siUye AMERICAN" CUT CLASS(Trade Mark)HIGHEST QUALITY Wa A LITTLE OF The light ngniiiBt tho oigurotto Is still waning. Tboy are boiug burut all overjthe world. Don't patrionze home Industry. It might make your town appear prosperous and livoly. ' A curious oaso that of a Portland man lining suod for dlvoroe. The wifo alleges that once a month he la ftabjectto spoils whou he ill treats jhor. M. Sidlny and wifo moved to Jack sonville lust wook, for the purpose of wilding their two youngest daugh ftarg, Jullu and llolon, to St. Mury's .Aottdomy. Sourotury Toft and his party sailod til 21st on tho oruiser Dolphin for IReJutnoola, whoro the secretary will Itrnnsfor to tho oruisor Columbia, both -w&iwuls .going theuoo to Pnnamn. , Sonutor Dopow, of New York, is Xirauticalb ussurod of ro-eloution to Jtho United States senate. Oororuor Odoll lias said bo Svould not be a can didate or'tiHce any part in any way asgnlnflt Dopow. The big Grizzly -Uiaut redwood in California has a diameter of 85 feet. 5Cwo suoh trees placed side by side across an averago stroet would fill it ITroui fence to feuce and into the lot monrly four foot. At the murdor trial of Nan Patter- ' " son, iu -New York, tho skeleton of the i i victim, Caesar Young, was produoed, 1m he purpose of showing to the jury o ttio-uxaot.' range of the bullot that ' joaused bis death. ft may seem rather late in the day 1 to express our sympathy for Adam, . liut.veoaa't help being sorry as we thirdl how herd It was for him to euk borne quietly at this Imo of jyn r, when the loaves are dry and fpra s'nn ' telephone subscribers t'malnra ' papor for the purpose of WTfireftik '8 tbolr opinions of tho hello h xtrls," nu "" otbor matteis. To ob ' tain 'pof'tfc ""y uublasod articles, wo 1 Jiopo' MioA !tor rofraina from having a ilphoniiiiiH ia oU1"8' '! Tht tolognra. ' oy Kussia has pur tfebasod 5,0IK;uffc ' pounds of propaied .Prwef In Cb., Tho moro figures 9o not Hatlsfy .'be mind. Lot ub vMiurjdnto. It ia big boot that will ftriMss M0 pounds, .it will take 7000 umcli cuttle ito 1111 tlmt BushIuu ordor. IfypTIOlS Tlavelxteti suffering from Impure Blood for mnny years, haviug Boils and othei Eruptions. Haviug heard of S. S. S. I de . eidcdtti try it, nud am glnd to say that it lias done me a great deal of good. lintend tfo continue to use it, as I believe it to be tthe best Blood Medicine on the market. CleveUuwVTctiu. W. K. Dirrims. 'For over fifteen yoars I have stiff ereO smore or tea from Impure Mood. About yenr ago I had a bull appear on my leg itelow the. knee, which was followed by t -xfaree more on my ueck. I saw S. S. 8. : advertised and decided to try It. After .taking three bottle -" ?;ib disuppearc l -cauid I navo'.not been troubled any since. Gun. O. I-'krTio, ucn4 W. Jefferson 8t- Louisville, Ky. .. , Newark, Ohio, Mav aj, 1003. Prom childhood I had been bothered -with hd blood, skin eruptions and boils. M had boils ranging from five to twenty In number each season. The burning ac icompanytag the eruption was terrible. 36. S. S. seamed to be just the medicine beetled In my case. It drove out all impu nities and bad blood, giving me peruia meat relief from the skin eruption and abo'tla. This has tieen ten years ago, and 1 Shave never had a return of the disease. MBS. I. D. ATBKRTON. Write tor out book on Wood and skin diseases. Mediaal adWce or any special In- formation abont yoarr ease wttl oust jo nothing. TXkt Swift pwm Attairta, fav There is nothing more suitable for a Christmas present than a piece of CUT GLASS There is no better grade than "The Haviland China has also made many house wives happy rner (S Keutuok Is dry for once. There has boon virtually no raiu since the first wook iu July and tho country is dry us tiudor. Ponds, creeks and wells huve gone dry and every cure is being tnkon to prevont fires getting