The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, August 05, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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Do You Wish
the Finest Bread
and Ceke
It is conceded that Royal
Baking Powder is purest and
strongest of all baking pow
ders, absolutely free from alum,
ammonia and every adulter
ant. "Royal" makes the best
and most wholesome food.
: Communications from our sev
eral correspondents must reaoh this
office not later than Wednesday
noon te insure publication. -
Eagle Point Eaglets.
Mrs. Karnes, of Medford, came out
last week, to visit her mother, Mrs.
I Heckathom.
A. J. Daley, one of our leading
merchants, made a business trip to
Ashland last week.
Carl Ringer, our mail carrier from
here to Climax, made a business trip
. to Lost creek last Sunday.
Miss Beulah Kineaid, of Flounce
Rock preoinct, came out last week to
, viBit Mr. Peaohey's family.
Contractor J. N. Islow is rushing
the work on the school honse annex
and expectB to have it completed by
the last of this month. '
J. H. Carlton, our enterprising
hardware and drug merchaut, is pre
paring to build a residence on the
lot he bought from Dr. Officer.
Joe Moomaw seems to be in a : fair
. way to take the premium for having
' raised the finest onions in this sec
: tion this season. They are beauties.
' Rev. W. H. Johnson passed through
.. here last week, on his way to Peyton,
t where he was called for ministerial
; work.
G. W.- Carson, . who is canvassing
' the county in the interest of the Liu-
, coin Annuity Union, loft here Tues
. day morning for.Moouville and Gold
? Hill, where he expects to orguuize
I lodges. . ' i .'
Mrs. Ora Jones, who is stopping
; with her puronts, Mr. and Mrs. N. C.
! Dalev. on the north side of Little
J, I TT to " j in i J rk. want, tn Wondrllle. Inst;
: rt,,ri,ii, on Suturdnv and no-'
...... i,,.,. rtli,.r' l,n,w.
. , ,
Thorn in aome chances noma oil ill
t r.tB in the Butte creek country.
John G. McC'allister bought forty
acres of land of D. W. Daniels lust
week, consideration one hundrod and
. fifty dollars. ,.',.
T mv lust 1 unintentionally omittod
... .,i fi,f h nut. hlni.k-
smith, )md gone to Grants Pass for '
medical treatment. He hud a tooth 1
' extracted sometime last winter and
i the jaw bone was badly fractured and :
. he hae been having a seigo with it
ever since. The last account from
him he was gottlng along quite well.
The doctor had token out five pieces
Don't try cheap cough medi
cines. Get the best, Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral, - what a
record it has, sixty years of
cures! Ask your doctor if
he doesn't use it for coughs,
colds, bronchitis, and all
throat and lung troubles.
" I have fonml tliat Ayer'i cherry Pectoral
I, tlio bet ni!!drie I -u prescribe tor hrop.
cliltll, influemn. emirM. nn(t hanl colli,.
M. UiliESlAS, M O-. Itlir. N. T.
i for
Correct any tendency to constipa
tion with small doses of Ayer's Pills.
of bone and Boomed to think that be
would be able to go to work again in
a short time.
By the time thiB is read by the pub
lic the wheat harvest will be about
over. The crop in this seotion is fully
up to the average. J. C. Carlton
says that in the seotion where he and
his father are farming the wheat crop
is very good and they will have some
fifteen or twenty thousand bushels of
the cereal in his neighborhood.
Mr. McCall and his company of as
sistants have made another survey
through this section, running the line
to Central Point. ' There Beems 'to be
a diversity of opinion aa to the bbjeot
of the survey. Some seem to think
that it iB simply for speculative pur
poses, while many are of the opinion
that we will have a real, genuine rail
road through this section in the near
J. J. Fryer went to Talent last week
to visit Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bell, and
had hardly reached there before he
was called, by 'phone, to the bedside
of his sen-iu-law, Floyd Fierce, in
Jacksonville," withHhe startling Intel-
licence that he and his wife had been
thrown from a buggy and Mr. P. had
bis jaw bone and bis thigh badly
broken, and Mrs. Pierce was bruised,
but fortunately no bones broken.
