New York, Clef, ft. IvfiftC B. MeCimfin nr-il Cfnrm- H. Htwillniiton nf (too C'olum hht Hiipiify f'inn)iinv. vh, n they uppeiiieo before CiiIimI Htnte.-t (omminniuiit-r H't'-h'-ock lo answer I" hicHclim-nl! ohm trfnc Ihcm with having conspinM IU Auyttl W. Mttfh''it to defraud ih povinnieiit through tin- wile of the large lion mailing i-'ixi m iis I by tin- postal de partment, made forum! fwinmiticfinor.' through their counsel tluit (hey uotiii rnxkf ii'i demand for nn examination ir (Ms dis-tibi. iiit would .go in Wnshlngtoi without further ceiemony. M' K cvpoit. Pa.. Oct. 6. tienernl Man-lig'-r I'rawOud of the National Tuix vr.iiiw a( MeKeespoit ton, begun nn in vestigation Into what If -'n 111 to lie om of i In- boldest wU-nlss In (he lilstoiy ! the company among 11h employe. A cotding to information (?l ti in Mr. f'raw- foi (I. a number of foj -rn - sub-for men miC'iintcmlr-nlH untl IicioIk &f depart -iimijIk have been legulitrty rereieliigjiini iili from workmen in the iiiIDh, hundred of whom an- compelled to pay a curtail in cTttaK' of tltelr wages lo the bos-ne In oriif-r to retain their jobs or lo calr ul udy woik. Saves Twh Ki oiil Death. "Our Mllle (luuhtur hud an almost. faul attack of whooping cough and hronuhititi," writes Mrs. V. K. Havi land, of Armonk, IN'. Y., but, when all other reined ien failed, we biived her Ufe wi;h Dr. King's Now Discovery. Our niece, who had consumption to un ad vanced statfe, alao used this wonderful medicine and today she is perfectly wi.-ll." Desperate throat and lung diB fuses yield to, Dr. King's New Discovery ht to no other medicine on earth. In fallible for coughs and colds. 50c and $1.00 bottlcB guaranteed by ChuB. Strang. Trial bottles free. .San priiiieiseo, er. t. i-ewta ooia riMfi. a hoy of iti. reached here Hjtturdnj ifi '-moon on n Koul In-ru Pari tic trail f;- n I .os Angeles. lvt f:o-.i the lbiioi i i ! d v.i " ' 1 r been lo:eed upor i. iind io-eoiding to his statement : rt 9101.40. It is I horn:) 1 1 thai the twc ii :i who had htm In tow spotted him Ir 1- - Angeles, and If I hey had been glvr-i; lii-. t (iiif-'h whuM hiuc tahfii evury cent I;- had. .-, .-nn. , ( ti't. r. -I'Vcjt FitnHrtrndTiI . Ii. Xcwall has i i ivd a int-ssaKU from t'larx- V:ill-y li llic (Tci-t that lO.fHH i. t : i f ik in iiu- fan-sl ifscrvi- I , , ,. .vh d m ;ir !V :tsoiv M-tnImv hy a laiw fon-i' of th ratiffiH. Tin : In -iilni' frrtm tlu i-asl side nf thr Kl'iia r.iiuro dud wen hcinjf driver t'!rt.u:.-h the iii:u;. fnniKiry to r'nn':. tit. ns. to the west sidf, wla-rc thro nn jn half urazinp la nds. A J'orler.l, IMlnh'.ss Fill Ip tin one Unit will c1uuiim the ayHtom, trt'i, i ho livor to notion, removu the biln, I'lunr tho coitipluxion, euro hoadiicho a-Mi leave ti food tiiHlo in the mouth. Tii faitious littlo iiill for dnirm eueh w.i U nlensiLiitly and olTecttniliy aio Du Wiit's Little Karly Itinrw. Bob Moore, of rjiifiivetto, Iiid., havs: "All ther pill; I have tisn'l (jripo and sieken, while Do Wilt's l.itUe Karly Hirers are t-i r;ply perf-'ct. Sohi by Chas. Strang. Pun Ui'iiKiidlno. lift. b. .narip ')iiiui.-ll. an iilil h:is h.-cn au,.ii id .judgment In tin- suit IhuukIiI aiiinsi liini hy tin- Santa to oust liim Iron land which In has cl.ilmcd "at Marstu' 'I in- (fu'-isioji k'vi'S In l" I Jf itimoM the lnn on wliliii are situated t he Santa l-' f'-lKlit yanlH. Itaistow depot, tweiily-llvi houses and I lie I la rve y ealint. houses. Tlie Impi iivineiHs made hy th railroad on this property nro valued ai over $50,000. Tin yalvt That Heals without lcavimia scar is DeWitt's. The name Witch Ha el is applied to inanv B-iivcii, but Do Witt'p Witch Ha.el Halve is the only Wilvh Ha.el Salve mado that contains the pure unudultor Aid witch hn.ul. If any other Witch Jiasctd Salve is oiVotoil you it is u conn t::K'lt. 15. C. Do Witt invented Witch Iftartl Salvo and Drt WUl's Witch lltv.el fcnlve ia the best salvo In the world for u'i, burns, bruises, tetter, or