VAN DYKE'S Fleisher's Shetland Floss ( Fleisher's Yarns $1 per Box of Colors Snow White, Cream White, Black, Blue, Dark Blue, Pink, Dark Pink, Nile Green, Cardinal, Buff and Lavender . Also a Complete Line of Colorings in . Flasher's Celebrated Germantown Knitting Yarns ZephyrS, Domestic and Imported , SaXOllVS Worsteds, Etc. CITY J J. Hi Butler, Funeral Oirectoi, with Medford Furniture. Co., House furnishers and Under takers. Day 'Phone Main 353), Night Phone Main 1 15 An Old Resident: "You can put me down as saying' that we hare had the longest spell of really hot weather that I have ever known in this coun try; ' Yes,' I know people are apt to poke fun at the 'oldest inhabitant' when he undertakes to compare paBt with Dresent experiences: but I am willing to stand by my assertion. 'The weather condition's 'have r been different this yesr from anything k Avnariannnri hntnrik. T tlAVAr BBW- a hail storm such as visited the valley a while back in all my fifty years' . residence here, and I never saw the thunder storms persist in staying on the high mountains and over looking WIB VUlOB, tW WJOJ tinvu wis jwm. The oppieBsive heat we have felt is to ' tM aooounted for by the absence' of the frequent mild thunder storms we are wont to have in the valley. They do no harm particularly and seem to give the atmosphere, the exhilerating for in this seotion. We have felt an oppressive heat here this year', and it is due in a great measure, In my opinion, to the absence of ourregu lar thunder storms. " The Norrls Bros, are in Medford io atav.and they have furniture to sell nd are Belting it. They have the best (-Cl.Ul IUIUIIUIV IU UVHIUDIU VlcgUV) and are selling it for less than half .price. First in will be the winner in this -case. Those whips and harness are going fast as they are selling regardless of cost. - Only one door south of the poatoffice. -Dr. E. fi. Picket is the latest ad edition to the ranks of the orchardmen of the Rogue river valley. This week The concluded a deal "by which he be came the owner of 240 aores of laud, THE BEST Groceries THE BEST Bargains THE BEST THE BEST OF Everything OWEN'S are the Best. ) Twelve Skeins lying north and east of Medford. The property is known as the old J, W. Smith plaoe, and at the time pur ohased by Dr. Pickel, was owned by A. R. Rhodes. The price paid waB $4,500. Dr. Piokel has ordered from L. E. Hoover, agent for the Wood- burn nursery,., enough Yellow New town .apple and ceurre , f?oso pear trees to plant 100.. acres, of the traot and expeots to put , an additional 100 acres into alfalfa. . The laud . is. w is known as stioky;, but experiments have proven its value, -both as. fruit a alfalfa land, when properly culti vated. This tract has the additional advantage of .being capable of being irrigated from the . Fish Lake ditch and besides this. is sub-irrigated to a certain extent. East of this tract and of the same character of land is four-year-old orchard owned by I. D. and Ed. Phipps. ThiB orchard is flourishing, and this year .will turn off its first orop. .It may not be large. one; but when , the the . fact is considered that orchardiets do not figure on trees bearing under five years, it seems, to lend credonce to the theory that the dispieed in win ter stioky is among the beat produc ing aoilB we have. If you want to give your friends in the East some idea of what scenes in southern Oregon are like, vou send them a collection of the atero views taken by N. S. Bennett.' These views comprise a wide range of subjeots.and tnorougniy oover.-tne- scenery Southern. Oretron. They can be had either at the Medford Book Store or at H. B. Nye's. ; tf Mail Office Devil: "Gee, you orter hear de hard luck stories dem fellers is tellin' dat have been out on fishin and huntih' "expeditions. One felli wot came in de other day, he told about how many, deer de fellers: wot wuz in his gang, but none of dem guys could hit de side of de moun tain. He wuz de only bloke in de outfit wot could have hit a deer ' if he'd a seen one, and' he didn't see uothin. Den one guy he come along an' tells about how de water was so clear in de creek he was fishiu' in dat de trout could see his reflection be: fore he got in a hundred yards of de water. ..'Bout time he gets .through. along comes 'nother fisherman wid story 'bout de same stream, where d Treatment 7th and C Streets wator wua so muddy de flsh couldn't so de bait. Now wot yo're goiu' to do about diit. Looks ter me liko dere in't no use goln out tin1 tight.!.' muskeeters and things fer two weoktt mid not koteuin' unythin' but pizon ouk an1 freukles, 'Bout time I com meuoe thiukln' dat way, long cornea feller with de information as to here I cuu locate a piece of fresh ou i son, I bikes for de place an un derneath de venison I tluds a couple of big trout an' I gets, de whole works. Dot guy didn't go to a camp au lay 'round expectin to have de trout flop out of the water into der fryiu' pan, or the detr to come in an hang demselvos up in front of de cabin door. No, Birree, be just got out an hunted an1 fished and he got somethin. Strikes me dat's de good deal like other tings; if you want auythiu go after it, dere isn't anything' goiu' to come to ye." Blue prints of township maps. showing all vacant land, fifty cent each. For reliable