Buy Meat at WORTKUN 8 GORE'S C Street Meat MarRet, Medford, - - Oregon BEST Meat at REASONABLE Price is the Motto we have Adopted E MEDFORD MAIL Babllahod BTonr Friday Morning. A. 5. BUTTON t Uttoyoao,, Obkqon, July 1, 1904 I A8 BORN TO HUSTLE He fa of few days; but quite a plenty. SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER YEAR Ate rod in tbe PoBtoffloe at Medford, Oregon M SeooDd Oless Mall Matter. Gold Hill Celebration. The poo pit) of Gold Hill never do 'JiingB half wuy, uud the celebration ihey will give ou the Fourth will be vmrag the best ever given In South ;mt Oreogn. Th services of Rev. Jus. MoDougall, Grants Pass, huve been aeoured as amiUir f the duy. The exerolsoB will wauneuce at 10:!J0. Musical selec ttoua will bo rendorod by a quartot of jftogera from G run In Pass and the Gold HUH Girls' Hand. In the aftornoon at U.-3) a grand oulathumpiau parade will toko place. After that there will bo fcsree horso races, viz., pony race, 300 3-nrds, pruso $5 ; Huddle horse race, jcono distanco, purse $10; free for all '.ran, sumo distanco, purse $15. Thoro riU bo girls' font races, hoys' foot tocos, sack racoa, apoon races, etc. itimt prize for each of which will be Jtiafl, In tho ovoiting two rock drill ius contests will occur, one, doubiud fonded, for a purso of $20; the other naoglo handed, for a purao of $10. 'There will bo daylight fireworks and vail grandest diapluy at night over antra in Southern Oregon. Tho ball ume will be between Medford and UCuId Hill. In the ovoniug thoro will W a irrand ball, inuaio for which will lii fUruiuhod by Miller's orohestra, of j&Mtoru. The nuinagomont is aaaur '.'mf. everyone that thoy "will never mrei it if thoy oomo. At 2 p. m. IPwrf. Mi)Cormiok will dive from tho rotttToTtuo bridgft Into liogue river, a ttfeuftiinoe of 55 foot. A Serious Accident. tdneatftyjrflornoon John UarkdulJ wn near loalnp hla life in a terrible mxA laryuu usual way. While gainer Afjmullbftttrios Mr.Bnrkdull endeavor fl U roach' some very One ones by x.iftibfug:R foiioe. When almost within :ttittttif the fault he lost his footing nd Ml, cutting- horrible gush io tbe ffc&ahleol hie- throat, one and one buBiachea In depth and between two Tewl three inchos in length. Or. Cam iui dreanud the wound and stated Nn.loiioeiubfrh of an inch more would ifcave eeorod' the jugular vein, Mr. Qtwfcriull miflVml nonsldemlWe Trom Xi wound, hut. will recover. SMART YOUNG DRESSERS Young men who want swell things who want ovory late kink in cut and making thrown into thoir Suits come here for their clothes. It' wo are ever a moment behind on a new idea, wo don't know it. The newest styles worn in this community always emanate from this store. For this reason we hold the trade of the Young Men of tbe ToT&n Our Hiring and summer Suits are stunners. Our prices are not high when we sav $12.50, $15.00, $10.50 or $20.00 for all tho quality and go that's in oar Young Men's Suits. F. K. DEUEL CO., CLOT: MATTE r r PURELY PERSONAL. u. J. S. Bowman, of Phoenix, was at tending to business on Friday. M. Yount, of Talent, was here ou a trading expedition Saturday. Prof. E. E. Washburn, of Jackson ville, registered at Hotel Hart Friday. Robt. Wostrop, of Leland, came up to Medford Thursduy, for a two days' visit with friends. ReproBontative-elect H. Von der Holleu and son, of Wellen, were in Medford Saturday. Mrs. J. W. Mills- came dowu from Phoenix Monday evening for a few days' viBit with friends in this city, E. E. Smith, of Big Butte, formerly deputy county clerk of Jackson coun ty, spont the day in Medford Mouday. J. B. Van Derford was iu town ou a business trip Saturday. Mr. Vuu Derford will read Tho Mail in the future. Robt. Ashworth and daughter, Miss Agues, of Contral Point, accompanied by Miss Hicks, were Medford visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. HUdroth, accom panied by N. B. Hildroth and S. L. Trefron, all of Ashland, registered at tho Nash Saturduy. Mrs. Zora Wiloy, of Ashland, camo dowu Tuesday evening of last wook for a two weeks' visit with home folks and friends in this city. Ed. Wilkinson, Tom Reed, Georgo Merrimaii, Al El so 11 hart, Frank Wil sou, and Chas. Gay attonded the ball gaiuo in Ashland Saturday. Merchant Colo man, of Phoenix, was in town Friday, ordering goods though traveling saloamou and shaking hands with his friends who are legion. Miss Kathorine Chapman, of Jack sonville, passed through Medford Thursday, ou routo to Duuamuir, Calif., to look aftor her business in terests in