blind, bleeding, Itching and protruding pilots, f "Id by Chtts. f-tvunir. WILSON S. blSELL ILU. ' Xuffaln. Oct. 5. -Wilson S. ItisseJI. iotdmastet'-i:eneriil hi tin1 ilevelaial ad ir.infstiaiion. Is seriously Mi." Mr. llfs i It reeently reltii neil from a long vaea 1 icii hi the east and resumed Ills law piaetlee. Ills physician declined to cou th in or deny a rumor that Mr. Hissed is pulTerhK from an Internal cancer. jA- ' iitivt! Htm Htm'. "Hooks lliitl have helpcil inn!" chuc liled Tommy as lie piled enmiuli bound Voluiiiew of the Cuii(;ivs-loti!tl liecot'don 6 chair to enahle him to ivarh the shelf where bis mother kept the iiiarnmlade. HDiGESTiON "I traH trotihlrd with utom neh trotihl. Thedforf Hlaek lr:iiitfht ilia nic nioru Rood In oiio wwc'i II1..11 id) Hie doc tor's ineilleimi 1 to:W tu yHir."- M US. 8A It A H E. HHIKKlKLlt, lUlettnvdle, Ind. Tla'duird 'ii Hiark I r:iuuiit qnicLiy iuViL'.a.Ues the ac tion of the Mouiaih and fur" ewn ciiropii' cases of tndijavHtion. If von will t.ike ,i k'mM t'iw V Thed ord's Mi 1' -i i-'d Ka i ..n:iitv v. 11 ;.i'p your Monu.i'i! a id lim in pif hxl cc'iuiiuoii. THEDFOP'5 M.Wlf Mot" t.-ickne.t' is caused by ctv.-i'.ijMt'od i'V any o'.1:;t dir.M... Thevlford's i;u V lhnnrht not only re Hevev ca!ipiition but euros ihiirrU.i iv an Idventery and keeps t!ic hewel? rcutdar. All dniKinti ncll --ct'iil ptU'l,n;cfl. "'''hedrord'!. lUaek Drmiiiht is the Umi mcli cine to r.'iulate the bowels 1 h;ne ever uniiI." M US. A. M. (i li A'T, Stiwuii Kerry, X. (I. F : -iv ir o .'ve e v,, 2 ii ill i One Day Ifopyrlirht. 1!03. by C. B. Lowlf. yilKN Mr. KowHor had finish ed breakfast the oilier iiiornitiK he did not rush b the hall rack for his ha and n't out of the house In fifteen sec onds. To Mrs. Dowser's surprise he fat down to his cigar and seemed to have forgotten that It was a week day. Shu waited I'or leu minutes and tlem asked If be was golii to take a day :.'. "That's what I'm going to do," he re plied. "Are you (folnp fishing or nnythlngV" "No, ma'am. I'm going to stay right n roti rid the house and straighten things out. There ure quite a number of things that ought to le attended to," Mrs. Bowser didn't ask what things he meant, but awaited developments Mil. ItOWSKIt TOOK HIM BY TDK EAK. with a presenlimetit that the dy would be made lively after bis own pe culiar style. She had nut long to wait for the beginning. One of lite works of art In Mr. Row ser's front yard is a stone dog In an at tllude of repose. The artist meant the dog to repose, and the dog bad always j been wllllnjr, but the hoodlums passing r by bad other ideas. One of their favor ite amusements is to enter the yard and st 11 ml the dot; upright, or whirl) him over 011 his back, hi order to keep pence in the family Mrs. Rnwscr and1 the cool; have slood ready to turn llu' dog hack as often as he was turned! over and said nothing about It. Anj hour after breakfast on this particular j iiioiiiuiK 1 nice nan ;nn 11 uo,vs came along and decided to stand the dog on tils head. They did not reckon upon anything beyond a wave of the broom flick and a mild protest from the cook, and Mr. Howser found them easy prey when he suddenly rushed down the front steps and upon them. He posed them In ten different attitudes In about a minute and 0 half, and when they got out of the yard a Rummer stock of Old straw half, buttons tmd homemade A VKA'l IlIMt IiUSTKU MAN WAI.KKD suspenders mingled with the sloue dog to add picturesquettoss to the scene, Mr. Bowser had hardly got over pant ing from his exertion when the vege table man calledone of the tweaity vegetable men passing through lb street daily. He called f:mu his wagoi on the street, from the cininiono, frm the gale, from the basi'm- n' wlndo He announced that he h-::l ! Co;:i. pot; toes, onions, radishes, ci'.