The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, February 19, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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off HoziMh
There is a quality in Royal
Baking Powder which makes
the food more digestible and
wholesome. This peculiarity
of Royal has been noted by
physicians; and they accord
ingly endorse and recom:
mend it. ..'..'",
. .... "V'' .
Communications: from our sev
eral, correspondents must reach this
office not later than Wednesday
noon to insure publication,
Eagle Point Eaglets.
John Inlow has opened a bar
bershop at the stand formerly
opened by John Smith.
I. P. Robinett and family, who
have been stopping here with his
parents this winter, started for
Grants Pass one day last week.
Kev. G. W. Moore, an evangelist,
commenced a series ef meetings
here last Friday night, with the ex
pectation of continuing during this
week. . '
Mrs, W. B. Officer gave a card
party to' a few of her f rierids one
day last week. Those who were in
attendance report having had a
very enjoyable time.
'Charley Seefield, wife and sister-in-law,
Miss Emma Neussbaum,
recently from San Franoisco, Calif.,
stopped here over night on Wed
nesday of last week.
Wm. Brown, of British Columbia,
returned home last Saturday. He
found many friends here that he
met three years ago. He is a
brother of Geo. Brown, of this
Prof. J. C. Barnard, principal of
our school, returned troni Jackson
ville last Sunday and resumed his
duties in the school room on Mon
day. ' Mies Bertha Peachey acted
in the caDacitv of teacher in his
room during his absence to take
the examination for a higher grade
certificate. His many friends here
hope that he has succeeded in his
undertaking. ' ' '
The dance and box social, given
for the benefit of the school house
fund, was a very pleasant affair,
but owing to the extreme inclem
ency of the weather and the bad
condition of the roads, there was
not as many in attendance as usu
al, but those who did attend had a
pleasant time. Those who partici
pate in such pleasures anticipate a
good time next . Monday night,
the 22d,
I came near having to chronicle
another Are in our neighborhood
last week, as the roof of M. S.
Woods' house caught fire and there
was no one at home but bis daugh
ter, MiBB Mamie. She took a pail
ot water, climbed on top of the
house, extinguished the flames,
and then could not get down. In
Feed vour hair: nourish it;
give it something to live on.
Then it will stop falling, and
will grow long and heavy.
Aver's Hair Vigor is the only
Hair Vigor
hair food you can buy. rorou
years it has been doing just
what we claim it will do. It
will not disappoint you.
" Mr hair uaprt to he very short. Bnt after
mlnir Ayer'a Flatr Vlnor a short tlme lt beitsn
to grow' alio now It is fourteen Inche. lmiir.
Tlili seem, a ,.lef M re.nlt to roe after oelnl
almost wtltiotir snr lia!r." . ,
Mas. J. H.-.i'iFtn, Colorado Sprlngi, Colo.
1 w a bottle. ; TE?,co",,,-,.,.. fr. l.-'".J;;,
Short Hair
her excitement she climbed up, but
after It was over, she oould not re
trace her steps, and had to remain
on the roof until a gentleman
who happened along assisted her
down. The damage, fortunately,
did not amount to much.
Have Sou Indigestion?
If you hare Indigestion Kodol Dyspep--'i
Oure will oure you. It has cured
thousands. It is curing people every
day every hour. You will continue
to suffer until you do try it. There Is
no other combination of digestants
that digest aud rebuild at the same
time. Kodol does both. Kodol cures,
strengthens and rebuilds. Sold by
Chaa. Strang, druggist.
Beagle items.
By i. G. Martin.
Again we doff our hat to the an
nual visit of the little buttercup a
pleasant reminder of spring.
Prof. Thomas Wilhite, of Beagle,
who olosed a very successful term
of school in the Mountain district in
January 1904, has entered the Nor
mal at Ashland, and will prepare
himself more thoroughly for future
The rain storm began hare San
day morning, and has continued
hard and unabating for forty-eight
hours. Snider and Houston creeks
that drain the two valleys are im
mense rivers, carrying low bridges,
fences and everything movable in
their wild career. The oldest in
habitant can't remember seeing so
much surface water before.