started, even forests boiug patrolled through four of Ore. Thirteen deaths resulted from font ball this season. The casualty list is the same as last year, but the number fo sorlous injuries during the season just closed will exceed that of any yoars since tho introduction of the modern oollege sport. The players injured number 200. One of those stories that can only bo invontod by a geniua is told by the London Chronicle about tho compos ers Sir Alexander MacKenlze and the lute Sir Arthur Sullivan. Sir Arthur wanted to diroot his fellow-musician to a bouso of whlob he had forgotten tho number, so ho told Sir Aloxandor that the doorsorappor was in E-fiat and that worthy kicked every soraper iu tho stroot uutil he came to the right ono. J'Vom Chioago oomoB the good but not unexpected nows that with settled political oondttons as a basis for flnanc'a' confidence and harmony in all othor elements thut make for pros perity, tho railroads of the country are oxperienoing a groat revival of trado, dovoloplng when the election of President Roosevelt was a foregone conclusion, and since that time it has so grown that the traiflo now is expected to smash all records. Toatber Wbat do you mean, Willie Emerson Boaneby, that a battleship j ia a rowboatT" William Emerson Beansby--"You will pardon my say ing that ' you both misooastrue my meaning and mispronounce my words. In this instanoe tha word i r-o-w that ia found in Mcow,'r Fol lowing thla direction and adopting: my hypothesis, yon will readily dis cover that I am right in my tnnda-- montal postulate." Baltimore Amer ican. Mothers' Be Careeul of the health of your children. Look nut for coughs, colde, oroup and w&oop- tni? eongh. Htop them 10 time une Minute Cough Onrris the best remedy. Harmless and pleasaot. aold oy Ubae, Strang. Real Estate Transfers. O W T.nwlB at si to 0 II (.owls and J D ' 'Iwwll, nroporty In tp.-Vr $ II J Itunmn to J A Moduli, lot 27 bit 1 K It ililil til Anhlaml 1 M' 1 W S 1' II .niuburs lu 11 H Darsoburu. sec fi l !W I 0 l0 iion 1000 00- J ' WllllniiH to W M WllllMH,Dell tp 3d -I .... . . . 800 M- J n lloyet nx t-i KiiKono Tibbotts, pon- looo oo! Kukciio 'ritibet s Hi Joint R'illy, lot 10 n 1 4 or ioi .isi. i-rncnts nun to .uMtinnu. . awo uo iiKi-tt Tlbbuts to (1 IS !jrva. lnd Iu i in an l o 600 oo i K a un m nx to It L Darllttir, lot 11 li k -7(lol.t Mill ISO 00' T K -ittilh Qt tlx tu Snritb Kason;T t S.17 noro.-i -400 00- Jullu i.'leu.cnuot tlx torn Ray, e Vs tVobb totl F Amnions nanrtz rintni In si'i'S tpl3tv 150 00 r it tiicKOVot ux ton tl t'litinin!, n v r-ir D i. C nn ol tn 30 8 r 1 o ucros. . 10 00 -100 00 900 00 -179 00 S II WllllitutH to Curlln It Moan tp r) s ri I .Inn llrnilln to J n(lr!hinn. w oti wW ot h o ti sou 2 tp Hfl s r 1 o HC R It Co to Jits llrailon. w Kot lirll of ft o M soo -J6 tp 80 3 w Bwsre of C ountertelta. DitWItt's is the only unnulno Witch IIkioI Salve" writes J. L. Tuoker, ol Centre, Ala. "I have used It in my family for Piles, Cuts, and burns for veers and cau reoommend' It to be the- bost salve on the market. Every family should keep It, as It is an in valuable household remedy, and should! always he kept on hand for immediate toe. Mrs. Samuel Gage, of NoMh Bush, N. Y says: 1 bad a lever sera on my ankle for twelve years that the doctors could not cure. All sal vea and blood remedies proved worthies I could not walk for over two years. Finally I was persuaded to try Uo Witts Wlten Basel Salve, which has enm nlulelvoured me. It ia a wonderful roliel.1' DeWltt's Witch Haul Salve cures without leaving a scar. Bold by Ohas. Strang. A COUNT AND A PRINCC DEAD. Vienna, Dee. 8. The Rnsslan am bsMador, Count Peter Kapnlst, died at 1 o'aloek yesterday alter noon from an apofUettc stroha. IfBTDOh, Doe. SPrinos rNdertck I BDbeno)hrn, a nraiirbex of the non Mrsln( Btgmarhursn bstnah of the