The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, March 24, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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    Home Made
Have your cake, muffins, and tea bis
cuit home-made. They will be fresher,
cleaner, more tasty and wholesome
... Royal Baking Powder helps the house
wife to produce at home, quickly and eco
. nomically, fine and tasty cake, the raised
hot-biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer
cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and
muffins, with which the ready-made food
found at the bake-shop or grocery does
not compare.
Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps.
li' . ,1
Eagle Point Eaglets.
M. S. Wood is repairing bis jhouse
mid flxng up generally.
J. W. Grover litis been putting out
a new young orcbnrd on his, place.
Win. Knighton and wife took a trip
to Medford on business and while
thero visited some of their old-time
friends in that sootion of tho country.
Mr. Jackson, who bought the tract
of land of J. W. Grover, has hands
working clearing oil' the timber and
brush, mukiug Humes and getting
ready for n fine garden this summer.
Quite a number of our young folks
went to Gold Hill last Friday, to at
tend a dance given by tho Indies of
that place. They report having had a
very pleasant time whilo there. .
Thomas Coy made a business trip
to Grants Pass last week. Hois think
ing of moving there uuless the now
JUodford and Crater Lake iiailroad
company opens up something of in
terest here. -
James Einger has been taking or
ders here for wall paper and several
of tho houses in this section are to
be repapcred, some repainted and
some remodelled. We are getting
ready for the rush that is coming to
Eagle Point this season.
There has been a large acreage of
alfalfa sown in this part of the coun
try this season, and the present put
look is that wo will want all tho hay
that can be raised, as people are con
stantly coming in looking for homes
and each famliiy will have to be sup
plied from the products of tho soil.
iliss Hattio Cingcade,(who has been
attending the commercial school at
Ashlaud, and Miss Laura Ayers, who
is attending the Normal, came home
1 ist JSaturday. The former will re
main and Miss Laura returned Mon
day, to resume her studies.
Dr. Hargrave, of Modford, G. W.
Canning, of Ashland, Theodore and
Jessie Glass, of Sams Valley, . wore
here last week, axaminiug applicants
for admission into the assoinbly of
Woodmen of' America. They report
good success. Mr. C. said that it
would take about three weeks before
he would get his returns, so that he.
could perfect the organization.
Messrs. L. ;K. Huntington, B. A.
Slocum and j. Hoaley, of Emporium,
Pa., are hore this writing, (Tuesday)
on their way to tho Rouudtop mill,
which they purchased of A. J. Daloy
If your blood Is thin and im
pure, you are miserable all the
time. It is pure, rich blood
that invigorates, strengthens,
refreshes. You certainly know
the medicine that brings good
health to the home, the only
medicine tested and tried for
60years. Adoctor'smedicine.
"t owp my life, irltiiotlt dntiM. to Avcr'i
PirapanlU. It U the mult wonderful nill
ctn in thr wrll U-r nrTounii. My core ft
permaii- ut, rtmi 1 fM.nnt thank ymi crouch.
MIW. Ielia MuWell, Newark, S.
3, C. AVER CO..
Poor Health
Laxative doses of Ayer's Pills each
night greatly aid the Sarsaparilla
and son. Thoy oauio Monday night
and the heavy rain thnt night caused
them to remain here until the road
dried up some. They are planning to
mil the mill and open up a lumber
yard here, koopiug nil kinds of lum
ber, so as to supply the domaud
something greatly needed hero..
Thero is no little stir hero now over
tue prospect of a railroad in the near
future. Strange to say some of our
lending business men' lmve bppn
! throwing cold water on the movo all
' of the time, and now that there
j seems to bo a good prospect for a rail
! road, they seem ' to feel as though
their tiuiOxhnd eomo. and they are on
tho verge of ruin. This may be, and
probably will bo, other business
houses open up hero, but that will
make more business for those of us
who are hero. So let it come.
Pleasant ami Harmless
Don't drug tlie stomach to cure ft
cough. One Minute Couirh Cure cuts
the mucus, draws the itifl:muUion om
ot the throat, - luiins and brounhial
in bed, heal.-., soothes anil euiva. A
quick cure for Croup and Whooping
Cough. One MiDUte Cough Cure re
lieve a couch In one minute because if
acts lirtit on the mucus membrane right
where the cough troubles in the
throat or deep-aeuted on the lungs.