Wilfred Gardner, of Asbsto3,
made us a pleasant call Wednes
day, enroute to the Agate section
in search of stock. He proposes
stocking bis mountain farm with
sheep. He reports 8 inches of snow
at his place. Stock of all kinds
are coming through the winter in
fine condition without being fed.
Mr. Gardner intends building a silo
and using all his feed for stock.
Beagle postoffice was established
in 1880, on Dry creek, at the home
of William Beagle, from whom it
took its name. In 18S2 it was re
moved four miles west to its pres
ent location, the M. A. Houston
farm, and Mr. Houston was ap
pointed postmaster, and he has
held the position ever since. Al
though a lifelong Democrat, the
careful ' and businesslike way in
which the affairs of the office have
been conducted, has resulted in hie
holding the office for nearly twenty-
two yerrs, which is probably the
longest service in Jackson coun
ty. The office is situated in the
midst of some of the most fertile
farms in the Antioch district, and
one mile distant from Antioch
scboolhouse, one of the oldest dis
trict echoolhouses in Jackson coun
ty. Mr. Houston has been ably as
sisted by his wife in the postoffice
and during this time they have
seen their children grow up around
them. Grandchildren have clus
tered at their koees,and most of the
family are settled near the old home
stead, and all of them progressive
and respected citizens of the com
munity. '
Another Case of Rheumatism Cured
by Chamberlain's Pain Balm
The efficacy of Clian.berlain's Pain
Balm in the relief ol rheumatism is be-
in? demonstrated daily. Parker Trio-
lett, of Grlgsby, Va., says tbat Cham
berlain's Fain Balm (rave him perma
nent relief - from .rheumatism iu the
back when everything else failed, and
he would not be without It. For sale
by Chas. Strang.
Five Dollars Reward.
Strayed from my rrtneh. six miles
south of Medford, one two year old steer,
brand G. L. on the right hip. No ear
'. mark. G. L. Davis, Medford, Oregon
I Mysterious Circumstance.
.One was pale and sallow, and the
other ire'h and rosy. Whence the
difference? She who Is blushing with
health uses Dr. King's New Life Pills
to maintain it, By gently arousing the
laxy organs they compel good digestion
ana neau on constipation, iry tnem.
Only 23c, at Clias. Strang's, druggist.
Commissioners' Court.
Petition of C. 0. Buolc, for to
change the county road. Garl T, .(ones,
E. Cameron, C. M. Ruch wore appoint
ed viewers.
Petition; of Geo. Dune, for
county road dismissed.
Petition of K. 'J. Kubli, for
county road dismissed.
Petition of P. J. Levereob, license to
sell liquor in Woodvllle. License is
sued for 8 months.
In the matter of contract of E. G.
Perhatnonlst section of Boas road.
Work accepted and ordered that war
rent for 2647.71 be drawn for E. G.
Perham on general read fund and 1332,
29 on general county fund.
' The - following are appointments of
judge for election i' D. Cronemlller
judge for North Jacksonville in place
of J. W.; Robinson; T. J. WiUlamaon
clerk U place ot H. Maury, resigned;
John Mann clerk for South Jackson'
vllle Id place of P. Deioh, resigned; M.
D, Pardue ohalrman for Flounce Bock
precinct injplace of A. H. Boothby, non
resident; Marion Tryer clerk for North
Medford to place of Court Hall, resign
ed; P. J. Sullivan clerk for Watkins
preoinot; 0. Vrooman Judge for Gold
Bill to place of J. Pearce, resigned;
Court Proch clerk for Meadows pre.
oinot in place of G. Walker, resigned;
J.G. Martin clerk for Antioch precinot
in p'.ace of 1. C. Pendleton, resigned;
Thos. Uungey clerk for Bock Point in
plaoe of B. Kitchen, resigned ; Lane
Wyland clerk for Climax precinct In
place of F. Tlce, non resident; James
Cuberson clerk for Lake Creek preoinct
in place of J. Klengle, resigned; Thos.
