THE BEDFORD MAIL Published Every Friday Morning. A. 5. BLITON. IfUoKORD, Oheuox, AUGUST 28, 1903, MAN WAS BORN TO HUSTLE. He Is of few days; but quite ft pleat;. SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER YEAR Squired In the Postofhoo ftt Medford, Oregon M Second-Class Mfttl Mfttter. "If tub price of potatoes goes too ligh," says the Boston Glulio, "eat jice." Was there ever a more pain tul example of dialoyaly to the !bome food staple? Tim urgent need of un elastic eurrenoy will be admitted by any one who has ever tried to make f WO bill stretch to cover all the ex fonses of a two weeks' vacation. An Indiana man committed suicide because his wife wont home to her mother. This probably completes the list. Men have now committed suicide for everything under the sun. Ii the young New York banker who has juBt made $3,000,000 on 1he bear doal in stocks is wise, he will get out of the market per aianently now and see how many good things he can find in life. Most of the old soldiers from this section, who attended the Grand Army Encampment nt San Fran cieco, have returned. They report buying enjoyed several days of as good a time as they ovor did in their JivoB. San Francisco did horsolf proud as an ontortainer, and no ex ipcinao was spared to make the old warriors happy. Everything was :reo to the old Boldiots. If a person was woaring the blue suit and brasB buttons ho couldn't pay streot car :fares; ho couldn't pay ferry fares, oor could ho buy fruits. All these were thrown at him as frcoly as rolls the waters of the groat Pacific. Jt 'is told that a couplo or throe of the old boys from the east enjoyed tho fetivitios to such an extent that dhoy indulged too freely in spirits, but thoso the policemen did not eeo -3t rather did see but thore were ao arrestB made they woro taken care of as kindly ns a fond mother gathers her prod'gal boy to her learthstone only thore were no illiastieenients; no bar h words upjkon just a spirit of gunrdiun sliip and protection and a deter mination that no harm should come to tho buys in blue while within the borders of the Pacific coast .uotrot oHb. Oi.n Okkiiok sold more govern ment land last year than any other woBtorn stale. Over two million tiollur were recciwd from all auurciM from giiverniiii'tit laud. Of bia amount, nil, except five per ont., which goos into the sclioil fand, will be expended in reclaim ing tho deseit bind of the state. Several irrigating systems are now fnipopod, and it will not bo ninny years before the deserts of Hnatorn Oregon will bo watered and made babitiible and productive for the thousands of settlers who will ac quire title to tho land under the desert not. The fact that Oregon kaa now contributed between $2, 500,000 and ,000.000 to the re clamation fund will no doubt serve as an incentive to the Interior Do f irtment to hasten its examination f proposed irrigation projeote east f the Cascade mountains, in order that tho state may soon receive onio practical benefit from its '.herwiae active laud bttsinosa. Certainly no Bin In is entitled to more recognition than Oregon. Once the government completes an irrigation system in the state, the kin Is openc.l up thereby will con tribute lo the reclamation fund ili- jct, at the law provides that the settlers shall repay lo the Govern si 'lit in ten annual installments the actual cost of the construction of storage reservoirs a d canals built by Government aid. This contribution, however, will bo in addition to funds turned into tho Federal Treasury each year from tegular entries and sales. For Sale Oood, No, 1 shakes. D. X. l.awton, Medford. ;ifi-if ADDITIONAL, PERSONAL. T. J. friplott, ot Big Butte, was In theolty lust week. O. A. Dickiaon, ot Table Rook, waa In the oltj' Saturday upon business. K. Thompson, of Omaha, Nobraska, was in tho city this wock upon business. MiB3 I.lzzle Wolgumott loft Saturday evening for a several raorths' stay at Kalera. Sam Tryor came over from Weed, Colli., Tuesday for a day's visit with home folk. Mrs. Fred Peninger and Mrs. S. A, Wilson, of Gold Hill, were Medford visitors Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Eugone Amaon returned Saturday from tho Heard-Whitman mine, on Steve's Fork. Prof. N. A. Jacobs has returned to Riverside, Calif., where he will take up business college work. David Mylor. of Polk County, Iowa, is in Medford upon a viBlt to bis old-time friends, Merchant and Mrs. D. H. Millor. A.Davis and family arrived in Medford Monday from Glcndale. Mr. Davis experts to Invest in farming land in the valley. Prof. Clarence Crandall returned to Salt Lake Friday evening, after a week's viait with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. T. I.. Crandall. Ed. Gurnoa, electrician