that town. Rov. aud Mrs. Clyde, of Ashland, oaiue down Mouday evening and were met at the station by Richard Ish, who drove them out to tho Ish farm, whoro thoy will visit for a few days. Mrs. Riudlaub aud daughters, of Portland, arrived In Medford Friday morning, on route to Cinnabar, mine on Applogato, where they will remain until September, to oujoy the bene fits of mountaiu air and water. Thos. P. Amos, of Tacoraa, Wash., representing the Causality Insurance Co., was in Modtord ou business sev eral days last week. Ho was accom panied by his brother-in-law, A. lioy uolds, also of Tacomn, who was ou n sight-sooing trip. R5 HABERDASHERS. L. P. Asbury, of Dry creek, spent Monday Medford. C. R. Townsend, of Gold Hill, spent Sunday la Medford. A. D. Knight, of Ashland, spent Tuesday at the Hub city. C. L. Austin made a business trip to Grants Pass Tuesday. H. D. Norton, of Grants Pass, was a Medford visitor Sunday. Mr. aud Mrs. Ted Kelso returned Monday from their trip to Colestiue. Will Lewis registered at the Nash from Eagle Poiut Tuesday. Will M. Dodge, of Ashland, was a Medford visitor last Friday. R. C. Cummins, of Roseburg, regis tered at the Nash Tuesday. Dr. W. B. Officer, of Eagle Poiut, was a Medford visitor Tuesday. Mrs. Lettie Gregory, of Ceutral Point, spent Tuesday iu Medford, A. Fern, of Grants Pass, was in Medford the fore part of the week, A. C. Hough aud H. E. Fostor, of Grants Pass, registered at the Nash Sunday. T. H. Flyuu, accompanied by Geo. Flyuii, both of Gold Hill, were in this city Sunday. Zack Cameron, of Uuoioutown, was in this city Saturday, attending to business matters. W. C. Leover, of Central Poiut, spent the day in Medford Saturday, attending to business matters. J, J. Brown, brother of Morchaut Brown, of this city, was up from his Central Poiut homo Thursday. Miss Laura Evans left Tuesday evening for Oakland, Oregon, ou a visit to relatives and friends. Supervisor Jacob Stone, accompa nied by his wife aud daughter, wore among tho Medford visitors Saturday. Mrs. Nottie Grove, accompanied by Mrs. Jos. Moomaw, of Eagle Point, spent Tuesday in the Hub city on a shopping expedition. C. W. Sherman, spent Monday and Tuesday In this city on special busi ness. Mr. Sherman left Tuesday ev ening for Roseburg and Portland. W. H. Vrevoort, proprietor of the Greeuback mine, was in Medford and Jacksonville Saturday, attending to business matters. Y. A. Gray, of McMinnville.Oregou, was In this oity Friday and Saturday, looking about the town for a favor able location in which to open a feed atore. Mr. Gray was e nagged iu that busiuess In McMiuuville for a uuni ber of years, having recently sold out at a good figure. He will no doubt make Medford his future home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kinuey,of Yreka, Calif., came into town Mouday morn ing in an automobile in which they very quickly uud easily crossed the Siskiyou mountains. Mr. Kinney is proprietor of an automobile stable iu Yreka aud expects to open another stable in Ashland in tho near future. While iu this city Mr. and Mrs. Kin ney where the guetss of Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Hurt Mr. aud Mrs. S. C. Benu aud daughter came up from Grunts Pass Friday, morning iu which place thoy haro been residing since last July. They come with the intention of mak ing their home in Medford and ex press themselves as being highly ploased with the appearance of things iu this towu, Mr. Bonn came from Boise City, Idaho, to Southern Ore gou. Guy Anderson, a young man em ployed by the Southern Pacific Co., at thoir ottice in Portland, accompa uied by his uncle, Mr. Swallow, who together have been making a tour of Southern Oregon during the past week, loft for thoir homes in Portland Monday morning. Chas. HatVt and nephew, Henry Halt't, of Lake crook, arrived in Med ford Thursday evening. The nature of their errand was to take I nick to their home in Uike rivek, Chas. Hatft, Jr., who wa brought to Mod Ifnrd in March for treatment for hone disease, ot which he has been antler ; tug ainco last September. Vuder the 'skillful treatment of Dr. Cameron the youug umi is able to ho around again and in very happy indeed to gut back to hit homo and lrit'.nd:. I George Beall, of Big Butte, one oj the Mail'B staunchest friends and sup porters, was In Medford on a busiuess . trip Tuesday. . .,, , I David Robinson, of Oregon City, is in Medford, a guest of W. R. Garrett ;aud family. Mr. Rohiuson will remain in Southern Oregou for two or throe weeks longer, A. D. Dlttraar, of the mining jour nal, Mineral Wealth, published at Redding, Calif., has been in Medford this week getting material and data for their special number soou to be Issued. Wallace Livesy, of Woodburn, Ore gon, arrived in Medford Tuesday and will stay here awhile with the hope of finding a business opening here. Mr. Livesy is an old-time friend of E. S. Wolfer, whose guest he is while in Medford. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Faulk nor, ac companied by Mr. Faulkuor's broth er, J. G. Faulknor.and F. H. Gilliam, of Portland, arrived in Medford Tuesday, on a viBit to relatives and friendB. Mrs. Faulknor is a niece of K. Kleinhammer. Mesrs. Hutchison and Blackmore, of North Bend, Oregon, were in this section last week on timber land busi ness. These gentlemen have bought property in that very progressive lit tle Coos Bay oity aud will remain there permanently. J. H. Ward, formerly of Medford, but who has, with his family, resided at Arcada, Calif., for the past few years, is in this city agaiu. Mr. Ward suffered the great misfortune of losing his wife last fall aud his old time Medford friends are all extending to him their sincere sympathy. Mr. Ward was accompanied by J. V. Keizor. Supt. Daily took Saturday even ing's train for Portland, to he present at the three days' session of the State Teachers' Association and the one day's sessiou of the Association for School Superintendents of the various counties of the state. The Teachers' Assiociatiou meets Wednes day and with the Association for School Superintendents will make a total of four days' session. Miss Marie King took Sunday morn ing's train for San Francisco, where she will enter Irving Sanitarium to take a special course for the profes sion of a trained nurse. It is a cher ished ambition with Miss King to be come a proficient nurse aud her many friends in this city where during her short resideuce she has been a gener al favorite, wish her large success in her chosen line of work. Rev. Mrs. Love, who 'with her fam ily have resided in this city for the past few mouths, took Tuesday eveu ing's train for Portland, where she will joiuMr. Love, who has made all possible arrngements for her comfort on her arrival. Mr. aud Mrs; Love were unfortunate In losing their household and personal effects im the recent fire which destroyed the hoase owned by Gus Samuels. Dr. J. G. Goble returned Friday morning from a two weeks' stay at Etna, Washington, whither he was- called by telegram saying his little son, who resides with his aunt, Mrs. Reaves, in that city, was dangerously ill. The doctor was in McCloud,Cal., : when the message came, and took the : first train for the north without stop-1 ping at Medford. He found his son' very sick but reports him out of dan ger at present The Doctor says the weather was very unpleasant up there, being chilly and wet throughout his stay and that he was very glad to get back home again where the warm sun shiuos. Liouteuaut aud Mrs. Fries, who came up on Friday morning's train from Ceutral Point, to visit friends here, loft on Sunday evening's train for Portland. Lieut. Fries is detailed ou river and harbor work at present aud with headquarters at the U. S. custom house at Portland. He bas charge of the work on the canal just above the Dalles, which will unite the upper and lower Columbia rivers aud will be of wonderful assistance In giviug cheap transportation to mar ket of a large portion of Eastern Oregon and Washington products. It will take about $4,000,000 of govern ment money and 'about six or seveu years of work to complete this enter prise. A small apportionment, only, has beeu made so far. Rev. aud Mrs. Frederick W. Cars tons left ou Mouday evening's train for the East, Mr. Curate us being a delegate aud a representative of three Young Peoplos' societies to the nati onal H. Y. P. U., convention In De- triot, MicMgau. The convention be gins its session Thursduy, July 7th, and It lasts over Sunday. Mr. Cars tens makes three stops before reaching the convention, the first being at Goideudide, Wash., where he address ed the young people on Wednesday evening. His next stop Is at Arling ton, Oregou, where he guve an open nlr talk to his many friends in that little city. Thursday evening he lect ures in OgdtHi, I'tfth, also tilling a pulpit there tho following day. Mr. (.'ai'.