Carr clerk for Foots creek precinot ' in
place of 0. C. Carr, resigned ; ft. Jen
nings clerk for Sterling precinot in
place of J. Lewis, resigned; Geo. Lynch
ohalrman for Trail precinot In place of
J.G. Brisco, resigned ; J. C. Pendleton
clerk for Sams Valley preoinct in place
of 0. B. Fitzgerald, resigned;)?. Min-
thorn olerk for Woodvllle In place of
J. H. Bagley, resigned.
At the reguar term o'c Commissioners' court
held February 3, 1904, the following bills were
Sheriff's salary for January $ 333 S8
116 TO
100 00
83 83
27 00
83 33
Co. Judge's
School Supt.'s ,
School Supt. traveling expenses tor three
months .' 50 00
Jail expenses 80 68
Recorder Depty fees 29 78
Hamilton & Cox, livery hire 2 00
J. Miller services selecting Jury list for Trail
preoinct 2 00
Carl T. Skyman services seleotlng jury 8 00
S. p. Oliver . 2 00
M. Purdln Justice in the case of State vs
Herbage 6 10
J. E. Barkdull constable State vs Herbage
6 30
H. D. Angle special constable State vs. Herb
age.... , , 1 20
Samuel Morris witness one day. .
John W. Davis
J. L. Wheeler
Wm'. Wheeler
J. H. Messner
H. L. Hoblnson
Albert Robinson
M. Purdiu justice tees la the case of State vs.
Paul Dommer 3 35
P. Hulley witness feq State vs Herbage 1 00
t. Tryer i oo
A.Childs ,, i oo
B. Greenland ,, ... l 00
M F.McCowo,. , ... 1 00
J. D. Taylor . ..... 1 00
If. D. Angle constable in case of ttic State vs
Demmcr : 0 10
Mat Demmer for services l 80
George Demmer ,. ISO
Q. Huber , 1 80
M. Purdin justice for State vs Couey. . . S 35
D. Angle special cons tab e ,. . 850
M. Purdin Jns'-lcc fees State vs Winkle.. 8 10
H. D. Angle constable 4 50
M. Purdin justice fees in case State vs Winkle
& Maham...; 9 60
John R.Cook constable. 7
H. D. Angle special constable .-HI
J. K. Barkdull services 1 CO
S. E. Cole . .
1 00
1 00
1 00
Wm. Ang'e ,,
A. L. Elsenhart ,, ..
T.K.Kelso ..
8. A. Higsins ..
1 00
Geo. L. Davis
1 100
Otto Caster ..
John Graffis ,, 1 10
Mrs. Graffls 1 40
Helle Winkle , l 00
Cbas. French . 1 00
Chas. Prall 1 00
A. S Jacobs for drawing jury
H. H. Rlppey as asiistant 2 00
E. Pleasants as assistant 2 00
S. R. Dunlan digging grave 6 00
Holmes Bros, for supplies furnished Mrs.
Demaeray and F. Hearloy 7 05
Geo. Brown & Son for supplies furnished
paupers 21 CO
Warner A Davis for supplies furnished Mrs.
Riddle 6 00
James Crooemiller for supplies furnished
paupers 35 00
Nun an ft Tuylor for supplies furnished C.
Cain, . .' 24 25
Mr. D, R. Andrus for keeping Mrs. Rob!r
son 5 00 I
J. Nunan for furnishing supplies for Mrs.
Hudson 6 00 j
M O. Hara 5 00)
C. W. Colter 6 00 ;
James Stevens '. 8 00 ,
Hicks, Judd & Co. for supplies fuenlshed the
sheriff 89 01
J. Hudson Co. same 21 60 1
Glassand . rudhome supplies. ... 11 37'
Clerk's expenses for telephoning.... 1 65 !
