A LITTLE OF The state of New York owns 412 acres of land at Niagara fallx, has expended more than $2,000,000 in acquiring and improving the reser vation, and exuends $25,000 a year in maintenance. The best protection against cold is the skin of the reindeer. Any one clothed in such a dress, with a blauketof the same material, may bear the lowest temperature of an Arctio winter's night, Anthracite coal consists of about 90 per oent of carbon and about 10 per cent of ashes auj volatile mat ter; while the bituminous coal con sists of 70 per cent of carbon and . 30 per cent cf voluable matter and ashes. There are something like 15,000 000 cigar boxes used in the United StateB annually. The material out of which the best quality of cigar boxes are made comes principally from Cuba and is known as Span ish cedar. There are 2,000,000 sheep on th Oregon ranges and this year's wool crop is estimated at $2,500,000. The sale of mutton and stock sheep will approximate 'the value of the wool which gives a grand total of $5,000,000. - Astronomers announce that the Star of Bethlehem, whioh directed - the wise men to the birthplace of the Savior, will appear ' once more in 1910' or 1911. Josepl us, the He brew historian, speaks of this star, which is now known as Halley's oomet, and since his time it has ap peared on twenty-three occasions. A Chicago doctor has prepared a paste which if applied to the face and left about five minute, a man's whiskers will rub .. pff and his face will be as smooth as when Bhaved by a barber. iBu't that great, but hold on, a few applica- tions will fix the whisker problem so they will not sprout. A small boy crawled under the bed one day when his mother want ed to punish him. She could not get in without considerable difficul ty, and decided to let him remain there until his father returned from work in the evening. When he ar rived and waB told about the case he started under the bed to bring out the disobedient son, but waB very muBh astonished when the little fellow called out,"Hello, is Bhe after yoa, too?" It is rather remarkable that, after bis screaming page editorial de manding that all Democratic Con gressmen vote against the reciproc' ity bill, William Randolph HearBt himself did not take the trouble to vote against it. Editor Hearst is a very big faotor in the newspaper world, but Congressman Hearst is a false alarm, wbo did not take him self seriously enough to even cast the vote which he proclaimed to a .... . . . j . million readers it was his duty to. cast, In order to succeed in all things one's dominant watchword' muet be honesty. No person ever praoticed knavery without at the end being discovered though the end ma y be i afar off. It h hard y pjss ible, it seems for one to become, so inur ed I OATARRH BAD BRKATH TAKINQ TH TREATMENT THE APPLIANCE for Head, Throat Lung Diseases Will give Speriy Rtllel and POSITIVELY CURE whea Uitd According to DiratXioctfc Catirrfi. nay Fever. rtesrHgls. Li Grippe. Headaelw. PiUBoola, Asthma. BreacMtlt, Sore TbrMtt Csld aid Catarrhal D.fnM Emy Ltd? ind Geatkam ihevtd utt cot of tbei Applltncd. It prrrtntt BjJ Brttth. It Buktt a So Brenh Sweet and Putt. k Qoupleti Treatment mailed to wj uidreti 11 receipt of PRICE, 9B.OO BUT WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD Bcwart of Imltatlvai E. I. KUSEL'S SONS' CBMPAHY OROVILLB. OALIF.. U. S. A. to wrong doing as to bo utteidy un conscious of a wrong aot on thir part, and certain it is I ho human senses never get so hardened that it is impossible to discern the min ute faults of others. A dispatch from Pittsburg says that the details of a window glass pool are being worked out. It will be known as the Manufacturer's Window Glass Company and will be doing business next month. The American Window Glass Company and a number of other prominent concerns have signed the scale. A general sale's agency is planned which will practically control the price of window glass in the United States. Mrs. Dominus ex-Queen Lil of Hawaii, is in Washington again this winter to press her claim for $200,000 compensation for - the crown lands of the Islands. The payment of the sum ws recom mended by the Senate committee, but no action was taken by Congress on it at the last sesssion. If the sum is honestly due it ought to be paid. This country Bhould