information con cerning Government land write to Frank IS. Alley. Abstractor, Koeburtr. Oregon. H. P. MeHder, N. B. Fisher and Chaa. Drake returned this week from a trip to Squaw lake this week. They found no great amount of large game, but kept the oamp well supplied with birds and fish. One of the incidents of the trip, as related by Mr. Meader, ruus thusly: It was necessary to pack" a few miles from the end of the wagon road, One of the two mules which made up their team had never been subject to tbe indignity of being loaded with a miscellaneous lot of camp stuff, and had it "sinch ed'Vupon its baok in the true western style. Consequently wben it was turned loose thiB animal proceeded to adopt the method of getting rid if its burden usual to the mule. In other words it twisted itself into all kinds of shapes and finally wound up la the middle of a shallow pond near the camp, where it "bucked" off its pack and returned to oamp triumphant. Fotunately the pack consisted princi pally of bedding, so that the only bad result was that the party were com polled to sleep in ' wet blankets that night. Guaranteed Forest Reserve scrip foreale, in large or smalt quantities, by Frank E. Alley, upstairs over Land Office. Rose bu re, Oregon. Will place same. or non-reBiaeqi purchasers. Saturday evening a meeting of the Gold Ray Rod and Gun club was held at Gold Ray, moat of the' mem bers of the club being present, to the nuimber of about fifty. A banquet was served and afterwards the mem bers passed a few hours in social con verse. . A business meeting the pri mary . object of the gathering ''was held, at which plans for keeping the club house open, continuously and other matters pertaining to the good of the club were discussed. Gold Ray iB becoming quite a resort for the members of the olub, on account of the excellent' fishing and bathing afforded. -rJust received a. carload ol sash and floors, and screen doors. J. H. Cham. BERS Medford. lo-tf This week J. C, Smith, of (irlffln creek, sold the 91. GO aores he pur chased from O. W. Bashford,' a little more than a year ago, to C. B. Ken nedy recently of Merrill, Oregon, and at somewhat of an ad ance over the price paid by Mr. Smith. ' This 'sale Is not like some others which have been made. Mr. Smith will become a resident of Medford, so that Instead of losing a good citizen, the commun ity gains one. Mr. Kennedy will take possession of bis property within a few days. The sale was made through the White &' Trowbridge real estate agency. Mrs. E. E. Goru. teacher of music mason system, uaiklren taught In dlvidually or In classes, Medford wregon. . W. r Issues, T. M. Reed and others visited Little Rock, ou Kogue river, a Dove toe jfay dam, Sunday and eujoyed some good Ashing. Billy Isaacs says he is going to order one of those new . automatic reels, which record the weight of the fish that get away. He figures that he has. lost about 'steen thousand pounds of Hah during his career as a disciple of Isaak Walton, and from this on pro poses to know the weight of all the "big ones that get away. " . Remember the ponds &ra rirrhi. a,i the price Is riitht of viur home-mnrln ereamery butter. Ask your grocer for it. -O. W. Bashford, of Medford. and his son, E, L. Bashford, of Roseburg, who is accompanied by this wife, are visiting in this section. Mr. Bash ford, Sr., is looking for a location for a relative of his, who is a rancher. Bashford, Jr., Is an employe of the j flour mills at Roseburg. These are ! estimable people and we hope that j Coos county will he lucky enoiiiih to laim them as permanent residents. .lurui riant rnai. BecBOo & Htlcer, Talent Nii-'erv- men, are prepared to fill order.-, for frilit. trees In flnV nilAnlitV. tr.rr.nn.. ...... clal orchards. tr Walter Tiro returned to .Medford Wednesday, after au alwenee of fif teen years. Muring that time he hn, trnv"el over n ci.n-Merable j.Tt,,; the world, bnd has lionn enfned in handing big towns most of the time. Just boforo ho started for homo ho wus driving a '20-inulo teum in Colo rado to Star City, which ton hours after he left was wiped olf of tho taco of the earth by a cloud burst. Shearer & Sinylle. General dray-! liitf. Housi-fiuld moving. All kinds ol wood for sale. Just seventy days ago whou Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Webb were at their homestead, on Big Butto, thoir lino driving team estrayed from their pasture into the mountains and not until Sunday lust were they found. Fred Com host, living at Brownsboro, tound the animals in au almost starr ing condition, near the foot of Mt. Pitt, fully fifteen miles from the Webb homestead. Both the horses when estrayed were In line condition and when found one of them was so ema ciated as to be scarcely abie to walk. This one had a halter on the presump tion is that it had gotten the halter caught to a snag and was hung up without food a number of days, per haps weeks. Mr. Webb is giving the animals every attention possible and they will be. "fine aud dandy'.' in a few weeks. Mr. Webb's expense item readB like this: Paid men for hunting horses, $26; paid man for finding horses, $27.50. Chicken dinner at Hotel Hart every aunuay. : Born To Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brophy, at their home, east of - Med ford, August 2, 1901, a