C. M. Pence expenses for chain carrier. 2 00
ttm, Croell money advanced for roc it crush '
er i 11D25
G. C. Garret feed for horses for oruaher 9 00 '
A. A. Davis ' witness fee. Crata & Co. vs
Jackson county 8 W
w. H. Brj..lhftw same 6 00
R. Whitehead . 3 00
C E. Stewart 5 00
A. K. Moore i. S 40
W. H. Gore it B 00
Susan Craln & E, Cox 10 00
John Cox 00
A, C. Waterman reoate on taxes 10 i
Hamilton & Cox livery horse for G Jones 6 00
John Bloas ferryman for January 15 00
Geo- Isaacs rebate on taxes 43 11
He's doing Yet.
The story goes that a Roaeburg young
man went to see his best girl in Oak-
laud one Sunday recently, and after he
bad exhausted everything in the con
versation line deolared his Intention of
kissing her. The young lady said she
would tell her father if he did, but the
voung man didn't scare and up and
kissed her. True to her promise she
stepped hastily Into the next room and
said to her father, "Mr. G. wants to
seeyonrnew gun." The "old man"
was particularly proud of the gun and
was only anxious to show It. Taking
It from the rack, he went quickly into
the parlor. The young man took the
window sash and all. In' getting out,
and when last teen was still running
down the pike.
'.'.'.'.'l An 'Early Blser. :' '
A strong, healthy, active constitution
depends largely on the condition of the
liver. The famous little pills known
as OeWitt's! Little Early Risers not
only "oleansifK.' the system but tbey
strengthen the action of th hyer and
rebuild the tissues supporting that
organ. Little Early Risers are easy to
act, they never gripe and yet they are
absolutely certain to produce results
that are satisfactory In all cases. Sold
by Chas. Strang, druggist.
Confidence not Fully Restored.
A little Medford boy went up to his
mother the other day and said, "Ma,
hain't 1 been real good since I goto
Sunday school?" "Yes, my dear,"
answered his mother. "And you trust
me now, dou't you Ma?" 'a'Yes darl
ing!" Then spake up the little fello w
"what mak-aa vou keeo the Die and
- - . r .
cookies looked up now the same as be.
tore?" It is needless to say the an
swer was an evasive one.
To The Public.
We are prepared to do all kinds of
scavenger work, ana solicit yonr
orders. Prompt and effloient service
and reasonable charges.
Don't forget the old man
with the fish on his back.
For nearly thirty years he
lias been traveling around the
world, and is still traveling,
bringing health and comfort
wherever he goes.
lo the consumptive he
brings the strength and flesh
he so much needs.
To all weak - and sickly
children he gives rich and
strengthening food.
lo thin and pale persons
he gives new firm flesh and
rich red blood.
Children who first saw the
old man with the fish are now
grown up and have children
ot their own.
He stands for Scott's Emul
sion of pure cod liver oil a
delightful food and a natural
tonic for children, for old folks
and for all who need flesh and
t09-4l'5 Pearl Street, New York.
boo. ana i.uui an druggists.
Grand Prix
1 1 cm i
Columbia Cylinder Records
. J to 10 pr dos
Disc Machines
15. $10, too
Cylinder Machines
$5, S10, Sis and $ao
Sold on easy pay
ments to respon
sible parties . . .
125 Geary St
Grand Pril
General Headquarters West of Rooky Mountains ftjr
Fruit, Shade, and Ornamental Trees, Vines, Plants. Etc
; Breeders of
Registered Shorthorn Cattle and
Berkshire Hogs
Catalogue aad Prtoa Mailed
Free ob AppUcaUaa . . .
Real Estate Transfers), -v
D a Karaei to M F Darting, land li to .
373 w MOO .0
W L Haltey to Geo Gristle, lot. so unll-
der'a add to atearora .
Susan Weeks to Lucy Connorer, tp U
s, r 1 w 160 acres ....
a r Baiter to A J Smith, land la see.
