to take Foley's Honev and Tar, and my lungs are now i'i sound as a bullet. I recommend il in advanced alages of lung trouble.' Foley's Honey and Tar stops the cough mid heals the lungs, and prevent' ecuou-t results from a cold. Refn.? aubatituics. Sold by the Medford I'karmacj . FEAR COMrLlCATIOXS PROCRASTINATION IN THE SEN ATE MAY IMPERIL THE MON ROE DOCTRINE. Washington, March 18. In the viow of the expected adjournment of the present extra session of the -senate without definite' acllou on tho Domini can treaty, it Is expected the state department will proceed with tho col lection or customs at Puorto Plata and Monte Cristi under the teims of the ar bitration award of last year. It Is feared that mmniirittinna not arise through the action of some ol me European powers whose citizens are heavv creditors or nnmiT,!..,, These claims have been held in abey ance because the European govern ments interested desire to shape their nolicips relntlvn tn nnntl.ii.a i... those of America, beine- desirnni nt avoiding any friction that would cause 111 feeling in this country and ap prehension that the intntrrilv nf tha Monroe doctrine was an object of at- tacK. The OUestion is whether In vlo nt the failure of the sonnto tn nnt fqu. ably on the treaty which would have provided the means for the payment of these claims, the European govern ments will no longer refrain from Inde pendent action tO Collect thnlr rinl,t and although it Is fully realized here mm SUCn aCtlOn. ir attention- iv nnor. cive measures, will probably cause an eDuiimon or reeling In this country simitar to that attended by the ap nearance of tho nitiori flont ainnn Venezuelan coast In the winter of 1902- s, tne state department will probably nor. reel autnorized to Intervene with a protest. GOV. PEA80DY HAS RESIGNED i GUBERNATORIAL MUDDLE IN COL ORADO 8ETTLED AT LAST. Lieutenant Governor McDonald Took the Reins of Government Yesterday. Women's Kidney's. Woman urn mnpn nfton afiMntaA n.ttl. kidney disorders than men, but at- .riKi,lo t.ho Bomntnma tn .BAoann nA culiar to their sex, while in reality the Kiuneya are uerangeu. aervousueps. hfH(lu,.iO nnfFif no Aarlr nl..lnA lie eyes, pain in the back, are signs ol kidney trouble that muet not be ignored or a serious malady will result. Foley? ...IUMUJ UttD LbOUtlEU 1UC UCHItU Ul thousands of weak, nervous, brokei own women, it stops irregularities and strengthens the urinnrv nrnnna. Tt nurlfins the blond nnti honanta tv.. whole system. Sold by Medford Phar macy. AN INJUNCTION 8UIT. Would Tie Up Five Millions of North ern Securities. Washington. Mnrrh 1S Wlllllon, t Clough, for the Northern Securities company, nas made application to the supreme court for Issuance of the mnn date In the case of E. H. Harriman and others against the Northern Se curities company In accordance with the decision of the court In favor nf the company. He based it on the ground that until tho mandate should be issued $5,000,000 worth of property would be tied un bv the fnlnnctfnn nf the New Jersey court, and this was an Injustice to tho public and the owners of the property. Maxwell Evarts. renresentinc tho on- posing side, objected to the motion, saying that tho mandate should not Issue until the nnlnlon nf tho rnurt. tn the case is handed down. The court took the matter under advisement af ter directing that the application of Mr. Clough be printed. invaluable (or Ulieninatiam. I linVO hflHl fcllfrrlim In. lew yenrs with a severo attack of beumatim and found ihni ltniltiri'B Snow Liniment was the only thing that mo Pntiarnnt.lf,,, nn.l l.n.LJ to alleviate mv piins. March 24,1902, .ionn v. uegnan, Kinsman. I I. 2.