The child escaped unhurt.
End ef Bitter Fight.
"Two physicians had a long and
stubborn fight with an abcess on my
right lung" writes J. F. Hughes, ol
DuPolot. Ga.. "and gave me up
Everybody thought my time had come.
As a last resort I tried Dr. King's New
Discovery for consumption. 1 The
benefit I received was Btrlking and 1
was on mv feet in a few days. Now
I've entirely regained my health. " It
conquers all Coughs, Colds, Throat and
Lung troubles Guaranteed by Chas.
Sr.ranp. druggist. Price 60 otB. aiid
$1.00. Trial bottles free.
Kanes Creek Items.
Mrs. Sutton, who has been sick for
some time, is getting bettor,
Mr. aud Mrs, Davidson were trans.
acting business in Gold Hill roceutly.
May Noe has returned home from
Glendalo, where she hus been the
imost of hor sister, Mrs. Ludd.
"uo" " '
Ed- Lenimiug, vegetable merchant
of Gold Hill, comos this way every
Wednesday with a Hue lot of garden
Mr. and Mrs. Iliginhotham aro en
gaged at the Millionaire mine. M
II. is cook and hor husband is work
ing in tho mine.
Mr. an Mrs. Graham are spending
n few weeks at the mud springs in
California for the benoflt of Mrs. G.'s
health, which is vory poor.
Robert Swiuder received tho sud
intelligence lust week of the drowning
of his nephew, Cane Johnson, twenty
miles below Grants Pass, in Rogue
: Mrs. Roberts gave a dinner in
honor of her little son's fifth birth
day. Among his little friendB present
were, Vera, Elma and Esta Davidson,
Marvel and Ada Higinbotham, Health
Davidson and Cecil Roberts. 'The
day was highly enjoyed by the little
ones. "
Cholera Infantum.
This disease has lost Us terrors
since Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
find Diarrhoea Remedy came into
general use. The uniform success
which attends the upe of this remedy
in all eaee of howel romnlaint in
cdildrer ha? made it a favor'.te wht a-r-ver
its value has become known. For
sale by Chan. Strang,
KPBarlc lt-.-ms.
Bv J. G. Maktis.
Geo. Walker is delivering a fine
quality of posts to Central Point.
MiH8 C'reth Askew has returned tn
' hor home in Grants Pass. She v as
accompanied by her cousin, Miss
Mamie Godfrey.
I R. R. Cleveland, of Medford, was
here toduy, placing some cemetwy
work to his little boy's grave, in
Autlnch cemetery.
fcium Godfrey and son, Alfred, ac
companied by R. R. Cleveland and
family, of Medford, started toduy,
by teams, for Klamath county.
Wm. S:utt and family, of Rogue
rivor, accompanied by the former'
brothers, lately from California, are
visiting the grand, wonderful, Orator
Mrs. Howard and ohildron, of Dil-
lard, Douglas county, are paying
their uncle and aunt, Wm. Davis aud
Mrs. Ragsdalo, a few weeks' Booial
Rev. Johnson, Baptist miuisU-r, of
Medford, will 1111 his regular appoint
ment at the New Hope church on the
1st Sunday, also a basket diuuer will
be enjoyed.
Will Davis, accompanied with his
uioco, Mrs. wm. nowara, lormeriy
a Miss DoCarlos, is paying hor par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. DoCarlos, und
family, of Medford, a visit.
The grain on Snider aud Con
stant creeks iB all stacked and will
probably remain in this oouditiou un
til the roturn of the GIusb machine,
which will probably bo thirty Mays.
Glass BroB. ' threshing outfit pulled
out today for W. J. Gregory's farm
in Mound distriot, where they will
begin threshing. Tho separator, cook
wagon and other machinery going by
the Rogue rivor bridge aud the en
gine orossing at the old Jackson ford,
Mr. Welch, of Central Point, is engi
neer and and Mrs. Askew is in oharge
of the mesa house, this being her
fourth term catering to the daily
wants of the hard-worked threshing
machine men.
