: f- '.'. '-.--' ' v', LAOIV06TOK SQUADRON MAV l1 SOON pAPTUPEOir-CZAR Jj. . 6 U liyi O N 3 . ; 13 Ej WfTTE v , ' jj, London',' July 30.--A Toklff jj oorreapoocsen'.: ,ot -..tne:,-i irnes, pnftr .dx&iol July-'-3p, says: a ' J vl,,j .v' c, vi i niu vmuiiwivn ' ' i ' . ' ' J .'Sil:' iUHoro.n were aucn norm or ro y Inland pf Jdzu, .at the entrance. ij theilay of T0'". thla iViorh-J 4ifl. It! la believed the . Russian; fruleere will be. driven , oft or brought .to. bay In the course of 4. j f V Toi( lo, . J uj y 30rTho ru mdred 1 9 fallof Port Arthur ie officially j pro'noufioed to be untrue. y '.' S i J, ' GENERAL ASSAULT 'tvOANj.''';,'! J v Russian Fleet Unwilling " to Attacfc' ; 'V ' w". Admiral Tin.6. " .' ". :' k). -Chefoo, Vuly 30, Refugees who -) nave! Just - arrived; from ' Port Arthui Si confirm, yprbvlous reports .that 'a gatv rai'aasauit has been begun by tkt Japanese-' on ' that fortress, and the Vi, declare that the . Russians, are nan i'i ulne that the Japanese ' could not fffUMtfcfai faptiiring the place, even f though they had 'twice aa many troops : The-Russians, according to the refu ,j gees' storlea, are still hopeful of-suo .', cor from General Kuropatkln. Tbe ft; kto defeat at,Ta ph klacf':'. ' .;-;,;, . The refugees further eonflr mthe-re-torta that tke' Russian fleet Is In a ' atatcrof repair, but that the fleet la un ') willing to attad klhat of Admiral Togo on account ' 01 uw mines, .waion . ina Japanese plaoa nightly at the entrance ' - ron or relofdrcements from ; Qeneral ', V Kurrfpatkln Bhould arrtre the Russlaa neei wou a uh rwa. 01 kiuk uui. ; elten discharged. . . ; - , , ' Attempts to manufacture ' ammuni tion In Port Arthur are i reported to . bave, been failures, All public build ' : tags are being uaed ior hospitals. The trick and wouvded a bAIng well-oared for by Volunteer nurses.) The wounds ': toroiis only, .when flW J.spotB, ara $ raaohedl Hundreds of Ijiadlf ' wounded 1 kayo" qulokly recoTerbd from; their ',v. woumli. ' i.xX ' ft - Ani'Amdrl.oan. named' Holt reports Ihat 5Lleut.enant. NeWtyn-. A. : McCuIJkJ me ADiorioan narai auacne now at Port Arthur, (a .well. : Dl w,iVte HONORED. : a.ld-ta Hava OfTerad Him Title Cur :j ..' Ohaniiallar.-.V yiv' ;.v J,.-t ri 1,' July' J.4)4is dispatch '' finj11' the Dally fJS-nrf iJT, u An. In dlploin"? OlfeJaa that M J ft8'" iV 1 of Ohanuellor. Lljndoa, rarlin to Stat aWtlfV' faealved a Ion. Hstordajf W " osar. ask- ovioa ana niw ta nf mlnlntoi of- iT J2T'or, with litis of chancellor, which has been ta aiteyenoe. foi years. - De Wltto ra- lledl haklng for a. short time to con siderthe proposition, and concurrently xpimsslug a hope that , should the oaarl finally an honor" htm' he would hav.a f-(n hand, to parrv out Internal mere is. no 01s- jyt puting tne met that Hr,.; man's heart la often , .- rcactied through the Stomach. Kapny Ike hnuntwife who caa plentie -her- huiiMuid's appetite with- well , cooked fmd fw (lie fable. Maava man is jrroucity, ugiv, ncivomt, aanrnng imm Ola - UeM after eatina licait 'palpltauon, and all . through the.Vvrvorkal Mtnmaeh. - ' Dr. V4ct;e-H Gtiltlen Medical Discovery, hi-n. helaa ttic digestion of food in the . tohiiicU, amlaln (Ire nload In takiug up the ropee' elemcnlij fioih, the (bod, helps, the liver into activity:' -thereby! throwing Out , the noiitiina In t)rt")ilood aHd-vltall:ng the whole arati-m . uTtila aJulmllalion helpa ia ' the ozldatlon of.lhe red blKHt rot-puaclee, the nowoim In tllr.ayateai anrelliniaaled, the hearl gets the right kindoto"wd and the rrfmno fcela lilvljorated ariKLBonger ia conieqimir-t "'.As a tliaue bunder h la far im-fcralild