be above the tactics of a litigant who resorts to petty squabbles to avoid dis charging his just obligations. A British Columbia leader de clares for her annexation to the United States. He says Canada must join this country if England persists in its preFent policy. Van couver,. on the Alaskan award, is bitter. -The United States under this award losss 14,000 square miles of worthless territory, known as the Southern Portland channel. but the United States retains military control and rains rich gold fields and keeps Canada prac ticallv from access to the sea. The Santa Fe railway has re' ceived the largest locomotive ever made. It will weigh 150 tons, or to be exact 287,840 pounds. It :'s of the tandem Compound type, in which the high-pressure and low- pressure pistons are carried on a oommoii piston rod.? There are 391 tubeB, i) inches in diameter by 20 feet long, in the boiler, which almost gives a heating surface of 4,586 square feet of heating surface in the firebox, we get a total heat ing surface of 4,796 square feet for the whole boiler. There ire five pair of drive wheels, 57 inches high. What do you suppose our engineB will look like ten 'years from now? The cylinder preBS was introduc ed in 1812. VariouB improvements were invented, and in 1814 the first press was driven by steam. In the same year the London Times put in a press the pieces of which were carried in by stealth to an adjoining building, owing to the avowed hostility of the workmen. At eix o'clock, while the press men were waiting for the forms, Mr. Walter entered tb.3 pressroom and astonished its occupants by telling them that the Times was already printed by steam, and that if they attempted violence he had an adequate force to suppress it, U.iJf nantinkle. tla.r U - IV1I nolo Moncnwio luct be retained Tbe Jg 1,100 an hour I The curved stereotype was invented in 1816 and the improvements all tended to produce the moder.n press which is an evolution ratner tnan a con crete invention. In 1348 Col. Hoe introduced his huge ten-feeder press, which in point of size was equal to the great modern double- sextuple newspaper presseB. The capacity of the earlier maohineB was 2,000 per hour, while those of to day print and fold 150,000 eight' naee naners an hour. From the Scientific American's Special Num bar on "Modern Aids to Printing." Bilious Colic Prevented. Take a double dose of Chamberlain's Colic' Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy as soon as the first indication of the desease appears and a threatened attack may bo warded off. Hundredsol peop'e use the remedy in this way with perfect success. For sale by Cdas. Stbano. i Klamath County .News. from The Klamath Falls Republican. The reappointment of Hiram F. Murdock as postmaster has been conSrmed bv the senate. A petition which has been cir culated atnoriK the citizens end generously signed by them has been sent to the Governor recommend ing tint T, W. Richardson, so old soldier, of our city, be- app tinted guard at tho state penitenliury. Mossr. B. F. Gould and W. K, Brown, two civil engir.oars, of San Franoisco, arrived in town laot week and have been taking sound ings of the river and- lake, making a few surveys nnd otherwise look ing over the country around here. While the gentlemen are very re ticent in the matter it is believed that they are bete in the interest of some irrigation concern. Prom the Klamath Falls Express. The Ager-Beewick telephone line nas Deen extended to ncard and is now in working order. Further extension work on the line will probtbly be discontinued until spring,when it w'll be put through to Keno, and on to connection with the line building southward from Fort Klamath. Klaraiith county win tnen nave two telephone eya- t 'rns, both connecting with the outside world. N. S. Drew, who pooled his cat tle with those of other cattlemen, of Alkali valley, for shipment to San Francisco, has received returns on his lot 40 head. The number shipped was 242 head. The cattle were turned over to the Oakland Meat Co., wbo butcher and sell, taking for their pay the offal. , Of Mr. Drew's lot, 24 were steers, the balance cows. Vor their hides he received $45; for the meat, $1184 21 a total of $1229.21. Average price paid per head, $30.73. The transportation charges were $150: hay, $1.25. Mr. Drew