A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING. A feature of Iowa's dairy exhibit n icnmio j i . .. n. T ...i. -in. i--i i, at 1118 Ol. IvOUlH WOriU B lull nin "v a statue iii hutter of John Stewart, the pioneer creamery man of th nt. II etato. It will he hie size and be kept frozen in a glass cas through out the exposition. After picnicking under a hay er p.cmek.i g unaar a naj ,a party ol holiday make Manlaul.au, Fiance, left an stack near emrjtv eineer beer bottle Blanding up on the ground. The sun's rays up on the ground, inesuns rays r , , , , , , focussed through the glatB and set the stack alight. It was burned to the ground. United States Senator Allen G. Tburman, of Ohio, did not have money enough when he died to pay his debts, and it is deemed neces sary to Boll the old homestead on which he lived for the last twenty years of his life and where his son, Allen W. Thurman, now resides to raise funds to meet them. "How to cure a red nose, $1.00," advertised a firm. On receipt of the fee the prescription sent out was: "Drink some more and it will turn blue." This was worth the money, as compared with the "copy ing letters' at home" and the de tectives wanted on every block." The Btreet railways ol this coun try carried 5S ,157,830 passengers last year, transfers included, and some of the passengers got seats. Two hundred sixty-five passengers were killed and 26,890 injured a casualty list almost equal to that of the" steam railroads. Of the employes 122 were killed and 3, C!)9 hurt. Postmaster-Geueral Payne has made the statement to the effect that fourth class Postmasters are liable to be removed for purely, political reasons, after they have completed a four-year term, and such changes are made frequently at the mere request of a senator or congressman in whose district the office may be located. Professor Irwin Rautenstrauch, of Washington University, who formerly lived in Sedalia, Kansas, has asked the courts to change bis name. Nobody in this country has ever been able to pronounce it right and the professor has got (kmn railed "Rottenstraw" which was conferred upon him in his school days ' J , ,. R a r.l,l n Free MetHOQlSl JV. l. V-.M' preacher, who eloped with Eva lf lint, y , .A .i ciiv Xeh to sentenced at Central -iiy, eu., iu ,:v,ani iii the neniten'iary. He siv vparn iii the peniten'iary. was tried under the kidnapping law passed by the State Legislature after the Ciulahy kidnaping in Omaha, and his conviction was the first under that statute. He had a wife and five Email children. The ordanoe survey map of Eng laiuiuiiau'-j r - , ,. u- leieH after US lanu is ueiuK v-vim." , - i -rtorjinnm years- wor, u, . - - , in the last ten yt : livery tree, c. .,!,, A an f 1 1 ' . is shown in " x . tA mnn mid even ill number ol rPL. s'eps to each house is shown. The government should now enact a law tfiiauv i householder making it illegal lor a nouseuuiuni tr. niter annearanee of his prop erty, otherwise the map will be out of date in 24 hours. A xo Yurk noliceman recently arroato,! n ,1 ni i! k nil chicken, and 1 me is said to have "run in" an elephant some years ago, but tneej exoloits pale beside the arrest of a ; worm. 11. - tor in rattle a Portland cop, but the results might have been terrible to contemplate had a belated reveler caught sight of the monster before the St. Patrick of Third street. Considerable newspaper comment was created, both in the United KtjitBB and abroad, by the account ' aima time ann nfa fast run mad nn the Great Western Western