15 tp 36 s, r 3 wu
Cora Olson to H T Bailer, acre In tp
Ohas'Masom'to HF'Poliiand,' lotj34 38
In Ashland -
Fannie Stanley to John Staolay, land
. 1 n Ashland "..,; -, - . -i
Ira urfnntg-or to E H Mclntlre, lot 1
blk U Ashland
John Cameron to Mora Wright, lota 1 1
3 4 6 6 blk CIb Talent. . . ..... .......
Wadhama&Coti Lt" Gardner, land
lnseoSOtpSSljr ;; .....u.,..
Richard Beswlolcto Sarah B Kloharda
800 00
180 00
100 00
9S5 0O
800 00
480 00
a-ov lot Hoc 14 tp S 1 w. . .
800 00
Frank Amy to Louta ceiaermeyer,
160 acres (ntpSS s, ; S w.. ........... MOO 00
Louis Neldernwjer to Frank Amy,
dead or release ol ame land 1 00
Arthur Buallsu to Clarence Badger,
lot. 2324 blk J R R add to Ashland.. 62100
J H darter to W B Officer, land In tp 36 .
g r 1 w .' 120 00
Luke MoQ'l'nnla to H F and A O Poll
land, loti 21 82 blk Q lota 6 7 blk R
and other laud lu RR add to AsU-
A W surgls to O E White, land In seo'B
24S7tpS64wf654a res .......... WOO 00
O.rfleld Iron 4 Lime Co to W T Saula
land tatp sea, rSwW M. ............ S7W 00
Jamea Helm, to John Conway, lot 1 blk
, r m i unni V. , i
On w prison to Maicom MoDoualu
SO W uornaon to maiuuu. uuuu..u
i... a in Kilr R T&lAnL 125 00
Mr. E M Denlson to DT Lawton, lot 4
hlir 1!) Mmlfnrrt 1 00
jobn B Stewart to Anna Wilson, lo'
t DIK IV oieaiora w w
Wm Mclntlre to O B Butler, 25 acres in
.n QO a 1 a OR artro. . . 100 00
James day to O R Ray, H Interest In
ipuoaw "ww
Margery Magruder to O B Ray, H In.
J Freeman to 0 if Bay, X Intereat
tn86s.r3w ; 0O
Geo Applegate to J F Farrar, placer
mtnina oiaim in aaeauown .u w
Hyrum Evans to 8 J Evans, 1 aore In
HargadlneTraot In Ashland 210F 00
Chas B Hays to Victor Biunell, land li
geo 24 s, r 3 e: iw
Sarah Riohards to Richard Beswlok, 1
aore In Ashland Homestead traot 1 00
O Valm to J V Kaler, 5 aorea tp SO a, r
lo 80000
S J Whltemore to Clyde Payne, lot. 83
34 Dia n a n aau iu Asuiauu w w
When You Have a Cold.
Tho fliat notion when vou have a oold
ahould be to relieve the longs. Tbat
i. iw.i nnnnmnllahed bv tbe tree nBe ol
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This
Rnmndv liauetles tno tougn muous ana
cnuBes its expulsion from the air cells
of tbe lungs, produces a free expectora
tion, and oDens tneseoretions. a com
pletecure soon follows. This remedy
will nnrn a severe cold in less time than
any other treatment aud it leaveB the
system in a natural nnu neauiiy uuuai
t.inn. Tt i-ounteractB anv tendency tO'
ward pneumonia. Dor sale oy unas.
Strang. ,
The Ten Little Lodgemen. '
Ten little lodgemen went out to dlno,
A cocktail killed a Mason, then there were
Sine little lodgemen drinking to their late,
Town went an Odd Fellow, th!n thero were
Eight little lodgemen thinking of licnv-on,
A smell bottle ilxcd a Forester, then thero
were seven.
Seven little lodgotuen plnylng lunny tricks
Another cork, a Rud Man, then thoro were
Six Utile lodgemen trying to booze mid thrive
The next round fixed a Workmen, then there
were live.
