A J ft Jl V' V v it f"' .V':; ; I WARD HAVE UNDERWEAR Something to Keep You Warm. Sweaters From 75 cts to $3.50 Socks From 5 cts. to 50 ctw. Over Shirts All wool and all sizes Neck Wear High grade,allshades and styles In fact almost anything in Mens' fur-i nishings, we have for you. These goods are fresh and just opened this week. ' ( Buckingham J jt t Root and Boots and Orthopedic $3.50, and RoyAl Chinook OUR COUNTY Correspondents j Jacksonville News. Mr. Bollinger, of Modford, was hero Thursday. Miss E. Armstrong visited rela tive In the country Thureduy. Messrs. Howland and Cook, of Wcalord, wero here during the week. Rev. Euula, of Turner, who has been paying his old home a visit, V,s relumed to Turner. . Mrs. Opp and children left for , Portland Thursday evening, on a wit to relatives and friends. The typewriter in Recorder Ap plegate'e office, having heen broken, is to be replaced with, a new one. Rev. Suuimerville, presiding el der of Grants Pass district, held cervices here Saturday and Sunday. Cornelius Armstrong, who has lived on the Laurel Ash farm for over tweDty yearB, movad Monday to JoBephine county, wh ere he has a fine farm. The different churches are pre paring for ChristmaB. As each : Sui.day school will have a tree, why not unite and have one at the ' U. S. ball and everybody go? Lewis Ulrich, who baB been in the employ of the Iowa Lumber Co., (eft Thursday for San Francis co. He is lookiug for a situation. We wish him BUcceBB wherever he may locate. Marriage license was issued to Wm. Copple and Annie Matney, on , December,5th; .to James C. Beagle end Ethel Rnndle, on December 1st; to J. A. Gilmore and Bertha llexford. on December 2nd. Table Rock items. BY J. C. P. Dr. Cole made professional visits to Table Rook the first of the week. : Gus Morris was over fur another load of wheat for the Fish Lake If For You Want, GO OWEN You Avill be his vitno93 that our town never had such a complete" stoqk bofore Drive Ao OWEN'S KAME Collars To suit your fancy Hats and-Caps Call in and see our i Suits for boys From 1.25 to $5.00 Boys Short Overcoats! At $6.00. & HecKi Shoes V P Shoes V Lines h Ditch Co. Cobb LawTand his mothej- came over from Willow Springs fonday to visit S. M. Nelson and foiuiily. W. R. Byrum U busy these day? setting out his six acre apple or chard, und oihors are preparing tu put ont trees. ' ,' Frank Adams is up frfJm Gold Ray for a few days, visiting with his family and making things snug for the writer., C. A. Dickison aiid wife went to Gold Hill Sunday. Goin in any direction is a task these days, the roads are bo badly cut up and so muddy. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Cook have moved from the Prof. Narregan place and will make their horns on the place recently rented by R. Nichols. Much to the surprise of the pupiU Prof. H. B. Leach announced last Tuesday that that would be the last day of school as his health would no longer permit the close confinement of the school room. Roy Nichols has rented the P. M. Williams place near Tolo. The place has been in charge of Mr. William's brother-in-law, Fred Merriman, who we understand in tends to go over towards the coast. Mr. Chaa. Nichols waB over from Medford the first of the week get ting ohiokens and a supply of win ter apples. Mrs. Nichols has been quite siok sinoe going to Med ford, but he reports her muoh bet ter. Mr. Oliver Adams came over from Jacksonville Saturday, to see his brother, Prank. He reports their father as failing rapidly and that their brother, Chas. has in no way fully reooverod from the blow on his head reoeivod Bomo eight month ago. They seem to be having more man tneir snare of trouble, and have the Bympathy of a large oircle of friends. When you want a pleasant purgative try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Thoy are easy to take and pro dnoe no nausea, griping or other dis-' agreeable effeot. For sale by Chas. Stiunq, Druggist. -i I Christmas Chinaware TO It Will Pay Central Pointf Items. Mrs. Bunch, of Medford, visited fneuds heri last woj-'k Born Deo 5th r08, to Mr. and Mrs. Burt Nioholtt, a daughter. Mrs. M. Case, c f Sams Valley, was here shopingon 1 uesuay. Dr. J. H. Pk'asants made a pro feBsional yinit to Antiocb last week U. . Jvnignion. ol Trail, was down after supplies the first of the wsek. ' Mies Lizzie Manness, of Gold Hill, spent