atMflr, and a yonnf brother at Hlnji Uoatrss at RmniMHta. ts dead. OAMTOTII a.. Btaaate lhe Hind tt But lwnl taeH Davis WANTtD . ijiuci,i TO SETTLE THE STRIKE Union Men of Carnw'e Mills Seek Aid From the Exesut've. Washington. Dec. 3. Preside1 Roosevelt yesterday informed a dale gatlon representing the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin- plate Workers that he saw no way by which he properly or legally could In terfere to bring about a settlement ol the strike of the union employes ol the Carnegie Steel oompany ol Youngstown and Girard, Ohio. U di rectly lnrclvoj about 700 men at toungetown and 200 at Girard. Sev- eral hundred others have been thrown out of employment by the strike ol the Iron men. President Shaffer of tho A maid gamato was requested by tho striking mon to lay the matter before the pres ident In tho hope that he might be able to suggest a means of adjustment Mr.' Shatter was presented to the pres ident ya-,trday b.y Representative elect Aubrey Thomas of Ohio, whe also introduced to the president Doric Evans, organizer of the Amalgamated association. The settlement was discussed in detail, the president expressing his regret that the difference! between the mon and employing company ap parently were not susceptible of ami cable adjustment. He said, however, that he had no authority which would warrant him to Interfere In the trou ble, glad as he would be to see a set tlement of the strike. Mr. Shaffci and Air. By ana ' expressed apprecia tion of President Roosevelt's Interest, thongh tbey regretted that he was un aMe to aeatst them. They said they understood the president's position and had no way to suggest to him to help them. RECTOR OF ST LUKE'S. Aahbwnbam, Ontario-, T entities to Um Qood Qualities or Chora ber- lala'e bough Remedy. I Ashburnham. Ont.. Anrll 18. 1903. I think it ia only rieht that I should tell you wbata wondeful effeot Cham berlain's Cough Remedy has-prod need. The day before EaBter was no distress' ed with scold and couge that I did not think to be able to take any duties the next day, as my voice was almost obek ed by tbe cough. - The same day I re ceived as order from you lor a bottle of your cough remedy. I at onoe pro. dnced a small bottle and took about three doses of the medicine. To pry great relief tbe eough and cold had completely disappeared and D was ab.e to preach three times ou Tweeter Day. I know. thai this rapid and effective oure was due to your Cough- Remedy. I make this testimonial without solici tation, heiDir thankful to nave found snob a Godsend remedy Respectfully yours. E. A. Lanofeldt; M.. A. Hector of St. Luke's Church. To Chamberlain Medicine Co. This remedy is for sale by Chaa. Straag RESUMES PAYING DEPOSITORS. BuUalo, N. Y., Dec. 3. The German Ainortcfin bank, on which a run began y.usteruay, oponcil its door3 us usual ut 9 o'clock, today. At 10 o'clock there were about twenty withdrawing de positors tn Hue. All were being paid promptly. Vice President Schilling said there v. as uo doubt whatever of the bank's ability to withstand t&y cuu, but he did not anticipate that more than a few thousand dollars would tm withdrawn. President Emery stated that the German-American bank had about J800.000 in available currency and within twenxy-four hours could have lf.600.000. toughing' Spell Caused Death. "Hairy Duokwelk, aged 2& years, choked to deatb oaaiy yesterday morn tnii at his home, in the presence of his wile and child. He oontrscted a slight cold a few days ago and paid but little atteatlon to tt. Yesterday morn ing be was seised with a fit of coughing which continued ior some time. His wile sent lor a physloian but before he oouia arrive, aootner coughing spelt came on and Duekwell died from auffo oatlun. 