Sold by Ctans. Strang
Rogue River News.
Mrs. Morrison is ou the sick list.
Mrs. Bellows is slowly improving
after her illness.
Jasper Haima made a trip to the
valley Satruday.
Keal GagejuiadG a business trip Jo
the valleySiast week.
The Jfarmera of our vicinity wel
come the refreshing showers.
Mrs. W. TV Houston was the guest
of Mrs. D. F. Burch Monday.
Miss Florence Houstonjwent to Cen
tral Point last week, to stay' a few
Perry Foster visited his daughters,
Mesdames Henry French and Arthur
Hattie Head and Carl Beebe, of
Aguto, spent Saturday night the
guests of Mr and Mrs. D F. Burch.
Death .Rate In New York and Chicago
During November and December,
IflOH, one fifth of the deaths in New
York nnd Chicago were from pneu
monia, Foley's Honey and Tar not only
stops the cough but heals and streng
thens the lungs and prevents pneu
monia, so do not take chances on a cold
wearing away when Foley's Honey and
Tar will cure yon quickly and prevent
pHi-ious results. Sold by the Medford
Washington's Giant Spruce.
N. C. Christensen,of Scattlo,Vash.,
has seen a large spruce tree in Callam
county, which he avers is tho most
enormous one in tho state of Wash
ington. Tho tree is thirty feet in
diameter and it is 100 feet to the first
The attention of Commissioner
Johnson is to be called to the giant
si'ptico, and lie will bo urged to have
it exhibited at tho Lewis and Clark
i Exposition.
! It Is planned to have a log cut from
: the tree 1000 feet long and placed on
j exhibition at the fair. It will be ut
terly impossible for the railroads to
j handle the log, and it is necessary
'that it be towed via Puget Sound,
1 the Pacific ocean and the Columbia
'and Willamette rivers,
i ' A log was sent to the Chicago Expo
sition in 1893 by the stato of Wash
! ington, but In comparison with this
ono discovered by Mr. Christensou, It
I was a mere pigmy. An old timber
cruiser who ha? tramped Washington
forests for over twenty years, on see
ing the great spruce tree, stated that
I it was the largest in the state and
! that it could be compared favorably
with the sequoia of California.
Kodcl .Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what vou eat.
No Good in the Kicker.
Prom Richmond Mlasourlan,
Kickers always attruot attention
one class of them sells high ou the
market. The highest-priced, four
legged kicker is a hybrid creature,
irritablo and somewhat uustfriptural.
The chrouio kloker Is an amusing
two-legged "animal," not so danger
ous, however. A kicker uover'builds
up. Ho is great on tearing down,
Tho world's happiness has been pro
moted more by compliments than by
ourses, so, good reader, when you
feels like kicking, just retire to the
back yard and kick yourself a few
times rather than join the knockers'
Cured Consumption.
Mrs. B. W. Evans, Charwatrr. Kan.,
writes: "My husband lay Hick for three
months. The doctors Bald he bad
puick consumption. We procured a
butlie of Ballard'd Horehouud Syrup
and it cured him. That wim six vear
ago nnu since then we have RlwaVf
kept a bolile In the house. We cannot
do without it. Fur coughs and colds
it has no equal. 5Uc. and fl.UO.
Sold by Chan. Strang.
To Eat Oregon Hay.
The British steamer Ivydone will
arrive ut Portland on or about April
1st to load a cargo of forage for Tsing
tau, China, to be supplied by Henry
Mott, of that city. The cargo will
consist of oat and baled hny, and is
presumably for the Russian army.
For au Impaired Appetite.
Less of aupetito always result e from
faulty digestion. All that is needed it
a fewdocies nf Chamberlain's Stomach
and avqv Tablets. Thoy will invigo
ate the alomach, strengthen tho diges
tion and give you an uppntito like a
wolf. Those Tabl ts also act as a gen
tle laxative. For sale by Chat, btaaug.
Had a Reason.
A Willametto river steamboat cap
tain ran down a row boat containing
three men. Life boats were lowered
and while the crew were pulling to
ward the struggling men n fellow on
the bank cried out: "Save the red
.bended man ! Whatover you do, savo
the red-headed man, favo him sure."