m Cod liver oil or any alo : nolle comixainda orlonlcn, hecauae ll gives the blood and the liiwuea the fooit eleaieata they require aud tnaintalaa a person's nutrition by enabling kja to eat, ratala, digeat and eMiaUtate notriMoua (bod. It avercoaiea the aatatric InrltaklUM and aynijii,nui of (TKSiCmc. Heeaaaa of the iivt jBil V. Piaree'a Clt,)f 11 ik ,i.,-. v.a yitarrh, coo b itad lynip I headacliea, Ifiirfnff tVom. l-l the nftlio mrit, -uv. imp i(rioa. : ttton, ; m rw : J'ltti, at ' Mel c7 k'. I fJ-VlfV J I aualluxa lUM'tnia. wuii;u dre, naceasar Co paoiry the' country.' .'( -v v', '''':, . St: -Peii;sUuVt' July id, president !Htthe JlljtfHtoriatf'Countll'jDe Witte reriirnerlypKtot day from Berlin. His nffKcow !n concluding, the Russo-Ger- ui iii.bommei-clal treaty ,1a galled as a -fervut victory.- VVv; . . '' .; '''"' ' ' Togo; Repdrte' Disappearance of Vladl , ' .. : . ;".' ''vostok Fleet. '. '. - ' . Toltlo,. July ; 30.- Tiie .Vladivostok ,quo(lron titu rtlsappenrcd. ;and It. In PQaawie.'-cnati us raia is over niwi. mat It.lH 'headins: lioniawni'H.. , The Picltlc -wait companyjH 8tftaniBnip7:rofla wm .ship Silirla at Kobe unlll, th'olr sofoty ,1s assured V The'' CSarinan Vmnil 'stcam- ,s(iip company-.In.'umnK'Kobe: as a tor ;mlndl: for the transshipment of rpaa- aengorg, and carpo. t j ' . RU S S I A F I L E S .f ' RO JEST. , - hey .Demand D?;ares:.for English , Shipments ot Contraband,. : London; JulV O.'-R'uaala has filed a formal proteBt at the-foreign ofAce against; British BliUmionto of contra- bjnij to .lapaii. Tf ft learned thBt the Russian gOrernmont, since the begin- ijlr.g of the war, baa carefully watched tba -manufacture 41 goqda Intended foi the usa.of the. Japanese government.! and an soon , as it was established thai auoa gooas were annul to be shipped to a hostile destination the facts were officially communicated to the British government, with the request thai measures be taken to put a stop to It It it runner asserted that In man) cases the government has not takes action, and It la understood that when the war enda Russia proposes to pre sent a bill for damages to the British government wbloh will offset the In domnltlea otalmed for the selsure 01 British ateaman. ', ' ' -It la also ksarnad that Roatia do not intend to bastem thd eetUememt m the right of tba veaaela of the volun tear fleet to aaaa the) Dardanelles since If negoUatiena o- the subjec were conducted at-thla.tiaa, aa deslre( by;) Great Britain, Russia might hi forced by the existing ; situation t( grant - concessions she . would aftc ward regret, :t' -:-'v K V: 8lek 'Headache'v.;-: ; ,(,'Pbr several years my wjfo was trouDiea who wnat pnysioiaos cauea sick headache ol a very severe chara cter. Bbe dootored with several eminent bbysiolans and at a great ex pense only to grdw worse, until sho wt-a unauie w ao a'y i.inu ui wurK. About a year ago sua began taking Chsmbarlain'a Stomach and Liver Tablets and today weighs more than aba ever did bel'orr and Is real well," saya Mr, George E. Wright, ol Ne w London, New York.- For, sale by Cbas. Btrang, druggist, ' y. ), RUPTURE SEEMS CERTAIN. French Reply-to Papal; Authorities v..- Will, B .Presented .Today, ; Parle, July JO.-i-The Vatican's replj to the Freaoh note demanding the re call of the letters. BunimonlDg th bishops of Dljed-Mrdlatal to Rom was received atiffie forelgu office yea orday aoWolng translated for th obudctt-'oy ministers.; It "conBlBta ol two ntttes dealing separately with the cases of the two bishops. - The Im pression prevails that a rupture Is ! most nev(tabler v-iiV v. , ) The council of-ministers, after alt- until S -pj. .m,', fllscusslng the vatl sltuatlori: decldd to keep Its de- alon secret. '.'