High Grade Shoe Making consists not merely in a composition of materials shaped over an attractive last. It is a science an art. Scientific principles underline with absolute certainty the construction of the " FLORSHEIM " shoe. It is made over an elaborate as sortment of 200 foot-form lasts, insuring a perfect fit for any foot. The dignified appearance, the comfort and service derived from the "FLORSHEIM" shoe warrant your serious consideration. VAN DYKE'S J. H Butler, Funeral Director, with Medford Furniture Co., House furnishers and Under takers Day 'Phone Main 353. Night Phone Main 115 jjAPPENiisosTj The Pence boys, Dave, Ed. and Miunus, of Trail, were in Medford .Monday and Tuesday. These gentle men are in the employ of Superinten dent Kelly, at the fish hatchery, aud have some very good reports to make regarding the workings of the hatch ery. They, together with Superin , teudent Kelly aud Thos. Spaugler, have just finished putting in a stop fish raok aoross Rogue river, a dis tance of 200 feet, at the mouth of Elk creek. This work was decidedly a dangerous undertaking at this season of the year and the first time the task as high as it now is. However, it was successfully put in. The object of the raok is to turn the steel heads up Elk creek, so they-may be caught at the hatchery. There is said to be a ' big run of this kind offish this spring aud Mr. Kelly is hopeful of taking more spawn than ever before. The boys tell that in nearly every little stream they crossed on their way in they saw great numbers of fish, prov ing conclusively, in their minds, that the Gold Ray dam is not a hinderanoe j to the migiation of the fish up the river. For Sale Good organ ; in fine condition. May be seen at residence of Jordan Brown. Houses for rent are extremely .scarce in Medford, aud are getting more so all the time. It is almost im possible to seoure a suitable house, in spite of the faot that new ones are . being built all the time. During the past six months some fifteen or twen ty residences have been ereoted, but most of them were contracted for be ' fore thoy were finished." Just the other day a lady stepped into a real estato ofiloe to see. about renting a house. There was nothing to be bad, but the plans for a new dwelling were being discussed. A glance at the plana was suttioiont and she made a bargain for the house right then and there. It strikes us that people owning lots would not do better than to put up dwellings upon them. They oan be leased for a term of years or rented by the month and at good fig ures. A snap. House and lot for $9U0. See W. T. York. The people of Phoenix, The Mail understands, will soon olrculate a pe tition for the townspeople and all pa trons of the Phoenix postofflce to sign asking that the name of the postottlce be changed. For a great many years the people of that berg have been put to do little annoyance by having their mail mfcsent to Phoe nix, Arizona. All the trouble exper ienced, however, has not been through the postal department, as many in stances are of record where freight consigned to Phoenix, Oregon, has been seut to Phoenix, Arizona. It is little wouder mistakes are made by postal clerks and railroad employes as many people in addrosaing letters or marking freight use the abbrevia tions "Ar. V and "Or." for the names of the states. This mixes things, as few people are there who do not make a "cap" A and 0 just alike. Two names have been suggested for the town "Locust Grove," because of the many locust trees growing there abouts, aud "Culver," after the ori giual owner of the townsite. Guaranteed Forest Reserve scrip for sale, in large or small quantities, bv Frank E. Alley, upstairs over Land Office, Roaeburg, Oregon. Will place same for non-reBiaenl pnrcbasers You could toll a farmer whose lands has been suffering for a little rain Tuesday by the broad smile that invariably illumined his countenance. Spring-sown grain and alfalfa, on some of the dryer soils, bad com menced to feel the need of moisture, so that when Friday evening rain be gan to fall, continuing in fitful show ers Saturday aud terminating in a genuine downpour Monday night, the farmer, as he listened to the falling of SAYINGS BANKS p 3 PER CENT ON WHAT YOU SAVE! I Pay You 2 1-2 Per Cent on What You pend It Will Pay You to Buy Groceries, Dishes and Feed of me. I guaran tee satisfaction in every -deal the ruin on the roof, could compose himself for slumbers with the know ledge that tlie climate of Southern Oregon had come to the rescue once more. The total rainfall for the four days wkb ,80 inches. Mrs. E. . Gore, teacher o! music. ' Mason system. Children taught in dividually or In classes. Medford, Oregon. Tuesday evening was the regular social night with Olive Rebekah lodge, aud proved to be enjoyable, as these soolul meetings luvariably are. The regular business of the lodge hav ing been transacted, the members tmd guests gave themselves up to a few j I hours of pure pleasure. The commit- j - tee in charge had arranged a program consisting of vooal boIob by Mrs. W. I. Vawter, E. E. (J ore aud Miss Enid Hamilton, an instrumental duet by Vernon Vawter aud Treve Lumsdeu, an instrumental solo by Miss Fern Hutchison, Then there were some contests. One consisted in having several couples enjoy a live-minute conversation, send the ladies out of the room aud have the