-umheis. ;i paragiN nd beans and that fh. s::n were of bis own raising. ;uul b-- si:;i to his text Tor ten long 1 iliuh".. Then the basement di-or siimu': opened, and he was 'n:!iii:'; for is cook to appear ami buy on; his wv-. load when Mr. Bowser sie;.nl tor. mid began performing. He lso cau-o. the vegetable man lo p rfiM ui. Beet potatoes, radishes and cucumber darkened the air. while nspoj-jigus onions and hen us covered the lawn nod toll) of a bountiful harvest. The vegetable mini bad been left an orphan at nu early age and bad learn ed to depend upon himself, but he was caught In the tlood and swept on? his feet and rolled over and over until he was clear of the yard. When he finally returned to consciousness he was seat ed on his wagon and was half a mile nway and shouting "coal" Instead of "vegetables." Mr. Bowser sat on the front steps with the cat beside him when a tramp who whm "wo'klng" the b!ek e-sptM him trout across the street and ibr;eVd that be had struck the softest tiling ot the season. Coming across the street X He Stay M Home lo Etrh-ighten Thini! Y Causes Woe to Many and leaning upou the gate he pathet Ion 1 ly Inquired: "Hons, can you tell me If a Christian family lives here? Hy the looks of things they do, but I'm not sure and don't want to make any more mis takes." Mr. Howser bad no reply. "If a Christian family does live here," conlfmicd the tramp, as be part ly opened the gate, "then 1 want lo say that I haven't had anything to eat for two whole days, and I'm going to apply for a crust of bread. If there are no crusts lying around I'll take a dime In stead. I'm no hog, to want all a fam ily has got. How Is It, boss" "Boss" was still silent, but had that tramp been a student of character he would have been warned hy the twitch lug of Mr. Bowser's ears that the blood had reached the danger point. "I'll come In, boss, and talk things over with you," he said as he entered the yard. "It's not my fault that Tin down. I used to own the nicest mill dam you ever saw, but when the "mill dam trust got to going It froze" That was all he said about the mill dams. Mr. Bowser rose up and tack lad him and played horse with him, and when he got out of the yard and around the corner he didn't have breath enough left to tell a policeman whether he had been run over hy an Ice wagon or knocked sky high by a sewer explosion. The next caller was the Iceman. HIh wuoii rattled tip in a jovial way, and he seized a chunk of Ice and gayly bore it to the basement door and yelled "I-e-e!" at the top of his voice. His yell was still echoing among the houe tops when Mr. Dowser appeared before him and asked: "How much does that chunk wclu?" "Twenty-live pounds, of course." "I don't believe It. I contracted with you for twenty-five pounds dally, but I have been getting about fifteen. Take It out to th wagon and weigh It." "Mrs. Bowser hasn't made no kick," growled the man. "lint I have. Let's see It weighed." The chunk weighed nineteen pounds, ami alter a little mental figuring Mr. Bowser observed: "I shall take a dollar oil' your next bill for shortage, and don't try any more hocuspoee.s here." Tho iceman thought to bluff, but he looked Mr. Bowser over and concluded to make up the shortage ami take II out of some widow's family. As (he Iceman rattled away upon his frozen route the grocery wagon arriv ed. The grocer's boy descended with a baslutt and kicked the gate open. When he reached the basement door lie at tempted to kick that open also, and when It resisted he turned In a fire alarm on the bell and executed a war dance while waiting for the cook to open It. When he was admitted he set up a whistle and tried to pat the girl on the back,' and he was asking her If she couldn't pass blm out n bottle of beer L B TUU YARD IN HRUl HOPES. when Mr. Bowser look him by the ear and led him outdoors to the gate aud Into the back end of bis wagon. , "What's the matter?" asked the boy, us his ear was finally released and thr tears came to his eyes. "You simply mistook my house for a factory. Don't do it again." During the day an old