-.. ;y ' ' ' Pramlnr -t'ombs, when questioned afjr the ctiiHl adjourned, declared thaf'(iVt uct forbade him to speaK-,' .This eme-'-U tuterpre- ted to indicate mplete rupture ol dlplnmal'c relnt1 .with the holy see. The wench iraent's note wai t to M, de Opnr 1 charge of the he Vatican, who telegraph eil taat HI eel, . the 1 secretary French4 emhaesy t' I tuIU 'communicate to the Vatican an thorltlns today. s ..If Is twtlpvad th' the embassy stall will hiaye Rom) Jonlght and that the pins I ; nuncio vfr-J lcayo Paris.. CI WARSHIP OHIO READY FOR TRIAL Anchored Off Santa Barbara Waiting ' for Clear Weather. Santa Barmra, July 30i-Vrhe bat tleship Ohio, which Is to hold her of ficial -total trip In Santa Barbara chan-neU- arrived from San Francisco yes tardny at-' 9.34 o'clock and, anchored two miles off shore. It hart been ex pected that she would reach this port at a -o'clorkt.la the -morulng.' The cause , of the delay, was not mad kuown.r The Ohio Is surrounded by a small Bfl, comprising the gunboal Annapolis, the torpedo boat destroyer Paul Jones. Preble and Perry and 'th govurnment' tugs Fortune and Una dllia. -. No, attempt will be- mado lo make trial trips before Monday, be causa of a very -heavy fog hangtna 'over the channel a, (ew miles from amorty ' , -. ,--;- ' fURSUEO BY FIER FIEND. -. .' , . ,1 Twa Incendiary Flrea Tn Santa Roaa .'' ';,-: , Cauae Heavy Lose. ; Santa Rosa, . July SO. Twice In twenty-four, hours fire visited Henri W." Unge'wltler's . posaesslous, . andj thure are strong suspicions -of Inceh rilai'lsm. ' Thursday . , his barn j was burned and his home narrowly' eaotp ed, a valuable hoi;aJaat Its lite a (I there were other beaty Ibsaos, with no Insurance.' Two young men mar ; -swly -eacapod with their Ilvea..1-M-fif lira was discovered near the Un; -nwlttar meal, market, hut the ?blaxii ta " Mlneulshad 'beforn , tnaterlnl duSuage was dune,,' Hail the ara gain'. oif headway ivery serious lom mhrht hcen Inftlciod In the hrt or ; ht- aectiun. , ; 1 , . HEROES RESCUE HOTEL GUESTS DARING DEEDS ENACTED AT THB - BURNIHQ OF HOTEL LYNN , WOOD, SAN FRANCISCO. San Fraclaco, July 30. Flames and smoko Bwent Ihroush the Lynwood, Blx-Htory building, at 18 Mason street yesterday; driving the Inmates to th sta'lrs and Are escapes. Heroes wore ready to risk their lives tor the Ito periled, and after many a thrilling aoene bad been enacted all handi were saved, although some of the res cued will be nursing burns for man days to come. James Price, the 17-year-old eleva tor boy, ran his machine to the uppei floors to arouse the lodgers, knocked at the door of a cripple, waa close pressed by the flames, and escaped only after he had hung for ten min utes from the ledge of a six-story win dow. For minutes at a time he wai hidden by clouds of smoke and toward the end the flames almost licked hit hands, but he clung fast and finally a rope reached blm and the firemen hoisted blm to the roof. Mrs. D. Harklna of Nevada City wai overcome by smoke. Fireman Wll llam P. Sawyer climbed up a stand pipe, swung on the fire-escape, reach ed the prostrate woman and brought her down to the sidewalk. ' Then Saw yer went back and rescued a man and a woman who lay suffocating in a smoke-Oiled hall, Miss Nellie Alex ander hung from a window on the fifth floor until a flramaa came to hex relief. Phil McBweagan, employed by a burglar alarm company, saved 1 woman from tba top floor. T. J. Dwy, r, who used to be a fireman, couldn't resist tba ell Impulse, and rushing Into ue burning building saved N