Railroad of , ., Kogland, and claimed to he tl,e fastest long-dietance run ever made t . i : Tkaciui itftxi 'ii- inilf-R th 2:m minutes. Now; . r.,o mnr cornea the report of what the Amer- ican railroad man ,s able to do On Mav 21, lwi, the 1 ftentieth Century Limited, on the Lake Railroad, made a run of 246.12 miles in 22 minutes. According to the hi1 cut national censue, the Germans in the nine teen largest cities number 2,783 282. or mere than a third of all the (jurmaiiB in the country. Milwau kee heads the list in ratio, with toi,uu uermans, or oz.u per uem of itB total population. Cincinnati is second, with 131J.798 or 42.9 per ... . . cent, and St. Louis is third, with 207.514 o 36.1 ner cent. BoBlon 5 , inhabitant New rs. ,. York has 809.472 Germans and Chicago 439,666 about one-fourth r ... . . ,,, of their population in both cases ,,,.,,. r The records of the Pasteur In stitute in Paris show that 25,642 cases of hydrophobia have been treated there in the fifteen yearB that have passed since inoculation for this disease began. A child from Alsace was the first patient This was in 1888. Since then each year has seen the same death ptr eentage from hydrophobia grow smaller. From ten in a thousand of those treated, it haB fallen to two in a thousand Since the discovery of Edward Jenner, upon which all inoculation against disease is based, there has been no greater discovery in the realm of medical science than that with which the name of PaBt eur is associated. His Life Saved by Chamberlain's (.'olio. Cholera anil Diarrhorea Remedy. no t Hi.... a w,l I If nnwn enoner of ihis towo, says he believes Chamber uin'e Colic, Cholera and Dirrhoea Remnilv saved life last summer. He had been aiok for a month with what the doctors call bilious dysentery, and could get nothing to do him any good until he tried this remedy. It gave him immediate relief," Bays B. T. Utile, merchant, Hancock, Md. For Bale by Ohas. Strang. Klamath County Sews, From The Klamath Kails Republican. The duck law was out on the loth, and the immense quantities of ducks which abound on our lakes will have a warm time. Klamath county is famous for U hunting, and large numoers oi ouisiue h wen as bcal sportsmen are already tak ing advantage oi me open somun That me ruamam wmroj "bn cultural Association fair and race mapf (ip.ift hpr ti. . . ami iu win be a grand success seems already to bean aBSUrea laci. ununum in- . a. I . U kir I Vio to rm tprflHL i uaiiie ouunu " r i i .U.H.mnUn lUI ers ana ranuncrB iuiuubuu iu.- county and the exhibits are ex nected to be extensive tbiayear. Klamath Falls ia to have anotner iJnatry in tha shane of a manufac oVv o bricks. J. F. Goeller has tory of bricks ...,nkiiil (he necessary DresB and machinery ana tne same m uu .u .rA ol Amr. Thev will a, VUG iu.lmu Mu-t,".. j soon arrive here and be placed on the ICast End back ol the city school building. George m ))ftve oharge of ti,e ,h ... vards and kiln Tuesday night at at about 1 o.clock fire was discovered in two hig hay stacks owned by W. A Wright on his ranch which ajoins ,ke imn The fire was well under way when discovered and although the fire companies were out noth- ig could ba done with the nose, as lug ,"ui " Ml, o fire was ton far removed trom - t . , tiiii hvdrants. I his is a comider- - ble los as the hay is worth !f( a The fire was still smothering ton. 1.,...!... anrl n-ill linlinhlv blim HC - WIUHJ - il 1' J (or j day or,so. .. ... ... ,..li- r- Krom llie Mamam runs r.Aincn. TV.fi Hnrvfnrd Land and Cattle j , , , , - ... Company sold to W W. SwanBon & Son, .of Sacramento The sale includes about 1100 bead. hi first assignment of 040 head (rere delivereu at me norwu thuun iocf wlr Th remainder, some; ........ -- - , rjn uaiA will hfi drMVfired in ( c- i"JJ (IbMU. ..... " tober. The W. P. Miller stock farm of 2400 acres was this week jiurchas ann .!.c nf the r n fl home! ranch a Mr Station of San Shore and Michigan Krancieco, for 10,UW. Aid- j n0 Ralnrv vot mallv ar(, 1(f ,..,. hase Bros, have put up (00 tons of! wh)e salaries ure paid in the seiv hay thiB season, own hundreds ofi nm nt the common people, .but frw acres of the choicest of Wood river make appllciiiton. 'I'tm punjiiiBln of ..-It 1... I- lUI natn Ku thl' fftrTllllt' nfTII III.... -r.ln V,- valley realty, count their cattle by the hundreds, are weaitny, pros perous and among the valley's prorespi ve and best citizens. N. S. Merrill, has sold 200 ton? y " " . UJCIIIU. llliu ill unw uvj vwna w : j( (;erber. There ha been gome : movement in the ?ales of alfalfa ; at id nn stnflll nmniintfl hfl. been sold. But there ia yet considerable . hayforaHle. Ihe price at which ? , . ggid h(j too . h Tho Kxpre53 , wpesp see the hay growers and slock feeders compro - I mise, whereby all the cattle, with the addition of many from tbej II ouieiae, will oe leu during wie winter in the Klamath Basin. j A warrant has been issued for the ' arrest of Jeff Riddle, a reservation resident. Jeff is a bad one when ! enebriuted, and must answer for fV i.ito the ceiling of the Dairy postollice. ; Turn Rnrf.lnv ic anr.fVior u'VirtdH ( cnmhativeiiARD when "l.-inilprt" is of i it the dime novel hero order. One! day last week in China ow.i. a 1 Klamath suburb, he was refused laiin a ml tVirt hu-ith rtmeflen In I gun and forthwith proceeded to do things. Fortunately the Josb wasn't a man. Then a door or two was unhinged and a few boards rent trom contract with the wall. Collapsing finally by over exertion he was overoowered and Dersuaded into the notion that to leave the house intact would be the better part of valor. Reeiilec n very lurcm vielH nf alfulfd the Ankeny-Cantrall ranch will harvest this season 20.000 bushel of grain wheat, oats and barley, frouably not a oetter crop was grown in the county than has just been cut on this ranch. II. stood over four feet in heieht with heads four to six inches in length. S. E. Martin, the Merrill miller, places the wheat yield in the county at 25,000 bushel, at least one-third more than was produced last year. The farmers are holding for two cents. This is a banner year for Klamath. Plenty of grain, an abundance of bay and large numbers of cattle and other livestock. Beet of all, iheie's a demand for it all at prices that make the producers jubilant The yield of hay in Langell val- iev l.hin eeflftiin WAS not un to the average and a few of the stocsraen there will feed elsewhere. F. D. and C. J. Swingle and G. W. Cope land have purcnaseu nay on uosi river, where a portion of their cat tle will be taken for the winter E. R 0. Williams and Benj. Abbe nna nf LaiLiell valley, were in the lTnlla TnpBflftv evening, hiivin? rid den Sprague River valley in si arch of hay. The valley's hay yield was large, but there was no hay for ssle. The surplus had already been pur chased. There is no hay for sale anywhere east of Klamath Falls. All the surplus hay grown under the Henley-A nkeny ditch, aside fmm flmi nivned hv Mitchell Bros. and possibly one or two others, has been sold. Messrs. vviliiamB ana Abbeloos consider themselves