8t. Louis Globe Democrat. Deo. 1, 1901." Ballard's Horehonnd Syrup would have saved him. 26o, '"'' ', tl.00 per bottle at Strang's drug store. j fwOVEMENT OF THE FLEET. t HI and of Patlm. Strait of BabM. Mantles, Dec s. Pour Rtrestan. war as si 1 1 Perlm at I o'elcck yw !eT aaatalaB, isnteir semthwnrd. TasaHsa. a. Is-.Ths Rndstm anr WsW natil Man. mrmerty t-i sspaMft nsa r Sfce tfrrio sn-t bssti u) mm hav arrtrsd ham sad strs When you want a pleasant purgative try Chambo'laln't Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are east to take and prodnoe no nnnsen, jrrlitlrs or ctbr rltacreeahleeffevt. For sale bj Chai S 'ao(f. TRY TO REGAIN METER HILL. Russians Will Make Last Stand Be tween Llaotl and Mantao. Toklo, Dec. 3. It Is reported here that the Russians have attempted tc retake Meter Hill. They S3somb!ed a t-trong force and assaulted the posi tion, but were repulsed with heavy loss, ' Tho Japanese, finding sailors anions the Russian dead, believe that If men from tho fleet are being employed In making sorties, the complement of the force must be falling short. The fact that the Russians are forti fying the positions available between Llaotl and Mantao mountains In creases the boiler that they will make their last stand there. Imperial headquarters makes the an nouncement that seventeen officers have been killed and sixty-four wound ed in the field, but does not mention the place. ' It Is presumed that It was at Port Arthur. The details of tho attacks of the 9wordsmen at Port Arthur are nu known here, and a difference of opin ion exists as to whether any of the attacking parties were armed exclu sively with swords. Possibly many of tbe soldiers carried swords in addi tion to their bayonets, for the Japan ese retain much ancient respect for .'ho svord and continue training with It, despite the opposition of the officers of tbe nower school. Tho resulta of this sword attack wore evidently negative. The wounded leg of General Naka mura has be-in amputated. The party under General Saito re tired and did not press the attack. Mukden, Dec. 3. Continuous under ground works hnvo been constructed In the vicinity of Slnchlnpu, two miles west of the Shakbe railroad station, enabling the Itusslans to pass from post to post unieen and In safety. At the village of Tsele the lines are so close that the voices of the Japan ese can bo heard In the Russian trenches. General Rennenkamnffs troops are fieMlng with slightly increased ac tivity. Revolution Imminent. A sure sign of approaching revolt and serious trouble In your system is ner vousness sleeplessness, or stomach up sets. Electric Bitters will quickly dis member the troublesom cause. It never fails to tone the'stomach, regu late the kidneys and bowels, stimulate the liver and clarify the blood. Run down systems benefit particulary and all the usual attending aohes vanish under us searohlng: and thorough effectiveness. Electric bitters are only 60o, and that Is returned if it don't give perfect satisfaction. Guaranteed by Chsa. Strang, druggist LOOKS BAD FOR SHH SUS8IOV. New York, Dec. J. There be no ships absldy 'lqgJsUtson tn tb present coo-is. TMs As bees decided by the EeDUJjtcan leaOan of tbe houM. and XhKeW4ijo oaoteaatooef' oom mlastoaf, which ban been oooBluerlns ins question ox me sMntisat mhrlnOi may report, the question Is sssaed so far as, tha Immediate . fattm Is con- iracd. The deficit In tho bessurr has settled the matter for tbe coming session. Tha will be' tbe great and lmoat the only argsment meg bgr the opponents of subsidy. The excess of expenditures over receipts for the fiscal year of nearly f 30,000,000 wlTl ifce constantly held dp br eoononnste, and. the sfiltNiubidy scheifle Is tie flnrt to feel its alTecis. I was much afflctewith sciatica,"" writes Ed. C. Nad, Iowovllle, &; re wick Co , Khiw, "going abwt on crutches and fluffier irnr a deal of puln. I was in- ilooed tn try Ba I lord 'a