The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, January 20, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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Started Monday, Jan. 16 and Continues to Feb 1.
Our Seductions are all Genuine. No Price Juggling Here.
Radical Clearance Prices in Every Line. ,
Men's Suits Reduced
Men's cheviot Suits in brown and
b'ack roixtur-s t 7.75
Men's $15 brown and grey sack
suits 11-25
Men's 18 Suits 12 50
Boys' 7.50 Suits 5 25
.Men's regular $3 00 heavy worsted
Pants 225
Men'B 12.50 mixed Pants 1.85
25o and 35c Suspenders . . . '. i.. :. . r .19
Prices Cut in $1.50 and ':
$1.00 Shirts
Fine 11.50 Shirts in light and dark '.
co'ors (the famous Cluett brand). '.' 1.10
Every 11.00 Shirt during: this -
sale v .85
Men's 50o heavy fleeced. Under-.
wear during this sale . . . . -. .43
! Meii's regular ll.OO woolen Under.
; iwear. .89
Tumble in Shoe Prices
Ladies' retuUr $3.50 heavy solid Don- -' .
gola with patent tip $3.95
Ladies' regular $3,50 hand turn with'
plain or patent tip - ,'. 2.95
Men's $4.00 box calf Blucher Shoe with
viscolized soles 3.10
Men's $5.00 cushion soled Shoe (box
calf and kid)...... ..... 4 00
Men's $2.00 satin calf Shoes with and ,,
without toe cap. .. ; 1.59
Every pair . Misses' and Childs'. Shoes re
' duced 10c per pair.
Every pair Boys' and Youths' Shoes re
duced 10c per pa'n. , . .
Crush in Hat Prices
Any style in regular $2.50 Hats. . . . $1.95
Any style in regular $2.00 Hats 1.55
Any style in regular $1.50 Hajs $1.20
Regular $1 00 Men's and Buys' crushers. .79
J H4 Butler, Funeral I M'B80S E"li Uaiinyaw and MaudMo-
uiif-h Harffflrri Keever, who attended the joint in-
Director, with Meajora 8tallation of the Brother-
Furniture CO., tlOUSe- hood at Ashland last Friday night,
furnishers and . Under- met. with an accident on their way
takers. Day 'PhOne jhome, which might have resulted ser
Maln 353 Niht Phone I iously. The night was extremely dark
Main 1 15
and there were no lights on the car
riage. When the party reached the
vicinity of the Anderson mines the
tAAm lnft the road on a aide hill and
the vehicle was overturned. All es-! Mr,
caped injary except Miss McKeever
and she waa caught partly underneath
the balance of the party and the top
of the snrry. She sustained a badly
sprained wrist and several bruises
about the face and body.. Fortuuate-
jly the team didn't run. The vehicle
was pretty badly demolished, but the
young people were able to come home
in it,after temporary repairs had been
Marion Corelli, palmist, clairvoy
ant and trance medium. Tells past,
present and future. Don't fail to
consult her. Oet a picture of your
future husband or wife. Room 5,
A. joint installation of officers of
Banner Lodge 135 ot the Fraternal
Brotherhood of Medford and Mistletoe
Lodge 149 of Ashland waa held at
Ashland Friday evening, January
13th. the officers and members of
Banner Lodge attending in a body.
Lodge was called to order by H. A.
Frenua, president, and the Medtord
drill team had the honor dl seating
the officers. After opening ceremoniea
and initiation of candidates, followed
the installation of officers conducted
lit. thn Hrill tanm nf Mistletoe Iodize.
Lodffe closed in due form, after over tho postoffloo.
which a bountiful supper was served t Married On Thursday evening,
and the remainder of the evening was! jmmnry 12th, a fow friends of tho
speuc in games aud dancing. The bride and groom gathered in the par
Mistletoe lodge, of Ashland, iuitiatod,,-ior f the home of J. S. Morgau on
thirty-three candidates during the j) street and witnessed the ceremony
mon'-h of December, while Banner that united In the bonds of wedlock
Lodge initiated nineteen. J. F. Cook aud Miss May Bailey.
A nmnnlete line of clocks at El- The bride, a lovely young lady, raised
in Jackson county, was
Hockenyos, Koy Surran and . attired in a pearl white
We now Have the
Best grade of Utah
alfalfa seed, j Our
stock of : Garden
seeds is fresh, com
plete and of the best
oillian gown, trimmed with orange
blossoms. J. R. Cook and Miss
Martha Wilson served as attendants,
while Rev. II. C. Brown performed
the ceremony. Many friends of the
young couple who have grown up In
our jiidst will join with those who
were witnesses of the ceremony, in
wishing- them a happy life. Mr. and
Mrs. Cook will keep house with Mr.
and Mrs. Morgan until spring, when
Cook will build.
For Sale Purn iture for three
rooms for light housekeeping. Ad
dress, lock box 72, Medford, Oregon.