therefore cleared $1009.21. on 40 head of cattle that the cattle buyers would have taken at a much lower figure, Last Thursday, Nov. 19th, there was u gathering of friends at the home of Mrs. H. F. Schallock who had come to stuy the afternoon through and extend woll-wishes and congratulations to tho oldest pioneer lady of Klamath Falls. Mrs. O. O. Cranston wus the first to arrive, of course, and as friend after friend diopped in, it occured lo hei that it was her 70th birth day and that she Wus the guest of honor at a birthday surprise party. It was a pleasant meeting of moth er and children and grandchildren with old-time friends. Mrs. Crans ton located in Klamath Falls in 1875, then a village of a dozen houses, and she and her daughter-, Mrs. H. F. and Mrs. J. G. Suhu lock, have been . continuous resi dents here Fince that time. Be Quick. Not a minute should be lost when a child shows symptoms of croup. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy given 88 soon the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy oough appears, will prevent the attack. It never fails, and Is pleas ant to take. For sale by Cuas. Stiia.no. Apple Land. 140 acres choicest, eub-lrrigated, al luvial bottom land not subject to over flow. Ib under fence, eleared, on county road and river front. Has fine farm bulldlngB, and best soil and location for apple or pear orchard, hop yard or al falfa, li miles from railroad station. Cheap, easy terms and low interest. See this. BEN A, LOWELL, 46-6t WoodvUle, Ore. Uo Home, Yuiintc M.nn. When a young man goes calling, If he can get his attention off his own at tractiveness long enough to observe II. he will find that near 10 o'clock the girl begins to look worried, absent minded, and her laughs nt his Jokes are suppressed .and forced. At 10:30 she seems to be In a panic, and If he should depart then and shako hands goodby he would find her hand Icy cold. Noises are heard from upstairs. A man Is grumbling and a woman plead ing. Will the young man go before the father makes a scene? Both the daughter downstairs and the mother upstairs are hoping that he will, but the young man stays and stays. Finally be gets up to go, and the girl is so relieved Bhe asks him to come again. A number of worried mothers are getting up a petition to have the street cars stop running at 0:30. Atchison Globe. The WrUklrjd Act. A little girl was nsked to write an essay about man. The following was her composition: "Man Is a funny unl mal. He has eyes to see with, hands to feel with and Is split up tho middle and walks on the split ends." Glasgow Times. 'niimmiiiiiiiiiiiiijv lames 6o different games all new one in each package of Lion Coffee t your Grocer1!. Wi',niiiW WIWllllliii III III . -aeaeaeaeaM II The- Bi-tluu t'lMllr. Tho soihtn cliali- Is nutm-il nfler So dnn, tho tnwii where It was Ih-st usl, The curliest mention of It In 1-hiKhiml ocelli's In 1BS1. Eui-ly In the folluwlut; century tho Piiko of Iucktnf,'him caused much indl.-imtUm by Its uso In Loudon. People wore cxiisperutcil at that 'iiohlcuum employing his follow men to take tho place of horses to car ry him. 1'i'luco Charles brought from Spain in 11K3 three curiously wrought sedans, two of which he gnvo to the Duke of lluekinglmin. A few weeks after their Introduction Masslugur pro duced his piny, "Tho Iloxdmuu," und in It he thus adverts to the Indies: For their pomp and enro being borno In triumph on men's shoulders. Tho reforenco Is doubtless to Buck ingham's sedan, which was borno like a palanquin. "Bygone Englaud." When you want a sack ol good flour, call for "White Star" brand, at Cninllll'a. . . WITHIN TWO MILES OF CENTRAL POINT . . Alfalfa Lftnd For Sale-Seventy acres ofjcholco nlfnlfn land on Dear creek good lor three uropa every year without IrrlRRtlon, twolve acres now seeded, thirty acres iu grain, balance including about scveu acres ol brush laud and land ready for tho plow. A portion of tola land has produced lllty-iive bushels of wheat to the aero, and seventy bushels of barley. Threo thousand feet of tile already laid and ditchos dug for about six hundred leetmoro. One of the host Binnll ranches 'in Jackson county. Price soventy dollars per acre now. 89venty-live dollars after January llrst 11)04. Will subdivide If wanted at advance of fivo dollars nor aero. Heavy