Atteil. a cripple, from death. - Heroef sprang up for every emergency, and but for tbelr efforts half a dosen peo ple might nave lost their lives. The greatest damage done by th Barnes was In the fifth and slxtb floors, although all the floors wen flooded with water. J. A. McPhee, proprietor of Lynhood hotel, estimate! his loss at 17000. He carried 14000 Insurance. The damage to the struc ture Ib estimated at 115,000. The Peerless Awning and Tent . company loet stock and machinery valued al 93000. Another 11000 will cover the losses of the Inmates, making a total of 935,000. . ,1 SOCIALISTS APPLAUD CRIME. Russian' Socialists Declare It Their Duty to Aaalat Ruaslan Brethren. Berlin, July 80. The Social Demo crats held a meeting last night to re oelve a report of Herr Llebknecht, the counsel for the Social, Democrats who were tried recently at Koengs berg on the charge of sending an archlstlc literature Into Russia. Four thousand persons. Including many Russians, attanded. After reviewing the trial, Liehkaecht declared It was the duty of Gorman Socialists to assist their Russian comrades, and nald thai ha would neglect no opportunity to send them printed matter. Llebknecht spoke tn the harshest terms of the late Russian minister ol the interior. Von Plehve, characteris ing him as the "oloodhound of Vina, whose hands are soiled by the blood of hundreds of thousands of working--rtiC-. .. - There waa prolonged applause when tba speaker declared that he saw Rus sians embrace, kiss and weep for Joy when they heard the news of the min ister's assassination. BUSINESS MAN TWICE DEPORTED Denounced Governor Peabody and His Military Subordinates. Cripple Creek, Cold.. July 30. Pat rick McCarvel, one of the men who ware deported to the Kansas line by the military in June, returned to Vic tor, where he owns property, Includ ing a large ball and business block valued at 825,000. When Mcdarvel disembarked from the train he waa taken In charge by Major H. A. Nay lor. acting city marshal. - McCarvel was allowed to attend t some busi ness affairs and waa placed on board the drat outgoing train with a warn ing that' in future police protection would not be afforded him should h again return. McCarvel waa origi nally deported for openly expressing. sympathy with the miners' union and denouncing acta of Governor Peobodi and his military subordinates. FINAL DECREE OF FORECLOSURE Portland. Me., July SO. Judge Put-, nam In the United 8tates circuit court Prlday entered final decree of fore closure and sale against building plants in different parts of tha coun try controlled by the United State Shipbuilding company on hills of eq ulty brought by the Mercantile Trust company of New York and the Now York Security and Trust company ol New York. ; v WILL COMMAND ISLAND STATION. Washington. July JO. Captain Hen ry W. I.yon baa been chosen tn sue! oeed Rear-Admiral Sllao W. Terry as commandant of the Honolulu naval station upon the letter's retirement: aext December. Rear-Admiral Terry: will he retired for axe. He waa bom -la Kentucky and was appointed to the aval academy frem that state Sen- : Umber St. IJ5S. He reached the gride at rear-admiral iu March, lt. i Sleeping volcanoes A thin, vapory smoke, lazily ascend. Cng from its crater, may be the only vis ible sign of life in the sleeping volcano ; but within is a raging sea of fire, molten rock and sulphurous gases, Those who make their homes in the peaceful val leys below know the danger, and though frequently warned by the rumblings and nuakings, these signs of impending emo tion go unheeded. They are living in fancied security ; wlten the