The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, August 05, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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    V'l v..
A. S.
VuimrillM, '. ' .3'. C. AeClure
"Tomuiy, iIjIh In the fourth time lo
tin dn.vs, and you prouitafd to behuve
II Nell tal jrou I'oini;:"
lint 1 ciiulcln'l ht'lp it thin time, dear.
It Just Hllppetl iiut." Theu, iii whee
tiling tunes, he lidded, "Uesldoa, this In
(lie day for declurutluiiH,"
"Of Indcpeuilfiici;." Interrupted liar
riot rutbleuKl "And your declarutiuu
iiiIIk for ludepelldeiiee. 1 should tin
. dependent upon you for everything-
Hie roof over my headunhe food ou ;.
tahle, the rurhelows m uiy back, even
iUO happiness".
;. "And would It be ho hard, little girl
jlo accept tueuiV Why, 1 have dreamed
, jof, nothing elite for yuan, but giving
f :('U till thaw nntl i-iore. I inn willing
i i, to take my ennuces ot urawing uig uiv
litimh In biipplness"
.vt-'Men are born gamblers," replied
J i :Qiimut, with her big brown eye lined
N tin the Hue where blue water aud
filler Bl(y met In tippling ktaHcri. 'Tom
'. ' $ut tip very Hlraiglili and dug the toe
; ' Jof lita tennis shue viciously Into the
Wtouy walk. ..............
..vt'Of eourse you taking uny
chances lu 'going on the stuge. You
, tut; Koing to be n Htnr inside of a year,
JlHt because the man to wl.oin you've
. ijeu puyiug gooil money says you
. -jo bis most promising pupil"
- 'l think that will do, Tomuiy. I
-Ily didn't kuow 'you could be so
n'rlet had risen and -ivns "dusting
rer linen skirt witli elaborate care.
m4'0U) was on Ills feet lu tin Instant.
'if orglve me, dear, but you cun't uu-
. .'.dtmiaud how I feel when 1 think that
io Jess tliun a short month you will
.... piis out of uiy life, perhaps forever.
- .i .uimi If you do come back that you will
, ; ,Aot be Just the Bame girl, but one lui
- flittered by bard experience. Ilattle.
v do you think any audience will ever
t IlKteii to the music of your voice and
,-. tjtlang on' eivfy'word as I doV Aud the
' ' M ...I I.-. .i in .ii ..... ....
nm, uirj will Mt.v IIIIIIgH mill will
: V viiuit and cut you, and I I won't be
,. ., -table -to puiicli their lirada'ulTI Oil, II
iou onlvjfiiuWi. . '
1 " '"2!3IVu.1ri. AudTTuhik it Is v.-i-.v
I , tNOTid of you to spoil k,v vacation by
ft' ; eying for the moon, for t.'nuij. what
' . J: ou are doing wlien you ask me it
k ,f up my career." V ,
iiurriui swept across the porch and
imo inc uouse. Tout pulled his can fa
.down over his eyes and plunged into
the tangle of laurel which screened the
i bonne ou 'he right. Ho was. perfectly
waro-Uutt he had bungled the mora-,-lait'H
cuuversatlou mid lost the eovetetl
apperluDity Involved lu n long three
. bourn of Harriet's exclusive company.
, illie rest of the house party had gonr
across the lake by boat to participate
In good old fashioned, up state cele-
bration of ludeiiendeuco day, but Har
riet had begged oh on the plea that a,bc
' needed a duy of absolute quiet to get
- - up In u new role. Tom knew better. It
van because she hated tlrocrackers.
-a- cannon and tlreanns generally. He had
... (lulled grimly wheu he heard her ex
. .caw, wondering what (be would do
when ber draniutlc career cast .melo
drama her way.
. Aud Tom had stayed behlml because,
. aa lie Informed .Mrs, Waltou, Harriet's
. raider, a cottage In the heart of the Adl-
. roudacks was no place for a young wo
. ; man to bo ull alone. .Mrs. Walliin knew
'.-.... better also, but she held ber peace. If
. .only 'J'om. would Improve those golden
. Iiiorulng hours! Dear knows, (lie whole
, , family was opposed to this slly notion
or gurnet's. ,. . i
' i Wbilc Tom smoked, aud shied pebbles
at uuotTendiiiH bints and insects llnr
. . liet rat lu her room looking over some
AldiotoaTiHihH which hud arrived In the
I And Th'Mlford'ii Mcknrtntrht
aTOuit mtxlfoltiB far llrnr 1 '(..
It miMd mv (in nftrtr lin ha1 Mivnt
t-h wi wj wiMi icrorr. it ibah memi
Icinu 1 tnk."-MUR. OA' OMNB
MaKTVN, l'rkrbur(f, W. V.
If y(mr livni il(M not net rpp-wltrlj-
p lo your Iniiffjim ami
mum n (me-faiie of Tlitnifonl's
. illnok-Orun; lit and tubt n d(mo
touiyltt, Thlrt Ki'i'ul fumily
. mail tun-frtn-B tht constiprttt-i. '
bowrls. itir up tho torpid liver
L of bile. ; v . -i . ;
Thudfordyj'-WiV - nrmpbt.