-,n. !0, tM 'Sold D7 Chaa Strang, Denver, Col., March 18. The bar gain unto by leaders of the opposing Republican factions of Colorado to take tho governor's chair from Alva Adams and to seat in it Lieutenant Governor JeSSO. F. Mnrinnnlrt oftop mitting James H. Peabody to hold It for one day, has been carried to a conclusion. In fulfillment of the agreement which he made before the general assembl decided the gubernatorial contest In his favor, James H. Peabody has re signed tho office in which ho was In augurated yesterday afternoon, i His resignation, of which W. S. Boynton of Colorado Rnrlnnu l,n honn custodian since Wednesday, was Hied with tho seretary of state at 4:20 p. m. restordav. Jridm Pnwto anfl.nv.. of state immediately certified Govern or reauoay s resignation, and Lioulen ant Governor McDonald waB then sworn In as governor by .Chief Justice Gahbert. There was no furthor cere mony. Governor Adams was ousted and Governor Peabody installed at 6 o'clock Thursday afternoon and Governor McDonald was sworn In before f p. m. yesterday. Thus in tho unnn nf less than twenty-four hours Colorado uas nao. inree governors. A Safe Cough Medicine for Children. Tn h..ln-. a nn..nk mn.1lnl fn. children never be afraid to buy Cbam bei Iain's Cough Remedy. There is no damzer from it and relief is alwavs aura to follow. It is ebpecially valuable for coldH, croup and whooping cough. For sale by Chas. Strang TWINS BORN ON TRAIN. Caring GOLD MINE FOUND IN' STREET, Pay Gravel Found on Thoroughfare ol san Bernardino. Son Bernardino, March 18. Calvin uauor, former owner of lumbar mills on tho Snn Bernardino mountains, has discovered particles of placer gold In a gutter on the west side of E street The news spread like wlhlBro. and soon tho entiro west side of tho street ior titoclts was lined with eager gold hunters, merchants and professional men iorsntiing tholr duties to join In the search. Boforo noon fully 300 people were on ineir Knees Industriously picking away in mo mud and gravel between the stones of the street, nnmo nf thnm collecting as high as f3 worth of gold. ii is inougnt tno precious pnrticles were brought to town in gravel hauled irom Lytic creek for use In tho onn struction of a now building, where most or the gold was found. Lytlo creek has long been known to be rich iu piacer goia. Passengers Readily Assist In tor tne Little Stranger Bakersfleld, March 18. Although tho passengers on the trains delayed In Southern California hv the atnj-m are suffering some hardship, those on the Owl, which left San Franolscj Wednesday and Is stalled near Bak ersfleld. Were dlvertpr! hv tha hlrth nf twins on the train Thursday night. In the drawing-room of one of tho sleep- rs or the delayed southbound Owl .rain Mrs. Carouthsrs wlfn of a Tm Angeles civil engineer, gave birth to twins. She van nttonrlo.l hv tnn nhv. slcinns who happened to bo among tho nassenrers. Tho drowtno- rnnm w converted Into an Improvised hoBpital ana noithor tho mother nor the bullion suffered from tho unusual conditions. The women In tho car Improvised wardrobes for tho twln and their father was notified of the ovont by telegraph. Hives Health, Vigor and Tone. Herblne Is a boon for sufferers from aueamia. uy us rsu tne blood is nuick- V r(l?eiieriit.rr Hnd t.ho rrlnr h..,.nn,,.u normal. The drooping strength is re vived. The langllnr is diminished Health, vigor and tone predominate Now life and happy activity results Mrs. Boll H Shirol. Mlddlesborough Til (Uritoa-OT l,n.,al,nnn ...,.U livnt nnmnlalnt onn ........ Klnn.l I ...... ui.u ,t.m inuuu, niju liavefouod nothing to honellt me like Herblne. I hope never to bn without It. I have wished that I had known ol it In mv husband's lifetime." 60c. Sold by Chas. Strang. Falls or la Thrown Over Cliff. Paterson, N. J., March 18. After a quarrel on the top of a cliff 160 feet high on tho outskirts of this city, In which the voices of a man and a wo man wore heard In angry tones, the dead body of John Bennett, an In surance agont, was found at the foot of tho cliff. His skull was fractured, his arm broken, and there was a deop cut ovor one eye. Whether he was thrown over the verge of the cliff or fell by accldnt Is unknown, but the authorities are searching for an un known man. Bennet wbb Inst seen by his wlfo yesterday afternoon, when she reproved him for drinking. Incredible Brutality. It would have lieen innrodllilo hrn. tnlltv if CliHrlo.4 F. LpmLni,.. i.l Syracuse, N, Y., had not done the best iiocouiuior his sullerlng son. "My hnV llO MUR "mil. a laa.fnt ttaaix n....H hid una an T unnliul ll.,..l.lnniu A ......... Salvo, whiuh quickly hea ed it and , l.: n r :, . .... . . ,-uvuu wo eyu. vtouu ior ourns lino ulcers too. Only2Dn at Chas. Si.uiiim drug store. YAQUIS THREATEN AMERICANS. . Ky The Tonic Route. The pills that act an a tonic, and not a, n uiusuc iiurgu, are Jjullis inline Rarly Itleors. They cure Iluuducliei. Constipation, UlllioUBness, .etc. Early ltifu.ru are nmnll. onnv tn t.lTko nnrl n.i to act a Bale pill. Mack Hamilton, hotel clerk at Valluy Ciiy, ..S. D., aays : "Two bottles cured me of chronic con stipation." Sold by Clms. Strang. Hake Kidneys and Utatf dar Klflht Work Suspended on Training Ship. Vallejo, March 18. Orders have been received from the bureau of steam engineering shutting down all work on the tracing ship Interprld. The construction department Is still working on her. Lack of funds is as tlgned as the reason for the order. Banks Must Make Statements. Washington, March U. The comp troller of tho currency has Issued a call for a statement pt the condition of national banks at the close of bus lnes mi Tcisdny. Mnrrh 14. OA fieara tha Miners In Mexico Have Applied to the United States for Protection. Washington. March 18. Ui.ei.ntlv tho local agents here of tho Vaiiul Coo per company, an American corpora tion, whoso mines arc located In the state of Sonora, Mexico, applied to tho state department to socuro protec tion for IU property. The mines nre about forty miles distant from tho nearest Mcxicun garrlsoirpost, and the lives of the carotnkor and his fnmlly had boon placed in Jeopardy from tha bands of hostile Yaqui Indiana. Am bassador Clayton wns communicated with, and he telegraphed from the City of Mexico that tho Mexican minister for foreign affairs had Informed him that orders had been Immodlntnlv rile patched to tho nearest body of troops 10 aona protection to tno mines. , , Tne (Jriifiouai.' ' ' f'oley k Co., Chicaco, originated Honey and Tnr as a tliro.it and lung .m,lu Un.l .n a,.n.. ,.f .1... merit and popiila-ily nf Pnli-yV Honey Hnd Tin- ninny iinilii linns Hie offi-ruil for mo p.-miiuu. ,inK iur roiey a iioim-v. and Tur and rpf line any uubiUUulc lltT.'n.fl fla w . 