clo' man called and rang the front door bell for five minutes. Mr. Bowser simply threw him into the next yard. A popcorn i;:;ai In sist d that the cook call Mis. Bower down to taste and to buy, and when she had failed to discourage him Mr. Bowser tool; blm by the arm and led him out of the gate and warned him ot the yawning chasm. A ;orr.iau hand mt alt ready to play in front of the house and go on a col lecting tour afterward, but Mr. Bowser beckoned to the leader and held a whim pered nnferomv with him. aud not a toot was tooted. A feather duster man w:tlked up the yard In high hopes, hut die ted himself and his tl listers out again without making a sale, and a sil ver polish man went away saying that anybody who threatened his Ufe laid himself liable to the law. There were others, and alt of them met Mr. Bowser and went away to re member hhu for Iouk weeks, and when the day drew to n close and he lighn d a cigar and sat down to a well earnd rest he complacently said (o Mis. iv:c -r: -Welt. I don't think there :nv a more, and 1 will now rest nn mid t nji ; nself." M OJ'.Hi. vk t FOR SALE Six Head of Young Horses . . Suitable for work or 5 driving purposes. Al- two siiis'lii drivers. f J. C. Pendleton t Table Rock, - - Oregon. j J. R. WILSON, Blacksmithing AT THE OLD STAND. Brick Shop ' Medford, Oreo n 8 HEDFORD ; BAZAAR I 3J AIRS, O. GILBERT, Proprietor 4 J Ladies' Goods a specialty Laces jj ii Handkerchiefs, Embroidery silks JJJ and all matoriulfs for fancy work Notions, candies, nuts and sta- n tiniierv ti One Uoor North of Postoffice J MKDKOKM. OREGON FARM- Coruuiiiln 2(4 acres; L'15 under C plow. Situated east of Bearc-eek, J near Talent; one of the etioico t ; fai-mes of the valley. Easy terms. iMiquirc 01 k. k. .MiXKll. Gold iiiu.oi ui .ii.iai-.iii I'jiu.'mx, C 'Oregon. BUTLER, ,TEWE1,ER. Watch Repairing Stubs'1, D. U. Day, Painter Decorator and Satisfaction guaranteed in bot) work and prices . HEDFORD. OREGON SOUTH AND EAST VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPAM Shasta Route Trains leave Mod ford for Portland an. way stutions at 4:21 A. if. and 4;6: r. m. Lv, Portlfonl liV. Med ford S:si a. 1 11 :.' p. 1 8:30 p, 11 :jo a. d 19:Mp.n S:0U a. 11 ' 7 : ii. r :tlS ft. I ?'2& ft. P e :3C p. a Ar. Ab-slniul Ar. Hucrumonto.... Ar. Han KrauclBro . Ocdcn Dt'itvcr Kansas City. Chtcittro 4:.W u. r 9:3n , 1 7:2fan 'AS a. t Ar. Los Angeles.... 1 Ar. Kl 1'hso . : Ar. Fort Worth t Ar. CUy nCMejtico.. Ar. Houston .. I Ar. New Orleans.. . Ar. WushiiiL'Um .. , Ar. New York 2:10 p. 6:iU p. 11 :uti i AP 1 r v :m n 7:00 r C irf n:SC ' a. n 12:Ui m ,12:iap.B i Pullman a s. i ur!st Care 'on both Inuns. Chair cars Siicrninen to to Ocden and Kl Paso, and tourisi cars to L'hicasro, St. Louis, New Or cans and Vahintrton. Conneollnir :it?;in Krunclsco with thp ?et rral "steamnhip linen tor Honolulu, .t.ipvn China, Philippine, Central Mill South Amertc See agent at MflfoiU station or ;u'ihes C. H. MAKKHAM, - G. F H l OnTLANO OPFAON EXECUTOR'S FINAL NOTICE. j The evtate nf tKv.ekiuli c. Nute. iloeensed. I Settee i heroby fiiven to nil concerned, that the muktMKnotl. the exocuior ot said ilpeed. : out. ha- tiled in the comity eourt ot Jtiukoii i county, Ori'Kon. hi itnal "hi count ot lit mi 'mltiUtmuoii of ail etate: and thai by order : of -aid court the Mime will come on for het . lug and liunl ott lenient in -aid court on I Tl l-DAY, SOVKHHKR :Kl, A. P. IW ' at 0110 o'clock tn the Afternoon of ?aid iay. Thl-netieo i" published hv oiierof the rton l'riie. m dw'e 'f -aid e.ei t. in tin.- Vn fiieii . v, er ou'i'iili-d iitid rf i'--- 'n . 11 1; w k-ii:. 0 nMV, - A !. ; i;i:-M 'in. 1 -a d v-m.t 9 ' t. In the Circuit Court ot the "lilt of Orttfon, iu IW tli Couuiy oi Jui:ku!i. Aug'itH K. Kvitii", 1'iuiiiUlI, ( Vs. -UJVOKCE. Thom.tU. Kvaiis, Cofemlant ) To Tliomitb II l.VKjiS tlit ubuve named defend. INTHK NAMK UI'TIIK Bl'ATK OK nRj-tiuN vou tin hereby reoutreci 10 un ar ar d iuiwur the complaint tiled against joii in Ho; bo-.e entilleo eouil nroi eati-e, on or t'.