The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, January 20, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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    L OUR COUNTY . . . '
k Correspondents
Jacksonville News.
Herbert Hatina spent .Friday in
' M. M. Taylor went to PortlandMon-
day,, on baslnetta.
Jesse .McCoIl, of Ashland, was In
our midst one day last week.
A. H. Hammond, an attornoy of
Grants Pass, was in our city Monday,
Mrs. Frank Aukeuy and Airs. Luke
Lililo, of Hterliug, were, in our city
Alius Katliorlne Cliapman, the mill
inor, Ib spending a few days with her
churoh at Medford.
John Stidham left for Spokane,
Wash., last week, to visit his sister
Mrs. Geo. Messner,
13. it. Porter and J. C. Pendleton,
of SamB Valley, were In after supplier
the first of tho week.
Central PolutCamp of Royal Neigh
bors will lustall their oliicors Januar
18th. All members are requested
be present.
T. W. Herriott left for Applegati
Thursday, to look after his mining
interests and will probably stay al
his mine several weeks.
Airs. Sarah Alurry, who has been
very ill, is much bettor, we are glad
to report. Dr. Warren Cameron
of Medford, is in attendance.
W. II. Harrison Post and W. R. C,
corp will hold a joint installation of
their officers at the G. A. R. hall
Saturday, January 21st, beginning
at 10 a. m. All members are invited
parents, on Williams creek
H. K; Lounsbury, the traveling tn .m ,,,, rflnnA,.a
Wednesday evening the member
freight agent of the S. P.
in Jacksonville recently.
Mr. and Mrs. ,Thos. D.
R. K. ,
Koss, of
of tho G. A. R. and W.
a surprise party at the
K. U. Rave
home of Dr
Central Point, attended the funeral L,ld Mr8 auMo ,t beinK Mrfl Hin
of Hall Hoffman last Wednesday.
Mrs lOmmn Dorris Thompson, of 13u
gene, arrived Wednesday to attend
kle's birthday. There was games and
social converse for a few hours, after
which a bountiful table was spread
the fnnoral of her uncle, the late Hall and the jolly compBiiy did ample jus
Miss Laura Reames, of Herkoloy,
Calif., who has been in Portland
few days, is now visiting relatives In
Mrs. Jas. Reames and daughter,
MIsh Glslo, spout several days In
Jackosuvllle this week, visiting rela
tives and friends.
Will. Reauics, who has been in
Portland and Seattle, for several
weeks, passed through the valley Mon
day, on hU way to Berkeley, Calif.
The following marriage licenses
wore Issued by tne county olerK : Hon. S. M. Neolon, of Sams Valley,
J tnuary Iztu, J. . uook and may spout Tuesday in our city.
B ilioy. January u.n, uneswr Ar- Dr. Hinkl nM jnfjt received tn6 fln
inur ana Anna uoppie. ott line of valentine. eve. brought to
The funeral services of Phillip the city.
uionvo wore nera irotn ma taui rest- m. W HVllnot nf Rom. v.n
vveuuesuay morning, hi made relatives of this oitv a visit
last week,
tico to the goodies provided. All
who were there report having had a
good time and are wishing "auntie'
Hiukle may have many happy returns,
Those present wore: J. M. Gibsou
and wife, Prof. A. J. Hunby and wife,
W. II. Beal and wife, W. E. Perkins
and wife, Dr. J. H Pleasants and wife,
Dr. Hiukle and wife, Mrs. Maria
Purkeypile, Mrs. Mary E. l'riee,
U. H. Perkins, Mrs. J. B. Holmes,
Misses Ella Stone, Edith Stone, Mary
A. Mee, Chas. Joffersand wife, Miss
Lillle Jeffers.
dance Weduesday morning,
o'clock. Mr. Gleavo has been ill for
eeverul weeks with heart trouble,
fk-tA;j relieving hi u from his Buffer
ings Tuesdayevening,
John Lyden purchased of J, C.
, Whipp this week, property on the cor
ner of California and Oregon street,
. consideration being $000. Mr. Ly
den has not fully decided what he
will do aB yet, but ho is
.putting U)a briok hotel.
Died Tuesday, Jauuary 17, 1005,
at 1:00 o'clock a. m., John H. Hon
Mr. E. Fleasante 1b offering the
winter stock of hats at oost, to make
room for the spring stock.