giant awakes with deafening roars.and they are lost benet(th a dowhpour of heated rock and scalding ashes. Thousands of blood poison sufferers are luring upon a sleeping volcano, and are. taking desperate .chances, for under the mercury and pot- , - j , ' Li t iii , i Bowling Green, Ky Mar. 24, 1803. ash treatment tile external Qentlemem For over ibnr years I-enffered SV mtpoms of the disease dis- greatly from a severe ease of contagious blood onn.or on thn rlolurW vie- Po'eon. I went to Hot Springe, ataying there fous appear, and ttie ueiuoea vie- ft.h- hiffAvn.nB. t ki n.i,,i hr- tim is happy in the belief of aloiana, who preaoribed Ateronry, Nothing did ,mrUt cure- but the me any good; la fact, the treatment proved more' a complete cure, DUt trie hr,ntQl thai benenolal. I mentioned my case to fires of contagion have only a friend, who told me that S. 8. B. had certainly been smothered in the svs- eared him. I at once commenced itanao, and at Deen gmocnerea in rne sys tm 00nlnu,ne it for ,om.Mm. could find no trace tern, and as soon as these r the dlaeaae whatever. Thia waa about twa minerals , are left off will reare ago. I can truthfully ajy Jmenr.lr 1 , 1 well. .D. at. BAMCBllia. blaze up again. Occasional sores break out in the mouth, a red rash appears on the body, and these warning symptoms, if not heeded, are soon followed by fearful eruptions, gores, copper-colored splotches, swollen glands, loss of hair and other sickening symptoms. Mercury and potash not only fail to cure blood poison, but cause mercurial Rheumatism, necrosis of the bones, offen sive ulcers and inflammation of the stomach and bowels. The use of S. S. S. is never followed by any such bad results. It cures -without the slightest injury to the system.. We offer $1,000 for proof that it contains a mineral of any descrip en Contagious Blood Poison, with full directions for home treatment. Medical advice is furnished by our physicians without charge. ' 1 TH SWIFT 9KCim CO., ATLANTA, QAm AMERICA NOT SATISFIED. Unwilling to Accept Rusala'a Interprs tatlon of International Law. Washington, July 30. W. Myoderse a New York attorney, representing some of the cargo owners of the steam er Knight Commander, sunk by the Russian Vladivostok . squadron, called at the state department and had I Bhm-t Informal conference with Solid tor Penfteld respecting a formal pre sentation to the Russian government of the clalma of these owners for the destroyed cargo. It was arranged that a written brief should be submit ted later on, embodying the legal points Bought to be made In this case It Is clear to the officials here thai regardless of any rules which Russls may have laid down for her own gov ernment respecting the sinking of neu tral ships, the practice, opposed as II Is to all modern principles of Interna tlonal law, cannot be permitted by thli government without a strenuoua pro test.. ' J'.'v... A Violent Attaok of Diarrhoea Cured by Chainberiaiu'a Colic, Cholera -- and Diarrhoea Remedy ana Perhaps a Life Saved. '-, "A short time ago I was taken with a violent attack ol diarrhoea and I be lieve I would have died if I bad not gotten relief," says John J. Patton, a laading oittzen ol Patton, Ala. "a Iriend recommended Chamberlain's Colic, Oholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, I bought a 26 cent bottle and. after taking three do9ea of it was entirely, cured. I oonsider It the best remedy in the world for oonel oompiaints. 