Suicide Prevented.
The startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide nua neeu dis
covered will Interest many. A run
Jown system, oi ueepooilenoy invanab-
y precede, euiuiue ana someioiag nas
hien found that will Drevent that con
dition which manes suicide likely. At
i he first thought of self destruction take
Rlmtrio It beine a great
tonio and nervine will strengthen , tht
nerveB and build up the system. It's
also a great Stumsch, Liver und
Kidney reeulator. Oi.l GO cts. San
faotion gua anteed by Chas. Strang,
Agate Items.
W. W. Gregory finished heading
Mr. Hall moved back to his Trail
creek ranch.
Mr. Samuels is hauling lumber
from OlBon'a saw-mill.
The Owen Bros', bailer is expected
at H. W. Heads Tuesday.
Ed. March has' gone to Woodville
with Frank Gregory to haul lumber.
Grimesley and Kineaid . went to
Eagle Point one day lust week, to get
blackberries. .
The railroad surveyors finished the
survey from Big Butte to Central
Point Friday.
The Glass threshing machine started
for this side of the rivor Sunday.
The separator passed Agate Sunday
evening, but the engine did not ar
rive until Monday overling,
Mr. Hofigland and family were visit
ing friends at Agate Sunday, while
Mr. Hoagland was looking over the
crops that have been irrigated. Mr.
Hoagland has had some expenonce
in irrigating in California, although
quite young at that time, he remem
bers the benefit of wator.
The Death Penalty.
A little thing sometimes resulti in
death. Thus a mere scratch, iiiaigiil
flRnt p.uIh or bunv boils have paid the
death uenaltv. It Is wise to have
Rneirleii'H Arnica Salvo ever handy
It's the best Salve on earth and will
nrnvent (atnlitv. when Barns, Sores,
Ulcers rnd Piles threaten. Only 15c.
at Chas. btranti's drug store.
Long Skirts Unlawful.
Unless hie couraee oozes away when
it comes to tho point a physioiun roth'
ed from active practice Intends to usi
bis influence to regulate the lengtii of
women's skirts by law. "It Bbould be
made a misdemeanor, punished bv line
or imp-iBOnment, or both," says the
doctor, "for a woman n wear a skirl
long enough to sweep the pavoment,
even an inch or more. The skirl should
clear the sidewalk just as the bottoms
of a man's trousers do. Unnumbered
mitliouB ol get tns of disease are carried
into halls, trailed up stairwavs and dis-
tribnted in the living room of houses
of these Sit ti gatherers. If we had
la." and enforced it, flnlnii a few women
$25 to $100 and locking up a few more,
it would haye a salutary effect, anil our
cities would be healthier in cossc
Mother's Ear
BUPtUBa thm mxrmA nrmnnaTH amo
Send fur free sample.
KCOTT ft ROWNK, Chemliti.
ioviit I'earl Street, ' Nw York.
50c, ud fiM all drugguU.
TOR SALE, ISOions baled alful a
lay. Dit. C. R. Ray, Tolo, Ore.
er und heavy - enough for furm or
team worn, inquire at this ouice.
FOR SALE. Hodge Bteel header.
Goud as new. Address or oall on
it. E. O'Brien, Applegate, Oregon.
In good condition, bolster springs,
pring seat, good cover. Rigged
ip m good shape. Inquiie at K.
M. Stewart's oflioe.
"OR SALE: Block wood 2 per
load, delivered to any part of the
ltv. O der now una have vour
woodrhu'I filled before wet weather.
Iowa Lumbkh & Box Co.
vi, Mini, 31 inch axle, i lie set of
navy woik luiriieSB Will sell for
dis-h, or tiade for wood. J
Mosher, Medford. Oregon.
