OUR COUNTY . I Correspondents CommunioatioriB frorp our sev eral oorreBpondents mus't reach this office not . later than Wednesday noon to insure publication. Jacksonville Hews. Mrs. Chas. Prim spent Saturday in Medford Born To Mr. and Mrs. James Fielder, a daughter, Miss Ends, of Medford, is visit ing MiBS Matoon, of this city. Dr. Gale returned Sunday from a week's sojourn at Poruanu Born On March 17, 1904, to Mr, and Mrs. Jab. Eaton, a daughter. John Orth and Judge Prim naid Gold Hill a visit during the weeK Mr. JohnBori, of Gold Ray, was at the court houBa the first of the week. Mr. Shearer was down Irom Cole' man oreek mill on a short visit with his family. Mr. Harr, of Squaw lake, was in town during the week. He reports tho roada the worst in years. Miles Cantrall and wife, of Ap- plegate, were in town Wednesday; also James junmu anu wnu. Wm. Colvig left Tuesday even, jnpr for Chicago He expects to re turn about the first of the month. The social given by the Ladies' Aid Society was a success in every particular. Everyone Baa a very enjoyable time. Wm. Cameron, of Applegate, ar rived in time to take the 9:30 train Sunday evening for Medford, where he went to meet Ills brother, Sena tor Cameron, and Mrs. Cameron's body. The wife of Ed. Laytori died in California one day last week and will be buried on Miseouri Flat , Monday or Tuesday. The family have the sympathy of all in their sad bereavement. Thursday wa9 the anniversary of . Mrs. Amelia Elmer's birth and she tendered the Eastern Stars a sur prise, which was very much enjoyed . by all who were fortunate enough to be at lodge that evening. , Miss Kate Chapman had her Bpring opening : of millinery on ;,' Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week,-which, by the way, wnt one of the nicest ever held in thif town. Anyone B'.irely can find what they want there. ; , A BOn of Alfred Carter died ' quite suddenly. . He retired Friday ; evening in his usual hcaltn and when one of the.family went to call him in the morning found he war dead, having parsed away some- time during the night. Pick Donegan, who has been a clerk in J- Nunan's store, in this " place, was a paafenaer on 8unday evenings, fain for Portland, wfoere , .J16 bftpes lo prbbiire a situation as clerk, t Diok in a bright boy and will be very much missed from , among us, but his many friends .whfh him unlimited suooesB in hie , new home. The community wrb shocked on Saturday evening by hearing uf the doatn of Mis. Un.neron, who died at Itlamath Falls Saturday morning at 10 o'olock. No one knew she wab Biok until Saturday morning when Senator Cameron started from here with a nurse for Klain- ' ath Falls. On reaching Lairds he reoeived the word that Bhe was dead. The remains were iminedi- ately shipped for Jacksonville and a special train met them at men foru. , WrB Uameror oi many ostinmble MrB Cameron was a woman ninny ostiniabie qualities anu New 1 9 O 4 i Special Prices Until March 21, 1904 will be Badlv missed by her bus- band, children and many friends, Her familv have the heart felt Byni at hv of all in their sad bereave ment. Mrs. Cameron was buried under the auspices of Adarel Chap ter of Eastern- Star, Tuesday, at 1:30 p m. Table Bock item. BY J. CP. Bert Vincent aud son, John, were in town Monday. Richard Jenninfrs and wile were shopping in Medlord last ween, PhiDDS Bros, moved Borne oattl from the Helm's place last Thurs day. Dr. Pleasant was out from Ceo tral Point Thursday, on a business trip. C. A. DickiBon made a trip to Ashland Tuesday. Charles seems very busy theee days. B. R. Porter, Wm. R. Byrum and David GriBham all did business at the county seat last week. Notwithstanding the bad coudi tion of the roads, E. H. DaviB has made regular, weekly t'ips, except once, to the Meuiora creamery mi winter. We understand others here Will engage 111 tUB uueiacno ao oyuu as spring opens. Mr. Nichols, the Medford butch er, and Mr. Coffee, representing the Gold Hill market, were both here, look 112 for fat cattle last wees: Onlv a few bead ware secured. The high price of hay and the un- certainitv of the beeimarxei caused many farmers to allow cattle to get below prime condition. We hear people talking every dev about the late, wet spring, say ing they neversaw it so muddy this time of year. While looking over an old diary of 184 we find that the first furrow was turned in this neighborhood on April 1st by Mr. Diokison. He put in hiB entire nlace that spring, as did otners.and aside from some little grain that was injured from rust.it was as good a crop generally as your cor respondent ever saw on Roeue river hottom. So why be discouraged yet? $100 Reward, $100, The ntmlem of this nar.Gr will ho pleased to Icaro thai thero IB at leant one