All three men, however, wore, saved,
and when thoy hud been safely landed
the captain turned to tho excited in
dividual, and said in a tono of mingled
wondor uud doubt: "Why did you
want to save tho red-headed man in
preference to the others?" "Be
cause," was the frank reply, "he
owes me a dollar and a half. "
The Bl-81 Cough Syrup.
S. L. Apple, ex-Prnbate Judge.
Oaawa Co., Kansas, writes: "This is to
say that I nave ueu Ballard's Hore-
hounu by tup .or jvars, and tuut i do
not hsltalu to recommend it a tht
best coimh yrup I have ever used," 25c
50c and $1.09. sold by Chas. Strang.
Women Demand Smoot's Expulsion
Washington, March 18. The Nation
al Mothers' congress have adopted res
olutions strongly denouncing Mormon
ism, and demanding the expulsion of
Reed Smoot from tbn
-If you want hair or hair goods go
to L. L. Ronnie at tho Bazaar. 10-tf.
HE above picture of the
man nnd lish is tho trade
mark of Scott's Emulsion,
and is the svunnrm for
strength and purity. It is sold
in almost all the civilized coun
tries of the globe.
If the cod fish became extinct
it would be a world-wide calam
ity, because the oil that comes
from its liver surpasses all other
fats in nourishing and life-giving
properties, thirty years ago
the proprietors of Scott's Emul
sion found a way of preparing
cod liver oil pothnt everyone can
tuke it and get the full value of
the oil without the objectionable
taste. Scott's Emulsion is the
best thing in the world for weak,
backward children, thin, delicate
people, and nil conditions of
wasting and lost strength.
Srad for free aampla.
etc arid .. All drvggttt.
All dlseaBQS of Kidneys,
Uiaaaer, urinary urgnnB.
Also Rheumatism, Back
Dropsy, Female Troubles.
Don't become discouraged. There Is a
cure for you. It lu'cesMiiy wi-lto Dr. ton nor.
llo Iius itpi)it a lffu tluio curing Just, such
eusesaayuuni. All cousultatloua Free.
A gravel loaned In my uladdur. Arte
islng tt ftiw buttles of Dr. l'yimr' Kidno;
iiid Huekaeho Cure f passed a pmvel half iv
larjro as it, marble. Tho mudlcluo pruvtmiut
further formations. I was cur til.
W.T. OAKES, Orrlx.Va."
Prupplsts. 50c.. ?1. Ask for Cook Hook Free.
CT VITIIQ'nAWPC Buro Cure. Circular. Dl
gi-vnuu uniiui.
-Fouunr, Fri'dimia.N V
Why They Win.
The following written by a Jnpauere
o Ulcer and published in "Suoeosa"
gives ono an iiiou of tho reason of tho
supromucy of the followors of iho Mi
kado over those of tho Czur:
"We wore to perform a famous feat
in cruwiiiiK on nil fours for many
meters. Our ambition was not exuet-
ly to attract attention of tho Kussians
and receive their applause from their
miiek-flrers. All eortu of (irearms
seemed to help tho work of their
sourohlightB. We iuado alow pro
gress, always on all foui'tt. Wo reach
ed the second netting of barbed wiro,
and Hits we hacked away without very
much trouble. In front of us was the
final fence. Wo had had a happy run
of luck so far. Wo did uot wish to
spoil it by a touch of carelessness
or too much daring. Cautiously,
therefore, wo' wont on our stomaclie
to mako the distance between the
second and tho llrst bat bed wiro en
tangleinents. All this distance was a
surprise to us; It was eovereu wuu
many things evincive of tho skill and
thoiigh'fiilness of tho Russian engi
neers. It was about 100 motors in
length. The ground was sloping. It
was lllled with pitiaiis ami" mines
innumerable. ' For a second those
mines made us forget the first line of
wire fence toward which wo were
making our way. First of all, wo had
to dispose of tho mines. Wo hnd rea
sou to susp?ot that they were electric
mines, mid, in fact, tho Russian engi
neers, with all their thoughttulnes.s,
did not always tnko tho trboulo to
burv the conductors. Wo discovered
and cut as many iw four conductors.
wnict were jtit aoout tno si.o or my
thumb. They were wrapped in n rub
ber coating, and within the rubber
coating wo found over twenty-four
small wires. X carried no scissor.