11, or nmnuFdllfin u-lli give the name aaiinlaciion. It is mild ly laxaiive. ii columns no opiate and Is safest for childiun n ml ili'llciitc pen-one. Sold by the Medlord I'hur-roacy. CAUSE OF DEATH EMINENT MEDICAL MEN REPLY TO STATEMENT ISSUED BY JORDAN AND HOPKINS. Characterize Statement of the Gen tlemen as Astonishing, and Relter- . ate Poison as Cause of Death. ,-J Honolulu, March IS. Edmund Shor. y. chomlst of tho Unltod Rttn agricultural station, and Drs. Wood, Murray and Humphrls have signed d statement replying to Professor Jor dan and Timothy Hopkins, who re cently announced tholr conclusions that tho doath of Mrs. Stanford was duo to natural causes. They charac terize the statement of these gentle men as astonishing, and reitornte tholr finding that strychnine was tho of death. They say that tho mihlina. tlon ot tlio Jordnu-HopklnB opinion makos it incumbent llnnn thorn tn ro. ply, and they give the following irea- uub wny ine ueath must have re sulted from srrychnino nnisonotmr- "First Mrs. Stnnfor.1 ,lln,l .in-in . characteristic strychnine convulsion, wuicu waa Boon by Drs. Humphris and Murray. 'Second A nost mortem- rini.iitv identlcnl to that poculiar to casos of this clasB of poisoning. Third ThO llOSt mnrl rnviulnH no other causo of death, from any af fection of tho stomach or intcstlnos. Thoy contained no undigested food and wore in a healthy condition. "Fourth Tho post mortem con firmed in every resnnet ttin nvl,lnw.na of authenticated casoB of strychnine poisoning, and this, comblnod with tha fact that strychnino was found In the blcnrbonnto of soda, which wbb used by tho decoascd. furnish a clinin nf ovidonco that will withstand tho fiercest assaults." Continuing tho statement enna nn to discuss the tostimony of Mlas Bor nor, Mrs. Stanford's secretary; of May Hunt, her maid, and that of Drs. Humphrls and Murray. It quotes mod- lcal authorities. TC till lt 1 : i '1 ("ho Rlfmn. toms of poisoning by strychnine, and reafllimB the positive nnininn ii.nt stryclinlno poisoning caused Mrs. Stanford's death. Peculiar Accident. From Koseburg I'lnfmlctiln . Attor tlio day's work had lionn fin ished mill the Wincliestor Jnpaneso section crew, under l''oreniiin Jnhn Kay, were ottirning to tl.o shit Inn lust Monday evening about 0 o'clock, the end of a crow bar in soino man ner camo in contact witli one of tlm car wheels and was hurled from tha car, at the same time atrikinir nun nf the Japanoso workman, named Okajkl, inrowing mm auross tho truck, which passed ovor his body, oriishini! him fatully. In "passing ;over Okajuki'a body, the car waa derailnd mid tlm rest of Its (occupants thrown off. .'oremnn Kay's loft log was dislncntnil at tho knee and one of tho two bones of the lower log was brokon a few lllClieS llolOW 'the inlllt.. Aomin ono. tallied a bndly , sprained back, whioh will Koop nun from work for several weeks. Tho othor momors of tho nrew sulford only slight bruisos. Wanted. H'n nvnho.w.a QOO Win HM....I.. 1 " .".nu -.'-.v,wu 1(1111, lo II1UIJIIIO niivinv hrinlr hntnl un.l h,,ai,.ndU l,lnnl for Oregon realestatoor timber lauds. AddroBs, ILLINOIS, - Caro of Mall.. iiurai igiaai rrnv J. R. WILSON, I Blacksmith in c- 1 AT ' W THE OLD STAND. Brick Shop . w T i V iwedford,; - Oregon see OeWItt a. ar? bus Tha famous littio pills. fo the Unfortunate. Dr. Gibbon tmuit niiccvii-ifiil Hjn't'lul inl in Kim FinnclM'o.ntlll us to cum II Mfsmil nnd Mr it i in iHal'IIMfa, BUI li Tin nil iu for ii 'i. Nitln ivy Nt-tti'lnnl ivrnl. iioixit tlio con nfi ii 'ti i a prmlurlnff tlio fnHowlnff oyniptouiH; ruillaw co'in tvmiii.d, ilnrlt Hint m under Itio 'yt'A, I'ltin m I ho ii'n'l,r.iiKii'(r In tlm onts, ol roiii.'ii'iif!,mm fikHnsof tlm UniiiiMiitlliiickJuftftof n I, t'UTlMMIIIIIHJI tiiiirt.wpiik ill tlm f ii.cni llr. (ilhltfin tun iirrflr-if iii'Hmii Kninriw-o ycurfluinl tlnrtf- troiiMcil ("Imiild rut rtul to rotir liliii ati'l rtttlve tint hcm llt if liln crcnl nklll i nxporlenrr. 'i'lKMloclori-iirrn v ( iirr) nunrttitlrrtl. l'orKim Itlnllli I itiia Try : p I'ranclko.tiiL