W. J. Freeman and family, who have
been visiting relatives in California,
returned home the Urst of the week.
Misses, Minnie Pankey and Bessie
thinking of '6" 'or Hornbrook, Calif., Mon-
uuy w speuu u lew weeas wtm relatives.
Clute and Wiley have rented the
man. Hall, aB he wae familarially Central Point hotel and intend reno-
known among ble friends, wbb
tive of Baltimore, Maryland ; aged
(11 years and 21 days He leaves
vating and putting the house in first-
class shape.
The Condor Water & Power Co,
loiklngover his interests hero and
jlosing an apple deal with Mr. Por
tir. Air. Iunman, of Ashland, was
through this section last week, look
ing for agonts to canvass for some
good books.
Dr. W. S. Jones was called out from
Aledford TuoBday to attend J. C.
Pendleton, who is threatened with
pneumonia. i
Prof. Narregan came out from Med
ford Saturday, returning Sunday.
Ho seems to have a leaning towards
oouio of our Table Rook real eBtate.
Mrs. Horace Veuable and two child
ren came over from Applegate Wed
nesday, to visit her sister, MrB. W.
R. Byrum. They were accompanied
home on Friday by Grandpa Salt
mursh, who expects to remain several
months with relatives and friends on
B. R. Porter spent Thursday a Cen
tral Point, with a orew of men, load
ing a largo refrigerator oar with the
apples be sold to Mr. Helms. Upon
examination the Spitzenbergs were
found to be sb firm and smooth ut
when boxed, which would go to prove
that the Table Rock apples ore better
keopers than they have sometimes
boon given oredit for.
Weduesday evening of last week
was social night for the Endeavorers.
This time they gathered at the home
of Mr. and Airs. Porter. After an
hour or more devoted to practicing
songs, all were invited to a chicken
supper. A veritable feast it proved, 1
for the ladies had prepared obioken 1
in every form, which with bread aud
butter and poffee made a brave show
iug, but the huge plates of brown
doughnuts and yellow Oroville oranges
added by the host and hostess gave
just the proper touch of oolor to please
the eye and the right flavor to gratify
the palate. NeedlesB to say that all
these good things received their full
share of attention and Father Time
was entirely forgotten.
iold Hill Item
Many are stepping store ward to share the
opening bargains of this third week of the year's
We are still making deeper cuts,
and prices never before offered
are here given.
And many other lines not mentioned here are
included in this final cut.
wife and many friends to mourn his have employed a foroe of men to con-
Phillip Oondet, of Seaside, Oregon,
struct an eleotric line from the dam
at Gold Ray to Grants Pass and J. C.
with his family, came here last fall Man nd jBmee Messner left on
Monday's train for the scene of oper
ations. .
The W. H. Harrison Poet and W.
to reside, died of consumption last
Friday morning at 3 a; m. Mr.
Condlt made many friends while liv
iug in Jacksonville, who:regret to hear R. C. will hold joint meeting at the
of his untimely death. His body was - A. R- hall next Saturday for the
shipped to Seaside whore it was laid purpose of installing officers for the
to rest in tho ClatBop burying ground.'6uiug term, after which they will
Mrs. Condit and children expect to adjourn to the A. O. U. W. banquet
return to make thiB their permanent UU for dinner. All poBt aud oorp
)n, mo. i families are invited,
The Jacksonville comet iiand is pro- A" ovont of more than usual inter-
grossing nicely under tho leadership est attended tho joint installation of
of K. E. Wright, of Ashland. The ' he oltleors of Tablo Rock Lodge A
members now numbers twenty-seven, D. U. W. aud Holly Degree of Honor,
with Cue W. Henry, president, Lewis at tho A. O. U. W. hull Saturday
Ulrich, secretary mid Al. AI. - Taylor, evening. W. 11. Norcross, P. M. W
treasurer, Tho town tins subscribed
900 and tile mprr.lmnW KHKI tovnrrt tin
enterprise, rMsuirs are (ml iuuhmi
iug u dancing party to take place
Friday, Fobriuiry 10th, for tho beuollt
of tile baud, which is hoped will be
largely attended.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
With I.(1(:A,'. APPLICATIONS, B tlioy ommol
ruuuii IHU III UIU IIIHI-HHO, tllllllTll Ih I
blno i or i'o tllltititmitl tl Intuitu', mill In onlui
lot-limit yull Ilium ttiko liilorniil rtMiioiilioi
' llull'H (lii'tirrli Hiiro in tnki-n Intovimly uiul
tuna uummy nil um uuhiii mm u.umiiB mirtlirtlt
11 ul '8 l.'murili Our? Ih not ii tii.iu'k nintHi'liir.