Urnovr Llnlmeat, whtoh rellered me. I ewed three 50c. bottles. It is tbe greatest liniment I ever used, bare recommended it to a number of persons; all esprtae them delve;) us bahix benefited1 hy it 1 now walk without crutnbee, able to perforin ii erPHt "eal ol light labor on the farm."" 2oc, 50 1, 1.00 at Chris. fctranp'B. Makoa Kldooya and Bladder Right Have you oought that wedding riug? Cltvood has a tine line. ELECTRIG Be asp to date aaatl aae ttae Great Modern Improve meaat Klectrlc Light. We will carry a comolete line ol Eleotrloal Fixtures, do House Wiring, Bell and Aonunotator work, Dynamo and Motor Setting, Electric Sign work aud Electrical Repair ' work,.,,, MYERS & RIED, Electricians Phosae Mo.. MtCDrOaXO, laat'' sWeWat'!uVWs'J avtvvavsasasavayvjvaaJ Ac aSSs,Ss.XN.SN,Tx.7S,F;F"aaay aa-. CHRISTflAS Silverwiare Carving Sets Cutlery S H. a. NICHOLSON. AGED STOREKEEPER ROBBtU. Visitor Also Made to Disgorge His Valuables. Chico, Dec. 3. Constable Hlndmnn of this city has been notlflod that one of tho boldest robberies which has oc curred In Butte county for many years has taken piace at what Is known as the 'Ten-nilio house. Two men entered 012. Sy'l strJ conducted by John Holieuiieek,' a hintf pver 70 yours oi age, and held him up at tho point of a revolver. They secured eight $5 pieces and SO in small silver. Then they tied the old man and la J him on the floor and told him the were going to bitch up his horse ar.4 buggy and drive to Chico. They told him not to worry, and that he wouul And his horse and buggy at the Chico livery stable. While in the barn, hitching the horse to tho bugy, James GarlanJ. drove up. He was also held up at th:. polnt of a revolver and relieved of He was then taken to the house anu also tied and laid on the floor. The two men took bis horse an 5 buggy and started to this city. Gar land managed to wriggle loese and ur. tled the knots that secured Hollei beck. They went to Chico switch, sev eral miles dist?.-t, and telephone ; here for officers. Officer.! started out and Just outsid tbo city limits came upon the norl and wagon In the road. It had bee;, abandoned by the robberB. Tbe en tire country was searched, but no traoe'was found of the criminals. Of Interest to Mothers Thousands of little ones die every year of oroup. MoBt of them could nave been saved by a lew does ol Foley's Honey and Tar, and every family with ohildren should keep it in the house. It contalnes no opiates ane is Bate and Bure. Mrs. George H. Picket, San Francisco, Calif., writes: "My baby bad a dangerouB attack of croup and we tnought she would choke to deatb, but one dose of Foley's Honey and Tar relieved her at once after other remedies had failed. We are never a minute without It in tbe bouse. For Bale at tbe Medford Pharmacy. No Case of Pneumonia on Record. We do not know of a Bingle Instance where a cough or cold resuLed iu pneu monia or consumption when Foley's Honey and Tar bad been taken. It cures coughs and colds perfectly, so do not take ohances with some unknown preperatlon which may obtain opiates wbioh causes constipation, a condition that retards recovery from a cold. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse any substitute offered. For sale bj the Medforu Pharmacy. - FOflEefT ASSOCIATION MEETS. Ban Francisco. Doc. 3. The Califor nia Water and Forest association gathered tn convention yesterday at the moms of tbe San Francisco Cham ber of Commerce. The efforts of tho eonventlon will prlnotpaUy be directed to arriving at a coMfta3ion as to what la to be done In the matter of water legislation In this state and a discus sloe of a new forest bill which has been nraiiared by the bureau of agrl endears' S-ofoasor Fortler of th! TSMvanttr of California told of the ex. toasSTO essssrisMats la Irri cation that had beast sanded on under the act ot eke