BlacK Land Forty acres, half of which will produce alfalfa, 'Doha and pete soil. Has produced over fifty bushels of wheat to the acre. It rreeds some ditching, but the bulk of ihe tract Is capable of pronuctlon this year. About ten acres seeded to wheat. Several acres yet in brush. Small building spot of tree soil, l'rlce forty dollars per aero if sold before balunoe is seudod. sry Beat Fruit Land -Will sell s. off our orchard tract, lviiiir onnni our orchard tract, lying opposite famous little orchard, throe acres only, which in 1901 and again this year notted hltu in sales about thirteen hundred dollars each Fancy Four-tier." Prices on application. our iioiio. .ir. .normi uuniu imvu sum ma inclined to sell. Now is the tluio to buy. $ HOLMES BROS . MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER GO Implements and Vehicles. We carry tho Celebrated Sanders Disc Plow, fully guar- nteed. Blizzard Enselage Cutters. Ameri can Cream Separators., Stover Gasoline Engines. Kemp Manure Spreaders, and in fact a complete line in Vehicles and Machinery. If you want any thing, let us know and we will furnish it. Call and see us. Latch string always out. D. T. LAWTON Manager Medford Branch. r.v The Great Attraction of Southern Oregon. ' Tourists and Travelers will find a good supply of Hay and Grain, Groceries and Campers' anpnliea, alBO good Hotol ac commodations at Prospect . . . You can depend on plenty of Horse Feed at my barn ovory day In tho year. STAN AIKEN. m Buggy Robes, Seasonable goods lor the Oarriairo and tho Horso . . . You positively ennnot protect the horso from Irost and rain w 1th a fly not, neither can you kenp the lup warm with a linen dustnr. Buy BLANKETS and ROBES at Taylor's Harness Shop, Medford. - Not (he Kind IK Wuntetl. . "If you're so html up." snld tlio -ensv nmrl;, who was temporarily umiblp to extend the accommodation asked "wny don t you borrow somo money from TllellstV" "llenvous, no!" exclaimed the other. "Why, he always expects to bo paid Duck." Chicago Post. Improvement on Nrtture. Iluiublo Admirer Are the characters In your book drawn from real life? Haughty Author Did you ever see BUch Interesting people In real life as my characters? Somcrvillo Journal. We would make fewer bulls In this uro lr wo nau not so many wroug Iteers. llultluioro American. Shearer & Smvlte have the beet equipped outfit (or draylng and house hold moving Id Medford. AU kinds p wood (or sale full meaBure and prompt delivery. two or throe more small tracts, five to ten across tho county road from) Mr. Morrltt'a year Almost every apple grades ' Kxtrti This is tho very bast apple laud In Oregon, on, but uigiu nure iniui ior f i.wu itisv juttiuu. Ground leady for planting. - - CENTRAL POINT ! THE MORTAR DHUG STORE, G. H.HASKlAS.Prop Drugs, PntentMedlclnes, Books, Stationers y PAINTS and OILS Clears, Tobnrro. Toilet Articles, Etc Prescriptions Carefully Componnded 7th St. .Medford. Oregon Crater Lake -AND- Upper Rogue River ili l. it il Horse Blankets. Oregon, U, PROFESSIONAL OABD8. A. sv BUTON, V. 9. COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT OV OUBOOM Homestead aud Timber Lund tllliiRh an proofs made. Testimony taken Id luud coi test cases, Oflico with Medford Mail, Medford, Oregoo . D.THIPPS, D.D.S., otllcos in Adklns Block, adjoining Masking urugaiuru jiauiora.ureKOla )R. H. N. BUTLER, OSTEOPATH I ST Rooms 3 and 4, Opera House bloolt, ovW Strang's Drug Store, ExuminatloiiM tree Q, T. JONES, Any or all kinds of Surveying promptly cttranj iDO uuuutyourvovurauo give you tue ouly legal work. Modford, Oregon J S. HOWARD, SURVEYOR AND CIVIL ENGINE KB a 8. Deputy Mineral Surveyor for tho Stnt oiuregon. routomce address: Medford, Oregoa. E. b. PICKKL, rHYSICIAM AND 8TJKGEUN, Office bours 11 to!2a. m. audl:80to8 p. nsv K'Kay Laboratory Examinations $2.60 to $2& Office: Haskln Block. Medford, Or W.I. Vawter. Pros. H. B AnxiNs, V-Pre G.R.L1NDLEY, Casblor. ...CAPITAL, $50,000 MEDFORD, OREGON LoimmonoyonapprocedBOcurtty, receive d- GLtnua suujcuv in cuucu una irunFnei n Sonera nnk I hit business. Your buslnosH Holli'trori Correspondents: Lndil & HiikIi, Stiloia. Anglo (jaiuorniu buuk, oan r rancirico. i,iuiu b Tilton. Hortlnnd.Corbln Hniikinir Co.. n. Y. ' Wells, I'urgo & Co. 