Mc kid--.
lUi hlKJ litMi KlUfffU ill . .
j the miiniigcr whose cuiupuny fluj :
to Join fu AtiKUKl for it mud tour, "'hcr
wcre jor"LinJy of Lyons" emit nine '.vol-;
; Hi tilt IllKt 8t'(c I'l'Vfl'W tt(t i.,' n
1 Juliet ami it bond clniidrd in 1 io.
nuy iKMliiiiK of liitlf a dozen i 'Mri!.
lux posi'H. With ii bund thi.t wa.
'linn mid di'U'nntii'.'d aiiv imlor -:! Hu
cnin'.s, . "uui-H fitlllirully. ;: :rru-
WriiiwoMh." Sin- would ph,y . iuio
tiff own naine. There was iioii.iuj; t
bo titthiiwiwl of.
Hint wiis Koliii; to bp very hnjipy. Of
course it would In- liurd at 11 rut. be
cause mime of the fellow players tc
whom she luid boon lulroduccil befon
leaving town were 11 bit plrbflnn. Hu
ull profoHHlons had their dniwbarka
And, at hint bor life of depMiideucr
wotlld be over. .Mr. WUfton Inid hvtv
kind and ber husband even more Uiud
TWy bud not said one word whet
Harriet took I lie lust dollar of her lit
; tie Inherit a nc to pay for a .term
hiltlou at a well advertised draumti
nt'hool. "Indcpendenee!" She bad hunjreiv'
for It ever since nhe could renieiniii"
And now. lu a few brief weeks. !;
would be iniHlrcH:-! of the sltuntlnn
tiulto eupable of taking eare of her
An hour of bard study on the tV.
of Amy eiblnu "who Ih always m.
understfMid." as the playbills woi:i
read, a brief respite at the luuelii:.,,
table, where personalities were ear
fully nvoUUd.. and phe was baek 1.
taei room. I tut somehow she eottV
not. Htudy.' Slie suddenly recall",
that Tom had only two weeks' vjii-j:
lion, that ibis was the biggest hot'
day of the year, und he had giver
lip the jaiinl with other members i:
the bouse party. Why? Ileeuuse slu
wan u fraid to go. .She haled the lone
fide on the water she had always bee;:
ufrald of boating and she bated tin
DoIkc of a country wleDratloa, Am
Tom lovt-d (t all.
'she lay uu brr eouch trying to stiitly.
hut her thoughts reverted unpleasant
ly and persistently to Tom Tom Whc
ha carried her hooks aud her lunch
to si land, who had fought for her and
fetched and earrieil for ber ever since
ahe could remember. But of course
there might be another Tom ou v tin
road. If not well, ber art would coin
fort her.
The room was suddenly shrouded li
gloom, aud from the distance came tin
mutter of thunder. Ah. that was why
she could not study! Kleetriclty In'llu
air ulways unnerved her. It was mere
ly a case of depression.
Hbe clikscd her -window, then passei
rapidly from room to room, closm;.,
door and windows aid busying berseli
In sheer dtspei'allon, for ao eleetrlcn.
storaj in the Adiroudacks Is no tritlim
"auUteJ't !wn came the darkness likt
a miKliV ,,u11, iUH' w"n ',antls t,lll
tretubted he HjO'ted the sitting room
U.M.I.'. Surely Tom would come In a
few moments If he could (hid Ills wa
through the blackness outdoors. A tin si
of lightning played on the window, am'
be. Jerked dowu the shade. With Hp
thunder there boomed another crasbhiv
Bound, and a forest nionurch lay pron
on the lake's edge. Another crash ane
auotber.. with the wind whistling and
howling a .minor aceouipanlmeut to tin
thunder. Harriet lay face downward
on the wicker couch, her bead burled I?
pillows, lu Ihe Inky blackness of Ih'
entry stood Tom. his face grim and set
his arms crossed over bis chest. Sud
denly there came a ,)uuso, one of tbos
awful, portentous "pauses that presa
nu exceptional burst of fury. Ou tl'
omiuous sllence rang a trembling voice
..VTom, where are you? Why don't yot
He reached her side Just as the yet
low blue liht of the bolt seemed to en
velop the entire cottage. When it wa
over Turn was holding a uticon
Bcloits form tight to his heart.
"It's all over, little girl. It was Just i
tree or something that was st'ru'l;
There can't be another crash like (1 a;
Look ut me, dear; It's Tom. I'm Wit!
yUU, ( ,.wi......i.v .(-ir ri,-t
- , '
.Mr. Walton was smoking his posi
praiiolal cigar two nights latei in ft
peaceful frame of mfml on th tldtv
hammock the porch afforded. Ilis wif
was talking in an undertone,'
"Well, thank heavens, llatllt bus glv up for oed. I think- it was tlta.
bit of scandal about the manager'
being divorced and marrying bis lead
ing mun's wife, Such a tanglelU.