at the City Elcctrlo Light plant, returned Sunday from a four days' camping trip at the top of Grizzly peak. Mr. and Mrs. E. It. Welch returned Sunday night from their ten days' wedding trip to San Franolsco and other California points. JelT Wilson, of Bonanza, was out this week doing trading. Ho tells that a groat many peoplo out his way are coming to the circus. Miss Donna Prullt, who has been viBlting friends at Yreka and other Northern California points, returned home Saturday ovening. Mrs. Jcsbo Morgan and daughtors, MIhs Susie Cook mid Muttie Morgan (re turned Tuesday from a few weeks' visit with friends at Portland and Long Iionch. Note Payne, a brother of Mrs. C. R. Heimroth, left Friday evening for his home at Overton, Nebraska, after a ten days' visit with his sister and her husband. Mrs. Julia Pruitt and son, of Liberty, Mo., are in Medford upon a visit to relatives Mrs. Pruitt Is a sister of A. W. Ctemonts nnd an aunt of Mrs, M. Pnrdln. The Fred Luys, senior and junior, were out in the Dead Indian country this week giving "Polly" Byboe all kinds of trouble Keeping them from getting lost. Dr. J. P.. Shearer and family and Jeweler F.. D. Fln-ood and family re turned Monday evening from their several weeks' outing at the mines, mi Stevo'B Fork. G. F. Sayton, of Colnrmlo. is in the alley looking over the country with a lew lo purchasing fat in property. He Is at the present visiting his daughter, Mrs. J. T. Fry, and family. Mrs. Julia Milus and son, Claud, Mrs. Darnell, Charles Hlgglnhotham, Kvorolt and Ulinn Rails will leave Sun day morning for a couple of weeks' trip to Crater lake and Pelican bay. Frank Hull nnd ClitT Beekct roturned Saturday from a three weeks' trip up Rogue River anil at Crater Lake. Mr. Hull took about fifty very lino views of tho scenery along the route traversed. Ivan Humnsmi returned to hiti Calif oruia mines Tuesday. Ho expects to return lo Mcdfoid Saturday and will bring his family Willi htm, and they will again take up their reldence In Medford. Dr, Shearer roports that work has been ooimnoneed on tho ditch at IiIb company's initio, on Stove's fork. Tho (Utah will bo throe-quarters of a mile in length nnd It Is thought It can bo put In in time to turn water lu this fall. Mrs. Fred Miller and daughter, Miss Hobble, of Grunts Pass, are visiting Modf.ird friends thU vveok. Mrs. Millor says her husband is to ongage In busi ness for himself in Grants Pass Boon going to operate a cigar and tobac.o store. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bolton left Tues day morning for Santa Paula, Calif. They oxpoct to be absont about threo montliB, during which time Mr. Holton will visit his numorons Interests In old Mexico part of whioh time ho will spend on his oattle rango. John Fnx arrived In Medford Satur day from Dallas Center, Iowa, and will visit a week or more with his eon, G. M. Fox, book-kocpor at tho Jackson County bank. Monday morning, father and son, accompanied by G. P. Lludley, left for tho Klk creek country. A. A. Davis left Thursday evening for Portland and tho Sound cities. He expeets to be away sovoral months un less business interests horo call him homo sooner. Ho will undoubtedly visit Davenport, Wash., where ho has extensive (louring mill interests Mr, and Mrs. H. H. Ernest ami ton, ! 1 11. W. Ernest, of Omaha, Nebraska, I wero in Medford Wednesday locking I over the olty ami country, The young COMING TO MEDFORD IU i I'M itL.18 LI fl'U L -SiN.-..-- S rL.'- VS, ONLY HMIN0CEH05 I 11 01 rtiTVn o. TV U 1 Jl h The Bigqest Show on Earth s m sb. a ' ABSOLUTELY AN AD DITIONAL TRAIN OP OARS ARE REQUIRED TO OARRV THE SCEN ERY, WARDROBES, AR MORS. WAR IMPLE MENTS. ACCESSORIES AND PEOPLE OP THE NEWLY ADDD AND ENORMOUSLY GRAND SPECTACLE OP JERUSALEM AND THE CRUSADES 3 LONG MILES OF NEW AND COSTLY PARADE GLORIES FREE UPON THE STREETS EVERY MORNING AT 10 O'CLOCK TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY AT 2 AND 8 P. M. DOORS OPEN AT 1 AND T P. M. ONE 50-CENT TICKET ADMITS TO EVERYTHING. CHILDREN UNDER 12, HALF PRICE Special Popular R.ailroad Excursions Admission tickets and numbered reserved seats sold on show day at Haskins' Drugstore at the same prices as charged at the ticket wagons on the show grounds .Mr. Ernest Is a prominent newspaper man ol the East being: connected with the Omaha Daily Tlmca and daily paper in St Paul and Mincapolls. -Attorney E. E. Phippa has decided to change his base ot operations or prao tico, from Medford to Ashland and on Wednesday moved his office fixtures to that town. Mr. Phlpp9 lias practiced law in Medford for rive years and for the past eighteen months has been city attornoy. He wishes us to say to his clients In Medford that he will be pre pared to attend to their noeds