lucky in finding loU tonB ol aiiana on me E. N. Colsen ranch, Lost river, for . rru which they paid 7 00 'a ton. 1 here a kiv vol fnr sain in Tule Lake val ley and possibly some at Wood river. This later report is quite ai variance with reports that have - w . --i ... ... Vuun rximino' in flf lfllA. iNOtWltn- - standing we largely iuuroaocu r.u abaiiuuig are ...... j . . of hay throughout the county and lha efiiT, nlh ined nf hii?h n-ices. it is oi nay torouguoub vo cuu n, u -j " " .v.V L Vf becoming evident that tew, n any. taoks will be lett .landing wnen 'pring grass comeB again. Owes His Life to a Kindness. Xeighhor's Ntr. n. P. D.itiphertv. well known throuRhout Keicer and Summer conn- liBS, vv. Vn most likely ow t0 the kindne59 0f neighbo almost hopelessly articled lies, VV. Va., most likely owcb ins uio lie was l,.,.,.,lo&ciU, iiinnl.pd w t.h fl ill. ihniia wiih nt.lnndnil hv t.wo nhvsicians vho gave him little, if any, relief, when i neighbor learning of hie serious eon liction, brought him a bottle of Chain leriain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea emeilv. wlilnh cured him in less than twentv-four hours. For Saleby Chas. Strang I.lff'H I. tide IHillea. It limy In ilniilni-il if it Is wittiin 1 lie jmwer ur iiny out iiuiu. liowi-vcr jirt'iit ami iiowimTuI anil gttvi. I clninyt! Ilic :iiriviit t thp worlil's HlTiilrs. but Umtc fs scnrrely rtiiy oih1 who will rrnitomj ttint civilixnlloii would not iiilvatn'c. ike world bet'niuv lieriei mid life for all grow more beautiful If curb citizen would perform the Mlniule nnd Hppitr eut duty vbicli he eau twRlly do. TIh'I-m Is om? sure way of reforming the world, nnd that If for pnob pei'dou to 'outrlliuU' his mite. Kntifftn City World. What Is Life? , . . 10 '"'' Y. we do Know inav u ib unuer mnu . , .i., i Di:..hi noin n IMI-M Lllttb mn o UU OMCIIUT, i suits. Irregular livine means durunse- . nllm . ne(in(,i,e or Liver trouble, nr. ! KluuN Si-k Life Flllt iiuickly re-ad- A C""T?hin, g. thtf fornuT nftPii more (liun triDlo the Mu1rir1o rr Tim Inlfpr. Tlic Htvi yfci kfKw Hun wh :uv to kiinwlwlm ia it'iifim tit.- Cecil. Th? vlfc iiuiu k cmxtt of ambition hy umbttidt) -MrnrfH'. liuckTen's Annex Salvo. Hits worlil-witle fame f jr ttiurveloiis cnn.B. It t?urp:iHie3 nny other Halve, lotion, ointmont or bairn lor (.ntft, 0rn?. Burns, IoH, Sort's, Felim)1, , .n7V: j n,,, tor piR,, Cure euarnntenl. Only 1 25c at Chas. .Strung Druggist, a, Tfitwtr. Salt Kheum. l-evor Sores, I LARGE TRACT OF BEAR CREEK FRUIT LAND I TO BE PLATTED AND SUBDIVIDED J 1 it USK FO0H-T1KK Al'FLKS it. tin? (jrHt eml in view huh'UK the oicliHi.i;iiu'n,aiitl W periunvu liMf. sii.iuii LliMi llfiir i-iL'fK Intttoiu lainl will hhhIiii o h liiruor ituii-ur. :: " Itaitn any other. Thu larKc izy, rii-li eolur iiiK "iii ieitect t)Hlily ol tlie a I' i- -aist'il in the Norn-Otis orehanl. I lie Htuiiu-it (iiflmiU hiuI tin- Mviritl oiiliiiiit nit. .!. ; (hilifiH whieli Iihvo :onirilKiU-il Id the iinmonse reliuiis from same ituiiug u.m '' years. Vuriv acre ol thu best bear tlreuk inelianl Kami in ihe riyiu uiati'- ha.iU is eiiiivalent to a guHraiiieetl fortuuu in a few years. lloarliiK thia in miiiu.H- have boiuletl and will hinllviil 160 Acrs of the old Watson Holdings on Bear Creek W wbleh we will offer at a reasonable 0 antl inspeet the itroiieriy. Kxerie ' orehanl or offered for sale f HOLMES BROS .... CENTRAL POINT MITMJni ICIAIC P. 0TMCD PH lll IUIILLL. LL1IIO Oi OinifLll UU iii . Implements We carry the Celebrated Sanders Disc Plow, fully guar