about mo. These electric wires wore
n neat surprise to us. Tho seven
usage to which it md been put had
dulled the edge of my ax ahnost an.
blunt as tho edge o niv pal m. li 1
could uot cut tho rubber-wrapped j
wires ou soft earth. Tuno wns press
inn Wo were in dancer of being dis
covered before wo could got at tho
llrst line ot barbeu-wiro tenco, which
was tho last goal of our efforts; more
over, wo were somewhat impatient, j
So all of us fell upon those electric :
wires and with our teeth wo bit them
off. I fear we may have been some
what excited. We did some damage
to our teeth by this work. When n
man tolls you that ho did not Know
when his teeth were being broken,
you would not believe him. That
man might bo telling tho truth, under
some circumstances, however.
A Destructive Fire.
To draw the fire out of a burn, or herd
a cut without leaving n scar, use De
Witt' Witch HuKel Stilve. A speoilk
lor piles. Get tjie genuine. J. Tj
Tucker, editor of the Harminizer,
Oentre. Ala,, writes: 'l have Ubtd
DeWltt'a Witch Hazel Salve In my
family for Piles, cut.? and bump, ll it-
the best salvo on the market, Lvtry
family should keop it on hund." Sold
oy uiiae. hlrang.
Won Karli Time.
About thirty yearn ago a remnrknble
bot wns between Captain SI., a
racing celebrity, nd another officer
who was noted for his activity. Cap
tain M. bet 150 that his fellow odlcer
would not hop up a certain flight of
stairs "two nt a time." The offer was
taken; but, as there were forly-one
steps In the flight, be found after tak
ing twenty hops that he was left only
one step to negotiate nnd hnd lost Ho
accused Captain M. of sharp prnctlce,
but tho latter replied:
"Well, I'll wuger you another 50 I
do it."
The officer, thinking to got buck his
money, again accepted. -Captain M.
then flopped up forty steps In twenty
hops nnd, hopping back one, finished
by going up the Inst two steps nnd
won. London Stnntlord.
Napoleon never pointed to his ances
try as the source of his unparalleled
ambition and achievements, but said,
"I nm my own ancestry." A patrician
once said to Cicero, "You are n plebe
ian." "I am," said Cicero. "The no
bility of my fumlly begins with me;
Uiat of yours ends with you." Better
be tho foundation of a new pyramid
than the apex of an old one. Better
make your family proud of you than be
foolishly proud of your fnmlly, with
nothing In you to enable them to re
turn the compliment.
Veteran of Crimean War Dead,
flan Mateo, March 18. William Phil
lips, votoran of the Crimea war 1b dead
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Come in and see the
New Deer Disc Plow.
It is the best made.
We have just receiv
ed a carload oi plows
and harrows, and
now have a complete
stock. Plows of all
kind. Special bar
gains in gang plows.
Hubbard Bros.
Mitchell, Lewis SStaver Co
Medford, Oregon
Barb and 5mooth Wire,
Planet Jr. Goods
Sanders Disc Plows
Acme Pulverizing Harrows
I D. T. UAWTON, Mgr. j
Grand Price
Columbia Cylinder Records
$5 to $10 per doc
Disc Machines.
$15. $20, ta
Cylinder ilKachrnes
$5. $io, $15 and $20
Sold on easy pay
ments to respon
sible . parties . . .
125 Geary St., San Franc.flco, Calif.
Grand Prize
L ' " into 3 :
Quiet and Durable Does Not Shake
The Simplest Sewing Hachine Made
Cannot Start in the Wrong Direction
Beit to All Kinds ol Sewing. Will eow tho HfhtoBt rooiIb without
puckering them, nnd on huavy work m ikea a Heamthat ts olautio, strong
and durable.
General Office for Pacific Coast
231 Sutter Street San Francisco
B. S. Griffin, Agent, Medford Oregon
Etc., Etc.
Paris I90o
Fit any make of
Talking machine
Black Super-hardened Beautiful Quality
of Tone Much Mo.e Durable
Thun Any Olher Cylinder.
Paris i9o
The Only
That do not tail in any
3 Times the Value
Of any Oilier
One-third Faster
One-third Easier
Kotury motion ami bull
bfmrintf. Tho lijthttiHt run
ninn Much I no in tho world,
Kupld. Havoc about one duv
In throH. Ffwinp Unit much
factor ihun vibrating machines.