The members of. Olive Rebekah
lodge held one of their delightful
social functions Tuesday evening. A
literary and musical program had been
arranged, the rendition of which was
highly appreciated by all. The pro
gram consisted of : Reading by Kae
Phlpps; vocal solo by Gertrude Wil
son, quartette by .Misses Eifert, Mo'
dames W. Bodge and Clarence Hafor
instrumental solo by Mrs. Bodge
recitation by Jessie Eifr rL ; guitai
and banjo duet by H. Withiugton
and W. J. Mahonoy; instrumental
solo by Hazel Davis; voch! solo by
Cliirenco Meeker; vocal solo by Mrs.
Hafor; vocal solo by H. Withiugton
An illustrated song contest was in
augurated, the contestants being re
(j uired to draw an illustration convey
iug the idea of tho -title cf a popular
song. Miss Lulu Hurtzell wou first
prize with a vivid and realistic pict
ure of "In tho Moonlight." Louis
Warner illustrated "The Man Bo
hind" In a way that left him in
class by himself for tho consolation
prize. The luncheon, was of course,
all that could be dosired. Tho com
mittee in charge as composed of
Mesdames Potto nger, Van Dyke,
Schermerhorn, Miss Prue and Katie
Angle, Chas. King and H. N. Marcy.
Mrs. E. E. Corp, t acher of rouMc.
MatQ system. Children taught in
dividually or In clasBea. Mid ford,
One of the most enjoyable sur
prise parties of the Beason was at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Denton Fri
day evening, when about fifty of
their friends called upon them. The
evening was spent in social chat, mu
sic and games, titter which refresh
ments were served and all too soon
we were rominfel that it was high
time to bid these good people adieu
and all reluctantly said good-night,
wishing that it might be their pleas
ure to spend many more suc.'i delight
ful evouings with such hospitable peo
ple. 4
Wanted A position in a morran
tile f-gtsibliflhmant by sak-rinmn of rive
yeurV e.Tjmrience. Kor furUmr in for
niHtimi call at Mail office. Ketcreuctm
The Western Baking company,
through Itn traveling representative,
J. D. Klntcher, has been prese.tting
some of Us friends aud patroea in
Mdford with acer ptuhle souvenirs of
the s mm n, in the h pe of good-sized
boxes of tho assorted products of the
oompauy cakes of various kinds.
Messrs. Larrabee, Reed aud Fletcher,
well .k no wit In this city, are among
the prluolpal stockholders of the eon-corn.
Have you oought that wedding
ring? Elwood has a fine line.
The White-Trowbridge real es
tate agency teports the following
sales: J. C. Smith to Frank Upton,
200 aores, being part of the Watson
lands near Central Point, for a con
sideration of 812,500. Eleven aores
from Thos. Taylor k Son's in the
orchard home tract, west of Medford,
to W. A. Pointer, consideration
91250. Eight aores on Orlffln creek
from White & Trowbridge to MrTKos-
sell, 11050. Lota 9 and 10, block
ParklM to Medford toW. ATFoin
er, $2000. Lots 5, 6""j suTTjFarl
ad. to Medford! from Jrp."&rr to J
C. Smith.' ' 91600. These sales total
918,000 for the week. t&EJjE2i
Parties having Jersey eovsftor
sale les or write K. H. Movers. C do x
w, oieaiora, uregoo.
E. C. Pomeroy and sod, William,
of Rogne river, were in the city Wed
nesday with as fine a load of fat
hogs as were ever weighed in the olty.
which were consigned to J. W
Wiley. Mr. Pomeroy informs ui
there is much talk of a county bridge
being, built .across Rogue river at
the old Jackson place. The Eagle
Point an4 the northern section of the
county heartily approve of this long-
delayed and much -needed bridge,
which would open ap a large stretch
of country and accommodate a big
travel. 1
Carrots for sale at 96 per ton at
I. X. L. garden ranoh, one mile south
or fnoenix, uregon. jonn r. kod
erts, 2-4t.
On Monday of this week T. B.
Goodpasture sold twenty-eight acres
of land near Phoenix, being the prop
erty he purchased from Ira Wake
field something over a year ago, to
James Allen, who recently arrived
here from northeastern Washington,
for the sum of 9G000. Althongh a
small tract it lies in the richest part
of the Bear creek bottom and usually
paya a good interest on the sum paid
for it.
First-class interior deooratlng and
paper hanging. wor guaranteed,
Korr & Shearer. 3 2m.