It whs i mii'rllii'il by (inn (if too best ptiysli'ltini
In me t:tiutity fur yuiirn mill In u ruKulitr pru
. Hiirt',ltiii. 111m ciiiiilKimil ottlio Iviu. mulct,
known, coinlilnuil wllti ilio IiohI lilooo purlllm
Acting ti Iri'dlly on tin inm-oiiH siirlnoi'H. 'rln
porfect i-otilliliiiitloli of tllo two litKr-ttlt'tilH iv
Win. llinililrOH Kllotl wonildrrul IDMIlis lo
tnrlni; omHtTii. Bniul for IvhlliimiilnlH f -co.
K.J. IIKNNVACO. I'roim., Tulcdo O.
Bolil hv liiinruiHth. tirico ?no.
Tnko IIhII'i Knmlly PlIU for ciMl&llliAlton.
Central Point Hems.
. (Received too lato for laBt week.)
J. S. March made Ashland n busi
ness trip l ist week.
Miss Anna Pankey tntido Medford
friends n visit the Bret of the week.
Mr. mayiicm, or uvnns creek, was
In after supplies the first of tho
week. ' ; .
Miss Lllllc Newman loft Monday for
Moouville, , where alio goes to visit
Dr. Uowersox and wife, of Jaoksnu
Tllle, made friends of this city a vlBlt
list Sunday, , .
Mrs. David Orisham, of Sams Val
ley, spout Wednesday with relatives
of this city.
Benjamin Herriott, of Applegnto,
Is spending tho week with his broth
er, T. Herriott. .
tUcr T. M. Jones Is attending
Vuvlrnl meetings at tlto Christian
was installing oilleor for the A. O. U.
r, . Mrs. W. M. 11 nl iiies. Sr. nasi
l id' ut' honor, installing olllcor for
l.liu I), of H. Mrs. Thos. W. Horriott
aa captain of tho drill team ably ooh
ducted a very pretty drill, which re
Mods much credit to her and tho
lllomhoi'B who nssisted. Mrs. E. J.
Uoswoll and Mrs. T. W. Horriott
were each proBontod with a beautiful
china bony set 08 token of esteem
fov their untiring efforts for tho good
of iho order when chief of honor.
After tho installation services hud
been concluded tho members of the
two orders Jnnd their invited guests
adjourned to tho banquet room, where
plates for ono hundred wore laid and
tho tallies woro loaded with the cholo-
(iBt viands, and tho company made
utorry until a lato hour. The follow
ing ufllcers were Installed for tho en-
Btiing yoar: A. O. U. W.W. C. Kin
ney, M. W. i E. L. l'"nrrn, P. ; Lewis
Pankey, O. ; W. W. Scott, R. ; W.
I. Kioomau, H. ; Mark Woloh, V. ; A.
W. lloobo, G. ; James Coruutt, I. W. :
Chas. Tompkius, 0. W. Geo. Ford,
M. W. D. of H.-M1B8 Maude
lloswell, P. C. of H. i Miss Anule
Pankoy, C. of 11. j Stella Pleasant,
L. of H. i Mrs. J. W. Merritt, C, of
C. : Mrs. I. J. Purkeypile. R. : Mrs.
C. Kobiuott, K. ; Mrs. E. L. Parrs,
R. ; Mrs. Lona Neff, L. N. ; Miss
Mamie I''ord, 1 W. j Harry Beall, O..
Table Rock Iteiud.
BY 3. CP
School began Mouday with Mr.
Davis as tonjher.
Tho May Hros. havo moved down
from Ashland and are keeping bache
lor's hull tu tho now Helm's house.
id. Helms was out Inst Tuesday
Mr." and MrB. Chester Perry, of
Grants Pass, are visiting here this
Chas. Owens, of Wimer, was here
the first of the week, buying sup
G. W. Mackey, the photographer,
has pitched his tent in town for
week's stay.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Wilson, of Mod-
ford, wae here Saturday
visiting friends.