just the same as if he was residing In their town. E. Denton and family and Miss Matlle Powlison came ovjr from Ft. Klamath Inst week Mrs. Denton and Miss tow lison remained In Medford but Mr. Den ton has returned to tho Fort. Mr. Den. ton and his boos own about 400 acres of hay and ran no land in that vicinity and they have beou busily engaged this sum mer in puttinfr up hny and building barns. They expect to iavest quite an amount of money in cattle this fall and will, hereafter, devote their attention to the stock industry. G. E. Fox, Central Point, was in the city, Monday. He reports that hunters In his locality has been making life anything but plcasaut lo the farmers and thnt n concerted action has been taken with tho object of putting a stop to Borne of'the depredations wrought by the wanton and careless discharge of firearms. He says most of the trouble and injuries, however, havo come from boys, but to reach them the fanners thereabouts have beon compelled to issue an edict that trespnssliii; is here after positively prohibited. Notice lo this effect appears elsewhere in tlicae oolumns. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stlner, of Mont gomery county, Iowa, arrived In Med-1 ford last week, nnd are now visiting ' their old-time friend, Wm. Charley and , family. Mr. Stlner is an extensive' grower of stock In Iowa and is very ; wealthy. He and Mr. Charley weio comrades In tho armv and afterwards near noitghbors In Iowa. In speaking i of our timber hinds Mr. Stliier said that nearly all the shingles nsed in his local ity, nnd a considerable amount of the. lumber, came from Oregon. These poo- I'1"5 llrc now up Buttn creek way visit- '"ff vhnrley boys and their families. Merchant F. K. Deuel returned this week from his six wccki' business tour SATURDAY, AUG. SzL&rrZc'f IN CAPTIVITY. VLY.SiiiS.iJSit?,';..,) i"- JERUSALEM. 85 ggS OARS 1 40 e ELEPHANTS 1280 PEOPLE 108 E CAGES 650 HORSES 40rH CLOWNS $3,700,000 0AP1TAl1$7,4OQ of the principal cities of the East, whither lie went to purchase goods for his Medford store. He reports busincsB conditions in the East at the very pinnacle of succesafull achieve ments. Says the manufactures are not overly anxlouB to sell goods.that is.thoy do not put themselves to any great amount ol trouble, to show their wares. Ol courso if you want to buy they are only too glad to show goods, but this io done more on a business courtesy than with a disposition to soil. They say they have easy sale for all goods they can possibly manufacture and if one man does not want them another will. Mr. Deuel says, further, that money in the East Is actually begging investment, that everybody sceniB to have plenty of It and that it Is being spent more lavishly than he ever saw it before. He attended a ball game in Chicago at which there wero 12,000 people and this was no uncommon occas&ion it'a that way every day and two ball parks in tho city nnd these with a game on every day. "Btllle" Bateman is over from Klam ath county. Came over to see the elephant and buy a gold brick. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Slagle, of Pnnnllla P.lti a,nnn.nan nA I.- friend, John Lamb, arrived In Medford Thursday for a visit with relatives. George H. and Wm. A. Standley arrived In Medford last week from Wlldsville, Iown. They are sons of P. R. Standley, of this city. Father and sons have not met before for twenty three years. They are looking over the valley with a view to locating if they can find farming land that suits them. . . 50 Laborers At Ray's Dam Near Tnln, Oregon Wages $2i50 per day for . . . first-class men . , . Dr. C.R.Ray &ln WANTEDM 29 oft LARGEST CIRCUS EARTH GUFATEST ONLY PAIR OF FULL GROWN JClRAFFtS IN IJfAPTIVITY. THE CRUSADES 1200 CHARACTCRe IN THE CAtT. BOO DAN0IN9 68TOP PIPE ORflAN. 2000 COSTUMES. A PARADE SUCH AS THE WORLD HAS NEVER SEEN BEFORE MEDFORD, iSATURDY, AUG. 29 J. C. McCully, the forest ranger who had been seriously ill at Klamath Falls, died on Monday of this week. The remains were brought to Jackson ville Tuesday and the funeral took place Thursday. The ball game played at Jackson ville Sunday between Medford and Jacksonville teams was one of the most interesting games witnessed in Southern Oregon this season. The score stood three to four in favor of Jacksonville. Three games have been played between these teams this sum mer and this is the first one won by Jacksonville. O. D. Owon, formerly of the firm of Brown Si Owen, has purchased W. L. Orr & Co. '8 stock of groceries. All parties Interested havo been engaged this week taking stock. The retiring firm has not fully determined what business they will engage in but In all probability Mr. Orr will take up con tracting nnd building. The new owner of the business, Mr. Owen, Is very favorably known among the people of Medford and there is no reason to doubt but that the good trade formerly had by the gentlemen whose Interests he purchased will be given him with full measure. A large ad aopears on an- Ve.ot J?