I am de.-irous of disposing of my
residence property, cornordf C and
ICighth street. This properly is
desiruble for business; also busi
ness lot on West seventh street.
J. E. Bodge, Medford.
POR SAUE One yearling heifer,
one light, or one heavy team; a
McCormiok mower and rake, a
plow, harrow, new steel range and a
heating stove. Apply to E. P.
BeNNETT, two miles uonh of Med
ford. , :-. 23 4 '
JJELP WANTED. Three or four
men for brvp m work. Inquire
ot U. JU. Uorbline, Medtord.
Hop Pickers wanted. Apply to
John P. Ranzau, Jr. Grants Paee,
Real Estate Transfers.
Harriet S Cnlhough to Fred E Jordan,
blk57 Penn'sarid to Ashland t
Maigaret A Clements to John Clem
ents, revoke power or attorney
Carter Land Co to Mary E Sullivan,
lots 8 4 H It Carters add to Ann land
300 00
1500 00
1100 00
500 00
600 00
500 00
Joseph F Kelly to Chan. WoiKnmott,
iou no i auu suieei on oi ioiduik zq
Medford ....
Kate Lyman to Laura McCleodeo, lots
13, 14 011 lu UOlU Hill
Melvin H Carey to Chua. M. Willie, 2
H.CTOK In tn an b. r 1 a
C Cunningham to Melvin H Carey, 2
acrer. same bB,anovo
Hllm Wbclpley Sanders id Wm He
Clanahan.iot 1 and 65 acres In sun 6
tp 83 s, r 2 e and otlio- land In all
21fi.(i6 atii'CS
Florence Domcy lo Wllllntn Lindsay.
l.ts'28 29ft) blK II R It add to Ashland
A M -(Jailtm to Ariltnr Wake Held
L NeUU-mcyer to win wiueo. nocn tor
defd to land In ipaV s, v'l w :!2acn;H
H L McWtllluiiiH to Junius lUrnstl. I: L
C in 38 I e. D L C in Vi I .u also lot 1
mill nthi'r lundK
7600 00
8UXJ 00
350 00
100 00
J K Morrison to win T Hounten,40 acres
J C Hannnli to Wm T Hoiintou, 0 acres
in section tti 'M s, r I w
Win Lamb to J
,o J J I.
ne, 10 acres In tp 38
r 1 w
600 01)
160 00
5U0 00
km oo
3H0 00
Geo W Morrison to J J Lnue, lots 1 und
2 (ilk I) lalnnt
Win Whoelcr to I) O Hanscom, 4 31
ucres In tn i s, r 1 w
DC. Hanscom to P W Ni therlnn is,
h unn4 31 nnres
E B Ferrin to C J Sparr, Und in tp38 a
T 4 II . .
T J Downing to L J larson, land tn
James Carrie It Roberts, l4 acres
In in 17 ft. r 1 w..
26U 00
D IrKico to J a in Of Jamlnon, h acres in
t;i 39 h, rlo
C Vroman to C It Rlttor lots 7 blk 27
lotslli 11 blk 30
Clnrencu Hnrnes to John A. Hcott, land
in Medford
Chai Sandcr.s to John Hnkanson, land
llltp.'Btl i'
D S to W T Houston, I 0 ucrcs in tp 34
1 w
700 00
1600 00
100 00
Put an Kud to it Al!
A previous wail oftlmoa comes as a!
result of iinhijHiahle aln from over i
taxrd orjjinn. Dizziness, Backanhe,
Liver complaint and Constipation, ;
But tlmnk-i to Dr. Kind's New Life!
Pills they putun end to it all. Thry
nrn gentle but thoroutrh. Trv them, i
Only 25 cts. Guaranteed bv Chan, j
StrunK, drupaist.
A Bad Mule.
Hern is a ooincidonoo strange J
enough to drive people almoat to sup-:
Charles Ruddle, a remittance man
from London, was killed a year ago
by tho kick of a mule, the animal's;
hoof striking him on the jaw and with .