's Il.mk, l'ortlmid; First. National tiunk, Uhlciiuo, and Huuover NaV iuuul Bank, Now York. a, E. ANKENY, J.H.Stkwaeit, Vice I'rKldent M. L. Al.FOHl), Asai. Cashier rroMdont. . E. ENYAKT, Uasnicr. The Hedford Bank ' ' - MCOFORD, OnCOON Capital, $50,000.00 SAFE DEPOSIT 1IOXES. TO RENT A General Banking Business Transacted BTOCKHOLDURS r H, 8towart, H, E. Ankeny, K, IT, whltcbcarl C.C. Beekmnn, Horace PclloD.Ueli Huj'inonti James Pellou, W. H. HratlHliaw, J. It. Kayar ?viit DR. JORDAN'S ontarf 'MUSEUM OF ANATOMYC I05t MARKET ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAU fl ThlriMtABftlQmlelKaMW xi In ibm World. m OrtoUtt attraction in tht City, A U . , teoruUrfuliUitaorwUUorM. County wvMBMMKM.oriknrMfitritel. , Voml fiUulintid M yRn. M Ins ininiy miu..i.mU.T. i vru vvniffin rniiniE MIBCftSM Taanv mm and middle ttvm Ihm tOtcla of TouUiful Initio I 7ra, Krroiiiiiii5piiTilcl lability ,! W catloiiij WrmnturrhM, Prnntttlor rhtia, OoaajrrljfBn,Ailt. rrMa.uvi f VrlnMtlnv, le. Ity H eoinblimtloit of 0 rvmedfeB, off runt curKllvtt nowt r. tlio Dutititr T Iim m arranBed hit tnintoini tlnd 1 1 will not A only Afford Tmrnvdlnta rtrllrf, but prtnniiaiit T curt, ina uocior doea nit clnlm to perform X, mlrnclMj but h wll known to bp a fnir and w1 In lilpeclrlty Iklavaaea nt Hn. 4 NVPIIII.IM thnroiifhly erndicntcd from " tb ayiteru without tb inn of Blcrfnr;. A Truiiei atted by an Kipert. Kndleal-" 'or for Rupture, A quick and radical i curetnr Piles, riaar and Pl'lnlas.by Dr. Jordan'a aptclal imlnlem matbou'a A ETKRT MAW apnlylng to tin will recolva f our nonin ummcm oi niflcoinpirtiiii, a We will bunrnniee a POSITIVE CURE in I every crue we unaerfitee, CnnMiltatliin FHKE and Mrlctly private. ClfAROKS VKKY BEA80NABLK. Trealment pvraunally or by Utter. Writ for Hook, PlIII.ONOPIfT OF T HAHHiiUG. hailvd fhii. A. valuable. J OR. I0HDAN ft CO., 1051 MirktSt.,S. P. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION United States Land Office; RoReburK, Orugnn, Oct. 7, 1V03L Notice Is hereby given that In oompllaoov with tho provisions of tho act of Connreab of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act for tho sale of timber lands in too Htaten of California, Oro Kon, Nevada, and WaHhlngion Torritoty," am extended to nil the Publio tland St at oh by act of AuKUHt4,lM2, EDITH BKOWN 8II-SnY, of Atihland, county ol JnukKon, State of Oro Kon.has thlH day filed in tblHoftlco hursworn Btatemont No. hlli, for the purchase of the N'l NE'i. K4 NW4 of Section No. 'X, in Townahlp No. $t S., ItatiKo No. 2 Ennt, and will offer proof to show that tho land houkIiI It) moro vulunbla for ltR timber or stono than for agricultural Fiurpoaes, and to establish bcr claim to siilrt and before A, H, Hilton, U. B. CoinmlHHlonop. at Medford, Orogoti, on Monday, tho '21st day oC December 19u!i She tinmcfi as witnesses! OcorRO P. Kintr Charlea II. King, of Medford, Oregon; J. S. Kil.tby, of Anhland, Oregon; CJcorgo King, of Asbestos, OruK'm. Any and all porno nR clnlminK adversely tho above described lands are rcrpmHtcd to tlla their claims In this oflico on or before suid 21st- day of December, lU0;t. J.T. IlitiUDRR, ncglHter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.. IJnitki .States Lavi.Oppicp, Rntiebtirff, Oregon, October 1, lWBf. Notlco Is hereby given that hi cfiinpllniico with tho r.rnvlnonii of (lie act of CnnurchH of June 3, lh8, entillcd "Ai act fur the- xnlc of timber landfi in the fitates of Cfillforniu, Ore gon, Nevada and Wellington Territory," a extended to all tho public land Hiatus by act of August 4, WM, KHTUHlt 0. HILHDV, of Ashland, county ol JaehHOii.Htatft of Oregon, liai ill in liny iiirti in nun iimil-u ner swnrn tatrnifnt No. ifltil, for the purcbnsn of Ihu NiJ I ti Townnlilt) No. XI H , Hniivc tin. 2 Ktinx. ami will offer proof to show that (ho land nought in more valuable for Its tlinlterortttDiiuthnii for agricultural jurosct, and tiimluli her laim in fmn ihiim iteioiu a H. Hilton. IT. H. :ornminlonor. at Medford, Oregon, on Friday the 11th day ol December, llio:i. Hlin unmes tu) wltneHveti: J. B. Hlluhy, of Ashland, Oregon ? Helen M. Hllstj-, of I'roiict, Oregon ; (leorga r. Kinganu unnricn uing, ot Aieoinru, urcgon. Any and all nerionn claiming adversely tho Abovc-deM-rlhcd land! the reqticntcd tn fllo their claims In this oilico on or before Mid lltla day of Dcttembdr, IW4, J.T, Uhiuoks, Regit tor.