-oro Oetolier hi, 1Wj(. the at tiny preioribtd in tlic order i"or pilUliettUO!) OI llllif SIlUllilOIis. wn. nu ui itv fore the expiiatioii ol six wet kf rruin th day iVii. ilrtt n.ilillcHllur nf feu id toinliioi.y. (lie llrt publicaiioii iherecf lein g"H the lllh dny Dial if you full to answer r otherwise plead U Mild eompliiint. f"r want thereof, the jilain till will apply to the curt lor itie MM tie (Landed iti tLe en piamt, tow U: For di.-.o-liuionofihe niairi;:ge conirm-t exiniin,' b tw.eci Il plain till a:i J delebduni, ate! or tui-h other, further itlid liiffL-reiii i..-:iel us to the court 11; hv tt.Ill eqiiltlihle. This publication U'ade by ord. r of lhe Hui.orabk' II. K. Ham a, Judge of the Crcuit Court of the .Slate of Oregon, for Jack.ton Countv; wlil.h oi-der wii.s duly nmde mid en ttred 'in the Circuit Conn Journal lor lhe SiHtenf -iregfiii. l oiiaiy ot Jaeksmi. cn th 4thUay of !;citember. l'-t-Cl. reijuinxg thai the defemiant be erve(i hy pubiieatii.ii of the sum mons. ui;d ibui -aid summons be published 111 ibe Mkijoku Mail, a aewj-paner of geiiemi cireululii'ti in .laek.son County, Oregon, fur six weeks from tins Nth day of September. IIK'3, the iirst day of ptibllcHlion thurecif. and Ibu lust day of publicHtion thereof being 011 the 23rd day of October, jyul 1. . Hour, M. Pt'KIUN, Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTICETQ CONTRACTORS" Sealeil propoi-Hls will be received by the County Court of Jackson County Oregon, for the const ruction of a Coiiaiv roud as follows: lieginiiiiig hi the .Swayne ford on Apj.Iegale and following the line of survey of said toho along the Kast side of Applegate Creek soiithei ty to the intersection of the taid prupo.sed road with 1I11; jtreseiit traveled County Hhove the tecond crossing of said .stream a distance of six iiiilcK more or less. Also beginning at the terminus of the pres ent County Komi nt Watkins ford on Appleiotte Creek, Ihe'llce along the west side of Applegate follnwilig the line of survey to the -stnle line between Ciilifririiia and Oregon. Snid toad to be constructed 1:1 feet wide Hroiiml (lie roek point wlitre Kvrayne lluuie is iniatid1 and a l all other points where heavy grading is reiiuired at least feet wide Hiid 10 be eleuietl at all points at least HI foul wide, excavations: Into solid earth to be not less thai, seven feet at any point where grading is done Itids will be entertained for all the mad ot for eaeli of the following sections: lt e'!ioii begins m t)(. com liieiicement of he rimd ai tiic .Sway 110 innl and eMeads to the iln. e mi. i' post un Newt Lewis' much. 2nd seciion from the three mile post to the intermedin 0 m j oml road with the present tniveli'd road tH'arllnt Dews fmd uu Atipii.gnte abi.iU n;U': :!'.i 'tetfoii hs-giit- til the crol of the .n'"eii coiniiv road huI :;h:iid- to tl.v mie line abuiit 2? J miles. .ll (udders will lie ruotiireu to give goil and siimVidit imiiil to the 111H iinu.uiit .if th.- r eontniei that the mad will bo completed in a: eoiilauce will speci lien' ion o . i within lhe time si..,'iii('d in the I'ontraet. Work 10 be completed by January :. i'Joi. The Cotmi re serves the 1 ih' to tejeel iinv and nil bid-'. .W Itids iiiiis-l li. Miluuitted to the Contity 1'oui i it! its IK XI es-imi, Wcdio sdav, Oi tob.-r 7. I-dgncd) Jo H S S. UKT1I. County i.ierk. NOTICE FORTtFBF.i'CATIOXr tlN't rrn Ktaths Land ori'icw, Koseburg, Orecou, Sopt. -1, ! 3. Nntlee if hereby given Hint in eouipilaiici Willi lhe provisions nJ the net of Congress of June :t, 187s,, entitled "An act for Ho sale o: timber lards in the Ktutcs of California, i irt gon, Nevjida. and Wnuhington Territory." as iXieinlcd to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1W'2. 