nteed. Blizzard Knselage Cutters. Ameri can Cream Separators. Stover Gasoline Kngines. Kemp Manure Spreaders, and in fact a complete line in Vehicles and Machinery. If you want any thing, let ub kno.v and we will furniBh it. Call and see us. Latch string always out. D. T. LAWTON Manager Medford Branch. The Great Attraction of Southern Oregon. Tourists and Travelers will tin t n Rood supply of Hay and Grain, Oioi'eiies ana Cain pins' supplies, also good Hotel au ouminodations at Prospect . . . Von can depond nti plnnt.v "I Horse Puuil at my liaru every day In the year. I Buy Robes, vl VI Seasonable tnoda lor the Oarriaee ami the Horse . . . Yon positively cannot protect the hoi so from frost and rain with a fly not, neither can yuu keep the lup warm with a linen duster. to to to Vis Buy BljAJNKrSXS ana i.unr.s Taylor's Harness Shop, i Medford MEDFORD PLANING MILL MEDFORD PLANING MILL CO., Proprietors We manufacture Doors, Sash, Kstimates furnished on Store soft wood Contracting and Building Mill on North D Street MEDFORD, THE HAIL price lo imrt-hafeni. In tiat'lt to buU. Call pronounce is equal In anything now in and Vehicles. a; THE MORTAR DRUG STORE, G. H.HASKJMi. Ji-oi H NYTMI.a IN TNI LINK or Drugs, Patent Metlicucn. nooks. Mat lout p PAINTS and OILS Clears .Tolww'o. Toilet Artitrtes. Ktc PrMcrlptlons Carefully Componndcd 7th St., Medford. Oregon ?1 Crater Lake Upper Rogue River ft 5 I AIN AIKCIN. 'IS (f 1.1) to to to Hari9 Rlankets W B v-i to to to to at Oregon, mouldings. Rustic and Flooring and Oflice fixtures in hard or OREGON Fo'- Job Work CARDS. A. s- BLITON, U. 8. COMMISSIONKK, DI8J UlGTOK OHKOOX Motni'fltt'inl uud 'limber Lutitl Uliuss auft Iraol(i iiiaile. Testimony iniit;n in latul iu test vaAt;!i. OUieo with .Medtonl Hail. Meiltord, Orctjoa . a PHIPPS,D.1XS., Offices in Adkius Block, ailinlaluir Haskiui Drun&ioro Meiltord. Oresoa QR. H. N. BUTLER, OSTEOPATH 1ST Kooum 8 and 4, Opera Hohso bloob, oveC BtmiiK's Drug Store, Examinations free Mcdlord, Oreson (J T. JONES, COUNTY 8UHVKYOR, Aayoral) kinds of Surveying promptly dons. iiic vuumj ourvrjuruMu give JOU ID6 OOlg1 legal work. Medford, OreKo. J S. HOWARD, (SURVEYOR AND CIVIL KNGlNtKK 0, S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor for tncSutc oluregOD. fostofflceaudreis: Medford, Oregon. jj. B. PICKEL, PHYSICIAN AND BHHOCUN, Office hours11 to 12 , m, kud 1:80 to 3 p.m. X-Bay Laboratory Examinations 2.M to $2. Office: Hasktn Block. Medford, Or W. I. Vawter. Pros. a. F. Adkins, V-Pre Q. R. LINDLKY, Cashier. ...CAPITAL, $50,000... MEDFORD, - , - OREGON Loan money on approved security , receive de posit s aubjeut to cheek and truuttaot a eeneni anklnii business. Your business solicited..-. Oorrespoodeuts: Ladd & liuxh, Salem. Anglo- tiauiorma jtnH, oun rrouciBco, iauu Til ton. Portland. Coruln HankfDK Co.. N. Y. ' Welln, Fargo & Co.'s Bank, Portland; First NhiIoihiI bank, Chicago, nnd Hanover Nat pjiihI liauk, Now York. H, E. ANKKNT, President, I. E. Unvaht, t'ushlor. J.H.Stbwaiit, Vice President M. L, Ai-kokd, j AHt . Caclilec The ridford Bnk medford. Oregon Capital, $50,000.00 TSAFK DEPOSIT llOXES TO RENT " A General Banking Business ' Trajisacted HTOOKHnLDKRS H. Stewart, H. E. Anlteny. K. H, Whitehead C. C. Heokman, Horace Pelton.Hfii Havmonid James Pclloii, V. H. RradNbaw, J. K. Knyar visit DR. JORDAN'S ahkat MUSEUM OF ANATOMY 1011 MARKIT ST., SAN FtlANCIiCO, CAL fllttwMB Hub ul l.aih. - ThUr(HtAnim)Ml Hmim In Ife Wurld. Urtmttit mtlmtHon ii th City. A VonJtiful light or vllUwt. Wihtii, or ny tract. d