1 For sale by Chas. Strang. BATTLING NELSON DEFEATS HANLON ONE OF THE FIERCEST BATTLES '.'IN HI8TORY OF THE RINQ. San Francisco, July 30. Battling Nelson won a wonderful fight las( nlsht from Eddie Honlon. The game little taltfornlan. Just out of the east with newly acquired speed and clever ness and steam, coutd not withstand the terrific fighting of his always o'.i coming opponent. Cut to' ribbons, bleeding at nose and eye, Eddie stood up until It was cruelty to allow -9-ftsht to proceed. Jim twenty-four seconds after the beginning of the nineteenth round Billy Delanoy thre v the towel into the rlug and annthor good little boy wbs can-led to' sis cor nir. a fallen Mot ' - iSWPaCBB1 Spur Stomach ' No appetite, loss of strength, Bermat ossa, headache, oonitlpiHan, bad bream, Seneral debility, sour risings, and catarrh ai te stomach are all due to indigestion. KedoJ cures Indigestion. This new discovery repre sents the natural Juices of digestion as tney exist In a healthy stomach, combined with wo greateai Known Ionic and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does eel only cure Indigestion and dyspepaia, bat this famous remedy cures all etomach treublea by cleansing, purifying, aweelenlng and atrenglhenlng the mucosa membranes ialag the stomach. - ,Mi S;.Pit ""veiwoed. W. Va.. mnr lw troubled with kw uonucli Ibr hnacr reus. Krod aialMian ut B m auS Kodol Digests What Yon Eat, BottLioelr. JI.OO Site ecldlnt IX HmeitkekM tie. which ie:ss for 50 centa, Frepared By O. DeWITT O0 OMIOABS) For sale by Chns. Strang Subjoribe for Tils Mail. tion. S. S. S. is an antidote for Conta gious blood poison, it destroys every atom of the virus and purifies and strengthens the blood and builds up tha general health. We will mail free our special book ' ' l oo real end of the fight came In the eighteenth round.. For three peri ods preceding Nelson had been per sistently cutting Eddie about tbe face and head with short-arm punches and uppercuts. Tbe California boy with draw Into bis . orouch and the Dane pierced that defense; the California lad danoed around the ring with his guard open, 'and the Dane followed hhu with swings that connected and stung. Finally, Just before time for the bell In' the eighteenth, the Dane mime In close and threw up to Eddie's cn.n a right hook. . Hanlon was staggered. He clutched desperately at Nelson and hung on. Not waiting for the break to be made by Referee Roche, Nelson shoved B'ldle away. Then It was that Nelson naw, and the crowd saw and knew that Edille Hanlon, the 'Pride of Califor nia." was a beaten boy. Fod Instead of setting himself for another assault 6Mdie fell-ignominously to a heap on tho floor. ; . - Standing over' the bruised and bat tered- lighter, the referee called the count to. nine, and as the dazed young ster staggered to bis feet the gong Bounded and there came a much-needed ,perlod of rest. '- . tn the tense, nervous excitement It was not for some moments' that the crowd realized what had happened. jJm bad climbed to tbelr chairs and re standing, wild- eyed and hatleBS, uncertain as to , whether the end of the round had come, or, what some of them feared more, the end of the fight ', Wise old Billy Delaney leaned over Hanlon and applied restoratives; In Nelson's corner Ted Murphy was talk ing coolly and collectedly to the boy he calls - affectionately "The Great Dane." " And then the sixty seconds were up and there came the ring of the gong.