"I ilon't believe It was anything of
the sort. It was that storm." .
"Nonsense. How do you know'"
And Mv. Waltou lighted a fresh cigm
und rolled over to watch the ilguivs of
a man ami a lull, slender girl disap
peavlng In ii- iiire-'iiun of the lake.
.; iti t- III, I (t.
Sirs. Mlllus (after the company 1:
goue--.lobnuv. , on shouldn't ha-c ;
en thos; pr.'sc; vcd I'rni'.s, Tln-y w
not Intended in be eaten. Tbev -
pul ou the table lo III up. r
-Johnny Well, tbal's what
used 'eiu for. miinima. (:
' - Ail Hiueptlnii. ;(
Asoum - He's imrtii tilurly hleasitii
wlien yon ki him lit n reinlnlsmt
mood, don't yoti thhtkV
BorrottKlw Not always. He wa It!
Just Httcli a titoutl tin otlior dny ami n-
at led a Ion n of he hml umde to tun
Vh llcttrr Vjr.
"Shu re an' 1 hate to he 1'nvln' ye.
'.Volt, Nora, me ilarllnt, 1 enn't hear
it slperntlon. If we must part lot's go
slthbr." Kansas City Journal.
Women feel when men think," saiti
female with the square chin.
'Ve?." slirhed the mnn who had been
nurried three times; "that's why wen
become bald.M Lyre.
We Musn't be "Unsafe."
From Portland Orpgonf&n.
liuHhia has ber theory of contraband
of war. It- units her to hold ull mer
chandise destined for .)apuu,und oven
Hong Kong, a contraband ; ho she
Boizes the vessels from our Pacific
ports, in tbo Oriental trade, an stops
all exchange of vu omolilieB, us fur us
she can.
Tbo wuy to stop this sort of thing is
to flourish a big stick. There is no
other way. We shall not do it, per
haps, because we are not ready, and
therefore are helpless. And wo huvo
a big party in the United Status, now
contesting for the government of tbu
country, on the plea and promise of
pufc-illairmity, and telling us that if
Hoosevelt shall be elected howill be
"a dangerous man." That is, they
fear that if be shall beelected, witli a
congress to buck him, Russia will not
be permitted to hold ber high tone
about contraband of war, and to seize
our ships and goodsjwhenevor.sho can
wants H'"sa,'f(7" man, wbo"will be
quiot and submissive; while the coun
try gets its nose pulled. This is the
main argument for Parker's election.
Wo must have ii "safe" man.
Hut wo shall hope to see the Admin
istration at Washington declare us
(Irmly, aud nsporemptorily, ugaiust
Russia's war, ou our commerce as
Great Britain bus done against the
war ou ber commerce. True, we
haven't the naval force that Croat
Britain has; but we have some naval
force, aud can create more. But
what's the use of having or pretend
ing to hare any, if such seizures as
thaFof the Arabia, with Hour from
Portland to Oriental ports, are to
puss without protest V Through Sen
ator AUtcboll. the shippers of, this
cargo inane tuoir protest against me
seizure. We sbaU hope that Washing
ton will take speedy action. . Vet if it
should, such action, our Democratic
party would tell ua, would be one
more, proof that
"unsafe' man.
Roosevelt was an
Democratic party
This year our
comes before the country in the rags
of. humble non-resistance, exclaiming
ua that ptirngoti of humility did in
Swift's "Tulo of a Tub," "Uood
friend, will you be so kino! as to ad
minister a kick to these posteriors?"
Aud to anotber: "For'the love of
(tod, will you lay afew reasonable j
thwacks with that cane of yours over
these poor shoulders?"
Oh, no! We musn't assert our
selves in the affairs of the world.
Wo miisn't be "unsafe." We must
nsHcnt to the doctrine that all our
commerce within reach of Russian
shipB is contraband of war.
Root for New York's Governor.
From the Telegram. ,
It evidently remains for Governor
Odell to do quite the handsome thing,
as we are advised of the New York
situation, affecting the result of the
approachuig presidential election.
With regard to New York politics ono
fact, above others, appears to be well
established ; that is, the empire state
is dost hied to be the storm center of
stromme effort ou both sided of the
political fence. As we hare expressed
our sentiments heretofore we do not
apprehend that New York will bo lost
to the Republicans under any circum
stances. ; but oven in this optimistic
view there is admitted wisdom in
making tho result as sure for Roose-.
velt and the success of the Republi
can ticket sa possible.