Huch force that the man's skull was
fractured. Ho had been bore a year(
whon tho accident occurred.
On exactly the same spot, Jeffrey (
Rndrilo, a brother of Charles, and
likewise a remittance man,wtiH kicked
iu tho face by tho same mule hint
week. His jaw if shattered into '
bit and the hum of bin nkull is In-,
jured. Tho 8ui(zenns say ho cannot ,
recover. Thin second victim Iihh been i
here juat a year, having como fur thoj
purpose of nettling up tho estate of'
hiH brother after the latter died. The
father of the two brothers wm mir-hed
liy a homo falling on him ten years
ago and an uncle met with a violent
death in a railway accident shortly
$10 Down
It you have u (uw dollars or a stuaiiy
$10 Down
will purchase a lot in
examine the following bargains.
No. 345. 900 acres; 140 acres olcarnd; 16 acres in alfalfa: 100 aarea in grain; 26
tv.ivtwu imr-iuru. uuim niwi
iiarn-iuxtHJiudi. urcuuru witn
No. 344. SO acres. Good wator right.
Cusb, itioo.
No. 923 100 ucros about thlrtoeu miles
14U0. About OOO.OOO feet of (rood
Call on or address
Office 5lo St.. .
Studebaker Vehicles
Studebaker Harness
Go Well Together
1 am in Receipt of a Car of Vehicles
from the Factory and of a good assort
, ment of Double and Single Harness.
Come and Select Your Needs. -t '; .
Quality and Good Workmanship
-Guaranteed on all Articles
I havealso in Stock quite an Assortment of the
well-known, serviceable Parlin tfc Ormdorf Com
1 btuueoaKer tsros.
j , JWedford, -
If you are in need of Cutling Miichinerv, it will pay
you to oil and eoe our 1904 line of ClinmplOn'TTacliines,
especially our heavy
We make a specialty oT Bale Ties, Barb Wire and
Bindinu Twine. Call and Bee us,
flitchell, Lewis & $taver Co.
D. T. L AWT ON, Man iter ' Medford Branch.
Grand Prize
Columbia Cylinder Records
5 to $10 par dor
Disc Machines
Cylinder Machines
Y '15. Iio. ig and $ao
Sold on easy pay
ments to respon
sible parties . . .
125 Geary St., San Franc.ico, Calif.
Grand Prize
f otnre Pit flosrbiif , OrcBOn, July 'J, IWt
Nnllre lt hi:rf.-ty mven ttiftt tho follnwliiif
nunicl net tier Iibi lllcrt notice o( hi Intention
toinuke final proof in upiort of hin claim
und that nalil proof will bo made beforn A. 8.
Ulltou, U. S. Couimlwlonor, V fall offio tn
$5 a Month
liiooma it will nay you to luvust in the
$5 a Month
any portion of the city.
riKiu, . uuuu uuusa iu IIIUU rooms.
an Vi
Tirietied of fruit. Prluo, (20 por
No improvements. Must be 8oW noon.
from tbe oily. Qoid hou;t. cost about
saw timber. Wilt sull lor $1000.
The Real Estate Man,
Grants Pass. Oregon
nanuiactunng Co.,
- Oregon
Pari IQOo
Fit any.make of
Talking machine
Black Super-hardened Beautiful Quality
of ' Tone Muob More Durable
Than Any Other Cylinder.
Pari i9o
Mndford.Orton, on Salurday, AufcuiL 18 100L
on II K.No. UWHlnt ihnS r. sij.8fM.lnn 20,
Townlili3 Hon l h. lUiifte H Rnft.
Mr nnmnx thu follnwitiK tlmriM P If proo
hid f.fittniioiiM rrnlilt-nci; upon vultlvi.tloit
of finiil iHiid, viz:
William II. Mchor, Mmxov. W. W
PiirWor. t.i Itlfr Mutlc-, (m-gu,, UuoiKeF. King,
of, MeiHorcl, Oregon. . .
4. T. BmwM ftHliUf.