gentlemen write a description of the lady with whom he conversed. You can imagine what some of the descriptions read like, a man isn't usually able to de scribe anything after a five-minute uninterrupted conversation, with a good-looking young lady. Anothoi was a "wiggle" contest, in which the contestants were obliged to incorpor ate a "wiggly" line drawn arcoss a piece of papergiuto the resemblance of something no matter what. Miss Mabel Wilson won first prize. Bohig so near the birthday of the patron saint of the Emerald Isle, the decora tions in the banquet hall were in green, and the color scheme was fol 1 iwed hb nearly as possible in the Viands served. The occasion was en joyed thoroughly by all. The com mittee was composed of Mesdames W. I. Vftwter, and H, N. Butler, Misses Gertrude Wilson, Helen Walt, Fannie Haskins, Messrs. W. X. Vaw ter and J. W. Lawton. The Condor Water and Power Co. ! is constructs g a building near the city plant for ubo as a sub-station. The structure, will be of brick with cement floor and large enough to ac commodate the big transformers. The reason for the construction of this building is that insurance companies refuse to take a risk on wooden build ings containing powerful electric ap pliances, owing to the danger of ig nition from the heavy electric current passing over the wires. The building will be located on the lot formerly oc cupied by the old Chinese laundry and which was purchased from E. Rubs. It is to be 20x30 feet in size, with a nine-foot brick wall. Cyclone dust sprayers for spray ing fruit trees. See W. H. iiarr tor prices and particulars. F. E. Payne hae sold his fruit orchard, situated southwest of Med ford, to Joseph J. Vosseu, of Aber deen, Wash. There are forty acres of laud in the piece and it is all planted to fruit trees most of them six years old. The price paid was JG000. The gentleman who purchased the laud and his father were in Medford this week and closed the deal Wednesday morning. The elder Mr. Vossen pouts to remain here until September next, when his son will move here to reside permanently. The deal was made through the agency of the Rogue River Land Co. Bee bo n & Huuer. Talon t NurBory men, are prepared to fill orders for fruit trees in any quantity, for com m or cial orcbardB. tf. Martin McDonough will offer for sale on Saturday. April 1st, ail the live stock and personal property on the MoDonough ranch, near Tolo. This includes horses, milch cows, young cattle, sheep, implements, wagons, household goods, etc. The sale will be by auotion and the terms cash for sums of $10 or under and time on Becured notes on sums abovt 310. Mr. McDonough, as stated in The Mail several weeks ago, has pur chased the Helms place, iu East Med ford, and intends to become a resi dent of this city, hence the sale. A snap. House and lot tor 8900. Soo W. T. York. White & Trowbridge report the isalo of the Jilecher farm, near Juck 3onville, to John 1. Morgan, formerly of Fresno, Calif., for a consideration of 8000. This is one of the best all purpose ranches in the valley. It consists of timber, grazing and farm ing lands, is contiguous to a large ; outside- range and an ideal place to : raise stock, besides it lies in the ! mineral belt, and although there has ! been but little attempt to develop 1 mineral upon It.the mineral is known i to exist. Mr. Morgan has a barguin i in the purchase. i Blue prints of township maps, ; showing all vacant land, fifty cents each. For reliable information con 1 cerning Government land write to ! Frank E. Alley, Abstractor, Roscburg. Oregon. o. D. OWEN glvos Mr. Cranllll considerable more room for bis goods, besides muking tho light iu the store much better. In our account of the Peurt-Bou-nott uuptuals lust week we omlttod to uioution the serenade given Mr. and Mrs. Poart by the High Sohool Liter ary sooiety, a mark of the esteem iu which the bride was held by former sohool mates, which whs deeply appro- oiatod. The members of the society were invited in after tho serenade and participated in .the lunch pre pared. Shearer & Smylle, General dray ing. Bousehold moving. All kinds of wood for sale. J. D. Gray, living west of Mod ford, has sold his prune orchard aud home to C. L. Ravoul, a recent arrival from Tennessee. There are twelve acres iu the ohuuk and the prico paid was 81000. The sale was mado through tho agency of C. G. Johnson. Mr. Clroy will remain in Jackson county, but has not deoided what business he will engage iu. F. W. Gaines will aBsumo manage mout of Hotel Hart about 15th to '20th iust., whou ho will make a great e fort to treat the publio properly. il-3t Contractor Schermerhorn has late ly completed quite extensive repairs at the Cntholio church in Modford. Those oonBistod iu tho straightening of the cdifloe upon its foundation, re placing the cross on tup with a new one and making several alterations in the interior of tho church, adding much to the comfort and convenience of the attendants. Butler, the watchmaker has any thing you want in the way of a Seth Thomas clock or an Elgin or Waltham watch. J. S. N. Smith, an electrician of long experience, lately of Portland, has been engaged by the oity to take charge of the eleotrio light and water pluut, aud will. enter upon the dis charge of his duties this week. He was in town Saturday and left the first of the week to bring his