Mr. and MrB. John Barneburg and
Merle Kellogg ere here Saturday
and Sunday, visiting relatives.
P. E. Gerauld, the insurance ad'c
juster, of .Portland, was doing busi
ness hereiWednesday.
' Mrs. O. Vroman, who was quite
sick last week, is now improving.
Dr. JameBon ie the attending physi
cian. ,
Geo.. MeClendon, Ed. Bolt and Sam
Robine left Monday for Tonopah,
Nov., tofaccept , positions at that
place, ,t .
Miss Dorthea Day, teacher of the
Central Point publio schools, spent
Saturday and Sunday here, among
E. G. Perham, of this place, has
the contract for putting iu the poles
for tho Condor Water & Power Co.
between Tolo and Grants Pass.
Prof. Phell aud family, left Wed,
neaday for Central Point, where they
will give danoingjloBBons two days iu
the week, Wednesday and;, Thursday.
Tho following oHlcoraJwero installed.
in tho Amethyst Rebecca lodge No.
07, I.;0. O. P., byD. D. Pros. Mrs.
A. E. Kollogg last Wednesday, Janu
ary 11th: Mrs. Maud Stickel, N. G. ;
Martina Thlole, V. G iPlossie BriBcoo,
secretary ; Kate Kellogg, Pin. Soo. ;
Edith Dungoy, treasurer.
Special attention is given to the
Ladies' Rid Glove Department
Your hand fitted.
PROGNOSTICATION based on past performance means
"Once a Customer, always a Customer'
New Suits Filed.
Now suits havo been tiled In the
circuit court:
Medford Furniture Co. vs. Enrl Van
Antwerp; to rocover uionoy.
State of Oregon vs. Josso Howard,
Ed Howard and Albert Sorunton.
Transorlpt from justiuo court.
O. M. Wilson vs. Lanra M. WIIboii ;
Bult for divorce.
To Wnom it may Concern.
We have just received a oar of the
famous Georges creek Cumberland
coal, aud will sell it at reasonable
prices. This coal is guaranteed to
be the very best. Give it a trial and
you won v lire any otner.
The well-known Bloohcr farm, two
miles south of Jacksonville, compris
ing 1215 acres, has been placed in our
hands for sale. The price Ib 80W.
This is a bargain for some one who
wants a farm and stock ranch com
bined. Inquire of White Jt Trow
bridge, leal estate and insurance
agents, Medford, Oregou. .
Buritln yf tlW hni You Haw Ators Bontfl
Wm. Ulrich was in from Eagle
Point Tuesday.
Mrs. J. G. Martin visited Jackson
ville Tuesday.
C.'E. Gaddls came up from Rose
burg Tuesday. ;
i S. S. Pentz . left Wednesday for bis
ranch on Butte creek.
Emanuel Pool, of Eagle Point, was
a Medford visitor Wednesday.
Miss Jennie Grimes visited relatives
and friends at Talent this week.
M. F. Hanley returned Tuesday
from a business trip to Portland.
L. W. Fausher, of Central Point,
spent Weduesday night in Medford. j
John H. Devlin, of Portland, is
visiting his parents in the Applegate
Mrs. J P. Reddy and children re
turned Sunday morning from a visit
to Spokane.
Miss Alberta Stacey, of Central
Point, was a pleasant oaller iu the
city Saturday.
John R. Hardin, who is conducting
a barbershop iu Ashland, was n Med
ford visitor one day this woek.
Mrs. W. E. Holdridgo, accompanied
by her two childreu, haB been visiting
Mrs. Louis Buiidy, of Medford.
Mrs. Laura Bradley wnB up from
Portland this week, nttondiug to
business matters and visiting friends.
MisB Uoulah Waruor left Wednes
day for Berkeley, Calif., to resume her
studies at the California University.
Koy Staoey, who has been In regu
lar attendance at our school for tho
past quarter, returned to Beagle Sun
P. E. Payne returned Friday even
ing from California points, whore
he haB boon for the past several
Mrs. G. W. Stacey and family, of
Bcaglo, were in Medford Saturday,
visiting her eon, A. D. Houston, and
J. D. Heard returned Sunday night
from a trip to Portland, to visit his
family. He left Monday morning for
the Steve's lurk mines. . :
Mrs. K. R. Johnston, who haB been
Bpendlng the past few months in Oak
land, Calif., returned to Medford this
week; to look after some business
matters. " " ' '
Mrs. John S. Orth, of Jacksonville,
8 a Medford visitor Wednesdnv.
having come dowii from the county
seat to meet Mrs. Emma Dorris
Thompson, of Eugene.