To this end there is no manner of
doubt that the nomination of Mr,
Root for governor would make assur
ance doubly sure. It Is apparent
that the choice lies partically between
tho ox-secretary of war and the pres
ent, govoruor. Tito latter has twice
served tho state in the capacity of
chief executive and from the cburae
tor of his administration during both
terms, it is safo to assume he would
easily be chosen by the;pooplc as his
successor. Nevertheless, it is fairly
apparent" that Kliltu Root would
commaudtho larger vole andbylns
superb character and personality lead
his partygtojju victory in that
state than has been reali'ed in many
years. It does not lessen (iov. Odell's
merit that Mr. Root is, by force of
circumstances, tho man of the hour
In the determination of mat tore polit
ical In New York. ; on the contrary,
his recognition of what offers inevit
ably, as the bettor course for the
party's success, will strengthen rather
than hinder him in the attainment of
his ambition,
Reduced Rite to St. Louis Exposition.
The Southern I'aullio Co. will sell
rmind-trip tickets at preutly reilured
rates to Si. Louis and Chlcnco, ncrouut
Ilio St. Loutti Kxpoeition, on tho follow
ing OaleB: Juno 1(1. 17. IS; July 1. 2 S:
Aueusi, 8, , 10; Sey",'b.'r1 u, (I, 7; Oc
tobor. 3, 4, S.
Goine trip to ho completed ten days
frmn dnte ol pule and passencon will be
permitted to start on any date that will
ennhle them to reach destination wttn
in the ten days' limit,
l!oln-n limit ninety days, but no Int.
er th-tn Dee. HI, HUM.
For full information as to rate, u" '
mutes call on ntent Southern I'.tcif-'
Co., at Mrdfor.l.
Bnih. t lb Kind Yon Hw Warn BciijH
A prominent Southern lady.
Mrs. Blanchard, of Nashville,
Tenn., tells how she was cured
of backache, dizziness, painful
and irregular periods by the use
of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable)
"Dear Whs. Pinkham: Gratitude
compels me to acknowledge the great
mem oi your vegetable ittmpound,
have suffered to? four years with ir-
reyuiur uuu painiui mensiruauon, aiBO 1 1 you are ntreoy requirea to apt ear and a s
dizziness, pains in the baek and lower J w,r lu,; m1','liinl tt,IS?. ual1"'1 'im ,l
limbs. rn,d fitful RlPPn T Ar.nAd ulHve entitled Court wi.hiu ten ayi from the
time to come which would only mean
suffering to me.
" Better health is all I wanted, and
cure if possible. Lydia K. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
brought me health and happiness in
a few short months. I feel like another
person now. My aches and pains have
left me. Life seems new and sweet to
me, and everything seems pleasant
and easy.
" Six bottles brought me health, and
was worth more than monthB under
the doctor's eare, whioh really did not
, . ; : . - - .
Denent me at all. x am satis tied there
is no medicine so good for sick women
as your Vegetable Compound, and I
advocate it to my lady friends in need
oi meoicai help." mrb, if. A. jblan
CHard, 423 Broad St., Nashville, Tenn.
95000 forfait If erf J stow totftpmlat
1-l'Ut lalttUa I' rum l'r-Fi, i
There Is a tree which grows In Sii
matra. Algeria and China wbleh h
known as the vegetable tallow tre
From Its fruit large quantities of ol
and tallow are extracted, and the frtii
Is gathered in November or December
when all the leaves have fallen. Excel
lent candles are made from the berries
of a tree which grows In some parts of
South Africa and the Azores.
At Sierra Lcoue is found the cream
fruit tree, the fruit of which Is very
agreeable in taste, tu Ceylon there is
the breadfruit tree, from which a fot?i!
Is made In the same way that we tuakt
bread. It Is said to be equally gooil
and nutritions.'' In South America w
find Ihe milk tree.
The Bit re bo ue Fawllr.
The celebrated name of Praise Got.
Barebone was borne by a member o
tbe Cromwell parliament culled togeth
er after the dissolution of the Long par
liiimcnt In 1U53. The royalists callei.
the assembly "Ilnrebones parliament.'
At the time wheu General Monk was ii
Loudon Barebone headed the mob tint
presented a petition to patiinmen
against the recall of Charles II. Of tin
Barebone family there were thn.
brothers, each of whom had a seutenc.
for a nume Praise God Barebone
bone and If-Curlst-bad-uot-died-tkou
badst-beeu-damued Barebone.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Signature of
Hulled HtitteH burnt Otllrr,
linrtfburjr, Ort'KOii. May UKU.
Not ten In luM iil'Y iflvcn Unit fn compliance
with thfi piwls'.onsot the net of Congress of
June H. 187S, t'lilltltil "An act for the siUo of
tlmbor land in th Stsitt'S ol i:ullfonilft.Orpon.
Nt vmui. ami Waslifuptou Territory." as vx
undeil to nil the Public Land Stales by act ot
August 4,1M?.
of Motif o til, County of Jscksim. Stntc of Ore
gon, litis tins tlnv tlVil In this ofltcn his sworn
HlntpliitMit So. t'lX for tho pnrcliiim of lots 1
ami 'J unit tt.e S !S K of Scotlon No. fi. in
Township No. JU South. Kftne No. S East, and
tvilloffor proof to Mmw that tlie laml fought la
more vnlimolo for lis ttmlier or stone than for
crtRUltural purpose's, anil to estnblish hia
clmni tosRiiUaiul befort' A. S. Bllton, U. S.