-. - Hanlon never got to the center ol the ring. Like some wild beast ol prey, NelBon sprang from his corner with a bound and rained blows about his opponent's, fsce and head. Poor little Eddie Hanlon. trying always, could do nothing but cover up and take tbe punishment, With bis hands before his face in that crouch so familiar to San Fran alsco fight followers, "the pride cl California" was buffeted about the ring like a crippled boat before an all powerful storm. ' Referee Billy Roche looked appeal ingly at Trainer Billy Delaney. The orawd yelled "Stop It! Stop tlin ght!" men who had wagered Har, a. money Joining In the cry. Am! still Delaney made no move. And then, less than half a minute beforf tba sod of the period, the belated towol waa thrown Into tbe ring and II waa a, bvbv. LEAKING OA80LINE CAU8S8 FIRS San Diego! July 80. Fire In the Roxbury building In this ctty raster day came near causing the destruction of the block. A leaking gasoline tank aught fir while a reservoir was be Ins filled. A women seised tbe tank and started to carry It downstairs, but was so badly burned that she dropped It on the stairway. The flames spread rapidly, but assistance came la time to save the building. I) O. Joy was so badly burned that be was taken to a hospital. The Are de pertinent extinguished the flames be fore great damage was done. Th woman's Injuries are not serious. I rind nothing hotter lor liver de-anst-mpnt and constipation than (hainbcrliiln's Stomach and Liver Tablets. I. P. Andrewn, Dps Moines, iowu. For rule by l'hi. Strf ne. Adv- ttiee in The Mail. WANTED Bids on 3500 Ce dar Te 1 e g- r a p h poles; also bids on installing poles between Ashland and Grants Pass via Gold Ray. Pri vilege reserved for rejecting any or all bids. For mfor niattion address Dr. C. R. Ray ' Tolc - Oregon I his is a Cut of tf.AlUARD'S - NON-MAGNETIC ' Watch Movement. .' Absolutely unaffected by Electricity or Magnetism. B. N.' BUTLER, Agent. Corner 7th and C Sts. ii For Rent! , . - .5000 acres of farming and! rancn lands Ranches frorn 40 to 500 acres. Alfalfa Lands, drain Lands.Qarden Lands, r-ruu Lands and Stock Ranches with unlimited outside range J DR. C. R. RAY, Tolo. Ore I. R. WILSON, Blacksmithing THE OLD STAND. Brick Shop . I Modford, s ' ; . . ; SOUTH AtfD BA.8T VIA SOOTHERS PACIFIC C0MP1H!. -. Shasta Route Trains leave Medford.for Portland and way stations at 4:21 A. M. and 4;(1 ,i P. M. Lv. Portland 8:80 a. m 8:30 p. m Lv.Medford U:Mp.m 1120 a. n Ar. Ahsland 12:mS.i ia:S a,i Ar. Sacramento 5:10p.ni 5:00 a. a, Aj.ganHranoHoo...... 7:6p, m 8:46 a. m Offen :a aTni 7.00 a. m Denver 9:80 a. m 9JSa m a KamasClty 7:i.S 'altS Ohl'inro T:3a.m : Ar. Los Angeles 2:00 p. . : -'e ni Ar. El Paso 6:00 p. m toocia Ar.Fort Worth 6:30, 5-1 to,Z Ar. City of Mexico.: 11:80a if l'C' Ar. Houston 7:00 rr Ka!m ( Ar. New Orleans... . 6: rr e-jrr n v Ar. Washington.. 6:42 pm , ;.1S a.n Ar.XewYork ... . 12:10t m I U:10p.m Pullman and Tourist Cars on both trains. Chair cars Saoramen to to Ogden and El Paso, and tourist oars to Chloago, St. Louis, New Or eana and Washington. Connecting atSao Francisco with the ev era! MeamsMp llnee lor Honolulu, Japan China, Philippine!, Central and South Amerfc See agent at Medford station or addreai C.H. MARKHAS Q.V.K t owriaNo. BcaoN NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. DEP tRTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. Land omce at Roseburg, Oregon. Not'coli hereby gtven that ton" roHowtng ilomiM settlor has ulcil notice ot his Intention in make Final Proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before A.S. Billon. U. S. Commts.loner. at his offlre. In Mclford. Oregon, on Friday, August 26, loot via: MRKXZO P. ASBl'RY, Township MfWh.RsniMW-e,;4' " Uh iinmH thai fnlli-lin ,.i . ... ........ .- .y,.-,., "inii-wt-s in prove Ma contlniioin residence upon ami cnlllvaliori ol PaitJ lftrii, vti: BieWTstflt. Johti NeuMrom. Jatm-a Ohcuk. of veiia, orejoo. J.T. Bridges, Register.