-ttem ietichui the convention tin following Thursday. Attr the Cun- jvemiou uu .vii; j-jia .M,ra. Carstus at Spring Garden, 111., .where they, will spend the month of July. Thos. J. Fesler, Frank Rhodes aud Mr. Gardner, three well-known men of Centralia, Wash., arrived in this city Wednesday morning. Tliey went to Jacksonville tho same aftornoon and from there into the Applogato sec tion ou mining busiuess. Miss Armotta Burch took Saturduy evening's train for Portland at which city she will spoud several days visit ing friends and iu attendance at the State Teachers' Association. Miss Burch goes from Portland to Groat Falls, Mont, where she will spend most of the eummer and will probably visit the World's Fair before return ing home. Guaranteed Forest Reserve scrip for eale, in large or small quanM'ties, by Frank E. Alley, upBtaira over Land Office, RoBoburg, Oregon. Will place same for non-resident purchasers. Onion seta at Warners & Davis. Willamette Valley Chautauqua Association. The Willamette Valley Chauatauqua Association will meet at Gladstone Park, near Oregon City, July 12th to 24th, 1904, inclusive. The Southern Pacific Co. will make reduced rates on the certificate plan for this occa sion. Call on any Southern Pacific ageut for advertising matter. 2GAt Ice Cream Social. An ice creaikl social will be given by the Young Peoples' society of the Methodist church, this (Friday) even ing, July 1st, at tho residence of II. B. Nye. A special program, consist ing of solos, duets, instrumental mu sic and readings, will be given. Other amusements have been prepar ed and the young people will spare no pains iu muking the evening a highly eutortuiniug one. A good time and a "cool recoption" is promised all. Following is the program : Piano Trio Recitation Miss Cooper Duett Miss Fielder and Cluiunce Meeker Recitation Nola Kedden Duett Fern Hutchison and Hazel Davis Heading MUb Duclos Quartette , Mediation Miss Eiffert Solo Mrs. Gore Instrumental Solo Flora Gray Iustrumsntal Solo Grace Lawton LEVI STRAUif COCO'S , copper riveted, overalls TH6 NEW ARTIST WATCHHAKER Opa tow BuiImh at Kvlso's Sicycl Stor West ot Railroad, Main St., Medford, Ore. latfstuctlon sunranteed in tho most approved' workmanship, with polite and punctual attention to all work In my care CARL GUHKC MILCH COW WANTED At Laurelash. Farm, Two miles north of Jacksonville. One with second or third calf Preferred. Must be gentle, and give large quantity of rich milk. Send full description and state price, spot cash. Robert W. Largest and best Stock of Granite Ware Ever Brought to Medford Get Busy with the Fish and Buy Your FISHING TACKLE of H. Q. NICHOLSON WE FEAR NOCOMPETITION in the milling and eale of flour. Doesn't take a book to tell why DuvIb' Beat brand holds Its own, gains new friends daily. First, blend of wheat not to be excell ed; second, milling machinery the best modern lngeuuity baa deviaed; third, millers who know wheat, milling and how to make such a tine flour bb Davis' Best. A. A. DAVIS G. L. Schemerhorn Building Contractor Orders taken at Office of Iowa lumber and Box Co W. C. T. V. items. Tbe Union opened on time by de' votioual exercises and prayer by Mrs.' Hubbard, after which the Union de voted some time to business. Several fine articles were read. All joined in 1 the discussion. At the close a most excellent original paper ou "Woraan'B Suffrage, " was read by Mrs. M. A.' Hoge, which filled all with renewed energy. The Union voted to have the paper published in one or both of our home papers. The benediction was pronounced by Mrs. Hubbs. Card of Thanks. To those who so kindly assisted us duriug the sickness, death and burial of our dear one, we wish to express our most heart felt gratitude and es. pecially thank the ladies for the many t beautiful floral offerings. MRS. W. B. ROBERTS and Family, , P. B. O'NEIL. Gold Rill Development Company Has completed arrangements to in stal a power plant aud custom smelter at Gold HiliT Oregon. The final sur vey has been1 made by J. S. Howard and water sufficient will be available! at the lowest stage of the river to guarantee 8000' horse power. The re gion through which the pole line wil'. extend is between Ashland and Orantw Pass, and all intermediate points. The company will have about 6000 horsey, ower over and above their own re quirements to dispose of at a very rea sonable rate. Consumers desiring current for light and power wiV ' please address, H- SCHAEPFER, . General Manager, 25-4t Gold Hill, Oregon. For Sale. A cheap, two-horse lumber wagon. A one-horse light buggy wagon. R. Ef. MAPLESDEN, 27-2t Oakdale Avenue. Oglesby I i