last week with friends of this city. Rev. J. Merley, preached to a large at this place Sunday. of Medford, congregation Mrs. B. T. Peart, who has been visiting relatives at Napa, Calif., returned I ome bunday. Dr. Hinkle riceived one of the largest stocks of holiday goods last week that was ever brought to our city. Stephen Cornutt left last week for Siskiyou county, Calif., where he goes to take charge of a stock ranch. The members of the A. 0. U. W. lodge will give a ball at the hotel ball Christmas night. Everybody is invited. Mrs. E. C. Stickle, of Paislev, who has been visiting relatives and friends at this place, left for her home last week. Joseph Olwell left last week for New York City to look after the interests of the fruit business of Olwell Brothers. There will ' be a box social nt Wijltn" Springs school house Satur- lay evening. Iho proceeds will ho used to purchase school apparatus. State of Ohio. Pity of Toledo, 1 l.rc.t Cer.VTV. t FlIASK J. I HKNKY limkOS Olltll tllllt llC 1? si-niur mriin.'r of the linn of F J. Cheney ,v :o.. ilolliK business ill tilt! Cllv o' Toledo. County ftnil Stiitu Rforesiilil, mid that snhl llriu will tiny tho sum o ONE lll'MWKll Doi. l.Aits for eerii ami every ousts of Catahrii tlutt 'tilinot be cureil liy lite tine of llALJ.'s. Catahiim CriiK. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before mo ntiu subscribed in niv preeeiioo, thin litlt tluy of Decemtier.'A. 1). issti. heal I Notary Public. Hull's Catarrh Cute Is taken Internallv. nod nets directly 1 11 the blood ami mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. r. j : ,.ur..r. i K uu., loicoo, u. Sold by all Druggists. 75e. . Hall's Family Tills aro the best.s . Phoenix Items. We are sorrv to state that Gus Epps is still very ill. There will be a necktie social at the Woodmen hall next Tuesday night. Miss Edna Wells, who is teach ing school in the Chaparral district, visited Ashland Saturday. MisBes Nellie Reames, Mollie Towne, Dollie and Bertha Rose, Mary, Lettie and Eva Stoney and Mrs. Walter Stancliff went to Med ford Saturday evening to attend the local play, "Under Two Flags." School report for November: num ber of pupils enrolled 73, boys 41, Rirls 82; number of new pupils 5, boys 3, girls 2; number of days at tendance lliiz: number of days ab sence 104, boys 51, girls 53; num ber of times late 13, boys 2, girls 11; number of visitors 17; number of days taught 19. Jurors for December Term. The following is a list o( jurors drawn (or the December term ot circuit court. Court will convene on Mocday, December 14th : Eagle Point O. C. Cbarley, S. A- Carlton, J.K. Bell. Jaoksonvilie J. Nnnan, A. Learned, Med lord H. E. Boyden, R. H. Hal'- ley, J. W. Cot, P. A. Bliss, J. G. Hod- goe. Pooh Bah M.L.Hartley, A. Schultz. Polk Hull. GoldHUl-S. W. McClendon, A! C. Stanley. Barron W.R. Kincald. ' Phoenix W. F. Towne. j Sterling A. Gllson,A. B. Saltmn Talont R. D. Purvis, W. M. Kt Union 8. B. Coftman. I Mound H. L. Gregory. Roxy H. H. Taylor. Sam's Valley H. J. Pelton Pelton. y.E. E. Ashland C. M. Poley A. S. Payno, H. P. Reoser, Ot tor, J. W. Jacobs. I Apple Trees for Salej Wo have for Bale about 10,0' plo trees, principally Newt'? all sizes many live feet. have not been irrigated ai crown. AdrlrnRR Hmtnnt.r. either at Talent or Medf) Your Is it acting v reeular? Dier not, rememb' The kind yS your life. ' ADDITIONAL, PERSONAL. Miss Jessie Kineitiil, of Central Point, was a Medford visitor, one day this week. i A. S. Hammond, of Griints Pusn, was in .uetlioru on professional business this week. . Etnll Pell, 'of Ashland, was' hera '1 uesuay evening, in the Interest ot the holiday excursion. ' . ' - Rev. Reese P. Kendall returned laBt week from a several weeas visit to var ious points in the East. H. G. Meyer and W. G. Messal, Dronv inent citizens of. Lske'.Creek, were in town weanesuay nignt. W. F. Arant, superintendent of the uraier j-,aKe furic,accompaniea Dy .urs, Amnt, was In Medford Thursday. Grant Shell, who baB. been In North' em California for the past few months, returned to Modford a few days since, and will remain for sdme time. H. H. Fink and' family arrived in Medford tbis week from Umatilla, Oregon, They ai here looking over tne territory with a view to locating MIbs Rertha Goode, the daughter of Rev. W. E. Goode, has taken a scholar ship in the Medford BusinesB College ror the complete course, commercial and shorthand. Mrs. G. L. Stlckels, of Gold Hill, who has been visiting in Medford for the past two weeks, the guest of Wm. Angle and family, returned to her home yeBterday. Little Berniee Carder, daughter of Mr, and MrB. E. W. Carder, who haB been ill with typhoid fever, was re ported yesterday morning much Im proved. Dr. Cameron is In attend ance. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. P. S. "XIU him." I For Sale Good, No. 1 shakes. D. T. Lawton; Medford. 35-tf When you have second hand goods to Bell write Jack Morris, Ashland, tf Wall paner.largGSt stock, latest nat- erns, lowest pi-ices. Weeks & Bakku. Window glass. Building paper, felt papor and carpet -lining. Wkkks & Baker. Dr. Bnhannon is expected to be in M.eilfnrd today or tomorrow, for a stay ot oniy one any. A new sidewalk is being put in on South B street, between Seventh and Eighth streets. Don't fail to see the dlsnlnv of pianos at the Coss residence, West Medford. Lowost prices and eaBy terms. A shooting inateh will be held at Phoenix on December 24th. There will be turkeys, chickens and dressed hogs offered as prizes, besides which several cash prizes will be competed for. Lloyd Culver and R. A. Smith are the managers. B. N. Butler is aeent for Jackson county for Paillard's non-magnetic watch movement. These movements are used universally by men workinc in electric plants. Thev are guaranteed to be absolutely unaffected by electric currents, or magnetism in any form. Ask E. L. Gurnea what he did with a watoh fitted with tbis movement and what was the result 47-tf The Phoenix public pchool will give an entertainment at Woodmen's Hall at that place on this (Friday) evening. An excellent program has been prepared, under the direction of Prof. Blsh, and the entertainment will doubtless be largely attended. 1 have 200 black walnut trees for sale. These trees were grown In Jack son county, from Tennessee seed. They are guaranteed to f row. L. E. Hoover. Medford. 30-tf A carload of Eagle Point onions, the laBt of those purchased by Wood, Curtis & Co., were shipped to Sacra mento this week. This makes the fourth car shipped this fall. Four thousand rolls of wall paper the very latest patterns and at prices that are within reach of all received this week by Weeks & Baker, the West Side furniture dealers. Evangelistic services every night this week in the Presbyterian church. All unite In these meetings. Everyone Is welcome. Come when you can. Beeson & Huger, Tnlent Nursery men, are prepared to fill orders for fruit trees in any quantity, for commer cial orchards. tf. For sale Over ninety different named varieties of rosebushes. Bloom ing chrysanthemums. Call on or ad dress Miss F. E. Russ, Medford, Ore. rr0'- hp D1SC0DHT SUE OF Millinery AT If rs, Corwin's JLLINERY VRL0RS. m n m b sts. b' The Mutual Life Insurance . . Company . . Of - - - New York ! THE OLDEST, THE LARGEST, THE BEST. ASSETS in 1893, was 1 " " 1902, " POLICIES ISSUED ON . . Life, Endowment, Gold Bond, Guaranteed Income, Continuous Installment, Investment, And itfany Other Plans 4- Call'on or write to i I U pftrUrAn Manage Agent $ j J. n. VOCIirailefor Southern Oregon I Palm-Bodge Building-Room 2. wrrw-wrT?rrJ .'.l..l..l......l..l.,l..l.wlwwlfNifN,TN,lNTUTwl,MfNfl. Christmas Goods N AND it 1 Silverware H. G. A Real Boy. 'Where did I iret mv conv of 'Bob' ?" queried May Stockton. "Why, I stud ied the cniiraetur long uetore i ptityeti the uurt. I just dote on boys ; in fact, I've studied them all my life." And the youngster beu your pardon, the little woman, made this remnrk with out so much as the quiver of an eyelash, and spoke us earnestly and as seriously tts if she wore unaware that woman's mission Is to mnke a lifelong study of men. 