Chrysanthemum Circle, No. 84,
Women of Woodcraft, Installed otfl
cere for the ensuing term Tuesday
evening, Mrs. M. J. Fletcher being
the installing officer. The following
officers were installed: Ada Mills,
P. G. ; Maud Wilson, G ;. Maud Mc
Keever. Adv. ; Ella Perry, attendant ;
Prue Angle, clerk ; Kate Wait, magic-1
ian ; Clara Barksdull, I. and O. G. ;
Ina Morey, musician ; Anna Eads,
C. of G. ; Ella Perry.'M.
I have for sale 1000 Newton and
Spitzenberg apple trees, about one
nail oi eacn. xoe trees are iroiu iour
to six feet and should sell readily.
W. T. YORK,- ( 2-tf,
E.J. Carpenter's ''Little Oul-
casf'played to a small house at Wil
son's opera house Saturday night. It
was not the fault of the play or the
company, however. Both were good,
the company as a whole being excep
tionally well balanced ; but the dull
season of the year is at hand, and
people are resting up after the holi
days. Beeaon & Huger, Talent Nursery
men, are prepared to tiii ui-durs for
fruit trees in any quantity, for com met
clal orunards. tf.
Miss Zola White was surprised
Friday evening last by a number of
her young friends. The young lady
was completely surprised, when on
coining home from an afternoon's
visit she found the house filled with a
merry compuuy. Uames, music, etc,
were enjoyed by the young folks and
palatable refreshments were served.
Blue prints of township mups.
showing all vacant land, fifty uantf
each. Fur reliable information con
cerning Government land write to
Frank E. Alley, Abstractor, Rone burg,
U. Grimes this week rocoivod tho
intelligence of the death of his sis
ter, Mrs. Mary Mix, which occurred
at Moscow, Idaho. Mrs. Mix was
the mothor of twelve children and whb
tho only surviving sister of Mr.
Grimes. Her husband, who survives
her, was a cadt'dn in the union army
during tho civil war and did notable
Sewing much 1 no, for sale at resi
dence of F. W. Gaines, two blocks
west and one-half south of school
house. Lucky person gets it for $-'10.
W. N. Hnowden, of Los Angeles,
Calif., of the Arm of Snowden & Slin
gert, dealers in horses, is in Medford
for the purpose of buying horses. The
firm bought a fot of horses in the
vulley last year aud are now after
more. Mr. Hnowden is accompanied
by Dave King, of Ashland.
See Dr. Goblo when yon need
yunr eyes examinodund glase fitted.
Hi oitiei id at Butler's jovol.y store.
Ottice Ouys, Friday and butuMuy ot
CfK'tl VMJI'k.
"Over NiHtinra Folia" whk present
ed at Wilson's opera hoiit VVimIih s
day evening. The play was here b
your ago and guvtj guod sn tiHfnctin .
As a scenic production it is u v-.ry
j good, and coni'I-ring the a mull mzo
I of tho stage, well pu. o .
Iowa Lumber (& Box Co
Weeks & Baker
E. W. Carder, Wm. Shoulta, Row
land Smith, Sam'l Rionardson, J. D.
Huchunuu and Mra. Julia Miles loft
Saturday eroding for Portland whithor
thoy havo been summoned aa wit
nesses bofore tho l''odoral grand jury
in tho Millor-Kiiicurt laud casos.
Wanted Mail and wife to work
on ranch. Apply to U It. Kay, Tolo,
Tho Nash bar now lias a now cash
rogistor of tho most up-to-date pattern.
It will record anything concerning
tho buslnoss, excopt tho time of day
and the condition of the woathor, and
could, porhaps, be made to do that-
W. P. Dodge.
'Phone '24 4
A. li. Greenland last wook sold "
to O. H. P. Vories, who recently ar
rived from Missouri, two lota in block
48, in South Medford, the considera
tion being t290. Mr. Vories has al
ready commenced the construction
of a resideuce upon the property.
i Shearer & Sinylle, General dray
log. Household moving. All kindi of.
S The foundation is being inid thi
week for J. A. Porry't new rosldeuco
on West Seventh street, just opposite
the school bouse When it is com
pleted Mr. Perry will have as hand
some and convenient a rosldeuco aa
there la lu the city,
Wantod Itida for digging lioloa
for power line poles between Tolo and
Cirauts Pass. Address, Dr. C. U.
ltay, Tolo. 5:i-tf.
A. J. Stowart this week sold to
W. P. Woods, of lronton, Wisconsin,
a lot In West Medford, adjoining J.
R. Wilson's proporty, tho considera
tion being $2T0.
Dod'i forget to notice B. N. iiut
er's display window. It will iiiimesli
Mrs. Laura Bradley this wook sold
to Thos. Taylor & Sons hor lands just
north of Medford. Thoie are 121
acres in .tho tract aud the purcliaso
prico was 910,5UO. The uslu wus uudo
through tho agency of M. K McCo'wu.
Soe Klwood'a lino of cut glassj
Wo are now in line to fill your Seed Orders.
Of all kinds in packages and bulk ; also a high grade of
Gall and inspect our stock before purchasing.
Up-To-J)ato Grocers