11 aix, Atlniit'c, c'tintv of Ciiufs, Stntf! of Iowa, has this dav liled in this otliee. Iiei swurn .stub nn; nt o. ,'it'iH.T. for Hip purchase of the W'.. S .. Sec. 12 W' NW4', of Kcclioii No l::. In Township No ilange No. a hast, aud will oiler moor to show Unit lhe land sought is more valuable for its timber 01 stone llian for ugrteiPiiral purposes, and t establish hcrclaim to saiil land before A. Uluou, U. S. Com mission nr. ul .Medniiit. ore eon, O' yatuidny, the yisi oay of November, 11 ?a. She namnn as witnesses : George I? King, , M'-tlfotd. Ori-ion: Noah S. Dennett aud (if oree King, Trail. Oregon; Silas Wilson, Atlantic. Iowh. An and all oersons elalmmE adversely thr nbove-described lands are reoueBled 10 tUe ilieh clnims In this office on or before said 2Mhdy ovcmoer, ihuj, j. i . ukihuks, Uegieter NOTICE FOR PUBLTOATTON. United States Laud Office, Roseburg, Oregon, Sept. -t, 110:1. Notice ifi herebv tiven that in compliance with Hie provisions of the act of Congress of June :l. 1K, eutltited "An net for the sulc of timber lands in I lie StiitesofCtilifoi uiM.OreKon, Nevtida, mm vt asninguni lerrnory.' as ex lended lo all the Public Lund Stales by act of August i, lh'J2, SII.A3 V0N, of Atlantic, county of ('Rif, state of Iowa, has this day tiled in this nfliee liis sWorn state luent No. aiiS-l, for the pureliase of the W NW'i. NK4 NWVj. N 1 , SE'j, of Section No. It, in Township No.34 South, Kaiige No. Kiit. ami wilt offer uroof to show that (lie land sought is more valuable for it- timber or stone tlisti lor agrhmltuial purposes, iit'.l loestablish his claim lo said land iti-i-te A. S. Hilton, t'. S. ' oinnussiniier. at MedK d. tire gon, on Saturday, lhe 2lst day of November, 1WC1. lie names as w itnesses: 1 b-orge F. Kintr. Medford. On gon: Noah ri. Hennetl una ueon.'o KiDL'. nf Trail. Oregon, and Kiimi WHon of At liintic Ipwi. Any and nil personi einiinhig adversely the k 1 ve-iU- scribed lands 11 iu reouested to Ii lo 1 heir liaiius in this olllcu on or before said 2M to day of November, ltw;l. J. T. Ukh;ks. Kcgiicr. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. In thr matter of the estate of Robert M. Jack, deceased. NOTICK IS IIKKKBY 01VKN THAT THE uwleri!iiicd linn been appointed admlnia- iiat'ix wlin the win nunexeu 01 tne esiaie 01 Wiihert t. .l:uk. diceased. bv the order of Hon Charles Prim, Judge of-Jackson County, Ore gon, said order of iippotntiuetit having been regularly made and en'ced in the probate reconlt ot Jackscn t.ouniy, trego. All nprsons liuviuu c'aima aiaiiint the estate of Robert M. I nek, deceased, will present the same to me Ht my residence in Kagte Point, Oregon, or nt tho office of W. I. Vawter in Mod lord, uregou, who proper prooi 01 sinu ciaim as by law provided, within six mouths from the date of the first publication of this) nottoe. First publication Friday, September '2o, Pj3. Fbancks F.iiZAiiF.Tn Jack. AdminiDtnitrix of estate of Robert M. Jack, deceased, with will ar.nescd. j W. 1. Vawtf.r, Attorney. I ' EXECl.-fOR'S NOTICE. j In tfc mutter of the estate ofsicphen S Tooper, ) deceased. ' NOTICE IS HKftnnY GIVEN THAT TUB : undertilgaed has been appointei' by the Hou-, orable County CMirt for Jac'.ison County, Ore-: gon. sitting in probate, executor of Hie estate j of Stephen S. Cooper, (leceaied. j All persons havimr claims against said estate nre hereby not i lied to present the same to tr-e t iittheomceof the Jackson Oounly Llmk in Medford. Oregon, with proper preof of said rltiim a bv law provided within six months ! from tlie d'nte of the llml pu blent ion of this notice. j Fim piiblicntioo Kridnv, the 2Mb day of. September A. 1). lK:t. 1 t tEORIlE It, LlNDt.KY. Kxccntor of estate of Hteplien S. Cooper, dc-' cea-cd. j W. I. VAWTEtl. Attorney for etate. NOTICE FOR IH'CLICATION. I Land otlice at ftosebmc. Oregon Aug. '29, 190.1. Notice 's hereby given that the followlne nutued fetiier lm. tHed notice of ber Intention to in; kc ihift! ommtiUMon proof iti support of his claim, and Out said proof will bemade be fore A. S. HMton l". Citi)ir!, nt Med ford, Oregon, on Satutday, Ort. 1(J, V)V3, vf. MYUTLF. LAW TON, on hometead cnlrv No. Il71i, for the n nw'i, sw' , n' t. nw' , mt'., .