sou. This is tho fourth buxom lad to -be' born to these people and not a girl. While there is much joy over the arrival of the son to the' manor born there would have-been just a little more elation had this last boy been a girl. J. O. Morrison la the agent in this vioinity of the patent olod crusher manufactured . by . the BriUion Iron Works, of, Brillion, Wisconsin. It Ib claimed for this machine that it 1b simpler in constuction more effec tive in operation and lighter in draft than any other device of like' nature upon the market. Call uponJMr. Morrison for further particulars. ' At the Union services at the Pres byterian church Sunday. -night, Rev. Carstens wilPgive a report on the In ternationai;B. Y. P, U., whioh he recently attended at, Detroit, Michi gan. This will surely be very inter esting, and the attendance at the church will undoubtedly be large. A. Day Parker, son of W. H', Parker, formerly of Medford, and Miss Jennie J. Maxwell, of Lakevlew, were married .at that place on July 20th. Mr. Parker is employedas'boqk-keep- er lor tne steel w ire uo.,. . or ijaK- land, Calif., .and the cqu'o.e will make their home at'that plaoe. . , On and after August 7, 1904, Ep worth League, of the Methodist church, will bold their devotional meetings in their church, union meetings having adjourned being un successful. First Vice-President. The Medynskl building on C street,, near the postotflce is being fitted up for the accommodation - of the Wortman 3c Gore meat market, The central partition is being taken out, and a double door cut in front, When the " ohauges are complete Messrs. Gore St Wortman will have a very neat and convenient shop. H. N. Mercy and bride returned Tuesday from Oakland, Oregon, where they had been married on Sunday. .Mrs.. Marcy is a daugnter or J. H, Ray, the mining man, and the many friends of the young eoopie are ex tending their beartiest congratula tions. Born To Mr. and Mrs. E. P., Schultz, at their home two miles north of Medford, on Saturday, July 30, 1904, a daughter. Jeff Brophy has sent twenty head of milch cows to Ft. Klamath, where they will be put on a ranch which Mr, Brophy has leased. Born To Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Miller, In Medford, on Tuesday, August 2, 1901, a son. Held-up That Pailed. EL PASO, Tex., July 31. The Rock Island passengor train, which left El Paso Saturday morning, north-bound, was held up Saturday night at U o'clock at Logan, N. M., a station 30 miles north of Tucunicarl and 90 miles north of Santa Rosa, the division point. Seven masked robbers board ed the train Just as It waB leaving Lngau, uncoupled the baggage and express cars and went on with the en gine. Conductor John Y,ork reslBted and was shot in the - leg. The engine was run ahead a short distance, when it was stopped- and l dynamite applied. .' Thn small aitta mil nlnruul m Inn nf the large one and then the charge was Bred, but the only effect was to blow the small safe through the roof of the ,-. im l.rmr .,. n,,t , i,,i..r,.,i The smaller ufn,.,i u,i ih u.mwl oh ,.t ,l,.,i, put between the two safes with the same result, except that tho small safe this time was blown thiongh the side of the ear. Tho robbers then mounted their horses and rode away ill the darknesH. Officer wore advised (hi- mornim t,' t)io hold up and ale on the trail of the men who are In-lieved ty b'! the We have this space Year Iowa Lumber Watch Weeks & Baketi Undertakers and ' Embalmers MEDFORD, 0RE60N "Evans gang." ,i ... The passengers were not molested by the 'robbers, and many did not know, that tbe robbery was- In pro grass, as most of them were asleep. Owing to the, remoteness of Logan, the details of the hold-up wer$ hot ontalned until tonight, when a south bound Rock Island passenger train arrived here. ',-. The Wells Fargo officials say there was only 7 in the safe when it left here. OAHTOaiA, with Tin m Vaii i Hm unjs Bought We have received a , . a lot of new patterns in . . . Etched and Banded iT"'"'i We are . selling- ' Ware at pra One-Third J To. the price goods have sold in Med We inten this line v ly, so tha' may be s1 able to rv en or Jos The fir ment ofx. has arrilv Brov Leased for One & Box Co. our Ad. j. . . .., , . .City Cornell Proceedings. The oity oounoll met in renular ses sion Tuesday evening. , rreBent Mayor Piokel, councilman Luy. Mttohell, Bcottl Kelly, Trow bridge, Wilson ' " ' ' The report ol the, treasurer and n- corder (or June were, reaid. . and ap- provea. - 4 Applications ol Kapnlok Konoady and Young & Hall , for,, liquor llcenw weregr'aqted, ..., The oontraot with the Oondor Water Ic Power Co., .for. furnithlng the oity with eleotrlo light and power for pumping purposes was read and ac cepted and an ordinance ooverlng the provisions thereof arid authorising the . mayor, and oity coooetl to enter Into tU? 59P'r fas passed (The fall Uxi. fif tfie c6ulrJi!rPpear( lj ner part . of this paper.) r , Bills on the various funds in the following amounts were approval); light and w. t r fund, 70.S8; ooufW Kent fund, 7 .00:. General fund W5.00; street and fotul fund; $57. 88. i Irvln W. Rby, of, -Qpld HllJ, whs in the oity Monday, upon land huslnen before Commissioner Bliton. He waa accompanied by H. P. Perkins, from the East, who med unnn rjrovnrnmAtit liiitrl r v..i