IsajlWatiire. Sour Stomach Me appeals, loss of strength, osmse ess, bsadaahs, oonattpaHoa. bad breath, general debility, sour liaiogs, sad oatstrh af tfakUMn.ah.M.llJ-. l.JI. -.n.....ll..B,HpiHlUUImna HOWX earsslndlfsstloa. This saw discovery raprs SBntsthe natural Juleea of digestion ss Iney eilsr In s healthy stomach, combined with w groaten Known tonic and reoonstructlvs properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does sol only cure Indigestion and dyspepsia, but IhU famous remedy cures all stomach troubles htf ft)tanlna n.,.lf..i . . ' rMxijuiB, awooiaiunf ana strengthening the mucous membranes anlna the stomach. Mr. s. S. Ball, of RiTOnawood. W. Va., Hrtr I " troubled with aour atortuch lor tvaotr raara Kocol curod me aid ara now uUnf hi Klk tor osbr. Kodol Digests What Yon Eat, Bottles only. Ji.oo Slia holdlnitJM rlraai tka trM auo, which sells tor 50 eenta Praparatf by E. o. DaWITT St OO., OMIMM For sale by Chas. Strang On Block Waal of Dasot OREGON PROFESSIONAL CARDS, OI-IVE COOPEfi FKOPEBSIONAL NURSE Phone 561 Mouford, Ot-ceon , S. 13L1T0N, V, B. COMM13S10NEH, DIBTJUOT OF OnEOON Uouietiiuud unil 'llmbur LunU til 1 u tra and PfuotH maae. Ttatituony taUau in Jaud con. 'Jffictj wiih Medford Hull. Medford, Oregon . D. PHIPPS, D. D.S., iffloes Id Adlcint Block, adiotufntr nABirir Drug Store Medford. Oregon , T. JONES, COUMTY SURVEYOR, toy or nil kinds ol Surveying prompt' done TboOouutySurveyoroao give you tbe only legal work. Medford, Oregon h; b. pickel, PHYSICIAN AND blJHCtLVN, Office hours U to 12 a. m. libtl 1 :80 to 8 p.m. i-Ray Laboratory ExnininatlonB $20 to $2b. Office: .KHakin Block. Medford, Or Vawtbh. PreB. B. 5', adkina, V Prei G.R. LINULEY, Casbfer ...CAPITAL, $50,000... IEDPORD, - . , OREGON .oan money on approved security, receive de aosita subject to chock and transaot a genera lanklDR business. Your bunlnesa nolioited.... orrespondentst-Ladd & Bush, Balem. Anglo California Sank, San Branolsco. Ladd Tllton. Portland. Oorbln Banking Co., N. Y SSiilfflF0 f S?l'a Ba"k' """"land Firs ri? nal ankl OW.0"?". and Hanover Nat ional Bank, New York. HL. E. A.NKENT, I.E. ENVABT. ... Ylc" President. W. B. Jaokson, Asst. Cashier President. X. ALFOHD, , Cashier. The fledford Bank Medford. Oregon Capital and Surplus, $55000.00 SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES TO RENT A General Banking Business 1 Transacted TIMBER LAND ACT, JUNE 3, 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Unltod States Land Office, tMburg, Oregon, October 27, ISO. with ,h "D'"7 hitch un to compttaDoe ...... .-y'u.i.iuMB ui ,uo aet oi congress or J.un 8',l'5' ntli. "An act for thS Mli it t6rtSrU,?1.,W'Dibl,1,l", Territory.1' aa ex' AugMt 4vI8Mr - """" IDA E. DAVIS, ... tf.u.u.u, uu,.,j, w rfocxBon, ataie OI Ore gon, ha this day died In this orBoe ner Seotton No. 34, It, roirrrtnip rlo. u South, Bange Ko. 3 East aud will offer proot ' Sow. u,"t ,h" 1U(1 aought la more raltiable, for Its timber or stone than for . ,rr'rr?',,i m esiaoitan ner claim to said land before A. 8, Hilton. C, S. So names as wltnesiet.: ueor'ge P. Kins, , vicguiij uurge King, or uearora. King, or Medford. riii . fi . ' ueroy, Oregon. UWJ . yTiti, oi aioaiora, uregon. Any und alt f eraonB cUlmlng adversely the tbelr clalma in tbla office on or before said 271b; day of January, 1905. 4. . BHiDoia, Register. m 5000 acres of I farming and! ranch lands g Ranches from 40 to 500 acres. Alfalfa Lands, Grain Lands.Qarden Lands, j Fruit Lands and Stock Ranches with unlimited ou tsi de range DR. C.R.RAY, S Tolo. Ore WANTED Bids on 2500 Ce dar Te 1 e g r a p b oles; also bidsoD nstalling poles between Ashland and Grants Pass via Gold Ray. Pri vilege reserved for rejecting any or all bids. For infor mation address Dr. C. R. Ray fTolo, - Orero' DsWttt's V 8atv for raeaj, Eurtij, Boree. County Bank