Conimlssloner, at his oflk-e In Metuoni, Ore
ui'ii, on Momlay. the 81 h ilny oi AttLUst, 10W.
Ho names hs wltiiewes: (leorgo F. KIuk. of
Motlfortl, Oregon; Charles H. KiiiK. ol Herby.
Orccon; George King, ot Meaford, Oregon;
Zaek Maxey.of Big Butte. Oregon.
Any ami all persona claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their claims In this omce on or before said
8th day ofAugimt, IPO.
. J.T. BR'noiw. Regloter.
United States Land Ofllce.
ROftoburg, Orepon, June h, lftM.
Notice Is hereby vtven tbnt In compliance
with the provisions of tho net of Congress o:
JnnoS, 1ST8, entitled "An Act for the sale 01
Timber Lands In th( Elates ot rultfornla. Ore
go- Nevada, and Washington Territory." a
extended to all the Public Land States by aci
.( Medford, County ot Jachson, Stite of Orepon.
tm thif day ttlo.l in this ofllce hli sworn
sttuomfitt No; fi"36, for the purchnso ol the
N K of xiH'tlnii No. 11. in township No. ft!
south, tangc . li t'Hstt, and will offer proof to
stiouJ thai the ltnd sought 1 more valuablf
f.-r Ms Umber or .stone thnii for agricultural
nv.itH' . and to "tabHI hifoUlm to said
am! b.-i, .re A. S. Hilton. V. S CoH'i'iUsloncr,
: Irsotll: e in ! tfun". Otp -w, ti Jr.!!.-!). 'he
ei. ln'nv or .Uffiit lf"4 Hi- nume ' it-,:.-.'.-:
'hiiut .a. W'Tt'. l"tiiv L. Davis,
w- iimii t irifv. Prank W. llollis, allot
i'niH. t. Oregon.
,nv an l i.U ;.".n,s elainur-ii adversely thf
tlHWv .V-criitOt; K:nl art- rf.iut'-led to tlle;tbf- ?
el nusln ihtj-otlice on or bclure salu -Jth day
of August, 1904. t .
J.T BridoW, Register.
In the Circuit Court of ttit Stale of Oregon, for
Ufll-Ollfm I JltClinU:!.
Kreil W Slh-rii, I'luiiitifl, v.. Cbat lts 1 Sull fur
't longer, KreU lvinner, Ji-lin i 1'iinl
J'fliiitK-:!, Hulue Unvo tiiut II till ii: llon
I'liifjiKt r) and K L. Sucre, dt- It e a 1
I ndantB. Jproptity
'Vu Ht'tilnuur. Uultlu Gi.ivt: -.
ItHliie reiinioi') ttnij r'-, li. Slfurs ol iliu aliuvo
iiitiucil ilf k;uuunu
You tire hereby requited tu ueur iind
ilit-L'iinjilaiiil lilu mjauibt yutt lu the atovu
eii'i,,i. i-uit wnhiu tix weeKh fruiii tlx- rate
of the 11 rat publk ailoo ot llllH Summoim Wlneh
i -t ol ilti puhllvntiou Ik Friday, ihe'.nu iu.j
) Ju y )!iPoii(i li you fail to no appear mi
uiiei it-r vvuut tuereof ibu llaintlJT win a,
jjly iu iii- 'turl for a Judf-muiil anil ilec'ftu i !
m.Mih iHiun unil p.nltlouor the N ot Uo
iialinli I-Kfiil No. 70 111 S.'etKill '20 ami Town-
Muip nuuiu, raaut '-i Went ot iuv nil) Mat.
in JiieKKou County Oieron, utcoriiiiiK t t -e
repeetivu rltihtu of Plaintiff und Deleuduuis
aud in ea"e purlltloD can mt be had, then lor
( tli j Hule ol said premitsea and u dtvitiiou of tbo
, proceeds aecoraing to th respective rinlus of
all the purtien after the payiueni of the costs
and e.MJeiiPiehOt partition tncludiiu tuxes aau
One ri until td Dollars reaKoiiublu utiornev'H
n en nuu tor sue a inner una lunuer rcnci to
tlic conn muv seeiu equlmiil';.
Tiif above Bmoiiiona its ordt red published m
th; Mkiuohd Mail for nix consecutive weeks
from t e duteol flrsi publication uy order of
nuit. t. ii. iiuuim, tine ui lue juciges 01 ino
ClrcU'tCoun lor JackfOa County, Oregon.
Chaklks Pkim, Attcrney for plaintiff.
lo the Circuit Court of the Statu ot Oregon
ff.niie County of Jueltcua uu
Joirphlne W. Dowuey, pluiutill, vs. Miehael
Down v. defendant.
uoiu oi mo service oi luit buminonh upon you,
if se'rved within this County, cr 11 served with
in any oilier County til thin State, tbeu within
two. iy days from the date of tho (service ol
ihla Summons upon ou; or if by publi-mtion
tlte.ii withlu six wteks from Ural date of pub
licBiiⅈ nnd iryou fall ao to anaweo far want
thoreof, the plnfntfll will apply to the court for
tint relief pruyed fur In ber com p mi at hereto
For a decrt e forever dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now exfatlnp between you and
tho plrlDtiff.