dreaded disease that science has been nrilo to cure in all lis ftuttep, and that la Catarrh. Hall'a Catarrh Cure is the onl; iosttfvu cure now known to tne mcmCHl Tratcrnity. uaiarrn uomg a eoa stltuilutiul dlseuso, requires a constitutional treatment. llull'M Catarrh Cuto Is tattoo in ternally, ncttnti directly upon tho blond and mucous Mtrluces of tlio Htstem, thereby de stroying tho foundation of the (II ease, and BivltiK the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature to do Its work. The pro rletors has sn much faith In Its curative power Uint lliey offer Ui.e" Hundrei Hollars for anv ease that 11 falla 10 ouro. Send for list of t Htfinonfnls, ' Aililress rYJ. utiwrsiuir a uu., Toieuo, u. , Bold by all (lruHgtsm, 75c. '1 uko Hall-a Family PlllH for oonstlpat Ion Central Point Items, J.. W. Hobbs spent a day in town last week. Mrs. W. H. Noroross and Mrs. J. W. Merritt spent Saturday at Med ford. J. D. Wimer and wife, of Wood- ville, spent Sunday with friends of Ibis oity. fjl"7i Rippey left for Siskiyou otiunty, Calif.,last week to seek em ployment. Mrs. Edward Coker, of Horn brook, Calif., IB paying relatives here a visit. Miss Ada Ditsworth iB spending the weuk with home folk on Upper Rngue liver. George Given, of Eagle Point, was trading with our merchants last Saturday. Miss Stella Pleasants left for Ashland TueFdny to Bpend a tin days with friends. J. H. Gay received several car loads of lumber for his lumber yards, the past week J. O. Wilson has the contract for removing the G. A. R. ball to the 0tB recently purchased, on Fine The Medford Furniture Co House Furnishers and Undertakers We have just received a new line of .... " WALL PAPER. street, and be will have it moved in a few days. Mrs. E Pleasants received a fine stock of spring bats and up-to-date luminary guuuo tuts weeK. ' Mrs. J. W. Jacobs, of ABhland is spending the week with her mother, Mrs. K. C, Morris. ' Mrs. V. T, Grieve, who has been spending the winter here, left for ner nome at Prospect Friday. Joseph Wright bought J. S. Rog er's farm on Bear oreek laBt week the consideration being $2600, Rev, J, Merley removed from Medford to the home lately bought irom j, ii, uay, a ten dayB ago. Dean Sanderson, of Eugene, spent a day in town this week : the interest of the Divinity sohool lhere will be an entertainment held at the hotel hall, April let, tne proceeds will be used to pur chase a flag for the publio sohool The newly elected citv officers toon the oath of olhce Monday. G. H. Perkins and . H. Downing tied at the oity election,consequent ly tney drew Btrawa and G. H. Per kina was the lucky one. Qrlffln Creek Items. Little Edna Bovd is confined to her bed with an attack of pneu mount iever. The pupils of Enterprise school are making preparations to give an entertainment in the near future. Th9 announcement will be made later on. There have rem quite a eood many reported to he on the sick list within the laBt few dayB. The cause being a severe cold accomp anied by throat trouble. Chas. and Frank True are the proud possessors of a pew steam wood-saw. The boys have a first class maohine in every respect. If you have any wood to Baw give tnem a oaa. laey will treat you right. Mr. Minear's nephew. M. I, Minear, of Ohio, is paying him a viaif. M. i;,w.- U il T.D.v.. mn iiuucai, nuu reuvubiv graduated from college and broke bis health down while there bv uara biuuv, came to Uregon to re gam it. Mr. Judy'a nephews. Robert and Wilbur Judy, of Illinois, are mak- ng him a visit. Thev came with uie intention nt loosing over our country, and if favorably impressed with it, intend to locate; but this unusual snow Btorm gives the oountry a very bad appearance to new comers. Qold Ray New, The river has fallen some, but is pretty well up yet. The Bnow is falling very fast and. iteauy, and at tbe present rate there will be between two or three inches by morning. , A crew is working on the outlet of the fish way and the tail race for the turbines, but were laved off Tuesday noon on account of the stormy wea'her, Sams Valley Items Miss Susie Dickey iB visitmrr in Medford, the guest of her couBin, Mrs. Ray Toft. Mrs. B. G. Harerave c ime down from Ashland last week for a visit at the home of her father, C, C. Gall. Mrs. N. Fitzgerald, who has been quite seriously ill with pleuro pneumonia is slowly convalescing. Or. Ubisbolm has been in attend ance. Rosy MeBsner, of Rock Poiut, will deliver a discourse on Social-, ism at the Moon ville hall Sunday. All who are interested in the well fare of this partyjare invited to at tend. Contrary to the old adige that March comes in like a lamb and geos out like a lion or vice versa, it has every indication of leaving this year as it came in like a linn. Tuesday