'Ko you think I'm a real boyV That's the nlceBt compliment I've ever had paid me. That's just the way I try to play the part to make people think I'm a Veal boy and not a woman play ing a boy's part. Why I even went to the sacrifice of my hair in order to be realistic; and it as sucb pretty, curly hair too." and the accompanying sigh was a real womanly one. But the next moment she was the boy again, chat ting vivaciously about her work, her hopes and her plans. HernanaBpiungeu as naturally into her pockets aB any boy's and there were other boyish trickB and poses that made it difficult to be lieve that Bob is the same off the stage as on. Perhaps skirts might make a difference, but In the Bob make-up Miss Stockton doesn't step out of the picture. "I try to make Bob a genoine boy: one that the boys in the gallery will endorse and believe in. That doesn't mean that he should be ragged and dirty, or a tough, low down kid. My observation of street boys, newsboys at least, who have anv ginger in tbem. don't go about with besmutted faces, unkempt hair and repulsive clothes. There may be a few tears in the clothes, but on tbe whole a wide-awake hustling street kid beepB himself cleanly in man tiers and appearance. It's part of his Btdtsk in trade. He iBn't getting custom ers if be is foul mouthed, or if he looks as if he hadn't had a bath in years. I want Bob to please not only tbe gal lerv kidB. bat be one with whom the downstairs people will Bymyathize. You ought to see now me kiub cHase me though ; they wait for me at the stage door and follow me about until it gets really embarrassing at timeB. But bless 'em, they're all right and they're loyal little friends. Of course, you know that I was the original "Taggs" in "A County Fair," nnd have played similiar roles for several years. And I've played "Little Lord Fauntleroy," and, of course, that helped in playing boy's roles. I've never had the Btarring fever, though I've had offers a plenty. Until this sea son I have never allowed my name to be featured. I believe in working for tbe good of the company and tbe good of the show. The better the company, the better the show. I shall keep on playing boy's part if I can get anything to suit me. Its bo bard to get a good play, but I am on the look out for good plavs alwayB." Miss Stockton is an energetic little woman, and the secret of her success is due to the enthusiasm with which she enters into her roles. Sbo believes in ginger. She is also quite a buBinesB woman having managed her own com pany with a signal success. The role of "Bob" in "A Little Outcast" Bhe likes bettet than any role Bhe has ever played for it is full of pathos. As she says, "I just like to get right down at their heart strings and tug away. There is bo much sympathy for you if you can stir their hearts." Miss Carpenter will be seen here on December 4tlt in E. J. Carpenter's "A Little Outcast," Holiday Excursion. Bolton & Pell will start their annual holiday excursion from Ashland to San Franoisco on Saturday, December 26th, on the regular overland train at 12:05 noon. The round trip ratewill be $10, good for ifteon days. Baggage checked on these tickets. Parties wishing to make the trip are requested to notify the management as soon as possible, so that car accommodations may be se cured. Standard and tourist sleepers for those who desire them. Settle up Notice. The firm of W. L. Orr A Co. has sold ont its business In Medford, and all par-' tlesknowing themselves to oe imleoteu to the said firm are requested to call and settle the accounts without demy; W.L. OUR&f' f S 184,83o,G90.80 HK 382,432,681.30 & E NICHOLSON'S. - Apple Land. 140 acres choicest, sulMrrigated, al luvial bottom land not subject to over flow. Is under fence, cleared, on county road nnd river front. Has line farm buildings, and best soil and location for apple or pear orchard, hop yard or al falfa, li miles from railroad station. Cheap, easy terms and low interest. See this. Ben A. LowEr.r., 40-Ot Woodvllle, Ore. IT IS BOUND TO STRIKE YOU that there is better flour than that you have been using when once you see the reBulte obtained by your neighbor who bakes with the Davis' Best brand less flour, more and better bread in dicate the cause of your dis satifaction. Why not follow her wise example and uae Davis' Best flour? A. A. DAVIS, For Rent! 5000 acres of I 2 farming and! rancn lands Ranches from 40 to 500 acres. Alfalfa Lands, Grain I -flnrls finrrtpn I inil , mvi MlUi9, T Fruit Lands and Stock Ranches with unlimited outsl de range DR. C.R.RAY, Tolo. Ore I Repair Crippled Shoes AND Boots. I guarantee work nnd prices. Shop in renr of STEWART'S RKAL ESTATE OFFICE M. S. BIDEN, Med ford - - Oregon HELMAN S ORCHESTRA S t . . OF . . $ j ASHLAND, 5 S The best dance orchestrs In Southern & Oregon. Open to sll cmgitgcmcnts. ddrcn R. Sltchwall, Mtft,E AaHlatkd, Orvrfon. II Want yo a btautl" v" -P. S. "Kill him." 1 t A t