-cc4. ip to h, r ;i e. tn nmur flic fol'owirg wHticsct? to pnve H v.r.'. a . W ll. Mf ( R.-r r : I'-i: . Jaekxti em ;i J T UnT.-vs, Register D T 1. ty. Oi U0TJS OF WL-'DFORU I . O. I;,-L'jdge So. '', mec-.n nfc I. O. 0 P nad every .-iituivaj ul ft P. m Visitm un;tb els niwax Welcome. A. U. NAYI.tll, .S'. O ' J. K. DAY Kec- tiiiO. f. O O. V. l(oj;ue Klvel" Kl:iMiuptlirlit, No. Hit. ineels tu I. U. O. t'. hU lb: fiecotid n;d fuurili WediiefrdiiVu of euci.-iiioiuli ill h p. m. H. II. liAKVEY, C. J'. VI', YoitK. Scribe JJltve lteliel;ub Lodge No. 2. meets :n L O. O. F. hall Hi si ami ihiid Tueilaya of e. cb inotth. Vl!uug itiein iiiviteo to iilletid. JlitK KriA Siii:aiu-.k, N. fJ. Mks. IliA ScHhaMKHHiijiS, Itec. Sec. A. K. and A. Meets first KMiJay on 01 ho foie full moon .it ft p, m., to Masonic halt, J. A. Whitman 1. M, J. W. l.AWTON. Kec. Sec. K. ot I Talisman lOde. No. ;11, meots Mod. d ty g m h p. m. Visit. :;g biotiier ul. WUJ WeloiUie. , h HLU Luv, C. C. Caiu. i'kvstai., Ii. of K. ana S. Knlgnii; ol tho .MiiceaoeeH. Triumph Tent No. 14, meeth In reeuiur review on lliu ial .'iitl Hit t'rUlii.vh ot eitch month iu A. o. U. W. Hall at T;3Up. m. Visiting Sir Knighlacordiul ij Invited toaiieud. A. u. Ki.lison, Commander. W. T. Yon K. It. K. A. O. U. W.. Degree of Honor PM her lodge No. M, meets evtiy 2ii aud 4th WcdneBdiij evening of each month, at A. O. U. W. hull, M KB. DKI.LA DOIHiE, C Ol II. Cl.AKENCR MCPllEIISilJN. KtC. A.O. U. W. Lodge No. 8, meets everv Hrj nd third Wednesday lu the mouth ai t p. m. In their hall in the opcru block. V icij brolbersiaviteu 10 utlend. W A. Sti;wakt, M. V. A ft 11 a ki. HUhbakd, Kecorder. F. U. of A. Wedford Lodge No. -V2' u eeta every Tuesday evening in A. O. U W. hull. isuing Fruters in v lieu in attend, J. W. Mm nt: 1, i M. L. A. JoitDAN Oeo. Woodmen of the World Cump No. W, meets every Tburwday evening in K. of P. U: 11 Medford, Oregon. , J.U WtUdJliB, Mli Chrysuuthemum ClrcV, So 84, Womer. of Woodcraft. Meets serf ti .ml fourth Tuesdays of each month al 7:30 p. ui le K. of P. ha'l, ViBiting sisters invited. Miis. lf n-.cE Mann, G. N. Katiirkins Wait. Ch r. W. R. C Chester A. Arthur orps No 4 meets first and third Weunessduv of e"h mouth at a o'clock p. in., tn Woodman a nan. Visiting sisters invited, Mas- I. K. ANiiitL-s, "ni:. MllS. f VAN Ill'MASON, See. U. A. K. Chester A. Arthur Posl No. ; meets in Woodman's hull every lirst ar.d ItiruWeilnesdaynighlin uneh month ul :a.. Visiting Comrades-cordially inelted to utter J, F M.STKWAHT, Com. 1- hank Kasshaki;!!, Adjutani. W. (J. T. U.Meeif every oilier ';i.y at the Presb tei ian church. , Mas. ilrcK, Pr js'de- t Mits.J. MoauAN, Sciieti;iy hn.ternal ltrotherhe,.I-.MVctK first ami thir 1 l-ridiiy eveumijs at 7:;:e ij 111., in their lit in K.of P. buiiottig,, oregMii. Viaiiir.a nlslers uni; Itriitheis cordially invited. ,. W . L. Onu, I res. IIkktiia Davis Secretary. O K. S.Iteames Chapter. No. titi, (mil and fourth W dnoday's of oulIi mouth -t Mi.sonie Hall, Medfoid, Uregmi. Visiting n.j. ters- and brothers alwa -s weicnuie. Miis. II. A. Lu.MShUN, w. m. 'HATTIK IC. Pli KIOh. Sei-ii'tory. A.O. K. .Meets everv Mordny nigh) at 1:0 in A.O. I.', w ball. Visiting Funsters dially web omed. K. L. (JCI.NKA, U R. Jas. -StkUakt. Kec. secy. filiform Rank. K. of P. Meet ai the call of the captain lu K. of p. hall. ' ,, , H. II. IIowAiiu, (Japlafn. K. H. ElAvooo, Recorder. OHTTBCHES OF MEDFORD. Methodist Kpiscopnl Chureii W. u. Moore, pastor. Preaching every .Sabhath at 11 a.m. and S:00 p. in. Sunday dcbool at it) a. m., T. T. Law ton, Kttpt. Cliwy meeting follown preaching serviee Sunday morning, Julius .Meeker, leader. F.p worth Lcngue at 7:tK) p. m., George Kox, president. Regular pravei meet ings everv iiiursduy evening at 8:00 p. in. Ladies Aid Society every Tuesday afternoon Mrs. C. W. Conklin. president. Junior