-'1"9 P8?" ln, ich Mr. Owen is offering a stock of shoes at ualmost your own price." He is closing out this line of goodB don't figure that groceries and shoes are good companions. Settle up Notice. The firm of W. h. Orr A Co. has sold out its business In Medford, and all par ties knowing themselves to be indebted to the said firm are requested to call and settle the accounts without delay. W. L. OUR & Co. There will be a social dance given at the Wilson opera house this, Friday, evening. Music will be furnished by Si?. BofTa's orchestra. A good time Is promised anil everybody is invited. Closing Out at Cost On Monday, August SI, 1!03, I will begin to close out the Wcstside Grocery I stock at cost. Prior to that time parties wishing large bills of groceries 1 . call and sec me. . I ! W. T. Yoiik, trustee, j For Sale A good, young mltch cow j part Jersey. C. W. Skkbc tf j Fine line of linoleums, matting, shades and curtain fixtures. WEEKS & Bakuh. AND FLOUR ymi. PLENTY MORE WHERE THAT CAME FROH Our facilities for furntBhing fine flour are ample, and the flour it self is well known for its many mcritB. Ask ycur neighhors their opinion of the Davis Best brand and hear a tale that will con vince you that you should be a uer of Davis flour. A. A. DAVIS. Will Earhart, while foiling with a 22 rifle last Saturday, waB shot in the left leg, the bullet entered the inside of the leg and traveled downward seven or eight inoheB to the knee where it lodged undorneith the skin. Dr. Piokel removed the leaden missile and the young man la now petting along all right. MOVE-ON-FLIES Prevents Hies and insects from biting or Btinging animals. Take it with you when you go outing and give the horses a good time as well as yourself. HaB- kin's lirug btore. Coss Piano House Moved. The Coas Piano House, of Medford, has moved Its office to Mr. Coss's resi dence on West, 10th street, one block south of the public school building, where the business will he carried on as usual, selling good, reliable makes of pianos, organs, and musical merchan dise. Mr. Cosa has made this move so that his wife could handle his business here, during his absence on his trips, as his business calls him away quite often. His business is growing larger every year. Call on or address H. ftt. uoss, Medford, Ore. Phone 146, Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the co nartnerdhin heretofore existing and doing business under the firm name and style of Hugo & Purdin, is, by ojitual consent, this day di-solved- Dated at Medford. Oregon. thiB 19th day of August, 100.'!. JNl, tr. HOOK, M. PuRDIS. Advertised Letter List. Following is u lisl nf totterA ram&lnlnff un. oalletl for at the Medford postofnee oa August A oharcc of one cent will be made unon de livery of each of the aljove letters. t'crsons calling lor any ot me above tetters 111 please say " Advertised." G. F. mbriuman. Postmaster, nomn. Myrtle Unrrls, P M Howard. Ada Htllman, Kay Jordan, Wm McKlnley. Cbas Riogcr, James New Cases Circuit Court. Kslatc ol Jnlin J. I'rtiikcv; appeal from Jus tices court. K. It. Iniftir, attorney for plaintiff. Stulic O'Ncli vs. .1 O'Neil; Divorce. E. 11. Dnfur and J. I., llimunersly, attorneys fur plaintiff. Pish lake Ditch Co. vs. Knty Walcll ct al; W. 1 Vawtcr, attorney for plaintiff E. Kdwttrds vs. J. J. O'Neil: stilt for an ac. counting. Notice. Notice la herebv eiven that T. J. Goodwyn has transferred unto the un dersigned all his stock of goods, wareB and merchandise consisting of a general stock of groceries, in trust tor the bene- nt ol all creditora: and also has trana ferred unto the underaigned in trust all accounts due and owing unto him. All persons knowing themselves to De in debted unto the said T. J. Goodwyn are hereby notified to call and pay their ac counts forthwith. W. T. York, Trustee. I For tSale I FARM 1 A fine fruit ranch of. about 300 Ji acres near Medford, good soil S 3 and well improved. Easy termB i Write "Hamilton," care Med- 3 KORD Mail. S J. R. WILSON, Blacksmithing AT THE OLD STAND. . Brick Shop . Medford. - Oregon $ JIIIIMMMMMIIIIMIIMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIMMMMlHiMtllllll. j FOR RENT, A Good Ranch. S Thno-(..urt!i mile from Kalc I'nini: s - seventy-five aero in cultivation ; aniA : s buUiliuftn; enn soli n team ami tools r s if nrc'li'il. Vor further fflrtirnlnr!" S Z cfl'.l and sw me ormUlressme At Eam.e S I'oim, OrogoD. j. p. MOOMAW. nilllllllllllintllMMIIIIIIIllHliuiiltlllMIIIIIIIIHIHIIli