Win. Godfrey, of Beaglo, accompa
nied ny Airs. Wilfred Gardiner,
Asbestos, is iu .Medford. The lutt.
ie in search of Mr. Gardiner, whose
whereaboute is unknown.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cox return
ed batuxday from an extended trip
in the East They -visited the St.
Louis fair and relatives in Indiana,
mwtt, xeuuessee anu oroer states, go
ing by way of the Northern Paciflo
and returning via . the southern
j. Miller and wife, . formerlv of
Oaney, Ind. Ter., arrived in Medford
thiB week and will probably locate in
this oity. Mr. Miller expeots his
partner to arrvie in a few days and
then he will be able to determine
what his future movements will be.
Mr. Miller wae engaged in mercantile
pursuits in the south and will likelv
follow the same line there if an open
ing presents itself.
Esute ot H Blmore, deceaed
Notice In hereby given that the undftMlgned
bap on appointed by the Oountv Court ol
JwkwnCVunir.OreKun, admiiiiatrntorol the
estate of H. W. Klmore. deceased. All person
having claims agalnvt lhe estate ol aald de
ceased ar r.ereby notified to preu'ent the aamr
duly verified uccoidliig to law attbe office of
Gut Newbury at JacliBonYille, Oregon within
blj months from the date of thii notice.
Jaiuarylfith. 1905.
C. H. BUfOM.
Administrator ot the eBtate of H. W. Zlmore.
Qua Mewlury, attnreey for administrator.
a Leiisn
fh War She Gave Jamea
, In Table Etiquette.
They were an engaged young couple
ind were having; a (julet dinner while
the band played alluring music. The
rirl was sweet and reliucd looking and
the man big and strong. Her mauuers
were perfect, but his left much to be
tlesired as fur as etiquette is concern
ed. After they hud finished their meal j
an interested observer noticed -that the .
big, wholesome man placed his knife
find fork like tlte crossboues under the '
ikiill. With a blush the girl, Whose !
own Implements were placed correctly
side by side, noticed the break.
"James," she said, with nuick tact,
looking all arouud among the tables,
"did you ever notice that men and wo
men eut differently? When a man fin
ishes n meal he ulwayB places his knife
and fork across each other, while a
woman Invariably places them side by
side. It's funny, but I've often noticed
if: . ' , l !
"Which is correct?" anxiously ques
tioned her fiance while he gingerly
toyed with the objects of comment
"Why, placing them side by side,
dear, of course," she said. "But, then,
men nre so busy that I suppose they
have no time for such details." And
then she became interested in the band
leader, while the erring James slyly
adjusted Mb knife and fork aecordlng
to regulations.
"There's a woman who la going to
menage tier husband without letting
him know It," observed a sweet old la
dy who had overheard. "It all de
pends upon the way you do It whether
you can get a man to come round."
Philadelphia Record. ,
Settle pp Notice. J
I have this day purchased the inter
est of G. H. Haskins in the flrmi of
G. H. Haskins k Son, druggists.
All persona indebted to said firm
of G. H. Haskins gou.are requested
to call and eettlo their accounts at
Dated at Medford
3, 1005.
Advertised Letter List.
Follnwiuv 1H l. lint nf I.K... KUM.tHn nn
ealled tor at the Bedford postofflce OD Jan
uary IB 1904. 4,
Ensby, MrOoo Hachctt. Prert
Hamilton, MrB Marey Jacobs, Mr L J
Ma. kej, A P VanbaidtDbitrg E P
A ebarfffl of on annt will hMmtnA u.u.n t&-
II very of eaob of the above letters
Persons railing lor anyof tbe above ietun
will please say " Advertiefctl."
' A. M. WOODiORD, Honunaster
Oregou, January
The finest stock of holiday
goods ever in Medford. Call
and see them
Diamonds, Wctches,
Clocks, Jewelry,
Optical Goods
Silver and Silver
Plated Ware
Musical Instruments,
Cut Glass, Statuary
Notions, Etc.
The Leading Jeweler andOptioian
Tor Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Hats Always Bought
Signature of