Five little lodgemen, the others on the lloor,
A Malta Knight gave up tho ghost, then there
were four. ' '
Four little lodgemen on a lonely spree,
A Buffalo got his hahlt on, then thero wore
Three little lodgemen left in a 6tew,
A high boll rolled a i'ythlan, then there were
Two little lodgemen pretty nearly dono,.
a Hhrhier couldn't stivud the pitoe, thon mcro
was one.
One little lotlgeman drinking all alono,
He was an Elk, aud ho took tho wholo buuch
What Are TlieyV
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. A new remedy for stomach
fr.,,hina. lililnuaness. and constipation
nnil.n irood one. Price 25 cents. For
sale by Chas. Btrang.
Alfalfa heed.
I have alfalfa seed in any quantity
fnr anlr. aun Rood whoatanu seou oaiB
Grass seed of all kinds the best seed
ever sola In soutnern uregon.
Medford Oregon.
Pavrla 100
Fit any make of
, . Talking machine ".
Black Super-hardened Beautiful Quality
of -Tone Much More Durable
Than Any Other Cylinder,
San Franc. sco. Calif.
Paris lOOO
tangent, Oregon, t
Appta lraw tot Aal.
I We hare for sale about 10,000 fine b
pie trees, principalis- Newtoas. Have '
all Uea many five (est.. These trees
have not been irrigated and1 are bume
growa. Address Bennett it Chapman,
either at Talent or Medford. . tf
v.: This is a. Cut of . . l
Absolutely unaffected by
Electricity or Magnetism.
B. N. BUTLER, Agent.
Corner 7th and C Sts.
I For Rent!
5000 acres of
i farming and
, ranch lands
Ranches from 40 to
I 5m acres. .-r ;
I Alfalfa Lands. Grain
! Lands.Garden Lands,
; fruit Lands and
! Stock Ranches with
! unlimited ou tsi de
! range I
I DR. C. R. RAY,
1 Tolo, Ore
&&&&&&& &&&&
- AT 11
. Brick Shop ,
S MRS. O. OILBGRT, Proprietor S
J Ladios' Goods a specialtv Lacos jj
Handkerohiefs.Embfoidory silks
J and all materials lor lanoy work
J Notions, candles, nuts aud sta-
tionory Jff
It One Door North of Postofllca
Watch Movm nt.
8hasta Route
Trains leave Modford tor Portend land'
way stations at 4:131 a. m. and '4;6
p. M. ; '' . ' ;
Lv. Portland :.. in S:30p.m'
i.v. Medfcira 11 MS p. m 11 twain.
Ar. Abalaod . A 18:M a. m UtlHp'.ln
Ar. Bacramonto 6;10p.m ami mi
Ar.ganyranclioo S:m.m.
gon'o'v,,; 8:80 a. m Ms am!
KanaasClty 7:af,a.m : aa m
CbloaKQ 7:42a. m S.-yip,
Ar. Lm l Angolos 2:oip.t ; V.-..mi
AnEIPano .-j. 6:0) li. m lOOrml
Ar.PortWorth . 6:S0 a 5 IsSor m'
Ar. OltyofMoaloo II :KS a a 1: ' Z '
Ar. Houston 7:00rtr :o0r.m
Ar. Now Orlaans... S.-H v 6:gp. m
Ar. WashlDKton.. r :42 p. m . s!m.
Ar.NewYork 17:10 g I nj
Pullman and
Tourist Cars
on both trains. Chair cars Sacramen
to to Oifden and K .Paso, and tounst
cars to Chicago, St. Louis, New Or
cans nnd Washington.
' Conncctlnif Bl9an Pranclnco with the so?
eral ftUnimHhlp linen for llonnlnlu, Japan
(Jblna, Plilllpplnoa, Contra! aoil Houth Amer'o
Soo asoiit at Modford station or nddrosa
I o.F.a p a