Bnow fell to the depth of three inches and Wednesday con tinued falling, and yet they call this spring. ' Mr. Frank Caldwell.of Gold Hill, and Miss Evelyn Gilobrist, of this place, were married at Jacksonville, Maroh 23, 1904. The happy young couple will make their home at Gold Hill, where the groom has em ployment, ' Their many friends wish the wedded pair a pleaeant and nappy journey through life, A move is on foot to consolidate the three school distriots at thiB place and establish a graded school, the building to be erected at Moon ville, but owing to the opposition of so many of the citizens, who are afraid of the school tax levy, the work is progressing' very slowly. Notwithstanding the remonstrance it is hoped that the new school building will be in readiness for tbe opening of tho fall term. Farm For Sale. VnhmWp fruit or sUvk farm lor sale, on favorably turin, AJilresa H. Shipley. Sums Valley, OroRoa ncncnMA H. D. Austin was in Irom Talent Saturday. T. P. Kahler was up from Gold Ray Sunday, J. H, Beeroan, of Gold Hill, was I: Medford Tuesday, Mr, and Mrs. M. F. Dertlng were I: Ashland Saturday. L. 0. and G. W, Howard visited Ash land friends Friday. Judge J. R. Neil, of Jacksonville, was a Medford visitor Tuesday. R. J, Cameron, of Union, was in Medford Wednesday on bueinees. Attorney WlthinKton made a buB, neBB trip to Grants Pass Saturday, George Ficke, tbe well-known miner was in Medford Mondaftr, on business, Capt. M. P. Btfgloston, of Ashland was a Medford visitor Tuesday on bust- H. J. Doubleday, of Butte oreek, the genial rancher, was a Medford vleitor this week. W. J. Oglesby came over from Siski you county the other day, oa a viBit to bo Ae folks. Oral Burnett came up from Ohico Calif., Wednesday evening for a visit with friends. Fat Donegan, Jr., of Jacksonville, was in Medford Sunday, talking base ball and politics, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Fence and M. Pence, of Trail, were in the city Tues day upon business. Rev. W. F. Caretens and family ar rived In Medford Tuesday from Gold' eudale, Washington. Mrs. O, W. Andrus was down at Gold Hill last week upon a visit to her husband, at the mine. F.- Ossenbrnege returned Monday night from a -several months' viBit to several of the Ksstern elates and Can ada. S. A. and M, M. Sailing, of Kentucky are registered at Hotel Hart. These gentleman are here in quest of loca tions. John Fisher and family arrived in Medford last week from Roeeburg and will make this locality their future borne. Fred Hurd left Wednesday morning for Leland, where he will he emplyed in the Jones-Strang mine for several weeks'. Dr. E. B. Pickel left Monday even ing for Portlaud, to attend a meeting of the Btate board of health, of which lie is a member. Miss Clara Poley, at present teaching in tbe Medford High School, has been elected as one of the teachers in the Ashland sunools. W. H. Stewart and family have' be- oome permanent residents of Medfnrd, and are now living In the C. C, Parker residence oa West 7th street. . - D. C. Herrin, of Portland, was in Medford this week 'on business eon. neeted with the A. O. U. W.. of which order he iB a prominent member. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. DaviB retnrned Thursday morning from their wedding trip to Portland. Tbey at once com menced housekeeping in their elegant new home. Mrs. J. E. Shearer and children ar rived from Chico, Calif., Tuesday even ing. They will viBit friends in Med ford a short time and then join Dr. Shearer at Glendale. A. 8. York, a representative of the Portland Telegram, is in the oity upon business connected with that paper. and enjoying a visit with his cousin, Townsman W. T. York, and family, C. W, Minis, of Chicago, was in Med ford Wednesday in oompuny with J. Kelsey, of woodville. Mr. Mims iB a brother-in-law of E. E. Bagley, president of the Bagley Improvement Company. Wm. Bates, of Phoenix, passed through Medford Saturday with two wagon loads of household goods for his boo, John Bates, who is going to reside in Tolo, and to which place the goods were being taken. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Morrison, and their son. J. M. Morrison, of Hazel. South Dakota, arrived In Medford last week and are contemplating locating here. They are friends of the Stinsons, living eaBt from Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Valker Lewis and James Lewis, were in from Sterling Tuesday, Mr. Walker Lewis left that evening for Seattle and Spokane, Washington, where he expectB to re main, should he nnd some business to engage in to his liking. L. H. Smith and family have moved to Eugene, where they oxpeot to reaide, Mr. Smith having purchased a couple or three residences there, which he will rent. Mr. Smith IB the gentleman who purchased the Webber property in East Mealord a few montbs ago. F. W. 8tteets arrived In Medford Sunday from Woodstock, Illiools. His family stopped ott In California for a few weeks, or until Mr. Streets' houBe boldeffetji arrive. Mr, Streets Is the gsntleman who purchased the I. N. Copley farm and the H. H, Howard residence. Mr. Short, the gentleman from Still water, Minn., who has acquired real estate in the Sams Valley oountry, re- itirneJ to meaiora tuia week wim nis family. His family, after a day's slay in the city, continued their journey to Southern California, where they will remain a few weeks. Dolph Naylor came nn Wednesday evening from the Jones-Strang mine, at Leland. He has boon at work put ting up a sawmill. Ho completed the mill, but the wmther wa-so bad thni h dul not start it. tic tell? that he luirKeu forty days tin the mill and rum or snow fell every day. Mrs. W. G. Bates came up from Grants Pass Thursday morning (or a PURELY visit with relatives. She was accompa nied by her sister, Otle Kame, who has been stopping in Grants Pass for a few weeks' , Rev. T. W, Ward.a brother of Towns man J. A. Ward, was in the city last week. Tbe gentleman is now holding services In Ashland and is going to hold similar meetings In all parts of the valley and In June he will conduot a camp meeting at Woodville. He Is of the United Brethern faith. Mrs. Susie Perry returned last week from a visit of several weeks at Wood lawn and other California points. While at Woodlawn Bhe met a sister whom she had not seen for thirty-two years. Mrs. Perry Is now visiting at Eagle Point, but will return to Med ford In a few days. Mrs. G. W. White and daughter, Miss Clarice, of Klamath FatlB. were in Med ford last week upon a visit to Wm, Angle and other friends. They left Sunday evening for Portland from which place MIbs Clarice will go east and Mrs. White, after a visit wit.1 friends in that city.will return to Klam ath Falls. J. D. Heard came In from tbe Oie Grande mine Tuesday evening. Oper ations have been considerably inter ferred with lately by slides along the line of the ditch, on account of the heavy precipitation, The slides have all been flumed now, however, nnd no further difficulty is apprehended on that score. Trusty Tools T lie Canrenter'B Friend, the iwrt upon which be can depend erery working day of the year are well represented, truthfully represented, here. Saw or hammer, aie or auger, screwdrirer or tbe bcruws It drivesall to be had Id this hardware store aud all of maltea well known for reliability. H. Q. NICHOLSON W. W. EIFErRT, THE CITY TAILOR, Has one of the Finest nelcutfoDa of Suittnpe and Pantaloons ever shown on the coast. A Fit Guaranteed. , . . TRY ONE OF OUR TOP COATS . EIFERT, World s. S. HAMBUR.GS Eggs for Hatching 75 cents for 15 G. L. DAVIS, 1 huve 200 him'k ' wHinut trees for suit;. Thee trees wen grown In Jack nr. mm. iv. from Trim ''?(.' pefi They nrt? ttna'-Miiiet'ii to ki-hw. T- K Hoover. Med lord. HO-if - Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Rlggs, of Salem, were in the oity this week upon a visit to Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Starr. TheBO people have been spending the wlntef at Redlands, Los Angeles and San Diego and are now returning to their home In Salem. They are relatives of Mr, Starr, their daughter having mar ried Mr, Starr's son. Welborn Beeson, of Talent, was in the oity Saturday upon business, He reports that the winter just past has been an exceptionally unprofitable one for the nursery business, because of the fact that there has not been enough dry weather to permit the planting of fruit trees by those who were contemplating' a putting out ah orohard. James Kent was in from Wellan Saturday and upon hiB return waB ac-4 compunled hy his daughter, MIbb Amy,, who has been fUsltmg Medford friends for a few weeks. Whtle here Mr, Kent provided himself with plenty of good reading for the next twelve montluv having taken advantage of our club bing rates for The Mail, the Portland Oregonlan and tbe Examiner, H. C. Carne 1, of Wellen, was a viei tor at TiieJiIail office on Saturday.'' Mr. Carnell Iiub been boarding the men working on the rock work of tho Fish lake flitch, and one of his errands here was to procure supplies. He re ports that the ditch Is practically fin ished to thedeBert, very little work be ing required, SB soon as the teams can begin operations. ' The City Tailor Sales for 1903, over $3,000000! The cheapest and simplest manner of propping trees. Does away with wooden polea entirely. Place on tho tree and leave permanently. Will last the life of tho tree. Samples free to OrelmnM-t-J5. Correspondence invi i'. KOYT'S TREE SIWOST CO Inc Vatsoiwilli, CM.