diieuft.llllBi h tb oltlut Nnrrlnllal un th rci 1 tout. jkiujuiieavjMrs. DR. JORDAM-PRIVATI DIIEAJU turn wlm ar iinrio frtm l)i plTiri?U of yuiilbftil Indli- ciwilotia or niiruit In niKlurvr yr. nsrroiia ni purulent ntbiiirj,iHt polftnoj. Iinitl Hnuhd In nil Itsrompll I'uitoii; Npei'ianltii'i'bfrH, lritatnlr rlicnM, Cltnirrlii'n,JIrl, FruHrj r 1 riiiniins, riv, ur 11 I'oritrtuiHiinn 01 (liifJt),, if Kl-fRt i-urMl vi' pn pi-, lli Ifiii'lur tiniao (tnniiiiil lih licatiiif in Hint It will mil o.ily oiTottl linniiill.ilM if I t'f. hut Drrmnneiit nit, Tho Doctor linen not clolm to pi-tfurin lniirlN, hnl H well kniiwn tit bt fulr ami s,iiinr. IMiytlrliin Mini Nnincim, pri'-truiliiPiil III lllsniii'i'liilty Dlti'ltal'il ttf Ml, NVI1II1,1N tlii-niiiKlilr t'l'iiillcntotl from Llin ivMlt-m wltlmtil llif uxn of Mi riii .r . Tr tin p 4 lit Hid hv un illicit. ItudlPMl eiirc fir fliiiliii-, A qiilnlf mill rtuticnl rwthn 11 lea, -'j(,iirv mill I I iiIhi, by Ur. Joi'liui' niiccliil jiiihili'fn iiiviIkkIn. IIVKltY .11 AX niiplvliiKloDHWtllrt'CBlve our h-mrtt uniniuu ii Iiih coitiptilln I. We 11 -ill Uuartmirr n I'U.Sl l l 'K CUIIN in every fin iwlt t-ikr.. f'.tiviltHllnii VV.V.V. mid Mtlrlly prlvatt. CHAHHKS VKHY H KA .S O XA HI. K, 'rn'Himciit i-ni'iiitHv itr hy lntr. Wrllo f-.r II110U-. liail.4OliIIT OF M .4 It HI AUK. Mait.kli Kuan t A valuable hook for moii. 1 C'M or ivi It OR. JORDAN CO., 1061 Markil St., 8. F. NOTFCK FOR PUBUCATFON, Land OfTlce at RoseburB, Oregon. Auk. 29, jnoB-Nntlc-u Ik hereby Klvon that the following named Kett'.cr ban filed notice of kin lutein Ion to muki) cnminulntlon proof In support of tils til at in. nnd linn anU proof will bu inude before A. H. Hilton, U, H. fJoiiunlsHtoner, lit Medford, OrfK'n, on Monday, October 1'2, tWKl, viz; WILLIAM W. HATKtf, oil lioniCHleiid entry No. for the HlA nw'i, ne'i nvil4, nwfi nc, kcc V, tn 8-1 , r II o, Ife nnmes the follow lng wltneNKCH to prove hie contlimouB repldonco upon and cultlvitilot of hald land, viz ; J. I. I'alton, Victor Browne)), Jimum Hates, all of BIr Hutte, Juckson county. Ore son, and George F. Klim, of Medford, ,lncknon county, Oregon. ZZ J.T. IlHinoitH, KKUter. XOTrCE FOlTTUBrJCATrON, (.mid Oflice at Ito-ctnirjf. OreKon, A tip. 2fl. 190S Notice I hereby given thai the follow inn named settler has filed notice of his Intention (o make comminution proof In support uf ht claim, and thai Raid prool will he umdr before A. S, Hllloe, IT. H. foininicsionfT. m Mrdlord, Oregon, on Haturdny, October JO, 1W, viz: UKNN1HON T. LAW'fuN, on KomesttBd entry No. 117(6, for the nc!, nec l, in S5 s, r 3 e. Me name the foliowlni: wllnesaps to prove contlnuouB residence upon nnd cultivation of said land, viz: J, I, Pn'lnn, B. 11. lioardmaii. W, H. Meeker, MyrtW Lnwioit, nil of Ulp finite, .)ackoi county, Oregon, , 4, T. HrnhfiltH, Rcpiftter, AOM'IN ISTRATOU'S NOT I CIO. in th'! 'oii nly Court, foi tiief'otimy of Jftckfoiu Sttitc of (ticfron. In f he niaitur of the cMateoI J. f, Mi-'mJ, de ceased . Ntiticc i" lirtehy givfti that the uiiticrii'n!'! hit-tn'iii ui-puhitfd Uy the tJouniy mjtt of k'on ' oniiiy. 'irCKon. admiiii-'liutor uf tlm ctlttt ,e ol J. t . .MM; wily l!i t.-itii. AilieriiM iiKvfng I'lufiiiF nntii',t . h i ' l es- luti'. will i.teFflit tli';in to mi' it! mv ollirf. in vntrl Poftil. Oregon, with iliv )rior yoiii'hi'T atlHi'bed. ii)tln lv tuniilli- from th (lute of the flr-l piiblirntirni i (hit ntitl'-n. ItatO'l MeiteilH.r 1?, l'Ai". .1 V. Mi:khiTT. AdmltilsirHtor otho eftatc of J. C. MuCulir. County 1 1 1 1