Thin Summons Is published la the Medkohd
Mail pursuant to an order of 11. K. Hanna,
judge, made in Chambers -t Jacksonville, said
County aud State, July 14, 1904 The lirst
publication bohiE on the ISth dav of Julv. 1904.
und the lat. publication on the 26th day of
.-lllUNl, IW1
M GHooe, Attorney lor Plain lift
In the Circuit' Court of the State of Oregon
ior m&oumy oi jbcksod sr.
M. J. Carpenter, plaintiff, vb. G..W. Carpenter,
To G. W. Caroeuter the above named defendant
You are hereby required to appear and ans
wer the complaint tiled against you In the
above entitled Court within ten days from be
ume oi i ne service oi luunununuos upon you,
ii aervea wumn mis uoumv.or u servea wim-
in anv other County of this State, then within
twei.ty days Irotn the aate of tho service
of thin summon a upon you; or ir by pub
lli-atton llieii wlthtn six wefika from first
date ol publication; and if you fail no to answer
lor want thereof, ihe plulntiff will apply to the
Liourt tor iue renei prayea ior in our ooxpiain
horeiu to-wlt; -
For a decree forever dlssolvlne the bonds of
matrimony now existing between vou and the
p lain tiff ,
lois aunimoos is puoiisueu id idc hkufohu
Mail pursuauttoao order of H. K. Hanna,
iudse. made In Chambers al JackHonvi le
aald Couuty and State, July 14. 1904. Tot
urai puoucauon Deing on me into uay oi Juiy,
1WM. and the laatoubltcatlon on the 26th dav of
ai. u. iiuuk, ALiurneyior riainvin.
Rosehurg, Oregon, May 26, 190i
tiled tn this office bv George Kins. con.
teatant, against Homestead entry No. 117GS,
made June 30. 1902. for thene U. Scot Ion 20.
Twp 33 s. Range 3 e, by George C. Reee, con-
icmeu, in waivu iv in tuiteu turn tut! wuiry
man has never established his residence on
the land, that there has never been a habitable
dwelllne on the land: that the small eabin
contained no cooking- Utensils, rtvf or bed,
that the land Is not agricultural, but lies In a
deep gulch' and Is covered with timber and
rock ledges, and valuable for the timber.
Said parties are hereby. notltlco to appear,
respond and offer evidence touching said
allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on Atiytmt 20.
iwj, ueiore a. a. union, u. a. omiuisKiont r.
at his ofllce ln Medford, Orogon, and that
final hearlne will be held at 10 o'clock a. in.
on Au.v list 30,1904, before the Register and
iittcotvcr at ibe united states lAtia uuice tu
Rose burg, Oregon.
The said contestant havlne. tn nroner affida
vit, tiled May 16, 1904, set forth facts
which show that after due alllcence nersonal
service of .this notice can not be made, it li
nereuy oraereu ana aireciea mm sucn nonce
be given by due and proper publication.
j. a. booth, tteceiver
United States Lund Ofllce.
Roseburg, Oregon, June 14, 191)4.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
lib the provisions of the act or Counress of
urn :s. 1S7S. entitled, "An act for the sale of
timber lands In ibo states of California, Oregou,
Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ex
tended to nil the Public Land States by act of
August -i.iw..
, hA i in .11. unir.i a,
'rosnect. County of .Jackson. State of Ore
gon, has this day Died In this oltlco uer
kvop K Htemeut. No, G,,29, for the purehaso of
the N S K Socilop No 2 in Township No.
lilt .South, Knne No. 3 East, nud will offtT
proof to show that ihe land s night is more
valuable, for Us Minber or stone than frr
avncuilu'iu purposes, ana to estnbfisu ucr
.1 til in to s;iiu I.iud before A. S. liliton. U, S.
Commissioner, at his office In Mcdfard, Oregon,
on Friday, tueHtb day ol September, U01.
She uames as witnesses: John Grieve
William T. firlcve. Alfred M. Christie, George
Daniel, all of Frospecl, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to ill?
their Maims in this ofllce on or before said 9th
day ofSeptembcr, 1WJ.
J. T. Bridges, Register.
Unitkd States LandOppicr, .
Roseburg, Oregon, June 14. 19M.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provlsiontof the act of Congress of
June , 1S78. entitled "An act for the -sale of
limber lauds in the States of California, Ore
gun, Nevada and Washington Territory," as
extended to all tho publicised slates by aot ol
August 4, 1892,
ol Frospect.Codnty of Jackson, State of Ore
gon, has this day filed in this nice his sworn
anuetuont No 6J28, for the putchaseof the N
) S K i of Section No. 5, In Township No RS
Mouth, H-tuge No. S Kftst, and will otler proof
t.i show that the land auht is more valuable
for its timber or Hone for aarlcultural
purposes and to establish his claim to said
lann before A S. Bllton. IT. 8. Commissioner,
al his ofllce in Medford, Oregon, on Friday the
9th .1:iy of September, ltXM.