Kp worlh Leugue every Sunday at :t:00 p. iu.. Mr. Owen, superintendent. Misionurv Society meets, llrst Friday in each mouth, Mrs. Char lotte Hubbard, president. Presbyterian Church Itev. W. F. Shields, pastor Preaching every Subbath at ll a. m and 7::W p. m. Sui day school at HJa. in , .Iks. .Mariin, Supt. Christian Kndeavor, p. m. lun'or Christian Kmltavor, :t p. in. Kverv Tnursday prayer met'iin?, S 11. in. First Tues day evening of every month church social. Second Tuesday everv month, p. m.. Mis sion society. l-'iisUind third Tuesdays everv month, ;.) p. m,, Aid oeietv. Itev. W. V Shields, Pa-t'.r: Mi- K.ulali 'Warner, Supt. S. S.; Miss Kdith Van DvHc, Superintendent '. C. K.;havid M. luv. I'r.-s. S c V -Mrs J G. Van hyke, Pres. Aid soriety ; Mrs. J. w f. x. Pres. Mission Society. Hi.itld clturcli Rev. T. L. CranrtnU. pastor. Sabbath services: Prrachl:.;; 13 a. m, and ft p. m ; SabbaDi school ion. m.; It. Y, P. U. 7 p.m.; praye- meeting Thiii's.lav ut "::lilp. m.; eoenani, incetftig at a:So p. 111. on Saturday pre ceding tirst sabbath. Strangers and friend ul ways welcome. Christian church corner of Si Mi und I ttreetfi. Preaching every Lord's Day at ll a. ia. and s p. iv. Sunday school ai ID a. m. Priiyei mi.'eting every Thursday evening. The people welcome K. M. Patterson pastor. Resides ul lhe church. Methodist Kplscopal Church South Rev. M L. I'arby, pastor. Preaching every Sunday at II :t. m. and evening: Sunday ncl ool at 10a. m.( Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 8 o'clock; Woman's Home Mission Society meetss rirfft Wednesday lu each month at 2:30 p, 111, Kvery one is cordially Invited to all our servlcea St. Mark's Episcopal Church: Kveiisongnndi ttrnion, 1st and ad Sunday ot ect month at 7:80 p. m. Holy communion, M Sunday of each month at 11 a. m. Morning prayer aud ser mon, 4th Sunday of each month at ll a. in. Sun day school ut 10 a. m. All invited. Pi ws free. L. M. Idlemati. Priest In chart' Christian Science services are held every Sunday morning at eleven o'clock at the resi dence of F.. It. Dunham, ol Talent. All aro welcome. Contest Notice. KOSKItltRO, OltKOON, I Aliglist 'Jt, 1SK1S. j A Huflleleut contest aftti urit having been fiied lii thii oRiee by Norton L. Napeiran, con ti'clnnt. against 1 omestead eMrv No. lftVJl, made March 'ii, 1W1, for ni1'., section 8, town ship :ti south, range wes, by John L. De ConJrnv, eontcstee, in whleh It is alleged Thai snid entrvuinn tins abandoned lue laiid for eighteen mouths last pa-d. and that he has sold the improvements, consisting of house and ham, which were upon the land, and that the Kiiine have been removed bv the purchaser, fuid parties are hereby notified to appear, re spond and otter evidence touching raid tillrga Hon, at liio'elock a. in. .on November '.'f., ls'l, before A . S. Mliton, V. S. Commissioner. Med ford, Oregon tHtul that tlnal hearing will ho he'd ih It o'clock a. m.. an D comber b, 1903, before 1 the register and receiver at lhe United Slates land office in Roscburg. Oregon. The said contes'onl linvim:. tn a proper affi davit, riled Atu-ost 'JVth. JX:i. set forth facts which show that nfter due diligence personal service of ibis notice cannot be mnde, it tj hereby ordered and directed that 5tich notice be given by due and proper publication. J, T. HitiltOK. Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that lhe underMgned has been duly appointed by the County Court, of Jm-ksoii County, itate of Oregon, admin istrator of tho rinte of WillitiTn Mcal, Senior, deceased AH ner 011 having claims ngamst said e 1 ate nre hereby required to present the h mo. properly verltled. as by law required, at the ofllrc 1 f M. Purdin, F-'., attorney at taw, at Medford. Oregon, within six nmiithf from ih" dii'i- hereof iii;. d th:s sf.i dny : e!.tnrrl -r !W, Wn 1 ?-. Mi-sit, Ailm'li'-t-no.r 01 ihe ta:o of U!!Utu M.-s-al, .-'..i'o- ieert..r-l 1. pt'KiJtN, attorney for erljce.