family I from Portland. Mrs. J. Barkdull is having her residence on North O street entirely remodollod. When the alterations are completed the house will be a two story one of ten rooms, fitted with modern conveniences and a very ploasant and comfortable habitation. D. W. Hazel and Gene Amaun are do ing the work. The mercantile business soon to bo opened in the Thomas block will be a great oouveuie'ice to West Sido traders. Olive Rebekah lodge, of Medford, was visited Friday uight by Mrs. Ella B'razler, of Eugene, sta e vice-presi- deut of the Rebekahs, who is makiug an official visit to tho lodges of the order in this end of the state. After the work of the evening was over, an informal recoption and lunch was had. Don't forg-et to notice B. N. But- er's display window. - It will interest yon. Childers Bros, have commenced getting their brick yard iu readinoss for business, With the buildings to be constructed this year those al ready projectod and others iu con templation, the brick-makers will have all they can attend to for the next aevoral months. Horses of all description for sale Nash Livery Stables. Rev. Boehner, of Camas, Wash ington, will preach at the German- Lutheran oburoh uoxt Sunday. . The reverend gentleman is seventy-flvo years of age, has been a preacher for a great number of years aud is said to be one of the best, preachers on the coast. Just revelved a carload of Bash and doors, aud screen doors. J. H. Chain bers, Medford. , lo:tI , At Gold Illil Thursday night St. Patrick's Day was ceiobratod by i grand ball. Over one hundred tick eta were sold and the receipts from spectator's tickets wore 812. At one time ninety couples were on tho floor. Plenty 25o bods at the now liotol Hart. A few thousand good shakes for sulo. Brown & Urystul. P. J. llulloy has a new resi dence Hourly complotod, on South J street, soutli of Fred liHineburg's home. Tho residence is 2lix'J8 feet in size, witli mi uunox 18x21 feet. There uro six rooms, bath, pantry and closets. Tho house will bo for rent. Mrs. M. A. Brooks hlis special pule on liuusu plunts every Haturduy. ll-2t-p. The Southern Pacific Co. has pluced telephones In its stations in Oregon. The 'phones connect witli the disputchor's wire and wiH prove a considerable convenience ut sta tions where teglegranh offices uro not muiiitaiiied.- Tho Hotel Hurt with tho new man agement will 1)0 ono of tho most popu lar hotels in the state soon. lKlt Arthur Wells has disposed of his form, near Wildorvllle, .Josephine Our Mill has been running for the past month exclusively on Inside and Outside Finish Lumber and Mouldings. We are now better prepared than ever to accommodate the trade. Carload of Portland-High Grade-Cement now on hand Agents for American Steel and Wire Company's Fence And the Ehvood Fence We are here to please you-and you save money when you buy from us. Weeks & Baker Undertakers and Embalmers MEDFORD, OREGON Miss Mubel Mickey, of Medford, who was among the successful applicants. Dr. Morrison has taken office rooms In tho Palm block the rooms previously oooupiod by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hafor, these peoplo having moved to the Scott residence, on South A street Dr. Coble's office is in Butler's jewelry store, where ho may bo found every Suturduy. Miss Ella Gnuiiynw has opened a stenographic and typewriting offico in the offices of F. M.. Stowart. Miss Gaunyaw is an export stonogruplier and is propurod to do all classes of work. Triumph Tent No. 11, K. O. T. M., held a mooting Tuesday night and oloctod and installed a partial list of oHIcos, as follows: C. A. Hamlin, oommuudsrj C. C. Tnylor, sergeant; W. M. Hrsklno, K. of R. ; L. O. Por ter, chaplain. The balance of tho old officers will hold over until tho regu lar election in July. John B. Gontry, of Grunts Pass, district commander, was here to Install the officers and uh sist in getting the Tent in working ordor onoe more. He expocts to re turn in a short timo to Initiate sever al new momoers. Holbrook Wlthington has moved his law offices to thoJPalm-Neidermoy-er building, whoru ho is now located in tho rooms of tho Modford & Crater Lake Railroad Co., as one of its ooun sol. If yon want hair or hair goods go to L. L. Roame at tho Bazaar. 10-tf. Our old frlond, J. G. Martin, who has been suffering from a sovoro at taok of nourulgin aud heart trouble, is. convalescing uudor the treatment of Dr. Jones, wo are gaid to stuto. Born On Monduy, Murch 20, 1905, to Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Howard, u daughtor. r DON'T BE QREEN Brown's in Town J C So are BROWN HATS to be had at "The Toggery," of course. . In all shades, sizes and blocks. I Merchant F. L. Cranfllll has been ! county, and has returned with hia making a number of improvements in j family to Medford. He is uncertain hi fltnro nf lute. The imrtitinns n i just what branch of btiainoriH ho will tho back have been torn out, the whole interior repapered and repaint ed, new and commodious shelves put up in the dress goods department, aud a general furbishing up of things all around. The new arrangement longage in, but intends making Med ford bis permanent headquarters.. In a Met of thoHe toacheiH to whom state papers had leen granted, which was published in Tho Mail last week, we inadvoituutly omitted the nanio of Yours for a BROWN HAT, "THE TOGGERY," MEDFORD, OREGON