He names a witnesses: Katie M. Grieve,
William T Grieve. Alfred M. Christie, ueorge
nmiivi.ttH of iTospeei. urecon.
Anv ml all nnn cIn'mlnR n1rtrt!jr lit
hnvc.di.n-rll.cit Inn.l. re tSqueftcil lo ltl
ihclr Hlm li. nils i.fflcc on or Mfore mid 9l
y o, .,,.n,.,r, .-.H.,. y .
1878. NOTICE FOH !
T'nlted stated Land OfiW, j
Roteburir. (n on. July 22. UH ;
Notice'" berci't piwn thiit in con.nllar.rf '
wnh tbo nrixitonV of th; aM of Ci--iit;ress ol :
JureS 1ST?, rn titled "An act for the a!e of
timber lands In the States of California, Ore- ;
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," asi
extended to hi) the Public Land tmes by act
ol August ), IfeW,
of Medford, county of Jut'lieoH, State of Or-
gOU, mi U(l.V nit'Q in lOOKCt DiTuworn
! Ntaf.-nient No. &W-I, leu tins i.nn-linsi- o( ibe lota
i I u t stctlon 1, uw hMp JU h h, ru'ige 2
i e!lt ; lots 4 uml h uf Mfcti.m So. C Mi lownsuip
1 No, :! south, rmut- N, :; i-u.i, and will offr
prool to shuw itjtit the lumi . mglit is more
i vuliin hip lot lis tlmlier or touu than for
' aur i-uliura; pufpu.eH. iut tn estut)ltsh her
uiaiin io mio ntiKi u'Mon- tf. niion, u..
Commissioner at liU ollt u ft Murltoril, Ore
on.oo Saturday, tli-Mb il iv f t ttlar. ltMt.
She nanitiB as witneftt-: (Jeor. e F. Km and
Louis tt Brown, of Medford, i.irt-uii, William
(Jriuvu and Ueurge Duniel. of P roe pee I,
it fjron.
oy aud all persons elntinlnK Drlvtrsely the
k nve described luuds nrt- rciji-stt'd to tile
t tiroiaimfc in 'his ofllce o.i or before .said 3th
uay of October, 1904.
J.T. I) k litem. Register.
Societies of Medford.
I. O. O. H. Lodge No. 83, meets In I. O. 0. F.
hall ensry Sutinuay at 8 p. in. Visiting broth
ers always wtleoiue. J. K. Day, N. U.
J. W. Lawton, itee. See
I 0. O. F -Rogue R ver Kncampment. No.
30, meets In 1. O. O Y. hiH the second and
fourth Witinesdu) ol tach niQnih at & p.m
n D. K.Day, C. P.
H H. Hauvev. Scribe.
Olive Rebekah l odge No m.ets in I. M
0. F. hall Ilrst aud luird TueHttayb of "sch
month. Vlhlliiig slstorn inv'ed to attend
Fannie Haskins, Ucc.Seu.
A. F. aau A. M. Meets first Friday on or lo
foje full moon at S p.m., in Matonlc hah.
. , , M. Pur din, W. M
J. W. Lawton, Kec. Sec.
K. of F -Talisman lodge No. SI. meets Mon.
uajdvcuuK wis p. m. vteiunir Drotiiers al-
nuiuuni). . 1. V AWTEH, V, (J.
Knlehts of the Maccabees. Triumph Tout
r.0;,1?1 mt!et ln regular review ou the 1st and
M Frliluysof each month in A. O. U, W Hall at
7:30 p. m.- Visiting 8ir Hulghts cordially lu.
vi!,e.tii0 atlt)nd- A. B. Eluson, Commander.
w. T. York, r. k.
A.O. U W., Degree of Honor Esther lodge
NO. 06. meets eccrv lot. ktiI ia U'nrf,,.i..
evening ol each month at A. O..U. W. hall.
.HIIf.UOBA woods, C. ot H.
ClarencbMcPhrkfom, Reo,
AJ i'1UJ ?X Lodf") No. 98, meets everv first
and tb rd Weodesday In tho month at $ p. id.
In their ball in the Opera block. Visitiu
broLherB invited to attend.
A. . W. A. STEWART, M. W.
ABHAfii. Houbard, Recorder. "
p of -Mdford Lodge No. 42. mett
every Tuesday, evening In A. O. U. ;W. ball.
VMUug Fraters luvlted to attend.
i ' 0 ' PRiNcia Jordan, P. M.
Woodmen of the World Camp No. 90. meets
Velf TUTBdlur evenins In K. of ft hall.
Medford Oregon. .
Chrysunthemum Circle No. 84, Women of
Woodcraft Menu uolt.tnA ann n... " i ..
o'eac" month at7:S0 p.m. In K. o( P. half.
.o.niie niout;r mviietl.
Mlts. ADA Ml US, G. N.
Prob A no i.e. Clerk.
W. R. C Chester A Arthur mnu M it
meets first aud third Wednesday of each"
raoiitb ot 2 o'clock p. m:, lo Woodman's ball
Mrs. Hester Hahtzbi.!., Seo.
O. A. R. Oh ester A. Arthur Pnor w ai
meets In Woodman's hall every first and
th.rd Wednesday night In each month at 7:
Visiting Comrades cordially Invited to attend.
Animus, vom.
F.M. Stewart, Adjutant.
W. C, T. TI. MAt ntu-n.
the Presbyterian church.
m t WBfl BDC. Preside".
Mrs. J. MOROAN,,8ecretary.
Fraternal Brotherhood XTto i;ni
Friday evenings at 7:60 p. m.. In their hall in
K.of P. building, Medford, Oregon. V'sitlne
Sisters und Brothers cordially Invited.
... is. iSADs, Pres
O. W. Mubphv. Secretary.
0. E. 8. Reamen Rhanior. Ms, ttn TnDtc
mid at d fourth Wednesday's of each month at.
Miisontc Hall. Medford, Oregon. Vlsitlne Sis
tern aud Brothers alwnvs welcome.
' . WKi.r.iR tVjiiTMAN, W, M,
Mrs. Mattib Pick r i. Secretory.
A. O. F. Meets every Mondur nlcnt t 7-juv
P. m. in A. O. U W. hall. Visltlno p.B.n
cordially welcomed. E- L. Gchnka. c R
jas. STEWART, Kec Secy.
theo;Puini7K:orp:hairWLetai ine ca,Ior
ii. n. Howard, Captain.
E. L. Kiavood, Recoriier.
Methodist RplHcopal Churcn W. ft. Minr.
Dastr. Preachini'ovfirvSnhhfith t n
and 8:00 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m., D. T.
u:iwion, supi. i;iaat meetinr follows,
preaching service Sunday morning. Jullu
Meeker, leader. Kpworlh League at 7 :ft) p. m..
Ceorge Fox, president. Kcgulur pravei meet-
Ladles Aid Society every Tuesdny afternoon
Mrs. C. W. ConkHn, president. Junior Ep.
worlh Lcacue every Sundav at .1:00 p. m.. Mrs.
Owen, superintendent. Missionary Swmetv
meets llrst Friday In eaoh month, Mrs. Char
lotte Hubbard, president.
Presbyterian Church Rev. W. P.- Shields
notor Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. m
and7:Mp.m. Siirday school at 10 a. m., Jas
Martin, Supt. Christian Endeavor, li:30 p. m.'
Junior (Christian Endravor, S p. in. Everr
Tnursday prayer meeting, 8 p. m; First Tues
day evening of every month church social.
Second Tuesday every month, 2:30 p. m., Mis
sion society, rust and third Tuesdays every
month, 2:: p. m.. Aid socletv. Rev. W. F.
Shields. Pastor: Miss Rculah "Warner, Sunt.
S. S.; Miss Edith Van Dyke Superintendent
C. fc.; David M. Day, free S. C. E.
Mrs.J G.Van Dyke, Pres. Aid society: Mrs. J
Vt. Cox. Pres. Mission Society,
Christian church corner of S1xh and 1
streets. Preaching every Lord's Day at li a,
m. aud 8 p. m Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Prayei meeting every Thursday evening-.
Tho people welcome. K. A. Chllds, pastor.
Resides at the church.
Methodist Episcopal Church South Rev. M
L. Darby, pastor. Preaching every Sunday at
11 a. m. ana evening: Sunday school at 10a.m.:
Prayermeetlng Thursday evening at 8 o'clock;
Woman's Home Mission Society meets first
Wednesday In each monih at 2:30 p. m Every
one Is cordially Invited to all our services
Christian Science services are held every
Sunday morning at eleven o'clock at the res
dence of E, H. Dunham, ol Talent. All are
Ianil Ofliee at Roseburg, Orogon,
Julv IS 1904.
l; , ,..h..!nS .Yi,f.
' " ''"'J. c.f, n "ce,!
" ' '" 1 ' . " ' "PI V"
t! VXgtJt tilZ
Notice is hereby given that the following
CI 111 in
Tf A. S
lice in
Mi'ilford, Oregon, on Saturday, September J4,
1ft U.
bviieorire T. heir to. and sdmints
tratorol estate tnid IavI II. Faucet t. cc-reasod
rniryman, on II. K. No Ik-A. for the S R i.
Section 2, ic Townhin ;a South, Range 2
He name tho (o"oiving ituc. t. tov
hl contininms 'eiidenoe noon and cu'th a i;m
of saMUml, tIi : Jrmo A. Perry and William
T. tirleve, of Pr-rec. Orogon. Frank w,
Holland, Richard; W. Gray, of Medford. Ore
J. T. Bridges, Register.